blob: 9513b9b567aee0f0a889595b00734e4536980f66 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
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// under the License.
package org.apache.impala.service;
import static org.apache.hadoop.fs.CommonConfigurationKeysPublic
import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration;
import org.apache.impala.analysis.SqlScanner;
import org.apache.impala.thrift.TBackendGflags;
* This class is meant to provide the FE with impalad backend configuration parameters,
* including command line arguments.
public class BackendConfig {
public static BackendConfig INSTANCE;
private TBackendGflags backendCfg_;
private BackendConfig(TBackendGflags cfg) {
backendCfg_ = cfg;
public static void create(TBackendGflags cfg) {
BackendConfig.create(cfg, true);
public static void create(TBackendGflags cfg, boolean initialize) {
INSTANCE = new BackendConfig(cfg);
if (initialize) {
public TBackendGflags getBackendCfg() { return backendCfg_; }
public long getReadSize() { return backendCfg_.read_size; }
public boolean getComputeLineage() {
// Lineage is computed in the fe if --lineage_event_log_dir is configured or
// a query event hook is configured with --query_event_hook_classes. The hook
// may or may not consume the lineage but we still include it.
return !Strings.isNullOrEmpty(backendCfg_.lineage_event_log_dir) ||
public long getIncStatsMaxSize() { return backendCfg_.inc_stats_size_limit_bytes; }
public boolean isStatsExtrapolationEnabled() {
return backendCfg_.enable_stats_extrapolation;
public boolean isAuthToLocalEnabled() {
return backendCfg_.load_auth_to_local_rules &&
public int getKuduClientTimeoutMs() { return backendCfg_.kudu_operation_timeout_ms; }
public String getImpalaBuildVersion() { return backendCfg_.impala_build_version; }
public int getImpalaLogLevel() { return backendCfg_.impala_log_lvl; }
public int getNonImpalaJavaVlogLevel() { return backendCfg_.non_impala_java_vlog; }
public int maxHdfsPartsParallelLoad() {
return backendCfg_.max_hdfs_partitions_parallel_load;
public int maxNonHdfsPartsParallelLoad() {
return backendCfg_.max_nonhdfs_partitions_parallel_load;
public double getMaxFilterErrorRate() { return backendCfg_.max_filter_error_rate; }
public long getMinBufferSize() { return backendCfg_.min_buffer_size; }
public boolean isAuthorizedProxyGroupEnabled() {
return !Strings.isNullOrEmpty(backendCfg_.authorized_proxy_group_config);
public boolean disableCatalogDataOpsDebugOnly() {
return backendCfg_.disable_catalog_data_ops_debug_only;
public int getInvalidateTablesTimeoutS() {
return backendCfg_.invalidate_tables_timeout_s;
public boolean invalidateTablesOnMemoryPressure() {
return backendCfg_.invalidate_tables_on_memory_pressure;
public double getInvalidateTablesGcOldGenFullThreshold() {
return backendCfg_.invalidate_tables_gc_old_gen_full_threshold;
public double getInvalidateTablesFractionOnMemoryPressure() {
return backendCfg_.invalidate_tables_fraction_on_memory_pressure;
public int getLocalCatalogMaxFetchRetries() {
return backendCfg_.local_catalog_max_fetch_retries;
public int getCatalogMaxParallelPartialFetchRpc() {
return backendCfg_.catalog_max_parallel_partial_fetch_rpc;
public long getCatalogPartialFetchRpcQueueTimeoutS() {
return backendCfg_.catalog_partial_fetch_rpc_queue_timeout_s;
public long getHMSPollingIntervalInSeconds() {
return backendCfg_.hms_event_polling_interval_s;
public boolean isInsertEventsEnabled() { return backendCfg_.enable_insert_events; }
public boolean isOrcScannerEnabled() {
return backendCfg_.enable_orc_scanner;
* Returns the value of the `authorization_factory_class` flag or `null` if
* the flag was not specified.
* @return value of the `authorization_factory_class` flag or `null` if not specified
public String getAuthorizationFactoryClass() {
final String val = backendCfg_.getAuthorization_factory_class();
return "".equals(val) ? null : val;
public boolean recursivelyListPartitions() {
return backendCfg_.recursively_list_partitions;
public String getRangerServiceType() {
return backendCfg_.getRanger_service_type();
public String getRangerAppId() {
return backendCfg_.getRanger_app_id();
public String getAuthorizationProvider() {
return backendCfg_.getAuthorization_provider();
public String getQueryExecHookClasses() {
return backendCfg_.getQuery_event_hook_classes();
public int getNumQueryExecHookThreads() {
return backendCfg_.getQuery_event_hook_nthreads();
public boolean useDedicatedCoordinatorEstimates() {
return !backendCfg_.is_executor && backendCfg_.use_dedicated_coordinator_estimates;
public String getBlacklistedDbs() {
return backendCfg_.blacklisted_dbs;
public String getBlacklistedTables() {
return backendCfg_.blacklisted_tables;
public boolean isZOrderSortUnlocked() {
return backendCfg_.unlock_zorder_sort;
public void setZOrderSortUnlocked(boolean zOrdering) {
public String getMinPrivilegeSetForShowStmts() {
return backendCfg_.min_privilege_set_for_show_stmts;
public int getNumCheckAuthorizationThreads() {
return backendCfg_.num_check_authorization_threads;
public boolean useCustomizedUserGroupsMapperForRanger() {
return backendCfg_.use_customized_user_groups_mapper_for_ranger;
public void setColumnMaskingEnabled(boolean columnMaskingEnabled) {
public void setRowFilteringEnabled(boolean rowFilteringEnabled) {
public boolean isColumnMaskingEnabled() { return backendCfg_.enable_column_masking; }
public boolean isRowFilteringEnabled() { return backendCfg_.enable_row_filtering; }
public boolean isCompactCatalogTopic() { return backendCfg_.compact_catalog_topic; }
public boolean isIncrementalMetadataUpdatesEnabled() {
return backendCfg_.enable_incremental_metadata_updates;
public String getSaml2KeystorePath() { return backendCfg_.saml2_keystore_path; }
public String getSaml2KeystorePassword() {
return backendCfg_.saml2_keystore_password;
public String getSaml2PrivateKeyPassword() {
return backendCfg_.saml2_private_key_password;
public String getSaml2IdpMetadata() { return backendCfg_.saml2_idp_metadata; }
public String getSaml2SpEntityId() { return backendCfg_.saml2_sp_entity_id; }
public String getSaml2SpCallbackUrl() { return backendCfg_.saml2_sp_callback_url; }
public boolean getSaml2WantAsserationsSigned() {
return backendCfg_.saml2_want_assertations_signed;
public boolean getSaml2SignRequest() { return backendCfg_.saml2_sign_requests; }
public int getSaml2CallbackTokenTtl() {
return backendCfg_.saml2_callback_token_ttl;
public String getSaml2GroupAttibuteName() { return backendCfg_.saml2_group_attribute_name; }
public String getSaml2GroupFilter() { return backendCfg_.saml2_group_filter; }
public boolean getSaml2EETestMode() { return backendCfg_.saml2_ee_test_mode; }
public String getScratchDirs() { return backendCfg_.scratch_dirs; }
// Inits the auth_to_local configuration in the static KerberosName class.
private static void initAuthToLocal() {
// If auth_to_local is enabled, we read the configuration
// from core-site.xml and use it for principal to short name conversion. If it is not,
// we use the defaultRule ("RULE:[1:$1] RULE:[2:$1]"), which just extracts the user
// name from any principal of form a@REALM or a/b@REALM. If auth_to_local is enabled
// and is not specified in the hadoop configs, we use
// the "DEFAULT" rule that just extracts the username from any principal in the
// cluster's local realm. For more details on principal to short name translation,
// refer to
final String defaultRule = "RULE:[1:$1] RULE:[2:$1]";
final Configuration conf = new Configuration();
if (INSTANCE.isAuthToLocalEnabled()) {
KerberosName.setRules(conf.get(HADOOP_SECURITY_AUTH_TO_LOCAL, "DEFAULT"));
} else {
// just extract the simple user name
public boolean isDedicatedCoordinator() {
return (backendCfg_.is_executor == false) && (backendCfg_.is_coordinator == true);
public int getMaxWaitTimeForSyncDdlSecs() {
return backendCfg_.max_wait_time_for_sync_ddl_s;