blob: 99d43ac3ea1a919f3f88861e710b5f0ab1e002f5 [file] [log] [blame]
---- QUERY
# Pre IMPALA-875, IntLiterals with value 1 would be cast to TINYINT during analysis of
# the insert statement.
# In this example, we create a partitioned table with three partitions whose partition
# columns are equal when evaluated TINYINT (i.e. mod 1024). The backend will fail if
# more than one partition is considered a potential target for an INSERT when
# considering its statically specified partition keys.
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS functional.insert_partition_key_type_promotion;
CREATE TABLE functional.insert_partition_key_type_promotion (c int)
ALTER TABLE functional.insert_partition_key_type_promotion ADD PARTITION(p=1025);
ALTER TABLE functional.insert_partition_key_type_promotion ADD PARTITION(p=2049);
# Will fail pre IMPALA-875
INSERT INTO functional.insert_partition_key_type_promotion PARTITION(p=1) VALUES(1)
p=1/: 1