blob: 87d72031bf0b3ae2c9bff95d6c25ac195cf64c2a [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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package org.apache.impala.catalog;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
* A singleton class that maps HDFS storage-UUIDs to per-host 0-based, sequential disk
* ids. This mapping is internally implemented as a global static object shared
* across all the table instances. The rationale behind this implementation is
* - To maintain a consistent mapping across all the table instances so that the
* assignment of scan ranges to I/O threads is balanced and consistent for all scans
* on the same host.
* - To Reduce memory usage in the Catalog since UUIDs can potentially consume a lot of
* memory when maintained per table instance.
public class DiskIdMapper {
public static DiskIdMapper INSTANCE = new DiskIdMapper();
private DiskIdMapper() {}
// Maps each storage ID UUID string returned by the BlockLocation API, to a per-node
// sequential 0-based disk id used by the BE scanners. This assumes that
// the storage ID of a particular disk is unique across all the nodes in the cluster.
private ConcurrentHashMap<String, Short> storageUuidToDiskId_ =
new ConcurrentHashMap<String, Short>();
// Per-host ID generator for storage UUID to Short ID mapping. This maps each host
// to the corresponding latest 0-based ID stored in a short.
private HashMap<String, Short> storageIdGenerator_ = Maps.newHashMap();
* Returns a disk id (0-based) index for storageUuid on host 'host'. Generates a
* new disk ID for storageUuid if one doesn't already exist. We cache the mappings
* already generated for faster lookups.
* TODO: It is quite possible that there will be lock contention in this method during
* the initial metadata load. Figure out ways to fix it using finer locking scheme.
public short getDiskId(String host, String storageUuid) {
// Initialize the diskId as -1 to indicate it is unknown
short diskId = -1;
// Check if an existing mapping is already present. This is intentionally kept
// out of the synchronized block to avoid contention for lookups. Once a reasonable
// amount of data loading is done and storageUuidToDiskId_ is populated with storage
// IDs across the cluster, we expect to have a good hit rate.
Short shortId = storageUuidToDiskId_.get(storageUuid);
if (shortId != null) return shortId;
synchronized (storageIdGenerator_) {
// Mapping might have been added by another thread that entered the synchronized
// block first.
shortId = storageUuidToDiskId_.get(storageUuid);
if (shortId != null) return shortId;
// No mapping exists, create a new disk ID for 'storageUuid'
if (storageIdGenerator_.containsKey(host)) {
try {
diskId = Shorts.checkedCast(storageIdGenerator_.get(host) + 1);
} catch (IllegalStateException e) {
"Number of hosts exceeded " + Short.MAX_VALUE);
} else {
// First diskId of this host.
diskId = 0;
storageIdGenerator_.put(host, Short.valueOf(diskId));
storageUuidToDiskId_.put(storageUuid, Short.valueOf(diskId));
return diskId;