blob: 62df916be68774b57875b696c67c61ae200e45f6 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
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// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
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// under the License.
#include "util/jni-util.h"
#include <hdfs.h>
#include <sstream>
#include "common/status.h"
#include "gutil/once.h"
#include "rpc/jni-thrift-util.h"
#include "common/names.h"
DEFINE_int64(jvm_deadlock_detector_interval_s, 60,
"(Advanced) Interval between JVM deadlock checks. If set to 0 or a negative value, "
"deadlock checks are disabled.");
namespace impala {
Status JniUtfCharGuard::create(JNIEnv* env, jstring jstr, JniUtfCharGuard* out) {
DCHECK(jstr != nullptr);
jboolean is_copy;
const char* utf_chars = env->GetStringUTFChars(jstr, &is_copy);
bool exception_check = static_cast<bool>(env->ExceptionCheck());
if (utf_chars == nullptr || exception_check) {
if (exception_check) env->ExceptionClear();
if (utf_chars != nullptr) env->ReleaseStringUTFChars(jstr, utf_chars);
auto fail_message = "GetStringUTFChars failed. Probable OOM on JVM side";
LOG(ERROR) << fail_message;
return Status(fail_message);
out->env = env;
out->jstr = jstr;
out->utf_chars = utf_chars;
return Status::OK();
bool JniScopedArrayCritical::Create(JNIEnv* env, jbyteArray jarr,
JniScopedArrayCritical* out) {
DCHECK(env != nullptr);
DCHECK(out != nullptr);
int size = env->GetArrayLength(jarr);
void* pac = env->GetPrimitiveArrayCritical(jarr, nullptr);
if (pac == nullptr) {
LOG(ERROR) << "GetPrimitiveArrayCritical() failed. Probable OOM on JVM side";
return false;
out->env_ = env;
out->jarr_ = jarr;
out->arr_ = static_cast<uint8_t*>(pac);
out->size_ = size;
return true;
bool JniUtil::jvm_inited_ = false;
__thread JNIEnv* JniUtil::tls_env_ = nullptr;
jclass JniUtil::jni_util_cl_ = NULL;
jclass JniUtil::internal_exc_cl_ = NULL;
jmethodID JniUtil::get_jvm_metrics_id_ = NULL;
jmethodID JniUtil::get_jvm_threads_id_ = NULL;
jmethodID JniUtil::get_jmx_json_ = NULL;
jmethodID JniUtil::throwable_to_string_id_ = NULL;
jmethodID JniUtil::throwable_to_stack_trace_id_ = NULL;
Status JniLocalFrame::push(JNIEnv* env, int max_local_ref) {
DCHECK(env_ == NULL);
DCHECK_GT(max_local_ref, 0);
if (env->PushLocalFrame(max_local_ref) < 0) {
return Status("failed to push frame");
env_ = env;
return Status::OK();
bool JniUtil::ClassExists(JNIEnv* env, const char* class_str) {
jclass local_cl = env->FindClass(class_str);
jthrowable exc = env->ExceptionOccurred();
if (exc != NULL) {
return false;
return true;
bool JniUtil::MethodExists(JNIEnv* env, jclass class_ref, const char* method_str,
const char* method_signature) {
env->GetMethodID(class_ref, method_str, method_signature);
jthrowable exc = env->ExceptionOccurred();
if (exc != nullptr) {
return false;
return true;
Status JniUtil::GetGlobalClassRef(JNIEnv* env, const char* class_str, jclass* class_ref) {
*class_ref = NULL;
jclass local_cl = env->FindClass(class_str);
RETURN_IF_ERROR(LocalToGlobalRef(env, local_cl, class_ref));
return Status::OK();
Status JniUtil::LocalToGlobalRef(JNIEnv* env, jobject local_ref, jobject* global_ref) {
*global_ref = env->NewGlobalRef(local_ref);
return Status::OK();
Status JniUtil::Init() {
// Get the JNIEnv* corresponding to current thread.
JNIEnv* env = JniUtil::GetJNIEnv();
if (env == NULL) return Status("Failed to get/create JVM");
// Find JniUtil class and create a global ref.
jclass local_jni_util_cl = env->FindClass("org/apache/impala/common/JniUtil");
if (local_jni_util_cl == NULL) {
if (env->ExceptionOccurred()) env->ExceptionDescribe();
return Status("Failed to find JniUtil class.");
jni_util_cl_ = reinterpret_cast<jclass>(env->NewGlobalRef(local_jni_util_cl));
if (jni_util_cl_ == NULL) {
if (env->ExceptionOccurred()) env->ExceptionDescribe();
return Status("Failed to create global reference to JniUtil class.");
if (env->ExceptionOccurred()) {
return Status("Failed to delete local reference to JniUtil class.");
// Find InternalException class and create a global ref.
jclass local_internal_exc_cl =
if (local_internal_exc_cl == NULL) {
if (env->ExceptionOccurred()) env->ExceptionDescribe();
return Status("Failed to find JniUtil class.");
internal_exc_cl_ = reinterpret_cast<jclass>(env->NewGlobalRef(local_internal_exc_cl));
if (internal_exc_cl_ == NULL) {
if (env->ExceptionOccurred()) env->ExceptionDescribe();
return Status("Failed to create global reference to JniUtil class.");
if (env->ExceptionOccurred()) {
return Status("Failed to delete local reference to JniUtil class.");
// Throwable toString()
throwable_to_string_id_ =
env->GetStaticMethodID(jni_util_cl_, "throwableToString",
if (throwable_to_string_id_ == NULL) {
if (env->ExceptionOccurred()) env->ExceptionDescribe();
return Status("Failed to find JniUtil.throwableToString method.");
// throwableToStackTrace()
throwable_to_stack_trace_id_ =
env->GetStaticMethodID(jni_util_cl_, "throwableToStackTrace",
if (throwable_to_stack_trace_id_ == NULL) {
if (env->ExceptionOccurred()) env->ExceptionDescribe();
return Status("Failed to find JniUtil.throwableToFullStackTrace method.");
get_jvm_metrics_id_ =
env->GetStaticMethodID(jni_util_cl_, "getJvmMemoryMetrics", "()[B");
if (get_jvm_metrics_id_ == NULL) {
if (env->ExceptionOccurred()) env->ExceptionDescribe();
return Status("Failed to find JniUtil.getJvmMemoryMetrics method.");
get_jvm_threads_id_ =
env->GetStaticMethodID(jni_util_cl_, "getJvmThreadsInfo", "([B)[B");
if (get_jvm_threads_id_ == NULL) {
if (env->ExceptionOccurred()) env->ExceptionDescribe();
return Status("Failed to find JniUtil.getJvmThreadsInfo method.");
get_jmx_json_ =
env->GetStaticMethodID(jni_util_cl_, "getJMXJson", "()[B");
if (get_jmx_json_ == NULL) {
if (env->ExceptionOccurred()) env->ExceptionDescribe();
return Status("Failed to find JniUtil.getJMXJson method.");
jvm_inited_ = true;
return Status::OK();
void JniUtil::InitLibhdfs() {
// make random libhdfs calls to make sure that the context class loader isn't
// null; see xxx for an explanation
hdfsFS fs = hdfsConnect("default", 0);
namespace {
JavaVM* g_vm;
GoogleOnceType g_vm_once = GOOGLE_ONCE_INIT;
void FindJavaVMOrDie() {
int num_vms;
int rv = JNI_GetCreatedJavaVMs(&g_vm, 1, &num_vms);
CHECK_EQ(rv, 0) << "Could not find any created Java VM. Must init libhdfs first";
CHECK_EQ(num_vms, 1) << "No VMs returned";
} // anonymous namespace
JNIEnv* JniUtil::GetJNIEnvSlowPath() {
DCHECK(!tls_env_) << "Call GetJNIEnv() fast path";
GoogleOnceInit(&g_vm_once, &FindJavaVMOrDie);
int rc = g_vm->GetEnv(reinterpret_cast<void**>(&tls_env_), JNI_VERSION_1_6);
if (rc == JNI_EDETACHED) {
// Make a dummy call to attach libhdfs.
int junk;
hdfsConfGetInt("x", &junk);
rc = g_vm->GetEnv(reinterpret_cast<void**>(&tls_env_), JNI_VERSION_1_6);
CHECK_EQ(rc, 0) << "Unable to get JVM";
return CHECK_NOTNULL(tls_env_);
Status JniUtil::InitJvmPauseMonitor() {
JNIEnv* env = JniUtil::GetJNIEnv();
if (!env) return Status("Failed to get/create JVM.");
if (!jni_util_cl_) return Status("JniUtil::Init() not called.");
jmethodID init_jvm_pm_method;
JniMethodDescriptor init_jvm_pm_desc = {
"initPauseMonitor", "(J)V", &init_jvm_pm_method};
RETURN_IF_ERROR(JniUtil::LoadStaticJniMethod(env, jni_util_cl_, &init_jvm_pm_desc));
return JniCall::static_method(jni_util_cl_, init_jvm_pm_method)
Status JniUtil::GetJniExceptionMsg(JNIEnv* env, bool log_stack, const string& prefix) {
jthrowable exc = env->ExceptionOccurred();
if (exc == nullptr) return Status::OK();
DCHECK(throwable_to_string_id() != nullptr);
const char* oom_msg_template = "$0 threw an unchecked exception. The JVM is likely out "
"of memory (OOM).";
jstring msg = static_cast<jstring>(env->CallStaticObjectMethod(jni_util_class(),
throwable_to_string_id(), exc));
if (env->ExceptionOccurred()) {
string oom_msg = Substitute(oom_msg_template, "throwableToString");
LOG(ERROR) << oom_msg;
return Status(oom_msg);
JniUtfCharGuard msg_str_guard;
RETURN_IF_ERROR(JniUtfCharGuard::create(env, msg, &msg_str_guard));
if (log_stack) {
jstring stack = static_cast<jstring>(env->CallStaticObjectMethod(jni_util_class(),
throwable_to_stack_trace_id(), exc));
if (env->ExceptionOccurred()) {
string oom_msg = Substitute(oom_msg_template, "throwableToStackTrace");
LOG(ERROR) << oom_msg;
return Status(oom_msg);
JniUtfCharGuard c_stack_guard;
RETURN_IF_ERROR(JniUtfCharGuard::create(env, stack, &c_stack_guard));
VLOG(1) << c_stack_guard.get();
return Status(Substitute("$0$1", prefix, msg_str_guard.get()));
Status JniUtil::GetJvmMemoryMetrics(TGetJvmMemoryMetricsResponse* result) {
return JniCall::static_method(jni_util_class(), get_jvm_metrics_id_).Call(result);
Status JniUtil::GetJvmThreadsInfo(const TGetJvmThreadsInfoRequest& request,
TGetJvmThreadsInfoResponse* result) {
return JniCall::static_method(jni_util_class(), get_jvm_threads_id_)
Status JniUtil::GetJMXJson(TGetJMXJsonResponse* result) {
return JniCall::static_method(jni_util_class(), get_jmx_json_).Call(result);
Status JniUtil::LoadJniMethod(JNIEnv* env, const jclass& jni_class,
JniMethodDescriptor* descriptor) {
(*descriptor->method_id) = env->GetMethodID(jni_class,
descriptor->name.c_str(), descriptor->signature.c_str());
return Status::OK();
Status JniUtil::LoadStaticJniMethod(JNIEnv* env, const jclass& jni_class,
JniMethodDescriptor* descriptor) {
(*descriptor->method_id) = env->GetStaticMethodID(jni_class,
descriptor->name.c_str(), descriptor->signature.c_str());
return Status::OK();