blob: 9e521226e5043c3c8486a1f15eefd8ffca51779f [file] [log] [blame]
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
# distributed with this work for additional information
# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
# with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
# KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
# specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
import json
import random
import re
import requests
import psutil
import pytest
import time
from tests.beeswax.impala_beeswax import ImpalaBeeswaxException
from tests.common.custom_cluster_test_suite import (
from import run_impala_shell_cmd
class TestWebPage(CustomClusterTestSuite):
def get_workload(cls):
return 'functional-query'
def setup_class(cls):
if cls.exploration_strategy() != 'exhaustive':
pytest.skip('runs only in exhaustive')
super(TestWebPage, cls).setup_class()
def test_varz_hidden_variables(self):
"""Tests that modified hidden variables show up in /varz"""
response = requests.get("http://localhost:25000/varz?json")
assert response.status_code ==
varz_json = json.loads(response.text)
flag = [e for e in varz_json["flags"]
if e["name"] == "enable_extended_memory_metrics"]
assert len(flag) == 1
assert flag[0]["default"] == "false"
assert flag[0]["current"] == "true"
assert flag[0]["experimental"]
def test_max_post_length(self):
"""Tests that the maximum length of a POST request that will be accepted"""
too_big_post_content = "c" * 10000
# POST that exceeds the limit
response ="http://localhost:25000/", too_big_post_content)
assert response.status_code ==
# POST within the limit
# This is on a URI that does not understand POST and treats it like a GET.
ok_post_content = "c" * 100
response ="http://localhost:25000/", ok_post_content)
assert response.status_code ==
def test_webserver_interface(self):
addrs = psutil.net_if_addrs()
print("net_if_addrs returned: %s" % addrs)
ip_matcher = re.compile(r"\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}")
ip_addrs = []
for addr in addrs:
for snic in addrs[addr]:
if ip_matcher.match(snic.address):
# There must be at least one available interface on the machine.
assert len(ip_addrs) > 0, addrs
ports = ["25000", "25010", "25020"]
# With default args, the webserver should be accessible over all interfaces for all
# daemons.
for ip in ip_addrs:
for port in ports:
response = requests.get("http://%s:%s/" % (ip, port))
assert response.status_code ==, ip
# Pick a random interface and restart with the webserver on that interface.
interface = random.choice(ip_addrs)
self._start_impala_cluster(["--impalad_args=--webserver_interface=%s" % interface])
# Now the webserver should only be accessible over the choosen interface.
for ip in ip_addrs:
response = requests.get("http://%s:25000/" % ip)
assert ip == interface
assert response.status_code ==, ip
except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError:
assert ip != interface
def test_query_stmt_without_truncate(self):
"""Check if the full query string is displayed in the query list on the WebUI."""
# The input query is a select + 450 'x ' long.
query_select = "x " * 450
query = 'select "{0}"'.format(query_select)
# In the site there is an extra \ before the " so we need that in the expected
# response too.
expected = 'select \\"{0}\\"'.format(query_select)
response = requests.get("http://localhost:25000/queries?json")
response_json = response.text
assert expected in response_json, "No matching statement found in the queries site."
assert '"resource_pool": "default-pool"' in response_json
def test_query_stmt_with_custom_length(self):
"""Check if the partial query with the correct length is displayed in the query list
on the WebUI."""
# The input query is a select + 450 'x ' long.
query = 'select "{0}"'.format("x " * 450)
# Searching for the custom, 10 chars long response. In the site there is an extra \
# before the " so we need that in the expected response too.
expected = 'select \\"x ...'
response = requests.get("http://localhost:25000/queries?json")
response_json = response.text
assert expected in response_json, "No matching statement found in the queries site."
assert '"resource_pool": "default-pool"' in response_json
impalad_args="--query_log_size_in_bytes=" + str(SMALL_QUERY_LOG_SIZE_IN_BYTES)
def test_query_log_size_in_bytes(self):
"""Check if query list is limited by query_log_size_in_bytes flag."""
# This simple test query will produce ~8520 bytes of QueryStateRecord.
query = "select version()"
num_queries = 10
for i in range(0, num_queries):
self.execute_query_expect_success(self.client, query)
# Retrieve and verify the total size metrics.
metric_key = "impala-server.query-log-est-total-bytes"
metric_value = self.cluster.impalads[0].service.get_metric_value(metric_key)
assert metric_value > 0
assert metric_value <= SMALL_QUERY_LOG_SIZE_IN_BYTES
# Verify that the query page only contains a subset of the test queries.
queries_response = requests.get("http://localhost:25000/queries?json")
queries_json = json.loads(queries_response.text)
assert len(queries_json["completed_queries"]) > 0
assert len(queries_json["completed_queries"]) < num_queries
# Checks if 'messages' exists/does not exist in 'result_stderr' based on the value of
# 'should_exist'
def _validate_shell_messages(self, result_stderr, messages, should_exist=True):
for msg in messages:
if should_exist:
assert msg in result_stderr, result_stderr
assert msg not in result_stderr, result_stderr
def test_webserver_url_not_exposed(self, vector):
if vector.get_value('table_format').file_format != 'text':
pytest.skip('runs only for text table_format')
# If webserver url is not exposed, debug web urls shouldn't be printed out.
shell_messages = ["Query submitted at: ", "(Coordinator: ",
"Query state can be monitored at: "]
query_shell_arg = '--query=select * from functional.alltypes'
# hs2
results = run_impala_shell_cmd(vector, [query_shell_arg])
self._validate_shell_messages(results.stderr, shell_messages, should_exist=False)
# beeswax
results = run_impala_shell_cmd(vector, ['--protocol=beeswax', query_shell_arg])
self._validate_shell_messages(results.stderr, shell_messages, should_exist=False)
# Even though webserver url is not exposed, it is still accessible.
page = requests.get('http://localhost:25000')
assert page.status_code ==
impalad_args="--logtostderr=true --redirect_stdout_stderr=false",
statestored_args="--logtostderr=true --redirect_stdout_stderr=false",
catalogd_args="--logtostderr=true --redirect_stdout_stderr=false"
def test_webserver_hide_logs_link(self, vector):
"""Validate that there is no /logs link when we use --logtostderr=true """
ports = ["25000", "25010", "25020"]
for port in ports:
# Get the webui home page as json.
response = requests.get("http://localhost:%s?json" % port)
assert response.status_code ==
home = json.loads(response.text)
# Get the items in the navbar.
navbar = home["__common__"]['navbar']
found_links = [link_item['link'] for link_item in navbar]
# The links that we expect to see in the navbar.
expected_coordinator_links = [
expected_statestore_links = [
expected_catalog_links = [
msg = "bad links from webui port %s" % port
if port == "25000":
assert found_links == expected_coordinator_links, msg
elif port == "25010":
assert found_links == expected_statestore_links, msg
elif port == "25020":
assert found_links == expected_catalog_links, msg
def test_cdp_header_disabled(self):
"""Test that if servers are started with the flag
--disable_content_security_policy_header=true then the emission of the CDP header is
ports = ["25000", "25010", "25020"] # Respectively the impalad, statestore, catalog.
for port in ports:
response = requests.get("http://localhost:%s" % port)
assert 'Content-Security-Policy' not in response.headers, \
"CSP header present despite being disabled (port %s)" % port
def _get_inflight_catalog_operations():
response = requests.get("http://localhost:25020/operations?json")
assert response.status_code ==
operations = json.loads(response.text)
assert "inflight_catalog_operations" in operations
return operations["inflight_catalog_operations"]
def _get_finished_catalog_operations():
response = requests.get("http://localhost:25020/operations?json")
assert response.status_code ==
operations = json.loads(response.text)
assert "finished_catalog_operations" in operations
return operations["finished_catalog_operations"]
def test_catalog_operations_limit(self, unique_database):
tbl = unique_database + ".tbl"
self.execute_query("create table {0}_1 (id int)".format(tbl))
self.execute_query("create table {0}_2 (id int)".format(tbl))
self.execute_query("create table {0}_3 (id int)".format(tbl))
self.execute_query("drop table {0}_1".format(tbl))
finished_operations = self._get_finished_catalog_operations()
# Verify only 2 operations are shown
assert len(finished_operations) == 2
op = finished_operations[0]
assert op["status"] == "FINISHED"
assert op["catalog_op_name"] == "DROP_TABLE"
assert op["target_name"] == tbl + "_1"
op = finished_operations[1]
assert op["status"] == "FINISHED"
assert op["catalog_op_name"] == "CREATE_TABLE"
assert op["target_name"] == tbl + "_3"
def test_catalog_operations_negative_limit(self, unique_database):
# Test negative limit on catalog_operation_log_size. The limit is converted to be
# Integer.MAX_VALUE. Run hundreds of commands and see whether they are all in the
# operation log.
tbl = unique_database + ".tbl"
self.execute_query("create table {0} (id int)".format(tbl))
num = 500
for i in range(num):
self.execute_query("invalidate metadata " + tbl)
finished_operations = self._get_finished_catalog_operations()
# Verify all operations are in the history. There are one DROP_DATABASE, one
# CREATE_DATABASE, one CREATE_TABLE and 'num' INVALIDATEs in the list.
assert len(finished_operations) == 3 + num
for i in range(num):
op = finished_operations[i]
assert op["status"] == "FINISHED"
assert op["catalog_op_name"] == "INVALIDATE_METADATA"
assert op["target_name"] == tbl
op = finished_operations[-3]
assert op["status"] == "FINISHED"
assert op["catalog_op_name"] == "CREATE_TABLE"
assert op["target_name"] == tbl
op = finished_operations[-2]
assert op["status"] == "FINISHED"
assert op["catalog_op_name"] == "CREATE_DATABASE"
assert op["target_name"] == unique_database
op = finished_operations[-1]
assert op["status"] == "FINISHED"
assert op["catalog_op_name"] == "DROP_DATABASE"
assert op["target_name"] == unique_database
impalad_args="--catalog_client_rpc_timeout_ms=100 "
"--catalog_client_rpc_retry_interval_ms=10 "
def test_catalog_operations_with_rpc_retry(self):
"""Test that catalog RPC retries are all shown in the /operations page"""
# Run a DESCRIBE to ensure the table is loaded. So the first RPC attempt will
# time out in its real work. This triggers a PrioritizeLoad RPC which usually
# finishes in 40ms. So 100ms for catalog RPC timeout is enough.
self.execute_query("describe functional.alltypes")
# This runs around 600ms with the debug action so the catalog RPC will timeout.
self.execute_query("refresh functional.alltypes", {
"debug_action": "catalogd_refresh_hdfs_listing_delay:SLEEP@100"
except ImpalaBeeswaxException as e:
assert "RPC recv timed out" in str(e)
# In impalad side, the query fails by the above error. However, in catalogd side,
# the RPCs are still running. Check the in-flight operations.
inflight_operations = self._get_inflight_catalog_operations()
assert len(inflight_operations) == 2
for op in inflight_operations:
assert op["status"] == "STARTED"
assert op["catalog_op_name"] == "REFRESH"
assert op["target_name"] == "functional.alltypes"
assert inflight_operations[0]["query_id"] == inflight_operations[1]["query_id"]
assert inflight_operations[0]["thread_id"] != inflight_operations[1]["thread_id"]
# Wait until the catalog operations finish
while len(self._get_inflight_catalog_operations()) != 0:
# Verify both RPC attempts are shown as finished operations.
finished_operations = self._get_finished_catalog_operations()
assert len(finished_operations) == 2
for op in finished_operations:
assert op["status"] == "FINISHED"
assert op["catalog_op_name"] == "REFRESH"
assert op["target_name"] == "functional.alltypes"
assert finished_operations[0]["query_id"] == finished_operations[1]["query_id"]
assert finished_operations[0]["thread_id"] != finished_operations[1]["thread_id"]
def _verify_topic_size_metrics(self):
# Calculate the total topic metrics from the /topics page
response = requests.get("http://localhost:25010/topics?json")
assert response.status_code ==
topics_json = json.loads(response.text)
total_key_size = 0
total_value_size = 0
total_topic_size = 0
for topic in topics_json["topics"]:
total_key_size += topic["key_size_bytes"]
total_value_size += topic["value_size_bytes"]
total_topic_size += topic["total_size_bytes"]
# Retrieve and verify the total topic metrics from the /metrics page
response = requests.get("http://localhost:25010/metrics?json")
assert response.status_code ==
metrics_json = json.loads(response.text)["metric_group"]["metrics"]
for metric in metrics_json:
if metric["name"] == "":
assert metric["value"] == total_key_size
elif metric["name"] == "":
assert metric["value"] == total_value_size
elif metric["name"] == "":
assert metric["value"] == total_topic_size
def test_transient_topic_size(self):
# Kill an impalad and wait until it's removed
killed_impalad = self.cluster.impalads[2]
# Before we kill an impalad, there are DEFAULT_CLUSTER_SIZE + 1 subscribers
# (DEFAULT_CLUSTER_SIZE impalads and 1 for catalogd). After we kill one impalad,
# there should be DEFAULT_CLUSTER_SIZE subscribers.
# Verify the topic metrics again