blob: 164feaa915c50de2656a12d5383f7d8757e678b1 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
// KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
#include "exec/hdfs-orc-scanner.h"
#include <queue>
#include "exec/orc-column-readers.h"
#include "exec/scanner-context.inline.h"
#include "exprs/expr.h"
#include "runtime/collection-value-builder.h"
#include "runtime/exec-env.h"
#include "runtime/io/request-context.h"
#include "runtime/runtime-filter.inline.h"
#include "runtime/timestamp-value.inline.h"
#include "runtime/tuple-row.h"
#include "util/decompress.h"
#include "common/names.h"
using namespace impala;
using namespace impala::io;
DEFINE_bool(enable_orc_scanner, true,
"If false, reading from ORC format tables is not supported");
Status HdfsOrcScanner::IssueInitialRanges(HdfsScanNodeBase* scan_node,
const vector<HdfsFileDesc*>& files) {
for (HdfsFileDesc* file : files) {
// If the file size is less than 10 bytes, it is an invalid ORC file.
if (file->file_length < 10) {
return Status(Substitute("ORC file $0 has an invalid file length: $1",
file->filename, file->file_length));
return IssueFooterRanges(scan_node, THdfsFileFormat::ORC, files);
namespace impala {
HdfsOrcScanner::OrcMemPool::OrcMemPool(HdfsOrcScanner* scanner)
: scanner_(scanner), mem_tracker_(scanner_->scan_node_->mem_tracker()) {
HdfsOrcScanner::OrcMemPool::~OrcMemPool() {
void HdfsOrcScanner::OrcMemPool::FreeAll() {
int64_t total_bytes_released = 0;
for (auto it = chunk_sizes_.begin(); it != chunk_sizes_.end(); ++it) {
total_bytes_released += it->second;
// orc-reader will not check the malloc result. We throw an exception if we can't
// malloc to stop the orc-reader.
char* HdfsOrcScanner::OrcMemPool::malloc(uint64_t size) {
if (!mem_tracker_->TryConsume(size)) {
throw ResourceError(mem_tracker_->MemLimitExceeded(
scanner_->state_, "Failed to allocate memory required by ORC library", size));
char* addr = static_cast<char*>(std::malloc(size));
if (addr == nullptr) {
throw ResourceError(Status(TErrorCode::MEM_ALLOC_FAILED, size));
chunk_sizes_[addr] = size;
return addr;
void HdfsOrcScanner::OrcMemPool::free(char* p) {
DCHECK(chunk_sizes_.find(p) != chunk_sizes_.end()) << "invalid free!" << endl
<< GetStackTrace();
int64_t size = chunk_sizes_[p];
// TODO: improve this to use async IO (IMPALA-6636).
void HdfsOrcScanner::ScanRangeInputStream::read(void* buf, uint64_t length,
uint64_t offset) {
const ScanRange* metadata_range = scanner_->metadata_range_;
const ScanRange* split_range =
int64_t partition_id = scanner_->context_->partition_descriptor()->id();
// Set expected_local to false to avoid cache on stale data (IMPALA-6830)
bool expected_local = false;
int cache_options = split_range->cache_options() & ~BufferOpts::USE_HDFS_CACHE;
ScanRange* range = scanner_->scan_node_->AllocateScanRange(
metadata_range->fs(), scanner_->filename(), length, offset, partition_id,
split_range->disk_id(), expected_local, split_range->is_erasure_coded(),
BufferOpts::ReadInto(reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(buf), length, cache_options));
unique_ptr<BufferDescriptor> io_buffer;
Status status;
bool needs_buffers;
status =
scanner_->scan_node_->reader_context()->StartScanRange(range, &needs_buffers);
DCHECK(!status.ok() || !needs_buffers) << "Already provided a buffer";
if (status.ok()) status = range->GetNext(&io_buffer);
if (io_buffer != nullptr) range->ReturnBuffer(move(io_buffer));
if (!status.ok()) throw ResourceError(status);
HdfsOrcScanner::HdfsOrcScanner(HdfsScanNodeBase* scan_node, RuntimeState* state)
: HdfsScanner(scan_node, state),
assemble_rows_timer_(scan_node_->materialize_tuple_timer()) {
HdfsOrcScanner::~HdfsOrcScanner() {
Status HdfsOrcScanner::Open(ScannerContext* context) {
metadata_range_ = stream_->scan_range();
num_cols_counter_ =
ADD_COUNTER(scan_node_->runtime_profile(), "NumOrcColumns", TUnit::UNIT);
num_stripes_counter_ =
ADD_COUNTER(scan_node_->runtime_profile(), "NumOrcStripes", TUnit::UNIT);
num_scanners_with_no_reads_counter_ =
ADD_COUNTER(scan_node_->runtime_profile(), "NumScannersWithNoReads", TUnit::UNIT);
process_footer_timer_stats_ =
ADD_SUMMARY_STATS_TIMER(scan_node_->runtime_profile(), "OrcFooterProcessingTime");
DCHECK(parse_status_.ok()) << "Invalid parse_status_" << parse_status_.GetDetail();
for (const FilterContext& ctx : context->filter_ctxs()) {
DCHECK(ctx.filter != nullptr);
reader_mem_pool_.reset(new OrcMemPool(this));
// Each scan node can process multiple splits. Each split processes the footer once.
// We use a timer to measure the time taken to ProcessFileTail() per split and add
// this time to the averaged timer.
MonotonicStopWatch single_footer_process_timer;
// First process the file metadata in the footer.
Status footer_status = ProcessFileTail();
// Release I/O buffers immediately to make sure they are cleaned up
// in case we return a non-OK status anywhere below.
schema_resolver_.reset(new OrcSchemaResolver(*scan_node_->hdfs_table(),
&reader_->getType(), filename()));
// Update 'row_reader_options_' based on the tuple descriptor so the ORC lib can skip
// columns we don't need.
// Build 'col_id_path_map_' that maps from ORC column ids to their corresponding
// SchemaPath in the table. The map is used in the constructors of OrcColumnReaders
// where we resolve SchemaPaths of the descriptors.
scan_node_->num_partition_keys(), &col_id_path_map_);
// To create OrcColumnReaders, we need the selected orc schema. It's a subset of the
// file schema: a tree of selected orc types and can only be got from an orc::RowReader
// (by orc::RowReader::getSelectedType).
// Selected nodes are still connected as a tree since if a node is selected, all its
// ancestors and children will be selected too.
// Here we haven't read stripe data yet so no orc::RowReaders are created. To get the
// selected types we create a temp orc::RowReader (but won't read rows from it).
try {
unique_ptr<orc::RowReader> tmp_row_reader =
const orc::Type* root_type = &tmp_row_reader->getSelectedType();
DCHECK_EQ(root_type->getKind(), orc::TypeKind::STRUCT);
orc_root_reader_ = this->obj_pool_.Add(
new OrcStructReader(root_type, scan_node_->tuple_desc(), this));
} catch (std::exception& e) {
string msg = Substitute("Encountered parse error during schema selection in "
"ORC file $0: $1", filename(), e.what());
parse_status_ = Status(msg);
return parse_status_;
// Set top-level template tuple.
template_tuple_ = template_tuple_map_[scan_node_->tuple_desc()];
return Status::OK();
void HdfsOrcScanner::Close(RowBatch* row_batch) {
if (row_batch != nullptr) {
row_batch->tuple_data_pool()->AcquireData(template_tuple_pool_.get(), false);
if (scan_node_->HasRowBatchQueue()) {
} else {
// Verify all resources (if any) have been transferred.
DCHECK_EQ(template_tuple_pool_->total_allocated_bytes(), 0);
THdfsCompression::type compression_type = THdfsCompression::NONE;
if (reader_ != nullptr) {
compression_type = TranslateCompressionKind(reader_->getCompression());
scan_node_->RangeComplete(THdfsFileFormat::ORC, compression_type);
for (int i = 0; i < filter_ctxs_.size(); ++i) {
const FilterStats* stats = filter_ctxs_[i]->stats;
const LocalFilterStats& local = filter_stats_[i];
stats->IncrCounters(FilterStats::ROWS_KEY, local.total_possible,
local.considered, local.rejected);
Status HdfsOrcScanner::ProcessFileTail() {
unique_ptr<orc::InputStream> input_stream(new ScanRangeInputStream(this));
VLOG_FILE << "Processing FileTail of ORC file: " << input_stream->getName()
<< ", length: " << input_stream->getLength();
try {
reader_ = orc::createReader(move(input_stream), reader_options_);
} catch (ResourceError& e) { // errors throw from the orc scanner
parse_status_ = e.GetStatus();
return parse_status_;
} catch (std::exception& e) { // other errors throw from the orc library
string msg = Substitute("Encountered parse error in tail of ORC file $0: $1",
filename(), e.what());
parse_status_ = Status(msg);
return parse_status_;
if (reader_->getNumberOfRows() == 0) return Status::OK();
if (reader_->getNumberOfStripes() == 0) {
return Status(Substitute("Invalid ORC file: $0. No stripes in this file but"
" numberOfRows in footer is $1", filename(), reader_->getNumberOfRows()));
return Status::OK();
inline THdfsCompression::type HdfsOrcScanner::TranslateCompressionKind(
orc::CompressionKind kind) {
switch (kind) {
case orc::CompressionKind::CompressionKind_NONE: return THdfsCompression::NONE;
// zlib used in ORC is corresponding to Deflate in Impala
case orc::CompressionKind::CompressionKind_ZLIB: return THdfsCompression::DEFLATE;
case orc::CompressionKind::CompressionKind_SNAPPY: return THdfsCompression::SNAPPY;
case orc::CompressionKind::CompressionKind_LZO: return THdfsCompression::LZO;
case orc::CompressionKind::CompressionKind_LZ4: return THdfsCompression::LZ4;
case orc::CompressionKind::CompressionKind_ZSTD: return THdfsCompression::ZSTD;
VLOG_QUERY << "Unknown compression kind of orc::CompressionKind: " << kind;
return THdfsCompression::DEFAULT;
bool HdfsOrcScanner::IsPartitionKeySlot(const SlotDescriptor* slot) {
return slot->parent() == scan_node_->tuple_desc() &&
slot->col_pos() < scan_node_->num_partition_keys();
bool HdfsOrcScanner::IsMissingField(const SlotDescriptor* slot) {
return missing_field_slots_.find(slot) != missing_field_slots_.end();
Status HdfsOrcScanner::ResolveColumns(const TupleDescriptor& tuple_desc,
list<const orc::Type*>* selected_nodes, stack<const SlotDescriptor*>* pos_slots) {
const orc::Type* node = nullptr;
bool pos_field = false;
bool missing_field = false;
RETURN_IF_ERROR(schema_resolver_->ResolveColumn(tuple_desc.tuple_path(), &node,
&pos_field, &missing_field));
if (missing_field) {
return Status(Substitute("Could not find nested column '$0' in file '$1'.",
PrintPath(*scan_node_->hdfs_table(), tuple_desc.tuple_path()), filename()));
if (tuple_desc.byte_size() == 0) {
// Don't need to materialize any slots but just generate an empty tuple for each
// (collection) row. (E.g. count(*) or 'exists' on results of subquery).
// Due to ORC-450 we can't get the number of tuples inside a collection without
// reading its items (or subcolumn of its items). So we select the most inner
// subcolumn of the collection (get by orc::Type::getMaximumColumnId()). E.g.
// if 'node' is array<struct<c1:int,c2:int,c3:int>> and we just need the array
// lengths. We still need to read at least one subcolumn otherwise the ORC lib
// will skip the whole array column. So we select 'c3' for this case.
VLOG(3) << "Add ORC column " << node->getMaximumColumnId() << " for empty tuple "
<< PrintPath(*scan_node_->hdfs_table(), tuple_desc.tuple_path());
return Status::OK();
// Each tuple can have at most one position slot.
SlotDescriptor* pos_slot_desc = nullptr;
for (SlotDescriptor* slot_desc : tuple_desc.slots()) {
// Skip partition columns
if (IsPartitionKeySlot(slot_desc)) continue;
node = nullptr;
pos_field = false;
missing_field = false;
// Reminder: slot_desc->col_path() can be much deeper than tuple_desc.tuple_path()
// to reference to a deep subcolumn.
slot_desc->col_path(), &node, &pos_field, &missing_field));
if (missing_field) {
if (slot_desc->type().IsCollectionType()) {
// If the collection column is missing, the whole scan range should return 0 rows
// since we're selecting children column(s) of the collection.
return Status(Substitute("Could not find nested column '$0' in file '$1'.",
PrintPath(*scan_node_->hdfs_table(), slot_desc->col_path()), filename()));
// In this case, we are selecting a column/subcolumn that is not in the file.
// Update the template tuple to put a NULL in this slot.
Tuple** template_tuple = &template_tuple_map_[&tuple_desc];
if (*template_tuple == nullptr) {
*template_tuple =
Tuple::Create(tuple_desc.byte_size(), template_tuple_pool_.get());
if (pos_field) {
DCHECK(pos_slot_desc == nullptr)
<< "There should only be one position slot per tuple";
pos_slot_desc = slot_desc;
DCHECK_EQ(node->getKind(), orc::TypeKind::LIST);
// 'col_path'(SchemaPath) of the SlotDescriptor won't map to a STRUCT column.
// We only deal with collection columns (ARRAY/MAP) and primitive columns here.
if (slot_desc->type().IsCollectionType()) {
// Recursively resolve nested columns
DCHECK(slot_desc->collection_item_descriptor() != nullptr);
const TupleDescriptor* item_tuple_desc = slot_desc->collection_item_descriptor();
RETURN_IF_ERROR(ResolveColumns(*item_tuple_desc, selected_nodes, pos_slots));
} else {
VLOG(3) << "Add ORC column " << node->getColumnId() << " for "
<< PrintPath(*scan_node_->hdfs_table(), slot_desc->col_path());
return Status::OK();
/// Whether 'selected_type_ids' contains the id of any children of 'node'
bool HasChildrenSelected(const orc::Type& node,
const list<uint64_t>& selected_type_ids) {
for (uint64_t id : selected_type_ids) {
if (id >= node.getColumnId() && id <= node.getMaximumColumnId()) return true;
return false;
Status HdfsOrcScanner::SelectColumns(const TupleDescriptor& tuple_desc) {
list<const orc::Type*> selected_nodes;
stack<const SlotDescriptor*> pos_slots;
// Select columns for all non-position slots.
RETURN_IF_ERROR(ResolveColumns(tuple_desc, &selected_nodes, &pos_slots));
for (auto t : selected_nodes) selected_type_ids_.push_back(t->getColumnId());
// Select columns for array positions. Due to ORC-450 we can't materialize array
// offsets without materializing its items, so we should still select the item or any
// sub column of the item. To be simple, we choose the max column id in the subtree
// of the ARRAY node.
// We process the deeper position slots first since it may introduce an item column
// that can also serve the position slot of upper arrays. E.g. for 'array_col' as
// array<struct<c1:int,c2:int,c3:array<int>>>, if both 'array_col.pos' and
// 'array_col.item.c3.pos' are needed, we just need to select 'array_col.item.c3.item'
// in the ORC lib, then we get offsets(indices) of both the inner and outer arrays.
while (!pos_slots.empty()) {
const SlotDescriptor* pos_slot_desc =;
const orc::Type* array_node = nullptr;
bool pos_field = false;
bool missing_field = false;
&array_node, &pos_field, &missing_field));
if (HasChildrenSelected(*array_node, selected_type_ids_)) continue;
VLOG(3) << "Add ORC column " << array_node->getMaximumColumnId() << " for "
<< PrintPath(*scan_node_->hdfs_table(), pos_slot_desc->col_path());
COUNTER_SET(num_cols_counter_, static_cast<int64_t>(selected_type_ids_.size()));
return Status::OK();
Status HdfsOrcScanner::ProcessSplit() {
HdfsScanNode* scan_node = static_cast<HdfsScanNode*>(scan_node_);
do {
unique_ptr<RowBatch> batch = make_unique<RowBatch>(scan_node_->row_desc(),
state_->batch_size(), scan_node_->mem_tracker());
Status status = GetNextInternal(batch.get());
// Always add batch to the queue because it may contain data referenced by previously
// appended batches.
if ((row_batches_produced_ & (BATCHES_PER_FILTER_SELECTIVITY_CHECK - 1)) == 0) {
} while (!eos_ && !scan_node_->ReachedLimitShared());
return Status::OK();
Status HdfsOrcScanner::GetNextInternal(RowBatch* row_batch) {
if (scan_node_->IsZeroSlotTableScan()) {
uint64_t file_rows = reader_->getNumberOfRows();
// There are no materialized slots, e.g. count(*) over the table. We can serve
// this query from just the file metadata. We don't need to read the column data.
if (stripe_rows_read_ == file_rows) {
eos_ = true;
return Status::OK();
DCHECK_LT(stripe_rows_read_, file_rows);
int64_t rows_remaining = file_rows - stripe_rows_read_;
int max_tuples = min<int64_t>(row_batch->capacity(), rows_remaining);
TupleRow* current_row = row_batch->GetRow(row_batch->AddRow());
int num_to_commit = WriteTemplateTuples(current_row, max_tuples);
Status status = CommitRows(num_to_commit, row_batch);
stripe_rows_read_ += max_tuples;
COUNTER_ADD(scan_node_->rows_read_counter(), num_to_commit);
return Status::OK();
// reset tuple memory. We'll allocate it the first time we use it.
tuple_mem_ = nullptr;
tuple_ = nullptr;
// Transfer remaining values in current orc batch. They are left in the previous call
// of 'TransferTuples' inside 'AssembleRows'. Since the orc batch has the same capacity
// as RowBatch's, the remaining values should be drained by one more round of calling
// 'TransferTuples' here.
if (!orc_root_reader_->EndOfBatch()) {
RETURN_IF_ERROR(TransferTuples(orc_root_reader_, row_batch));
if (row_batch->AtCapacity()) return Status::OK();
// Process next stripe if current stripe is drained. Each stripe will generate several
// orc batches. We only advance the stripe after processing the last batch.
// 'advance_stripe_' is updated in 'NextStripe', meaning the current stripe we advance
// to can be skip. 'end_of_stripe_' marks whether current stripe is drained. It's only
// set to true in 'AssembleRows'.
while (advance_stripe_ || end_of_stripe_) {
context_->ReleaseCompletedResources(/* done */ true);
// Commit the rows to flush the row batch from the previous stripe
RETURN_IF_ERROR(CommitRows(0, row_batch));
DCHECK_LE(stripe_idx_, reader_->getNumberOfStripes());
if (stripe_idx_ == reader_->getNumberOfStripes()) {
eos_ = true;
return Status::OK();
// Apply any runtime filters to static tuples containing the partition keys for this
// partition. If any filter fails, we return immediately and stop processing this
// scan range.
if (!scan_node_->PartitionPassesFilters(context_->partition_descriptor()->id(),
FilterStats::ROW_GROUPS_KEY, context_->filter_ctxs())) {
eos_ = true;
return Status::OK();
Status status = AssembleRows(row_batch);
if (!parse_status_.ok()) {
parse_status_ = Status::OK();
return Status::OK();
inline static bool CheckStripeOverlapsSplit(int64_t stripe_start, int64_t stripe_end,
int64_t split_start, int64_t split_end) {
return (split_start >= stripe_start && split_start < stripe_end) ||
(split_end > stripe_start && split_end <= stripe_end) ||
(split_start <= stripe_start && split_end >= stripe_end);
Status HdfsOrcScanner::NextStripe() {
const ScanRange* split_range = static_cast<ScanRangeMetadata*>(
int64_t split_offset = split_range->offset();
int64_t split_length = split_range->len();
bool start_with_first_stripe = stripe_idx_ == -1;
bool misaligned_stripe_skipped = false;
advance_stripe_ = false;
stripe_rows_read_ = 0;
// Loop until we have found a non-empty stripe.
while (true) {
// Reset the parse status for the next stripe.
parse_status_ = Status::OK();
if (stripe_idx_ >= reader_->getNumberOfStripes()) {
if (start_with_first_stripe && misaligned_stripe_skipped) {
// We started with the first stripe and skipped all the stripes because they were
// misaligned. The execution flow won't reach this point if there is at least one
// non-empty stripe which this scanner can process.
COUNTER_ADD(num_scanners_with_no_reads_counter_, 1);
unique_ptr<orc::StripeInformation> stripe = reader_->getStripe(stripe_idx_);
// Also check 'footer_.numberOfRows' to make sure 'select count(*)' and 'select *'
// behave consistently for corrupt files that have 'footer_.numberOfRows == 0'
// but some data in stripe.
if (stripe->getNumberOfRows() == 0 || reader_->getNumberOfRows() == 0) continue;
uint64_t stripe_offset = stripe->getOffset();
uint64_t stripe_len = stripe->getIndexLength() + stripe->getDataLength() +
int64_t stripe_mid_pos = stripe_offset + stripe_len / 2;
if (!(stripe_mid_pos >= split_offset &&
stripe_mid_pos < split_offset + split_length)) {
// Middle pos not in split, this stripe will be handled by a different scanner.
// Mark if the stripe overlaps with the split.
misaligned_stripe_skipped |= CheckStripeOverlapsSplit(stripe_offset,
stripe_offset + stripe_len, split_offset, split_offset + split_length);
// TODO: check if this stripe can be skipped by stats. e.g. IMPALA-6505
COUNTER_ADD(num_stripes_counter_, 1);
row_reader_options_.range(stripe->getOffset(), stripe_len);
try {
row_reader_ = reader_->createRowReader(row_reader_options_);
} catch (ResourceError& e) { // errors throw from the orc scanner
parse_status_ = e.GetStatus();
return parse_status_;
} catch (std::exception& e) { // errors throw from the orc library
VLOG_QUERY << "Error in creating ORC column readers: " << e.what();
parse_status_ = Status(
Substitute("Error in creating ORC column readers: $0.", e.what()));
return parse_status_;
end_of_stripe_ = false;
VLOG_ROW << Substitute("Created RowReader for stripe(offset=$0, len=$1) in file $2",
stripe->getOffset(), stripe_len, filename());
return Status::OK();
Status HdfsOrcScanner::AssembleRows(RowBatch* row_batch) {
bool continue_execution = !scan_node_->ReachedLimitShared() && !context_->cancelled();
if (!continue_execution) return Status::CancelledInternal("ORC scanner");
// We're going to free the previous batch. Clear the reference first.
orc_root_batch_ = row_reader_->createRowBatch(row_batch->capacity());
DCHECK_EQ(orc_root_batch_->numElements, 0);
int64_t num_rows_read = 0;
while (continue_execution) { // one ORC batch (ColumnVectorBatch) in a round
if (orc_root_reader_->EndOfBatch()) {
try {
end_of_stripe_ |= !row_reader_->next(*orc_root_batch_);
if (end_of_stripe_) break; // no more data to process
} catch (ResourceError& e) {
parse_status_ = e.GetStatus();
return parse_status_;
} catch (std::exception& e) {
VLOG_QUERY << "Encounter parse error: " << e.what();
parse_status_ = Status(Substitute("Encounter parse error: $0.", e.what()));
eos_ = true;
return parse_status_;
if (orc_root_batch_->numElements == 0) {
RETURN_IF_ERROR(CommitRows(0, row_batch));
end_of_stripe_ = true;
return Status::OK();
num_rows_read += orc_root_batch_->numElements;
RETURN_IF_ERROR(TransferTuples(orc_root_reader_, row_batch));
if (row_batch->AtCapacity()) break;
continue_execution &= !scan_node_->ReachedLimitShared() && !context_->cancelled();
stripe_rows_read_ += num_rows_read;
COUNTER_ADD(scan_node_->rows_read_counter(), num_rows_read);
// Merge Scanner-local counter into HdfsScanNode counter and reset.
COUNTER_ADD(scan_node_->collection_items_read_counter(), coll_items_read_counter_);
coll_items_read_counter_ = 0;
return Status::OK();
Status HdfsOrcScanner::TransferTuples(OrcComplexColumnReader* coll_reader,
RowBatch* dst_batch) {
if (!coll_reader->MaterializeTuple()) {
// Top-level readers that are not materializing tuples will delegate the
// materialization to its unique child.
DCHECK_EQ(coll_reader->children().size(), 1);
OrcColumnReader* child = coll_reader->children()[0];
// Only complex type readers can be top-level readers.
return TransferTuples(static_cast<OrcComplexColumnReader*>(child), dst_batch);
const TupleDescriptor* tuple_desc = scan_node_->tuple_desc();
ScalarExprEvaluator* const* conjunct_evals = conjunct_evals_->data();
int num_conjuncts = conjunct_evals_->size();
DCHECK_LT(dst_batch->num_rows(), dst_batch->capacity());
if (tuple_ == nullptr) RETURN_IF_ERROR(AllocateTupleMem(dst_batch));
int row_id = dst_batch->num_rows();
int capacity = dst_batch->capacity();
int num_to_commit = 0;
TupleRow* row = dst_batch->GetRow(row_id);
Tuple* tuple = tuple_; // tuple_ is updated in CommitRows
// TODO(IMPALA-6506): codegen the runtime filter + conjunct evaluation loop
while (row_id < capacity && !coll_reader->EndOfBatch()) {
if (tuple_desc->byte_size() > 0) DCHECK_LT((void*)tuple, (void*)tuple_mem_end_);
InitTuple(tuple_desc, template_tuple_, tuple);
RETURN_IF_ERROR(coll_reader->TransferTuple(tuple, dst_batch->tuple_data_pool()));
row->SetTuple(scan_node_->tuple_idx(), tuple);
if (!EvalRuntimeFilters(row)) continue;
if (ExecNode::EvalConjuncts(conjunct_evals, num_conjuncts, row)) {
row = next_row(row);
tuple = next_tuple(tuple_desc->byte_size(), tuple);
VLOG_ROW << Substitute("Transfer $0 rows from scratch batch to dst_batch ($1 rows)",
num_to_commit, dst_batch->num_rows());
return CommitRows(num_to_commit, dst_batch);
Status HdfsOrcScanner::AllocateTupleMem(RowBatch* row_batch) {
int64_t tuple_buffer_size;
row_batch->ResizeAndAllocateTupleBuffer(state_, &tuple_buffer_size, &tuple_mem_));
tuple_mem_end_ = tuple_mem_ + tuple_buffer_size;
tuple_ = reinterpret_cast<Tuple*>(tuple_mem_);
DCHECK_GT(row_batch->capacity(), 0);
return Status::OK();
Status HdfsOrcScanner::AssembleCollection(
const OrcComplexColumnReader& complex_col_reader, int row_idx,
CollectionValueBuilder* coll_value_builder) {
int total_tuples = complex_col_reader.GetNumTuples(row_idx);
if (!complex_col_reader.MaterializeTuple()) {
// 'complex_col_reader' maps to a STRUCT or collection column of STRUCTs/collections
// and there're no need to materialize current level tuples. Delegate the
// materialization to the unique child reader.
DCHECK_EQ(complex_col_reader.children().size(), 1);
auto child_reader = reinterpret_cast<OrcComplexColumnReader*>(
// We should give the child reader the boundary (offset and total tuples) of current
// collection
int child_batch_offset = complex_col_reader.GetChildBatchOffset(row_idx);
for (int i = 0; i < total_tuples; ++i) {
RETURN_IF_ERROR(AssembleCollection(*child_reader, child_batch_offset + i,
return Status::OK();
auto coll_reader = reinterpret_cast<const OrcCollectionReader*>(&complex_col_reader);
const TupleDescriptor* tuple_desc = &coll_value_builder->tuple_desc();
Tuple* template_tuple = template_tuple_map_[tuple_desc];
const vector<ScalarExprEvaluator*>& evals =
int tuple_idx = 0;
while (!scan_node_->ReachedLimitShared() && !context_->cancelled()
&& tuple_idx < total_tuples) {
MemPool* pool;
Tuple* tuple;
TupleRow* row = nullptr;
int64_t num_rows;
// We're assembling item tuples into an CollectionValue
parse_status_ =
GetCollectionMemory(coll_value_builder, &pool, &tuple, &row, &num_rows);
if (UNLIKELY(!parse_status_.ok())) break;
// 'num_rows' can be very high if we're writing to a large CollectionValue. Limit
// the number of rows we read at one time so we don't spend too long in the
// 'num_rows' loop below before checking for cancellation or limit reached.
num_rows = min(
num_rows, static_cast<int64_t>(scan_node_->runtime_state()->batch_size()));
int num_to_commit = 0;
while (num_to_commit < num_rows && tuple_idx < total_tuples) {
InitTuple(tuple_desc, template_tuple, tuple);
RETURN_IF_ERROR(coll_reader->ReadChildrenValue(row_idx, tuple_idx++, tuple, pool));
if (ExecNode::EvalConjuncts(, evals.size(), row)) {
tuple = next_tuple(tuple_desc->byte_size(), tuple);
coll_items_read_counter_ += tuple_idx;
return Status::OK();