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// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
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// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
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// specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
package org.apache.impala.catalog;
import java.util.List;
import org.apache.impala.analysis.FunctionName;
import org.apache.impala.analysis.HdfsUri;
import org.apache.impala.common.AnalysisException;
import org.apache.impala.common.InternalException;
import org.apache.impala.service.FeSupport;
import org.apache.impala.thrift.TAggregateFunction;
import org.apache.impala.thrift.TCatalogObject;
import org.apache.impala.thrift.TCatalogObjectType;
import org.apache.impala.thrift.TColumnType;
import org.apache.impala.thrift.TFunction;
import org.apache.impala.thrift.TFunctionBinaryType;
import org.apache.impala.thrift.TFunctionCategory;
import org.apache.impala.thrift.TScalarFunction;
import org.apache.impala.thrift.TSymbolLookupParams;
import org.apache.impala.thrift.TSymbolLookupResult;
import org.apache.impala.thrift.TSymbolType;
* Base class for all functions.
* Each function can be of the following 4 types.
* - Native/IR stored in db params (persisted, visible to Impala)
* - Hive UDFs stored in the HMS (visible to Hive + Impala)
* - Java UDFs which are not persisted (visible to Impala but not Hive)
* - Builtin functions, which are recreated after every restart of the
* catalog. (persisted, visible to Impala)
public class Function implements CatalogObject {
// Enum for how to compare function signatures.
// For decimal types, the type in the function can be a wildcard, i.e. decimal(*,*).
// The wildcard can *only* exist as function type, the caller will always be a
// fully specified decimal.
// For the purposes of function type resolution, decimal(*,*) will match exactly
// with any fully specified decimal (i.e. fn(decimal(*,*)) matches identically for
// the call to fn(decimal(1,0)).
public enum CompareMode {
// Two signatures are identical if the number of arguments and their types match
// exactly and either both signatures are varargs or neither.
// Two signatures are indistinguishable if there is no way to tell them apart
// when matching a particular instantiation. That is, their fixed arguments
// match exactly and the remaining varargs have the same type.
// e.g. fn(int, int, int) and fn(int...)
// Argument types that are NULL are ignored when doing this comparison.
// e.g. fn(NULL, int) is indistinguishable from fn(int, int)
// X is a supertype of Y if Y.arg[i] can be strictly implicitly cast to X.arg[i]. If
/// X has vargs, the remaining arguments of Y must be strictly implicitly castable
// to the var arg type. The key property this provides is that X can be used in place
// of Y. e.g. fn(int, double, string...) is a supertype of fn(tinyint, float, string,
// string)
// Nonstrict supertypes broaden the definition of supertype to accept implicit casts
// of arguments that may result in loss of precision - e.g. decimal to float.
// User specified function name e.g. "Add"
private FunctionName name_;
private final Type retType_;
// Array of parameter types. empty array if this function does not have parameters.
private Type[] argTypes_;
// If true, this function has variable arguments.
// TODO: we don't currently support varargs with no fixed types. i.e. fn(...)
private boolean hasVarArgs_;
// If true (default), this function is called directly by the user. For operators,
// this is false. If false, it also means the function is not visible from
// 'show functions'.
private boolean userVisible_;
// Absolute path in HDFS for the binary that contains this function.
// e.g. /udfs/udfs.jar
private HdfsUri location_;
private TFunctionBinaryType binaryType_;
// Set to true for functions that survive service restarts, including all builtins,
// native and IR functions, but only Java functions created without a signature.
private boolean isPersistent_;
private long catalogVersion_ = Catalog.INITIAL_CATALOG_VERSION;
public Function(FunctionName name, Type[] argTypes,
Type retType, boolean varArgs) {
this.name_ = name;
this.hasVarArgs_ = varArgs;
if (argTypes == null) {
argTypes_ = new Type[0];
} else {
this.argTypes_ = argTypes;
if (retType == null) {
this.retType_ = ScalarType.INVALID;
} else {
this.retType_ = retType;
this.userVisible_ = true;
public Function(FunctionName name, List<Type> args,
Type retType, boolean varArgs) {
this(name, (Type[])null, retType, varArgs);
if (args != null && args.size() > 0) {
argTypes_ = args.toArray(new Type[args.size()]);
} else {
argTypes_ = new Type[0];
* Static helper method to create a function with a given TFunctionBinaryType.
public static Function createFunction(String db, String fnName, List<Type> args,
Type retType, boolean varArgs, TFunctionBinaryType fnType) {
Function fn =
new Function(new FunctionName(db, fnName), args, retType, varArgs);
return fn;
public FunctionName getFunctionName() { return name_; }
public String functionName() { return name_.getFunction(); }
public String dbName() { return name_.getDb(); }
public Type getReturnType() { return retType_; }
public Type[] getArgs() { return argTypes_; }
// Returns the number of arguments to this function.
public int getNumArgs() { return argTypes_.length; }
public HdfsUri getLocation() { return location_; }
public TFunctionBinaryType getBinaryType() { return binaryType_; }
public boolean hasVarArgs() { return hasVarArgs_; }
public boolean isPersistent() { return isPersistent_; }
public boolean userVisible() { return userVisible_; }
public Type getVarArgsType() {
if (!hasVarArgs_) return Type.INVALID;
Preconditions.checkState(argTypes_.length > 0);
return argTypes_[argTypes_.length - 1];
public void setLocation(HdfsUri loc) { location_ = loc; }
public void setBinaryType(TFunctionBinaryType type) { binaryType_ = type; }
public void setHasVarArgs(boolean v) { hasVarArgs_ = v; }
public void setIsPersistent(boolean v) { isPersistent_ = v; }
public void setUserVisible(boolean b) { userVisible_ = b; }
// Returns a string with the signature in human readable format:
// FnName(argtype1, argtyp2). e.g. Add(int, int)
public String signatureString() {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
.append(Joiner.on(", ").join(argTypes_));
if (hasVarArgs_) sb.append("...");
return sb.toString();
public boolean equals(Object o) {
if (!(o instanceof Function)) return false;
return compare((Function)o, CompareMode.IS_IDENTICAL);
// Compares this to 'other' for mode.
public boolean compare(Function other, CompareMode mode) {
switch (mode) {
case IS_IDENTICAL: return isIdentical(other);
case IS_INDISTINGUISHABLE: return isIndistinguishable(other);
case IS_SUPERTYPE_OF: return isSuperTypeOf(other, true);
case IS_NONSTRICT_SUPERTYPE_OF: return isSuperTypeOf(other, false);
return false;
* Returns true if 'this' is a supertype of 'other'. Each argument in other must
* be implicitly castable to the matching argument in this. If strict is true,
* only consider conversions where there is no loss of precision.
private boolean isSuperTypeOf(Function other, boolean strict) {
if (!other.name_.equals(name_)) return false;
if (!this.hasVarArgs_ && other.argTypes_.length != this.argTypes_.length) {
return false;
if (this.hasVarArgs_ && other.argTypes_.length < this.argTypes_.length) return false;
for (int i = 0; i < this.argTypes_.length; ++i) {
if (!Type.isImplicitlyCastable(other.argTypes_[i], this.argTypes_[i], strict)) {
return false;
// Check trailing varargs.
if (this.hasVarArgs_) {
for (int i = this.argTypes_.length; i < other.argTypes_.length; ++i) {
if (other.argTypes_[i].matchesType(this.getVarArgsType())) continue;
if (!Type.isImplicitlyCastable(other.argTypes_[i], this.getVarArgsType(),
strict)) {
return false;
return true;
* Converts any CHAR arguments to be STRING arguments
public Function promoteCharsToStrings() {
Type[] promoted = argTypes_.clone();
for (int i = 0; i < promoted.length; ++i) {
if (promoted[i].isScalarType(PrimitiveType.CHAR)) promoted[i] = ScalarType.STRING;
return new Function(name_, promoted, retType_, hasVarArgs_);
private boolean isIdentical(Function o) {
if (!o.name_.equals(name_)) return false;
if (o.argTypes_.length != this.argTypes_.length) return false;
if (o.hasVarArgs_ != this.hasVarArgs_) return false;
for (int i = 0; i < this.argTypes_.length; ++i) {
if (!o.argTypes_[i].matchesType(this.argTypes_[i])) return false;
return true;
private boolean isIndistinguishable(Function o) {
if (!o.name_.equals(name_)) return false;
int minArgs = Math.min(o.argTypes_.length, this.argTypes_.length);
// The first fully specified args must be identical.
for (int i = 0; i < minArgs; ++i) {
if (o.argTypes_[i].isNull() || this.argTypes_[i].isNull()) continue;
if (!o.argTypes_[i].matchesType(this.argTypes_[i])) return false;
if (o.argTypes_.length == this.argTypes_.length) return true;
if (o.hasVarArgs_ && this.hasVarArgs_) {
if (!o.getVarArgsType().matchesType(this.getVarArgsType())) return false;
if (this.getNumArgs() > o.getNumArgs()) {
for (int i = minArgs; i < this.getNumArgs(); ++i) {
if (this.argTypes_[i].isNull()) continue;
if (!this.argTypes_[i].matchesType(o.getVarArgsType())) return false;
} else {
for (int i = minArgs; i < o.getNumArgs(); ++i) {
if (o.argTypes_[i].isNull()) continue;
if (!o.argTypes_[i].matchesType(this.getVarArgsType())) return false;
return true;
} else if (o.hasVarArgs_) {
// o has var args so check the remaining arguments from this
if (o.getNumArgs() > minArgs) return false;
for (int i = minArgs; i < this.getNumArgs(); ++i) {
if (this.argTypes_[i].isNull()) continue;
if (!this.argTypes_[i].matchesType(o.getVarArgsType())) return false;
return true;
} else if (this.hasVarArgs_) {
// this has var args so check the remaining arguments from s
if (this.getNumArgs() > minArgs) return false;
for (int i = minArgs; i < o.getNumArgs(); ++i) {
if (o.argTypes_[i].isNull()) continue;
if (!o.argTypes_[i].matchesType(this.getVarArgsType())) return false;
return true;
} else {
// Neither has var args and the lengths don't match
return false;
public TCatalogObjectType getCatalogObjectType() { return TCatalogObjectType.FUNCTION; }
public long getCatalogVersion() { return catalogVersion_; }
public void setCatalogVersion(long newVersion) { catalogVersion_ = newVersion; }
public String getName() { return getFunctionName().toString(); }
// Child classes must override this function.
public String toSql(boolean ifNotExists) { return ""; }
public TCatalogObject toTCatalogObject () {
TCatalogObject result = new TCatalogObject();
return result;
public TFunction toThrift() {
TFunction fn = new TFunction();
if (location_ != null) fn.setHdfs_location(location_.toString());
// TODO: Comment field is missing?
// fn.setComment(comment_)
return fn;
public static Function fromThrift(TFunction fn) {
List<Type> argTypes = Lists.newArrayList();
for (TColumnType t: fn.getArg_types()) {
Function function = null;
if (fn.isSetScalar_fn()) {
TScalarFunction scalarFn = fn.getScalar_fn();
function = new ScalarFunction(FunctionName.fromThrift(fn.getName()), argTypes,
Type.fromThrift(fn.getRet_type()), new HdfsUri(fn.getHdfs_location()),
scalarFn.getSymbol(), scalarFn.getPrepare_fn_symbol(),
} else if (fn.isSetAggregate_fn()) {
TAggregateFunction aggFn = fn.getAggregate_fn();
function = new AggregateFunction(FunctionName.fromThrift(fn.getName()), argTypes,
new HdfsUri(fn.getHdfs_location()), aggFn.getUpdate_fn_symbol(),
aggFn.getInit_fn_symbol(), aggFn.getSerialize_fn_symbol(),
aggFn.getMerge_fn_symbol(), aggFn.getGet_value_fn_symbol(),
null, aggFn.getFinalize_fn_symbol());
} else {
// In the case where we are trying to look up the object, we only have the
// signature.
function = new Function(FunctionName.fromThrift(fn.getName()),
argTypes, Type.fromThrift(fn.getRet_type()), fn.isHas_var_args());
if (fn.isSetIs_persistent()) {
} else {
return function;
public boolean isLoaded() { return true; }
// Returns the resolved symbol in the binary. The BE will do a lookup of 'symbol'
// in the binary and try to resolve unmangled names.
// If this function is expecting a return argument, retArgType is that type. It should
// be null if this function isn't expecting a return argument.
public String lookupSymbol(String symbol, TSymbolType symbolType, Type retArgType,
boolean hasVarArgs, Type... argTypes) throws AnalysisException {
if (symbol.length() == 0) {
if (binaryType_ == TFunctionBinaryType.BUILTIN) {
// We allow empty builtin symbols in order to stage work in the FE before its
// implemented in the BE
return symbol;
throw new AnalysisException("Could not find symbol ''");
TSymbolLookupParams lookup = new TSymbolLookupParams();
// Builtin functions do not have an external library, they are loaded directly from
// the running process
lookup.location = binaryType_ != TFunctionBinaryType.BUILTIN ?
location_.toString() : "";
lookup.symbol = symbol;
lookup.symbol_type = symbolType;
lookup.fn_binary_type = binaryType_;
lookup.arg_types = Type.toThrift(argTypes);
lookup.has_var_args = hasVarArgs;
if (retArgType != null) lookup.setRet_arg_type(retArgType.toThrift());
try {
TSymbolLookupResult result = FeSupport.LookupSymbol(lookup);
switch (result.result_code) {
return result.symbol;
Preconditions.checkState(binaryType_ != TFunctionBinaryType.BUILTIN);
throw new AnalysisException(
"Could not load binary: " + location_.getLocation() + "\n" +
throw new AnalysisException(result.error_msg);
// Should never get here.
throw new AnalysisException("Internal Error");
} catch (InternalException e) {
// Should never get here.
throw new AnalysisException("Could not find symbol: " + symbol, e);
public String lookupSymbol(String symbol, TSymbolType symbolType)
throws AnalysisException {
symbolType == TSymbolType.UDF_PREPARE || symbolType == TSymbolType.UDF_CLOSE);
return lookupSymbol(symbol, symbolType, null, false);
public static String getUdfType(Type t) {
switch (t.getPrimitiveType()) {
return "BooleanVal";
return "TinyIntVal";
return "SmallIntVal";
case INT:
return "IntVal";
case BIGINT:
return "BigIntVal";
case FLOAT:
return "FloatVal";
case DOUBLE:
return "DoubleVal";
case STRING:
case CHAR:
// These types are marshaled into a StringVal.
return "StringVal";
return "TimestampVal";
return "DecimalVal";
Preconditions.checkState(false, t.toString());
return "";
* Returns true if the given function matches the specified category.
public static boolean categoryMatch(Function fn, TFunctionCategory category) {
return (category == TFunctionCategory.SCALAR && fn instanceof ScalarFunction)
|| (category == TFunctionCategory.AGGREGATE
&& fn instanceof AggregateFunction
&& ((AggregateFunction)fn).isAggregateFn())
|| (category == TFunctionCategory.ANALYTIC
&& fn instanceof AggregateFunction
&& ((AggregateFunction)fn).isAnalyticFn());