blob: bbe8429da6df9c2c0166bf8b8de7dafb33133a9c [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
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// under the License.
#include "runtime/disk-io-mgr.h"
#include "runtime/tmp-file-mgr.h"
#include "util/mem-range.h"
namespace impala {
class RuntimeState;
/// The BufferedBlockMgr is used to allocate and manage blocks of data using a fixed memory
/// budget. Available memory is split into a pool of fixed-size memory buffers. When a
/// client allocates or requests a block, the block is assigned a buffer from this pool and
/// is 'pinned' in memory. Clients can also unpin a block, allowing the manager to reassign
/// its buffer to a different block.
/// The BufferedBlockMgr typically allocates blocks in IO buffer size to get maximal IO
/// efficiency when spilling. Clients can also request smaller buffers that cannot spill
/// (note that it would be possible to spill small buffers, but we currently do not allow
/// it). This is useful to present the same block API and mem tracking for clients (one can
/// use the block mgr API to mem track non-spillable (smaller) buffers). Clients that do
/// partitioning (e.g. PHJ and PAGG) will start with these smaller buffer sizes to reduce
/// the minimum buffering requirements and grow to max sized buffers as the input grows.
/// For simplicity, these small buffers are not recycled (there's also not really a need
/// since they are allocated all at once on query startup). These buffers are not counted
/// against the reservation.
/// The BufferedBlockMgr reserves one buffer per disk ('block_write_threshold_') for
/// itself. When the number of free buffers falls below 'block_write_threshold', unpinned
/// blocks are flushed in Last-In-First-Out order. (It is assumed that unpinned blocks are
/// re-read in FIFO order). The TmpFileMgr is used to obtain file handles to write to
/// within the tmp directories configured for Impala.
/// It is expected to have one BufferedBlockMgr per query. All allocations that can grow
/// proportional to the input size and that might need to spill to disk should allocate
/// from the same BufferedBlockMgr.
/// A client must pin a block in memory to read/write its contents and unpin it when it is
/// no longer in active use. The BufferedBlockMgr guarantees that:
/// a) The memory buffer assigned to a block is not removed or released while it is pinned.
/// b) The contents of an unpinned block will be available on a subsequent call to pin.
/// The Client supports the following operations:
/// GetNewBlock(): Returns a new pinned block.
/// Close(): Frees all memory and disk space. Called when a query is closed or cancelled.
/// Close() is idempotent.
/// A Block supports the following operations:
/// Pin(): Pins a block to a buffer in memory, and reads its contents from disk if
/// necessary. If there are no free buffers, waits for a buffer to become available.
/// Invoked before the contents of a block are read or written. The block
/// will be maintained in memory until Unpin() is called.
/// Unpin(): Invoked to indicate the block is not in active use. The block is added to a
/// list of unpinned blocks. Unpinned blocks are only written when the number of free
/// blocks falls below the 'block_write_threshold'.
/// Delete(): Invoked to deallocate a block. The buffer associated with the block is
/// immediately released and its on-disk location (if any) reused. All blocks must be
/// deleted before the block manager is torn down.
/// The block manager is thread-safe with the following caveat: A single block cannot be
/// used simultaneously by multiple clients in any capacity.
/// However, the block manager client is not thread-safe. That is, the block manager
/// allows multiple single-threaded block manager clients.
/// TODO: replace with BufferPool.
class BufferedBlockMgr {
struct BufferDescriptor;
/// A client of the BufferedBlockMgr. There is a single BufferedBlockMgr per plan
/// fragment and all operators that need blocks from it should use a separate client.
/// Each client has the option to reserve a number of blocks that it can claim later.
/// The remaining memory that is not reserved by any clients is free for all and
/// available to all clients.
/// This is an opaque handle.
struct Client;
/// A fixed-size block of data that may be be persisted to disk. The state of the block
/// is maintained by the block manager and is described by 3 bools:
/// is_pinned_ = True if the block is pinned. The block has a non-null buffer_desc_,
/// buffer_desc_ cannot be in the free buffer list and the block cannot be in
/// unused_blocks_ or unpinned_blocks_. Newly allocated blocks are pinned.
/// in_write_ = True if a write has been issued but not completed for this block.
/// The block cannot be in the unpinned_blocks_ and must have a non-null buffer_desc_
/// that's not in the free buffer list. It may be pinned or unpinned.
/// is_deleted_ = True if Delete() has been called on a block. After this, no API call
/// is valid on the block.
/// Pin() and Unpin() can be invoked on a block any number of times before Delete().
/// When a pinned block is unpinned for the first time, it is added to the
/// unpinned_blocks_ list and its buffer is removed from the free list.
/// If it is pinned or deleted at any time while it is on the unpinned list, it is
/// simply removed from that list. When it is dequeued from that list and enqueued
/// for writing, in_write_ is set to true. The block may be pinned, unpinned or deleted
/// while in_write_ is true. After the write has completed, the block's buffer will be
/// returned to the free buffer list if it is no longer pinned, and the block itself
/// will be put on the unused blocks list if Delete() was called.
/// A block MUST have a non-null buffer_desc_ if
/// a) is_pinned_ is true (i.e. the client is using it), or
/// b) in_write_ is true, (i.e. IO mgr is using it), or
/// c) It is on the unpinned list (buffer has not been persisted.)
/// In addition to the block manager API, Block exposes Allocate(), ReturnAllocation()
/// and BytesRemaining() to allocate and free memory within a block, and buffer() and
/// valid_data_len() to read/write the contents of a block. These are not thread-safe.
class Block : public InternalQueue<Block>::Node {
/// Pins a block in memory--assigns a free buffer to a block and reads it from disk if
/// necessary. If there are no free blocks and no unpinned blocks, '*pinned' is set to
/// false and the block is not pinned. If 'release_block' is non-NULL, if there is
/// memory pressure, this block will be pinned using the buffer from 'release_block'.
/// If 'unpin' is true, 'release_block' will be unpinned (regardless of whether or not
/// the buffer was used for this block). If 'unpin' is false, 'release_block' is
/// deleted. 'release_block' must be pinned. If an error occurs and 'unpin' was false,
/// 'release_block' is always deleted. If 'unpin' was true and an error occurs,
/// 'release_block' may be left pinned or unpinned.
Status Pin(bool* pinned, Block* release_block = NULL, bool unpin = true);
/// Unpins a block by adding it to the list of unpinned blocks maintained by the block
/// manager. An unpinned block must be flushed before its buffer is released or
/// assigned to a different block. Is non-blocking.
Status Unpin();
/// Delete a block. Its buffer is released and on-disk location can be over-written.
/// Non-blocking.
void Delete();
void AddRow() { ++num_rows_; }
int num_rows() const { return num_rows_; }
/// Allocates the specified number of bytes from this block.
template <typename T> T* Allocate(int size) {
DCHECK_GE(BytesRemaining(), size);
uint8_t* current_location = buffer_desc_->buffer + valid_data_len_;
valid_data_len_ += size;
return reinterpret_cast<T*>(current_location);
/// Return the number of remaining bytes that can be allocated in this block.
int BytesRemaining() const {
DCHECK(buffer_desc_ != NULL);
return buffer_desc_->len - valid_data_len_;
/// Return size bytes from the most recent allocation.
void ReturnAllocation(int size) {
DCHECK_GE(valid_data_len_, size);
valid_data_len_ -= size;
/// Pointer to start of the block data in memory. Only guaranteed to be valid if the
/// block is pinned.
uint8_t* buffer() const {
DCHECK(buffer_desc_ != NULL);
return buffer_desc_->buffer;
/// Returns a reference to the valid data in the block's buffer. Only guaranteed to
/// be valid if the block is pinned.
MemRange valid_data() const {
DCHECK(buffer_desc_ != NULL);
return MemRange(buffer_desc_->buffer, valid_data_len_);
/// Return the number of bytes allocated in this block.
int64_t valid_data_len() const { return valid_data_len_; }
/// Returns the length of the underlying buffer. Only callable if the block is
/// pinned.
int64_t buffer_len() const {
return buffer_desc_->len;
/// Returns true if this block is the max block size. Only callable if the block
/// is pinned.
bool is_max_size() const {
return buffer_desc_->len == block_mgr_->max_block_size();
bool is_pinned() const { return is_pinned_; }
/// Path of temporary file backing the block. Intended for use in testing.
/// Returns empty string if no backing file allocated.
std::string TmpFilePath() const;
/// Debug helper method to print the state of a block.
std::string DebugString() const;
friend class BufferedBlockMgr;
Block(BufferedBlockMgr* block_mgr);
/// Initialize the state of a block and set the number of bytes allocated to 0.
void Init();
/// Debug helper method to validate the state of a block. block_mgr_ lock must already
/// be taken.
bool Validate() const;
/// Pointer to the buffer associated with the block. NULL if the block is not in
/// memory and cannot be changed while the block is pinned or being written.
BufferDescriptor* buffer_desc_;
/// Parent block manager object. Responsible for maintaining the state of the block.
BufferedBlockMgr* block_mgr_;
/// The client that owns this block.
Client* client_;
/// Non-NULL when the block data is written to scratch or is in the process of being
/// written.
std::unique_ptr<TmpFileMgr::WriteHandle> write_handle_;
/// Length of valid (i.e. allocated) data within the block.
int64_t valid_data_len_;
/// Number of rows in this block.
int num_rows_;
/// Block state variables. The block's buffer can be freed only if is_pinned_ and
/// in_write_ are both false.
/// is_pinned_ is true while the block is pinned by a client.
bool is_pinned_;
/// in_write_ is set to true when the block is enqueued for writing via DiskIoMgr,
/// and set to false when the write is complete.
bool in_write_;
/// True if the block is deleted by the client.
bool is_deleted_;
/// Condition variable to wait for the write to this block to finish. If 'in_write_'
/// is true, notify_one() will eventually be called on this condition variable. Only
/// on thread should wait on this cv at a time.
boost::condition_variable write_complete_cv_;
/// If true, this block is being written out so the underlying buffer can be
/// transferred to another block from the same client. We don't want this buffer
/// getting picked up by another client.
bool client_local_;
}; // class Block
/// Create a block manager with the specified mem_limit. If a block mgr with the
/// same query id has already been created, that block mgr is returned.
/// - mem_limit: maximum memory that will be used by the block mgr.
/// - buffer_size: maximum size of each buffer.
static Status Create(RuntimeState* state, MemTracker* parent,
RuntimeProfile* profile, TmpFileMgr* tmp_file_mgr, int64_t mem_limit,
int64_t buffer_size, std::shared_ptr<BufferedBlockMgr>* block_mgr);
/// Registers a client with 'num_reserved_buffers'. The returned client is owned
/// by the BufferedBlockMgr and has the same lifetime as it.
/// We allow oversubscribing the reserved buffers. It is likely that the
/// 'num_reserved_buffers' will be very pessimistic for small queries and we don't want
/// to
/// fail all of them with mem limit exceeded.
/// The min reserved buffers is often independent of data size and we still want
/// to run small queries with very small limits.
/// Buffers used by this client are reflected in tracker.
/// 'tolerates_oversubscription' determines how oversubscription is handled. If true,
/// failure to allocate a reserved buffer is not an error. If false, failure to
/// allocate a reserved buffer is a MEM_LIMIT_EXCEEDED error.
/// 'debug_info' is a string that will be printed in debug messages and errors to
/// identify the client.
Status RegisterClient(const std::string& debug_info, int num_reserved_buffers,
bool tolerates_oversubscription, MemTracker* tracker, RuntimeState* state,
Client** client);
/// Clears all reservations for this client.
void ClearReservations(Client* client);
/// Tries to acquire a one-time reservation of num_buffers. The semantics are:
/// - If this call fails, the next 'num_buffers' calls to Pin()/GetNewBlock() might
/// not have enough memory.
/// - If this call succeeds, the next 'num_buffers' call to Pin()/GetNewBlock() will
/// be guaranteed to get the block. Once these blocks have been pinned, the
/// reservation from this call has no more effect.
/// Blocks coming from the tmp reservation also count towards the regular reservation.
/// This is useful to Pin() a number of blocks and guarantee all or nothing behavior.
bool TryAcquireTmpReservation(Client* client, int num_buffers);
/// Return a new pinned block. If there is no memory for this block, *block will be set
/// to NULL.
/// If len > 0, GetNewBlock() will return a block with a buffer of size len. len
/// must be less than max_block_size and this block cannot be unpinned.
/// This function will try to allocate new memory for the block up to the limit.
/// Otherwise it will (conceptually) write out an unpinned block and use that memory.
/// The caller can pass a non-NULL 'unpin_block' to transfer memory from 'unpin_block'
/// to the new block. If 'unpin_block' is non-NULL, the new block can never fail to
/// get a buffer. The semantics of this are:
/// - If 'unpin_block' is non-NULL, it must be pinned.
/// - If the call succeeds, 'unpin_block' is unpinned.
/// - If there is no memory pressure, block will get a newly allocated buffer.
/// - If there is memory pressure, block will get the buffer from 'unpin_block'.
Status GetNewBlock(Client* client, Block* unpin_block, Block** block, int64_t len = -1);
/// Test helper to cancel the block mgr. All subsequent calls that return a Status fail
/// with Status::CANCELLED. Idempotent.
void Cancel();
/// Returns true if the block manager was cancelled.
bool IsCancelled();
/// Dumps block mgr state. Grabs lock. If client is not NULL, also dumps its state.
std::string DebugString(Client* client = NULL);
/// Consumes 'size' bytes from the buffered block mgr. This is used by callers that want
/// the memory to come from the block mgr pool (and therefore trigger spilling) but need
/// the allocation to be more flexible than blocks. Buffer space reserved with
/// TryAcquireTmpReservation may be used to fulfill the request if available. If the
/// request is unsuccessful, that temporary buffer space is not consumed.
/// Returns false if there was not enough memory.
/// This is used only for the Buckets structure in the hash table, which cannot be
/// segmented into blocks.
bool ConsumeMemory(Client* client, int64_t size);
/// All successful allocates bytes from ConsumeMemory() must have a corresponding
/// ReleaseMemory() call.
void ReleaseMemory(Client* client, int64_t size);
/// Returns a MEM_LIMIT_EXCEEDED error which includes the minimum memory required by
/// this 'client' that acts on behalf of the node with id 'node_id'. 'node_id' is used
/// only for error reporting.
Status MemLimitTooLowError(Client* client, int node_id);
int num_pinned_buffers(Client* client) const;
int num_reserved_buffers_remaining(Client* client) const;
MemTracker* mem_tracker() const { return mem_tracker_.get(); }
MemTracker* get_tracker(Client* client) const;
int64_t max_block_size() const { return max_block_size_; }
int64_t bytes_allocated() const;
RuntimeProfile* profile() { return profile_.get(); }
int writes_issued() const { return writes_issued_; }
void set_debug_write_delay_ms(int val) { debug_write_delay_ms_ = val; }
friend class BufferedBlockMgrTest;
friend struct Client;
/// Descriptor for a single memory buffer in the pool.
struct BufferDescriptor : public InternalQueue<BufferDescriptor>::Node {
/// Start of the buffer.
uint8_t* buffer;
/// Length of the buffer.
int64_t len;
/// Block that this buffer is assigned to. May be NULL.
Block* block;
/// Iterator into all_io_buffers_ for this buffer.
std::list<BufferDescriptor*>::iterator all_buffers_it;
BufferDescriptor(uint8_t* buf, int64_t len) : buffer(buf), len(len), block(NULL) {}
BufferedBlockMgr(RuntimeState* state, TmpFileMgr* tmp_file_mgr, int64_t block_size,
int64_t scratch_limit);
/// Initializes the block mgr. Idempotent and thread-safe.
void Init(DiskIoMgr* io_mgr, TmpFileMgr* tmp_file_mgr, RuntimeProfile* profile,
MemTracker* parent_tracker, int64_t mem_limit, int64_t scratch_limit);
/// PinBlock(), UnpinBlock(), DeleteBlock() perform the actual work of Block::Pin(),
/// Unpin() and Delete(). DeleteBlock() must be called without the lock_ taken and
/// DeleteBlockLocked() must be called with the lock_ taken.
Status PinBlock(Block* block, bool* pinned, Block* src, bool unpin);
Status UnpinBlock(Block* block);
void DeleteBlock(Block* block);
void DeleteBlockLocked(const boost::unique_lock<boost::mutex>& lock, Block* block);
/// If there is an in-flight write, cancel the write and restore the contents of the
/// block's buffer. If no write has been started for 'block', does nothing. 'block'
/// must have an associated buffer. Returns an error status if an error is encountered
/// while cancelling the write or CANCELLED if the block mgr is cancelled.
Status CancelWrite(Block* block);
/// If the 'block' is NULL, checks if cancelled and returns. Otherwise, depending on
/// 'unpin' calls either DeleteBlock() or UnpinBlock(), which both first check for
/// cancellation. It should be called without the lock_ acquired.
Status DeleteOrUnpinBlock(Block* block, bool unpin);
/// Transfers the buffer from 'src' to 'dst'. 'src' must be pinned. If a write is
/// already in flight for 'src', this may block until that write completes.
/// If unpin == false, 'src' is simply deleted.
/// If unpin == true, 'src' is unpinned and it may block until the write of 'src' is
/// completed.
/// The caller should not hold 'lock_'.
Status TransferBuffer(Block* dst, Block* src, bool unpin);
/// The number of buffers available for client. That is, if all other clients were
/// stopped, the number of buffers this client could get.
int64_t available_buffers(Client* client) const;
/// Returns the total number of unreserved buffers. This is the sum of unpinned,
/// free and buffers we can still allocate minus the total number of reserved buffers
/// that are not pinned.
/// Note this can be negative if the buffers are oversubscribed.
/// Must be called with lock_ taken.
int64_t remaining_unreserved_buffers() const;
/// Finds a buffer for a block and pins it. If the block's buffer has not been evicted,
/// it removes the block from the unpinned list and sets *in_mem = true.
/// If the block is not in memory, it will call FindBuffer() that may block.
/// If we can't get a buffer (e.g. no more memory, nothing in the unpinned and free
/// lists) this function returns with the block unpinned.
/// Uses the lock_, the caller should not have already acquired the lock_.
Status FindBufferForBlock(Block* block, bool* in_mem);
/// Returns a new buffer that can be used. *buffer is set to NULL if there was no
/// memory.
/// Otherwise, this function gets a new buffer by:
/// 1. Allocating a new buffer if possible
/// 2. Using a buffer from the free list (which is populated by moving blocks from
/// the unpinned list by writing them out).
/// Must be called with the lock_ already taken. This function can block.
Status FindBuffer(boost::unique_lock<boost::mutex>& lock, BufferDescriptor** buffer);
/// Writes unpinned blocks via DiskIoMgr until one of the following is true:
/// 1. The number of outstanding writes >= (block_write_threshold_ - num free buffers)
/// 2. There are no more unpinned blocks
/// Must be called with the lock_ already taken. Is not blocking.
Status WriteUnpinnedBlocks();
/// Issues the write for this block to the DiskIoMgr.
Status WriteUnpinnedBlock(Block* block);
/// Wait until either there is no in-flight write for 'block' or the block mgr is
/// cancelled. 'lock_' must be held with 'lock'.
void WaitForWrite(boost::unique_lock<boost::mutex>& lock, Block* block);
/// Callback used by DiskIoMgr to indicate a block write has completed. write_status
/// is the status of the write. is_cancelled_ is set to true if write_status is not
/// Status::OK or a re-issue of the write fails. Returns the block's buffer to the
/// free buffers list if it is no longer pinned. Returns the block itself to the free
/// blocks list if it has been deleted.
void WriteComplete(Block* block, const Status& write_status);
/// Returns a deleted block to the list of free blocks. Assumes the block's buffer has
/// already been returned to the free buffers list. Non-blocking.
/// Thread-safe and does not need the lock_ acquired.
void ReturnUnusedBlock(Block* block);
/// Checks unused_blocks_ for an unused block object, else allocates a new one.
/// Non-blocking and needs no lock_.
Block* GetUnusedBlock(Client* client);
// Test helper to get the number of block writes currently outstanding.
int64_t GetNumWritesOutstanding();
/// Used to debug the state of the block manager. Lock must already be taken.
bool Validate() const;
std::string DebugInternal() const;
/// Size of the largest/default block in bytes.
const int64_t max_block_size_;
/// Unpinned blocks are written when the number of free buffers is below this threshold.
/// Equal to two times the number of disks.
const int block_write_threshold_;
/// If true, spilling is disabled. The client calls will fail if there is not enough
/// memory.
const bool disable_spill_;
const TUniqueId query_id_;
ObjectPool obj_pool_;
/// Track buffers allocated by the block manager.
boost::scoped_ptr<MemTracker> mem_tracker_;
/// This lock protects the block and buffer lists below, except for unused_blocks_.
/// It also protects the various counters and changes to block state. Additionally, it
/// is used for the blocking condvars: buffer_available_cv_ and
/// block->write_complete_cv_.
boost::mutex lock_;
/// If true, Init() has been called.
bool initialized_;
/// The total number of reserved buffers across all clients that are not pinned.
int unfullfilled_reserved_buffers_;
/// The total number of pinned buffers across all clients.
int total_pinned_buffers_;
/// Number of outstanding writes (Writes issued but not completed).
/// This does not include client-local writes.
int non_local_outstanding_writes_;
/// Signal availability of free buffers. Also signalled when a write completes for a
/// pinned block, in case another thread was expecting to obtain its buffer. If
/// 'non_local_outstanding_writes_' > 0, notify_all() will eventually be called on
/// this condition variable. To avoid free buffers accumulating while threads wait
/// on the cv, a woken thread must grab an available buffer (unless is_cancelled_ is
/// true at that time).
boost::condition_variable buffer_available_cv_;
/// All used or unused blocks allocated by the BufferedBlockMgr.
vector<Block*> all_blocks_;
/// List of blocks is_pinned_ = false AND are not on DiskIoMgr's write queue.
/// Blocks are added to and removed from the back of the list. (i.e. in LIFO order).
/// Blocks in this list must have is_pinned_ = false, in_write_ = false,
/// is_deleted_ = false.
InternalQueue<Block> unpinned_blocks_;
/// List of blocks that have been deleted and are no longer in use.
/// Can be reused in GetNewBlock(). Blocks in this list must be in the Init'ed state,
/// i.e. buffer_desc_ = NULL, is_pinned_ = false, in_write_ = false,
/// is_deleted_ = false, valid_data_len = 0.
InternalQueue<Block> unused_blocks_;
/// List of buffers that can be assigned to a block in Pin() or GetNewBlock().
/// These buffers either have no block associated with them or are associated with an
/// an unpinned block that has been persisted. That is, either block = NULL or
/// (!block->is_pinned_ && !block->in_write_ && !unpinned_blocks_.Contains(block)).
/// All of these buffers are io sized.
InternalQueue<BufferDescriptor> free_io_buffers_;
/// All allocated io-sized buffers.
std::list<BufferDescriptor*> all_io_buffers_;
/// Group of temporary physical files, (one per tmp device) to which
/// blocks may be written. Blocks are round-robined across these files.
boost::scoped_ptr<TmpFileMgr::FileGroup> tmp_file_group_;
/// If true, a disk write failed and all API calls return.
/// Status::CANCELLED. Set to true if there was an error writing a block, or if
/// WriteComplete() needed to reissue the write and that failed.
bool is_cancelled_;
/// Counters and timers to track behavior.
boost::scoped_ptr<RuntimeProfile> profile_;
/// These have a fixed value for the lifetime of the manager and show memory usage.
RuntimeProfile::Counter* mem_limit_counter_;
RuntimeProfile::Counter* block_size_counter_;
/// Total number of blocks created.
RuntimeProfile::Counter* created_block_counter_;
/// Number of deleted blocks reused.
RuntimeProfile::Counter* recycled_blocks_counter_;
/// Number of Pin() calls that did not require a disk read.
RuntimeProfile::Counter* buffered_pin_counter_;
/// Time spent waiting for a free buffer.
RuntimeProfile::Counter* buffer_wait_timer_;
/// Number of writes outstanding (issued but not completed).
RuntimeProfile::Counter* outstanding_writes_counter_;
/// Number of writes issued.
int writes_issued_;
/// Protects query_to_block_mgrs_.
static SpinLock static_block_mgrs_lock_;
/// All per-query BufferedBlockMgr objects that are in use. For memory management, this
/// map contains only weak ptrs. BufferedBlockMgrs that are handed out are shared ptrs.
/// When all the shared ptrs are no longer referenced, the BufferedBlockMgr
/// d'tor will be called at which point the weak ptr will be removed from the map.
typedef boost::unordered_map<TUniqueId, std::weak_ptr<BufferedBlockMgr>> BlockMgrsMap;
static BlockMgrsMap query_to_block_mgrs_;
/// Debug option to delay write completion.
int debug_write_delay_ms_;
}; // class BufferedBlockMgr
} // namespace impala.