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// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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// distributed with this work for additional information
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package org.apache.impala.catalog;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.HColumnDescriptor;
import org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.IMetaStoreClient;
import org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.api.StorageDescriptor;
import org.apache.impala.common.Pair;
import org.apache.impala.thrift.TCatalogObjectType;
import org.apache.impala.thrift.TResultSet;
import org.apache.impala.thrift.TTable;
import org.apache.impala.thrift.TTableDescriptor;
import org.apache.impala.thrift.TTableType;
import com.codahale.metrics.Timer;
* Impala representation of HBase table metadata,
* as loaded from Hive's metastore.
* This implies that we inherit the metastore's limitations related to HBase,
* for example the lack of support for composite HBase row keys.
* We sort the HBase columns (cols) by family/qualifier
* to simplify the retrieval logic in the backend, since
* HBase returns data ordered by family/qualifier.
* This implies that a "select *"-query on an HBase table
* will not have the columns ordered as they were declared in the DDL.
* They will be ordered by family/qualifier.
public class HBaseTable extends Table implements FeHBaseTable {
// Input format class for HBase tables read by Hive.
private static final String HBASE_INPUT_FORMAT =
// Serialization class for HBase tables set in the corresponding Metastore table.
private static final String HBASE_SERIALIZATION_LIB =
// Name of table in HBase.
// '' is the alias of the HBase table in Hive.
private String hbaseTableName_;
// Cached column families. Used primarily for speeding up row stats estimation
// (see IMPALA-4211).
private HColumnDescriptor[] columnFamilies_ = null;
protected HBaseTable(org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.api.Table msTbl, Db db,
String name, String owner) {
super(msTbl, db, name, owner);
* Returns true if the given Metastore Table represents an HBase table.
* Versions of Hive/HBase are inconsistent which HBase related fields are set
* (e.g., HIVE-6548 changed the input format to null).
* For maximum compatibility consider all known fields that indicate an HBase table.
public static boolean isHBaseTable(org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.api.Table msTbl) {
if (msTbl.getParameters() != null &&
msTbl.getParameters().containsKey(Util.HBASE_STORAGE_HANDLER)) {
return true;
StorageDescriptor sd = msTbl.getSd();
if (sd == null) return false;
if (sd.getInputFormat() != null && sd.getInputFormat().equals(HBASE_INPUT_FORMAT)) {
return true;
} else return sd.getSerdeInfo() != null &&
sd.getSerdeInfo().getSerializationLib() != null &&
* For hbase tables, we can support tables with columns we don't understand at
* all (e.g. map) as long as the user does not select those. This is in contrast
* to hdfs tables since we typically need to understand all columns to make sense
* of the file at all.
public void load(boolean reuseMetadata, IMetaStoreClient client,
org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.api.Table msTbl, String reason)
throws TableLoadingException {
try (Timer.Context timer = getMetrics().getTimer(Table.LOAD_DURATION_METRIC).time()) {
msTable_ = msTbl;
final Timer.Context storageLoadTimer =
List<Column> cols;
try {
hbaseTableName_ = Util.getHBaseTableName(getMetaStoreTable());
// Warm up the connection and verify the table exists.
columnFamilies_ = null;
cols = Util.loadColumns(msTable_);
} finally {
storageMetadataLoadTime_ = storageLoadTimer.stop();
for (Column col : cols) addColumn(col);
// Set table stats.
// since we don't support composite hbase rowkeys yet, all hbase tables have a
// single clustering col
numClusteringCols_ = 1;
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new TableLoadingException("Failed to load metadata for HBase table: " + name_,
protected void loadFromThrift(TTable table) throws TableLoadingException {
try {
hbaseTableName_ = Util.getHBaseTableName(getMetaStoreTable());
// Warm up the connection and verify the table exists.
columnFamilies_ = null;
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new TableLoadingException(
"Failed to load metadata for HBase table from thrift table: " + name_, e);
public Pair<Long, Long> getEstimatedRowStats(byte[] startRowKey,
byte[] endRowKey) {
return Util.getEstimatedRowStats(this, startRowKey, endRowKey);
* Hive returns the columns in order of their declaration for HBase tables.
public List<Column> getColumnsInHiveOrder() {
return getColumns();
public TTableDescriptor toThriftDescriptor(int tableId,
Set<Long> referencedPartitions) {
TTableDescriptor tableDescriptor =
new TTableDescriptor(tableId, TTableType.HBASE_TABLE, getTColumnDescriptors(),
numClusteringCols_, hbaseTableName_, db_.getName());
return tableDescriptor;
public String getHBaseTableName() {
return hbaseTableName_;
public TResultSet getTableStats() {
return Util.getTableStats(this);
public TCatalogObjectType getCatalogObjectType() {
return TCatalogObjectType.TABLE;
public TTable toThrift() {
TTable table = super.toThrift();
return table;
* Returns the storage handler class for HBase tables read by Hive.
public String getStorageHandlerClassName() {
* Fetch or use cached column families.
public HColumnDescriptor[] getColumnFamilies() throws IOException {
if (columnFamilies_ == null) {
try (org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.Table hBaseTable = Util
.getHBaseTable(getHBaseTableName())) {
columnFamilies_ = hBaseTable.getTableDescriptor().getColumnFamilies();
return columnFamilies_;