blob: bc67f02d8120bfb12b03550ebf2f8bc5757bda54 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
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// under the License.
package org.apache.impala.analysis;
import org.apache.impala.analysis.AnalysisContext.AnalysisResult;
import org.apache.impala.common.AnalysisException;
import org.apache.impala.common.ImpalaException;
import org.apache.impala.common.RuntimeEnv;
import org.apache.impala.rewrite.EqualityDisjunctsToInRule;
import org.apache.impala.rewrite.ExprRewriteRule;
import org.apache.impala.rewrite.ExprRewriter;
import org.apache.impala.thrift.TQueryOptions;
import org.junit.Assert;
import org.junit.Test;
import static org.apache.impala.analysis.ToSqlOptions.DEFAULT;
import static org.apache.impala.analysis.ToSqlOptions.REWRITTEN;
import static org.apache.impala.analysis.ToSqlOptions.SHOW_IMPLICIT_CASTS;
* Tests that the ExprRewriter framework covers all clauses as well as nested statements.
* It also tests some specific rewrite rules.
public class ExprRewriterTest extends AnalyzerTest {
* Replaces any Expr that does not contain a Subquery with a TRUE BoolLiteral.
static class ExprToBoolRule implements ExprRewriteRule {
public static ExprToBoolRule INSTANCE = new ExprToBoolRule();
public Expr apply(Expr expr, Analyzer analyzer) throws AnalysisException {
if (expr.contains(Subquery.class)) return expr;
if (Expr.IS_TRUE_LITERAL.apply(expr)) return expr;
return new BoolLiteral(true);
private ExprToBoolRule() {}
* Replaces a TRUE BoolLiteral with a FALSE BoolLiteral.
static class TrueToFalseRule implements ExprRewriteRule {
public static TrueToFalseRule INSTANCE = new TrueToFalseRule();
public Expr apply(Expr expr, Analyzer analyzer) throws AnalysisException {
if (Expr.IS_TRUE_LITERAL.apply(expr)) return new BoolLiteral(false);
return expr;
private TrueToFalseRule() {}
private final ExprRewriter exprToTrue_ = new ExprRewriter(ExprToBoolRule.INSTANCE);
private final ExprRewriter trueToFalse_ = new ExprRewriter(TrueToFalseRule.INSTANCE);
* Analyzes 'stmt' and rewrites Exprs with 'exprToTrue_' and validates the following:
* 1. The actual number of changed Exprs should be equal to 'expectedNumChanges'.
* 2. Checks that the Exprs were actually rewritten by doing another round of
* rewriting using 'trueToFalse_'. The expected number of changes for this
* second rewriting is 'expectedNumExprTrees'.
* Does not use an AnalysisContext to avoid rewriting subqueries which might alter the
* number of expressions and complicate validation.
public void RewritesOk(String stmt, int expectedNumChanges,
int expectedNumExprTrees) throws ImpalaException {
// Analyze without rewrites since that's what we want to test here.
StatementBase parsedStmt = (StatementBase) ParsesOk(stmt);
Assert.assertEquals(expectedNumChanges, exprToTrue_.getNumChanges());
// Verify that the Exprs were actually replaced.
Assert.assertEquals(expectedNumExprTrees, trueToFalse_.getNumChanges());
// Make sure the stmt can be successfully re-analyzed.
* Asserts that no rewrites are performed on the given stmt.
public void CheckNoRewrite(String stmt) throws ImpalaException {
AnalysisContext analysisCtx = createAnalysisCtx();
AnalysisResult result = parseAndAnalyze(stmt, analysisCtx);
Assert.assertEquals(0, exprToTrue_.getNumChanges());
// Select statement with all clauses that has 11 rewritable Expr trees.
// We expect a total of 23 exprs to be changed.
private final String stmt_ =
"select a.int_col a, 10 b, 20.2 c, count(b.int_col) cnt from " +
"functional.alltypes a join functional.alltypes b on ( =" +
"where b.float_col > 1 and b.double_col > 2 " +
"group by 1, a.string_col " +
"having count(b.int_col) < 3 " +
"order by a.int_col, 4 limit 10";
public void TestQueryStmts() throws ImpalaException {
RewritesOk(stmt_, 23, 11);
// Test rewriting in inline views. The view stmt is the same as the query above
// but with an order by + limit. Expanded star exprs are not rewritten.
RewritesOk("select * from (" + stmt_ + ") v", 23, 11);
// Test union, 11 + 11 + 1 rewritable Expr trees.
RewritesOk(String.format("%s union all (%s) order by cnt", stmt_, stmt_), 47, 23);
// Test union inside an inline view.
RewritesOk(String.format("select * from (%s union all (%s) order by cnt limit 10) v",
stmt_, stmt_), 47, 23);
// Constant select.
RewritesOk("select 1, 2, 3, 4", 4, 4);
// Values stmt.
RewritesOk("values(1, '2', 3, 4.1), (1, '2', 3, 4.1)", 8, 8);
// Test WHERE-clause subqueries.
RewritesOk("select id, int_col from functional.alltypes a " +
"where exists (select 1 from functional.alltypes " +
"where string_col = 'test' having count(*) < 10)", 9, 5);
RewritesOk("select id, int_col from functional.alltypes a " +
"where in (select count(*) from functional.alltypes " +
"where string_col = 'test' having count(*) < 10)", 10, 6);
public void TestDdlStmts() throws ImpalaException {
RewritesOk("create table ctas_test as " + stmt_, 23, 11);
// Create/alter view stmts are not rewritten to preserve the original SQL.
CheckNoRewrite("create view view_test as " + stmt_);
CheckNoRewrite("alter view functional.alltypes_view as " + stmt_);
public void TestDmlStmts() throws ImpalaException {
// Insert.
RewritesOk("insert into functional.alltypes (id, int_col, float_col, bigint_col) " +
"partition(year=2009,month=10) " + stmt_, 23, 11);
if (RuntimeEnv.INSTANCE.isKuduSupported()) {
// Update.
RewritesOk("update t2 set name = 'test' from " +
"functional.alltypes t1 join functional_kudu.dimtbl t2 on ( = " +
"where < 10", 10, 5);
RewritesOk("update functional_kudu.dimtbl set name = 'test', zip = 4711 " +
"where exists (" + stmt_ + ")", 28, 16);
// Delete.
RewritesOk("delete a from " +
"functional_kudu.testtbl a join functional.testtbl b on =", 4, 2);
RewritesOk("delete functional_kudu.testtbl where exists (" + stmt_ + ")", 24, 12);
* construct an in-list: string_col in [offset ... offset + length)
private void CreateInList(int offset, int length, StringBuilder stmtSb) {
stmtSb.append("string_col in(");
for (int j = 0; j < length - 1; ++j) {
stmtSb.append("'c").append(offset + j).append("',");
stmtSb.append("'c").append(offset + length - 1).append("')");
private void CheckNumChangesByEqualityDisjunctsToInRule(
String stmt, int expectedNumChanges) throws ImpalaException {
StatementBase parsedStmt = (StatementBase) ParsesOk(stmt);
ExprRewriter rewriter = new ExprRewriter(EqualityDisjunctsToInRule.INSTANCE);
Assert.assertEquals(expectedNumChanges, rewriter.getNumChanges());
public void TestEqualityDisjunctsToInRuleSizeLimit() throws ImpalaException {
String stmtPrefix = "select count(*) from functional.alltypes where ( ";
// Test that EqualityDisjunctsToInRule doesn't create an expr with a number of
// children exceeding the limit.
// Create a disjunct with 2 in-lists of length Expr.EXPR_CHILDREN_LIMIT - 1.
StringBuilder stmtSb = new StringBuilder(stmtPrefix);
for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i) {
int offset = (Expr.EXPR_CHILDREN_LIMIT - 1) * i;
CreateInList(offset, Expr.EXPR_CHILDREN_LIMIT - 1, stmtSb);
if (i != 1) stmtSb.append(" or ");
CheckNumChangesByEqualityDisjunctsToInRule(stmtSb.toString(), 0);
// Create a disjunct with an in-list of length Expr.EXPR_CHILDREN_LIMIT - 1 and a
// EQ predicate.
StringBuilder stmtSb = new StringBuilder(stmtPrefix);
CreateInList(0, Expr.EXPR_CHILDREN_LIMIT - 1, stmtSb);
stmtSb.append("or string_col='").append(Expr.EXPR_CHILDREN_LIMIT - 1).append("')");
CheckNumChangesByEqualityDisjunctsToInRule(stmtSb.toString(), 0);
// Create a disjunct with an in-list of length Expr.EXPR_CHILDREN_LIMIT - 2 and 2
// EQ predicates.
StringBuilder stmtSb = new StringBuilder(stmtPrefix);
CreateInList(0, Expr.EXPR_CHILDREN_LIMIT - 2, stmtSb);
stmtSb.append("or string_col='").append(Expr.EXPR_CHILDREN_LIMIT - 2)
.append("' or string_col='").append(Expr.EXPR_CHILDREN_LIMIT - 1).append("')");
CheckNumChangesByEqualityDisjunctsToInRule(stmtSb.toString(), 1);
public void TestToSql() {
TQueryOptions options = new TQueryOptions();
AnalysisContext ctx = createAnalysisCtx(options);
// Test query rewrites.
assertToSql(ctx, "select 1 + 1", "SELECT 1 + 1", "SELECT 2");
"select (case when true then 1 else id end) from functional.alltypes " +
"union " +
"select 1 + 1",
"SELECT (CASE WHEN TRUE THEN 1 ELSE id END) FROM functional.alltypes " +
"UNION " +
"SELECT 1 + 1",
"SELECT 1 FROM functional.alltypes UNION SELECT 2");
"values(1, '2', 3, 4.1), (1, '2', 3, 4.1)",
"VALUES((1, '2', 3, 4.1), (1, '2', 3, 4.1))",
"SELECT 1, '2', 3, 4.1 UNION ALL SELECT 1, '2', 3, 4.1");
"select case when 1 = 1 then 1 else 2.0 end from functional.alltypes",
"SELECT CASE WHEN 1 = 1 THEN 1 ELSE 2.0 END FROM functional.alltypes",
"SELECT 1.0 FROM functional.alltypes");
"select case when false then 1.0 else 2 end from functional.alltypes",
"SELECT CASE WHEN FALSE THEN 1.0 ELSE 2 END FROM functional.alltypes",
"SELECT 2.0 FROM functional.alltypes");
"select * from functional.alltypes where case " +
"when true = true then year < 2019 " +
"when false then year > 2010 end",
"SELECT * FROM functional.alltypes WHERE CASE " +
"WHEN TRUE = TRUE THEN `year` < 2019 " +
"WHEN FALSE THEN `year` > 2010 END",
"SELECT * FROM functional.alltypes WHERE `year` < 2019");
// Test subquery rewrites.
assertToSql(ctx, "select * from (" +
"select * from functional.alltypes where id = (select 1 + 1)) a",
"SELECT * FROM (SELECT * FROM functional.alltypes WHERE id = (SELECT 1 + 1)) a",
"SELECT * FROM (SELECT * FROM functional.alltypes LEFT SEMI JOIN " +
"(SELECT 2) `$a$1` (`$c$1`) ON id = `$a$1`.`$c$1`) a");
"select * from (select * from functional.alltypes where id = (select 1 + 1)) a " +
"union " +
"select * from (select * from functional.alltypes where id = (select 1 + 1)) b",
"SELECT * FROM (SELECT * FROM functional.alltypes WHERE id = (SELECT 1 + 1)) a " +
"UNION " +
"SELECT * FROM (SELECT * FROM functional.alltypes WHERE id = (SELECT 1 + 1)) b",
"SELECT * FROM (SELECT * FROM functional.alltypes LEFT SEMI JOIN (SELECT 2) " +
"`$a$1` (`$c$1`) ON id = `$a$1`.`$c$1`) a " +
"UNION " +
"SELECT * FROM (SELECT * FROM functional.alltypes LEFT SEMI JOIN (SELECT 2) " +
"`$a$1` (`$c$1`) ON id = `$a$1`.`$c$1`) b");
assertToSql(ctx, "select * from " +
"(select (case when true then 1 else id end) from functional.alltypes " +
"union select 1 + 1) v",
"FROM functional.alltypes UNION SELECT 1 + 1) v",
"SELECT * FROM (SELECT 1 FROM functional.alltypes " +
// Test CTAS rewrites.
"create table ctas_test as select 1 + 1",
"CREATE TABLE default.ctas_test\n" +
" AS SELECT 1 + 1",
"CREATE TABLE default.ctas_test\n" +
" AS SELECT 2");
// Test DML rewrites.
// Insert
"insert into functional.alltypes(id) partition(year=2009, month=10) " +
"select 1 + 1",
"INSERT INTO TABLE functional.alltypes(id) " +
"PARTITION (`year`=2009, `month`=10) SELECT 1 + 1",
"INSERT INTO TABLE functional.alltypes(id) " +
"PARTITION (`year`=2009, `month`=10) SELECT 2");
if (RuntimeEnv.INSTANCE.isKuduSupported()) {
// Update.
"update functional_kudu.alltypes "
+ "set string_col = 'test' where id = (select 1 + 1)",
"UPDATE functional_kudu.alltypes SET string_col = 'test' "
+ "FROM functional_kudu.alltypes WHERE id = (SELECT 1 + 1)",
"UPDATE functional_kudu.alltypes SET string_col = 'test' "
+ "FROM functional_kudu.alltypes LEFT SEMI JOIN (SELECT 2) `$a$1` (`$c$1`) "
+ "ON id = `$a$1`.`$c$1` WHERE id = (SELECT 2)");
// Delete
"delete functional_kudu.alltypes "
+ "where id = (select 1 + 1)",
"DELETE FROM functional_kudu.alltypes "
+ "WHERE id = (SELECT 1 + 1)",
"DELETE functional_kudu.alltypes "
+ "FROM functional_kudu.alltypes LEFT SEMI JOIN (SELECT 2) `$a$1` (`$c$1`) "
+ "ON id = `$a$1`.`$c$1` WHERE id = (SELECT 2)");
// We don't do any rewrite for WITH clause.
StatementBase stmt = (StatementBase) AnalyzesOk("with t as (select 1 + 1) " +
"select id from functional.alltypes union select id from functional.alltypesagg",
Assert.assertEquals(stmt.toSql(), stmt.toSql());
* Test printing of implicit casts
public void TestToSqlWithImplicitCasts() {
TQueryOptions options = new TQueryOptions();
AnalysisContext ctx = createAnalysisCtx(options);
"select * from functional_kudu.alltypestiny where bigint_col < "
+ "1000 / 100",
"SELECT * FROM functional_kudu.alltypestiny WHERE "
+ "CAST(bigint_col AS DOUBLE) < CAST(10 AS DOUBLE)");
"select float_col + 1.1 from functional.alltypestiny",
"SELECT CAST(float_col AS DECIMAL(38,9)) + CAST(1.1 AS DECIMAL(2,1)) "
+ "FROM functional.alltypestiny");
ctx, "select cast(2 as bigint)", "SELECT CAST(2 AS BIGINT)");
assertToSqlWithImplicitCasts(ctx, "select cast(2 as decimal(38,37))",
"SELECT CAST(2.0000000000000000000000000000000000000 AS DECIMAL(38,37))");
assertToSqlWithImplicitCasts(ctx, "select d1 - 1.1 from functional.decimal_tbl",
"SELECT d1 - CAST(1.1 AS DECIMAL(2,1)) FROM functional.decimal_tbl");
assertToSqlWithImplicitCasts(ctx, "select * from functional.date_tbl "
+ "where date_col = '2017-11-28'",
"SELECT * FROM functional.date_tbl "
+ "WHERE date_col = DATE '2017-11-28'");
assertToSqlWithImplicitCasts(ctx, "select * from functional.alltypes, "
+ "functional.date_tbl where timestamp_col = date_col",
"SELECT * FROM functional.alltypes, functional.date_tbl "
+ "WHERE timestamp_col = CAST(date_col AS TIMESTAMP)");
assertToSqlWithImplicitCasts(ctx, "select round(1.2345, 2) * pow(10, 10)",
"SELECT CAST(12300000000 AS DOUBLE)");
"select * from functional.alltypes where "
+ "double_col in (int_col, bigint_col)",
"SELECT * FROM functional.alltypes WHERE double_col IN "
+ "(CAST(int_col AS DOUBLE), CAST(bigint_col AS DOUBLE))");
"select * from functional.alltypes "
+ "where double_col between smallint_col and int_col",
"SELECT * FROM functional.alltypes WHERE double_col >= "
+ "CAST(smallint_col AS DOUBLE) AND double_col <= CAST(int_col AS DOUBLE)");
"select * from "
+ "(select 10 as i, 2 as j, 2013 as s) as t "
+ "where t.i < 10",
+ "CAST(2013 AS SMALLINT) s) t "
+ "WHERE t.i < CAST(10 AS TINYINT)");
"select * from (select id, int_col, year, sum(int_col) "
+ " over(partition by year order by id) as s from functional.alltypes) v "
+ " where year = 2009 and id = 1 and"
+ " int_col < 10 and s = 4",
"SELECT * FROM (SELECT id, int_col, `year`, sum(int_col)"
+ " OVER (PARTITION BY `year` ORDER BY id ASC) s FROM functional.alltypes) v"
+ " WHERE `year` = CAST(2009 AS INT) AND id = CAST(1 AS INT) AND"
+ " int_col < CAST(10 AS INT) AND s = CAST(4 AS BIGINT)");
"select * from functional.alltypes where "
+ "int_col = 1 or int_col = 2 "
+ "or tinyint_col > 5 AND "
+ "(float_col = 5 or double_col = 6)",
"SELECT * FROM functional.alltypes WHERE "
+ "int_col IN (CAST(1 AS INT), CAST(2 AS INT)) "
+ "OR tinyint_col > CAST(5 AS TINYINT) AND "
+ "(float_col = CAST(5 AS FLOAT) OR double_col = CAST(6 AS DOUBLE))");
checkNumericLiteralCasts(ctx, "tinyint_col", "1", "TINYINT");
checkNumericLiteralCasts(ctx, "smallint_col", "1", "TINYINT");
checkNumericLiteralCasts(ctx, "smallint_col", "1000", "SMALLINT");
checkNumericLiteralCasts(ctx, "int_col", "1", "TINYINT");
checkNumericLiteralCasts(ctx, "int_col", "1000", "SMALLINT");
checkNumericLiteralCasts(ctx, "int_col", "1000000", "INT");
checkNumericLiteralCasts(ctx, "bigint_col", "1", "TINYINT");
checkNumericLiteralCasts(ctx, "bigint_col", "1000", "SMALLINT");
checkNumericLiteralCasts(ctx, "bigint_col", "1000000", "INT");
checkNumericLiteralCasts(ctx, "bigint_col", "10000000000", "BIGINT");
checkNumericLiteralCasts(ctx, "float_col", "1", "TINYINT");
checkNumericLiteralCasts(ctx, "float_col", "1.0", "DECIMAL(2,1)");
checkNumericLiteralCasts(ctx, "float_col", "100000.001", "DECIMAL(9,3)");
checkNumericLiteralCasts(ctx, "double_col", "1", "TINYINT");
checkNumericLiteralCasts(ctx, "double_col", "1.0", "DECIMAL(2,1)");
checkNumericLiteralCasts(ctx, "double_col", "100000.001", "DECIMAL(9,3)");
* Generate an insert query into a column and check that the toSql() with implicit casts
* looks as expected.
* columnName is the name of a column in functional.alltypesnopart.
* data is the literal value to insert.
* castColumn is the type to which the literal is expected to be cast.
private void checkNumericLiteralCasts(
AnalysisContext ctx, String columnName, String data, String castColumn) {
String query = "insert into table functional.alltypesnopart (" + columnName + ") "
+ "values(" + data + ")";
String expectedToSql = "INSERT INTO TABLE "
+ "functional.alltypesnopart(" + columnName + ") "
+ "SELECT CAST(" + data + " AS " + castColumn + ")"
+ " UNION "
+ "SELECT CAST(" + data + " AS " + castColumn + ")";
assertToSqlWithImplicitCasts(ctx, query, expectedToSql);
private void assertToSql(AnalysisContext ctx, String query, String expectedToSql,
String expectedToRewrittenSql) {
StatementBase stmt = (StatementBase) AnalyzesOk(query, ctx);
Assert.assertEquals(expectedToSql, stmt.toSql(DEFAULT));
Assert.assertEquals(expectedToSql, stmt.toSql());
Assert.assertEquals(expectedToRewrittenSql, stmt.toSql(REWRITTEN));
private void assertToSqlWithImplicitCasts(
AnalysisContext ctx, String query, String expectedToSqlWithImplicitCasts) {
StatementBase stmt = (StatementBase) AnalyzesOk(query, ctx);
String actual = stmt.toSql(SHOW_IMPLICIT_CASTS);
Assert.assertEquals("Bad sql with implicit casts from original query:\n" + query,
expectedToSqlWithImplicitCasts, actual);