blob: 5130cdbe3087a8f331e860dcd1b90522751db55a [file] [log] [blame]
---- QUERY
# TODO: IMPALA-3350: Add 'group by' to these tests to exercise different code paths.
select min(string_col) from functional.alltypes
---- CATCH
FunctionContext::Allocate() failed to allocate 1 bytes.
---- QUERY
select max(string_col) from functional.alltypes
---- CATCH
FunctionContext::Allocate() failed to allocate 1 bytes.
---- QUERY
select sample(timestamp_col) from functional.alltypes
---- CATCH
FunctionContext::Allocate() failed to allocate 248 bytes.
---- QUERY
select group_concat(string_col) from functional.alltypes
---- CATCH
FunctionContext::Allocate() failed to allocate 4 bytes.
---- QUERY
select extract(year from timestamp_col) from functional.alltypes limit 10
---- CATCH
FunctionContextImpl::AllocateForResults() failed to allocate 4 bytes.
---- QUERY
select trunc(timestamp_col, 'YEAR') from functional.alltypes limit 10
---- CATCH
FunctionContextImpl::AllocateForResults() failed to allocate 4 bytes.
---- QUERY
select first_value(string_col) over (partition by month order by year) from functional.alltypes
---- CATCH
FunctionContext::Allocate() failed to allocate 1 bytes.
---- QUERY
select last_value(string_col) over (partition by month order by year) from functional.alltypes
---- CATCH
FunctionContext::Allocate() failed to allocate 1 bytes.
---- QUERY
select rand() from functional.alltypes;
---- CATCH
FunctionContext::Allocate() failed to allocate 16 bytes.
---- QUERY
select case when min(int_col) = 0 then 0 end from functional.alltypes
---- CATCH
FunctionContext::Allocate() failed to allocate 16 bytes.
---- QUERY
select cast(string_col as char(120)) from functional.alltypes
---- CATCH
FunctionContextImpl::AllocateForResults() failed to allocate 120 bytes.
---- QUERY
select appx_median(int_col) from functional.alltypes
---- CATCH
FunctionContext::Allocate() failed to allocate 248 bytes.