blob: 4925f56cbf2bc93ad3fc29736f40d317404700f3 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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package org.apache.impala.catalog.local;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.api.Database;
import org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.api.Table;
import org.apache.impala.analysis.ColumnDef;
import org.apache.impala.analysis.KuduPartitionParam;
import org.apache.impala.catalog.CatalogException;
import org.apache.impala.catalog.FeDb;
import org.apache.impala.catalog.FeFsTable;
import org.apache.impala.catalog.FeKuduTable;
import org.apache.impala.catalog.FeTable;
import org.apache.impala.catalog.Function;
import org.apache.impala.catalog.Function.CompareMode;
import org.apache.impala.catalog.TableLoadingException;
import org.apache.impala.thrift.TDatabase;
import org.apache.impala.thrift.TFunctionCategory;
import org.apache.impala.util.FunctionUtils;
import org.apache.impala.util.PatternMatcher;
import org.apache.thrift.TException;
* Database instance loaded from {@link LocalCatalog}.
* This class is not thread-safe. A new instance is created for
* each catalog instance.
class LocalDb implements FeDb {
private final LocalCatalog catalog_;
/** The lower-case name of the database. */
private final String name_;
private Database msDb_;
* Map from lower-cased table name to table object. Values will be
* null for tables which have not yet been loaded.
private Map<String, FeTable> tables_;
* Map of function name to list of signatures for that function name.
private Map<String, List<Function>> functions_;
public LocalDb(LocalCatalog catalog, String dbName) {
this.catalog_ = catalog;
this.name_ = dbName;
public String getName() {
return name_;
public Database getMetaStoreDb() {
if (msDb_ == null) {
try {
msDb_ = catalog_.getMetaProvider().loadDb(name_);
} catch (TException e) {
throw new LocalCatalogException(String.format(
"Could not load database '%s' from HMS", name_), e);
return msDb_;
public boolean containsTable(String tableName) {
return tables_.containsKey(tableName.toLowerCase());
public FeTable getTableIfCached(String tblName) {
tblName = tblName.toLowerCase();
if (!tables_.containsKey(tblName)) {
// Table doesn't exist.
return null;
return tables_.get(tblName);
public FeTable getTable(String tableName) {
// the underlying layers of the cache expect all the table name to be in lowercase
String tblName = Preconditions.checkNotNull(tableName,
"Received a null table name").toLowerCase();
FeTable tbl = getTableIfCached(tblName);
if (tbl instanceof LocalIncompleteTable) {
// The table exists but hasn't been loaded yet.
tbl = LocalTable.load(this, tblName);
} catch (TableLoadingException tle) {
// If the table fails to load (eg a Kudu table that doesn't have
// a backing table, or some other catalogd-side issue), turn it into
// an IncompleteTable. This allows statements like DROP TABLE to still
// analyze.
tbl = new FailedLoadLocalTable(this, tblName, tle);
tables_.put(tblName, tbl);
return tbl;
public FeKuduTable createKuduCtasTarget(Table msTbl, List<ColumnDef> columnDefs,
List<ColumnDef> primaryKeyColumnDefs,
List<KuduPartitionParam> kuduPartitionParams) {
return LocalKuduTable.createCtasTarget(this, msTbl, columnDefs, primaryKeyColumnDefs,
public FeFsTable createFsCtasTarget(Table msTbl) throws CatalogException {
return LocalFsTable.createCtasTarget(this, msTbl);
public List<String> getAllTableNames() {
return ImmutableList.copyOf(tables_.keySet());
* Populate the 'tables_' map if it is not already populated.
* The map is populated with appropriate keys but null values which
* will be replaced on-demand.
private void loadTableNames() {
if (tables_ != null) return;
Map<String, FeTable> newMap = new HashMap<>();
try {
List<String> names = catalog_.getMetaProvider().loadTableNames(name_);
for (String tableName : names) {
newMap.put(tableName.toLowerCase(), new LocalIncompleteTable(this, tableName));
} catch (TException e) {
throw new LocalCatalogException(String.format(
"Could not load table names for database '%s' from HMS", name_), e);
tables_ = newMap;
public boolean isSystemDb() {
return false;
public Function getFunction(Function desc, CompareMode mode) {
List<Function> funcs = functions_.get(desc.functionName());
if (funcs == null) return null;
return FunctionUtils.resolveFunction(funcs, desc, mode);
* Populate the 'functions_' map with the correct set of keys corresponding to
* the functions in this database. The values will be 'null' to indicate that the
* functions themselves have not yet been loaded.
private void loadFunctionNames() {
if (functions_ != null) return;
List<String> funcNames;
try {
funcNames = catalog_.getMetaProvider().loadFunctionNames(name_);
} catch (TException e) {
throw new LocalCatalogException(String.format(
"Could not load function names for database '%s'", name_), e);
functions_ = Maps.newHashMapWithExpectedSize(funcNames.size());
for (String fn : funcNames) functions_.put(fn, null);
* Ensure that the given function has been fully loaded.
* If this function does not exist, this is a no-op.
private void loadFunction(String functionName) {
// If the function isn't in the map at all, then the function doesn't exist.
if (!functions_.containsKey(functionName)) return;
List<Function> overloads = functions_.get(functionName);
// If it's in the map, it might have a null value, or it might already be loaded.
// If it's already loaded, we're done.
if (overloads != null) return;
try {
overloads = catalog_.getMetaProvider().loadFunction(name_, functionName);
} catch (TException e) {
throw new LocalCatalogException(String.format("Could not load function '%s.%s'",
name_, functionName), e);
functions_.put(functionName, overloads);
public List<Function> getFunctions(String functionName) {
List<Function> funcs = functions_.get(functionName);
if (funcs == null) return Collections.emptyList();
return FunctionUtils.getVisibleFunctions(funcs);
public List<Function> getFunctions(
TFunctionCategory category, String functionName) {
List<Function> funcs = functions_.get(functionName);
if (funcs == null) return Collections.emptyList();
return FunctionUtils.getVisibleFunctionsInCategory(funcs, category);
public List<Function> getFunctions(
TFunctionCategory category, PatternMatcher matcher) {
List<Function> result = new ArrayList<>();
Iterable<String> fnNames = Iterables.filter(functions_.keySet(), matcher);
for (String fnName : fnNames) {
result.addAll(getFunctions(category, fnName));
return result;
public int numFunctions() {
return functions_.size();
public boolean containsFunction(String function) {
// TODO(todd): does this need to be lower-cased here?
return functions_.containsKey(function);
public TDatabase toThrift() {
TDatabase tdb = new TDatabase(name_);
return tdb;
LocalCatalog getCatalog() {
return catalog_;
@Override // FeDb
public String getOwnerUser() {
Database db = getMetaStoreDb();
return db == null? null : db.getOwnerName();