blob: c25dd3909a17437f821d3801ca2b1a483b653298 [file] [log] [blame]
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
# distributed with this work for additional information
# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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from copy import copy
import itertools
import math
import os
import pytest
import random
import shutil
import tempfile
import time
from subprocess import check_call
from tests.common.environ import HIVE_MAJOR_VERSION
from tests.common.test_dimensions import create_exec_option_dimension_from_dict
from tests.common.impala_test_suite import ImpalaTestSuite, LOG
from tests.util.filesystem_utils import IS_HDFS, WAREHOUSE, get_fs_path
from tests.util.test_file_parser import QueryTestSectionReader
# Random fuzz testing of HDFS scanners. Existing tables for any HDFS file format
# are corrupted in random ways to flush out bugs with handling of corrupted data.
class TestScannersFuzzing(ImpalaTestSuite):
# Use abort_on_error = False to ensure we scan all the files.
# Only run on all nodes - num_nodes=1 would not provide additional coverage.
# Limit memory to avoid causing other concurrent tests to fail.
MEM_LIMITS = ['512m']
# Test the codegen and non-codegen paths.
# Test a range of batch sizes to exercise different corner cases.
BATCH_SIZES = [0, 1, 16, 10000]
# Test with denial of reservations at varying frequency. This will affect the number
# of scanner threads that can be spun up.
def get_workload(cls):
return 'functional-query'
def add_test_dimensions(cls):
super(TestScannersFuzzing, cls).add_test_dimensions()
'abort_on_error' : cls.ABORT_ON_ERROR_VALUES,
'num_nodes' : cls.NUM_NODES_VALUES,
'mem_limit' : cls.MEM_LIMITS,
'debug_action' : cls.DEBUG_ACTION_VALUES}))
# TODO: enable for more table formats once they consistently pass the fuzz test.
cls.ImpalaTestMatrix.add_constraint(lambda v:
v.get_value('table_format').file_format in ('avro', 'parquet', 'orc') or
(v.get_value('table_format').file_format == 'text' and
v.get_value('table_format').compression_codec in ('none')))
def test_fuzz_alltypes(self, vector, unique_database):
table_format = vector.get_value('table_format')
src_db = QueryTestSectionReader.get_db_name(table_format)
table_name = "alltypes"
self.run_fuzz_test(vector, src_db, table_name, unique_database, table_name)
def test_fuzz_decimal_tbl(self, vector, unique_database):
table_format = vector.get_value('table_format')
table_name = "decimal_tbl"
if table_format.file_format == 'avro':
table_name = "avro_decimal_tbl"
if table_format.compression_codec != 'snap' or \
table_format.compression_type != 'block':
elif table_format.file_format == 'rc' or \
table_format.file_format == 'seq':
elif table_format.file_format == 'text' and \
table_format.compression_codec != 'none':
# decimal_tbl is not present for these file formats
src_db = QueryTestSectionReader.get_db_name(table_format)
self.run_fuzz_test(vector, src_db, table_name, unique_database, table_name, 10)
def test_fuzz_nested_types(self, vector, unique_database):
table_format = vector.get_value('table_format')
table_name = "complextypestbl"
src_db = QueryTestSectionReader.get_db_name(table_format)
if table_format.file_format not in ['parquet', 'orc']: pytest.skip()
# Additional queries to scan the nested values.
custom_queries = [
"select count(*) from ("
" select distinct, a.pos as apos, a.item as aitem, aa.pos, aa.item, "
" m.key as mkey, m.value as mvalue, ma.key, ma.value, t.nested_struct.* "
" from complextypestbl t, t.int_array a, t.int_array_array.item aa, "
" t.int_map m, t.int_map_array.item ma) q",
"select count(*) from ("
" select, t.nested_struct.a, b.pos as bpos, b.item as bitem, i.e, i.f, m.key,"
" arr.pos, arr.item "
" from complextypestbl t, t.nested_struct.b, t.nested_struct.c.d.item i,"
" t.nested_struct.g m, m.value.h.i arr) q",
self.run_fuzz_test(vector, src_db, table_name, unique_database, table_name, 10,
def test_fuzz_uncompressed_parquet_orc(self, vector, unique_database):
"""Parquet/ORC tables in default schema are compressed, so in order
to do the fuzz_test on an uncompressed parquet table, this test
clones from an existing parquet table into a new table with
no compression. This uncompressed ORC tables are generated by
data loading in advance, so we don't need to generate them here.
table_format = vector.get_value('table_format')
if table_format.file_format not in ['parquet', 'orc']: pytest.skip()
"""Even when the compression_codec is none, the default compression type is snappy
so compression codec is changed explicitly to be none.
self.execute_query("set compression_codec=none")
tbl_list = ["alltypes", "decimal_tbl"]
for orig_tbl_name in tbl_list:
src_table_name = "uncomp_src_" + orig_tbl_name
fuzz_table_name = "uncomp_dst_" + orig_tbl_name
if table_format.file_format == 'parquet':
fq_tbl_name = unique_database + "." + src_table_name
create_tbl = ("create table {0} stored as parquet as select * from"
" functional_parquet.{1}".format(fq_tbl_name, orig_tbl_name))
self.run_fuzz_test(vector, unique_database, src_table_name, unique_database,
fuzz_table_name, 10)
self.run_fuzz_test(vector, "functional_orc_def", src_table_name, unique_database,
fuzz_table_name, 10)
# TODO: add test coverage for additional data types like char and varchar
def run_fuzz_test(self, vector, src_db, src_table, fuzz_db, fuzz_table, num_copies=1,
""" Do some basic fuzz testing: create a copy of an existing table with randomly
corrupted files and make sure that we don't crash or behave in an unexpected way.
'unique_database' is used for the table, so it will be cleaned up automatically.
If 'num_copies' is set, create that many corrupted copies of each input file.
SCANNER_FUZZ_SEED can be set in the environment to reproduce the result (assuming that
input files are the same).
SCANNER_FUZZ_KEEP_FILES can be set in the environment to keep the generated files.
# Create and seed a new random number generator for reproducibility.
rng = random.Random()
random_seed = os.environ.get("SCANNER_FUZZ_SEED") or time.time()"Using random seed %d", random_seed)
tmp_table_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix="tmp-scanner-fuzz-%s" % fuzz_table,
dir=os.path.join(os.environ['IMPALA_HOME'], "testdata"))
table_format = vector.get_value('table_format')
if HIVE_MAJOR_VERSION == 3 and table_format.file_format == 'orc':
# TODO: Enable this test on non-HDFS filesystems once IMPALA-9365 is resolved.
if not IS_HDFS: pytest.skip()
self.run_stmt_in_hive("create table %s.%s like %s.%s" % (fuzz_db, fuzz_table,
src_db, src_table))
self.run_stmt_in_hive("insert into %s.%s select * from %s.%s" % (fuzz_db,
fuzz_table, src_db, src_table))
self.execute_query("invalidate metadata %s.%s" % (fuzz_db, fuzz_table))
fq_fuzz_table_name = fuzz_db + "." + fuzz_table
table_loc = self._get_table_location(fq_fuzz_table_name, vector)
check_call(['hdfs', 'dfs', '-copyToLocal', table_loc + "/*", tmp_table_dir])
partitions = self.walk_and_corrupt_table_data(tmp_table_dir, num_copies, rng)
self.path_aware_copy_files_to_hdfs(tmp_table_dir, table_loc)
self.execute_query("create table %s.%s like %s.%s" % (fuzz_db, fuzz_table,
src_db, src_table))
fuzz_table_location = get_fs_path("/test-warehouse/{0}.db/{1}".format(
fuzz_db, fuzz_table))"Generating corrupted version of %s in %s. Local working directory is %s",
fuzz_table, fuzz_db, tmp_table_dir)
# Find the location of the existing table and get the full table directory
# structure.
fq_table_name = src_db + "." + src_table
table_loc = self._get_table_location(fq_table_name, vector)
check_call(['hdfs', 'dfs', '-copyToLocal', table_loc + "/*", tmp_table_dir])
partitions = self.walk_and_corrupt_table_data(tmp_table_dir, num_copies, rng)
for partition in partitions:
self.execute_query('alter table {0}.{1} add partition ({2})'.format(
fuzz_db, fuzz_table, ','.join(partition)))
# Copy all of the local files and directories to hdfs.
to_copy = ["%s/%s" % (tmp_table_dir, file_or_dir)
for file_or_dir in os.listdir(tmp_table_dir)]
self.filesystem_client.copy_from_local(to_copy, fuzz_table_location)
if "SCANNER_FUZZ_KEEP_FILES" not in os.environ:
# Querying the corrupted files should not DCHECK or crash.
self.execute_query("refresh %s.%s" % (fuzz_db, fuzz_table))
# Execute a query that tries to read all the columns and rows in the file.
# Also execute a count(*) that materializes no columns, since different code
# paths are exercised.
queries = [
'select count(*) from (select distinct * from {0}.{1}) q'.format(
fuzz_db, fuzz_table),
'select count(*) from {0}.{1} q'.format(fuzz_db, fuzz_table)]
if custom_queries is not None:
queries = queries + [s.format(fuzz_db, fuzz_table) for s in custom_queries]
for query, batch_size, disable_codegen in \
itertools.product(queries, self.BATCH_SIZES, self.DISABLE_CODEGEN_VALUES):
query_options = copy(vector.get_value('exec_option'))
query_options['batch_size'] = batch_size
query_options['disable_codegen'] = disable_codegen
query_options['disable_codegen_rows_threshold'] = 0
result = self.execute_query(query, query_options = query_options)'\n'.join(result.log))
except Exception as e:
# We should only test queries that parse succesfully.
assert "AnalysisException" not in str(e)
if 'memory limit exceeded' in str(e).lower():
# Memory limit error should fail query.
msg = "Should not throw error when abort_on_error=0: '{0}'".format(e)
# Parquet and compressed text can fail the query for some parse errors.
# E.g. corrupt Parquet footer (IMPALA-3773)
table_format = vector.get_value('table_format')
if table_format.file_format not in ['parquet', 'orc', 'rc', 'seq'] \
and not (table_format.file_format == 'text' and
table_format.compression_codec != 'none'):
def walk_and_corrupt_table_data(self, tmp_table_dir, num_copies, rng):
""" Walks a local copy of a HDFS table directory. Returns a list of partitions, each
as a list of "key=val" pairs. Ensures there is 'num_copies' copies of each file,
and corrupts each of the copies.
partitions = []
# Iterate over the partitions and files we downloaded.
for subdir, dirs, files in os.walk(tmp_table_dir):
if '_impala_insert_staging' in subdir: continue
if len(dirs) != 0: continue # Skip non-leaf directories
rel_subdir = os.path.relpath(subdir, tmp_table_dir)
if rel_subdir != ".":
# Create metadata for any directory partitions.
# Corrupt all of the files that we find.
for filename in files:
filepath = os.path.join(subdir, filename)
copies = [filepath]
for copy_num in range(1, num_copies):
if filename == '_orc_acid_version': break
copypath = os.path.join(subdir, "copy{0}_{1}".format(copy_num, filename))
shutil.copyfile(filepath, copypath)
for filepath in copies:
self.corrupt_file(filepath, rng)
return partitions
def path_aware_copy_files_to_hdfs(self, local_dir, hdfs_dir):
for subdir, dirs, files in os.walk(local_dir):
if '_impala_insert_staging' in subdir: continue
if len(dirs) != 0: continue # Skip non-leaf directories
rel_subdir = os.path.relpath(subdir, local_dir)
hdfs_location = hdfs_dir + '/' + rel_subdir
for filename in files:
self.filesystem_client.copy_from_local(os.path.join(subdir, filename),
def partitions_from_path(self, relpath):
""" Return a list of "key=val" parts from partitions inferred from the directory path.
reversed_partitions = []
while relpath != '':
relpath, suffix = os.path.split(relpath)
if (relpath == '' or
not suffix.startswith('base_') and
not suffix.startswith('delta_') and
not suffix.startswith('delete_delta_')):
return reversed(reversed_partitions)
def corrupt_file(self, path, rng):
""" Corrupt the file at 'path' in the local file system in a randomised way using the
random number generator 'rng'. Rewrites the file in-place.
Logs a message to describe how the file was corrupted, so the error is reproducible.
with open(path, "rb") as f:
data = bytearray(
num_corruptions = rng.randint(0, int(math.log(len(data))))
for _ in xrange(num_corruptions):
flip_offset = rng.randint(0, len(data) - 1)
flip_val = rng.randint(0, 255)"corrupt file: Flip byte in {0} at {1} from {2} to {3}".format(
path, flip_offset, data[flip_offset], flip_val))
data[flip_offset] = flip_val
if rng.random() < 0.4: # delete random part of the file
beg = rng.randint(0, len(data) - 1)
end = rng.randint(beg, len(data))"corrupt file: Remove range [{0}, {1}) in {2}".format(beg, end, path))
with open(path, "wb") as f:
with open(path, "wb") as f: