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// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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namespace cpp impala
namespace java org.apache.impala.thrift
include "Status.thrift"
include "Types.thrift"
include "CatalogService.thrift"
enum StatestoreServiceVersion {
V1 = 0
// There is back version incompatibility. We need to increase the service version
// for Statestore so that Statestore will refuse the registration requests from
// the incompatible subscribers.
V2 = 1
// Description of a single entry in a list of heavy memory usage queries
struct THeavyMemoryQuery {
// The memory consumption of the query
1: required i64 memory_consumed;
// The Id of the query
2: required Types.TUniqueId queryId;
// Structure serialized for the topic AdmissionController::IMPALA_REQUEST_QUEUE_TOPIC.
// Statistics for a single admission control pool. The topic key is of the form
// "<pool_name>!<backend_id>".
struct TPoolStats {
// The current number of requests admitted by this host's admission controller
// and are currently running. This is an instantaneous value (as opposed to a
// cumulative sum).
1: required i64 num_admitted_running;
// The current number of queued requests. This is an instantaneous value.
2: required i64 num_queued;
// The memory (in bytes) currently reserved on this backend for use by queries in this
// pool. E.g. when a query which reserves 10G/host admitted to this pool begins
// execution on this impalad, this value increases by 10G. Any other impalads executing
// this query will also increment their backend_mem_reserved by 10G.
3: required i64 backend_mem_reserved;
// More entries about queries running in the backend.
// List of queries with top-k memory consumptions.
4: required list<THeavyMemoryQuery> heavy_memory_queries;
// Min memory consumption among all queries.
5: required i64 min_memory_consumed;
// Max memory consumption among all queries.
6: required i64 max_memory_consumed;
// Total memory consumption among all queries.
7: required i64 total_memory_consumed;
// The number of queries that have live fragments taking up memory on the host in
// a pool. These queries must be tracked by some query mem trackers. In comparison,
// num_admitted_running tracks the number of queries admitted in a host.
8: required i64 num_running;
struct THostStats {
// The mem reserved for a query that is currently executing is its memory limit, if
// set (which should be the common case with admission control). Otherwise, if the
// query has no limit or the query is finished executing, the current consumption
// (tracked by its query mem tracker) is used.
1: required i64 mem_reserved;
// The per host mem admitted only for the queries admitted locally.
2: required i64 mem_admitted;
// The per host number of queries admitted only for the queries admitted locally.
3: required i64 num_admitted;
// The per host number of slots in use for the queries admitted locally.
4: required i64 slots_in_use;
struct TPerHostStatsUpdateElement {
1: required string host_addr;
2: required THostStats stats;
struct TPerHostStatsUpdate {
// This stores per-host statistics which are used during admission and by HTTP
// handlers to query admission control statistics for currently registered backends.
1: required list<TPerHostStatsUpdateElement> per_host_stats;
// Description of a single entry in a topic
struct TTopicItem {
// Human-readable topic entry identifier
1: required string key;
// Byte-string value for this topic entry. May not be null-terminated (in that it may
// contain null bytes). It can be non-empty when deleted is true. This is needed when
// subscribers require additional information not captured in the item key to process
// the deleted item (e.g., catalog version of deleted catalog object).
2: required string value;
// If true, this item was deleted. When false, this TTopicItem need not be included in
// non-delta TTopicDelta's since the latest version of every still-present topic item
// will be included.
3: required bool deleted = false;
// Set of changes to a single topic, sent from the statestore to a subscriber as well as
// from a subscriber to the statestore.
struct TTopicDelta {
// Name of the topic this delta applies to
1: required string topic_name;
// When is_delta=true, a list of changes to topic entries, including deletions, within
// [from_version, to_version].
// When is_delta=false, this is the list of all non-delete topic entries for
// [0, to_version], which can be used to reconstruct the topic from scratch.
2: required list<TTopicItem> topic_entries;
// True if entries / deletions are relative to the topic at versions [0, from_version].
3: required bool is_delta;
// The Topic version range this delta covers. If there have been changes to the topic,
// the update will include all changes in the range: [from_version, to_version).
// If there have been no changes in the topic the from_version will match the
// to_version. The from_version will always be 0 for non-delta updates.
// If this is an update being sent from a subscriber to the statestore, the from_version
// is set only when recovering from an inconsistent state, to the last version of the
// topic the subscriber successfully processed. The value of to_version doesn't depend
// on whether the update is delta or not.
4: optional i64 from_version
5: optional i64 to_version
// The minimum topic version of all subscribers to the topic. This can be used to
// determine when all subscribers have successfully processed a specific update.
// This is guaranteed because no subscriber will ever be sent a topic containing
// keys with a version < min_subscriber_topic_version. Only used when sending an update
// from the statestore to a subscriber.
6: optional i64 min_subscriber_topic_version
// If set and true the statestore must clear the existing topic entries (if any) before
// applying the entries in topic_entries.
7: optional bool clear_topic_entries
// Description of a topic to subscribe to as part of a RegisterSubscriber call
struct TTopicRegistration {
// Human readable key for this topic
1: required string topic_name;
// True if updates to this topic from this subscriber should be removed upon the
// subscriber's failure or disconnection
2: required bool is_transient;
// If true, min_subscriber_topic_version is computed and set in topic updates sent
// to this subscriber to this subscriber. Should only be set to true if this is
// actually required - computing the version is relatively expensive compared to
// other aspects of preparing topic updates - see IMPALA-6816.
3: required bool populate_min_subscriber_topic_version = false;
// Restrict the items to receive on this subscription to only those items
// starting with the given prefix.
// If this is not specified, all items will be subscribed to.
4: optional string filter_prefix
// Define the type for statestore subscriber
enum TStatestoreSubscriberType {
// To support statestore HA, the standby statestore instance monitor the state of active
// statestore instance by collecting connection states between active statestore instance
// and subscribers. This enum define the connection states reported by subscribers in
// heartbeat response message.
enum TStatestoreConnState {
OK = 0
// Additional registration info for catalog daemon.
struct TCatalogRegistration {
// Protocol version of Catalog service.
1: required CatalogService.CatalogServiceVersion protocol;
// Address of catalogd.
2: required Types.TNetworkAddress address;
// True if CatalogD HA is enabled.
3: optional bool enable_catalogd_ha;
// True if the catalogd instance is started as active instance.
4: optional bool force_catalogd_active;
struct TRegisterSubscriberRequest {
// Protocol version of the subscriber
1: required StatestoreServiceVersion protocol_version =
// Unique, human-readable identifier for this subscriber
2: required string subscriber_id;
// Location of the StatestoreSubscriberService that this subscriber runs
3: required Types.TNetworkAddress subscriber_location;
// List of topics to subscribe to
4: required list<TTopicRegistration> topic_registrations;
// Subscribe type
5: optional TStatestoreSubscriberType subscriber_type;
// Indicate if the subscriber wishes to be notified of changes to the catalogd.
// When it's set as true, statestore will send UpdateCatalogd RPC to the subscriber
// once there is catalogd change. Currently it as true for coordinators. In future,
// it will be set as true for catalogd when supporting Catalog HA.
6: optional bool subscribe_catalogd_change;
// Set iff this subscriber is catalogd.
7: optional TCatalogRegistration catalogd_registration;
struct TRegisterSubscriberResponse {
// Whether the call was executed correctly at the application level
1: required Status.TStatus status;
// Unique identifier for this registration. Changes with every call to
// RegisterSubscriber().
2: optional Types.TUniqueId registration_id;
// Protocol version of the statestore
3: optional StatestoreServiceVersion protocol_version;
// Unique identifier for the statestore instance. It could be changed for a new
// call RegisterSubscriber() if the statestore instance has been restarted since
// last registration.
4: optional Types.TUniqueId statestore_id;
// Catalog registration info.
5: optional TCatalogRegistration catalogd_registration;
// The version of active catalogd
6: optional i64 catalogd_version;
// Active state of this Statestore instance.
7: optional bool statestore_is_active;
// The version of active statestored
8: optional i64 active_statestored_version;
struct TGetProtocolVersionRequest {
// Protocol version of the subscriber
1: required StatestoreServiceVersion protocol_version =
struct TGetProtocolVersionResponse {
// whether the call was executed correctly at the application level
1: required Status.TStatus status;
// Protocol version of the statestore
2: required StatestoreServiceVersion protocol_version;
// Unique identifier for the statestore instance.
3: optional Types.TUniqueId statestore_id;
struct TSetStatestoreDebugActionRequest {
// Protocol version of the subscriber
1: required StatestoreServiceVersion protocol_version =
// Disable network for statestored if it's set as true so that statestored does not
// sent heartbeat and HA handshake messages. Enable network if it's set as false.
// This is used to simulate network failure for unit-test.
2: optional bool disable_network;
struct TSetStatestoreDebugActionResponse {
// whether the call was executed correctly at the application level
1: required Status.TStatus status;
service StatestoreService {
// Register a single subscriber. Note that after a subscriber is registered, no new
// topics may be added.
TRegisterSubscriberResponse RegisterSubscriber(1: TRegisterSubscriberRequest params);
// Get protocol version of the statestore
TGetProtocolVersionResponse GetProtocolVersion(1: TGetProtocolVersionRequest params);
// Set debug action for the statestored.
// This API is only used for unit-test.
TSetStatestoreDebugActionResponse SetStatestoreDebugAction(
1: TSetStatestoreDebugActionRequest params);
struct TUpdateStateRequest {
// Protocol version of the statestore
1: required StatestoreServiceVersion protocol_version =
// Map from topic name to a list of changes for that topic.
2: required map<string, TTopicDelta> topic_deltas;
// Registration ID for the last known registration from this subscriber.
3: optional Types.TUniqueId registration_id;
// Unique identifier for the statestore instance.
4: optional Types.TUniqueId statestore_id;
struct TUpdateStateResponse {
// Whether the call was executed correctly at the application level
1: required Status.TStatus status;
// List of updates published by the subscriber to be made centrally by the statestore
2: required list<TTopicDelta> topic_updates;
// True if this update was skipped by the subscriber. This is distinguished from a
// non-OK status since the former indicates an error which contributes to the
// statestore's view of a subscriber's liveness.
3: optional bool skipped;
struct THeartbeatRequest {
// Protocol version of the statestore
1: optional StatestoreServiceVersion protocol_version =
// registration_id of the receiver
2: optional Types.TUniqueId registration_id;
// Unique identifier for the statestore instance.
3: optional Types.TUniqueId statestore_id;
// Flag set by standby Statestore instance to request the connection state between
// active statestore and the subscriber.
4: optional bool request_statestore_conn_state;
struct THeartbeatResponse {
// Whether the call was executed correctly at the application level
1: required Status.TStatus status;
// Connection state between active statestore and the subscriber reported by
// the subscriber.
2: optional TStatestoreConnState statestore_conn_state;
struct TUpdateCatalogdRequest {
// Protocol version of the statestore
1: required StatestoreServiceVersion protocol_version =
// registration_id of the receiver
2: required Types.TUniqueId registration_id;
// Unique identifier for the statestore instance.
3: required Types.TUniqueId statestore_id;
// The version of active catalogd
4: required i64 catalogd_version;
// Catalog registration info.
5: required TCatalogRegistration catalogd_registration;
struct TUpdateCatalogdResponse {
// Whether the call was executed correctly at the application level
1: required Status.TStatus status;
// True if this update was skipped by the subscriber. This is distinguished from a
// non-OK status since the former indicates an error which contributes to the
// statestore's view of a subscriber's liveness.
2: optional bool skipped;
struct TUpdateStatestoredRoleRequest {
// Protocol version of the statestore
1: required StatestoreServiceVersion protocol_version =
// registration_id of the receiver
2: required Types.TUniqueId registration_id;
// Unique identifier for the statestore instance.
3: required Types.TUniqueId statestore_id;
// Monotonously increasing number
4: required i64 active_statestored_version;
// Active state of Statestore instance
5: required bool is_active;
// Send elected active catalogd along with the role of active statestore.
// The version of active catalogd. Don't set this catalogd_version and
// catalogd_registration if active catalogd has not been elected.
6: optional i64 catalogd_version;
// Catalog registration info.
7: optional TCatalogRegistration catalogd_registration;
struct TUpdateStatestoredRoleResponse {
// Whether the call was executed correctly
1: required Status.TStatus status;
// True if this update was skipped by the subscriber.
2: optional bool skipped;
service StatestoreSubscriber {
// Called when the statestore sends a topic update. The request contains a map of
// topic names to TTopicDelta updates, sent from the statestore to the subscriber. Each
// of these delta updates will contain a list of additions to the topic and a list of
// deletions from the topic.
// In response, the subscriber returns an aggregated list of updates to topic(s) to
// the statestore. Each update is a TTopicDelta that contains a list of additions to
// the topic and a list of deletions from the topic. Additionally, if a subscriber has
// received an unexpected delta update version range, they can request a new delta
// update based off a specific version from the statestore. The next statestore
// delta update will be based off of the version the subscriber requested.
// When Statestore HA is enabled, two statestore instances will be created in an Impala
// cluster as Active-Passive HA pair. All subscribers should register to both
// statestore instances so that two statestore instances have same set of subscribers.
// Both Statestore instances send heartbeat to their subscribers, but only active
// statestore instance sends topic update to its subscribers.
TUpdateStateResponse UpdateState(1: TUpdateStateRequest params);
// Called when the statestore sends a heartbeat.
THeartbeatResponse Heartbeat(1: THeartbeatRequest params);
// Called when active catalogd has been updated.
TUpdateCatalogdResponse UpdateCatalogd(1: TUpdateCatalogdRequest params);
// Called by standby statestore when the Statestore service failover happens, which
// causes the active states of statestoreds are changed.
TUpdateStatestoredRoleResponse UpdateStatestoredRole(
1: TUpdateStatestoredRoleRequest params);
struct TStatestoreHaHandshakeRequest {
// Service's version of source Statestore instance
1: required StatestoreServiceVersion src_protocol_version =
// Instance id of source Statestore instance
2: required Types.TUniqueId src_statestore_id;
// Address of the Statestore that source statestore instance runs
3: required string src_statestore_address;
// True if starting flag statestore_force_active is set as true for source statestore
// instance.
4: required bool src_force_active;
struct TStatestoreHaHandshakeResponse {
// Whether the call was executed correctly
1: required Status.TStatus status;
// Service's version of destination Statestore instance
2: required StatestoreServiceVersion dst_protocol_version =
// Instance id of destination Statestore instance
3: required Types.TUniqueId dst_statestore_id;
// Indication if the destination Statestore is active for preemption. Source
// statestore should set itself as inactive if dst_statestore_active is set as true.
// Otherwise, source statestore sets itself as active.
4: required bool dst_statestore_active;
struct TStatestoreHaHeartbeatRequest {
// Service's version of source Statestore instance
1: required StatestoreServiceVersion protocol_version =
// Destination Statestore instance id
2: required Types.TUniqueId dst_statestore_id;
// Source Statestore instance id
3: required Types.TUniqueId src_statestore_id;
struct TStatestoreHaHeartbeatResponse {
1: required Status.TStatus status;
// Service for communication between two statestore instances in an Active-Passive
// HA (High Availability) pair.
service StatestoreHaService {
// StatestoreHaHandshake: negotiate active role between two instances during startup.
TStatestoreHaHandshakeResponse StatestoreHaHandshake(
1: TStatestoreHaHandshakeRequest params);
// StatestoreHaHeartbeat: active statestore sends heartbeat to standby statestore.
TStatestoreHaHeartbeatResponse StatestoreHaHeartbeat(
1: TStatestoreHaHeartbeatRequest params);