blob: cd7c7c369df01faad8963de48054d3b6664cc280 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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package org.apache.impala.customcluster;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
import org.apache.impala.testutil.ImpalaJdbcClient;
import org.junit.After;
import org.junit.Assume;
import org.junit.Before;
import org.junit.ClassRule;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.apache.impala.service.JdbcTestBase;
* Impala shell connectivity tests with LDAP authentication.
@CreateDS(name = "myDS",
partitions = { @CreatePartition(name = "test", suffix = "dc=myorg,dc=com") })
transports = { @CreateTransport(protocol = "LDAP", address = "localhost") })
public class LdapImpalaShellTest {
public static CreateLdapServerRule serverRule = new CreateLdapServerRule();
// These correspond to the values in fe/src/test/resources/users.ldif
private static final String testUser_ = "Test1Ldap";
private static final String testPassword_ = "12345";
private static final String testUser2_ = "Test2Ldap";
private static final String testPassword2_ = "abcde";
// The cluster will be set up to allow testUser_ to act as a proxy for delegateUser_.
// Includes a special character to test HTTP path encoding.
private static final String delegateUser_ = "proxyUser$";
public void setUp() throws Exception {
String uri =
String.format("ldap://localhost:%s", serverRule.getLdapServer().getPort());
String dn = "cn=#UID,ou=Users,dc=myorg,dc=com";
String ldapArgs = String.format(
"--enable_ldap_auth --ldap_uri='%s' --ldap_bind_pattern='%s' " +
"--ldap_passwords_in_clear_ok --authorized_proxy_user_config=%s=%s",
uri, dn, testUser_, delegateUser_);
int ret = CustomClusterRunner.StartImpalaCluster(ldapArgs);
assertEquals(ret, 0);
public void cleanUp() throws Exception {
* Helper to run a shell command 'cmd'. If 'shouldSucceed' is true, the command
* is expected to succeed, failure otherwise. Returns the stdout from the command.
private String runShellCommand(String[] cmd, boolean shouldSucceed, String expectedOut,
String expectedErr) throws Exception {
Runtime rt = Runtime.getRuntime();
Process process = rt.exec(cmd);
// Collect the stderr.
BufferedReader input = new BufferedReader(
new InputStreamReader(process.getErrorStream()));
StringBuffer stderrBuf = new StringBuffer();
String line;
while ((line = input.readLine()) != null) {
String stderr = stderrBuf.toString();
assertTrue(stderr, stderr.contains(expectedErr));
// Collect the stdout (which has the resultsets).
input = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(process.getInputStream()));
StringBuffer stdoutBuf = new StringBuffer();
while ((line = input.readLine()) != null) {
int expectedReturn = shouldSucceed ? 0 : 1;
assertEquals(stderr.toString(), expectedReturn, process.waitFor());
// If the query succeeds, assert that the output is correct.
String stdout = stdoutBuf.toString();
if (shouldSucceed) {
assertTrue(stdout, stdout.contains(expectedOut));
return stdout;
* Checks if the local python supports SSLContext needed by shell http
* transport tests. Python version shipped with CentOS6 is known to
* have an older version of python resulting in test failures.
private boolean pythonSupportsSSLContext() throws Exception {
// Runs the following command:
// python -c "import ssl; print hasattr(ssl, 'create_default_context')"
String[] cmd =
{"python", "-c", "import ssl; print hasattr(ssl, 'create_default_context')"};
return Boolean.parseBoolean(runShellCommand(cmd, true, "", "").replace("\n", ""));
* Tests ldap authentication using impala-shell.
public void testShellLdapAuth() throws Exception {
String query = "select logged_in_user()";
// Templated shell commands to test a simple 'show tables' command.
// 1. Valid username and password. Should succeed.
String[] validCommand = {"", "", "--ldap",
"--auth_creds_ok_in_clear", String.format("--user=%s", testUser_),
String.format("--ldap_password_cmd=printf %s", testPassword_),
String.format("--query=%s", query)};
// 2. Invalid username password combination. Should fail.
String[] invalidCommand = {"", "", "--ldap",
"--auth_creds_ok_in_clear", "--user=foo", "--ldap_password_cmd=printf bar",
String.format("--query=%s", query)};
// 3. Without username and password. Should fail.
String[] commandWithoutAuth =
{"", "", String.format("--query=%s", query)};
String protocolTemplate = "--protocol=%s";
List<String> protocolsToTest = Arrays.asList("beeswax", "hs2");
if (pythonSupportsSSLContext()) {
// http transport tests will fail with older python versions (IMPALA-8873)
protocolsToTest = Arrays.asList("beeswax", "hs2", "hs2-http");
for (String protocol: protocolsToTest) {
protocol = String.format(protocolTemplate, protocol);
validCommand[1] = protocol;
runShellCommand(validCommand, /*shouldSucceed*/ true, testUser_,
"Starting Impala Shell using LDAP-based authentication");
invalidCommand[1] = protocol;
invalidCommand, /*shouldSucceed*/ false, "", "Not connected to Impala");
commandWithoutAuth[1] = protocol;
commandWithoutAuth, /*shouldSucceed*/ false, "", "Not connected to Impala");
private String[] buildCommand(
String query, String protocol, String user, String password, String httpPath) {
String[] command = {"", "--protocol=" + protocol, "--ldap",
"--auth_creds_ok_in_clear", "--user=" + user,
"--ldap_password_cmd=printf " + password, "--query=" + query,
"--http_path=" + httpPath};
return command;
* Tests user impersonation over the HTTP protocol by using the HTTP path to specify the
* 'doAs' parameter.
public void testHttpImpersonation() throws Exception {
// Ignore the test if python SSLContext support is not available.
String invalidDelegateUser = "invalid-delegate-user";
String query = "select logged_in_user()";
String errTemplate = "User '%s' is not authorized to delegate to '%s'";
// Run with an invalid proxy user.
String[] command = buildCommand(
query, "hs2-http", testUser2_, testPassword2_, "/?doAs=" + delegateUser_);
runShellCommand(command, /* shouldSucceed */ false, "",
String.format(errTemplate, testUser2_, delegateUser_));
// Run with a valid proxy user but invalid delegate user.
command = buildCommand(
query, "hs2-http", testUser_, testPassword_, "/?doAs=" + invalidDelegateUser);
runShellCommand(command, /* shouldSucceed */ false, "",
String.format(errTemplate, testUser_, invalidDelegateUser));
// 'doAs' parameter that cannot be decoded.
command = buildCommand(
query, "hs2-http", testUser_, testPassword_, "/?doAs=%");
runShellCommand(command, /* shouldSucceed */ false, "", "Not connected to Impala");
// Successfully delegate.
command = buildCommand(
query, "hs2-http", testUser_, testPassword_, "/?doAs=" + delegateUser_);
runShellCommand(command, /* shouldSucceed */ true, delegateUser_, "");