blob: c07eb4cd3816e5c1fc7a56816da52f43b1e4ce95 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
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// under the License.
#pragma once
#include <memory>
#include <queue>
#include "codegen/codegen-fn-ptr.h"
#include "codegen/impala-ir.h"
#include "exec/exec-node.h"
#include "runtime/descriptors.h" // for TupleId
#include "runtime/sorter.h"
#include "util/tuple-row-compare.h"
#include "util/priority-queue.h"
namespace impala {
class MemPool;
class RuntimeState;
class Sorter;
class TopNNode;
class Tuple;
class TopNPlanNode : public PlanNode {
virtual Status Init(const TPlanNode& tnode, FragmentState* state) override;
virtual void Close() override;
virtual Status CreateExecNode(RuntimeState* state, ExecNode** node) const override;
virtual void Codegen(FragmentState* state) override;
int64_t offset() const {
return tnode_->sort_node.__isset.offset ? tnode_->sort_node.offset : 0;
/// Return true if this is a partitioned Top-N.
bool is_partitioned() const {
return tnode_->sort_node.type == TSortType::PARTITIONED_TOPN;
/// Returns the per-partition limit.
int64_t per_partition_limit() const {
return tnode_->sort_node.per_partition_limit;
/// Returns the per-heap capacity used for the Heap objects in this node.
int64_t heap_capacity() const {
int64_t limit;
if (is_partitioned()) {
limit = per_partition_limit();
} else {
// Without tie handling, the node-level limit and the heap limit are one and the
// same, but with ties they are different because the heap capacity is not
// a strict limit on rows.
limit = include_ties() ? tnode_->sort_node.limit_with_ties : tnode_->limit;
return limit + offset();
bool include_ties() const {
return tnode_->sort_node.include_ties;
/// Ordering expressions used for tuple comparison.
std::vector<ScalarExpr*> ordering_exprs_;
/// Partitioning expressions used for tuple comparison. Non-empty if this is a
/// partitioned top N.
std::vector<ScalarExpr*> partition_exprs_;
/// Ordering expressions used for tuple comparison within partition.
std::vector<ScalarExpr*> intra_partition_ordering_exprs_;
/// Cached descriptor for the materialized tuple.
TupleDescriptor* output_tuple_desc_ = nullptr;
/// Materialization exprs for the output tuple and their evaluators.
std::vector<ScalarExpr*> output_tuple_exprs_;
/// Materialization exprs that materialize the output tuple into itself, i.e. are
/// no-ops. Non-empty if this is a partitioned top N.
std::vector<ScalarExpr*> noop_tuple_exprs_;
/// Config used to create a TupleRowComparator instance for 'ordering_exprs_'.
TupleRowComparatorConfig* ordering_comparator_config_ = nullptr;
/// Config used to create a TupleRowComparator instance for 'partition_exprs_'.
/// Non-NULL iff this is a partitioned top N.
TupleRowComparatorConfig* partition_comparator_config_ = nullptr;
/// Config used to create a TupleRowComparator instance for
/// 'intra_partition_ordering_exprs_'.
TupleRowComparatorConfig* intra_partition_comparator_config_ = nullptr;
/// Codegened version of TopNNode::InsertBatchUnpartitioned() or
/// InsertBatchPartitioned().
typedef void (*InsertBatchFn)(TopNNode*, RuntimeState*, RowBatch*);
CodegenFnPtr<InsertBatchFn> codegend_insert_batch_fn_;
/// Codegened version of Sort::TupleSorter::SortHelper().
CodegenFnPtr<Sorter::SortHelperFn> codegend_sort_helper_fn_;
/// Node for in-memory TopN operator that sorts input tuples and applies a limit such
/// that only the Top N tuples according to the sort order are returned by the operator.
/// This node materializes its input rows into a new row format comprised of a single
/// tuple using the output_tuple_exprs_.
/// In-memory priority queues, represented as binary heaps, are used to compute the Top N
/// efficiently. Maintaining in-memory heaps with the current top rows allows discarding
/// rows that are not in the top N as soon as possible, minimizing the memory requirements
/// and processing time of the operator.
/// TopNNode supports two modes: unpartitioned and partitioned. In unpartitioned mode,
/// there is a global limit to the rows returned. Whereas in partitioned mode, tuples
/// are divided into different partitions based on 'partition_cmp_' and the Top N from
/// each partition are returned.
/// In both unpartitioned and partitioned mode, rows are returned fully sorted according
/// to the sort order (i.e. in the partitioned case, sorted by partition then
/// intra-partition order).
/// Unpartitioned TopN Implementation Details
/// =========================================
/// Unpartitioned mode uses a single in-memory priority queue and does not spill results
/// to disk. Memory consumption is bounded by the limit. After the input is consumed,
/// rows can be directly outputted from the priority queue by calling
/// Heap::PrepareForOutput().
/// Partitioned Top-N Implementation Details
/// ========================================
/// Partitioned mode needs to support spilling to disk because the number of partitions
/// is not known ahead of time, so memory requirements are not known ahead of time. In
/// partitioned mode, a separate in-memory heap per partition is maintained, until a
/// soft memory limit is reached, in which case rows are moved to an external Sorter
/// to stay under the memory limit. Even if the operator is forced to move rows to
/// the external sorter, the in-memory heaps may still be effective at reducing the
/// input considerably.
/// After all the input is consumed, all rows from the in-memory heaps are moved to the
/// sorter, fully sorted by partition and intra-partition order, after which the rows
/// can be fetched in order from the sorter - see PrepareForOutput() and
/// GetNextPartitioned().
/// Memory Management
/// =================
/// In-memory heaps are backed by 'tuple_pool_' - all tuples in the heaps must reference
/// only memory allocated from this pool. To reclaim memory from tuples that have been
/// evicted from the heaps, the in-memory heaps must be re-materialized with a new
/// MemPool - see ReclaimTuplePool(). In some cases the fixed-length portion of a
/// tuple can be reused to avoid the need to reclaim all the time.
/// In unpartitioned mode, reclamation is triggered by 'rows_to_reclaim_' hitting a
/// threshold, which indicates that enough unused memory may have accumulated to
/// be worth reclaiming.
/// In partitioned mode, reclamation is triggered by a memory threshold, after which
/// some in-memory heaps are evicted and the remaining heaps reclaimed. The reclamation
/// thus serves two purposes: to support spilling-to-disk where we can't fit all
/// heaps in memory, and to reclaim unused memory.
class TopNNode : public ExecNode {
TopNNode(ObjectPool* pool, const TopNPlanNode& pnode, const DescriptorTbl& descs);
virtual Status Prepare(RuntimeState* state);
virtual Status Open(RuntimeState* state);
virtual Status GetNext(RuntimeState* state, RowBatch* row_batch, bool* eos);
virtual Status Reset(RuntimeState* state, RowBatch* row_batch);
virtual void Close(RuntimeState* state);
virtual void DebugString(int indentation_level, std::stringstream* out) const;
class Heap;
friend class TupleLessThan;
/// Return true if this is a partitioned Top-N.
bool is_partitioned() const {
const TopNPlanNode& pnode = static_cast<const TopNPlanNode&>(plan_node_);
return pnode.is_partitioned();
int64_t unpartitioned_capacity() const {
return limit_ + offset_;
/// Returns the per-partition limit.
int64_t per_partition_limit() const {
const TopNPlanNode& pnode = static_cast<const TopNPlanNode&>(plan_node_);
return pnode.per_partition_limit();
bool include_ties() const {
const TopNPlanNode& pnode = static_cast<const TopNPlanNode&>(plan_node_);
return pnode.include_ties();
/// Inserts all the input rows in 'batch' into 'heap_'. Used for unpartitioned
/// Top-N only.
void InsertBatchUnpartitioned(RuntimeState* state, RowBatch* batch);
/// Inserts all the input rows in 'batch' into 'partition_heaps_'. Used for partitioned
/// Top-N only.
void InsertBatchPartitioned(RuntimeState* state, RowBatch* batch);
/// Evict some of the partitions from memory, putting the tuples into 'sorter_'. If
/// 'evict_final' is true, all partitions will be evicted as part of PrepareOutput().
/// Used for partitioned Top-N only.
Status EvictPartitions(RuntimeState* state, bool evict_final);
/// Select a subset of partitions to evict as a result of memory pressure. Removes
/// the partitions from 'partition_heaps_' and returns them.
/// Used for partitioned Top-N only.
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Heap>> SelectPartitionsToEvict();
/// Implementation of GetNext() for when is_partitioned() is false.
Status GetNextUnpartitioned(RuntimeState* state, RowBatch* row_batch, bool* eos);
/// Implementation of GetNext() for when is_partitioned() is true.
Status GetNextPartitioned(RuntimeState* state, RowBatch* row_batch, bool* eos);
/// Prepare to start outputting rows. Called after consuming all rows from the child.
/// In partitioned mode, this adds all rows to 'sorter_' and sorts them so that
/// GetNextPartitioned() can fetch the rows in order.
/// In unpartitioned mode, this collects all output rows in 'sorted_top_n_' and
/// initializes 'get_next_iter_' to point to the first row.
Status PrepareForOutput(RuntimeState* state);
/// Re-materialize all tuples that reference 'tuple_pool_' and release 'tuple_pool_',
/// replacing it with a new pool.
Status ReclaimTuplePool(RuntimeState* state);
/// Initialize 'tmp_tuple_' with memory from 'pool'.
Status InitTmpTuple(RuntimeState* state, MemPool* pool);
IR_NO_INLINE int tuple_byte_size() const noexcept {
return output_tuple_desc_->byte_size();
/// Number of rows to skip.
int64_t offset_;
/// Materialization exprs for the output tuple and their evaluators.
const std::vector<ScalarExpr*>& output_tuple_exprs_;
std::vector<ScalarExprEvaluator*> output_tuple_expr_evals_;
/// Cached descriptor for the materialized tuple.
TupleDescriptor* const output_tuple_desc_;
/// Comparator for ordering tuples globally.
std::unique_ptr<TupleRowComparator> order_cmp_;
/// Comparator for partitioning tuples between priority queue. Non-NULL iff this is a
/// partitioned top-N operator.
std::unique_ptr<TupleRowComparator> partition_cmp_;
/// Comparator for partitioning tuples within a partition priority queue. Non-NULL iff
/// this is a partitioned top-N operator.
std::unique_ptr<TupleRowComparator> intra_partition_order_cmp_;
/// Temporary staging vector for sorted tuples extracted from a Heap via
/// Heap::PrepareForOutput().
std::vector<Tuple*> sorted_top_n_;
/// Stores everything referenced in priority_queue_.
std::unique_ptr<MemPool> tuple_pool_;
/// Iterator over elements in sorted_top_n_. Only used in unpartitioned Top-N.
std::vector<Tuple*>::iterator get_next_iter_;
/// Reference to the codegened function pointer owned by the TopNPlanNode object that
/// was used to create this instance.
const CodegenFnPtr<TopNPlanNode::InsertBatchFn>& codegend_insert_batch_fn_;
/// Timer for time spent in InsertBatch*() function (or codegen'd version).
RuntimeProfile::Counter* insert_batch_timer_;
/// Number of rows to be reclaimed since tuple_pool_ was last created/reclaimed.
/// Only used for unpartitioned Top-N.
int64_t rows_to_reclaim_ = 0;
/// Number of times tuple pool memory was reclaimed
RuntimeProfile::Counter* tuple_pool_reclaim_counter_= nullptr;
/// Total number of partitions. Only initialized for partitioned Top-N.
RuntimeProfile::Counter* num_partitions_counter_ = nullptr;
/// Number of times an in-memory heap was created.
/// Only initialized for partitioned Top-N.
RuntimeProfile::Counter* in_mem_heap_created_counter_ = nullptr;
/// Number of times an in-memory heap was evicted because of memory pressure.
/// Only initialized for partitioned Top-N.
RuntimeProfile::Counter* in_mem_heap_evicted_counter_ = nullptr;
/// Number of rows that the in-memory heaps filtered out.
/// Only initialized for partitioned Top-N.
RuntimeProfile::Counter* in_mem_heap_rows_filtered_counter_ = nullptr;
/// BEGIN: Members that must be Reset()
/// Tuple allocated once from tuple_pool_ and reused in InsertTupleRow to
/// materialize input tuples if necessary. After materialization, tmp_tuple_ may be
/// copied into the tuple pool and inserted into the priority queue.
/// Also used in GetNextPartitioned() to store the last output tuple.
Tuple* tmp_tuple_ = nullptr;
// Single heap used as the main heap in unpartitioned Top-N. Not used for partitioned
// Top-N.
std::unique_ptr<Heap> heap_;
/// Per-partition heaps used for partitioned Top-N. The map key is a tuple within the
/// heap, and 'intra_partition_order_cmp_' is used for comparison.
using PartitionHeapMap = std::map<const Tuple*, std::unique_ptr<Heap>,
PartitionHeapMap partition_heaps_;
/// Number of rows skipped. Used for adhering to offset_ in unpartitioned Top-N.
int64_t num_rows_skipped_ = 0;
/// Sorter used for external sorting. Only used in partitioned Top-N, where tuples are
/// sorted by the partition exprs, then the intra-partition ordering exprs.
/// Initialized in Prepare().
std::unique_ptr<Sorter> sorter_;
/// Temporary batch used for processing output from sorter in GetNextPartitioned().
/// Used only for partitioned Top-N.
std::unique_ptr<RowBatch> sort_out_batch_;
/// Position in 'sort_out_batch_'. Used only for partitioned Top-N.
int64_t sort_out_batch_pos_ = 0;
/// Number of rows returned from the current partition in GetNextPartitioned().
/// Used only for partitioned Top-N.
int64_t num_rows_returned_from_partition_ = 0;
/// END: Members that must be Reset()
/// This is the main data structure used for in-memory Top-N: a binary heap containing
/// up to 'capacity' tuples.
class TopNNode::Heap {
Heap(const TupleRowComparator& c, int64_t capacity, bool include_ties);
void Reset();
void Close();
/// Inserts a tuple row into the priority queue if it's in the TopN. Creates a deep
/// copy of 'tuple_row', which it stores in 'tuple_pool'. Always inlined in IR into
/// TopNNode::InsertBatch() because codegen relies on this for substituting exprs
/// in the body of TopNNode.
/// Returns the number of rows to be reclaimed.
int IR_ALWAYS_INLINE InsertTupleRow(
TopNNode* node, TupleRow* input_row) WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
/// Insert a tuple row into the priority queue, similar to InsertTupleRow(), except
/// 'materialized_row' is already materialized into the output row format, i.e.
/// output_tuple_desc_. Always inlined in IR into TopNNode::InsertBatchPartitioned()
/// because codegen relies on this for substituting exprs in the body of TopNNode.
void IR_ALWAYS_INLINE InsertMaterializedTuple(
TopNNode* node, Tuple* materialized_tuple);
/// Copy the elements in the priority queue into a new tuple pool, and release
/// the previous pool.
Status RematerializeTuples(TopNNode* node, RuntimeState* state, MemPool* new_pool);
/// Put the tuples in the priority queue into 'sorted_top_n' in the correct order
/// for output.
void PrepareForOutput(
const TopNNode& RESTRICT node, std::vector<Tuple*>* sorted_top_n) RESTRICT;
/// Reset stats that are collected about the heap. Called during eviction process in
/// partitioned top-N.
void ResetStats(const TopNNode& RESTRICT node);
/// Can be called to invoke DCHECKs if the heap is in an inconsistent state.
/// Returns a bool so it can be wrapped in a DCHECK() macro.
bool DCheckConsistency();
/// Returns number of tuples currently in heap.
int64_t num_tuples() const { return priority_queue_.Size() + overflowed_ties_.size(); }
int64_t num_tuples_discarded() const { return num_tuples_discarded_; }
int64_t num_tuples_added_since_eviction() const {
return num_tuples() - num_tuples_at_last_eviction_;
IR_NO_INLINE int64_t heap_capacity() const noexcept { return capacity_; }
IR_NO_INLINE bool include_ties() const noexcept { return include_ties_; }
/// Returns the first element in the priority queue. Should only be called if
/// num_tuples() > 0.
const Tuple* top() {
return priority_queue_.Top();
/// Helper for RematerializeTuples() that materializes the tuples in a container in the
/// range (begin_it, end_it].
template <class T>
Status RematerializeTuplesHelper(TopNNode* node, RuntimeState* state,
MemPool* new_pool, T begin_it, T end_it);
/// Helper to insert tuple row into a full priority queue with tie handling. This
/// should not be called until the heap is at capacity and tie handling is needed.
/// 'materialized_tuple' must be materialized into the output row format, i.e.
/// output_tuple_desc_. Returns the number of materialized tuples discarded as a result
/// of this function.
/// Always inlined in IR because codegen relies on this for substituting exprs in the
/// body of the function.
int IR_ALWAYS_INLINE InsertTupleWithTieHandling(
const TupleRowComparator& cmp, TopNNode* node, Tuple* materialized_tuple);
/// Limit on capacity of 'priority_queue_'. If inserting a tuple into the queue
/// would exceed this, a tuple is popped off the queue.
const int64_t capacity_;
/// If true, the heap may include more than 'capacity_' if multiple tuples are
/// tied to be the head of the heap.
const bool include_ties_;
/// Number of tuples discarded as a result of this heap hitting its capacity and
/// filtering out tuples. Only updated for the partitioned Top-N.
int64_t num_tuples_discarded_ = 0;
/// Number of tuples in the heap at the time of last eviction. Only updated for the
/// partitioned Top-N.
int64_t num_tuples_at_last_eviction_ = 0;
/// BEGIN: Members that must be Reset()
/// The priority queue is represented by a vector and modified using push_heap()/
/// pop_heap() to maintain ordered heap invariants. It has up to 'capacity_' elements
/// in the heap. The order of the queue is the opposite of what the ORDER BY clause
/// specifies, such that the head of the queue (i.e. index 0) is the last sorted
/// element.
PriorityQueue<Tuple*, TupleRowComparator> priority_queue_;
/// Tuples tied with the head of the priority queue in excess of the heap capacity.
/// Only used when 'include_ties_' is true.
std::vector<Tuple*> overflowed_ties_;
/// END: Members that must be Reset()
}; // namespace impala