blob: 02dd1e7ea1752c376e6ea82818a3b7e2189d1fae [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
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// under the License.
namespace cpp impala
namespace java org.apache.impala.thrift
include "ExecStats.thrift"
include "Metrics.thrift"
include "Types.thrift"
// NOTE: This file and the includes above define the format of Impala query profiles. As
// newer versions of Impala should be able to read profiles written by older versions,
// some best practices must be followed when making changes to the structures below:
// - Only append new values at the end of enums.
// - Only add new fields at the end of structures, and always make them optional.
// - Don't remove fields.
// - Don't change the numbering of fields.
// Represents the different formats a runtime profile can be represented in.
enum TRuntimeProfileFormat {
// Pretty printed.
// The thrift profile, serialized, compressed, and encoded. Used for the query log.
// See RuntimeProfile::SerializeToArchiveString.
BASE64 = 1
// TRuntimeProfileTree.
// JSON profile
JSON = 3
// Counter data
struct TCounter {
1: required string name
2: required Metrics.TUnit unit
3: required i64 value
// Aggregated version of TCounter, belonging to a TAggregatedRuntimeProfileNode.
// Lists have TAggregatedRuntimeProfileNode.num_instances entries.
struct TAggCounter {
1: required string name
2: required Metrics.TUnit unit
// True if a value was set for this instance.
3: required list<bool> has_value
// The actual values. values[i] holds the value if has_value[i] == true, and is ignored
// if has_value[i] == false.
4: required list<i64> values
// Thrift version of RuntimeProfile::EventSequence - list of (label, timestamp) pairs
// which represent an ordered sequence of events.
struct TEventSequence {
1: required string name
2: required list<i64> timestamps
3: required list<string> labels
// Aggregated version of TEventSequence.
struct TAggEventSequence {
1: required string name
// One entry per unique label.
2: required list<string> label_dict
// The below lists have one entry per instance.
// The label of each event, represented as the index in label_dict.
3: required list<list<i32>> label_idxs
4: required list<list<i64>> timestamps
// Struct to contain data sampled at even time intervals (e.g. ram usage every
// N seconds).
// values[0] represents the value when the counter stated (e.g. fragment started)
// values[1] is the value at period_ms (e.g. 500 ms later)
// values[2] is the value at 2 * period_ms (e.g. 1sec since start)
// This can be used to reconstruct a time line for a particular counter.
struct TTimeSeriesCounter {
1: required string name
2: required Metrics.TUnit unit
// Period of intervals in ms
3: required i32 period_ms
// The sampled values.
4: required list<i64> values
// The index of the first value in this series (this is equal to the total number of
// values contained in previous updates for this counter). Values > 0 mean that this
// series contains an interval of a larger series. For values > 0, period_ms should be
// ignored, as chunked counters don't resample their values.
5: optional i64 start_index
// Aggregated version of TTimeSeriesCounter
struct TAggTimeSeriesCounter {
1: required string name
2: required Metrics.TUnit unit
// The below lists have one entry per instance, with each list entry containing
// the equivalent values to the similarly-named field in TTimeSeriesCounter.
3: required list<i32> period_ms
4: required list<list<i64>> values
5: required list<i64> start_index
// Thrift version of RuntimeProfile::SummaryStatsCounter.
struct TSummaryStatsCounter {
1: required string name
2: required Metrics.TUnit unit
3: required i64 sum
4: required i64 total_num_values
5: required i64 min_value
6: required i64 max_value
// Aggregated version of TSummaryStatsCounter, belonging to a
// TAggregatedRuntimeProfileNode.
// Lists have TAggregatedRuntimeProfileNode.num_instances entries.
struct TAggSummaryStatsCounter {
1: required string name
2: required Metrics.TUnit unit
// True if a value was set for this instance.
3: required list<bool> has_value
// The actual values of the summary stats counter, with each field stored in a separate
// list. The ith element of each list holds a valid value if has_value[i] == true, and
// is ignored if has_value[i] == false.
4: required list<i64> sum
5: required list<i64> total_num_values
6: required list<i64> min_value
7: required list<i64> max_value
// Metadata to help identify what entity the profile node corresponds to.
union TRuntimeProfileNodeMetadata {
// Set if this node corresponds to a plan node.
1: Types.TPlanNodeId plan_node_id
// Set if this node corresponds to a data sink.
2: Types.TDataSinkId data_sink_id
struct TAggregatedRuntimeProfileNode {
// Number of instances that were included in the stats in this profile.
1: optional i32 num_instances
// Names of the profiles that contributed to this aggregated profile. This is only
// set at the root of the aggregated profile tree. Nodes below that root will have
// the same number of instances but the names of the input profiles are not duplicated.
// The indices of these instances are used in many of the aggregated profile elements.
// E.g. indices in TAggCounter.values line up with these indices, and the indices used
// as map values in info_strings correspond to the indices here.
2: optional list<string> input_profiles
// The nesting of these counters is determined by 'child_counters_map' in the parent
// TRuntimeProfileNode.
3: optional list<TAggCounter> counters
// Info strings stored in a dense representation. The first map key is the info string
// key. The second map key is a distinct value of that key. The value is a list of
// input indices that had the value. This means that the common case, where many
// instances have identical strings, can be represented very compactly.
// E.g. the "ExecOption" and "Table Name" fields for 10 HDFS_SCAN_NODE instances could
// be represented as:
// {
// "Table Name": {"tpch.lineitem": [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9]},
// "ExecOption": {
// "ExecOption: TEXT Codegen Enabled, Codegen enabled: 2 out of 2":
// [0,1,2,3,4,6,7,8,9],
// "ExecOption: TEXT Codegen Enabled, Codegen enabled: 3 out of 3":
// [5]
// }
// }
4: optional map<string, map<string, list<i32>>> info_strings
// List of summary stats counters.
5: optional list<TAggSummaryStatsCounter> summary_stats_counters
// List of event sequences.
6: optional list<TAggEventSequence> event_sequences
// List of time series counters.
7: optional list<TAggTimeSeriesCounter> time_series_counters
// A single node in the runtime profile tree. This can either be an unaggregated node,
// which has the singular counter values from the original RuntimeProfile object, or
// it can be an aggregated node, which was merged together from one or more unaggregated
// input nodes.
struct TRuntimeProfileNode {
1: required string name
2: required i32 num_children
// In a unaggregated profile, individual counters.
// In an aggregated profile, these are the averaged counters only.
// The nesting of these counters is determined by 'child_counters_map' in the parent.
3: required list<TCounter> counters
// Legacy field. May contain the node ID for plan nodes.
// Replaced by node_metadata, which contains richer metadata.
4: required i64 metadata
// indicates whether the child will be printed with extra indentation;
// corresponds to indent param of RuntimeProfile::AddChild()
5: required bool indent
// ======================================================================
// BEGIN: unaggregated state.
// These fields represent unaggregated profile state only.
// These fields are not used in aggregated profile nodes, i.e. profile V2,
// unless otherwise noted.
// ======================================================================
// map of key,value info strings that capture any kind of additional information
// about the profiled object
6: required map<string, string> info_strings
// Auxiliary structure to capture the info strings display order when printed
7: required list<string> info_strings_display_order
// map from parent counter name to child counter name. This applies to both
// 'counters' and 'aggregated.counters'.
8: required map<string, set<string>> child_counters_map
// List of event sequences that capture ordered events in a query's lifetime
9: optional list<TEventSequence> event_sequences
// List of time series counters
10: optional list<TTimeSeriesCounter> time_series_counters
// ======================================================================
// END: unaggregated state.
// ======================================================================
// List of summary stats counters.
// Used in both unaggregated profiles and aggregated profiles. In aggregated profiles,
// summarizes stats from all input profiles.
11: optional list<TSummaryStatsCounter> summary_stats_counters
// Metadata about the entity that this node refers to.
12: optional TRuntimeProfileNodeMetadata node_metadata
// Aggregated profile counters - contains the same counters as above, except transposed
// so that one TRuntimeProfileNode contains counters for all input profiles.
13: optional TAggregatedRuntimeProfileNode aggregated
// A flattened tree of runtime profiles, obtained by an pre-order traversal. The contents
// of the profile vary between different version.
// Version 1:
// The fully-expanded runtime profile tree generated by the query is included. For every
// fragment, each fragment instance has a separate profile subtree and an averaged profile
// for the fragment is also included with averaged counter values.
// Version 2 (experimental):
// Different from version 1, there is only a single aggregated profile tree for each
// fragment. All nodes in this tree use the aggregated profile representation. Otherwise
// the structure of the profile is the same.
// TODO: IMPALA-9382 - update when non-experimental
struct TRuntimeProfileTree {
1: required list<TRuntimeProfileNode> nodes
2: optional ExecStats.TExecSummary exec_summary
// The version of the runtime profile representation. Different versions may have
// different invariants or information. Thrift structures for new versions need to
// remain readable by readers with old versions of the thrift file, but may remove
// information.
// Version 1: this field is unset
// Version 2: this field is set to 2
// TODO: IMPALA-9846: document which versions of Impala generate which version.
3: optional i32 profile_version
// A list of TRuntimeProfileTree structures.
struct TRuntimeProfileForest {
1: required list<TRuntimeProfileTree> profile_trees
2: optional TRuntimeProfileTree host_profile