blob: deae5572aaa2972fdc5a2125bd95166afad369de [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
// KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
package org.apache.impala.analysis;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertNotNull;
import java.util.Set;
import org.apache.impala.catalog.Catalog;
import org.apache.impala.catalog.Column;
import org.apache.impala.catalog.ColumnStats;
import org.apache.impala.catalog.DatabaseNotFoundException;
import org.apache.impala.catalog.Db;
import org.apache.impala.catalog.Table;
import org.apache.impala.common.AnalysisSessionFixture;
import org.apache.impala.common.ImpalaException;
import org.apache.impala.common.InternalException;
import org.apache.impala.common.QueryFixture.SelectFixture;
import org.apache.impala.common.RuntimeEnv;
import org.apache.impala.planner.CardinalityTest;
import org.junit.AfterClass;
import org.junit.BeforeClass;
import org.junit.Test;
* Tests expression cardinality and selectivity, both of which are
* important inputs to scan and join cardinality estimates.
* In the comments below, the notation |x| means the cardinality of
* x. If x is a table, then it is the row count of x. If x is a column,
* then it is the number of distinct values (the cardinality of the
* domain of the column), also known as NDV.
* This test focuses on cardinality and the selectivity that determines
* derived cardinality. If |T| is the cardinality of table T, then
* |T'| is defined as the cardinality of table T after applying a selection s.
* Selectivity is defined as:
* sel(s) = |T'|/|T|
* Or
* |T'| = |T| * sel(s)
* Though not used here, it can be helpful to think of the selectivity as
* the probability p that some row r appears in the output after selection:
* sel(s) = p(r in |T'|)
* Tests here focus on the entire cardinality and NDV lifecycle up to an
* expression, ensuring that we produce proper overall estimates. See also:
* * {@link ExprNdvTest} which focuses on the actual NDV calculation
* method,
* * {@link CardinalityTest} which examines cardinality output from the
* planner.
* The tests here illustrate a number of known bugs, typically marked by
* their ticket number. IMPALA-7601 is a roll-up for the general case that
* Impala does not estimate selectivity except in the narrow (col = const)
* case.
public class ExprCardinalityTest {
private static AnalysisSessionFixture session_ = new AnalysisSessionFixture();
public static void setUp() {
public static void cleanUp() {
private void verifyTableCol(Table table, String colName,
long expectedNdv, long expectedNullCount) {
Column col = table.getColumn(colName);
ColumnStats stats = col.getStats();
assertEquals(expectedNdv, stats.getNumDistinctValues());
assertEquals(expectedNullCount, stats.getNumNulls());
* Baseline test of metadata cardinality, NDVs and null count.
* Locks down the values used in later tests to catch external changes
* easily.
* Cases:
* - With stats
* - Columns without nulls
* - Columns with nulls
* - Without stats, estimated from file size and schema
* (The last bit is not yet available.)
public void testMetadata() throws DatabaseNotFoundException, InternalException {
Catalog catalog = session_.catalog();
Db db = catalog.getDb("functional");
StmtMetadataLoader mdLoader =
new StmtMetadataLoader(session_.frontend(), "functional", null);
Set<TableName> tables = Sets.newHashSet(
new TableName("functional", "alltypes"),
new TableName("functional", "nullrows"),
new TableName("functional", "manynulls"));
// Table with stats, no nulls
Table allTypes = db.getTable("alltypes");
assertEquals(7300, allTypes.getTTableStats().getNum_rows());
verifyTableCol(allTypes, "id", 7300, 0);
verifyTableCol(allTypes, "bool_col", 2, 0);
verifyTableCol(allTypes, "int_col", 10, 0);
// Bug: NDV of partition columns is -1 though it is listed as
// 2 in the shell with: SHOW COLUMN STATS alltypes
//verifyTableCol(allTypes, "year", 2, 0);
// Bug: When tests are run in Eclipse we get the result above.
// But, when the same test is run using maven from the command line,
// we get the result shown below.
// Unit test in Eclipse see the above, unit tests run from the
// Disabling both to avoid a flaky test,
// Same issue for the next three tests.
//verifyTableCol(allTypes, "year", -1, -1);
//verifyTableCol(allTypes, "month", 12, 0);
//verifyTableCol(allTypes, "month", -1, -1);
// Table with stats and nulls
Table nullrows = db.getTable("nullrows");
assertEquals(26, nullrows.getTTableStats().getNum_rows());
verifyTableCol(nullrows, "id", 26, 0);
// Bug: NDV should be 1 to include nulls
verifyTableCol(nullrows, "null_str", 0, 26);
verifyTableCol(nullrows, "group_str", 6, 0);
verifyTableCol(nullrows, "some_nulls", 6, 20);
// Oddly, boolean columns DO include nulls in NDV.
verifyTableCol(nullrows, "bool_nulls", 3, 15);
// Table without stats
Table manynulls = db.getTable("manynulls");
// Bug: Table cardinality should be guessed from schema & file size.
assertEquals(-1, manynulls.getTTableStats().getNum_rows());
verifyTableCol(manynulls, "id", -1, -1);
public void verifySelectCol(String table, String col,
long expectedNdv, long expectedNullCount) throws ImpalaException {
SelectFixture select = new SelectFixture(session_)
.table("functional." + table)
Expr expr = select.analyzeExpr();
SlotRef colRef = (SlotRef) expr;
assertEquals(expectedNdv, expr.getNumDistinctValues());
assertEquals(expectedNullCount, colRef.getDesc().getStats().getNumNulls());
// Columns don't have selectivity, only expressions on columns
assertEquals(-1, expr.getSelectivity(), 0.001);
* Test cardinality of the column references within an AST.
* Ensures that the metadata cardinality was propagated into the
* AST, along with possible adjustments.
* Cases:
* - With stats
* - Normal NDV
* - Small NDV
* - Small NDV with nulls
* - NDV with all nulls
* - Constants
* - Without stats
* @throws ImpalaException
public void testColumnCardinality() throws ImpalaException {
// Stats, no null values
verifySelectCol("alltypes", "id", 7300, 0);
verifySelectCol("alltypes", "bool_col", 2, 0);
verifySelectCol("alltypes", "int_col", 10, 0);
// Bug: Stats not available for partition columns
//verifySelectExpr("alltypes", "year", 2, 0);
// Bug: Unit test in Eclipse see the above, unit tests run from the
// command line see the below. Disabling to avoid a flaky test,
// here and below.
//verifySelectExpr("alltypes", "year", -1, -1);
//verifySelectExpr("alltypes", "month", 12, 0);
//verifySelectExpr("alltypes", "month", -1, -1);
// Stats, with null values
verifySelectCol("nullrows", "id", 26, 0);
verifySelectCol("nullrows", "null_str", 1, 26);
verifySelectCol("nullrows", "group_str", 6, 0);
verifySelectCol("nullrows", "some_nulls", 6, 20);
// Oddly, boolean columns DO include nulls in NDV.
verifySelectCol("nullrows", "bool_nulls", 3, 15);
// No stats
verifySelectCol("manynulls", "id", -1, -1);
public void verifySelectExpr(String table, String exprSql,
long expectedNdv, double expectedSel) throws ImpalaException {
SelectFixture select = new SelectFixture(session_)
.table("functional." + table)
Expr expr = select.analyzeExpr();
assertEquals(expectedNdv, expr.getNumDistinctValues());
assertEquals(expectedSel, expr.getSelectivity(), 0.00001);
* Constants have an NDV of 1, selectivity of -1.
public void testConstants() throws ImpalaException {
verifySelectExpr("alltypes", "10", 1, -1);
verifySelectExpr("allTypes", "'foo'", 1, -1);
// Note that the constant NULL has an NDV = 1, but
// Null-only columns have an NDV=0...
// See IMPALA-8058
verifySelectExpr("alltypes", "NULL", 1, -1);
verifySelectExpr("alltypes", "true", 1, -1);
// Expression selectivity
// - Test for each expression type
// - Test for variety of situations
// - Valid/invalid table cardinality
// - Valid/invalid NDV
// - Valid/invalid null count
* Test col = const
* selectivity = 1 / |col|
public void testEqSelectivity() throws ImpalaException {
verifySelectExpr("alltypes", "id = 10", 3, 1.0/7300);
verifySelectExpr("alltypes", "bool_col = true", 3, 1.0/2);
verifySelectExpr("alltypes", "int_col = 10", 3, 1.0/10);
verifySelectExpr("nullrows", "id = 'foo'", 3, 1.0/26);
verifySelectExpr("nullrows", "null_str = 'foo'", 3, 1.0/1);
verifySelectExpr("nullrows", "group_str = 'foo'", 3, 1.0/6);
// Bug: nulls should count to NDV
//verifySelectExpr("nullrows", "some_nulls = 'foo'", 3, 1.0/7);
verifySelectExpr("nullrows", "some_nulls = 'foo'", 3, 1.0/6);
// Bug: Sel should default to good old 0.1
verifySelectExpr("manynulls", "id = 10", 3, -1);
* Sel should be same as = if x is non-null, otherwise
* same as IS NULL
public void testNotDistinctSelectivity() throws ImpalaException {
verifySelectExpr("alltypes", "id is not distinct from 10", 3, 1.0/7300);
// Bug: does not treat NULL specially
// Bug: NDV sould be 2 since IS NOT DISTINCT won't return NULL
//verifySelectExpr("alltypes", "id is not distinct from null", 2, 0);
verifySelectExpr("alltypes", "id is not distinct from null", 3, 1.0/7300);
verifySelectExpr("alltypes", "bool_col is not distinct from true", 3, 1.0/2);
//verifySelectExpr("alltypes", "bool_col is not distinct from null", 2, 0);
verifySelectExpr("alltypes", "bool_col is not distinct from null", 3, 1.0/2);
verifySelectExpr("alltypes", "int_col is not distinct from 10", 3, 1.0/10);
//verifySelectExpr("alltypes", "int_col is not distinct from null", 2, 0);
verifySelectExpr("alltypes", "int_col is not distinct from null", 3, 1.0/10);
verifySelectExpr("nullrows", "id is not distinct from 'foo'", 3, 1.0/26);
//verifySelectExpr("nullrows", "id is not distinct from null", 2, 0);
verifySelectExpr("nullrows", "id is not distinct from null", 3, 1.0/26);
// Bug: All nulls, so NDV should = 1, so Sel should be 1.0/1
verifySelectExpr("nullrows", "null_str is not distinct from 'foo'", 3, 1.0/1);
verifySelectExpr("nullrows", "null_str is not distinct from null", 3, 1.0/1);
verifySelectExpr("nullrows", "group_str is not distinct from 'foo'", 3, 1.0/6);
//verifySelectExpr("nullrows", "group_str is not distinct from null", 2, 1);
verifySelectExpr("nullrows", "group_str is not distinct from null", 3, 1.0/6);
//verifySelectExpr("nullrows", "some_nulls is not distinct from 'foo'", 3, 1.0/7);
verifySelectExpr("nullrows", "some_nulls is not distinct from 'foo'", 3, 1.0/6);
// Bug: Sel should default to good old 0.1
verifySelectExpr("manynulls", "id is not distinct from 10", 3, -1);
* Test col != const
public void testNeSelectivity() throws ImpalaException {
// Bug: No estimated selectivity for != (IMPALA-8039)
//verifySelectExpr("alltypes", "id != 10", 3, 1 - 1.0/7300);
verifySelectExpr("alltypes", "id != 10", 3, -1);
//verifySelectExpr("alltypes", "bool_col != true", 3, 1 - 1.0/2);
verifySelectExpr("alltypes", "bool_col != true", 3, -1);
//verifySelectExpr("alltypes", "int_col != 10", 3, 1 - 1.0/10);
verifySelectExpr("alltypes", "int_col != 10", 3, -1);
//verifySelectExpr("nullrows", "id != 'foo'", 3, 1 - 1.0/26);
verifySelectExpr("nullrows", "id != 'foo'", 3, -1);
// Bug: All nulls, so NDV should = 1, so Sel should be 1 - 1.0/1
//verifySelectExpr("nullrows", "null_str != 'foo'", 3, 1 - 1.0/1);
verifySelectExpr("nullrows", "null_str != 'foo'", 3, -1);
//verifySelectExpr("nullrows", "group_str != 'foo'", 3, 1 - 1.0/6);
verifySelectExpr("nullrows", "group_str != 'foo'", 3, -1);
//verifySelectExpr("nullrows", "some_nulls != 'foo'", 3, 1 - 1.0/7);
verifySelectExpr("nullrows", "some_nulls != 'foo'", 3, -1);
// Bug: Sel should default to 1 - good old 0.1
verifySelectExpr("manynulls", "id != 10", 3, -1);
* Sel should be 1 - Sel(col IS NOT DISTINCT FROM x)
public void testDistinctSelectivity() throws ImpalaException {
// BUG: IS DISTINCT has no selectivity
//verifySelectExpr("alltypes", "id is distinct from 10", 3, 1 - 1.0/7300);
verifySelectExpr("alltypes", "id is distinct from 10", 3, -1);
// Bug: does not treat NULL specially
// Bug: NDV sould be 2 since IS DISTINCT won't return NULL
//verifySelectExpr("alltypes", "id is distinct from null", 2, 1);
verifySelectExpr("alltypes", "id is distinct from null", 3, -1);
//verifySelectExpr("alltypes", "bool_col is distinct from true", 3, 1 - 1.0/2);
verifySelectExpr("alltypes", "bool_col is distinct from true", 3, -1);
//verifySelectExpr("alltypes", "bool_col is distinct from null", 2, 1);
verifySelectExpr("alltypes", "bool_col is distinct from null", 3, -1);
//verifySelectExpr("alltypes", "int_col is distinct from 10", 3, 1 - 1.0/10);
verifySelectExpr("alltypes", "int_col is distinct from 10", 3, -1);
//verifySelectExpr("alltypes", "int_col is distinct from null", 2, 1);
verifySelectExpr("alltypes", "int_col is distinct from null", 3, -1);
//verifySelectExpr("nullrows", "id is distinct from 'foo'", 3, 1 - 1.0/26);
verifySelectExpr("nullrows", "id is distinct from 'foo'", 3, -1);
//verifySelectExpr("nullrows", "id is distinct from null", 2, 1);
verifySelectExpr("nullrows", "id is distinct from null", 3, -1);
// Bug: All nulls, so NDV should = 1, so Sel should be 1.0/1
//verifySelectExpr("nullrows", "null_str is distinct from 'foo'", 2, 1 - 1.0/1);
verifySelectExpr("nullrows", "null_str is distinct from 'foo'", 3, -1);
verifySelectExpr("nullrows", "null_str is distinct from null", 3, -1);
//verifySelectExpr("nullrows", "group_str is distinct from 'foo'", 3, 1 - 1.0/6);
verifySelectExpr("nullrows", "group_str is distinct from 'foo'", 3, -1);
//verifySelectExpr("nullrows", "group_str is distinct from null", 2, 0);
verifySelectExpr("nullrows", "group_str is distinct from null", 3, -1);
//verifySelectExpr("nullrows", "some_nulls is not distinct from 'foo'", 3, 1 - 1.0/7);
verifySelectExpr("nullrows", "some_nulls is not distinct from 'foo'", 3, 1.0/6);
// Bug: Sel should default to 1 - good old 0.1
verifySelectExpr("manynulls", "id is distinct from 10", 3, -1);
public static final double INEQUALITY_SEL = 0.33;
private void verifyInequalitySel(String table, String col, String value)
throws ImpalaException {
for (String op : new String[] { "<", "<=", ">", ">="}) {
// Bug: No estimated selectivity for >, >=, <, <= (IMPALA-7603)
//verifySelectExpr(table, col + " " + op + " " + value, 3, INEQUALITY_SEL);
verifySelectExpr(table, col + " " + op + " " + value, 3, -1);
public void testInequalitySelectivity() throws ImpalaException {
verifyInequalitySel("alltypes", "id", "10");
verifyInequalitySel("alltypes", "int_col", "10");
verifyInequalitySel("nullrows", "id", "'foo'");
verifyInequalitySel("nullrows", "null_str", "'foo'");
verifyInequalitySel("nullrows", "group_str", "'foo'");
verifyInequalitySel("nullrows", "some_nulls", "'foo'");
// Bug: Sel should default to 1 - good old 0.1
verifyInequalitySel("manynulls", "id", "10");
* Test col IS NULL
* Selectivity should be null_count / |table|
public void testIsNullSelectivity() throws ImpalaException {
// TODO: IMPALA-9915: NDV of IS NULL should be 2
verifySelectExpr("alltypes", "id is null", 3, 0);
verifySelectExpr("alltypes", "bool_col is null", 3, 0);
verifySelectExpr("alltypes", "int_col is null", 3, 0);
verifySelectExpr("nullrows", "id is null", 3, 0);
verifySelectExpr("nullrows", "null_str is null", 3, 1);
verifySelectExpr("nullrows", "group_str is null", 3, 0);
verifySelectExpr("nullrows", "some_nulls is null", 3, 20.0/26);
verifySelectExpr("nullrows", "bool_nulls is not null", 3, 1 - 15.0/26);
// Bug: Sel should default to good old 0.1
verifySelectExpr("manynulls", "id is null", 3, -1);
* Test col IS NOT NULL
* Selectivity should be 1 - null_count / |table|
public void testNotNullSelectivity() throws ImpalaException {
// TODO: IMPALA-9915: NDV of IS NOT NULL should be 2
verifySelectExpr("alltypes", "id is not null", 3, 1);
verifySelectExpr("alltypes", "bool_col is not null", 3, 1);
verifySelectExpr("alltypes", "int_col is not null", 3, 1);
verifySelectExpr("nullrows", "id is not null", 3, 1);
verifySelectExpr("nullrows", "null_str is not null", 3, 0);
verifySelectExpr("nullrows", "group_str is not null", 3, 1);
verifySelectExpr("nullrows", "some_nulls is not null", 3, 1 - 20.0/26);
verifySelectExpr("nullrows", "bool_nulls is not null", 3, 1 - 15.0/26);
// Bug: Sel should default to good old 0.1
verifySelectExpr("manynulls", "id is not null", 3, -1);
* Test col IN (a, b, c)
* The code should check only distinct values, so that
* |in| = NDV(in clause)
* Expected selectivity is |in| / |col|
* Where |col| = ndv(col)
* Estimate should be based on the "Containment" assumption: that the
* in-clause values are contained in the set of column values
public void testInSelectivity() throws ImpalaException {
verifySelectExpr("alltypes", "id in (1, 2, 3)", 3, 3.0/7300);
// Bug: Does not use NDV, just simple value count
//verifySelectExpr("alltypes", "id in (1, 2, 3, 2, 3, 1)", 3, 3.0/7300);
verifySelectExpr("alltypes", "id in (1, 2, 3, 2, 3, 1)", 3, 6.0/7300);
verifySelectExpr("alltypes", "bool_col in (true)", 3, 1.0/2);
verifySelectExpr("alltypes", "bool_col in (true, false)", 3, 2.0/2);
verifySelectExpr("alltypes", "int_col in (1, 2, 3)", 3, 3.0/10);
"int_col in (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12)", 3, 1);
verifySelectExpr("nullrows", "id in ('a', 'b', 'c')", 3, 3.0/26);
verifySelectExpr("nullrows", "null_str in ('a', 'b', 'c')", 3, 1);
verifySelectExpr("nullrows", "group_str in ('a', 'b', 'c')", 3, 3.0/6);
//verifySelectExpr("nullrows", "some_nulls in ('a', 'b', 'c')", 3, 3.0/7);
verifySelectExpr("nullrows", "some_nulls in ('a', 'b', 'c')", 3, 3.0/6);
// Bug: Sel should default to good old 0.1
verifySelectExpr("manynulls", "id in (1, 3, 3)", 3, -1);
* Test col NOT IN (a, b, c)
* Should be 1 = sel(col IN (a, b, c))
public void testNotInSelectivity() throws ImpalaException {
verifySelectExpr("alltypes", "id not in (1, 2, 3)", 3, 1 - 3.0/7300);
// Bug: Does not use NDV, just simple value count
//verifySelectExpr("alltypes", "id not in (1, 2, 3, 2, 3, 1)", 3, 1 - 3.0/7300);
verifySelectExpr("alltypes", "id not in (1, 2, 3, 2, 3, 1)", 3, 1 - 6.0/7300);
verifySelectExpr("alltypes", "bool_col not in (true)", 3, 1 - 1.0/2);
verifySelectExpr("alltypes", "bool_col not in (true, false)", 3, 1 - 2.0/2);
verifySelectExpr("alltypes", "int_col not in (1, 2, 3)", 3, 1 - 3.0/10);
"int_col not in (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12)", 3, 0);
verifySelectExpr("nullrows", "id not in ('a', 'b', 'c')", 3, 1 - 3.0/26);
verifySelectExpr("nullrows", "null_str not in ('a', 'b', 'c')", 3, 0);
verifySelectExpr("nullrows", "group_str not in ('a', 'b', 'c')", 3, 1 - 3.0/6);
// Bug: NULL should count as ndv
//verifySelectExpr("nullrows", "some_nulls not in ('a', 'b', 'c')", 3, 1 - 3.0/7);
verifySelectExpr("nullrows", "some_nulls not in ('a', 'b', 'c')", 3, 1 - 3.0/6);
// Bug: Sel should default to 1 - good old 0.1
verifySelectExpr("manynulls", "id not in (1, 3, 3)", 3, -1);
public void testNotSelectivity() throws ImpalaException {
verifySelectExpr("alltypes", "not id in (1, 2, 3)", 3, 1 - 3.0/7300);
verifySelectExpr("alltypes", "not int_col in (1, 2)", 3, 1 - 2.0/10);
verifySelectExpr("alltypes", "not int_col = 10", 3, 1 - 1.0/10);
// Bug: Sel should default to 1 - good old 0.1
//verifySelectExpr("manynulls", "not id = 10", 3, 0.9);
verifySelectExpr("manynulls", "not id = 10", 3, -1);
public void testAndSelectivity() throws ImpalaException {
verifySelectExpr("alltypes", "bool_col = true", 3, 1.0/2);
verifySelectExpr("alltypes", "int_col = 10", 3, 1.0/10);
// Note: This is NOT the logic used in plan nodes!
verifySelectExpr("alltypes", "bool_col = true and int_col = 10", 3, 1.0/2 * 1.0/10);
// Bug: should be something like (1/3)^2
//verifySelectExpr("alltypes", "int_col >= 10 and int_col <= 20", 3, 0.11);
verifySelectExpr("alltypes", "int_col >= 10 and int_col <= 20", 3, -1);
// Bug: Should be a product of two estimates.
// But, the -1 from the inequality poisons the whole expression
//verifySelectExpr("alltypes", "int_col = 10 AND smallint_col > 20",
// 3, 1.0/10 * 0.33);
verifySelectExpr("alltypes", "int_col = 10 AND smallint_col > 20", 3, -1);
public void testOrSelectivity() throws ImpalaException {
verifySelectExpr("alltypes", "bool_col = true or int_col = 10",
3, 1.0/2 + 1.0/10 - 1.0/2 * 1.0/10);
// Chain of OR rewritten to IN
verifySelectExpr("alltypes", "int_col = 10 or int_col = 20", 3, 2.0/10);
* Test col BETWEEN x and y. Rewritten to
* col >= x AND col <= y. Inequality should have an estimate. Since
* the expression is an AND, we multipley the two estimates.
* So, regardless of NDV and null count, selectivity should be
* something like 0.33^2.
public void testBetweenSelectivity() throws ImpalaException {
// Bug: NO selectivity for Between because it is rewritten to
// use inequalities, and there no selectivities for those
// See IMPALA-8042
//verifySelectExpr("alltypes", "id between 30 and 60", 3, 0.33 * 0.33);
verifySelectExpr("alltypes", "id between 30 and 60", 3, -1);
//verifySelectExpr("alltypes", "int_col between 30 and 60", 3, 0.33 * 0.33);
verifySelectExpr("alltypes", "int_col between 30 and 60", 3, -1);
// Should not matter that there are no stats
//verifySelectExpr("manynulls", "id between 30 and 60", 3, 0.33 * 0.33);
verifySelectExpr("manynulls", "id between 30 and 60", 3, -1);
* Test col NOT BETWEEN x and y. Should be 1 - sel(col BETWEEN x and y).
public void testNotBetweenSelectivity() throws ImpalaException {
// Bug: NO selectivity for Not Between because it is rewritten to
// use inequalities, and there no selectivities for those
//verifySelectExpr("alltypes", "id not between 30 and 60", 3, 1 - 0.33 * 0.33);
verifySelectExpr("alltypes", "id not between 30 and 60", 3, -1);
//verifySelectExpr("alltypes", "int_col not between 30 and 60", 3, 1 - 0.33 * 0.33);
verifySelectExpr("alltypes", "int_col not between 30 and 60", 3, -1);
// Should not matter that there are no stats
//verifySelectExpr("manynulls", "id not between 30 and 60", 3, 1 - 0.33 * 0.33);
verifySelectExpr("manynulls", "id not between 30 and 60", 3, -1);