blob: 4ad3073dc0a6572405f285ae592268376c34ab11 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
// KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
package org.apache.impala.analysis;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;
import org.apache.impala.authorization.AuthorizationContext;
import org.apache.impala.authorization.PrivilegeRequestBuilder;
import org.apache.impala.authorization.TableMask;
import org.apache.impala.catalog.Column;
import org.apache.impala.catalog.ColumnStats;
import org.apache.impala.catalog.FeTable;
import org.apache.impala.catalog.FeView;
import org.apache.impala.catalog.StructField;
import org.apache.impala.catalog.StructType;
import org.apache.impala.common.AnalysisException;
import org.apache.impala.common.InternalException;
import org.apache.impala.common.Pair;
import org.apache.impala.rewrite.ExprRewriter;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
* An inline view is a query statement with an alias. Inline views can be parsed directly
* from a query string or represent a reference to a local or catalog view.
public class InlineViewRef extends TableRef {
private final static Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(InlineViewRef.class);
// Catalog or local view that is referenced.
// Null for inline views parsed directly from a query string.
private final FeView view_;
// If not null, these will serve as the column labels for the inline view. This provides
// a layer of separation between column labels visible from outside the inline view
// and column labels used in the query definition. Either all or none of the column
// labels must be overridden.
private List<String> explicitColLabels_;
// BEGIN: Members that need to be reset()
// The select or union statement of the inline view
protected QueryStmt queryStmt_;
// queryStmt has its own analysis context
protected Analyzer inlineViewAnalyzer_;
// list of tuple ids materialized by queryStmt
protected final List<TupleId> materializedTupleIds_ = new ArrayList<>();
// Map inline view's output slots to the corresponding resultExpr of queryStmt.
protected final ExprSubstitutionMap smap_;
// Map inline view's output slots to the corresponding baseTblResultExpr of queryStmt.
protected final ExprSubstitutionMap baseTblSmap_;
// Whether this is an inline view generated for table masking.
private boolean isTableMaskingView_ = false;
// Whether this is an inline view generated for a non-correlated scalar subquery
// returning at most one value.
private boolean isNonCorrelatedScalarSubquery_ = false;
// END: Members that need to be reset()
* C'tor for creating inline views parsed directly from the a query string.
public InlineViewRef(String alias, QueryStmt queryStmt,
TableSampleClause sampleParams) {
super(null, alias, sampleParams);
queryStmt_ = queryStmt;
view_ = null;
smap_ = new ExprSubstitutionMap();
baseTblSmap_ = new ExprSubstitutionMap();
public InlineViewRef(String alias, QueryStmt queryStmt, List<String> colLabels) {
this(alias, queryStmt, (TableSampleClause) null);
explicitColLabels_ = Lists.newArrayList(colLabels);
* C'tor for creating inline views that replace a local or catalog view ref.
public InlineViewRef(FeView view, TableRef origTblRef) {
super(view.getTableName().toPath(), origTblRef.getExplicitAlias(),
origTblRef.getPrivilege(), origTblRef.requireGrantOption());
queryStmt_ = view.getQueryStmt().clone();
if (view.isLocalView()) queryStmt_.reset();
view_ = view;
smap_ = new ExprSubstitutionMap();
baseTblSmap_ = new ExprSubstitutionMap();
explicitColLabels_ = view.getColLabels();
// Set implicit aliases if no explicit one was given.
if (hasExplicitAlias()) return;
aliases_ = new String[] {
view_.getTableName().toString().toLowerCase(), view_.getName().toLowerCase()
sampleParams_ = origTblRef.getSampleParams();
* C'tor for cloning.
public InlineViewRef(InlineViewRef other) {
view_ = other.view_;
queryStmt_ = other.queryStmt_.clone();
inlineViewAnalyzer_ = other.inlineViewAnalyzer_;
if (other.explicitColLabels_ != null) {
explicitColLabels_ = Lists.newArrayList(other.explicitColLabels_);
smap_ = other.smap_.clone();
baseTblSmap_ = other.baseTblSmap_.clone();
isTableMaskingView_ = other.isTableMaskingView_;
* Creates an inline-view doing table masking for column masking and row filtering
* policies. Callers should replace 'tableRef' with the returned view.
* @param tableRef original resolved table/view
* @param tableMask TableMask providing column masking and row filtering policies
* @param authzCtx AuthorizationContext containing RangerBufferAuditHandler
static InlineViewRef createTableMaskView(TableRef tableRef, TableMask tableMask,
AuthorizationContext authzCtx) throws AnalysisException, InternalException {
Preconditions.checkState(tableRef instanceof InlineViewRef
|| tableRef instanceof BaseTableRef);
List<Column> columns = tableMask.getRequiredColumns();
List<SelectListItem> items = Lists.newArrayListWithCapacity(columns.size());
for (Column col: columns) {
Expr maskExpr = tableMask.createColumnMask(col.getName(), col.getType(), authzCtx);
// Virtual columns are hidden in the masking view, which means they don't
// participate in star expansion.
// E.g. during masking the following query is rewritten (where vc is a virtual col):
// SELECT vc, * FROM t; ===>
// SELECT vc, * FROM (SELECT MASK(vc) as vc, c1, c2, ... FROM t) v;
// In which case the '*' in the outer "SELECT vc, *" shouldn't contain ''
// because in that case it would be doubled:
// SELECT vc, vc, c1, c2, ... FROM (...);
// Hence virtual columns are hidden select list items. They are also hidden
// when they are not masked, but other columns are.
boolean isHidden = col.isVirtual();
items.add(new SelectListItem(maskExpr, /*alias*/ col.getName(), isHidden));
if (tableMask.hasComplexColumnMask()) {
throw new AnalysisException("Column masking is not supported for complex types");
if (columns.isEmpty()) {
// No columns so use "SELECT 1 FROM tbl" to make a valid statement.
items.add(new SelectListItem(NumericLiteral.create(1), /*alias*/null));
SelectList selectList = new SelectList(items);
FromClause fromClause = new FromClause(Lists.newArrayList(tableRef));
Expr wherePredicate = tableMask.createRowFilter(authzCtx);
SelectStmt tableMaskStmt = new SelectStmt(selectList, fromClause, wherePredicate,
null, null, null, null);
InlineViewRef viewRef = new InlineViewRef(/*alias*/ null, tableMaskStmt,
(TableSampleClause) null);
viewRef.isTableMaskingView_ = true;
if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) {
LOG.trace("Replacing '{}' with subquery: {}", tableRef.toSql(),
return viewRef;
* Analyzes the inline view query block in a child analyzer of 'analyzer', creates
* a new tuple descriptor for the inline view and registers auxiliary eq predicates
* between the slots of that descriptor and the select list exprs of the inline view;
* then performs join clause analysis.
public void analyze(Analyzer analyzer) throws AnalysisException {
if (isAnalyzed_) return;
// Analyze the inline view query statement with its own analyzer
inlineViewAnalyzer_ = new Analyzer(analyzer);
// Catalog views refs require special analysis settings for authorization.
if (isCatalogView()) {
analyzer.registerAuthAndAuditEvent(view_, priv_, requireGrantOption_);
// For a view created by a non-superuser, i.e., a view with its table property of
// 'Authorized' set to false, we do not set 'maskPrivChecks_' to true so as to
// enforce the privilege checks for the underlying tables additionally.
if (!PrivilegeRequestBuilder.isViewCreatedByNonSuperuser(view_)) {
if (inlineViewAnalyzer_.isExplain()) {
// If the user does not have privileges on the view's definition
// then we report a masked authorization error so as not to reveal
// privileged information (e.g., the existence of a table).
String.format("User '%s' does not have privileges to " +
"EXPLAIN this statement.", analyzer.getUser().getName()));
} else {
// If this is not an EXPLAIN statement, auth checks for the view
// definition are still performed in order to determine if the user has access
// to the runtime profile but don't trigger authorization errors.
isCatalogView() ? true : analyzer.useHiveColLabels());
if (explicitColLabels_ != null) {
explicitColLabels_.size() == queryStmt_.getColLabels().size());
queryStmt_.hasLimit() || queryStmt_.hasOffset());
desc_ = analyzer.registerTableRef(this);
isAnalyzed_ = true; // true now that we have assigned desc
// For constant selects we materialize its exprs into a tuple.
if (materializedTupleIds_.isEmpty()) {
Preconditions.checkState(queryStmt_ instanceof SelectStmt);
Preconditions.checkState(((SelectStmt) queryStmt_).getTableRefs().isEmpty());
// create smap_ and baseTblSmap_ and register auxiliary eq predicates between our
// tuple descriptor's slots and our *unresolved* select list exprs;
// we create these auxiliary predicates so that the analyzer can compute the value
// transfer graph through this inline view correctly (ie, predicates can get
// propagated through the view);
// if the view stmt contains analytic functions, we cannot propagate predicates
// into the view, unless the predicates are compatible with the analytic
// function's partition by clause, because those extra filters
// would alter the results of the analytic functions (see IMPALA-1243)
// TODO: relax this a bit by allowing propagation out of the inline view (but
// not into it)
for (int i = 0; i < getColLabels().size(); ++i) {
String colName = getColLabels().get(i).toLowerCase();
Expr colExpr = queryStmt_.getResultExprs().get(i);
Expr baseTableExpr = queryStmt_.getBaseTblResultExprs().get(i);
addColumnToSubstitutionMaps(analyzer, colName, colExpr, baseTableExpr);
if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) {
LOG.trace("inline view " + getUniqueAlias() + " smap: " + smap_.debugString());
LOG.trace("inline view " + getUniqueAlias() + " baseTblSmap: " +
// Now do the remaining join analysis
private void addColumnToSubstitutionMaps(
Analyzer analyzer, String colName, Expr colExpr, Expr baseTableExpr)
throws AnalysisException {
Path p = new Path(desc_, Lists.newArrayList(colName));
SlotDescriptor slotDesc = analyzer.registerSlotRef(p, false);
putExprsIntoSmaps(analyzer, slotDesc, colExpr, baseTableExpr);
// Inserts elements into 'smap_' and 'baseTblSmap_'. The key will be a new slot ref
// created from 'slotDesc' in both smaps; the value will be 'colExpr' in 'smap_' and
// 'baseTableExpr' in 'baseTblSmap_'. If 'recurse' is true, also adds struct members and
// collection items.
private void putExprsIntoSmaps(Analyzer analyzer,
SlotDescriptor slotDesc, Expr colExpr, Expr baseTableExpr, boolean recurse) {
SlotRef key = new SlotRef(slotDesc);
smap_.put(key, colExpr);
baseTblSmap_.put(key, baseTableExpr);
if (createAuxPredicate(colExpr)) {
analyzer.createAuxEqPredicate(new SlotRef(slotDesc), colExpr.clone());
if (recurse) {
if (colExpr.getType().isCollectionType()) {
Preconditions.checkState(colExpr instanceof SlotRef);
Preconditions.checkState(baseTableExpr instanceof SlotRef);
putCollectionItemsIntoSmaps(analyzer, slotDesc, (SlotRef) colExpr,
(SlotRef) baseTableExpr);
} else if (colExpr.getType().isStructType()) {
Preconditions.checkState(colExpr instanceof SlotRef);
Preconditions.checkState(baseTableExpr instanceof SlotRef);
putStructMembersIntoSmaps(analyzer, slotDesc, (SlotRef) colExpr,
(SlotRef) baseTableExpr);
private void putExprsIntoSmaps(Analyzer analyzer,
SlotDescriptor slotDesc, Expr colExpr, Expr baseTableExpr) {
putExprsIntoSmaps(analyzer, slotDesc, colExpr, baseTableExpr, true);
// Add slot refs for collection items to smap_ and baseTblSmap_.
private void putCollectionItemsIntoSmaps(Analyzer analyzer, SlotDescriptor slotDesc,
SlotRef colExpr, SlotRef baseTableExpr) {
// Source must be a SlotRef
SlotDescriptor srcSlotDesc = colExpr.getDesc();
SlotDescriptor baseTableSlotDesc = baseTableExpr.getDesc();
TupleDescriptor itemTupleDesc = slotDesc.getItemTupleDesc();
TupleDescriptor srcItemTupleDesc = srcSlotDesc.getItemTupleDesc();
TupleDescriptor baseTableItemTupleDesc = baseTableSlotDesc.getItemTupleDesc();
if (itemTupleDesc != null) {
Preconditions.checkState(srcItemTupleDesc != null);
Preconditions.checkState(baseTableItemTupleDesc != null);
final int num_slots = itemTupleDesc.getSlots().size();
// There is one slot for arrays and two for maps.
Preconditions.checkState(num_slots == 1 || num_slots == 2);
Preconditions.checkState(srcItemTupleDesc.getSlots().size() == num_slots);
Preconditions.checkState(baseTableItemTupleDesc.getSlots().size() == num_slots);
for (int i = 0; i < num_slots; i++) {
SlotDescriptor itemSlotDesc = itemTupleDesc.getSlots().get(i);
SlotDescriptor srcItemSlotDesc = srcItemTupleDesc.getSlots().get(i);
SlotDescriptor baseTableItemSlotDesc = baseTableItemTupleDesc.getSlots().get(i);
SlotRef srcItemSlotRef = new SlotRef(srcItemSlotDesc);
SlotRef baseTableItemSlotRef = new SlotRef(baseTableItemSlotDesc);
// We don't recurse deeper and only add the immediate item child to the
// substitution map. This is enough both for collections in select list and in
// from clause.
// TODO: Revisit for IMPALA-12160.
putExprsIntoSmaps(analyzer, itemSlotDesc, srcItemSlotRef, baseTableItemSlotRef,
// Put struct members into 'smap_' and 'baseTblSmap_'. 'slotDesc', 'colExpr' and
// 'baseTableExpr' should all belong to the same struct. The struct tree is traversed;
// keys in both maps will be slot refs created from the elements of the tree rooted at
// 'slotDesc'. The values in 'smap_' will be the expressions in the tree of 'colExpr'
// and the values in 'baseTblSmap_' will be the expressions in the tree of
// 'baseTableExpr'
private void putStructMembersIntoSmaps(Analyzer analyzer, SlotDescriptor slotDesc,
SlotRef colExpr, SlotRef baseTableExpr) {
TupleDescriptor itemTupleDesc = slotDesc.getItemTupleDesc();
List<SlotDescriptor> childSlotDescs = itemTupleDesc.getSlots();
Preconditions.checkState(childSlotDescs.size() == colExpr.getChildren().size());
Preconditions.checkState(childSlotDescs.size() == baseTableExpr.getChildren().size());
for (int i = 0; i < childSlotDescs.size(); i++) {
SlotDescriptor childSlotDesc = childSlotDescs.get(i);
Expr childColExpr = colExpr.getChildren().get(i);
Preconditions.checkState(childColExpr instanceof SlotRef);
SlotRef childColExprSlotRef = (SlotRef) childColExpr;
Expr childBaseTableExpr = baseTableExpr.getChildren().get(i);
Preconditions.checkState(childBaseTableExpr instanceof SlotRef);
SlotRef childBaseTableExprSlotRef = (SlotRef) childBaseTableExpr;
Path childColExprPath = childColExprSlotRef.getResolvedPath();
Path childBaseTableExprPath = childBaseTableExprSlotRef.getResolvedPath();
// The path can be null in the case of the sorting tuple.
if (childColExprPath != null) {
verifySameChild(childSlotDesc.getPath(), childColExprPath,
putExprsIntoSmaps(analyzer, childSlotDesc, childColExprSlotRef,
// Verify that the paths belong to the same struct child.
private static void verifySameChild(Path childSlotDescPath, Path childColExprPath,
Path childBaseTableExprPath) {
List<String> childSlotDescRawPath = childSlotDescPath.getRawPath();
List<String> childColExprRawPath = childColExprPath.getRawPath();
List<String> childBaseTableExprRawPath = childBaseTableExprPath.getRawPath();
// Check that the children come in the same order for all of 'slotDesc', 'colExpr'
// and 'baseTableExpr'. If not, the last part of the paths would be different.
String childSlotDescPathEnd =
childSlotDescRawPath.get(childSlotDescRawPath.size() - 1);
String childColExprPathEnd =
childColExprRawPath.get(childColExprRawPath.size() - 1);
String childBaseTableExprPathEnd =
childBaseTableExprRawPath.get(childBaseTableExprRawPath.size() - 1);
* Checks if an auxiliary predicate should be created for an expr. Returns False if the
* inline view has a SELECT stmt with analytic functions and the expr is not in the
* common partition exprs of all the analytic functions computed by this inline view.
private boolean createAuxPredicate(Expr e) {
if (!(queryStmt_ instanceof SelectStmt)
|| !((SelectStmt) queryStmt_).hasAnalyticInfo()) {
return true;
AnalyticInfo analyticInfo = ((SelectStmt) queryStmt_).getAnalyticInfo();
return analyticInfo.getCommonPartitionExprs().contains(e);
* Create and register a non-materialized tuple descriptor for this inline view.
* This method is called from the analyzer when registering this inline view.
* Create a non-materialized tuple descriptor for this inline view.
public TupleDescriptor createTupleDescriptor(Analyzer analyzer)
throws AnalysisException {
int numColLabels = getColLabels().size();
Preconditions.checkState(numColLabels > 0);
Set<String> uniqueColAliases = Sets.newHashSetWithExpectedSize(numColLabels);
// Using linked set to preserve order and uniqueness of fields. If using a
// list, star-expanded complex columns would be enumerated multiple times.
Set<StructField> fields = Sets.newLinkedHashSetWithExpectedSize(numColLabels);
for (int i = 0; i < numColLabels; ++i) {
// inline view select statement has been analyzed. Col label should be filled.
Expr selectItemExpr = queryStmt_.getResultExprs().get(i);
String colAlias = getColLabels().get(i).toLowerCase();
// inline view col cannot have duplicate name
if (!uniqueColAliases.add(colAlias)) {
throw new AnalysisException("duplicated inline view column alias: '" +
colAlias + "'" + " in inline view " + "'" + getUniqueAlias() + "'");
boolean isHidden = false;
if (queryStmt_ instanceof SelectStmt) {
SelectStmt selectStmt = (SelectStmt)queryStmt_;
List<SelectListItem> itemList = selectStmt.getSelectList().getItems();
if (itemList.size() == numColLabels) {
// 'itemList.size() == numColLabels' is true for table masking views as they
// cannot contain '*' (because they need to mask some columns).
isHidden = itemList.get(i).isHidden();
fields.add(new StructField(colAlias, selectItemExpr.getType(), null,
// Create the non-materialized tuple and set its type.
TupleDescriptor result = analyzer.getDescTbl().createTupleDescriptor(
getClass().getSimpleName() + " " + getUniqueAlias());
// If this is a table masking view, the underlying table is wrapped by this so its
// nested columns are not visible to the original query block, because we can't
// expose nested columns in the SelectList. However, we can expose nested columns
// in this view's output type which is a StructType containing fields of all result
// columns. The output type is used to resolve Paths (see Path#resolve()).
// By exposing nested columns in the output type, Paths in the original query block
// can still be recognized and resolved.
if (isTableMaskingView_) {
TableRef tblRef = getUnMaskedTableRef();
if (tblRef instanceof BaseTableRef) {
BaseTableRef baseTbl = (BaseTableRef) tblRef;
FeTable tbl = baseTbl.resolvedPath_.getRootTable();
boolean exposeNestedColumn = false;
for (Column col : tbl.getColumnsInHiveOrder()) {
if (!col.getType().isComplexType()) continue;
if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) {
LOG.trace("Add {} (type={}) to output type of table mask view",
col.getName(), col.getType().toSql());
fields.add(new StructField(col.getName(), col.getType(), null));
exposeNestedColumn = true;
if (exposeNestedColumn) {
result.setType(new StructType(Lists.newArrayList(fields)));
return result;
public void rewriteExprs(ExprRewriter rewriter, Analyzer analyzer)
throws AnalysisException {
super.rewriteExprs(rewriter, analyzer);
public List<TupleId> getMaterializedTupleIds() {
Preconditions.checkState(materializedTupleIds_.size() > 0);
return materializedTupleIds_;
public Analyzer getAnalyzer() {
return inlineViewAnalyzer_;
public ExprSubstitutionMap getSmap() {
return smap_;
public ExprSubstitutionMap getBaseTblSmap() {
return baseTblSmap_;
public QueryStmt getViewStmt() { return queryStmt_; }
public List<String> getExplicitColLabels() { return explicitColLabels_; }
public List<String> getColLabels() {
if (explicitColLabels_ != null) return explicitColLabels_;
return queryStmt_.getColLabels();
public List<Column> getColumnsInHiveOrder() {
return view_.getColumnsInHiveOrder();
public FeView getView() { return view_; }
public boolean isTableMaskingView() { return isTableMaskingView_; }
public boolean isCatalogView() { return view_ != null && !view_.isLocalView(); }
* Return the unmasked TableRef if this is an inline view for table masking.
public TableRef getUnMaskedTableRef() {
Preconditions.checkState(queryStmt_ instanceof SelectStmt);
SelectStmt selectStmt = (SelectStmt) queryStmt_;
// FromClause could have several table refs due to subquery rewrite, i.e. subquery
// could be rewritten to joins. The first table refs is the original table ref.
Preconditions.checkState(selectStmt.fromClause_.size() > 0);
return selectStmt.fromClause_.get(0);
protected TableRef clone() { return new InlineViewRef(this); }
public void reset() {
inlineViewAnalyzer_ = null;
protected String tableRefToSql(ToSqlOptions options) {
// Enclose the alias in quotes if Hive cannot parse it without quotes.
// This is needed for view compatibility between Impala and Hive.
String alias = getExplicitAlias();
if (view_ != null) {
return view_.getTableName().toSql() + ToSqlUtils.formatAlias(alias);
StringBuilder sql = new StringBuilder()
// Add explicit col labels for debugging even though this syntax isn't supported.
if (explicitColLabels_ != null) {
sql.append(" (");
for (int i = 0; i < getExplicitColLabels().size(); i++) {
if (i > 0) sql.append(", ");
return sql.toString();
public void setIsNonCorrelatedScalarSubquery() {
isNonCorrelatedScalarSubquery_ = true;
public boolean isNonCorrelatedScalarSubquery() {
return isNonCorrelatedScalarSubquery_;