blob: d32baea68cdf0e9fdd75804d71cee57c14215919 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
// KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
package org.apache.impala.common;
import static;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Optional;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.function.Supplier;
import org.apache.impala.analysis.AnalysisContext;
import org.apache.impala.analysis.AnalysisContext.AnalysisResult;
import org.apache.impala.analysis.Analyzer;
import org.apache.impala.analysis.InsertStmt;
import org.apache.impala.analysis.ParseNode;
import org.apache.impala.analysis.Parser;
import org.apache.impala.analysis.StatementBase;
import org.apache.impala.analysis.StmtMetadataLoader;
import org.apache.impala.analysis.StmtMetadataLoader.StmtTableCache;
import org.apache.impala.authorization.AuthorizationChecker;
import org.apache.impala.authorization.AuthorizationConfig;
import org.apache.impala.authorization.AuthorizationContext;
import org.apache.impala.authorization.AuthorizationException;
import org.apache.impala.authorization.AuthorizationFactory;
import org.apache.impala.authorization.AuthorizationManager;
import org.apache.impala.authorization.AuthorizationPolicy;
import org.apache.impala.authorization.BaseAuthorizationChecker;
import org.apache.impala.authorization.NoopAuthorizationFactory.NoopAuthorizationManager;
import org.apache.impala.authorization.PrivilegeRequest;
import org.apache.impala.authorization.User;
import org.apache.impala.catalog.Catalog;
import org.apache.impala.catalog.CatalogServiceCatalog;
import org.apache.impala.catalog.Db;
import org.apache.impala.catalog.Function;
import org.apache.impala.catalog.ScalarType;
import org.apache.impala.catalog.Table;
import org.apache.impala.catalog.Type;
import org.apache.impala.service.FeCatalogManager;
import org.apache.impala.service.Frontend;
import org.apache.impala.service.FrontendProfile;
import org.apache.impala.testutil.ImpaladTestCatalog;
import org.apache.impala.thrift.TAccessEvent;
import org.apache.impala.thrift.TQueryOptions;
import org.apache.impala.thrift.TSessionState;
import org.apache.impala.util.EventSequence;
import org.junit.Assert;
* Base class for most frontend tests. Contains common functions for unit testing
* various components, e.g., ParsesOk(), ParserError(), AnalyzesOk(), AnalysisError(),
* as well as helper functions for creating test-local tables/views and UDF/UDAs.
* Extend "typical" tests from this class. For deeper, or more specialized tests,
* extend from {@link AbstractFrontendTest} and use the various fixtures directly.
* This class is also used for "legacy" tests that used the many functions here
* rather than the newer fixtures.
public class FrontendTestBase extends AbstractFrontendTest {
// Temporary shim until tests are updated to use the
// frontend fixture.
protected static Frontend frontend_ = feFixture_.frontend();
protected static ImpaladTestCatalog catalog_ = feFixture_.catalog();
protected final String[][] hintStyles_ = new String[][] {
new String[] { "/* +", "*/" }, // traditional commented hint
new String[] { "-- +", "\n" }, // eol commented hint
new String[] { "[", "]" } // legacy style
// Adds a Udf: to the catalog.
// TODO: we could consider having this be the sql to run instead but that requires
// connecting to the BE.
protected Function addTestFunction(String name,
ArrayList<ScalarType> args, boolean varArgs) {
return addTestFunction("default", name, args, varArgs);
protected Function addTestFunction(String name,
ScalarType arg, boolean varArgs) {
return addTestFunction("default", name, Lists.newArrayList(arg), varArgs);
protected Function addTestFunction(String db, String fnName,
ArrayList<ScalarType> args, boolean varArgs) {
return feFixture_.addTestFunction(db, fnName, args, varArgs);
protected void addTestUda(String name, Type retType, Type... argTypes) {
feFixture_.addTestUda(name, retType, argTypes);
* Add a new dummy database with the given name to the catalog.
* Returns the new dummy database.
* The database is registered in testDbs_ and removed in the @After method.
protected Db addTestDb(String dbName, String comment) {
return feFixture_.addTestDb(dbName, comment);
* Add a new dummy table to the catalog based on the given CREATE TABLE sql. The
* returned table only has its metadata partially set, but is capable of being planned.
* Only HDFS tables and external Kudu tables are supported.
* Returns the new dummy table.
* The test tables are registered in testTables_ and removed in the @After method.
protected Table addTestTable(String createTableSql) {
return feFixture_.addTestTable(createTableSql);
* Adds a test-local view to the catalog based on the given CREATE VIEW sql.
* The test views are registered in testTables_ and removed in the @After method.
* Returns the new view.
protected Table addTestView(String createViewSql) {
return feFixture_.addTestView(createViewSql);
* Adds a test-local view to the specified catalog based on the given CREATE VIEW sql.
* The test views are registered in testTables_ and removed in the @After method.
* Returns the new view.
protected Table addTestView(Catalog catalog, String createViewSql) {
return feFixture_.addTestView(catalog, createViewSql);
protected Table addAllScalarTypesTestTable() {
addTestDb("allscalartypesdb", "");
return addTestTable("create table allscalartypes (" +
"bool_col boolean, tinyint_col tinyint, smallint_col smallint, int_col int, " +
"bigint_col bigint, float_col float, double_col double, dec1 decimal(9,0), " +
"d2 decimal(10, 0), d3 decimal(20, 10), d4 decimal(38, 38), d5 decimal(10, 5), " +
"timestamp_col timestamp, string_col string, varchar_col varchar(50), " +
"char_col char (30), date_col date)");
* Inject the hint into the pattern using hint location.
* Example:
* pattern: insert %s into t %s select * from t
* hint: <token_hint_begin> hint_with_args(a) <token_hint_end>
* loc: Start(=oracle style) | End(=traditional style)
protected String InjectInsertHint(String pattern, String hint,
InsertStmt.HintLocation loc) {
final String oracleHint = (loc == InsertStmt.HintLocation.Start) ? hint : "";
final String defaultHint = (loc == InsertStmt.HintLocation.End) ? hint : "";
return String.format(pattern, oracleHint, defaultHint);
* Parse 'stmt' and return the root StatementBase.
public StatementBase ParsesOk(String stmt) {
return feFixture_.parseStmt(stmt);
* Analyze 'stmt', expecting it to pass. Asserts in case of analysis error.
public ParseNode AnalyzesOk(String stmt) {
return AnalyzesOk(stmt, createAnalysisCtx(), null);
public ParseNode AnalyzesOk(String stmt, AnalysisContext analysisCtx) {
return AnalyzesOk(stmt, analysisCtx, null);
* Analyze 'stmt', expecting it to pass. Asserts in case of analysis error.
* If 'expectedWarning' is not null, asserts that a warning is produced.
public ParseNode AnalyzesOk(String stmt, String expectedWarning) {
return AnalyzesOk(stmt, createAnalysisCtx(), expectedWarning);
protected AnalysisContext createAnalysisCtx() {
return feFixture_.createAnalysisCtx();
protected AnalysisContext createAnalysisCtx(String defaultDb) {
return feFixture_.createAnalysisCtx(defaultDb);
protected AnalysisContext createAnalysisCtx(TQueryOptions queryOptions) {
return feFixture_.createAnalysisCtx(queryOptions);
protected AnalysisContext createAnalysisCtx(TQueryOptions queryOptions,
AuthorizationFactory authzFactory) {
return feFixture_.createAnalysisCtx(queryOptions, authzFactory);
// This function allows us to specify the requesting user when creating an
// analysis context associated with an authorization request.
protected AnalysisContext createAnalysisCtx(TQueryOptions queryOptions,
AuthorizationFactory authzFactory, String user) {
return feFixture_.createAnalysisCtx(queryOptions, authzFactory, user);
protected AnalysisContext createAnalysisCtx(AuthorizationFactory authzFactory) {
return feFixture_.createAnalysisCtx(authzFactory);
protected AnalysisContext createAnalysisCtx(AuthorizationFactory authzFactory,
String user) {
return feFixture_.createAnalysisCtx(authzFactory, user);
protected AnalysisContext createAnalysisCtxUsingHiveColLabels() {
AnalysisContext analysisCtx = createAnalysisCtx();
return analysisCtx;
* Analyze 'stmt', expecting it to pass. Asserts in case of analysis error.
* If 'expectedWarning' is not null, asserts that a warning is produced.
public ParseNode AnalyzesOk(String stmt, AnalysisContext ctx, String expectedWarning) {
try (FrontendProfile.Scope scope = FrontendProfile.createNewWithScope()) {
return feFixture_.analyzeStmt(stmt, ctx, expectedWarning);
* Analyzes the given statement without performing rewrites or authorization.
public StatementBase AnalyzesOkNoRewrite(StatementBase stmt) throws ImpalaException {
try (FrontendProfile.Scope scope = FrontendProfile.createNewWithScope()) {
AnalysisContext ctx = createAnalysisCtx();
StmtMetadataLoader mdLoader =
new StmtMetadataLoader(frontend_, ctx.getQueryCtx().session.database, null);
StmtTableCache loadedTables = mdLoader.loadTables(stmt);
Analyzer analyzer = ctx.createAnalyzer(loadedTables);
return stmt;
* Asserts if stmt passes analysis.
public void AnalysisError(String stmt) {
AnalysisError(stmt, null);
* Asserts if stmt passes analysis or the error string doesn't match and it
* is non-null.
public void AnalysisError(String stmt, String expectedErrorString) {
AnalysisError(stmt, createAnalysisCtx(), expectedErrorString);
* Asserts if stmt passes analysis or the error string doesn't match and it
* is non-null.
public void AnalysisError(String stmt, AnalysisContext ctx, String expectedErrorString) {
Preconditions.checkNotNull(expectedErrorString, "No expected error message given.");
try {
AnalysisResult analysisResult = parseAndAnalyze(stmt, ctx);
} catch (Exception e) {
String errorString = e.getMessage();
Preconditions.checkNotNull(errorString, "Stack trace lost during exception.");
String msg = "got error:\n" + errorString + "\nexpected:\n" + expectedErrorString;
// TODO: This logic can be removed.
// Different versions of Hive have slightly different error messages;
// we normalize here as follows:
// 'No FileSystem for Scheme "x"' -> 'No FileSystem for scheme: x'
if (errorString.contains("No FileSystem for scheme ")) {
errorString = errorString.replace("\"", "");
errorString = errorString.replace("No FileSystem for scheme ",
"No FileSystem for scheme: ");
Assert.assertTrue(msg, errorString.startsWith(expectedErrorString));
fail("Stmt didn't result in analysis error: " + stmt);
protected AnalysisResult parseAndAnalyze(String stmt, AnalysisContext ctx)
throws ImpalaException {
return parseAndAnalyze(stmt, ctx, frontend_);
protected AnalysisResult parseAndAnalyze(String stmt, AnalysisContext ctx, Frontend fe)
throws ImpalaException {
try (FrontendProfile.Scope scope = FrontendProfile.createNewWithScope()) {
StatementBase parsedStmt = Parser.parse(stmt, ctx.getQueryOptions());
StmtMetadataLoader mdLoader =
new StmtMetadataLoader(fe, ctx.getQueryCtx().session.database, null);
StmtTableCache stmtTableCache = mdLoader.loadTables(parsedStmt);
return ctx.analyzeAndAuthorize(parsedStmt, stmtTableCache, fe.getAuthzChecker());
* Analyzes the given statement and returns the set of TAccessEvents
* that were captured as part of analysis.
protected Set<TAccessEvent> AnalyzeAccessEvents(String stmt)
throws AuthorizationException, AnalysisException {
return AnalyzeAccessEvents(stmt, Catalog.DEFAULT_DB);
protected Set<TAccessEvent> AnalyzeAccessEvents(String stmt, String db)
throws AuthorizationException, AnalysisException {
AnalysisContext ctx = createAnalysisCtx(db);
AnalyzesOk(stmt, ctx);
return ctx.getAnalyzer().getAccessEvents();
* Creates a dummy {@link AuthorizationFactory} with authorization enabled, but does
* not do the actual authorization.
protected AuthorizationFactory createAuthorizationFactory() {
return createAuthorizationFactory(true);
* Creates a dummy {@link AuthorizationFactory} with authorization enabled, but does
* not do the actual authorization.
* @param authorized the result of the authorization.
protected AuthorizationFactory createAuthorizationFactory(boolean authorized) {
return new AuthorizationFactory() {
public AuthorizationConfig getAuthorizationConfig() {
return new AuthorizationConfig() {
public boolean isEnabled() { return true; }
public String getProviderName() { return "noop"; }
public String getServerName() { return "server1"; }
public AuthorizationChecker newAuthorizationChecker(
AuthorizationPolicy authzPolicy) {
AuthorizationConfig authzConfig = getAuthorizationConfig();
return new BaseAuthorizationChecker(authzConfig) {
protected boolean authorizeResource(AuthorizationContext authzCtx, User user,
PrivilegeRequest request) throws InternalException {
return authorized;
public Set<String> getUserGroups(User user) throws InternalException {
return Collections.emptySet();
protected void authorizeRowFilterAndColumnMask(User user,
List<PrivilegeRequest> privilegeRequests)
throws AuthorizationException, InternalException {
public void invalidateAuthorizationCache() {}
public boolean needsMaskingOrFiltering(User user, String dbName,
String tableName, List<String> requiredColumns) {
return false;
public boolean needsRowFiltering(User user, String dbName, String tableName) {
return false;
public String createColumnMask(User user, String dbName, String tableName,
String columnName, AuthorizationContext authzCtx) {
return null;
public String createRowFilter(User user, String dbName, String tableName,
AuthorizationContext rangerCtx) {
return null;
public void postAnalyze(AuthorizationContext authzCtx) {
public AuthorizationContext createAuthorizationContext(boolean doAudits,
String sqlStmt, TSessionState sessionState,
Optional<EventSequence> timeline) {
return new AuthorizationContext(timeline);
public AuthorizationManager newAuthorizationManager(FeCatalogManager catalog,
Supplier<? extends AuthorizationChecker> authzChecker) {
return new NoopAuthorizationManager();
public AuthorizationManager newAuthorizationManager(CatalogServiceCatalog catalog) {
return new NoopAuthorizationManager();
public boolean supportsTableMasking() {
return false;