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<!DOCTYPE concept PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DITA Concept//EN" "concept.dtd">
<concept id="impala_iceberg">
<title id="iceberg">Using Impala with Iceberg Tables</title>
<titlealts audience="PDF"><navtitle>Iceberg Tables</navtitle></titlealts>
<data name="Category" value="Impala"/>
<data name="Category" value="Iceberg"/>
<data name="Category" value="Querying"/>
<data name="Category" value="Data Analysts"/>
<data name="Category" value="Developers"/>
<data name="Category" value="Tables"/>
<indexterm audience="hidden">Iceberg</indexterm>
Impala now supports Apache Iceberg which is an open table format for huge analytic datasets.
With this functionality, you can access any existing Iceberg tables using SQL and perform
analytics over them. Using Impala you can create and write Iceberg tables in different
Iceberg Catalogs (e.g. HiveCatalog, HadoopCatalog). It also supports location-based
tables (HadoopTables).
For more information on Iceberg, see <xref keyref="upstream_iceberg_site"/>.
<p outputclass="toc inpage"/>
<concept id="iceberg_features">
<title>Overview of Iceberg features</title>
<data name="Category" value="Concepts"/>
ACID compliance: DML operations are atomic, queries always read a consistent snapshot.
Hidden partitioning: Iceberg produces partition values by taking a column value and
optionally transforming it. Partition information is stored in the Iceberg metadata
files. Iceberg is able to TRUNCATE column values or calculate
a hash of them and use it for partitioning. Readers don't need to be aware of the
partitioning of the table.
Partition layout evolution: When the data volume or the query patterns change you
can update the layout of a table. Since hidden partitioning is used, you don't need to
rewrite the data files during partition layout evolution.
Schema evolution: supports add, drop, update, or rename schema elements,
and has no side-effects.
Time travel: enables reproducible queries that use exactly the same table
snapshot, or lets users easily examine changes.
Cloning Iceberg tables: create an empty Iceberg table based on the definition of
another Iceberg table.
<concept id="iceberg_create">
<title>Creating Iceberg tables with Impala</title>
<data name="Category" value="Concepts"/>
When you have an existing Iceberg table that is not yet present in the Hive Metastore,
you can use the <codeph>CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE</codeph> command in Impala to add the table to the Hive
Metastore and make Impala able to interact with this table. Currently Impala supports
HadoopTables, HadoopCatalog, and HiveCatalog. If you have an existing table in HiveCatalog,
and you are using the same Hive Metastore, you need no further actions.
<b>HadoopTables</b>. When the table already exists in a HadoopTable it means there is
a location on the file system that contains your table. Use the following command
to add this table to Impala's catalog:
LOCATION '/path/to/table'
<b>HadoopCatalog</b>. A table in HadoopCatalog means that there is a catalog location
in the file system under which Iceberg tables are stored. Use the following command
to add a table in a HadoopCatalog to Impala:
Alternatively, you can also use custom catalogs to use existing tables. It means you need to define
your catalog in hive-site.xml.
The advantage of this method is that other engines are more likely to be able to interact with this table.
Please note that the automatic metadata update will not work for these tables, you will have to manually
call REFRESH on the table when it changes outside Impala.
To globally register different catalogs, set the following Hadoop configurations:
<table rowsep="1" colsep="1" id="iceberg_custom_catalogs">
<tgroup cols="2">
<colspec colname="c1" colnum="1"/>
<colspec colname="c2" colnum="2"/>
<entry>Config Key</entry>
<entry>type of catalog: hive, hadoop, or left unset if using a custom catalog</entry>
<entry>catalog implementation, must not be null if type is empty</entry>
<entry>any config key and value pairs for the catalog</entry>
For example, to register a HadoopCatalog called 'hadoop', set the following properties in hive-site.xml:
Then in the CREATE TABLE statement you can just refer to the catalog name:
If the table already exists in HiveCatalog then Impala should be able to see it without any additional
You can also create new Iceberg tables with Impala. You can use the same commands as above, just
omit the <codeph>EXTERNAL</codeph> keyword. To create an Iceberg table in HiveCatalog the following
CREATE TABLE statement can be used:
By default Impala assumes that the Iceberg table uses Parquet data files. ORC and AVRO are also supported,
but we need to tell Impala via setting the table property 'write.format.default' to e.g. 'ORC'.
You can also use <codeph>CREATE TABLE AS SELECT</codeph> to create new Iceberg tables, e.g.:
CREATE TABLE ice_ctas_part_spec PARTITIONED BY SPEC (truncate(3, s)) STORED AS ICEBERG AS SELECT cast(t as INT), s, d FROM value_tbl;
<concept id="iceberg_v2">
<title>Iceberg V2 tables</title>
Iceberg V2 tables support row-level modifications (DELETE, UPDATE) via "merge-on-read", which means instead
of rewriting existing data files, separate so-called delete files are being written that store information
about the deleted records. There are two kinds of delete files in Iceberg:
<li>position deletes</li>
<li>equality deletes</li>
Impala only supports position delete files. These files contain the file path and file position of the deleted
One can create Iceberg V2 tables via the <codeph>CREATE TABLE</codeph> statement, they just need to specify
the 'format-version' table property:
CREATE TABLE ice_v2 (i int) STORED BY ICEBERG TBLPROPERTIES('format-version'='2');
It is also possible to upgrade existing Iceberg V1 tables to Iceberg V2 tables. One can use the following
<codeph>ALTER TABLE</codeph> statement to do so:
ALTER TABLE ice_v1_to_v2 SET TBLPROPERTIES('format-version'='2');
<concept id="iceberg_drop">
<title>Dropping Iceberg tables</title>
One can use <codeph>DROP TABLE</codeph> statement to remove an Iceberg table:
When <codeph>external.table.purge</codeph> table property is set to true, then the
<codeph>DROP TABLE</codeph> statement will also delete the data files. This property
is set to true when Impala creates the Iceberg table via <codeph>CREATE TABLE</codeph>.
When <codeph>CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE</codeph> is used (the table already exists in some
catalog) then this <codeph>external.table.purge</codeph> is set to false, i.e.
<codeph>DROP TABLE</codeph> doesn't remove any files, only the table definition
in HMS.
<concept id="iceberg_types">
<title>Supported Data Types for Iceberg Columns</title>
You can get information about the supported Iceberg data types in
<xref href="" scope="external" format="html">
the Iceberg spec</xref>.
The Iceberg data types can be mapped to the following SQL types in Impala:
<table rowsep="1" colsep="1" id="iceberg_types_sql_types">
<tgroup cols="2">
<colspec colname="c1" colnum="1"/>
<colspec colname="c2" colnum="2"/>
<entry>Iceberg type</entry>
<entry>SQL type in Impala</entry>
<entry>decimal(P, S)</entry>
<entry>DECIMAL(P, S)</entry>
<entry>Not supported</entry>
<entry>Only read support via TIMESTAMP</entry>
<entry>Not supported</entry>
<entry>Not supported</entry>
<entry>Not supported</entry>
<entry>STRUCT (read only)</entry>
<entry>ARRAY (read only)</entry>
<entry>MAP (read only)</entry>
<concept id="iceberg_schema_evolution">
<title>Schema evolution of Iceberg tables</title>
Iceberg assigns unique field ids to schema elements which means it is possible
to reorder/delete/change columns and still be able to correctly read current and
old data files. Impala supports the following statements to modify a table's schema:
<li><codeph>ALTER TABLE ... RENAME TO ...</codeph> (renames the table if the Iceberg catalog supports it)</li>
<li><codeph>ALTER TABLE ... CHANGE COLUMN ...</codeph> (change name and type of a column iff the new type is compatible with the old type)</li>
<li><codeph>ALTER TABLE ... ADD COLUMNS ...</codeph> (adds columns to the end of the table)</li>
<li><codeph>ALTER TABLE ... DROP COLUMN ...</codeph></li>
Valid type promotions are:
<li>int to long</li>
<li>float to double</li>
<li>decimal(P, S) to decimal(P', S) if P' > P – widen the precision of decimal types.</li>
Impala currently does not support schema evolution for tables with AVRO file format.
<xref href="" scope="external" format="html">
schema evolution </xref> for more details.
<concept id="iceberg_partitioning">
<title>Partitioning Iceberg tables</title>
<xref href="" scope="external" format="html">
The Iceberg spec </xref> has information about partitioning Iceberg tables. With Iceberg,
we are not limited to value-based partitioning, we can also partition our tables via
several partition transforms.
Partition transforms are IDENTITY, BUCKET, TRUNCATE, YEAR, MONTH, DAY, HOUR, and VOID.
Impala supports all of these transforms. To create a partitioned Iceberg table, one
needs to add a <codeph>PARTITIONED BY SPEC</codeph> clause to the CREATE TABLE statement, e.g.:
Iceberg also supports
<xref href="" scope="external" format="html">
partition evolution</xref> which means that the partitioning of a table can be changed, even
without the need of rewriting existing data files. You can change an existing table's
partitioning via an <codeph>ALTER TABLE SET PARTITION SPEC</codeph> statement, e.g.:
Please keep in mind that for Iceberg V1 tables:
<li>Do not reorder partition fields</li>
<li>Do not drop partition fields; instead replace the field’s transform with the void transform</li>
<li>Only add partition fields at the end of the previous partition spec</li>
You can also use the legacy syntax to create identity-partitioned Iceberg tables:
One can inspect a table's partition spec by the <codeph>SHOW PARTITIONS</codeph> or
<codeph>SHOW CREATE TABLE</codeph> commands.
<concept id="iceberg_inserts">
<title>Inserting data into Iceberg tables</title>
Impala is also able to insert new data to Iceberg tables. Currently the <codeph>INSERT INTO</codeph>
and <codeph>INSERT OVERWRITE</codeph> DML statements are supported. One can also remove the
contents of an Iceberg table via the <codeph>TRUNCATE</codeph> command.
Since Iceberg uses hidden partitioning it means you don't need a partition clause in your INSERT
statements. E.g. insertion to a partitioned table looks like:
INSERT INTO ice_p VALUES (1, 2);
<codeph>INSERT OVERWRITE</codeph> statements can replace data in the table with the result of a query.
For partitioned tables Impala does a dynamic overwrite, which means partitions that have rows produced
by the SELECT query will be replaced. And partitions that have no rows produced by the SELECT query
remain untouched. INSERT OVERWRITE is not allowed for tables that use the BUCKET partition transform
because dynamic overwrite behavior would be too random in this case. If one needs to replace all
contents of a table, they can still use <codeph>TRUNCATE</codeph> and <codeph>INSERT INTO</codeph>.
Impala can only write Iceberg tables with Parquet data files.
<concept id="iceberg_delete">
<title>Delete data from Iceberg tables</title>
Since <keyword keyref="impala43"/> Impala is able to run <codeph>DELETE</codeph> statements against
Iceberg V2 tables. E.g.:
DELETE FROM ice_t where i = 3;
More information about the <codeph>DELETE</codeph> statement can be found at <xref href="impala_delete.xml#delete"/>.
<concept id="iceberg_update">
<title>Updating data int Iceberg tables</title>
Since <keyword keyref="impala44"/> Impala is able to run <codeph>UPDATE</codeph> statements against
Iceberg V2 tables. E.g.:
UPDATE ice_t SET val = val + 1;
UPDATE ice_t SET k = 4 WHERE i = 5;
UPDATE ice_t SET ice_t.k = o.k, ice_t.j = o.j, FROM ice_t, other_table o where =;
The UPDATE FROM statement can be used to update a target Iceberg table based on a source table (or view) that doesn't need
to be an Iceberg table. If there are multiple matches on the JOIN condition, Impala will raise an error.
<li>Only the merge-on-read update mode is supported.</li>
<li>Only writes position delete files, i.e. no support for writing equality deletes.</li>
<li>Cannot update tables with complex types.</li>
Can only write data and delete files in Parquet format. This means if table properties 'write.format.default'
and 'write.delete.format.default' are set, their values must be PARQUET.
Updating partitioning column with non-constant expression via the UPDATE FROM statement is not allowed.
The upcoming MERGE statement will not have this limitation.
More information about the <codeph>UPDATE</codeph> statement can be found at <xref href="impala_update.xml#update"/>.
<concept id="iceberg_load">
<title>Loading data into Iceberg tables</title>
<codeph>LOAD DATA</codeph> statement can be used to load a single file or directory into
an existing Iceberg table. This operation is executed differently compared to HMS tables, the
data is being inserted into the table via sequentially executed statements, which has
some limitations:
<li>Only Parquet or ORC files can be loaded.</li>
<li><codeph>PARTITION</codeph> clause is not supported, but the partition transformations
are respected.</li>
<li>The loaded files will be re-written as Parquet files.</li>
<concept id="iceberg_optimize_table">
<title>Optimizing (Compacting) Iceberg tables</title>
Frequent updates and row-level modifications on Iceberg tables can write many small
data files and delete files, which have to be merged-on-read.
This causes read performance to degrade over time.
The following statement can be used to compact the table and optimize it for reading.
OPTIMIZE TABLE [<varname>db_name</varname>.]<varname>table_name</varname>;
The current implementation of the <codeph>OPTIMIZE TABLE</codeph> statement rewrites
the entire table, executing the following tasks:
<li>compact small files</li>
<li>merge delete and update deltas</li>
<li>rewrite all files, converting them to the latest table schema</li>
<li>rewrite all partitions according to the latest partition spec</li>
To execute table optimization:
<li>The user needs ALL privileges on the table.</li>
<li>The table can conatin any file formats that Impala can read, but <codeph>write.format.default</codeph>
has to be <codeph>parquet</codeph>.</li>
<li>The table cannot contain complex types.</li>
When a table is optimized, a new snapshot is created. The old table state is still
accessible by time travel to previous snapshots, because the rewritten data and
delete files are not removed physically.
Note that the current implementation of <codeph>OPTIMIZE TABLE</codeph> rewrites
the entire table, therefore this operation can take a long time to complete
depending on the size of the table.
<concept id="iceberg_time_travel">
<title>Time travel for Iceberg tables</title>
Iceberg stores the table states in a chain of snapshots. By default, Impala uses the current
snapshot of the table. But for Iceberg tables, it is also possible to query an earlier state of
the table.
We can use the <codeph>FOR SYSTEM_TIME AS OF</codeph> and <codeph>FOR SYSTEM_VERSION AS OF</codeph>
clauses in <codeph>SELECT</codeph> queries, e.g.:
SELECT * FROM ice_t FOR SYSTEM_TIME AS OF '2022-01-04 10:00:00';
SELECT * FROM ice_t FOR SYSTEM_TIME AS OF now() - interval 5 days;
If one needs to check the available snapshots of a table they can use the <codeph>DESCRIBE HISTORY</codeph>
statement with the following syntax:
DESCRIBE HISTORY [<varname>db_name</varname>.]<varname>table_name</varname>
[FROM <varname>timestamp</varname>];
DESCRIBE HISTORY [<varname>db_name</varname>.]<varname>table_name</varname>
[BETWEEN <varname>timestamp</varname> AND <varname>timestamp</varname>]
For example:
DESCRIBE HISTORY ice_t FROM '2022-01-04 10:00:00';
DESCRIBE HISTORY ice_t FROM now() - interval 5 days;
DESCRIBE HISTORY ice_t BETWEEN '2022-01-04 10:00:00' AND '2022-01-05 10:00:00';
The output of the <codeph>DESCRIBE HISTORY</codeph> statement is formed
of the following columns:
<li><codeph>creation_time</codeph>: the snapshot's creation timestamp.</li>
<li><codeph>snapshot_id</codeph>: the snapshot's ID or null.</li>
<li><codeph>parent_id</codeph>: the snapshot's parent ID or null.</li>
<li><codeph>is_current_ancestor</codeph>: TRUE if the snapshot is a current ancestor of the table.</li>
<p rev="4.3.0 IMPALA-10893">
Please note that time travel queries are executed using the old schema of the table
from the point specified by the time travel parameters.
Prior to Impala 4.3.0 the current table schema is used to query an older
snapshot of the table, which might have had a different schema in the past.
<concept id="iceberg_execute_rollback">
<title>Rolling Iceberg tables back to a previous state</title>
Iceberg table modifications cause new table snapshots to be created;
these snapshots represent an earlier version of the table.
The <codeph>ALTER TABLE [<varname>db_name</varname>.]<varname>table_name</varname> EXECUTE ROLLBACK</codeph>
statement can be used to roll back the table to a previous snapshot.
For example, to roll the table back to the snapshot id <codeph>123456</codeph> use:
To roll the table back to the most recent (newest) snapshot
that has a creation timestamp that is older than the timestamp '2022-01-04 10:00:00' use:
ALTER TABLE ice_tbl EXECUTE ROLLBACK('2022-01-04 10:00:00');
The timestamp is evaluated using the Timezone for the current session.
It is only possible to roll back to a snapshot that is a current ancestor of the table.
When a table is rolled back to a snapshot, a new snapshot is
created with the same snapshot id, but with a new creation timestamp.
<concept id="iceberg_expire_snapshots">
<title>Expiring snapshots</title>
Iceberg snapshots accumulate until they are deleted by a user action. Snapshots
can be deleted with <codeph>ALTER TABLE ... EXECUTE expire_snapshots(...)</codeph>
statement, which will expire snapshots that are older than the specified
timestamp. For example:
ALTER TABLE ice_tbl EXECUTE expire_snapshots('2022-01-04 10:00:00');
ALTER TABLE ice_tbl EXECUTE expire_snapshots(now() - interval 5 days);
Expire snapshots:
<li>does not remove old metadata files by default.</li>
<li>does not remove orphaned data files.</li>
<li>respects the minimum number of snapshots to keep:
<codeph>history.expire.min-snapshots-to-keep</codeph> table property.</li>
Old metadata file clean up can be configured with
<codeph>write.metadata.delete-after-commit.enabled=true</codeph> and
<codeph>write.metadata.previous-versions-max</codeph> table properties. This
allows automatic metadata file removal after operations that modify metadata
such as expiring snapshots or inserting data.
<concept id="iceberg_metadata_tables">
<title>Iceberg metadata tables</title>
Iceberg stores extensive metadata for each table (e.g. snapshots, manifests, data
and delete files etc.), which is accessible in Impala in the form of virtual
tables called metadata tables.
Metadata tables can be queried just like regular tables, including filtering,
aggregation and joining with other metadata and regular tables. On the other hand,
they are read-only, so it is not possible to change, add or remove records from
them, they cannot be dropped and new metadata tables cannot be created. Metadata
changes made in other ways (not through metadata tables) are reflected in the
To list the metadata tables available for an Iceberg table, use the <codeph>SHOW
METADATA TABLES</codeph> command:
SHOW METADATA TABLES IN [db.]tbl [[LIKE] “pattern”]
It is possible to filter the result using <codeph>pattern</codeph>. All Iceberg
tables have the same metadata tables, so this command is mostly for convenience.
Using <codeph>SHOW METADATA TABLES</codeph> on a non-Iceberg table results in an
Just like regular tables, metadata tables have schemas that can be queried with
the <codeph>DESCRIBE</codeph> command. Note, however, that <codeph>DESCRIBE
FORMATTED|EXTENDED</codeph> are not available for metadata tables.
DESCRIBE functional_parquet.iceberg_alltypes_part.history;
To retrieve information from metadata tables, use the usual
<codeph>SELECT</codeph> statement. You can select any subset of the columns or all
of them using ‘*’. Note that in contrast to regular tables, <codeph>SELECT
*</codeph> on metadata tables always includes complex-typed columns in the result.
Therefore, the query option <codeph>EXPAND_COMPLEX_TYPES</codeph> only applies to
regular tables. This holds also in queries that mix metadata tables and regular
tables: for <codeph>SELECT *</codeph> expressions from metadata tables, complex
types will always be included, and for <codeph>SELECT *</codeph> expressions from
regular tables, complex types will be included if and only if
<codeph>EXPAND_COMPLEX_TYPES</codeph> is true.
Note that unnesting collections from metadata tables is not supported.
FROM functional_parquet.iceberg_alltypes_part.history h
JOIN functional_parquet.iceberg_alltypes_part.snapshots s
ON h.snapshot_id = s.snapshot_id
WHERE s.operation = 'append'
ORDER BY made_current_at;
<concept id="iceberg_table_cloning">
<title>Cloning Iceberg tables (LIKE clause)</title>
Use <codeph>CREATE TABLE ... LIKE ...</codeph> to create an empty Iceberg table
based on the definition of another Iceberg table, including any column attributes in
the original table:
CREATE TABLE new_ice_tbl LIKE orig_ice_tbl;
Because of the Data Types of Iceberg and Impala do not correspond one by one, Impala
can only clone between Iceberg tables.
<concept id="iceberg_table_properties">
<title>Iceberg table properties</title>
We can set the following table properties for Iceberg tables:
<codeph>iceberg.catalog</codeph>: controls which catalog is used for this Iceberg table.
It can be 'hive.catalog' (default), 'hadoop.catalog', 'hadoop.tables', or a name that
identifies a catalog defined in the Hadoop configurations, e.g. hive-site.xml
<li><codeph>iceberg.catalog_location</codeph>: Iceberg table catalog location when <codeph>iceberg.catalog</codeph> is <codeph>'hadoop.catalog'</codeph></li>
<li><codeph>iceberg.table_identifier</codeph>: Iceberg table identifier. We use &lt;database&gt;.&lt;table&gt; instead if this property is not set</li>
<li><codeph>write.format.default</codeph>: data file format of the table. Impala can read AVRO, ORC and PARQUET data files in Iceberg tables, and can write PARQUET data files only.</li>
Parquet compression codec. Supported values are: NONE, GZIP, SNAPPY
(default value), LZ4, ZSTD. The table property will be ignored if
<codeph>COMPRESSION_CODEC</codeph> query option is set.
Parquet compression level. Used with ZSTD compression only.
Supported range is [1, 22]. Default value is 3. The table property
will be ignored if <codeph>COMPRESSION_CODEC</codeph> query option is set.
Parquet row group size in bytes. Supported range is [8388608,
2146435072] (8MB - 2047MB). The table property will be ignored if
<codeph>PARQUET_FILE_SIZE</codeph> query option is set.
If neither the table property nor the <codeph>PARQUET_FILE_SIZE</codeph> query option
is set, the way Impala calculates row group size will remain
Parquet page size in bytes. Used for PLAIN encoding. Supported range
is [65536, 1073741824] (64KB - 1GB).
If the table property is unset, the way Impala calculates page size
will remain unchanged.
Parquet dictionary page size in bytes. Used for dictionary encoding.
Supported range is [65536, 1073741824] (64KB - 1GB).
If the table property is unset, the way Impala calculates dictionary
page size will remain unchanged.
<concept id="iceberg_manifest_caching">
<title>Iceberg manifest caching</title>
Starting from version 1.1.0, Apache Iceberg provides a mechanism to cache the
contents of Iceberg manifest files in memory. This manifest caching feature helps
to reduce repeated reads of small Iceberg manifest files from remote storage by
Coordinators and Catalogd. This feature can be enabled for Impala Coordinators and
Catalogd by setting properties in Hadoop's core-site.xml as in the following:
The description of each property is as follows:
<codeph></codeph>: custom FileIO implementation to use in a
catalog. Must be set to enable manifest caching. Impala defaults to
HadoopFileIO. It is recommended to not change this to other than HadoopFileIO.
<codeph></codeph>: enable/disable the
manifest caching feature.
<codeph></codeph>: maximum total
amount of bytes to cache in the manifest cache. Must be a positive value.
<codeph></codeph>: maximum
duration for which an entry stays in the manifest cache. Must be a
non-negative value. Setting zero means cache entries expire only if it gets
evicted due to memory pressure from
<codeph></codeph>: maximum length
of a manifest file to be considered for caching in bytes. Manifest files with
a length exceeding this property value will not be cached. Must be set with a
positive value and lower than
Manifest caching only works for tables that are loaded with either of
HadoopCatalogs or HiveCatalogs. Individual HadoopCatalog and HiveCatalog will have
separate manifest caches with the same configuration. By default, only 8 catalogs
can have their manifest cache active in memory. This number can be raised by
setting a higher value in the java system property