blob: 676344f79d829f7f2b8ad924ef89d870b411b619 [file] [log] [blame]
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import re
from os.path import abspath, join
from sqlparse import sql, tokens as T
from sqlparse.engine import FilterStack
from sqlparse.lexer import tokenize
from sqlparse.pipeline import Pipeline
from sqlparse.tokens import (Comment, Comparison, Keyword, Name, Punctuation,
String, Whitespace)
from sqlparse.utils import memoize_generator
from sqlparse.utils import split_unquoted_newlines
# --------------------------
# token process
class _CaseFilter:
ttype = None
def __init__(self, case=None):
if case is None:
case = 'upper'
assert case in ['lower', 'upper', 'capitalize']
self.convert = getattr(unicode, case)
def process(self, stack, stream):
for ttype, value in stream:
if ttype in self.ttype:
value = self.convert(value)
yield ttype, value
class KeywordCaseFilter(_CaseFilter):
ttype = T.Keyword
class IdentifierCaseFilter(_CaseFilter):
ttype = (T.Name, T.String.Symbol)
def process(self, stack, stream):
for ttype, value in stream:
if ttype in self.ttype and not value.strip()[0] == '"':
value = self.convert(value)
yield ttype, value
class TruncateStringFilter:
def __init__(self, width, char):
self.width = max(width, 1)
self.char = unicode(char)
def process(self, stack, stream):
for ttype, value in stream:
if ttype is T.Literal.String.Single:
if value[:2] == '\'\'':
inner = value[2:-2]
quote = u'\'\''
inner = value[1:-1]
quote = u'\''
if len(inner) > self.width:
value = u''.join((quote, inner[:self.width], self.char,
yield ttype, value
class GetComments:
"""Get the comments from a stack"""
def process(self, stack, stream):
for token_type, value in stream:
if token_type in Comment:
yield token_type, value
class StripComments:
"""Strip the comments from a stack"""
def process(self, stack, stream):
for token_type, value in stream:
if token_type not in Comment:
yield token_type, value
def StripWhitespace(stream):
"Strip the useless whitespaces from a stream leaving only the minimal ones"
last_type = None
has_space = False
ignore_group = frozenset((Comparison, Punctuation))
for token_type, value in stream:
# We got a previous token (not empty first ones)
if last_type:
if token_type in Whitespace:
has_space = True
# Ignore first empty spaces and dot-commas
elif token_type in (Whitespace, Whitespace.Newline, ignore_group):
# Yield a whitespace if it can't be ignored
if has_space:
if not ignore_group.intersection((last_type, token_type)):
yield Whitespace, ' '
has_space = False
# Yield the token and set its type for checking with the next one
yield token_type, value
last_type = token_type
class IncludeStatement:
"""Filter that enable a INCLUDE statement"""
def __init__(self, dirpath=".", maxrecursive=10, raiseexceptions=False):
if maxrecursive <= 0:
raise ValueError('Max recursion limit reached')
self.dirpath = abspath(dirpath)
self.maxRecursive = maxrecursive
self.raiseexceptions = raiseexceptions
self.detected = False
def process(self, stack, stream):
# Run over all tokens in the stream
for token_type, value in stream:
# INCLUDE statement found, set detected mode
if token_type in Name and value.upper() == 'INCLUDE':
self.detected = True
# INCLUDE statement was found, parse it
elif self.detected:
# Omit whitespaces
if token_type in Whitespace:
# Found file path to include
if token_type in String.Symbol:
# if token_type in tokens.String.Symbol:
# Get path of file to include
path = join(self.dirpath, value[1:-1])
f = open(path)
raw_sql =
# There was a problem loading the include file
except IOError, err:
# Raise the exception to the interpreter
if self.raiseexceptions:
# Put the exception as a comment on the SQL code
yield Comment, u'-- IOError: %s\n' % err
# Create new FilterStack to parse readed file
# and add all its tokens to the main stack recursively
filtr = IncludeStatement(self.dirpath,
self.maxRecursive - 1,
# Max recursion limit reached
except ValueError, err:
# Raise the exception to the interpreter
if self.raiseexceptions:
# Put the exception as a comment on the SQL code
yield Comment, u'-- ValueError: %s\n' % err
stack = FilterStack()
for tv in
yield tv
# Set normal mode
self.detected = False
# Don't include any token while in detected mode
# Normal token
yield token_type, value
# ----------------------
# statement process
class StripCommentsFilter:
def _get_next_comment(self, tlist):
# TODO(andi) Comment types should be unified, see related issue38
token = tlist.token_next_by_instance(0, sql.Comment)
if token is None:
token = tlist.token_next_by_type(0, T.Comment)
return token
def _process(self, tlist):
token = self._get_next_comment(tlist)
while token:
tidx = tlist.token_index(token)
prev = tlist.token_prev(tidx, False)
next_ = tlist.token_next(tidx, False)
# Replace by whitespace if prev and next exist and if they're not
# whitespaces. This doesn't apply if prev or next is a paranthesis.
if (prev is not None and next_ is not None
and not prev.is_whitespace() and not next_.is_whitespace()
and not (prev.match(T.Punctuation, '(')
or next_.match(T.Punctuation, ')'))):
tlist.tokens[tidx] = sql.Token(T.Whitespace, ' ')
token = self._get_next_comment(tlist)
def process(self, stack, stmt):
[self.process(stack, sgroup) for sgroup in stmt.get_sublists()]
class StripWhitespaceFilter:
def _stripws(self, tlist):
func_name = '_stripws_%s' % tlist.__class__.__name__.lower()
func = getattr(self, func_name, self._stripws_default)
def _stripws_default(self, tlist):
last_was_ws = False
for token in tlist.tokens:
if token.is_whitespace():
if last_was_ws:
token.value = ''
token.value = ' '
last_was_ws = token.is_whitespace()
def _stripws_identifierlist(self, tlist):
# Removes newlines before commas, see issue140
last_nl = None
for token in tlist.tokens[:]:
if (token.ttype is T.Punctuation
and token.value == ','
and last_nl is not None):
if token.is_whitespace():
last_nl = token
last_nl = None
return self._stripws_default(tlist)
def _stripws_parenthesis(self, tlist):
if tlist.tokens[1].is_whitespace():
if tlist.tokens[-2].is_whitespace():
def process(self, stack, stmt, depth=0):
[self.process(stack, sgroup, depth + 1)
for sgroup in stmt.get_sublists()]
if (
depth == 0
and stmt.tokens
and stmt.tokens[-1].is_whitespace()
class ReindentFilter:
def __init__(self, width=2, char=' ', line_width=None):
self.width = width
self.char = char
self.indent = 0
self.offset = 0
self.line_width = line_width
self._curr_stmt = None
self._last_stmt = None
def _flatten_up_to_token(self, token):
"""Yields all tokens up to token plus the next one."""
# helper for _get_offset
iterator = self._curr_stmt.flatten()
for t in iterator:
yield t
if t == token:
raise StopIteration
def _get_offset(self, token):
raw = ''.join(map(unicode, self._flatten_up_to_token(token)))
line = raw.splitlines()[-1]
# Now take current offset into account and return relative offset.
full_offset = len(line) - len(self.char * (self.width * self.indent))
return full_offset - self.offset
def nl(self):
# TODO: newline character should be configurable
space = (self.char * ((self.indent * self.width) + self.offset))
# Detect runaway indenting due to parsing errors
if len(space) > 200:
# something seems to be wrong, flip back
self.indent = self.offset = 0
space = (self.char * ((self.indent * self.width) + self.offset))
ws = '\n' + space
return sql.Token(T.Whitespace, ws)
def _split_kwds(self, tlist):
split_words = ('FROM', 'STRAIGHT_JOIN$', 'JOIN$', 'AND', 'OR',
def _next_token(i):
t = tlist.token_next_match(i, T.Keyword, split_words,
if t and t.value.upper() == 'BETWEEN':
t = _next_token(tlist.token_index(t) + 1)
if t and t.value.upper() == 'AND':
t = _next_token(tlist.token_index(t) + 1)
return t
idx = 0
token = _next_token(idx)
added = set()
while token:
prev = tlist.token_prev(tlist.token_index(token), False)
offset = 1
if prev and prev.is_whitespace() and prev not in added:
offset += 1
uprev = unicode(prev)
if (prev and (uprev.endswith('\n') or uprev.endswith('\r'))):
nl = tlist.token_next(token)
nl =
tlist.insert_before(token, nl)
offset += 1
token = _next_token(tlist.token_index(nl) + offset)
def _split_statements(self, tlist):
idx = 0
token = tlist.token_next_by_type(idx, (T.Keyword.DDL, T.Keyword.DML))
while token:
prev = tlist.token_prev(tlist.token_index(token), False)
if prev and prev.is_whitespace():
# only break if it's not the first token
if prev:
nl =
tlist.insert_before(token, nl)
token = tlist.token_next_by_type(tlist.token_index(token) + 1,
(T.Keyword.DDL, T.Keyword.DML))
def _process(self, tlist):
func_name = '_process_%s' % tlist.__class__.__name__.lower()
func = getattr(self, func_name, self._process_default)
def _process_where(self, tlist):
token = tlist.token_next_match(0, T.Keyword, 'WHERE')
except ValueError: # issue121, errors in statement
self.indent += 1
self.indent -= 1
def _process_having(self, tlist):
token = tlist.token_next_match(0, T.Keyword, 'HAVING')
except ValueError: # issue121, errors in statement
self.indent += 1
self.indent -= 1
def _process_parenthesis(self, tlist):
first = tlist.token_next(0)
indented = False
if first and first.ttype in (T.Keyword.DML, T.Keyword.DDL):
self.indent += 1
indented = True
num_offset = self._get_offset(
tlist.token_next_match(0, T.Punctuation, '('))
self.offset += num_offset
self._process_default(tlist, stmts=not indented)
if indented:
self.indent -= 1
self.offset -= num_offset
def _process_identifierlist(self, tlist):
identifiers = list(tlist.get_identifiers())
if len(identifiers) > 1 and not tlist.within(sql.Function):
first = list(identifiers[0].flatten())[0]
if self.char == '\t':
# when using tabs we don't count the actual word length
# in spaces.
num_offset = 1
num_offset = self._get_offset(first) - len(first.value)
self.offset += num_offset
for token in identifiers[1:]:
self.offset -= num_offset
def _process_case(self, tlist):
is_first = True
num_offset = None
case = tlist.tokens[0]
outer_offset = self._get_offset(case) - len(case.value)
self.offset += outer_offset
for cond, value in tlist.get_cases():
if is_first:
tcond = list(cond[0].flatten())[0]
is_first = False
num_offset = self._get_offset(tcond) - len(tcond.value)
self.offset += num_offset
if cond is None:
token = value[0]
token = cond[0]
# Line breaks on group level are done. Now let's add an offset of
# 5 (=length of "when", "then", "else") and process subgroups.
self.offset += 5
self.offset -= 5
if num_offset is not None:
self.offset -= num_offset
end = tlist.token_next_match(0, T.Keyword, 'END')
self.offset -= outer_offset
def _process_default(self, tlist, stmts=True, kwds=True):
if stmts:
if kwds:
[self._process(sgroup) for sgroup in tlist.get_sublists()]
def process(self, stack, stmt):
if isinstance(stmt, sql.Statement):
self._curr_stmt = stmt
if isinstance(stmt, sql.Statement):
if self._last_stmt is not None:
if unicode(self._last_stmt).endswith('\n'):
nl = '\n'
nl = '\n\n'
0, sql.Token(T.Whitespace, nl))
if self._last_stmt != stmt:
self._last_stmt = stmt
# FIXME: Doesn't work ;)
class RightMarginFilter:
keep_together = (
# sql.TypeCast, sql.Identifier, sql.Alias,
def __init__(self, width=79):
self.width = width
self.line = ''
def _process(self, stack, group, stream):
for token in stream:
if token.is_whitespace() and '\n' in token.value:
if token.value.endswith('\n'):
self.line = ''
self.line = token.value.splitlines()[-1]
elif (token.is_group()
and not token.__class__ in self.keep_together):
token.tokens = self._process(stack, token, token.tokens)
val = unicode(token)
if len(self.line) + len(val) > self.width:
match ='^ +', self.line)
if match is not None:
indent =
indent = ''
yield sql.Token(T.Whitespace, '\n%s' % indent)
self.line = indent
self.line += val
yield token
def process(self, stack, group):
group.tokens = self._process(stack, group, group.tokens)
class ColumnsSelect:
"""Get the columns names of a SELECT query"""
def process(self, stack, stream):
mode = 0
oldValue = ""
parenthesis = 0
for token_type, value in stream:
# Ignore comments
if token_type in Comment:
# We have not detected a SELECT statement
if mode == 0:
if token_type in Keyword and value == 'SELECT':
mode = 1
# We have detected a SELECT statement
elif mode == 1:
if value == 'FROM':
if oldValue:
yield oldValue
mode = 3 # Columns have been checked
elif value == 'AS':
oldValue = ""
mode = 2
elif (token_type == Punctuation
and value == ',' and not parenthesis):
if oldValue:
yield oldValue
oldValue = ""
elif token_type not in Whitespace:
if value == '(':
parenthesis += 1
elif value == ')':
parenthesis -= 1
oldValue += value
# We are processing an AS keyword
elif mode == 2:
# We check also for Keywords because a bug in SQLParse
if token_type == Name or token_type == Keyword:
yield value
mode = 1
# ---------------------------
# postprocess
class SerializerUnicode:
def process(self, stack, stmt):
raw = unicode(stmt)
lines = split_unquoted_newlines(raw)
res = '\n'.join(line.rstrip() for line in lines)
return res
def Tokens2Unicode(stream):
result = ""
for _, value in stream:
result += unicode(value)
return result
class OutputFilter:
varname_prefix = ''
def __init__(self, varname='sql'):
self.varname = self.varname_prefix + varname
self.count = 0
def _process(self, stream, varname, has_nl):
raise NotImplementedError
def process(self, stack, stmt):
self.count += 1
if self.count > 1:
varname = '%s%d' % (self.varname, self.count)
varname = self.varname
has_nl = len(unicode(stmt).strip().splitlines()) > 1
stmt.tokens = self._process(stmt.tokens, varname, has_nl)
return stmt
class OutputPythonFilter(OutputFilter):
def _process(self, stream, varname, has_nl):
# SQL query asignation to varname
if self.count > 1:
yield sql.Token(T.Whitespace, '\n')
yield sql.Token(T.Name, varname)
yield sql.Token(T.Whitespace, ' ')
yield sql.Token(T.Operator, '=')
yield sql.Token(T.Whitespace, ' ')
if has_nl:
yield sql.Token(T.Operator, '(')
yield sql.Token(T.Text, "'")
# Print the tokens on the quote
for token in stream:
# Token is a new line separator
if token.is_whitespace() and '\n' in token.value:
# Close quote and add a new line
yield sql.Token(T.Text, " '")
yield sql.Token(T.Whitespace, '\n')
# Quote header on secondary lines
yield sql.Token(T.Whitespace, ' ' * (len(varname) + 4))
yield sql.Token(T.Text, "'")
# Indentation
after_lb = token.value.split('\n', 1)[1]
if after_lb:
yield sql.Token(T.Whitespace, after_lb)
# Token has escape chars
elif "'" in token.value:
token.value = token.value.replace("'", "\\'")
# Put the token
yield sql.Token(T.Text, token.value)
# Close quote
yield sql.Token(T.Text, "'")
if has_nl:
yield sql.Token(T.Operator, ')')
class OutputPHPFilter(OutputFilter):
varname_prefix = '$'
def _process(self, stream, varname, has_nl):
# SQL query asignation to varname (quote header)
if self.count > 1:
yield sql.Token(T.Whitespace, '\n')
yield sql.Token(T.Name, varname)
yield sql.Token(T.Whitespace, ' ')
if has_nl:
yield sql.Token(T.Whitespace, ' ')
yield sql.Token(T.Operator, '=')
yield sql.Token(T.Whitespace, ' ')
yield sql.Token(T.Text, '"')
# Print the tokens on the quote
for token in stream:
# Token is a new line separator
if token.is_whitespace() and '\n' in token.value:
# Close quote and add a new line
yield sql.Token(T.Text, ' ";')
yield sql.Token(T.Whitespace, '\n')
# Quote header on secondary lines
yield sql.Token(T.Name, varname)
yield sql.Token(T.Whitespace, ' ')
yield sql.Token(T.Operator, '.=')
yield sql.Token(T.Whitespace, ' ')
yield sql.Token(T.Text, '"')
# Indentation
after_lb = token.value.split('\n', 1)[1]
if after_lb:
yield sql.Token(T.Whitespace, after_lb)
# Token has escape chars
elif '"' in token.value:
token.value = token.value.replace('"', '\\"')
# Put the token
yield sql.Token(T.Text, token.value)
# Close quote
yield sql.Token(T.Text, '"')
yield sql.Token(T.Punctuation, ';')
class Limit:
"""Get the LIMIT of a query.
If not defined, return -1 (SQL specification for no LIMIT query)
def process(self, stack, stream):
index = 7
stream = list(stream)
# Run over all tokens in the stream from the end
for token_type, value in stream:
index -= 1
# if index and token_type in Keyword:
if index and token_type in Keyword and value == 'LIMIT':
return stream[4 - index][1]
return -1
def compact(stream):
"""Function that return a compacted version of the stream"""
pipe = Pipeline()
return pipe(stream)