blob: 1521d41737219364c9837d344774b34259abae67 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
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// under the License.
#include "runtime/mem-tracker.h"
#include <boost/algorithm/string/join.hpp>
#include <boost/lexical_cast.hpp>
#include <gperftools/malloc_extension.h>
#include <gutil/strings/substitute.h>
#include "runtime/bufferpool/reservation-tracker-counters.h"
#include "runtime/exec-env.h"
#include "runtime/runtime-state.h"
#include "util/debug-util.h"
#include "util/mem-info.h"
#include "util/metrics.h"
#include "util/pretty-printer.h"
#include "util/test-info.h"
#include "util/uid-util.h"
#include "util/container-util.h"
#include "common/names.h"
using boost::algorithm::join;
using std::priority_queue;
using std::greater;
using namespace strings;
DEFINE_double_hidden(soft_mem_limit_frac, 0.9, "(Advanced) Soft memory limit as a "
"fraction of hard memory limit.");
namespace impala {
const string MemTracker::COUNTER_NAME = "PeakMemoryUsage";
// Name for request pool MemTrackers. '$0' is replaced with the pool name.
const string REQUEST_POOL_MEM_TRACKER_LABEL_FORMAT = "RequestPool=$0";
/// Calculate the soft limit for a MemTracker based on the hard limit 'limit'.
static int64_t CalcSoftLimit(int64_t limit) {
if (limit < 0) return -1;
double frac = max(0.0, min(1.0, FLAGS_soft_mem_limit_frac));
return static_cast<int64_t>(limit * frac);
MemTracker::MemTracker(int64_t byte_limit, const string& label, MemTracker* parent,
bool log_usage_if_zero, bool is_query_mem_tracker, const TUniqueId& query_id)
: is_query_mem_tracker_(is_query_mem_tracker),
limit_metric_(NULL) {
MemTracker::MemTracker(RuntimeProfile* profile, int64_t byte_limit,
const std::string& label, MemTracker* parent)
: limit_(byte_limit),
consumption_(profile->AddHighWaterMarkCounter(COUNTER_NAME, TUnit::BYTES)),
limit_metric_(NULL) {
MemTracker::MemTracker(IntGauge* consumption_metric,
int64_t byte_limit, const string& label, MemTracker* parent)
: limit_(byte_limit),
limit_metric_(NULL) {
void MemTracker::Init() {
DCHECK_GE(limit_, -1);
DCHECK_LE(soft_limit_, limit_);
if (parent_ != NULL) parent_->AddChildTracker(this);
// populate all_trackers_ and limit_trackers_
MemTracker* tracker = this;
while (tracker != NULL) {
if (tracker->has_limit()) limit_trackers_.push_back(tracker);
tracker = tracker->parent_;
DCHECK_GT(all_trackers_.size(), 0);
DCHECK_EQ(all_trackers_[0], this);
void MemTracker::AddChildTracker(MemTracker* tracker) {
lock_guard<SpinLock> l(child_trackers_lock_);
tracker->child_tracker_it_ = child_trackers_.insert(child_trackers_.end(), tracker);
void MemTracker::Close() {
if (closed_) return;
if (consumption_metric_ == nullptr) {
DCHECK_EQ(consumption_->current_value(), 0) << label_ << "\n"
<< GetStackTrace() << "\n"
closed_ = true;
void MemTracker::CloseAndUnregisterFromParent() {
lock_guard<SpinLock> l(parent_->child_trackers_lock_);
child_tracker_it_ = parent_->child_trackers_.end();
void MemTracker::EnableReservationReporting(const ReservationTrackerCounters& counters) {
delete reservation_counters_.Swap(new ReservationTrackerCounters(counters));
int64_t MemTracker::GetLowestLimit(MemLimit mode) const {
if (limit_trackers_.empty()) return -1;
int64_t min_limit = numeric_limits<int64_t>::max();
for (MemTracker* limit_tracker : limit_trackers_) {
min_limit = min(min_limit, limit_tracker->GetLimit(mode));
return min_limit;
int64_t MemTracker::SpareCapacity(MemLimit mode) const {
int64_t result = numeric_limits<int64_t>::max();
for (MemTracker* tracker : limit_trackers_) {
int64_t mem_left = tracker->GetLimit(mode) - tracker->consumption();
result = std::min(result, mem_left);
return result;
void MemTracker::RefreshConsumptionFromMetric() {
DCHECK(consumption_metric_ != nullptr);
int64_t MemTracker::GetPoolMemReserved() {
// Pool trackers should have a pool_name_ and no limit.
DCHECK_EQ(limit_, -1) << LogUsage(UNLIMITED_DEPTH);
int64_t mem_reserved = 0L;
lock_guard<SpinLock> l(child_trackers_lock_);
for (MemTracker* child : child_trackers_) {
int64_t child_limit = child->limit();
bool query_exec_finished = child->query_exec_finished_.Load() != 0;
if (child_limit > 0 && !query_exec_finished) {
// Make sure we don't overflow if the query limits are set to ridiculous values.
mem_reserved += std::min(child_limit, MemInfo::physical_mem());
} else {
DCHECK(query_exec_finished || child_limit == -1)
<< child->LogUsage(UNLIMITED_DEPTH);
mem_reserved += child->consumption();
return mem_reserved;
MemTracker* PoolMemTrackerRegistry::GetRequestPoolMemTracker(
const string& pool_name, bool create_if_not_present) {
lock_guard<SpinLock> l(pool_to_mem_trackers_lock_);
PoolTrackersMap::iterator it = pool_to_mem_trackers_.find(pool_name);
if (it != pool_to_mem_trackers_.end()) {
MemTracker* tracker = it->second.get();
DCHECK(pool_name == tracker->pool_name_);
return tracker;
if (!create_if_not_present) return nullptr;
// First time this pool_name registered, make a new object.
MemTracker* tracker =
new MemTracker(-1, Substitute(REQUEST_POOL_MEM_TRACKER_LABEL_FORMAT, pool_name),
tracker->pool_name_ = pool_name;
pool_to_mem_trackers_.emplace(pool_name, unique_ptr<MemTracker>(tracker));
return tracker;
MemTracker* MemTracker::CreateQueryMemTracker(const TUniqueId& id,
int64_t mem_limit, const string& pool_name, ObjectPool* obj_pool) {
if (mem_limit != -1) {
if (mem_limit > MemInfo::physical_mem()) {
LOG(WARNING) << "Memory limit " << PrettyPrinter::Print(mem_limit, TUnit::BYTES)
<< " exceeds physical memory of "
<< PrettyPrinter::Print(MemInfo::physical_mem(), TUnit::BYTES);
VLOG(2) << "Using query memory limit: "
<< PrettyPrinter::Print(mem_limit, TUnit::BYTES);
MemTracker* pool_tracker =
pool_name, true);
MemTracker* tracker = obj_pool->Add(new MemTracker(
mem_limit, Substitute("Query($0)", PrintId(id)), pool_tracker, true, true, id));
return tracker;
MemTracker::~MemTracker() {
// We should explicitly close MemTrackers in the context of a daemon process. It is ok
// if backend tests don't call Close() to make tests more concise.
if (TestInfo::is_test()) Close();
DCHECK(closed_) << label_;
delete reservation_counters_.Load();
void MemTracker::RegisterMetrics(MetricGroup* metrics, const string& prefix) {
num_gcs_metric_ = metrics->AddCounter(Substitute("$0.num-gcs", prefix), 0);
// TODO: Consider a total amount of bytes freed counter
bytes_freed_by_last_gc_metric_ = metrics->AddGauge(
Substitute("$0.bytes-freed-by-last-gc", prefix), -1);
bytes_over_limit_metric_ = metrics->AddGauge(
Substitute("$0.bytes-over-limit", prefix), -1);
limit_metric_ = metrics->AddGauge(Substitute("$0.limit", prefix), limit_);
void MemTracker::TransferTo(MemTracker* dst, int64_t bytes) {
DCHECK_EQ(all_trackers_.back(), dst->all_trackers_.back())
<< "Must have same root";
// Find the common ancestor and update trackers between 'this'/'dst' and
// the common ancestor. This logic handles all cases, including the
// two trackers being the same or being ancestors of each other because
// 'all_trackers_' includes the current tracker.
int ancestor_idx = all_trackers_.size() - 1;
int dst_ancestor_idx = dst->all_trackers_.size() - 1;
while (ancestor_idx > 0 && dst_ancestor_idx > 0
&& all_trackers_[ancestor_idx - 1] == dst->all_trackers_[dst_ancestor_idx - 1]) {
MemTracker* common_ancestor = all_trackers_[ancestor_idx];
ReleaseLocal(bytes, common_ancestor);
dst->ConsumeLocal(bytes, common_ancestor);
// Calling this on the query tracker results in output like:
// Query(4a4c81fedaed337d:4acadfda00000000) Limit=10.00 GB Total=508.28 MB Peak=508.45 MB
// Fragment 4a4c81fedaed337d:4acadfda00000000: Total=8.00 KB Peak=8.00 KB
// EXCHANGE_NODE (id=4): Total=0 Peak=0
// DataStreamRecvr: Total=0 Peak=0
// Block Manager: Limit=6.68 GB Total=394.00 MB Peak=394.00 MB
// Fragment 4a4c81fedaed337d:4acadfda00000006: Total=233.72 MB Peak=242.24 MB
// AGGREGATION_NODE (id=1): Total=139.21 MB Peak=139.84 MB
// HDFS_SCAN_NODE (id=0): Total=93.94 MB Peak=102.24 MB
// DataStreamSender (dst_id=2): Total=45.99 KB Peak=85.99 KB
// Fragment 4a4c81fedaed337d:4acadfda00000003: Total=274.55 MB Peak=274.62 MB
// AGGREGATION_NODE (id=3): Total=274.50 MB Peak=274.50 MB
// EXCHANGE_NODE (id=2): Total=0 Peak=0
// DataStreamRecvr: Total=45.91 KB Peak=684.07 KB
// DataStreamSender (dst_id=4): Total=680.00 B Peak=680.00 B
// If 'reservation_metrics_' are set, we ge a more granular breakdown:
// TrackerName: Limit=5.00 MB Reservation=5.00 MB OtherMemory=1.04 MB
// Total=6.04 MB Peak=6.45 MB
string MemTracker::LogUsage(int max_recursive_depth, const string& prefix,
int64_t* logged_consumption) {
// Make sure the consumption is up to date.
if (consumption_metric_ != nullptr) RefreshConsumptionFromMetric();
int64_t curr_consumption = consumption();
int64_t peak_consumption = consumption_->value();
if (logged_consumption != nullptr) *logged_consumption = curr_consumption;
if (!log_usage_if_zero_ && curr_consumption == 0) return "";
stringstream ss;
ss << prefix << label_ << ":";
if (CheckLimitExceeded(MemLimit::HARD)) ss << " memory limit exceeded.";
if (limit_ > 0) ss << " Limit=" << PrettyPrinter::Print(limit_, TUnit::BYTES);
ReservationTrackerCounters* reservation_counters = reservation_counters_.Load();
if (reservation_counters != nullptr) {
int64_t reservation = reservation_counters->peak_reservation->current_value();
ss << " Reservation=" << PrettyPrinter::Print(reservation, TUnit::BYTES);
if (reservation_counters->reservation_limit != nullptr) {
int64_t limit = reservation_counters->reservation_limit->value();
ss << " ReservationLimit=" << PrettyPrinter::Print(limit, TUnit::BYTES);
ss << " OtherMemory="
<< PrettyPrinter::Print(curr_consumption - reservation, TUnit::BYTES);
ss << " Total=" << PrettyPrinter::Print(curr_consumption, TUnit::BYTES);
// Peak consumption is not accurate if the metric is lazily updated (i.e.
// this is a non-root tracker that exists only for reporting purposes).
// Only report peak consumption if we actually call Consume()/Release() on
// this tracker or an descendent.
if (consumption_metric_ == nullptr || parent_ == nullptr) {
ss << " Peak=" << PrettyPrinter::Print(peak_consumption, TUnit::BYTES);
// This call does not need the children, so return early.
if (max_recursive_depth == 0) return ss.str();
// Recurse and get information about the children
string new_prefix = Substitute(" $0", prefix);
int64_t child_consumption;
string child_trackers_usage;
lock_guard<SpinLock> l(child_trackers_lock_);
child_trackers_usage = LogUsage(max_recursive_depth - 1, new_prefix,
child_trackers_, &child_consumption);
if (!child_trackers_usage.empty()) ss << "\n" << child_trackers_usage;
if (parent_ == nullptr) {
// Log the difference between the metric value and children as "untracked" memory so
// that the values always add up. This value is not always completely accurate because
// we did not necessarily get a consistent snapshot of the consumption values for all
// children at a single moment in time, but is good enough for our purposes.
int64_t untracked_bytes = curr_consumption - child_consumption;
ss << "\n"
<< new_prefix << "Untracked Memory: Total="
<< PrettyPrinter::Print(untracked_bytes, TUnit::BYTES);
return ss.str();
string MemTracker::LogUsage(int max_recursive_depth, const string& prefix,
const list<MemTracker*>& trackers, int64_t* logged_consumption) {
*logged_consumption = 0;
vector<string> usage_strings;
for (MemTracker* tracker : trackers) {
int64_t tracker_consumption;
string usage_string = tracker->LogUsage(max_recursive_depth, prefix,
if (!usage_string.empty()) usage_strings.push_back(usage_string);
*logged_consumption += tracker_consumption;
return join(usage_strings, "\n");
string MemTracker::LogTopNQueries(int limit) {
if (limit == 0) return "";
if (this->is_query_mem_tracker_) return LogUsage(0);
priority_queue<pair<int64_t, string>, vector<pair<int64_t, string>>,
std::greater<pair<int64_t, string>>>
GetTopNQueries(min_pq, limit);
vector<string> usage_strings(min_pq.size());
while (!min_pq.empty()) {
std::reverse(usage_strings.begin(), usage_strings.end());
return join(usage_strings, "\n");
void MemTracker::GetTopNQueries(
priority_queue<pair<int64_t, string>, vector<pair<int64_t, string>>,
greater<pair<int64_t, string>>>& min_pq,
int limit) {
lock_guard<SpinLock> l(child_trackers_lock_);
for (MemTracker* tracker : child_trackers_) {
if (!tracker->is_query_mem_tracker_) {
tracker->GetTopNQueries(min_pq, limit);
} else {
min_pq.push(pair<int64_t, string>(tracker->consumption(), tracker->LogUsage(0)));
if (min_pq.size() > limit) min_pq.pop();
// Update the memory consumption related fields in pool_stats.
void MemTracker::UpdatePoolStatsForMemoryConsumed(
int64_t mem_consumed, TPoolStats& pool_stats) {
if (pool_stats.min_memory_consumed > mem_consumed) {
pool_stats.min_memory_consumed = mem_consumed;
if (pool_stats.max_memory_consumed < mem_consumed) {
pool_stats.max_memory_consumed = mem_consumed;
pool_stats.total_memory_consumed += mem_consumed;
// Update pool_stats for all queries tracked through query memory trackers:
void MemTracker::UpdatePoolStatsForQueries(int limit, TPoolStats& pool_stats) {
if (limit == 0) return;
// Init all memory consumption related fields
pool_stats.min_memory_consumed = std::numeric_limits<int64_t>::max();
pool_stats.max_memory_consumed = 0;
pool_stats.total_memory_consumed = 0;
pool_stats.num_running = 0;
// Collect the top 'limit' queries into 'min_pq'.
MinPriorityQueue min_pq;
GetTopNQueriesAndUpdatePoolStats(min_pq, limit, pool_stats);
// Grab all remaining entries from the priority queue and assign them in the descending
// order of memory consumption to the pool_stats.heavy_memory_queries field in
// pool_stats.
auto& queries = pool_stats.heavy_memory_queries;
while (!min_pq.empty()) {
std::reverse(queries.begin(), queries.end());
// If not a single query is found, set the min_memory_consumed to 0.
if (pool_stats.num_running == 0) {
pool_stats.min_memory_consumed = 0;
void MemTracker::GetTopNQueriesAndUpdatePoolStats(
MinPriorityQueue& min_pq, int limit, TPoolStats& pool_stats) {
lock_guard<SpinLock> l(child_trackers_lock_);
for (MemTracker* tracker : child_trackers_) {
if (!tracker->is_query_mem_tracker_) {
tracker->GetTopNQueriesAndUpdatePoolStats(min_pq, limit, pool_stats);
} else {
DCHECK(tracker->is_query_mem_tracker_) << label_;
int64_t mem_consumed = tracker->consumption();
THeavyMemoryQuery heavy_memory_query;
if (min_pq.size() > limit) min_pq.pop();
UpdatePoolStatsForMemoryConsumed(mem_consumed, pool_stats);
MemTracker* MemTracker::GetQueryMemTracker() {
MemTracker* tracker = this;
while (tracker != nullptr && !tracker->is_query_mem_tracker_) {
tracker = tracker->parent_;
return tracker;
MemTracker* MemTracker::GetRootMemTracker() {
MemTracker* ancestor = this;
while (ancestor && ancestor->parent()) {
ancestor = ancestor->parent();
return ancestor;
Status MemTracker::MemLimitExceeded(MemTracker* mtracker, RuntimeState* state,
const std::string& details, int64_t failed_allocation_size) {
DCHECK_GE(failed_allocation_size, 0);
stringstream ss;
if (details.size() != 0) ss << details << endl;
if (failed_allocation_size != 0) {
if (mtracker != nullptr) ss << mtracker->label();
ss << " could not allocate "
<< PrettyPrinter::Print(failed_allocation_size, TUnit::BYTES)
<< " without exceeding limit." << endl;
ss << "Error occurred on backend " << GetBackendString();
if (state != nullptr) ss << " by fragment " << PrintId(state->fragment_instance_id());
ss << endl;
ExecEnv* exec_env = ExecEnv::GetInstance();
MemTracker* process_tracker = exec_env->process_mem_tracker();
const int64_t process_capacity = process_tracker->SpareCapacity(MemLimit::HARD);
ss << "Memory left in process limit: "
<< PrettyPrinter::Print(process_capacity, TUnit::BYTES) << endl;
// Always log the query tracker (if available).
MemTracker* query_tracker = nullptr;
if (mtracker != nullptr) {
query_tracker = mtracker->GetQueryMemTracker();
if (query_tracker != nullptr) {
if (query_tracker->has_limit()) {
const int64_t query_capacity =
query_tracker->limit() - query_tracker->consumption();
ss << "Memory left in query limit: "
<< PrettyPrinter::Print(query_capacity, TUnit::BYTES) << endl;
ss << query_tracker->LogUsage(UNLIMITED_DEPTH);
// Log the process level if the process tracker is close to the limit or
// if this tracker is not within a query's MemTracker hierarchy.
if (process_capacity < failed_allocation_size || query_tracker == nullptr) {
// IMPALA-5598: For performance reasons, limit the levels of recursion when
// dumping the process tracker to only two layers.
ss << process_tracker->LogUsage(PROCESS_MEMTRACKER_LIMITED_DEPTH);
Status status = Status::MemLimitExceeded(ss.str());
if (state != nullptr) state->LogError(status.msg());
return status;
void MemTracker::AddGcFunction(GcFunction f) {
bool MemTracker::LimitExceededSlow(MemLimit mode) {
if (mode == MemLimit::HARD && bytes_over_limit_metric_ != nullptr) {
bytes_over_limit_metric_->SetValue(consumption() - limit_);
return GcMemory(GetLimit(mode));
bool MemTracker::GcMemory(int64_t max_consumption) {
if (max_consumption < 0) return true;
lock_guard<mutex> l(gc_lock_);
if (consumption_metric_ != NULL) RefreshConsumptionFromMetric();
int64_t pre_gc_consumption = consumption();
// Check if someone gc'd before us
if (pre_gc_consumption < max_consumption) return false;
if (num_gcs_metric_ != NULL) num_gcs_metric_->Increment(1);
int64_t curr_consumption = pre_gc_consumption;
// Try to free up some memory
for (int i = 0; i < gc_functions_.size(); ++i) {
// Try to free up the amount we are over plus some extra so that we don't have to
// immediately GC again. Don't free all the memory since that can be unnecessarily
// expensive.
const int64_t EXTRA_BYTES_TO_FREE = 512L * 1024L * 1024L;
int64_t bytes_to_free = curr_consumption - max_consumption + EXTRA_BYTES_TO_FREE;
if (consumption_metric_ != NULL) RefreshConsumptionFromMetric();
curr_consumption = consumption();
if (max_consumption - curr_consumption <= EXTRA_BYTES_TO_FREE) break;
if (bytes_freed_by_last_gc_metric_ != NULL) {
bytes_freed_by_last_gc_metric_->SetValue(pre_gc_consumption - curr_consumption);
return curr_consumption > max_consumption;