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<title>RUNTIME_FILTER_MIN_SIZE Query Option (Impala 2.6 or higher only)</title>
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<h1 class="title topictitle1" id="ariaid-title1">RUNTIME_FILTER_MIN_SIZE Query Option (<span class="keyword">Impala 2.6</span> or higher only)</h1>
<div class="body conbody">
<p class="p">
The <code class="ph codeph">RUNTIME_FILTER_MIN_SIZE</code> query option
adjusts the settings for the runtime filtering feature.
This option defines the minimum size for a filter,
no matter what the estimates produced by the planner are.
This value also overrides any lower number specified for the
<code class="ph codeph">RUNTIME_BLOOM_FILTER_SIZE</code> query option.
Filter sizes are rounded up to the nearest power of two.
<p class="p">
<strong class="ph b">Type:</strong> integer
<p class="p">
<strong class="ph b">Default:</strong> 0 (meaning use the value from the corresponding <span class="keyword cmdname">impalad</span> startup option)
<p class="p">
<strong class="ph b">Added in:</strong> <span class="keyword">Impala 2.6.0</span>
<p class="p">
<strong class="ph b">Usage notes:</strong>
<p class="p">
Because the runtime filtering feature applies mainly to resource-intensive and
long-running queries, only adjust this query option when tuning long-running queries
involving some combination of large partitioned tables and joins involving large tables.
<p class="p">
<strong class="ph b">Kudu considerations:</strong>
<p class="p">
This query option affects only Bloom filters, not the min/max filters that are applied
to Kudu tables. Therefore, it does not affect the performance of queries against Kudu
<p class="p">
<strong class="ph b">Related information:</strong>
<p class="p">
<a class="xref" href="impala_runtime_filtering.html">Runtime Filtering for Impala Queries (Impala 2.5 or higher only)</a>,
<a class="xref" href="impala_runtime_filter_mode.html#runtime_filter_mode">RUNTIME_FILTER_MODE Query Option (Impala 2.5 or higher only)</a>,
<a class="xref" href="impala_runtime_filter_max_size.html#runtime_filter_max_size">RUNTIME_FILTER_MAX_SIZE Query Option (Impala 2.6 or higher only)</a>,
<a class="xref" href="impala_runtime_bloom_filter_size.html#runtime_bloom_filter_size">RUNTIME_BLOOM_FILTER_SIZE Query Option (Impala 2.5 or higher only)</a>
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<div class="parentlink"><strong>Parent topic:</strong> <a class="link" href="../topics/impala_query_options.html">Query Options for the SET Statement</a></div>