blob: aad27298c89a15a5460fcc3ca177f9b62ba3c758 [file] [log] [blame]
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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# distributed with this work for additional information
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from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
from builtin import filter, map
from os import environ
from tests.util.cluster_controller import ClusterController
from tests.benchmark.plugins import Plugin
import datetime
import threading
import time
class VTunePlugin(Plugin):
This plugin runs Intel's VTune amplifier
Before the query is executed, the plugin starts VTune collection. After the query has
completed, the plugin stops the collection.
__name__ = "VTunePlugin"
#TODO: We should make these configurable
VTUNE_PATH = '/opt/intel/vtune_amplifier_xe_2013/'
TARGET_PROCESS = 'impalad'
RESULT_DIR_BASE = '/var/log/impala/vtune/' + '%s' + '/db=%s'
RESULT_QUERY_SCOPE = '_query=%s_format=%s_iteration=%i'
KILL_CMD = 'ps aux | grep vtune | grep -v grep | awk \'{print $2}\' | xargs kill -9'
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
self.cluster_controller = ClusterController(*args, **kwargs)
Plugin.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
# This is the unique run identifier
self.run_tag = environ.get('BUILD_TAG',
# This method checks to ensure that VTune is installed in the expected path
def run_pre_hook(self, context):
# Source VTune variables and build the correct command string. For the workload
# scope, the database name is added to the result path. For the query scope, the
# query name and iteration is also added.
result_dir = self.RESULT_DIR_BASE
if context.get('scope') == 'Query': result_dir = result_dir + self.RESULT_QUERY_SCOPE
pre_cmd = ('echo 0 > /proc/sys/kernel/nmi_watchdog\n'
'source ' + self.VTUNE_PATH + '\n'
'amplxe-cl -collect advanced-hotspots '
'-result-dir=' + result_dir + ' -target-process=' + self.TARGET_PROCESS)
table_format_str = context.get('table_format', 'UNKNOWN').replace('/', '-')
pre_cmd = pre_cmd % (self.run_tag, context.get('db_name', 'UNKNOWN'),
context.get('short_query_name', 'UNKNOWN'),
table_format_str,context.get('iteration', 1))
self.thread = threading.Thread(target=self.cluster_controller.deprecated_run_cmd,
# TODO: Test whether this is a good time to wait
# Because we start this colection asychronously, we need to ensure that all the
# machines are running. For now this is simplier than doing the full check that we
# do in the post hook.
def run_post_hook(self, context):
# Source VTune variables and build the correct command string. This process is
# identical to that in run_pre_hook()
result_dir = self.RESULT_DIR_BASE
if context.get('scope') == 'Query': result_dir = result_dir + self.RESULT_QUERY_SCOPE
post_cmd = ('source ' + self.VTUNE_PATH + ' \n'
'amplxe-cl -command stop -result-dir=' + result_dir)
table_format_str = context.get('table_format', 'UNKNOWN').replace('/', '-')
# TODO: Fix the context dict to remove the ambiguity of the variable name
# new_query_name
post_cmd = post_cmd % (self.run_tag, context.get('db_name', 'UNKNOWN'),
context.get('short_query_name', 'UNKNOWN'), table_format_str,
context.get('iteration', 1))
# Wait for reports to generate and kill hosts that are hanging around
def _check_path_on_hosts(self):
path_check_cmd = 'if [ -d "%s" ]; then echo "exists"\nfi' % (self.VTUNE_PATH)
host_check_dict = self.cluster_controller.deprecated_run_cmd(path_check_cmd)
bad_hosts = [k for k in host_check_dict.keys() if host_check_dict[k] != "exists"]
if bad_hosts:
raise RuntimeError('VTune is not installed in the expected path for hosts %s' %
def _wait_for_completion(self, timeout):
Waits for VTune reports to finish generating.
On large datasets it can take time for the reports to generate. This method waits for
a timeout period, checking to see if any machine in the cluster is still running a
VTune command. After the timeout period, _kill_vtune() is called which kills any
unterminated VTune commands.
grep_dict = {}
reports_done = True
finish_time = + datetime.timedelta(minutes=timeout)
while ((reports_done) and ( < finish_time)):
grep_dict = self.cluster_controller.deprecated_run_cmd(
'ps aux|grep vtune|grep -v grep')
reports_done = any(map(self.__is_not_none_or_empty_str, grep_dict.values()))
# TODO: Investigate a better length of time for the sleep period between checks
def _kill_vtune(self, host_dict):
# This method kills threads that are still hanging around after timeout
kill_list = list(filter(self.__is_not_none_or_empty_str, host_dict.keys()))
if kill_list:
self.cluster_controller.deprecated_run_cmd(self.KILL_CMD, hosts=kill_list)
def __is_not_none_or_empty_str(self, s):
return s != None and s != ''