blob: 7d75c6994ec7457daba1bed2f0473d9a2c8a8cb4 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
// KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
namespace cpp impala
namespace java org.apache.impala.thrift
enum TReservedWordsVersion {
IMPALA_2_11 = 0
IMPALA_3_0 = 1
// Used to pass gflags from backend to frontend, JniCatalog and JniFrontend
// Attributes without comments correspond to gflags
struct TBackendGflags {
// REMOVED: 1: required string sentry_config
2: required bool load_auth_to_local_rules
3: required i32 non_impala_java_vlog
4: required i32 impala_log_lvl
5: required i64 inc_stats_size_limit_bytes
6: required string lineage_event_log_dir
7: required bool load_catalog_in_background
8: required i32 num_metadata_loading_threads
9: required string principal
// REMOVED: 10: required string authorization_policy_file
11: required string server_name
// REMOVED: 12: required string authorization_policy_provider_class
13: required string kudu_master_hosts
14: required string local_library_path
15: required i32 read_size
16: required i32 kudu_operation_timeout_ms
17: required i32 initial_hms_cnxn_timeout_s
18: required bool enable_stats_extrapolation
// REMOVED: 19: required i64 sentry_catalog_polling_frequency_s
20: required i32 max_hdfs_partitions_parallel_load
21: required i32 max_nonhdfs_partitions_parallel_load
22: required TReservedWordsVersion reserved_words_version
23: required double max_filter_error_rate
24: required i64 min_buffer_size
25: required bool enable_orc_scanner
26: required string authorized_proxy_group_config
27: required bool use_local_catalog
28: required bool disable_catalog_data_ops_debug_only
29: required i32 local_catalog_cache_mb
30: required i32 local_catalog_cache_expiration_s
32: required string catalog_topic_mode
33: required i32 invalidate_tables_timeout_s
34: required bool invalidate_tables_on_memory_pressure
35: required double invalidate_tables_gc_old_gen_full_threshold
36: required double invalidate_tables_fraction_on_memory_pressure
37: required i32 local_catalog_max_fetch_retries
38: required i64 kudu_scanner_thread_estimated_bytes_per_column
39: required i64 kudu_scanner_thread_max_estimated_bytes
40: required i32 catalog_max_parallel_partial_fetch_rpc
41: required i64 catalog_partial_fetch_rpc_queue_timeout_s
42: required i64 exchg_node_buffer_size_bytes
43: required i32 kudu_mutation_buffer_size
44: required i32 kudu_error_buffer_size
45: required i32 hms_event_polling_interval_s
46: required string impala_build_version
47: required string authorization_factory_class
// REMOVED: 48: required bool unlock_mt_dop
49: required string ranger_service_type
50: required string ranger_app_id
51: required string authorization_provider
52: required bool recursively_list_partitions
53: required string query_event_hook_classes
54: required i32 query_event_hook_nthreads
55: required bool is_executor
56: required bool is_coordinator
57: required bool use_dedicated_coordinator_estimates
58: required string blacklisted_dbs
59: required string blacklisted_tables
60: required bool unlock_zorder_sort
61: required string min_privilege_set_for_show_stmts
// REMOVED: 62: required bool mt_dop_auto_fallback
63: required i32 num_expected_executors
64: required i32 num_check_authorization_threads
65: required bool use_customized_user_groups_mapper_for_ranger
66: required bool enable_column_masking
67: required bool enable_insert_events
68: required bool compact_catalog_topic
69: required bool enable_incremental_metadata_updates
70: required i64 topic_update_tbl_max_wait_time_ms
71: required i32 catalog_max_lock_skipped_topic_updates
72: required string saml2_keystore_path
73: required string saml2_keystore_password
74: required string saml2_private_key_password
75: required string saml2_idp_metadata
76: required string saml2_sp_entity_id
77: required string saml2_sp_callback_url
78: required bool saml2_want_assertations_signed
79: required bool saml2_sign_requests
80: required i32 saml2_callback_token_ttl
81: required string saml2_group_attribute_name
82: required string saml2_group_filter
83: required bool saml2_ee_test_mode
84: required string scratch_dirs
85: required bool enable_row_filtering
86: required i32 max_wait_time_for_sync_ddl_s