blob: 98c55767a7916d032aa17863f44c11b8bed9fd0f [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
// KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
package org.apache.impala.analysis;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertFalse;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue;
import static;
import java.lang.reflect.Field;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;
import org.apache.impala.catalog.BuiltinsDb;
import org.apache.impala.catalog.Column;
import org.apache.impala.catalog.Function;
import org.apache.impala.catalog.PrimitiveType;
import org.apache.impala.catalog.ScalarType;
import org.apache.impala.catalog.Table;
import org.apache.impala.catalog.Type;
import org.apache.impala.common.AnalysisException;
import org.apache.impala.common.ImpalaException;
import org.apache.impala.thrift.TFunctionCategory;
import org.junit.Assert;
import org.junit.Test;
public class AnalyzeStmtsTest extends AnalyzerTest {
* Tests analyzing the given collection table reference and field assumed to be in
* functional.allcomplextypes, including different combinations of
* implicit/explicit aliases of the parent and collection table.
private void testCollectionTableRefs(String collectionTable, String collectionField) {
TableName tbl = new TableName("functional", "allcomplextypes");
// Collection table uses unqualified implicit alias of parent table.
TblsAnalyzeOk(String.format("select %s from $TBL, allcomplextypes.%s",
collectionField, collectionTable), tbl);
// Collection table uses fully qualified implicit alias of parent table.
TblsAnalyzeOk(String.format("select %s from $TBL, functional.allcomplextypes.%s",
collectionField, collectionTable), tbl);
// Collection table uses explicit alias of parent table.
TblsAnalyzeOk(String.format("select %s from $TBL a, a.%s",
collectionField, collectionTable), tbl);
// Parent/collection/collection join.
TblsAnalyzeOk(String.format("select b.%s from $TBL a, a.%s b, a.int_map_col c",
collectionField, collectionTable), tbl);
TblsAnalyzeOk(String.format("select c.%s from $TBL a, a.int_array_col b, a.%s c",
collectionField, collectionTable), tbl);
// Test join types. Parent/collection joins do not require an ON or USING clause.
for (JoinOperator joinOp: JoinOperator.values()) {
if (joinOp.isNullAwareLeftAntiJoin()) continue;
TblsAnalyzeOk(String.format("select 1 from $TBL %s allcomplextypes.%s",
joinOp, collectionTable), tbl);
TblsAnalyzeOk(String.format("select 1 from $TBL a %s a.%s",
joinOp, collectionTable), tbl);
// Legal, but not a parent/collection join.
TblsAnalyzeOk(String.format("select %s from $TBL a, functional.allcomplextypes.%s",
collectionField, collectionTable), tbl);
TblsAnalyzeOk(String.format("select %s from $TBL.%s, functional.allcomplextypes",
collectionField, collectionTable), tbl);
TblsAnalyzeOk(String.format("select %s from functional.allcomplextypes a, $TBL.%s",
collectionField, collectionTable), tbl);
TblsAnalyzeOk(String.format("select %s from functional.allcomplextypes.%s, $TBL",
collectionField, collectionTable), tbl);
// Non parent/collection outer or semi joins require an ON or USING clause.
for (JoinOperator joinOp: JoinOperator.values()) {
if (joinOp.isNullAwareLeftAntiJoin()
|| joinOp.isCrossJoin()
|| joinOp.isInnerJoin()) {
"select 1 from functional.allcomplextypes.%s %s functional.allcomplextypes",
collectionTable, joinOp),
String.format("%s requires an ON or USING clause", joinOp));
// Duplicate explicit alias.
TblsAnalysisError(String.format("select %s from $TBL a, a.%s a",
collectionField, collectionTable), tbl,
"Duplicate table alias: 'a'");
TblsAnalysisError(String.format("select %s from $TBL a, a.%s b, a.%s b",
collectionField, collectionTable, collectionTable), tbl,
"Duplicate table alias: 'b'");
// Duplicate implicit alias.
String[] childTblPath = collectionTable.split("\\.");
String childTblAlias = childTblPath[childTblPath.length - 1];
TblsAnalysisError(String.format("select %s from $TBL a, a.%s, a.%s",
collectionField, collectionTable, collectionTable), tbl,
String.format("Duplicate table alias: '%s'", childTblAlias));
"select 1 from $TBL, allcomplextypes.%s, functional.allcomplextypes.%s",
collectionTable, collectionTable), tbl,
String.format("Duplicate table alias: '%s'", childTblAlias));
// Duplicate implicit/explicit alias.
"select %s from $TBL, functional.allcomplextypes.%s allcomplextypes",
collectionField, collectionTable), tbl,
"Duplicate table alias: 'allcomplextypes'");
// Parent/collection join requires the child to use an alias of the parent.
"select %s from allcomplextypes, %s", collectionField, collectionTable),
String.format("Could not resolve table reference: '%s'", collectionTable));
"select %s from functional.allcomplextypes, %s",
collectionField, collectionTable),
String.format("Could not resolve table reference: '%s'", collectionTable));
// Ambiguous collection table ref.
"select %s from functional.allcomplextypes, " +
"functional_parquet.allcomplextypes, allcomplextypes.%s",
collectionField, collectionTable),
"Unqualified table alias is ambiguous: 'allcomplextypes'");
private boolean isCollectionTableRef(String tableName) {
return tableName.split("\\.").length > 0;
* Test accessing all table/column combinations in the select list of a query
* using implicit and explicit table aliases. The given tables are expected to
* be unqualified and present in the 'functional' database.
private void testAllTableAliases(String[] tables, String[] columns)
throws AnalysisException {
for (String tbl: tables) {
TableName tblName = new TableName("functional", tbl);
String uqAlias = tbl.substring(tbl.lastIndexOf(".") + 1);
String fqAlias = "functional." + tbl;
// True if 'tbl' refers to a collection, false otherwise. A value of false implies
// the table must be a base table or view.
boolean isCollectionTblRef = isCollectionTableRef(tbl);
for (String col: columns) {
// Test implicit table aliases with unqualified and fully-qualified table names.
TblsAnalyzeOk(String.format("select %s from $TBL", col), tblName);
TblsAnalyzeOk(String.format("select %s.%s from $TBL", uqAlias, col), tblName);
// Only references to base tables/views have a fully-qualified implicit alias.
if (!isCollectionTblRef) {
TblsAnalyzeOk(String.format("select %s.%s from $TBL", fqAlias, col), tblName);
// Explicit table alias.
TblsAnalyzeOk(String.format("select %s from $TBL a", col), tblName);
TblsAnalyzeOk(String.format("select a.%s from $TBL a", col), tblName);
String errRefStr = "column/field reference";
if (col.endsWith("*")) errRefStr = "star expression";
// Explicit table alias must be used.
TblsAnalysisError(String.format("select %s.%s from $TBL a",
uqAlias, col, tbl), tblName,
String.format("Could not resolve %s: '%s.%s'",
errRefStr, uqAlias, col));
TblsAnalysisError(String.format("select %s.%s from $TBL a",
fqAlias, col, tbl), tblName,
String.format("Could not resolve %s: '%s.%s'",
errRefStr, fqAlias, col));
// Test that multiple implicit fully-qualified aliases work.
for (String t1: tables) {
for (String t2: tables) {
if (t1.equals(t2)) continue;
// Collection tables do not have a fully-qualified implicit alias.
if (isCollectionTableRef(t1) && isCollectionTableRef(t2)) continue;
for (String col: columns) {
"select functional.%s.%s, functional.%s.%s " +
"from functional.%s, functional.%s", t1, col, t2, col, t1, t2));
String col = columns[0];
for (String tbl: tables) {
TableName tblName = new TableName("functional", tbl);
// Make sure a column reference requires an existing table alias.
TblsAnalysisError("select alltypessmall.int_col from $TBL", tblName,
"Could not resolve column/field reference: 'alltypessmall.int_col'");
// Duplicate explicit alias.
String.format("select a.%s from $TBL a, functional.testtbl a", col),
tblName, "Duplicate table alias");
// Duplicate implicit alias.
TblsAnalysisError(String.format("select %s from $TBL, $TBL", col), tblName,
"Duplicate table alias");
// Duplicate implicit/explicit alias.
String uqAlias = tbl.substring(tbl.lastIndexOf(".") + 1);
"select %s.%s from $TBL, functional.testtbl %s", tbl, col, uqAlias), tblName,
"Duplicate table alias");
* Test default hints applied during analysis.
public void testDefaultHintApplied(AnalysisContext insertCtx) {
String defaultHints =
List<PlanHint> planHints =
String[] defaultHintsArray = defaultHints.trim().split(":");
Assert.assertEquals(defaultHintsArray.length, planHints.size());
for (String hint: defaultHintsArray) {
Assert.assertTrue(planHints.contains(new PlanHint(hint.trim())));
* Test default hints ignored when query has plan hints.
public void testDefaultHintIgnored(String query, String defaultHints) {
// Analyze query with out default hints.
AnalysisContext insertCtx = createAnalysisCtx();
AnalyzesOk(query, insertCtx);
List<PlanHint> planHints =
// Analyze query with default hints.
AnalyzesOk(query, insertCtx);
List<PlanHint> planHintsWithDefaultHints =
// Default hint should be ignored when plan hints exist.
Assert.assertEquals(planHints, planHintsWithDefaultHints);
public void TestCollectionTableRefs() throws AnalysisException {
// Test ARRAY type referenced as a table.
testAllTableAliases(new String[] {
testAllTableAliases(new String[] {
new String[] {"f1", "f2", "*"});
// Test MAP type referenced as a table.
testAllTableAliases(new String[] {
new String[] {Path.MAP_KEY_FIELD_NAME, Path.MAP_VALUE_FIELD_NAME, "*"});
testAllTableAliases(new String[] {
new String[] {Path.MAP_KEY_FIELD_NAME, "f1", "f2", "*"});
// Test complex table ref path with structs and multiple collections.
testAllTableAliases(new String[] {
new String[] {Path.MAP_KEY_FIELD_NAME, "f21", "*"});
// Test resolution of collection table refs.
testCollectionTableRefs("int_array_col", Path.ARRAY_POS_FIELD_NAME);
testCollectionTableRefs("int_array_col", Path.ARRAY_ITEM_FIELD_NAME);
testCollectionTableRefs("int_map_col", Path.MAP_KEY_FIELD_NAME);
testCollectionTableRefs("complex_nested_struct_col.f2.f12", "f21");
// Path resolution error is reported before duplicate alias.
AnalysisError("select 1 from functional.allcomplextypes a, a",
"Illegal table reference to non-collection type: 'a'");
// Invalid reference to non-collection type.
AnalysisError("select 1 from functional.allcomplextypes.int_struct_col",
"Illegal table reference to non-collection type: " +
"'functional.allcomplextypes.int_struct_col'\n" +
"Path resolved to type: STRUCT<f1:INT,f2:INT>");
AnalysisError("select 1 from functional.allcomplextypes a, a.int_struct_col",
"Illegal table reference to non-collection type: 'a.int_struct_col'\n" +
"Path resolved to type: STRUCT<f1:INT,f2:INT>");
AnalysisError("select 1 from functional.allcomplextypes.int_array_col.item",
"Illegal table reference to non-collection type: " +
"'functional.allcomplextypes.int_array_col.item'\n" +
"Path resolved to type: INT");
AnalysisError("select 1 from functional.allcomplextypes.int_array_col a, a.pos",
"Illegal table reference to non-collection type: 'a.pos'\n" +
"Path resolved to type: BIGINT");
AnalysisError("select 1 from functional.allcomplextypes.int_map_col.key",
"Illegal table reference to non-collection type: " +
"'functional.allcomplextypes.int_map_col.key'\n" +
"Path resolved to type: STRING");
AnalysisError("select 1 from functional.allcomplextypes.int_map_col a, a.key",
"Illegal table reference to non-collection type: 'a.key'\n" +
"Path resolved to type: STRING");
// Test that parent/collection joins without an ON clause analyze ok.
for (JoinOperator joinOp: JoinOperator.values()) {
if (joinOp.isNullAwareLeftAntiJoin()) continue;
"select 1 from functional.allcomplextypes a %s a.int_array_col b", joinOp));
"select 1 from functional.allcomplextypes a %s a.struct_array_col b", joinOp));
"select 1 from functional.allcomplextypes a %s a.int_map_col b", joinOp));
"select 1 from functional.allcomplextypes a %s a.struct_map_col", joinOp));
public void TestCatalogTableRefs() throws AnalysisException {
String[] tables = new String[] { "alltypes", "alltypes_view" };
String[] columns = new String[] { "int_col", "*" };
testAllTableAliases(tables, columns);
// Unqualified '*' is not ambiguous.
AnalyzesOk("select * from functional.alltypes " +
"cross join functional_parquet.alltypes");
// Ambiguous unqualified column reference.
AnalysisError("select int_col from functional.alltypes " +
"cross join functional_parquet.alltypes",
"Column/field reference is ambiguous: 'int_col'");
// Ambiguous implicit unqualified table alias.
AnalysisError("select alltypes.int_col from functional.alltypes " +
"cross join functional_parquet.alltypes",
"Unqualified table alias is ambiguous: 'alltypes'");
AnalysisError("select alltypes.* from functional.alltypes " +
"cross join functional_parquet.alltypes",
"Unqualified table alias is ambiguous: 'alltypes'");
// Mixing unqualified and fully-qualified table refs without explicit aliases is an
// error because we'd expect a consistent result if we created a view of this stmt
// (table names are fully qualified during view creation).
AnalysisError("select alltypes.smallint_col, functional.alltypes.int_col " +
"from alltypes inner join functional.alltypes " +
"on ( =",
"Duplicate table alias: 'functional.alltypes'");
public void TestTableSampleClause() {
long bytesPercVals[] = new long[] { 0, 10, 50, 100 };
long randomSeedVals[] = new long[] { 0, 10, 100, Integer.MAX_VALUE, Long.MAX_VALUE };
for (long bytesPerc: bytesPercVals) {
String tblSmpl = String.format("tablesample system (%s)", bytesPerc);
AnalyzesOk("select * from functional.alltypes " + tblSmpl);
for (long randomSeed: randomSeedVals) {
String repTblSmpl = String.format("%s repeatable (%s)", tblSmpl, randomSeed);
AnalyzesOk("select * from functional.alltypes " + repTblSmpl);
// Invalid bytes percent. Negative values do not parse.
AnalysisError("select * from functional.alltypes tablesample system (101)",
"Invalid percent of bytes value '101'. " +
"The percent of bytes to sample must be between 0 and 100.");
AnalysisError("select * from functional.alltypes tablesample system (1000)",
"Invalid percent of bytes value '1000'. " +
"The percent of bytes to sample must be between 0 and 100.");
// Only applicable to HDFS base table refs.
AnalysisError("select * from functional_kudu.alltypes tablesample system (10)",
"TABLESAMPLE is only supported on HDFS tables: functional_kudu.alltypes");
AnalysisError("select * from functional_hbase.alltypes tablesample system (10)",
"TABLESAMPLE is only supported on HDFS tables: functional_hbase.alltypes");
AnalysisError("select * from functional.alltypes_datasource tablesample system (10)",
"TABLESAMPLE is only supported on HDFS tables: " +
AnalysisError("select * from (select * from functional.alltypes) v " +
"tablesample system (10)",
"TABLESAMPLE is only supported on HDFS tables: v");
AnalysisError("with v as (select * from functional.alltypes) " +
"select * from v tablesample system (10)",
"TABLESAMPLE is only supported on HDFS tables: v");
AnalysisError("select * from functional.alltypes_view tablesample system (10)",
"TABLESAMPLE is only supported on HDFS tables: functional.alltypes_view");
AnalysisError("select * from functional.allcomplextypes.int_array_col " +
"tablesample system (10)",
"TABLESAMPLE is only supported on HDFS tables: int_array_col");
AnalysisError("select * from functional.allcomplextypes a, a.int_array_col " +
"tablesample system (10)",
"TABLESAMPLE is only supported on HDFS tables: int_array_col");
* Helper function that returns a list of integers used to improve readability
* in the path-related tests below.
private List<Integer> path(Integer... p) { return Lists.newArrayList(p); }
* Checks that the given SQL analyzes ok, and asserts that the last result expr in the
* parsed SelectStmt is a scalar SlotRef whose absolute path is identical to the given
* expected one. Also asserts that the slot's absolute path is equal to its
* materialized path. Intentionally allows multiple result exprs to be analyzed to test
* absolute path caching, though only the last path is validated.
private void testSlotRefPath(String sql, List<Integer> expectedAbsPath) {
SelectStmt stmt = (SelectStmt) AnalyzesOk(sql);
Expr e = stmt.getResultExprs().get(stmt.getResultExprs().size() - 1);
Preconditions.checkState(e instanceof SlotRef);
SlotRef slotRef = (SlotRef) e;
List<Integer> actualAbsPath = slotRef.getDesc().getPath().getAbsolutePath();
Assert.assertEquals("Mismatched absolute paths.", expectedAbsPath, actualAbsPath);
List<Integer> actualMatPath = slotRef.getDesc().getMaterializedPath();
Assert.assertEquals("Mismatched absolute/materialized paths.",
actualAbsPath, actualMatPath);
* Checks that the given SQL analyzes ok, and asserts that all result exprs in the
* parsed SelectStmt are SlotRefs and that the absolute path of result expr at
* position i matches expectedAbsPaths[i]. Also asserts for all SlotRefs that the
* materialized path of its SlotDescriptor is identical to its absolute path.
private void testStarPath(String sql, List<Integer>... expectedAbsPaths) {
SelectStmt stmt = (SelectStmt) AnalyzesOk(sql);
List<List<Integer>> actualAbsPaths = new ArrayList<>();
for (int i = 0; i < stmt.getResultExprs().size(); ++i) {
Expr e = stmt.getResultExprs().get(i);
Preconditions.checkState(e instanceof SlotRef);
SlotRef slotRef = (SlotRef) e;
List<Integer> actualAbsPath = slotRef.getDesc().getPath().getAbsolutePath();
List<Integer> actualMatPath = slotRef.getDesc().getMaterializedPath();
Assert.assertEquals("Mismatched paths.", actualAbsPath, actualMatPath);
List<List<Integer>> expectedPaths = Lists.newArrayList(expectedAbsPaths);
Assert.assertEquals("Mismatched absolute paths.", expectedPaths, actualAbsPaths);
* Checks that the given SQL analyzes ok. Asserts that the last table ref in the
* parsed SelectStmt has an absolute path identical to the given expected one, and
* likewise for the materialized path. For non-relative table refs the materialized
* path is expected to be null, otherwise the given materialized path must be identical
* to the materialized path of the slot that materializes the referenced collection in
* the parent tuple.
private void testTableRefPath(String sql, List<Integer> expectedAbsPath,
List<Integer> expectedMatPath) {
SelectStmt stmt = (SelectStmt) AnalyzesOk(sql);
TableRef lastTblRef = stmt.getTableRefs().get(stmt.getTableRefs().size() - 1);
// Check absolute path.
List<Integer> actualAbsPath = lastTblRef.getDesc().getPath().getAbsolutePath();
Assert.assertEquals("Mismatched absolute paths.", expectedAbsPath, actualAbsPath);
// Check materialized path.
if (!lastTblRef.isRelative()) {
Assert.assertNull("There is no materialized path for non-relative table refs.\n" +
"The expected materialized path should be null.", expectedMatPath);
CollectionTableRef collectionTblRef = (CollectionTableRef) lastTblRef;
Expr collectionExpr = collectionTblRef.getCollectionExpr();
Preconditions.checkState(collectionExpr instanceof SlotRef);
SlotRef collectionSlotRef = (SlotRef) collectionExpr;
SlotDescriptor collectionSlotDesc = collectionSlotRef.getDesc();
Assert.assertEquals("Mismatched paths.",
actualAbsPath, collectionSlotDesc.getPath().getAbsolutePath());
Assert.assertEquals("Mismatched materialized paths.",
expectedMatPath, collectionSlotDesc.getMaterializedPath());
public void TestImplicitAndExplicitPaths() {
// Check that there are no implicit field names for base tables.
String[] implicitFieldNames = new String[] {Path.ARRAY_POS_FIELD_NAME,
for (String field: implicitFieldNames) {
AnalysisError(String.format("select %s from functional.alltypes", field),
String.format("Could not resolve column/field reference: '%s'", field));
addTestDb("d", null);
// Test array of scalars. Only explicit paths make sense.
addTestTable("create table d.t1 (c array<int>)");
testSlotRefPath("select item from d.t1.c", path(0, 0));
testSlotRefPath("select pos from d.t1.c", path(0, 1));
AnalysisError("select item.item from d.t1.c",
"Could not resolve column/field reference: 'item.item'");
AnalysisError("select item.pos from d.t1.c",
"Could not resolve column/field reference: 'item.pos'");
// Test star expansion.
testStarPath("select * from d.t1.c", path(0, 0));
testStarPath("select c.* from d.t1.c", path(0, 0));
// Array of structs. No name conflicts with implicit fields. Both implicit and
// explicit paths are allowed.
addTestTable("create table d.t2 (c array<struct<f:int>>)");
testSlotRefPath("select f from d.t2.c", path(0, 0, 0));
testSlotRefPath("select item.f from d.t2.c", path(0, 0, 0));
testSlotRefPath("select pos from d.t2.c", path(0, 1));
AnalysisError("select item from d.t2.c",
"Expr 'item' in select list returns a complex type 'STRUCT<f:INT>'.\n" +
"Only scalar types are allowed in the select list.");
AnalysisError("select item.pos from d.t2.c",
"Could not resolve column/field reference: 'item.pos'");
// Test star expansion.
testStarPath("select * from d.t2.c", path(0, 0, 0));
testStarPath("select c.* from d.t2.c", path(0, 0, 0));
// Array of structs with name conflicts. Both implicit and explicit
// paths are allowed.
addTestTable("create table d.t3 (c array<struct<f:int,item:int,pos:int>>)");
testSlotRefPath("select f from d.t3.c", path(0, 0, 0));
testSlotRefPath("select item.f from d.t3.c", path(0, 0, 0));
testSlotRefPath("select item.item from d.t3.c", path(0, 0, 1));
testSlotRefPath("select item.pos from d.t3.c", path(0, 0, 2));
testSlotRefPath("select pos from d.t3.c", path(0, 1));
AnalysisError("select item from d.t3.c",
"Expr 'item' in select list returns a complex type " +
"'STRUCT<f:INT,item:INT,pos:INT>'.\n" +
"Only scalar types are allowed in the select list.");
// Test star expansion.
testStarPath("select * from d.t3.c", path(0, 0, 0), path(0, 0, 1), path(0, 0, 2));
testStarPath("select c.* from d.t3.c", path(0, 0, 0), path(0, 0, 1), path(0, 0, 2));
// Map with a scalar key and value. Only implicit paths make sense.
addTestTable("create table d.t4 (c map<int,string>)");
testSlotRefPath("select key from d.t4.c", path(0, 0));
testSlotRefPath("select value from d.t4.c", path(0, 1));
AnalysisError("select value.value from d.t4.c",
"Could not resolve column/field reference: 'value.value'");
// Test star expansion.
testStarPath("select * from d.t4.c", path(0, 0), path(0, 1));
testStarPath("select c.* from d.t4.c", path(0, 0), path(0, 1));
// Map with a scalar key and struct value. No name conflicts. Both implicit and
// explicit paths are allowed.
addTestTable("create table d.t5 (c map<int,struct<f:int>>)");
testSlotRefPath("select key from d.t5.c", path(0, 0));
testSlotRefPath("select f from d.t5.c", path(0, 1, 0));
testSlotRefPath("select value.f from d.t5.c", path(0, 1, 0));
AnalysisError("select value.value from d.t5.c",
"Could not resolve column/field reference: 'value.value'");
AnalysisError("select value from d.t5.c",
"Expr 'value' in select list returns a complex type " +
"'STRUCT<f:INT>'.\n" +
"Only scalar types are allowed in the select list.");
// Test star expansion.
testStarPath("select * from d.t5.c", path(0, 0), path(0, 1, 0));
testStarPath("select c.* from d.t5.c", path(0, 0), path(0, 1, 0));
// Map with a scalar key and struct value with name conflicts. Both implicit and
// explicit paths are allowed.
addTestTable("create table d.t6 (c map<int,struct<f:int,key:int,value:int>>)");
testSlotRefPath("select key from d.t6.c", path(0, 0));
testSlotRefPath("select f from d.t6.c", path(0, 1, 0));
testSlotRefPath("select value.f from d.t6.c", path(0, 1, 0));
testSlotRefPath("select value.key from d.t6.c", path(0, 1, 1));
testSlotRefPath("select value.value from d.t6.c", path(0, 1, 2));
AnalysisError("select value from d.t6.c",
"Expr 'value' in select list returns a complex type " +
"'STRUCT<f:INT,key:INT,value:INT>'.\n" +
"Only scalar types are allowed in the select list.");
// Test star expansion.
testStarPath("select * from d.t6.c",
path(0, 0), path(0, 1, 0), path(0, 1, 1), path(0, 1, 2));
testStarPath("select c.* from d.t6.c",
path(0, 0), path(0, 1, 0), path(0, 1, 1), path(0, 1, 2));
// Test implicit/explicit paths on a complicated schema.
addTestTable("create table d.t7 (" +
"c1 int, " +
"c2 decimal(10, 4), " +
"c3 array<struct<a1:array<int>,a2:array<struct<x:int,y:int,a3:array<int>>>>>, " +
"c4 bigint, " +
"c5 map<int,struct<m1:map<int,string>," +
" m2:map<int,struct<x:int,y:int,m3:map<int,int>>>>>)");
// Test paths with c3.
testTableRefPath("select 1 from d.t7.c3.a1", path(2, 0, 0), null);
testTableRefPath("select 1 from d.t7.c3.item.a1", path(2, 0, 0), null);
testSlotRefPath("select item from d.t7.c3.a1", path(2, 0, 0, 0));
testSlotRefPath("select item from d.t7.c3.item.a1", path(2, 0, 0, 0));
testTableRefPath("select 1 from d.t7.c3.a2", path(2, 0, 1), null);
testTableRefPath("select 1 from d.t7.c3.item.a2", path(2, 0, 1), null);
testSlotRefPath("select x from d.t7.c3.a2", path(2, 0, 1, 0, 0));
testSlotRefPath("select x from d.t7.c3.item.a2", path(2, 0, 1, 0, 0));
testTableRefPath("select 1 from d.t7.c3.a2.a3", path(2, 0, 1, 0, 2), null);
testTableRefPath("select 1 from d.t7.c3.item.a2.item.a3", path(2, 0, 1, 0, 2), null);
testSlotRefPath("select item from d.t7.c3.a2.a3", path(2, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0));
testSlotRefPath("select item from d.t7.c3.item.a2.item.a3", path(2, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0));
// Test path assembly with multiple tuple descriptors.
testTableRefPath("select 1 from d.t7, t7.c3, c3.a2, a2.a3",
path(2, 0, 1, 0, 2), path(2, 0, 1, 0, 2));
testTableRefPath("select 1 from d.t7, t7.c3, c3.item.a2, a2.item.a3",
path(2, 0, 1, 0, 2), path(2, 0, 1, 0, 2));
testSlotRefPath("select y from d.t7, t7.c3, c3.a2, a2.a3", path(2, 0, 1, 0, 1));
testSlotRefPath("select y, x from d.t7, t7.c3, c3.a2, a2.a3", path(2, 0, 1, 0, 0));
testSlotRefPath("select x, y from d.t7, t7.c3.item.a2, a2.a3", path(2, 0, 1, 0, 1));
testSlotRefPath("select a1.item from d.t7, t7.c3, c3.a1, c3.a2, a2.a3",
path(2, 0, 0, 0));
// Test materialized path.
testTableRefPath("select 1 from d.t7, t7.c3.a1", path(2, 0, 0), path(2));
testTableRefPath("select 1 from d.t7, t7.c3.a2", path(2, 0, 1), path(2));
testTableRefPath("select 1 from d.t7, t7.c3.a2.a3", path(2, 0, 1, 0, 2), path(2));
testTableRefPath("select 1 from d.t7, t7.c3, c3.a2.a3",
path(2, 0, 1, 0, 2), path(2, 0, 1));
// Test paths with c5.
testTableRefPath("select 1 from d.t7.c5.m1", path(4, 1, 0), null);
testTableRefPath("select 1 from d.t7.c5.value.m1", path(4, 1, 0), null);
testSlotRefPath("select key from d.t7.c5.m1", path(4, 1, 0, 0));
testSlotRefPath("select key from d.t7.c5.value.m1", path(4, 1, 0, 0));
testSlotRefPath("select value from d.t7.c5.m1", path(4, 1, 0, 1));
testSlotRefPath("select value from d.t7.c5.value.m1", path(4, 1, 0, 1));
testTableRefPath("select 1 from d.t7.c5.m2", path(4, 1, 1), null);
testTableRefPath("select 1 from d.t7.c5.value.m2", path(4, 1, 1), null);
testSlotRefPath("select key from d.t7.c5.m2", path(4, 1, 1, 0));
testSlotRefPath("select key from d.t7.c5.value.m2", path(4, 1, 1, 0));
testSlotRefPath("select x from d.t7.c5.m2", path(4, 1, 1, 1, 0));
testSlotRefPath("select x from d.t7.c5.value.m2", path(4, 1, 1, 1, 0));
testTableRefPath("select 1 from d.t7.c5.m2.m3", path(4, 1, 1, 1, 2), null);
testTableRefPath("select 1 from d.t7.c5.value.m2.value.m3",
path(4, 1, 1, 1, 2), null);
testSlotRefPath("select key from d.t7.c5.m2.m3", path(4, 1, 1, 1, 2, 0));
testSlotRefPath("select key from d.t7.c5.value.m2.value.m3", path(4, 1, 1, 1, 2, 0));
testSlotRefPath("select value from d.t7.c5.m2.m3", path(4, 1, 1, 1, 2, 1));
testSlotRefPath("select value from d.t7.c5.value.m2.value.m3",
path(4, 1, 1, 1, 2, 1));
// Test path assembly with multiple tuple descriptors.
testTableRefPath("select 1 from d.t7, t7.c5, c5.m2, m2.m3",
path(4, 1, 1, 1, 2), path(4, 1, 1, 1, 2));
testTableRefPath("select 1 from d.t7, t7.c5, c5.value.m2, m2.value.m3",
path(4, 1, 1, 1, 2), path(4, 1, 1, 1, 2));
testSlotRefPath("select y from d.t7, t7.c5, c5.m2, m2.m3",
path(4, 1, 1, 1, 1));
testSlotRefPath("select y, x from d.t7, t7.c5, c5.m2, m2.m3",
path(4, 1, 1, 1, 0));
testSlotRefPath("select x, y from d.t7, t7.c5.value.m2, m2.m3",
path(4, 1, 1, 1, 1));
testSlotRefPath("select m1.key from d.t7, t7.c5, c5.m1, c5.m2, m2.m3",
path(4, 1, 0, 0));
// Test materialized path.
testTableRefPath("select 1 from d.t7, t7.c5.m1", path(4, 1, 0), path(4));
testTableRefPath("select 1 from d.t7, t7.c5.m2", path(4, 1, 1), path(4));
testTableRefPath("select 1 from d.t7, t7.c5.m2.m3", path(4, 1, 1, 1, 2), path(4));
testTableRefPath("select 1 from d.t7, t7.c5, c5.m2.m3",
path(4, 1, 1, 1, 2), path(4, 1, 1));
// Tests that implicit references are not allowed through collection types.
addTestTable("create table d.t8 ("
+ "c1 array<map<string, string>>,"
+ "c2 map<string, array<struct<a:int>>>,"
+ "c3 struct<s1:struct<a:array<array<struct<e:int, f:string>>>>>)");
testImplicitPathFailure("d.t8", true, "c1", "key", "value");
testImplicitPathFailure("d.t8", true, "c2", "pos");
testImplicitPathFailure("d.t8.c3.s1", false, "a", "f");
private void testImplicitPathFailure(String parent, boolean parentIsCollection,
String collection, String...fields) {
String[] parentElements = parent.split("\\.");
String implicitAlias = parentElements[parentElements.length - 1];
String explicitAlias = "x";
for (String field : fields) {
// Tests that the path in the select list item does not resolve.
AnalysisError(String.format("select %s from %s.%s", field, parent, collection),
String.format("Could not resolve column/field reference: '%s'", field));
AnalysisError(String.format("select %s.%s from %s.%s %s",
explicitAlias, field, parent, collection, explicitAlias),
String.format("Could not resolve column/field reference: '%s.%s'",
explicitAlias, field));
if (parentIsCollection) {
AnalysisError(String.format("select %s from %s join %s.%s",
field, parent, implicitAlias, collection),
String.format("Could not resolve column/field reference: '%s'", field));
AnalysisError(String.format("select %s.%s from %s %s join %s.%s",
explicitAlias, field, parent, explicitAlias, explicitAlias, collection),
String.format("Could not resolve column/field reference: '%s.%s'",
explicitAlias, field));
// Tests that the path in the last table reference does not resolve.
AnalysisError(String.format("select 1 from %s.%s join %s.%s",
parent, collection, collection, field),
String.format("Could not resolve table reference: '%s.%s'",
collection, field));
AnalysisError(String.format("select 1 from %s.%s %s join %s.%s",
parent, collection, explicitAlias, explicitAlias, field),
String.format("Could not resolve table reference: '%s.%s'",
explicitAlias, field));
public void TestStructFields() throws AnalysisException {
String[] tables = new String[] { "allcomplextypes" };
String[] columns = new String[] { "id", "int_struct_col.f1",
"nested_struct_col.f2.f12.f21" };
testAllTableAliases(tables, columns);
// Unknown struct fields.
AnalysisError("select nested_struct_col.badfield from functional.allcomplextypes",
"Could not resolve column/field reference: 'nested_struct_col.badfield'");
AnalysisError("select nested_struct_col.f2.badfield from functional.allcomplextypes",
"Could not resolve column/field reference: 'nested_struct_col.f2.badfield'");
AnalysisError("select nested_struct_col.badfield.f2 from functional.allcomplextypes",
"Could not resolve column/field reference: 'nested_struct_col.badfield.f2'");
// Illegal intermediate reference to collection type.
AnalysisError("select int_array_col.item from functional.allcomplextypes",
"Illegal column/field reference 'int_array_col.item' with intermediate " +
"collection 'int_array_col' of type 'ARRAY<INT>'");
AnalysisError("select struct_array_col.f1 from functional.allcomplextypes",
"Illegal column/field reference 'struct_array_col.f1' with intermediate " +
"collection 'struct_array_col' of type 'ARRAY<STRUCT<f1:BIGINT,f2:STRING>>'");
AnalysisError("select int_map_col.key from functional.allcomplextypes",
"Illegal column/field reference 'int_map_col.key' with intermediate " +
"collection 'int_map_col' of type 'MAP<STRING,INT>'");
AnalysisError("select struct_map_col.f1 from functional.allcomplextypes",
"Illegal column/field reference 'struct_map_col.f1' with intermediate " +
"collection 'struct_map_col' of type 'MAP<STRING,STRUCT<f1:BIGINT,f2:STRING>>'");
"select complex_nested_struct_col.f2.f11 from functional.allcomplextypes",
"Illegal column/field reference 'complex_nested_struct_col.f2.f11' with " +
"intermediate collection 'f2' of type " +
"select complex_nested_struct_col.f2.f11 from functional.allcomplextypes",
"Illegal column/field reference 'complex_nested_struct_col.f2.f11' with " +
"intermediate collection 'f2' of type " +
public void TestSlotRefPathAmbiguity() {
addTestDb("a", null);
addTestTable("create table a.a (a struct<a:struct<a:int>>)");
// Slot path is not ambiguous.
AnalyzesOk("select a.a.a.a.a from a.a");
AnalyzesOk("select t.a.a.a from a.a t");
// Slot path is not ambiguous but resolves to a struct.
AnalysisError("select a from a.a",
"Expr 'a' in select list returns a complex type 'STRUCT<a:STRUCT<a:INT>>'.\n" +
"Only scalar types are allowed in the select list.");
AnalysisError("select t.a from a.a t",
"Expr 't.a' in select list returns a complex type 'STRUCT<a:STRUCT<a:INT>>'.\n" +
"Only scalar types are allowed in the select list.");
AnalysisError("select t.a.a from a.a t",
"Expr 't.a.a' in select list returns a complex type 'STRUCT<a:INT>'.\n" +
"Only scalar types are allowed in the select list.");
// Slot paths are ambiguous. A slot path can legally resolve to a non-scalar type,
// even though we currently do not support non-scalar SlotRefs in the select list
// or in any exprs.
AnalysisError("select a.a from a.a",
"Column/field reference is ambiguous: 'a.a'");
AnalysisError("select a.a.a from a.a",
"Column/field reference is ambiguous: 'a.a.a'");
AnalysisError("select a.a.a.a from a.a",
"Column/field reference is ambiguous: 'a.a.a.a'");
// Cannot resolve slot paths.
AnalysisError("select a.a.a.a.a.a from a.a",
"Could not resolve column/field reference: 'a.a.a.a.a.a'");
AnalysisError("select t.a.a.a.a from a.a t",
"Could not resolve column/field reference: 't.a.a.a.a'");
// Paths resolve to an existing implicit table alias
// (the unqualified path resolution would be illegal).
addTestTable("create table a.array_test (a array<int>)");
addTestTable("create table a.map_test (a map<int, int>)");
AnalyzesOk("select a.item from a.array_test t, t.a");
AnalyzesOk("select a.key, a.value from a.map_test t, t.a");
public void TestStarPathAmbiguity() {
addTestDb("a", null);
addTestTable("create table a.a (a struct<a:struct<a:int>>)");
// Star path is not ambiguous.
AnalyzesOk("select a.a.a.a.* from a.a");
AnalyzesOk("select t.a.a.* from a.a t");
// Not ambiguous, but illegal.
AnalysisError("select a.a.a.a.a.* from a.a",
"Cannot expand star in 'a.a.a.a.a.*' because path 'a.a.a.a.a' " +
"resolved to type 'INT'.");
AnalysisError("select t.a.a.a.* from a.a t",
"Cannot expand star in 't.a.a.a.*' because path 't.a.a.a' " +
"resolved to type 'INT'.");
// Not ambiguous, but expands to an empty select list.
AnalysisError("select t.* from a.a t",
"The star exprs expanded to an empty select list because the referenced " +
"tables only have complex-typed columns.");
// Star paths are ambiguous.
AnalysisError("select a.* from a.a",
"Star expression is ambiguous: 'a.*'");
AnalysisError("select a.a.* from a.a",
"Star expression is ambiguous: 'a.a.*'");
AnalysisError("select a.a.a.* from a.a",
"Star expression is ambiguous: 'a.a.a.*'");
// Cannot resolve star paths.
AnalysisError("select a.a.a.a.a.a.* from a.a",
"Could not resolve star expression: 'a.a.a.a.a.a.*'");
AnalysisError("select t.a.a.a.a.* from a.a t",
"Could not resolve star expression: 't.a.a.a.a.*'");
// Paths resolve to an existing implicit table alias
// (the unqualified path resolution would be illegal).
addTestTable("create table a.array_test (a array<int>)");
addTestTable("create table a.map_test (a map<int, int>)");
AnalyzesOk("select a.* from a.array_test t, t.a");
AnalyzesOk("select a.* from a.map_test t, t.a");
public void TestTableRefPathAmbiguity() {
addTestDb("a", null);
addTestTable("create table a.a (a array<struct<a:array<int>>>)");
// Table paths are not ambiguous.
AnalyzesOk("select 1 from a.a");
AnalyzesOk("select 1 from a.a.a");
AnalyzesOk("select 1 from a.a.a.a");
AnalyzesOk("select 1 from a", createAnalysisCtx("a"));
AnalyzesOk("select 1 from a.a.a.a", createAnalysisCtx("a"));
// Table paths are ambiguous.
AnalysisError("select 1 from a.a", createAnalysisCtx("a"),
"Table reference is ambiguous: 'a.a'");
AnalysisError("select 1 from a.a.a", createAnalysisCtx("a"),
"Table reference is ambiguous: 'a.a.a'");
// Ambiguous reference to registered table aliases.
addTestTable("create table a.t1 (x array<struct<y:array<int>>>)");
addTestTable("create table a.t2 (y array<int>)");
AnalysisError("select 1 from a.t1 a, a.t2 `a.x`, a.x.y",
"Table reference is ambiguous: 'a.x.y'");
public void TestFromClause() throws AnalysisException {
AnalyzesOk("select int_col from functional.alltypes");
AnalysisError("select int_col from badtbl",
"Could not resolve table reference: 'badtbl'");
// case-insensitive
AnalyzesOk("SELECT INT_COL FROM functional.alltypes");
AnalyzesOk("SELECT INT_COL FROM functional.aLLTYPES");
AnalyzesOk("SELECT INT_COL FROM Functional.ALLTYPES");
AnalyzesOk("select functional.AllTypes.Int_Col from functional.alltypes");
public void TestNoFromClause() throws AnalysisException {
AnalyzesOk("select 'test'");
AnalyzesOk("select 1 + 1, -128, 'two', 1.28");
AnalyzesOk("select -1, 1 - 1, 10 - -1, 1 - - - 1");
AnalyzesOk("select -1.0, 1.0 - 1.0, 10.0 - -1.0, 1.0 - - - 1.0");
AnalysisError("select a + 1", "Could not resolve column/field reference: 'a'");
// Test predicates in select list.
AnalyzesOk("select true");
AnalyzesOk("select false");
AnalyzesOk("select true or false");
AnalyzesOk("select true and false");
// Test NULL's in select list.
AnalyzesOk("select null");
AnalyzesOk("select null and null");
AnalyzesOk("select null or null");
AnalyzesOk("select null is null");
AnalyzesOk("select null is not null");
AnalyzesOk("select int_col is not null from functional.alltypes");
public void TestStar() throws AnalysisException {
AnalyzesOk("select * from functional.AllTypes");
AnalyzesOk("select functional.alltypes.* from functional.AllTypes");
// different db
AnalyzesOk("select functional_seq.alltypes.* from functional_seq.alltypes");
// two tables w/ identical names from different dbs
AnalyzesOk("select functional.alltypes.*, functional_seq.alltypes.* " +
"from functional.alltypes, functional_seq.alltypes");
AnalyzesOk("select * from functional.alltypes, functional_seq.alltypes");
// expand '*' on a struct-typed column
AnalyzesOk("select int_struct_col.* from functional.allcomplextypes");
AnalyzesOk("select a.int_struct_col.* from functional.allcomplextypes a");
AnalyzesOk("select allcomplextypes.int_struct_col.* from functional.allcomplextypes");
AnalyzesOk("select functional.allcomplextypes.int_struct_col.* " +
"from functional.allcomplextypes");
// '*' without from clause has no meaning.
AnalysisError("select *", "'*' expression in select list requires FROM clause.");
AnalysisError("select 1, *, 2+4",
"'*' expression in select list requires FROM clause.");
AnalysisError("select a.*", "Could not resolve star expression: 'a.*'");
// invalid star expansions
AnalysisError("select functional.* from functional.alltypes",
"Could not resolve star expression: 'functional.*'");
AnalysisError("select int_col.* from functional.alltypes",
"Cannot expand star in 'int_col.*' because " +
"path 'int_col' resolved to type 'INT'.\n" +
"Star expansion is only valid for paths to a struct type.");
AnalysisError("select complex_struct_col.f2.* from functional.allcomplextypes",
"Cannot expand star in 'complex_struct_col.f2.*' because " +
"path 'complex_struct_col.f2' resolved to type 'ARRAY<INT>'.\n" +
"Star expansion is only valid for paths to a struct type.");
for (String joinType: new String[] { "left semi join", "left anti join" }) {
// ignore semi-/anti-joined tables in unqualified '*' expansion
SelectStmt stmt = (SelectStmt) AnalyzesOk(String.format(
"select * from functional.alltypes a " +
"%s functional.testtbl b on ( =", joinType));
// expect to have as many result exprs as alltypes has columns
assertEquals(13, stmt.getResultExprs().size());
// cannot expand '*" for a semi-/anti-joined table
AnalysisError(String.format("select a.*, b.* from functional.alltypes a " +
"%s functional.alltypes b on ( =", joinType),
"Illegal star expression 'b.*' of semi-/anti-joined table 'b'");
for (String joinType: new String[] { "right semi join", "right anti join" }) {
// ignore semi-/anti-joined tables in unqualified '*' expansion
SelectStmt stmt = (SelectStmt) AnalyzesOk(String.format(
"select * from functional.alltypes a " +
"%s functional.testtbl b on ( =", joinType));
// expect to have as many result exprs as testtbl has columns
assertEquals(3, stmt.getResultExprs().size());
// cannot expand '*" for a semi-/anti-joined table
AnalysisError(String.format("select a.*, b.* from functional.alltypes a " +
"%s functional.alltypes b on ( =", joinType),
"Illegal star expression 'a.*' of semi-/anti-joined table 'a'");
* Test that complex types are not allowed in the select list.
public void TestComplexTypesInSelectList() {
// Star only expands to the scalar-typed fields.
AnalyzesOk("select * from functional.allcomplextypes " +
"cross join functional_parquet.alltypes");
AnalyzesOk("select complex_struct_col.* from functional.allcomplextypes");
// The result exprs could be empty after star expansion.
addTestTable("create table only_complex_types " +
"(a array<int>, b struct<x:int, y:int>, c map<string, int>)");
AnalysisError("select * from only_complex_types",
"The star exprs expanded to an empty select list because the referenced " +
"tables only have complex-typed columns.");
AnalysisError("select a.* from only_complex_types a, " +
"functional.allcomplextypes b",
"The star exprs expanded to an empty select list because the referenced " +
"tables only have complex-typed columns.");
// Empty star expansion, but non empty result exprs.
AnalyzesOk("select 1, * from only_complex_types");
// Illegal complex-typed expr in select list.
AnalysisError("select int_struct_col from functional.allcomplextypes",
"Expr 'int_struct_col' in select list returns a " +
"complex type 'STRUCT<f1:INT,f2:INT>'.\n" +
"Only scalar types are allowed in the select list.");
// Illegal complex-typed expr in a union.
AnalysisError("select int_struct_col from functional.allcomplextypes " +
"union all select int_struct_col from functional.allcomplextypes",
"Expr 'int_struct_col' in select list returns a " +
"complex type 'STRUCT<f1:INT,f2:INT>'.\n" +
"Only scalar types are allowed in the select list.");
// Illegal complex-typed expr inside inline view.
AnalysisError("select 1 from " +
"(select int_struct_col from functional.allcomplextypes) v",
"Expr 'int_struct_col' in select list returns a " +
"complex type 'STRUCT<f1:INT,f2:INT>'.\n" +
"Only scalar types are allowed in the select list.");
// Illegal complex-typed expr in an insert.
AnalysisError("insert into functional.allcomplextypes " +
"select int_struct_col from functional.allcomplextypes",
"Expr 'int_struct_col' in select list returns a " +
"complex type 'STRUCT<f1:INT,f2:INT>'.\n" +
"Only scalar types are allowed in the select list.");
// Illegal complex-typed expr in a CTAS.
AnalysisError("create table new_tbl as " +
"select int_struct_col from functional.allcomplextypes",
"Expr 'int_struct_col' in select list returns a " +
"complex type 'STRUCT<f1:INT,f2:INT>'.\n" +
"Only scalar types are allowed in the select list.");
public void TestGroupByAliases() throws AnalysisException {
// IMPALA-5191: GROUP BY, aliases must only be
// substituted at the top level
AnalyzesOk("select int_col / 2 as x from functional.alltypes group by x");
// GROUP BY contains alias in subexpression
"select int_col / 2 as x from functional.alltypes group by x / 2",
"Could not resolve column/field reference: 'x'");
// Alias referring to aggregation output in GROUP BY
AnalysisError("select count(*) a from functional.alltypes group by a",
"GROUP BY expression must not contain aggregate functions: a");
// Alias referring to predicate in GROUP BY
AnalysisError("select count(*) > 10 a from functional.alltypes group by a",
"GROUP BY expression must not contain aggregate functions: a");
// Alias referring to analytic output in GROUP BY
AnalysisError("select sum(id) over(order by id) a " +
"from functional.alltypes group by a",
"GROUP BY expression must not contain analytic expressions: " +
"sum(id) OVER (ORDER BY id ASC)");
// Alias referring to analytic output in GROUP BY
AnalyzesOk("with w_test as (select '1' as `one`, 2 as two, '3' as three) " +
"select `one` as `one`, substring(cast(two as string), 1, 1) as two, " +
"three as three, count(1) as cnt " +
"from w_test " +
"group by `one`, substring(cast(two as string), 1, 1), three");
public void TestGroupByOrdinals() throws AnalysisException {
AnalysisError("select * from functional.alltypes group by 1",
"cannot combine '*' in select list with grouping or aggregation");
// IMPALA-5191: ORDER BY, ordinals must only be
// substituted at the top level
AnalyzesOk("select int_col / 2 as x from functional.alltypes group by 1");
// Ordinal referring to aggregation output in GROUP BY
AnalysisError("select count(*) from functional.alltypes group by 1",
"GROUP BY expression must not contain aggregate functions: 1");
// Ordinal referring to predicate in GROUP BY
AnalysisError("select count(*) > 10 from functional.alltypes group by 1",
"GROUP BY expression must not contain aggregate functions: 1");
// Ordinal referring to analytic output in GROUP BY
AnalysisError("select sum(id) over(order by id) " +
"from functional.alltypes group by 1",
"GROUP BY expression must not contain analytic expressions: " +
"sum(id) OVER (ORDER BY id ASC)");
// Constant exprs should not be interpreted as ordinals
AnalyzesOk("select int_col, count(*) from functional.alltypes group by 1, 1 * 2");
AnalyzesOk("select int_col, count(*) from functional.alltypes group by 1, " +
"if(true, 2, int_col)");
public void TestOrderByAliases() throws AnalysisException {
// IMPALA-5191: ORDER BY, aliases must only be
// substituted at the top level
AnalyzesOk("select int_col / 2 as x from functional.alltypes order by x");
// ORDER BY contains alias in subexpression
"select int_col / 2 as x from functional.alltypes order by -x",
"Could not resolve column/field reference: 'x'");
// Alias referring to aggregation output in ORDER BY
AnalyzesOk("select count(*) a from functional.alltypes order by a");
// Alias referring to predicate in ORDER BY
AnalyzesOk("select count(*) > 10 a from functional.alltypes order by a");
// Alias referring to analytic output in ORDER BY
AnalyzesOk("select sum(id) over(order by id) a from functional.alltypes order by a");
public void TestOrderByOrdinals() throws AnalysisException {
AnalysisError("select * from functional.alltypes order by 14",
"ORDER BY: ordinal exceeds the number of items in the SELECT list: 14");
AnalyzesOk("select t.* from functional.alltypes t order by 1");
AnalyzesOk("select t2.* from functional.alltypes t1, " +
"functional.alltypes t2 order by 1");
AnalyzesOk("select * from (select max(id) from functional.testtbl) t1 order by 1");
AnalysisError("select * from (select max(id) from functional.testtbl) t1 order by 2",
"ORDER BY: ordinal exceeds the number of items in the SELECT list: 2");
// IMPALA-5191: ORDER BY, ordinals must only be
// substituted at the top level
AnalyzesOk("select int_col / 2 as x from functional.alltypes order by 1");
// Ordinal referring to aggregation output in ORDER BY
AnalyzesOk("select count(*) from functional.alltypes order by 1");
// Ordinal referring to predicate in ORDER BY
AnalyzesOk("select count(*) > 10 from functional.alltypes order by 1");
// Ordinal referring to analytic output in ORDER BY
AnalyzesOk("select sum(id) over(order by id) from functional.alltypes order by 1");
// Constant exprs should not be interpreted as ordinals
AnalyzesOk("select int_col, bigint_col from functional.alltypes order by 1 + 4");
AnalyzesOk("select int_col, bigint_col from functional.alltypes order by " +
"if(true, 7, int_col)");
public void TestHavingAliases() throws AnalysisException {
// Ambiguous alias in HAVING
AnalysisError("select not bool_col m, min(smallint_col) m, max(bigint_col) m "
+ "from functional.alltypes group by bool_col having m",
"HAVING: ambiguous alias: 'm'");
// IMPALA-5191: HAVING, aliases must only be
// substituted at the top level
AnalyzesOk("select not bool_col as nb from functional.alltypes having nb");
// HAVING contains alias in subexpression
"select int_col / 2 as x from functional.alltypes having x > 0",
"Could not resolve column/field reference: 'x'");
// Alias referring to aggregation output in HAVING
AnalysisError("select count(*) a from functional.alltypes having a",
"HAVING clause 'count(*)' requires return type 'BOOLEAN'. " +
"Actual type is 'BIGINT'.");
// Alias referring to predicate in HAVING
AnalyzesOk("select count(*) > 10 a from functional.alltypes having a");
// Alias referring to analytic output in HAVING
AnalysisError("select sum(id) over(order by id) a from functional.alltypes having a",
"HAVING clause must not contain analytic expressions: " +
"sum(id) OVER (ORDER BY id ASC)");
// IMPALA-7844: Ordinals not supported in HAVING since
// HAVING is an expression, not a list like GROUP BY or ORDER BY.
// Verify that an integer is treated as a constant, not an ordinal.
public void TestHavingIntegers() throws AnalysisException {
// Legacy 3.x functionality
AnalyzesOk("select not bool_col as nb from functional.alltypes having 1");
AnalysisError("select count(*) from functional.alltypes having 1",
"HAVING clause 'count(*)' requires return type 'BOOLEAN'. " +
"Actual type is 'BIGINT'.");
AnalyzesOk("select count(*) > 10 from functional.alltypes having 1");
AnalysisError("select sum(id) over(order by id) from functional.alltypes having 1",
"HAVING clause must not contain analytic expressions: " +
"sum(id) OVER (ORDER BY id ASC)");
AnalysisError("select sum(id) over(order by id) from functional.alltypes having -1",
"HAVING: ordinal must be >= 1: -1");
} else {
// Forward-looking, post 3.x functionality
// IMPALA-7844: Ordinals not supported in HAVING since
// HAVING is an expression, not a list like GROUP BY or ORDER BY.
AnalysisError("select not bool_col as nb from functional.alltypes having 1",
"HAVING clause '1' requires return type 'BOOLEAN'. " +
"Actual type is 'TINYINT'.");
AnalysisError("select not bool_col as nb from functional.alltypes having -1",
"HAVING clause '1' requires return type 'BOOLEAN'. " +
"Actual type is 'TINYINT'.");
// Constant exprs should not be interpreted as ordinals
AnalysisError("select int_col, bool_col, count(*) from functional.alltypes " +
"group by 1, 2 having 1 + 1",
"HAVING clause '1 + 1' requires return type 'BOOLEAN'. " +
"Actual type is 'SMALLINT'.");
AnalysisError("select int_col, bool_col, count(*) from functional.alltypes " +
"group by 1, 2 having if(TRUE, 2, int_col)",
"HAVING clause 'if(TRUE, 2, int_col)' requires return type 'BOOLEAN'. " +
"Actual type is 'INT'.");
public void TestInlineView() throws AnalysisException {
AnalyzesOk("select y x from (select id y from functional_hbase.alltypessmall) a");
AnalyzesOk("select id from (select id from functional_hbase.alltypessmall) a");
AnalyzesOk("select * from (select id+2 from functional_hbase.alltypessmall) a");
AnalyzesOk("select t1 c from " +
"(select c t1 from (select id c from functional_hbase.alltypessmall) t1) a");
AnalysisError("select id from (select id+2 from functional_hbase.alltypessmall) a",
"Could not resolve column/field reference: 'id'");
AnalyzesOk("select a.* from (select id+2 from functional_hbase.alltypessmall) a");
// join test
AnalyzesOk("select * from (select id+2 id from functional_hbase.alltypessmall) a " +
"join (select * from functional.AllTypes where true) b");
AnalyzesOk("select a.x from (select count(id) x from functional.AllTypes) a");
AnalyzesOk("select a.* from (select count(id) from functional.AllTypes) a");
AnalysisError("select from (select id y from functional_hbase.alltypessmall) a",
"Could not resolve column/field reference: ''");
AnalyzesOk("select * from (select * from functional.AllTypes) a where year = 2009");
AnalyzesOk("select * from (select * from functional.alltypesagg) a right outer join" +
" (select * from functional.alltypessmall) b using (id, int_col) " +
" where >= 6 and b.month > 2 and a.tinyint_col = 15 and " +
" b.string_col = '15' and a.tinyint_col + b.tinyint_col < 15");
AnalyzesOk("select * from (select a.smallint_col+b.smallint_col c1" +
" from functional.alltypesagg a join functional.alltypessmall b " +
" using (id, int_col)) x " +
" where x.c1 > 100");
AnalyzesOk("select a.* from" +
" (select * from (select id+2 from functional_hbase.alltypessmall) b) a");
AnalysisError("select * from " +
"(select * from functional.alltypes a join " +
"functional.alltypes b on (a.int_col = b.int_col)) x",
"duplicated inline view column alias: 'id' in inline view 'x'");
// subquery on the rhs of the join
AnalyzesOk("select x.float_col " +
" from functional.alltypessmall c join " +
" (select a.smallint_col smallint_col, a.tinyint_col tinyint_col, " +
" a.int_col int_col, b.float_col float_col" +
" from (select * from functional.alltypesagg a where month=1) a join " +
" functional.alltypessmall b on (a.smallint_col = x " +
" on (x.tinyint_col =");
// aggregate test
AnalyzesOk("select count(*) from (select count(id) from " +
"functional.AllTypes group by id) a");
AnalyzesOk("select count(a.x) from (select id+2 x " +
"from functional_hbase.alltypessmall) a");
AnalyzesOk("select * from (select id, zip " +
" from (select * from functional.testtbl) x " +
" group by zip, id having count(*) > 0) x");
AnalysisError("select zip + count(*) from functional.testtbl",
"select list expression not produced by aggregation output " +
"(missing from GROUP BY clause?)");
// union test
AnalyzesOk("select a.* from " +
"(select rank() over(order by string_col) from functional.alltypes " +
" union all " +
" select tinyint_col from functional.alltypessmall) a");
AnalyzesOk("select a.* from " +
"(select int_col from functional.alltypes " +
" union all " +
" select tinyint_col from functional.alltypessmall) a " +
"union all " +
"select smallint_col from functional.alltypes");
AnalyzesOk("select a.* from " +
"(select int_col from functional.alltypes " +
" union all " +
" select b.smallint_col from " +
" (select smallint_col from functional.alltypessmall" +
" union all" +
" select tinyint_col from functional.alltypes) b) a");
// negative union test, column labels are inherited from first select block
AnalysisError("select tinyint_col from " +
"(select int_col from functional.alltypes " +
" union all " +
" select tinyint_col from functional.alltypessmall) a",
"Could not resolve column/field reference: 'tinyint_col'");
// negative aggregate test
AnalysisError("select * from " +
"(select id, zip from functional.testtbl group by id having count(*) > 0) x",
"select list expression not produced by aggregation output " +
"(missing from GROUP BY clause?)");
AnalysisError("select * from " +
"(select id from functional.testtbl group by id having zip + count(*) > 0) x",
"HAVING clause not produced by aggregation output " +
"(missing from GROUP BY clause?)");
AnalysisError("select * from " +
"(select zip, count(*) from functional.testtbl group by 3) x",
"GROUP BY: ordinal exceeds the number of items in the SELECT list");
AnalysisError("select * from " +
"(select * from functional.alltypes group by 1) x",
"cannot combine '*' in select list with grouping or aggregation");
AnalysisError("select * from " +
"(select zip, count(*) from functional.testtbl group by count(*)) x",
"GROUP BY expression must not contain aggregate functions");
AnalysisError("select * from " +
"(select zip, count(*) from functional.testtbl group by count(*) + min(zip)) x",
"GROUP BY expression must not contain aggregate functions");
AnalysisError("select * from " +
"(select zip, count(*) from functional.testtbl group by 2) x",
"GROUP BY expression must not contain aggregate functions");
// order by, top-n
AnalyzesOk("select * from (select zip, count(*) " +
" from (select * from functional.testtbl) x " +
" group by 1 order by count(*) + min(zip) limit 5) x");
AnalyzesOk("select * from (select zip, count(*) " +
" from (select * from functional.testtbl) x " +
" group by 1 order by count(*) + min(zip)) x");
AnalysisError("select * from (select zip, count(*) " +
" from (select * from functional.testtbl) x " +
" group by 1 offset 5) x",
"OFFSET requires an ORDER BY clause: OFFSET 5");
AnalysisError("select * from (select zip, count(*) " +
" from (select * from functional.testtbl) x " +
" group by 1 order by count(*) + min(zip) offset 5) x",
"Order-by with offset without limit not supported in nested queries");
AnalyzesOk("select c1, c2 from (select zip c1 , count(*) c2 " +
" from (select * from functional.testtbl) x group by 1) x " +
" order by 2, 1 limit 5");
AnalyzesOk("select c1, c2 from (select zip c1 , count(*) c2 " +
" from (select * from functional.testtbl) x group by 1) x " +
" order by 2, 1");
AnalyzesOk("select c1, c2 from (select zip c1 , count(*) c2 " +
" from (select * from functional.testtbl) x group by 1) x " +
" order by 2, 1 offset 5");
// test NULLs
AnalyzesOk("select * from (select NULL) a");
// test that auto-generated columns are not used by default
AnalyzesOk("select `int_col * 1`, a, int_col, `NOT bool_col` from " +
"(select int_col * 1, int_col as a, int_col, !bool_col, concat(string_col) " +
"from functional.alltypes) t");
// test auto-generated column labels by enforcing their use in inline views
AnalyzesOk("select _c0, a, int_col, _c3 from " +
"(select int_col * 1, int_col as a, int_col, !bool_col, concat(string_col) " +
"from functional.alltypes) t", createAnalysisCtxUsingHiveColLabels());
// test auto-generated column labels in group by and order by
AnalyzesOk("select _c0, count(a), count(int_col), _c3 from " +
"(select int_col * 1, int_col as a, int_col, !bool_col, concat(string_col) " +
"from functional.alltypes) t group by _c0, _c3 order by _c0 limit 10",
// test auto-generated column labels in multiple scopes
AnalyzesOk("select x.front, x._c1, x._c2 from " +
"(select y.back as front, y._c0 * 10, y._c2 + 2 from " +
"(select int_col * 10, int_col as back, int_col + 2 from " +
"functional.alltypestiny) y) x",
// IMPALA-3537: Test that auto-generated column labels are only applied in
// the appropriate child query blocks.
SelectStmt colLabelsStmt =
(SelectStmt) AnalyzesOk("select avg(int_col) from functional.alltypes_view");
assertEquals("avg(int_col)", colLabelsStmt.getColLabels().get(0));
AnalyzesOk("select `max(int_col)` from " +
"(select max(int_col) from functional.alltypes_view) v");
// ambiguous reference to an auto-generated column
AnalysisError("select _c0 from " +
"(select int_col * 2, id from functional.alltypes) a inner join " +
"(select int_col + 6, id from functional.alltypes) b " +
"on ( =",
"Column/field reference is ambiguous: '_c0'");
// auto-generated column doesn't exist
AnalysisError("select _c0, a, _c2, _c3 from " +
"(select int_col * 1, int_col as a, int_col, !bool_col, concat(string_col) " +
"from functional.alltypes) t",
"Could not resolve column/field reference: '_c2'");
// Regression test for IMPALA-984.
AnalyzesOk("SELECT 1 " +
"FROM functional.decimal_tbl AS t1 LEFT JOIN " +
"(SELECT SUM(t1.d2) - SUM(t1.d3) as double_col_3, " +
"SUM(t1.d2) IS NULL " +
"FROM functional.decimal_tbl AS t1) AS t3 " +
"ON t3.double_col_3 = t1.d3");
// Test that InlineViewRef.makeOutputNullable() preserves expr signatures when
// substituting NULL literals for SlotRefs (IMPALA-1468).
AnalyzesOk("select 1 from functional.alltypes a left outer join " +
"(select id, upper(decode(string_col, NULL, date_string_col)) " +
"from functional.alltypes) v on ( =");
// Inline view with a subquery
AnalyzesOk("select y x from " +
"(select id y from functional.alltypestiny where id in " +
"(select id from functional.alltypessmall)) a");
public void TestCorrelatedInlineViews() {
// Basic inline view with a single correlated table ref.
AnalyzesOk("select cnt from functional.allcomplextypes t, " +
"(select count(*) cnt from t.int_array_col) v");
AnalyzesOk("select cnt from functional.allcomplextypes t, " +
"(select cnt from (select count(*) cnt from t.int_array_col) v1) v2");
AnalyzesOk("select item from functional.allcomplextypes t, " +
"(select item from t.array_map_col.value) v");
// Multiple nesting levels.
AnalyzesOk("select item from functional.allcomplextypes t, " +
"(select * from (select * from (select item from t.int_array_col) v1) v2) v3");
// Mixing correlated and uncorrelated inline views in the same select block works.
AnalyzesOk("select v.cnt from functional.allcomplextypes t1 " +
"join (select * from functional.alltypes) t2 on ( = " +
"cross join (select count(*) cnt from t1.int_map_col) v");
// Multiple correlated table refs.
AnalyzesOk("select avg from functional.allcomplextypes t, " +
"(select avg(a1.item) avg from t.int_array_col a1, t.int_array_col a2) v");
AnalyzesOk("select item, key, value from functional.allcomplextypes t, " +
"(select * from t.int_array_col, t.int_map_col) v");
// Correlated inline view inside uncorrelated inline view.
AnalyzesOk("select cnt from functional.alltypes t1 inner join " +
"(select id, cnt from functional.allcomplextypes t2, " +
"(select count(1) cnt from t2.int_array_col) v1) v2");
// Correlated table ref has child ref itself.
AnalyzesOk("select key, item from functional.allcomplextypes t, " +
"(select a1.key, a2.item from t.array_map_col a1, a1.value a2) v");
AnalyzesOk("select key, av from functional.allcomplextypes t, " +
"(select a1.key, av from t.array_map_col a1, " +
"(select avg(item) av from a1.value a2) v1) v2");
// TODO: Enable once we support complex-typed exprs in the select list.
//AnalyzesOk("select key, av from functional.allcomplextypes t, " +
// "(select a1.key, a1.value from t.array_map_col a1) v1, " +
// "(select avg(item) av from v1.value) v2");
// Multiple correlated table refs with different parents.
AnalyzesOk("select,, cnt, av from functional.allcomplextypes t1 " +
"left outer join functional.allcomplextypes t2 on ( =, " +
"(select count(*) cnt from t1.array_map_col) v1, " +
"(select avg(item) av from t2.int_array_col) v2");
// Correlated table refs in a union.
AnalyzesOk("select item from functional.allcomplextypes t, " +
"(select * from t.int_array_col union all select * from t.int_array_col) v");
AnalyzesOk("select item from functional.allcomplextypes t, " +
"(select item from t.int_array_col union distinct " +
"select value from t.int_map_col) v");
// Correlated inline view in WITH-clause.
AnalyzesOk("with w as (select item from functional.allcomplextypes t, " +
"(select item from t.int_array_col) v) " +
"select * from w");
AnalyzesOk("with w as (select key, av from functional.allcomplextypes t, " +
"(select a1.key, av from t.array_map_col a1, " +
"(select avg(item) av from a1.value a2) v1) v2) " +
"select * from w");
// TODO: Enable once we support complex-typed exprs in the select list.
//AnalyzesOk("with w as (select key, av from functional.allcomplextypes t, " +
// "(select a1.key, a1.value from t.array_map_col a1) v1, " +
// "(select avg(item) av from v1.value) v2) " +
// "select * from w");
// Test behavior of aliases in correlated inline views.
// Inner reference resolves to the base table, not the implicit parent alias.
AnalyzesOk("select cnt from functional.allcomplextypes t, " +
"(select count(1) cnt from functional.allcomplextypes) v");
AnalyzesOk("select cnt from functional.allcomplextypes, " +
"(select count(1) cnt from functional.allcomplextypes) v");
AnalyzesOk("select cnt from functional.allcomplextypes, " +
"(select count(1) cnt from allcomplextypes) v", createAnalysisCtx("functional"));
// Illegal correlated reference.
AnalysisError("select cnt from functional.allcomplextypes t, " +
"(select count(1) cnt from t) v",
"Illegal table reference to non-collection type: 't'");
AnalysisError("select cnt from functional.allcomplextypes, " +
"(select count(1) cnt from allcomplextypes) v",
"Illegal table reference to non-collection type: 'allcomplextypes'");
// Un/correlated refs in a single nested query block.
AnalysisError("select cnt from functional.allcomplextypes t, " +
"(select count(1) cnt from functional.alltypes, t.int_array_col) v",
"Nested query is illegal because it contains a table reference " +
"'t.int_array_col' correlated with an outer block as well as an " +
"uncorrelated one 'functional.alltypes':\n" +
"SELECT count(1) cnt FROM functional.alltypes, t.int_array_col");
AnalysisError("select cnt from functional.allcomplextypes t, " +
"(select count(1) cnt from t.int_array_col, functional.alltypes) v",
"Nested query is illegal because it contains a table reference " +
"'t.int_array_col' correlated with an outer block as well as an " +
"uncorrelated one 'functional.alltypes':\n" +
"SELECT count(1) cnt FROM t.int_array_col, functional.alltypes");
// Un/correlated refs across multiple nested query blocks.
AnalysisError("select cnt from functional.allcomplextypes t, " +
"(select * from functional.alltypes, " +
"(select count(1) cnt from t.int_array_col) v1) v2",
"Nested query is illegal because it contains a table reference " +
"'t.int_array_col' correlated with an outer block as well as an " +
"uncorrelated one 'functional.alltypes':\n" +
"SELECT * FROM functional.alltypes, (SELECT count(1) cnt " +
"FROM t.int_array_col) v1");
// TODO: Enable once we support complex-typed exprs in the select list.
// Correlated table ref has correlated inline view as parent.
//AnalysisError("select cnt from functional.allcomplextypes t, " +
// "(select value arr from t.array_map_col) v1, " +
// "(select item from v1.arr, functional.alltypestiny) v2",
// "Nested query is illegal because it contains a table reference " +
// "'v1.arr' correlated with an outer block as well as an " +
// "uncorrelated one 'functional.alltypestiny':\n" +
// "SELECT item FROM v1.arr, functional.alltypestiny");
// Un/correlated refs in union operands.
AnalysisError("select cnt from functional.allcomplextypes t, " +
"(select bigint_col from functional.alltypes " +
"union select count(1) cnt from t.int_array_col) v1",
"Nested query is illegal because it contains a table reference " +
"'t.int_array_col' correlated with an outer block as well as an " +
"uncorrelated one 'functional.alltypes':\n" +
"SELECT bigint_col FROM functional.alltypes " +
"UNION SELECT count(1) cnt FROM t.int_array_col");
// Un/correlated refs in WITH-clause view.
AnalysisError("with w as (select cnt from functional.allcomplextypes t, " +
"(select count(1) cnt from t.int_array_col, functional.alltypes) v) " +
"select * from w",
"Nested query is illegal because it contains a table reference " +
"'t.int_array_col' correlated with an outer block as well as an " +
"uncorrelated one 'functional.alltypes':\n" +
"SELECT count(1) cnt FROM t.int_array_col, functional.alltypes");
// Test that joins without an ON clause analyze ok if the rhs table is correlated.
for (JoinOperator joinOp: JoinOperator.values()) {
if (joinOp.isNullAwareLeftAntiJoin()) continue;
AnalyzesOk(String.format("select 1 from functional.allcomplextypes a %s " +
"(select item from a.int_array_col) v", joinOp));
AnalyzesOk(String.format("select 1 from functional.allcomplextypes a %s " +
"(select * from a.struct_array_col) v", joinOp));
AnalyzesOk(String.format("select 1 from functional.allcomplextypes a %s " +
"(select key, value from a.int_map_col) v", joinOp));
AnalyzesOk(String.format("select 1 from functional.allcomplextypes a %s " +
"(select * from a.struct_map_col) v", joinOp));
public void TestOnClause() throws AnalysisException {
"select a.int_col from functional.alltypes a " +
"join functional.alltypes b on (a.int_col = b.int_col)");
"select a.int_col " +
"from functional.alltypes a join functional.alltypes b on " +
"(a.int_col = b.int_col and a.string_col = b.string_col)");
"select a.int_col from functional.alltypes a " +
"join functional.alltypes b on (a.bool_col)");
"select a.int_col from functional.alltypes a " +
"join functional.alltypes b on (NULL)");
// ON or USING clause not required for inner join
AnalyzesOk("select a.int_col from functional.alltypes a join functional.alltypes b");
// arbitrary expr not returning bool
"select a.int_col from functional.alltypes a " +
"join functional.alltypes b on trim(a.string_col)",
"ON clause 'trim(a.string_col)' requires return type 'BOOLEAN'. " +
"Actual type is 'STRING'.");
"select a.int_col from functional.alltypes a " +
"join functional.alltypes b on a.int_col * b.float_col",
"ON clause 'a.int_col * b.float_col' requires return type 'BOOLEAN'. " +
"Actual type is 'DOUBLE'.");
// wrong kind of expr
"select a.int_col from functional.alltypes a " +
"join functional.alltypes b on (a.bigint_col = sum(b.int_col))",
"aggregate function not allowed in ON clause");
"select a.int_col from functional.alltypes a " +
"join functional.alltypes b on (a.bigint_col = " +
"lag(b.int_col) over(order by a.bigint_col))",
"analytic expression not allowed in ON clause");
"select a.int_col from functional.alltypes a " +
"join functional.alltypes b on ( = and " +
"a.int_col < (select min(id) from functional.alltypes c)",
"Subquery is not allowed in ON clause");
// unknown column
"select a.int_col from functional.alltypes a " +
"join functional.alltypes b on (a.int_col = b.badcol)",
"Could not resolve column/field reference: 'b.badcol'");
// ambiguous col ref
"select a.int_col from functional.alltypes a " +
"join functional.alltypes b on (int_col = int_col)",
"Column/field reference is ambiguous: 'int_col'");
// unknown alias
"select a.int_col from functional.alltypes a join functional.alltypes b on " +
"(a.int_col = badalias.int_col)",
"Could not resolve column/field reference: 'badalias.int_col'");
// incompatible comparison
"select a.int_col from functional.alltypes a join " +
"functional.alltypes b on a.bool_col = b.string_col",
"operands of type BOOLEAN and STRING are not comparable: " +
"a.bool_col = b.string_col");
"select a.int_col, b.int_col, c.int_col " +
"from functional.alltypes a join functional.alltypes b on " +
"(a.int_col = b.int_col and a.string_col = b.string_col)" +
"join functional.alltypes c on " +
"(b.int_col = c.int_col and b.string_col = c.string_col " +
"and b.bool_col = c.bool_col)");
// can't reference an alias that gets declared afterwards
"select a.int_col, b.int_col, c.int_col " +
"from functional.alltypes a join functional.alltypes b on " +
"(c.int_col = b.int_col and a.string_col = b.string_col)" +
"join functional.alltypes c on " +
"(b.int_col = c.int_col and b.string_col = c.string_col " +
"and b.bool_col = c.bool_col)",
"Could not resolve column/field reference: 'c.int_col'");
// outer joins require ON/USING clause
AnalyzesOk("select * from functional.alltypes a left outer join " +
"functional.alltypes b on ( =");
AnalyzesOk("select * from functional.alltypes a left outer join " +
"functional.alltypes b using (id)");
AnalysisError("select * from functional.alltypes a " +
"left outer join functional.alltypes b",
"LEFT OUTER JOIN requires an ON or USING clause");
AnalyzesOk("select * from functional.alltypes a right outer join " +
"functional.alltypes b on ( =");
AnalyzesOk("select * from functional.alltypes a right outer join " +
"functional.alltypes b using (id)");
AnalysisError("select * from functional.alltypes a " +
"right outer join functional.alltypes b",
"RIGHT OUTER JOIN requires an ON or USING clause");
AnalyzesOk("select * from functional.alltypes a full outer join " +
"functional.alltypes b on ( =");
AnalyzesOk("select * from functional.alltypes a full outer join " +
"functional.alltypes b using (id)");
AnalysisError("select * from functional.alltypes a full outer join " +
"functional.alltypes b",
"FULL OUTER JOIN requires an ON or USING clause");
public void TestUsingClause() throws AnalysisException {
AnalyzesOk("select a.int_col, b.int_col from functional.alltypes a join " +
"functional.alltypes b using (int_col)");
AnalyzesOk("select a.int_col, b.int_col from " +
"functional.alltypes a join functional.alltypes b " +
"using (int_col, string_col)");
"select a.int_col, b.int_col, c.int_col " +
"from functional.alltypes a " +
"join functional.alltypes b using (int_col, string_col) " +
"join functional.alltypes c using (int_col, string_col, bool_col)");
// unknown column
AnalysisError("select a.int_col from functional.alltypes a " +
"join functional.alltypes b using (badcol)",
"unknown column badcol for alias a");
"select a.int_col from functional.alltypes a " +
"join functional.alltypes b using (int_col, badcol)",
"unknown column badcol for alias a ");
* Tests the visibility of semi-/anti-joined table references.
public void TestSemiJoins() {
// Test left semi joins.
for (String joinType: new String[] { "left semi join", "left anti join" }) {
// semi/anti join requires ON/USING clause
AnalyzesOk(String.format("select from functional.alltypes a " +
"%s functional.alltypes b on ( =", joinType));
AnalyzesOk(String.format("select from functional.alltypes a " +
"%s functional.alltypes b on ( = " +
"%s functional.alltypes c on ( =", joinType, joinType));
AnalyzesOk(String.format("select from functional.alltypes a %s " +
"functional.alltypes b using (id)", joinType));
// unqualified column reference is not ambiguous outside of the On-clause
// because a semi/anti-joined tuple is invisible
AnalyzesOk(String.format("select int_col from functional.alltypes a " +
"%s functional.alltypes b on ( =", joinType));
AnalysisError(String.format("select * from functional.alltypes a " +
"%s functional.alltypes b on ( = and a.int_col = int_col)", joinType),
"Column/field reference is ambiguous: 'int_col'");
// flip 'a' and 'b' aliases to test the unqualified column resolution logic
AnalyzesOk(String.format("select int_col from functional.alltypes b " +
"%s functional.alltypes a on ( =", joinType));
AnalysisError(String.format("select * from functional.alltypes b " +
"%s functional.alltypes a on ( = and b.int_col = int_col)", joinType),
"Column/field reference is ambiguous: 'int_col'");
// unqualified column reference that matches two semi-/anti-joined tables
// is not ambiguous outside of On-clause
AnalyzesOk(String.format("select int_col from functional.alltypes c " +
"%s functional.alltypes b on ( = " +
"%s functional.jointbl a on (test_id =", joinType, joinType));
AnalyzesOk(String.format("select int_col from functional.alltypes c " +
"%s functional.alltypes b on ( = " +
"%s functional.jointbl a on (test_id = id)", joinType, joinType));
AnalysisError(String.format("select int_col from functional.alltypes c " +
"%s functional.alltypes b on ( = " +
"%s functional.jointbl a on (test_id =", joinType, joinType),
"Illegal column/field reference '' of semi-/anti-joined table 'b'");
// must not reference semi/anti-joined alias outside of join clause
AnalysisError(String.format("select, from functional.alltypes a " +
"%s functional.alltypes b on ( =", joinType),
"Illegal column/field reference '' of semi-/anti-joined table 'b'");
AnalysisError(String.format("select from functional.alltypes a " +
"%s (select * from functional.alltypes) b " +
"on ( = where b.int_col > 10", joinType),
"Illegal column/field reference 'b.int_col' of semi-/anti-joined table 'b'");
AnalysisError(String.format("select from functional.alltypes a " +
"%s functional.alltypes b on ( = group by b.bool_col", joinType),
"Illegal column/field reference 'b.bool_col' of semi-/anti-joined table 'b'");
AnalysisError(String.format("select from functional.alltypes a " +
"%s (select * from functional.alltypes) b " +
"on ( = order by b.string_col", joinType),
"Illegal column/field reference 'b.string_col' of " +
"semi-/anti-joined table 'b'");
// column of semi/anti-joined table is not visible in other On-clause
AnalysisError(String.format("select from functional.alltypes a " +
"%s functional.alltypes b on ( =" +
"left outer join functional.testtbl c on ( =", joinType),
"Illegal column/field reference '' of semi-/anti-joined table 'b'");
// column of semi/anti-joined table is not visible in other On-clause
AnalysisError(String.format("select from functional.alltypes a " +
"%s functional.alltypes b on ( =" +
"%s functional.testtbl c on ( =", joinType, joinType),
"Illegal column/field reference '' of semi-/anti-joined table 'b'");
// using clause always refers to lhs/rhs table
AnalysisError(String.format("select from functional.alltypes a " +
"%s functional.alltypes b using(id) " +
"%s functional.alltypes c using(int_col)", joinType, joinType),
"Illegal column/field reference 'b.int_col' of semi-/anti-joined table 'b'");
// unqualified column reference is ambiguous in the On-clause of a semi/anti join
AnalysisError(String.format("select * from functional.alltypes a " +
"%s functional.alltypes b on ( = and a.int_col = int_col)", joinType),
"Column/field reference is ambiguous: 'int_col'");
// illegal unqualified column reference against semi/anti-joined table
AnalysisError(String.format("select test_id from functional.alltypes a " +
"%s functional.jointbl b on ( = b.alltypes_id)", joinType),
"Illegal column/field reference 'test_id' of semi-/anti-joined table 'b'");
// unqualified table ref is ambiguous even if semi/anti-joined
AnalysisError(String.format("select alltypes.int_col from functional.alltypes " +
"%s functional_parquet.alltypes " +
"on ( =", joinType),
"Unqualified table alias is ambiguous: 'alltypes'");
// illegal collection table reference through semi/anti joined table
AnalysisError(String.format("select 1 from functional.allcomplextypes a " +
"%s functional.allcomplextypes b on ( = " +
"inner join b.int_array_col", joinType),
"Illegal table reference 'b.int_array_col' of semi-/anti-joined table 'b'");
// Test right semi joins. Do not combine these with the left semi join tests above
// for better readability.
for (String joinType: new String[] { "right semi join", "right anti join" }) {
// semi/anti join requires ON/USING clause
AnalyzesOk(String.format("select from functional.alltypes a " +
"%s functional.alltypes b on ( =", joinType));
AnalyzesOk(String.format("select from functional.alltypes a " +
"%s functional.alltypes b on ( = " +
"%s functional.alltypes c on ( =", joinType, joinType));
AnalyzesOk(String.format("select from functional.alltypes a %s " +
"functional.alltypes b using (id)", joinType));
// unqualified column reference is not ambiguous outside of the On-clause
// because a semi/anti-joined tuple is invisible
AnalyzesOk(String.format("select int_col from functional.alltypes a " +
"%s functional.alltypes b on ( =", joinType));
AnalysisError(String.format("select * from functional.alltypes a " +
"%s functional.alltypes b on ( = and a.int_col = int_col)", joinType),
"Column/field reference is ambiguous: 'int_col'");
// flip 'a' and 'b' aliases to test the unqualified column resolution logic
AnalyzesOk(String.format("select int_col from functional.alltypes b " +
"%s functional.alltypes a on ( =", joinType));
AnalysisError(String.format("select * from functional.alltypes b " +
"%s functional.alltypes a on ( = and b.int_col = int_col)", joinType),
"Column/field reference is ambiguous: 'int_col'");
// unqualified column reference that matches two semi-/anti-joined tables
// is not ambiguous outside of On-clause
AnalyzesOk(String.format("select int_col from functional.jointbl c " +
"%s functional.alltypes b on (test_id = " +
"%s functional.alltypes a on ( =", joinType, joinType));
AnalyzesOk(String.format("select int_col from functional.jointbl c " +
"%s functional.alltypes b on (test_id = id) " +
"%s functional.alltypes a on ( =", joinType, joinType));
AnalysisError(String.format("select int_col from functional.jointbl c " +
"%s functional.alltypes b on (test_id = " +
"%s functional.alltypes a on ( =", joinType, joinType),
"Could not resolve column/field reference: ''");
// must not reference semi/anti-joined alias outside of join clause
AnalysisError(String.format("select, from functional.alltypes a " +
"%s functional.alltypes b on ( =", joinType),
"Illegal column/field reference '' of semi-/anti-joined table 'a'");
AnalysisError(String.format("select from functional.alltypes a " +
"%s (select * from functional.alltypes) b " +
"on ( = where a.int_col > 10", joinType),
"Illegal column/field reference 'a.int_col' of semi-/anti-joined table 'a'");
AnalysisError(String.format("select from functional.alltypes a " +
"%s functional.alltypes b on ( = group by a.bool_col", joinType),
"Illegal column/field reference 'a.bool_col' of semi-/anti-joined table 'a'");
AnalysisError(String.format("select from functional.alltypes a " +
"%s (select * from functional.alltypes) b " +
"on ( = order by a.string_col", joinType),
"Illegal column/field reference 'a.string_col' of " +
"semi-/anti-joined table 'a'");
// column of semi/anti-joined table is not visible in other On-clause
AnalysisError(String.format("select from functional.alltypes a " +
"%s functional.alltypes b on ( =" +
"left outer join functional.testtbl c on ( =", joinType),
"Illegal column/field reference '' of semi-/anti-joined table 'a'");
// column of semi/anti-joined table is not visible in other On-clause
AnalysisError(String.format("select from functional.alltypes a " +
"%s functional.alltypes b on ( =" +
"%s functional.testtbl c on ( =", joinType, joinType),
"Illegal column/field reference '' of semi-/anti-joined table 'a'");
// using clause always refers to lhs/rhs table
AnalysisError(String.format("select from functional.alltypes a " +
"%s functional.alltypes b using(id) " +
"%s functional.alltypes c using(int_col)", joinType, joinType),
"Illegal column/field reference '' of semi-/anti-joined table 'b'");
// unqualified column reference is ambiguous in the On-clause of a semi/anti join
AnalysisError(String.format("select * from functional.alltypes a " +
"%s functional.alltypes b on ( = and a.int_col = int_col)", joinType),
"Column/field reference is ambiguous: 'int_col'");
// illegal unqualified column reference against semi/anti-joined table
AnalysisError(String.format("select test_id from functional.jointbl a " +
"%s functional.alltypes b on (a.alltypes_id =", joinType),
"Illegal column/field reference 'test_id' of semi-/anti-joined table 'a'");
// unqualified table ref is ambiguous even if semi/anti-joined
AnalysisError(String.format("select alltypes.int_col from functional.alltypes " +
"%s functional_parquet.alltypes " +
"on ( =", joinType),
"Unqualified table alias is ambiguous: 'alltypes'");
// illegal collection table reference through semi/anti joined table
AnalysisError(String.format("select 1 from functional.allcomplextypes a " +
"%s functional.allcomplextypes b on ( = " +
"inner join a.int_array_col", joinType),
"Illegal table reference 'a.int_array_col' of semi-/anti-joined table 'a'");
* Return all supported hint styles.
private String[][] getHintStyles() {
return new String[][] {
new String[] { "/* +", "*/" }, // traditional commented hint
new String[] { "\n-- +", "\n" }, // eol commented hint
new String[] { "[", "]" } // legacy style
public void TestJoinHints() throws AnalysisException {
for (String[] hintStyle: getHintStyles()) {
String prefix = hintStyle[0];
String suffix = hintStyle[1];
String.format("select * from functional.alltypes a join %sbroadcast%s " +
"functional.alltypes b using (int_col)", prefix, suffix));
String.format("select * from functional.alltypes a join %sshuffle%s " +
"functional.alltypes b using (int_col)", prefix, suffix));
String.format("select * from functional.alltypes a cross join %sbroadcast%s " +
"functional.alltypes b", prefix, suffix));
// Only warn on unrecognized hints for view-compatibility with Hive.
String.format("select * from functional.alltypes a join %sbadhint%s " +
"functional.alltypes b using (int_col)", prefix, suffix),
"JOIN hint not recognized: badhint");
String.format("select * from functional.alltypes a cross join %sshuffle%s " +
"functional.alltypes b", prefix, suffix),
"CROSS JOIN does not support SHUFFLE.");
"select * from functional.alltypes a right outer join %sbroadcast%s " +
"functional.alltypes b using (int_col)", prefix, suffix),
"RIGHT OUTER JOIN does not support BROADCAST.");
"select * from functional.alltypes a full outer join %sbroadcast%s " +
"functional.alltypes b using (int_col)", prefix, suffix),
"FULL OUTER JOIN does not support BROADCAST.");
"select * from functional.alltypes a right semi join %sbroadcast%s " +
"functional.alltypes b using (int_col)", prefix, suffix),
"RIGHT SEMI JOIN does not support BROADCAST.");
"select * from functional.alltypes a right anti join %sbroadcast%s " +
"functional.alltypes b using (int_col)", prefix, suffix),
"RIGHT ANTI JOIN does not support BROADCAST.");
// Conflicting join hints.
"select * from functional.alltypes a join %sbroadcast,shuffle%s " +
"functional.alltypes b using (int_col)", prefix, suffix),
"Conflicting JOIN hint: shuffle");
public void TestTableHints() throws AnalysisException {
for (String[] hintStyle: getHintStyles()) {
String prefix = hintStyle[0];
String suffix = hintStyle[1];
for (String alias : new String[] { "", "a" }) {
String.format("select * from functional.alltypes %s %sschedule_cache_local%s",
alias, prefix, suffix));
String.format("select * from functional.alltypes %s %sschedule_disk_local%s",
alias, prefix, suffix));
String.format("select * from functional.alltypes %s %sschedule_remote%s",
alias, prefix, suffix));
String.format("select * from functional.alltypes %s %sschedule_remote," +
"schedule_random_replica%s", alias, prefix, suffix));
String.format("select * from functional.alltypes %s %s" +
"schedule_random_replica,schedule_remote%s", alias, prefix, suffix));
String name = alias.isEmpty() ? "functional.alltypes" : alias;
AnalyzesOk(String.format("select * from functional.alltypes %s %sFOO%s", alias,
prefix, suffix), String.format("Table hint not recognized for table %s: " +
"FOO", name));
// Table hints not supported for HBase tables
AnalyzesOk(String.format("select * from functional_hbase.alltypes %s " +
"%sschedule_random_replica%s", alias, prefix, suffix),
"Table hints only supported for Hdfs tables");
// Table hints not supported for catalog views
AnalyzesOk(String.format("select * from functional.alltypes_view %s " +
"%sschedule_random_replica%s", alias, prefix, suffix),
"Table hints not supported for inline view and collections");
// Table hints not supported for with clauses
AnalyzesOk(String.format("with t as (select 1) select * from t %s " +
"%sschedule_random_replica%s", alias, prefix, suffix),
"Table hints not supported for inline view and collections");
// Table hints not supported for inline views
AnalyzesOk(String.format("select * from (select tinyint_col * 2 as c1 from " +
"functional.alltypes) as v1 %sschedule_random_replica%s", prefix, suffix),
"Table hints not supported for inline view and collections");
// Table hints not supported for collection tables
AnalyzesOk(String.format("select item from functional.allcomplextypes, " +
"allcomplextypes.int_array_col %sschedule_random_replica%s", prefix, suffix),
"Table hints not supported for inline view and collections");
* Checks warning message if applicable and
* returns true if straight_join hint is applied or false otherwise.
private boolean hasStraightJoin(String stmt, String expectedWarning){
AnalysisContext ctx = createAnalysisCtx();
AnalyzesOk(stmt,ctx, expectedWarning);
return ctx.getAnalyzer().isStraightJoin();
public void TestSelectListHints() throws AnalysisException {
for (String[] hintStyle: hintStyles_) {
String prefix = hintStyle[0];
String suffix = hintStyle[1];
"select %sstraight_join%s * from functional.alltypes", prefix, suffix), null));
"select %sStrAigHt_jOiN%s * from functional.alltypes", prefix, suffix), null));
if (!prefix.equals("")) {
// Only warn on unrecognized hints for view-compatibility with Hive.
// Legacy hint style does not parse.
"select %sbadhint%s * from functional.alltypes", prefix, suffix),
"PLAN hint not recognized: badhint"));
"select %sstraight_join%s * from functional.alltypes", prefix, suffix),
// Multiple hints. Legacy hint style does not parse.
"select %sstraight_join,straight_join%s * from functional.alltypes",
prefix, suffix), null));
public void TestInsertHints() throws AnalysisException {
// Test table to make sure that conflicting hints and table properties result in a
// warning.
addTestDb("test_sort_by", "Test DB for SORT BY clause.");
addTestTable("create table test_sort_by.alltypes (id int, int_col int, " +
"bool_col boolean) partitioned by (year int, month int) " +
"sort by (int_col, bool_col) location '/'");
for (String[] hintStyle: getHintStyles()) {
String prefix = hintStyle[0];
String suffix = hintStyle[1];
// Test plan hints for partitioned Hdfs tables.
AnalyzesOk(String.format("insert into functional.alltypessmall " +
"partition (year, month) %sshuffle%s select * from functional.alltypes",
prefix, suffix));
AnalyzesOk(String.format("insert into table functional.alltypessmall " +
"partition (year, month) %snoshuffle%s select * from functional.alltypes",
prefix, suffix));
// Only warn on unrecognized hints.
AnalyzesOk(String.format("insert into functional.alltypessmall " +
"partition (year, month) %sbadhint%s select * from functional.alltypes",
prefix, suffix),
"INSERT hint not recognized: badhint");
// Insert hints are ok for unpartitioned tables.
"insert into table functional.alltypesnopart %sshuffle%s " +
"select * from functional.alltypesnopart", prefix, suffix));
// Insert hints are ok for Kudu tables.
"insert into table functional_kudu.alltypes %sshuffle%s " +
"select * from functional_kudu.alltypes", prefix, suffix));
// Plan hints do not make sense for inserting into HBase tables.
"insert into table functional_hbase.alltypes %sshuffle%s " +
"select * from functional_hbase.alltypes", prefix, suffix),
"INSERT hints are only supported for inserting into Hdfs and Kudu tables: " +
// Conflicting plan hints.
AnalysisError("insert into table functional.alltypessmall " +
"partition (year, month) /* +shuffle,noshuffle */ " +
"select * from functional.alltypes",
"Conflicting INSERT hints: shuffle and noshuffle");
// Test clustered hint.
"insert into functional.alltypessmall partition (year, month) %sclustered%s " +
"select * from functional.alltypes", prefix, suffix));
"insert into table functional.alltypesnopart %sclustered%s " +
"select * from functional.alltypesnopart", prefix, suffix));
// Test that noclustered is accepted.
"insert into table functional.alltypesnopart %snoclustered%s " +
"select * from functional.alltypesnopart", prefix, suffix));
// Conflicting clustered hints.
"insert into table functional.alltypessmall partition (year, month) " +
"/* +clustered,noclustered */ select * from functional.alltypes", prefix,
suffix), "Conflicting INSERT hints: clustered and noclustered");
// noclustered hint on a table with sort.columns issues a warning.
"insert into test_sort_by.alltypes partition (year, month) " +
"%snoclustered%s select id, int_col, bool_col, year, month from " +
"functional.alltypes", prefix, suffix),
"Insert statement has 'noclustered' hint, but table has 'sort.columns' " +
"property. The 'noclustered' hint will be ignored.");
// Default hints should be ignored when query has plan hints.
"insert into functional.alltypes partition (year, month) " +
"%snoclustered,shuffle%s select * from functional.alltypes",
prefix, suffix),
"insert into functional_kudu.alltypes " +
"%snoclustered,shuffle%s select * from functional.alltypes",
prefix, suffix),
// Multiple non-conflicting hints and case insensitivity of hints.
AnalyzesOk("insert into table functional.alltypessmall " +
"partition (year, month) /* +shuffle, ShUfFlE */ " +
"select * from functional.alltypes");
AnalyzesOk("insert into table functional.alltypessmall " +
"partition (year, month) [shuffle, ShUfFlE] " +
"select * from functional.alltypes");
// Test default hints.
AnalysisContext insertCtx = createAnalysisCtx();
// Bad hint returns a warning.
AnalyzesOk("insert into functional.alltypessmall partition (year, month) " +
"select * from functional.alltypes",
"INSERT hint not recognized: badhint");
// Bad hint returns a warning.
AnalyzesOk("insert into functional.alltypessmall partition (year, month) " +
"select * from functional.alltypes",
"INSERT hint not recognized: badhint");
// Conflicting hints return an error.
AnalysisError("insert into functional.alltypessmall partition (year, month) " +
"select * from functional.alltypes",
"Conflicting INSERT hints: clustered and noclustered");
// Conflicting hints return an error.
AnalysisError("insert into functional.alltypessmall partition (year, month) " +
"select * from functional.alltypes",
"Conflicting INSERT hints: shuffle and noshuffle");
// Default hints ignored for HBase table.
AnalyzesOk("insert into table functional_hbase.alltypes " +
"select * from functional_hbase.alltypes",
// Default hints are ok for Kudu table.
AnalyzesOk(String.format("insert into table functional_kudu.alltypes " +
"select * from functional_kudu.alltypes"),
// Default hints are ok for partitioned Hdfs tables.
AnalyzesOk("insert into functional.alltypessmall partition (year, month) " +
"select * from functional.alltypes",
// Default hints are ok for non partitioned Hdfs tables.
AnalyzesOk("insert into functional.alltypesnopart " +
"select * from functional.alltypesnopart",
public void TestWhereClause() throws AnalysisException {
AnalyzesOk("select zip, name from functional.testtbl where id > 15");
AnalysisError("select zip, name from functional.testtbl where badcol > 15",
"Could not resolve column/field reference: 'badcol'");
AnalyzesOk("select * from functional.testtbl where true");
AnalysisError("select * from functional.testtbl where count(*) > 0",
"aggregate function not allowed in WHERE clause");
// NULL and bool literal in binary predicate.
for (BinaryPredicate.Operator op : BinaryPredicate.Operator.values()) {
AnalyzesOk("select id from functional.testtbl where id " +
op.toString() + " true");
AnalyzesOk("select id from functional.testtbl where id " +
op.toString() + " false");
AnalyzesOk("select id from functional.testtbl where id " +
op.toString() + " NULL");
// Where clause is a SlotRef of type bool.
AnalyzesOk("select id from functional.alltypes where bool_col");
// Arbitrary exprs that do not return bool.
AnalysisError("select id from functional.alltypes where int_col",
"WHERE clause requires return type 'BOOLEAN'. Actual type is 'INT'.");
AnalysisError("select id from functional.alltypes where trim('abc')",
"WHERE clause requires return type 'BOOLEAN'. Actual type is 'STRING'.");
AnalysisError("select id from functional.alltypes where (int_col + float_col) * 10",
"WHERE clause requires return type 'BOOLEAN'. Actual type is 'DOUBLE'.");
public void TestFunctions() throws AnalysisException {
// Test with partition columns and substitution
AnalyzesOk("select year(timestamp_col), count(*) " +
"from functional.alltypes group by 1");
AnalyzesOk("select year(timestamp_col), count(*) " +
"from functional.alltypes group by year(timestamp_col)");
// Check abs() retains type, originally abs() would return double,
// which is incompatible with interval, see IMPALA-1424
AnalyzesOk("select now() + interval abs(cast(1 as int)) days");
AnalyzesOk("select now() + interval abs(cast(1 as smallint)) days");
AnalyzesOk("select now() + interval abs(cast(1 as tinyint)) days");
AnalyzesOk("select round(c1) from functional.decimal_tiny");
AnalyzesOk("select round(c1, 2) from functional.decimal_tiny");
AnalysisError("select round(c1, cast(c3 as int)) from functional.decimal_tiny",
"round() must be called with a constant second argument.");
AnalysisError("select truncate(c1, cast(c3 as int)) from functional.decimal_tiny",
"truncate() must be called with a constant second argument.");
public void TestAggregates() throws AnalysisException {
// Add udas:
// bigint AggFn(int)
// bigint AggFn(bigint)
// bigint AggFn(double)
// string AggFn(string, string)
// TODO: if we could persist these in the catalog, we'd just use those
// TODO: add cases where the intermediate type is not the return type when
// the planner supports that.
addTestUda("AggFn", Type.BIGINT, Type.INT);
addTestUda("AggFn", Type.BIGINT, Type.BIGINT);
addTestUda("AggFn", Type.BIGINT, Type.DOUBLE);
addTestUda("AggFn", Type.STRING, Type.STRING, Type.STRING);
AnalyzesOk("select aggfn(int_col) from functional.alltypesagg");
AnalysisError("select default.AggFn(1)",
"aggregation without a FROM clause is not allowed");
"select aggfn(int_col) over (partition by int_col) from functional.alltypesagg",
"Aggregate function 'default.aggfn(int_col) /* NATIVE UDF */' not supported " +
"with OVER clause.");
AnalysisError("select aggfn(distinct int_col) from functional.alltypesagg",
"User defined aggregates do not support DISTINCT.");
AnalyzesOk("select default.aggfn(int_col) from functional.alltypes");
AnalyzesOk("select count(*) from functional.testtbl");
AnalyzesOk("select min(id), max(id), sum(id) from functional.testtbl");
AnalyzesOk("select avg(id) from functional.testtbl");
AnalyzesOk("select count(*), min(id), max(id), sum(id), avg(id), aggfn(id) " +
"from functional.testtbl");
AnalyzesOk("select AggFn(tinyint_col), AggFn(int_col), AggFn(bigint_col), " +
"AggFn(double_col) from functional.alltypes");
AnalysisError("select AggFn(string_col) from functional.alltypes",
"No matching function with signature: default.aggfn(STRING)");
AnalyzesOk("select AggFn(string_col, string_col) from functional.alltypes");
AnalyzesOk("select count(NULL), min(NULL), max(NULL), sum(NULL), avg(NULL), " +
"group_concat(NULL), group_concat(name, NULL) from functional.testtbl");
AnalysisError("select id, zip from functional.testtbl where count(*) > 0",
"aggregate function not allowed in WHERE clause");
AnalysisError("select 1 from functional.alltypes where aggfn(1)",
"aggregate function not allowed in WHERE clause");
AnalysisError("select count() from functional.alltypes",
"count() is not allowed.");
AnalysisError("select min() from functional.alltypes",
"No matching function with signature: min().");
AnalysisError("select int_col from functional.alltypes order by count(*)",
"select list expression not produced by aggregation output (missing from "
+ "GROUP BY clause?): int_col");
AnalysisError("select functional.alltypes.*, max(string_col) from " +
"functional.alltypes", "cannot combine '*' in select list with grouping or " +
AnalysisError("select * from functional.alltypes order by count(*)",
"select list expression not produced by aggregation output " +
"(missing from GROUP BY clause?): *");
// only count() allows '*'
AnalysisError("select avg(*) from functional.testtbl",
"'*' can only be used in conjunction with COUNT");
AnalysisError("select min(*) from functional.testtbl",
"'*' can only be used in conjunction with COUNT");
AnalysisError("select max(*) from functional.testtbl",
"'*' can only be used in conjunction with COUNT");
// multiple args
AnalysisError("select count(id, zip) from functional.testtbl",
"COUNT must have DISTINCT for multiple arguments: count(id, zip)");
AnalysisError("select min(id, zip) from functional.testtbl",
"No matching function with signature: min(BIGINT, INT).");
// nested aggregates
AnalysisError("select sum(count(*)) from functional.testtbl",
"aggregate function must not contain aggregate parameters");
AnalysisError("select sum(rank() over (order by id)) from functional.testtbl",
"aggregate function must not contain analytic parameters");
AnalysisError("select min(aggfn(int_col)) from functional.alltypes",
"aggregate function must not contain aggregate parameters: " +
"min(default.aggfn(int_col) /* NATIVE UDF */)");
// wrong type
AnalysisError("select sum(timestamp_col) from functional.alltypes",
"SUM requires a numeric parameter: sum(timestamp_col)");
AnalysisError("select sum(date_col) from functional.date_tbl",
"SUM requires a numeric parameter: sum(date_col)");
AnalysisError("select sum(string_col) from functional.alltypes",
"SUM requires a numeric parameter: sum(string_col)");
AnalysisError("select avg(string_col) from functional.alltypes",
"AVG requires a numeric or timestamp parameter: avg(string_col)");
// aggregate requires table in the FROM clause
AnalysisError("select count(*)", "aggregation without a FROM clause is not allowed");
AnalysisError("select min(1)", "aggregation without a FROM clause is not allowed");
// Test distinct estimate
for (Type type: typeToLiteralValue_.keySet()) {
"select ndv(%s) from functional.alltypes",
// Decimal
AnalyzesOk("select min(d1), max(d2), count(d3), sum(d4) "
+ "from functional.decimal_tbl");
AnalyzesOk("select ndv(d1), distinctpc(d2), distinctpcsa(d3), count(distinct d4) "
+ "from functional.decimal_tbl");
AnalyzesOk("select avg(d5) from functional.decimal_tbl");
// Date
AnalyzesOk("select min(date_col), max(date_col), count(date_col) "
+ "from functional.date_tbl");
AnalyzesOk("select ndv(date_col), distinctpc(date_col), distinctpcsa(date_col), "
+ "count(distinct date_col) from functional.date_tbl");
// Test select stmt avg smap.
AnalyzesOk("select cast(avg(c1) as decimal(10,4)) as c from " +
"functional.decimal_tiny group by c3 having cast(avg(c1) as " +
"decimal(10,4)) = 5.1106 order by 1");
// check CHAR and VARCHAR aggregates
checkExprType("select min(cast('foo' as char(5))) from functional.chars_tiny",
checkExprType("select max(cast('foo' as varchar(5))) from functional.chars_tiny",
checkExprType("select max(vc) from functional.chars_tiny", ScalarType.STRING);
checkExprType("select max(cs) from functional.chars_tiny", ScalarType.STRING);
checkExprType("select max(lower(cs)) from functional.chars_tiny",
* Test ROLLUP, CUBE and GROUPING SETS functionality.
public void TestGroupingSets() throws AnalysisException {
// Basic examples of each clause.
AnalyzesOk("select count(*) from functional.alltypes " +
"group by rollup(int_col, string_col)");
AnalyzesOk("select count(*) from functional.alltypes " +
"group by int_col, string_col with rollup");
AnalyzesOk("select count(*) from functional.alltypes " +
"group by int_col, string_col with cube");
AnalyzesOk("select count(*) from functional.alltypes " +
"group by GROUPING SETS((int_col), (string_col))");
// Test limits for number of distinct expressions
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
for (int i = 1; i <= 25; ++i) {
sb.append("bool_col" + i + ", tinyint_col" + i + ", smallint_col" + i +
", int_col" + i + ", bigint_col" + i + ", float_col" + i +
", double_col" + i + ", string_col" + i);
if (i != 25) {
String longColList = sb.toString();
AnalysisError("select count(*) from functional.widetable_250_cols " +
"group by rollup(" + longColList + ")",
"Number of grouping columns (200) exceeds GROUP BY with ROLLUP limit of 63");
AnalysisError("select count(*) from functional.widetable_250_cols " +
"group by cube(" + longColList + ")",
"Number of grouping columns (200) exceeds GROUP BY with CUBE limit of 63");
AnalysisError("select count(*) from functional.widetable_250_cols " +
"group by grouping sets((" + longColList + "))",
"Number of grouping columns (200) exceeds GROUP BY with SETS limit of 63");
// Duplicating the same column shouldn't increase distinct column count.
AnalysisError("select count(*) from functional.widetable_250_cols " +
"group by grouping sets((" + longColList + ", string_col1), " +
"(bool_col1, int_col1))",
"Number of grouping columns (200) exceeds GROUP BY with SETS limit of 63");
// Grouping sets with overlapping expression lists doesn't hit limit, since exprs are
// deduplicated.
AnalyzesOk("select count(*) from functional.widetable_250_cols " +
"group by grouping sets(( " +
" bool_col1, tinyint_col1, smallint_col1, int_col1, bigint_col1, " +
" float_col1, double_col1, string_col1, " +
" bool_col2, tinyint_col2, smallint_col2, int_col2, bigint_col2, " +
" float_col2, double_col2, string_col2, " +
" bool_col3, tinyint_col3, smallint_col3, int_col3, bigint_col3, " +
" float_col3, double_col3, string_col3, " +
" bool_col4, tinyint_col4, smallint_col4, int_col4, bigint_col4, " +
" float_col4, double_col4, string_col4, " +
" bool_col5, tinyint_col5, smallint_col5, int_col5, bigint_col5, " +
" float_col5, double_col5, string_col5, " +
" bool_col6, tinyint_col6, smallint_col6, int_col6, bigint_col6, " +
" float_col6, double_col6, string_col6, " +
" bool_col7, tinyint_col7, smallint_col7, int_col7, bigint_col7, " +
" float_col7, double_col7, string_col7), " +
" (bool_col1, tinyint_col1, smallint_col1, int_col1, bigint_col1, " +
" float_col1, double_col1, string_col1, " +
" bool_col2, tinyint_col2, smallint_col2, int_col2, bigint_col2, " +
" float_col2, double_col2, string_col2)); ");
// Test limit of number of distinct grouping sets - 63. CUBE with 6 grouping exprs
// results in 2^6 = 64 distinct grouping sets. CUBE with 5 grouping exprs and ROLLUP
// with 6 grouping exprs are both under the limit.
AnalyzesOk("select id, bool_col, tinyint_col, smallint_col, int_col, bigint_col, " +
"float_col, count(*) " +
"from functional.alltypes " +
"group by rollup(id, bool_col, tinyint_col, smallint_col, int_col, bigint_col, " +
AnalyzesOk("select id, bool_col, tinyint_col, smallint_col, int_col, bigint_col, " +
"count(*) " +
"from functional.alltypes " +
"group by cube(id, bool_col, tinyint_col, smallint_col, int_col, bigint_col)");
AnalysisError("select id, bool_col, tinyint_col, smallint_col, int_col, " +
"bigint_col, float_col, count(*) " +
"from functional.alltypes " +
"group by cube(id, bool_col, tinyint_col, smallint_col, int_col, bigint_col, " +
"Limit of 64 grouping sets exceeded");
// Basic test cases where grouping exprs are subset and superset of select list.
AnalyzesOk("select int_col, count(*) from functional.alltypes " +
"group by rollup(int_col, string_col)");
AnalyzesOk("select int_col, string_col, count(*) from functional.alltypes " +
"group by rollup(int_col, string_col)");
AnalysisError("select int_col, bool_col, string_col, count(*) " +
"from functional.alltypes " +
"group by rollup(int_col, string_col)",
"select list expression not produced by aggregation output " +
"(missing from GROUP BY clause?): bool_col");
AnalyzesOk("select int_col, count(*) from functional.alltypes " +
"group by cube(int_col, string_col)");
AnalyzesOk("select int_col, string_col, count(*) from functional.alltypes " +
"group by cube(int_col, string_col)");
AnalysisError("select int_col, bool_col, string_col, count(*) " +
"from functional.alltypes " +
"group by cube(int_col, string_col)",
"select list expression not produced by aggregation output " +
"(missing from GROUP BY clause?): bool_col");
AnalyzesOk("select int_col, count(*) from functional.alltypes " +
"group by grouping sets((int_col, string_col), (int_col))");
AnalyzesOk("select int_col, string_col, count(*) from functional.alltypes " +
"group by grouping sets((int_col, string_col), (int_col))");
AnalysisError("select int_col, bool_col, string_col, count(*) " +
"from functional.alltypes " +
"group by grouping sets((int_col, string_col), (int_col))",
"select list expression not produced by aggregation output " +
"(missing from GROUP BY clause?): bool_col");
// Support for ordinals.
AnalyzesOk("select int_col, string_col, count(*) from functional.alltypes " +
"group by rollup(1, 2)");
AnalyzesOk("select int_col, string_col, count(*) from functional.alltypes " +
"group by cube(1, 2)");
AnalyzesOk("select int_col, string_col, count(*) from functional.alltypes " +
"group by grouping sets((1, 2), (1))");
AnalysisError("select int_col, string_col, count(*) from functional.alltypes " +
"group by rollup(1, 3)",
"GROUP BY expression must not contain aggregate functions: 3");
AnalysisError("select int_col, string_col, count(*) from functional.alltypes " +
"group by cube(1, 3)",
"GROUP BY expression must not contain aggregate functions: 3");
AnalysisError("select int_col, string_col, count(*) from functional.alltypes " +
"group by grouping sets((1, 3), (1))",
"GROUP BY expression must not contain aggregate functions: 3");
// Refer to same column by name and ordinal in grouping sets.
AnalyzesOk("select int_col, string_col, count(*) from functional.alltypes " +
"group by grouping sets((1, 2), (int_col))");
// Group by non-trivial expressions not in select list
AnalyzesOk("select count(*) from functional.alltypes " +
"group by rollup(int_col, substring(string_col, 1, 2))");
AnalyzesOk("select int_col, count(*) from functional.alltypes " +
"group by cube(int_col, substring(string_col, 1, 2))");
AnalyzesOk("select int_col, count(*) from functional.alltypes " +
"group by grouping sets((int_col), (int_col, substring(string_col, 1, 2)))");
// Group by non-trivial expressions in select list
AnalyzesOk("select int_col, substring(string_col, 1, 2) str, count(*) " +
"from functional.alltypes " +
"group by rollup(int_col, substring(string_col, 1, 2))");
AnalyzesOk("select int_col, substring(string_col, 1, 2) str, count(*) " +
"from functional.alltypes " +
"group by cube(int_col, str)");
AnalyzesOk("select int_col, substring(string_col, 1, 2) str, count(*) " +
"from functional.alltypes " +
"group by grouping sets((int_col, str), (substring(string_col, 1, 2)))");
// Expressions in select list must appear in group by.
AnalysisError("select int_col, substring(string_col, 1, 3) str, count(*) " +
"from functional.alltypes " +
"group by rollup(int_col, substring(string_col, 1, 2))",
"select list expression not produced by aggregation output (missing from " +
"GROUP BY clause?): substring(string_col, 1, 3)");
// Use the expression and an alias.
AnalyzesOk("select int_col, substring(string_col, 1, 2) str, count(*) " +
"from functional.alltypes " +
"group by rollup(int_col, str, substring(string_col, 1, 2))");
// Group by constant expression.
AnalyzesOk("select int_col, count(*) " +
"from functional.alltypes " +
"group by rollup(int_col, 'constant')");
AnalyzesOk("select int_col, count(*) " +
"from functional.alltypes " +
"group by cube(int_col, 'constant')");
AnalyzesOk("select int_col, count(*) " +
"from functional.alltypes " +
"group by grouping sets((false), (int_col, 'constant'))");
// Subqueries with grouping sets inside and outside subquery.
AnalyzesOk("select g.int_col, count(*) " +
"from functional.alltypesagg g " +
"left outer join functional.alltypes a on = " +
"where g.int_col < 100 and g.tinyint_col < ( " +
" select count(*) from functional.alltypes t " +
" where = and g.string_col = t.string_col and t.bool_col = true) " +
"group by rollup(g.int_col, g.string_col) " +
"having count(*) < 100");
AnalysisError("select g.int_col, count(*) " +
"from functional.alltypesagg g " +
"where g.int_col < 100 and g.tinyint_col < ( " +
" select count(*) from functional.alltypes t " +
" where = and g.string_col = t.string_col and t.bool_col = true " +
" group by rollup(t.string_col, t.bool_col)) " +
" group by g.int_col",
"Unsupported correlated subquery with grouping and/or aggregation");
// Combining grouping sets and distinct aggregations is not supported at this point.
// See IMPALA-9914.
AnalysisError("select count(distinct id) from functional.alltypes " +
"group by rollup(int_col, bool_col)",
"Distinct aggregate functions and grouping sets are not supported in the same " +
"query block.");
AnalysisError("select count(distinct id), count(distinct string_col) " +
"from functional.alltypes " +
"group by rollup(int_col, bool_col)",
"Distinct aggregate functions and grouping sets are not supported in the same " +
"query block.");
// Combining DISTINCT and GROUP BY is not supported in general, not just for grouping
// sets.
AnalysisError("select distinct int_col, bool_col, count(*) " +
"from functional.alltypes " +
"group by rollup(int_col, bool_col)",
"cannot combine SELECT DISTINCT with aggregate functions or GROUP BY");
// grouping_id() and grouping() are aggregate functions that can be used in any
// GROUP BY, even though they are only meaningful in conjunction with
// CUBE/ROLLUP/GROUPING SETS. grouping() must reference exactly one of the grouping
// columns.
AnalyzesOk("select int_col, string_col, grouping_id(), grouping(int_col), " +
"grouping(string_col) " +
"from functional.alltypes " +
"group by rollup(int_col, string_col)");
AnalyzesOk("select int_col, string_col, grouping_id(), grouping(int_col), " +
"grouping(string_col) " +
"from functional.alltypes " +
"group by cube(int_col, string_col)");
AnalyzesOk("select int_col, string_col, grouping_id(), grouping(int_col), " +
"grouping(string_col) " +
"from functional.alltypes " +
"group by grouping sets((), (int_col, string_col))");
// grouping_id() can reference a variable number of grouping columns.
AnalyzesOk("select int_col, string_col, grouping_id(int_col, string_col), " +
"grouping(string_col) " +
"from functional.alltypes " +
"group by rollup(int_col, string_col)");
// Non-trivial expressions involving grouping_id().
AnalyzesOk("select bitand(grouping_id(), 1), cast(grouping(int_col) as string) " +
"from functional.alltypes " +
"group by rollup(int_col, string_col)");
// grouping() can reference non-trivial grouping expressions
AnalyzesOk("select int_col * 2, string_col, grouping(int_col * 2), count(*) " +
"from functional.alltypes " +
"group by rollup(1, 2)");
// grouping_id() and grouping() can be used in conjunction with a plain GROUP BY.
AnalyzesOk("select int_col, string_col, grouping_id() " +
"from functional.alltypes " +
"group by int_col, string_col");
AnalyzesOk("select int_col, string_col, grouping(int_col) " +
"from functional.alltypes " +
"group by int_col, string_col");
// grouping() and grouping_id() can be used in the degenerate case of a single
// grouping set.
AnalyzesOk("select int_col, string_col, grouping_id(), grouping(int_col) " +
"from functional.alltypes " +
"group by grouping sets((int_col, string_col))");
// grouping() raises analysis error if given wrong number of args.
AnalysisError("select int_col, string_col, grouping(int_col, string_col) " +
"from functional.alltypes " +
"group by grouping sets((), (int_col, string_col))",
"No matching function with signature: grouping(INT, STRING).");
AnalysisError("select int_col, string_col, grouping() " +
"from functional.alltypes " +
"group by grouping sets((), (int_col, string_col))",
"No matching function with signature: grouping().");
// grouping() and grouping_id() must reference grouping expressions.
AnalysisError("select int_col, grouping('test') from functional.alltypes " +
"group by rollup(int_col, string_col)",
"'test' is not a grouping expression");
AnalysisError("select int_col, grouping(1) from functional.alltypes " +
"group by rollup(int_col, string_col)",
"1 is not a grouping expression");
AnalysisError("select grouping(tinyint_col) from functional.alltypes " +
"group by rollup(int_col, string_col)",
"tinyint_col is not a grouping expression");
AnalysisError("select count(*), grouping(count(*)) from functional.alltypes " +
"group by rollup(int_col, string_col)",
"aggregate function must not contain aggregate parameters: grouping(count(*))");
AnalysisError("select int_col, grouping_id(int_col, 'test') " +
"from functional.alltypes " +
"group by rollup(int_col, string_col)",
"'test' is not a grouping expression");
AnalysisError("select int_col, grouping_id(1) from functional.alltypes " +
"group by rollup(int_col, string_col)",
"1 is not a grouping expression");
AnalysisError("select grouping_id(int_col, tinyint_col) from functional.alltypes " +
"group by rollup(int_col, string_col)",
"tinyint_col is not a grouping expression");
AnalysisError("select count(*), grouping_id(count(*)) from functional.alltypes " +
"group by rollup(int_col, string_col)",
"count(*) is not a grouping expression");
public void TestDistinct() throws AnalysisException {
AnalyzesOk("select count(distinct id) as sum_id from functional.testtbl");
AnalyzesOk("select count(distinct id) as sum_id from " +
"functional.testtbl order by sum_id");
AnalyzesOk("select count(distinct id) as sum_id from " +
"functional.testtbl order by max(id)");
AnalyzesOk("select distinct id, zip from functional.testtbl");
AnalyzesOk("select distinct * from functional.testtbl");
AnalysisError("select distinct count(*) from functional.testtbl",
"cannot combine SELECT DISTINCT with aggregate functions or GROUP BY");
AnalysisError("select distinct id, zip from functional.testtbl group by 1, 2",
"cannot combine SELECT DISTINCT with aggregate functions or GROUP BY");
AnalysisError("select distinct id, zip, count(*) from " +
"functional.testtbl group by 1, 2",
"cannot combine SELECT DISTINCT with aggregate functions or GROUP BY");
AnalyzesOk("select distinct id from functional.testtbl having id > 0");
AnalysisError("select distinct id from functional.testtbl having max(id) > 0",
"cannot combine SELECT DISTINCT with aggregate functions or GROUP BY");
AnalyzesOk("select count(distinct id, zip) from functional.testtbl");
AnalyzesOk("select tinyint_col, count(distinct int_col, bigint_col) "
+ "from functional.alltypesagg group by 1");
AnalyzesOk("select tinyint_col, count(distinct int_col),"
+ "sum(distinct int_col) from functional.alltypesagg group by 1");
AnalyzesOk("select avg(DISTINCT(tinyint_col)) from functional.alltypesagg");
// SUM(DISTINCT) and AVG(DISTINCT) with duplicate grouping exprs (IMPALA-847).
AnalyzesOk("select sum(distinct t1.bigint_col), avg(distinct t1.bigint_col) " +
"from functional.alltypes t1 group by t1.int_col, t1.int_col");
// min and max are ignored in terms of DISTINCT
AnalyzesOk("select tinyint_col, count(distinct int_col),"
+ "min(distinct smallint_col), max(distinct string_col) "
+ "from functional.alltypesagg group by 1");
// Test multiple distinct aggregations.
Table alltypesTbl = catalog_.getOrLoadTable("functional", "alltypes");
List<String> distinctFns = new ArrayList<>();
for (Column col : alltypesTbl.getColumns()) {
distinctFns.add(String.format("count(distinct %s)", col.getName()));
// Test a single query with a count(distinct) on all columns of alltypesTbl.
"select %s from functional.alltypes", Joiner.on(",").join(distinctFns)));
// Test various mixes of distinct and non-distinct, including multiple distinct.
Set<String> testAggExprs = Sets.newHashSet(
"count(distinct tinyint_col)",
"count(distinct tinyint_col, smallint_col, int_col)",
"avg(distinct double_col)",
"count(distinct string_col)",
"sum(distinct smallint_col)"
List<String> testGroupByExprs = Lists.newArrayList(
"int_col", "bigint_col", "string_col",
"string_col, date_string_col",
"id, double_col, date_string_col"
for (Set<String> aggExprs : Sets.powerSet(testAggExprs)) {
if (aggExprs.isEmpty()) continue;
String selectList = Joiner.on(",").join(aggExprs);
AnalyzesOk(String.format("select %s from functional.alltypes", selectList));
for (String groupByExprs : testGroupByExprs) {
"select %s from functional.alltypes group by %s", selectList, groupByExprs));
// IMPALA-6114: Test that numeric literals having the same value, but different types are
// considered distinct.
AnalyzesOk("select distinct cast(0 as decimal(14)), 0 from functional.alltypes");
public void TestSampledNdv() throws AnalysisException {
Table allScalarTypes = addAllScalarTypesTestTable();
String tblName = allScalarTypes.getFullName();
// Positive tests: Test all scalar types and valid sampling percents.
double validSamplePercs[] = new double[] { 0.0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.5, 0.8, 1.0 };
for (double perc: validSamplePercs) {
List<String> allAggFnCalls = new ArrayList<>();
for (Column col: allScalarTypes.getColumns()) {
String aggFnCall = String.format("sampled_ndv(%s, %s)", col.getName(), perc);
String stmtSql = String.format("select %s from %s", aggFnCall, tblName);
SelectStmt stmt = (SelectStmt) AnalyzesOk(stmtSql);
// Verify that the resolved function signature matches as expected.
AggregateInfo aggInfo = stmt.getMultiAggInfo().getAggClass(0);
Type[] args = aggInfo.getAggregateExprs().get(0).getFn().getArgs();
assertEquals(args.length, 2);
assertTrue(col.getType().matchesType(args[0]) ||
col.getType().isStringType() && args[0].equals(Type.STRING));
assertEquals(Type.DOUBLE, args[1]);
// Test several calls in the same query block.
"select %s from %s", Joiner.on(",").join(allAggFnCalls), tblName));
// Negative tests: Incorrect number of args.
String.format("select sampled_ndv() from %s", tblName),
"No matching function with signature: sampled_ndv().");
String.format("select sampled_ndv(int_col) from %s", tblName),
"No matching function with signature: sampled_ndv(INT).");
String.format("select sampled_ndv(int_col, 0.1, 10) from %s", tblName),
"No matching function with signature: sampled_ndv(INT, DECIMAL(1,1), TINYINT).");
// Negative tests: Invalid sampling percent.
String invalidSamplePercs[] = new String[] {
"int_col", "double_col", "100 / 10", "-0.1", "1.1", "100", "50", "-50", "NULL"
for (String invalidPerc: invalidSamplePercs) {
String.format("select sampled_ndv(int_col, %s) from %s", invalidPerc, tblName),
"Second parameter of SAMPLED_NDV() must be a numeric literal in [0,1]: " +
public void TestGroupConcat() throws AnalysisException {
// Test valid and invalid parameters
AnalyzesOk("select group_concat(distinct name) from functional.testtbl");
AnalysisError("select group_concat(distinct name, name) from functional.testtbl",
"Second parameter in GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT) must be a constant expression" +
" that returns a string.");
AnalyzesOk("select group_concat(distinct name, cast(123 as string)) " +
"from functional.testtbl");
AnalysisError("select group_concat(distinct name, cast(id as string)) " +
"from functional.testtbl",
"Second parameter in GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT) must be a constant expression" +
" that returns a string.");
AnalyzesOk("select group_concat(distinct string_col, concat('-', '?')) " +
"from functional.alltypesagg");
AnalysisError("select group_concat(*) from functional.testtbl",
"'*' can only be used in conjunction with COUNT");
// test group_concat using a column as the custom separator
AnalyzesOk("select group_concat(string_col, string_col) from functional.alltypes");
// test group_concat without and with distinct
String[] keywords = new String[] {"distinct", ""};
for (String keyword: keywords) {
AnalysisError(String.format("select group_concat(%s '')", keyword), "aggregation" +
" without a FROM clause is not allowed");
AnalysisError(String.format("select group_concat(%s name, '-', ',') " +
"from functional.testtbl", keyword), "No matching function with signature: " +
"group_concat(STRING, STRING, STRING)");
// test all types as arguments
for (Type type: typeToLiteralValue_.keySet()) {
String literal = typeToLiteralValue_.get(type);
String query1 = String.format(
"select group_concat(%s %s) from functional.alltypes", keyword, literal);
String query2 = String.format(
"select group_concat(%s %s, '---') from functional.alltypes", keyword,
if (type.getPrimitiveType() == PrimitiveType.STRING || type.isNull()) {
} else {
"No matching function with signature: group_concat(");
"No matching function with signature: group_concat(");
public void TestDistinctInlineView() throws AnalysisException {
AnalyzesOk("select distinct id from " +
"(select distinct id, zip from (select * from functional.testtbl) x) y");
AnalyzesOk("select distinct * from " +
"(select distinct * from (Select * from functional.testtbl) x) y");
AnalyzesOk("select distinct * from (select count(*) from functional.testtbl) x");
AnalyzesOk("select count(distinct id, zip) " +
"from (select * from functional.testtbl) x");
AnalyzesOk("select * from (select tinyint_col, count(distinct int_col, bigint_col) "
+ "from (select * from functional.alltypesagg) x group by 1) y");
AnalyzesOk("select tinyint_col, count(distinct int_col),"
+ "sum(distinct int_col) from " +
"(select * from functional.alltypesagg) x group by 1");
AnalyzesOk("select * from " +
"(select count(distinct id, zip), count(distinct zip) " +
"from functional.testtbl) x");
AnalyzesOk("select * from " + "(select tinyint_col, count(distinct int_col)," +
"sum(distinct bigint_col) from functional.alltypesagg group by 1) x");
AnalyzesOk("select count(distinct id, zip) " +
"from (select * from functional.testtbl) x");
AnalyzesOk("select tinyint_col, count(distinct int_col, bigint_col) " +
"from (select * from functional.alltypesagg) x group by 1");
AnalyzesOk("select tinyint_col, count(distinct int_col)," +
"sum(distinct int_col) from " +
"(select * from functional.alltypesagg) x group by 1");
AnalyzesOk("select count(distinct id, zip), count(distinct zip) " +
" from (select * from functional.testtbl) x");
AnalyzesOk("select tinyint_col, count(distinct int_col)," +
"sum(distinct bigint_col) from " +
"(select * from functional.alltypesagg) x group by 1");
// Error case when distinct is inside an inline view
AnalysisError("select * from " +
"(select distinct count(*) from functional.testtbl) x",
"cannot combine SELECT DISTINCT with aggregate functions or GROUP BY");
AnalysisError("select * from " +
"(select distinct id, zip from functional.testtbl group by 1, 2) x",
"cannot combine SELECT DISTINCT with aggregate functions or GROUP BY");
AnalysisError("select * from " +
"(select distinct id, zip, count(*) from functional.testtbl group by 1, 2) x",
"cannot combine SELECT DISTINCT with aggregate functions or GROUP BY");
// Error case when inline view is in the from clause
AnalysisError("select distinct count(*) from (select * from functional.testtbl) x",
"cannot combine SELECT DISTINCT with aggregate functions or GROUP BY");
AnalysisError("select distinct id, zip from " +
"(select * from functional.testtbl) x group by 1, 2",
"cannot combine SELECT DISTINCT with aggregate functions or GROUP BY");
AnalysisError("select distinct id, zip, count(*) from " +
"(select * from functional.testtbl) x group by 1, 2",
"cannot combine SELECT DISTINCT with aggregate functions or GROUP BY");
public void TestGroupBy() throws AnalysisException {
AnalyzesOk("select zip, count(*) from functional.testtbl group by zip");
AnalyzesOk("select zip + count(*) from functional.testtbl group by zip");
// grouping on constants is ok and doesn't require them to be in select list
AnalyzesOk("select count(*) from functional.testtbl group by 2*3+4");
AnalyzesOk("select count(*) from functional.testtbl " +
"group by true, false, NULL");
// ok for constants in select list not to be in group by list
AnalyzesOk("select true, NULL, 1*2+5 as a, zip, count(*) from functional.testtbl " +
"group by zip");
AnalyzesOk("select d1, d2, count(*) from functional.decimal_tbl " +
"group by 1, 2");
AnalyzesOk("select date_part, date_col, count(*) from functional.date_tbl " +
"group by 1, 2");
// doesn't group by all non-agg select list items
AnalysisError("select zip, count(*) from functional.testtbl",
"select list expression not produced by aggregation output " +
"(missing from GROUP BY clause?)");
AnalysisError("select zip + count(*) from functional.testtbl",
"select list expression not produced by aggregation output " +
"(missing from GROUP BY clause?)");
// test having clause
AnalyzesOk("select id, zip from functional.testtbl " +
"group by zip, id having count(*) > 0");
AnalyzesOk("select count(*) from functional.alltypes " +
"group by bool_col having bool_col");
// arbitrary exprs not returning boolean
AnalysisError("select count(*) from functional.alltypes " +
"group by bool_col having 5 + 10 * 5.6",
"HAVING clause '5 + 10 * 5.6' requires return type 'BOOLEAN'. " +
"Actual type is 'DECIMAL(7,1)'.");
AnalysisError("select count(*) from functional.alltypes " +
"group by bool_col having int_col",
"HAVING clause 'int_col' requires return type 'BOOLEAN'. Actual type is 'INT'.");
AnalysisError("select id, zip from functional.testtbl " +
"group by id having count(*) > 0",
"select list expression not produced by aggregation output " +
"(missing from GROUP BY clause?)");
AnalysisError("select id from functional.testtbl " +
"group by id having zip + count(*) > 0",
"HAVING clause not produced by aggregation output " +
"(missing from GROUP BY clause?)");
// resolves ordinals
AnalyzesOk("select zip, count(*) from functional.testtbl group by 1");
AnalyzesOk("select count(*), zip from functional.testtbl group by 2");
AnalysisError("select zip, count(*) from functional.testtbl group by 3",
"GROUP BY: ordinal exceeds the number of items in the SELECT list: 3");
AnalysisError("select * from functional.alltypes group by 1",
"cannot combine '*' in select list with grouping or aggregation");
// picks up select item alias
AnalyzesOk("select zip z, id iD1, id ID2, count(*) " +
"from functional.testtbl group by z, ID1, id2");
// same alias is not ambiguous if it refers to the same expr
AnalyzesOk("select int_col, INT_COL from functional.alltypes group by int_col");
AnalyzesOk("select bool_col a, bool_col A from functional.alltypes group by a");
AnalyzesOk("select int_col A, bool_col b, int_col a, bool_col B " +
"from functional.alltypes group by a, b");
// ambiguous alias
AnalysisError("select zip a, id a, count(*) from functional.testtbl group by a",
"GROUP BY: ambiguous alias: 'a'");
AnalysisError("select zip id, id, count(*) from functional.testtbl group by id",
"GROUP BY: ambiguous alias: 'id'");
// can't group by aggregate
AnalysisError("select zip, count(*) from functional.testtbl group by count(*)",
"GROUP BY expression must not contain aggregate functions");
AnalysisError("select zip, count(*) " +
"from functional.testtbl group by count(*) + min(zip)",
"GROUP BY expression must not contain aggregate functions");
AnalysisError("select zip, count(*) from functional.testtbl group by 2",
"GROUP BY expression must not contain aggregate functions");
// multiple grouping cols
AnalyzesOk("select int_col, string_col, bigint_col, count(*) " +
"from functional.alltypes group by string_col, int_col, bigint_col");
AnalyzesOk("select int_col, string_col, bigint_col, count(*) " +
"from functional.alltypes group by 2, 1, 3");
AnalysisError("select int_col, string_col, bigint_col, count(*) " +
"from functional.alltypes group by 2, 1, 4",
"GROUP BY expression must not contain aggregate functions");
// group by floating-point column
AnalyzesOk("select float_col, double_col, count(*) " +
"from functional.alltypes group by 1, 2");
// group by floating-point exprs
AnalyzesOk("select int_col + 0.5, count(*) from functional.alltypes group by 1");
AnalyzesOk("select cast(int_col as double), count(*)" +
"from functional.alltypes group by 1");
// select expression refers to column with same name as its own explicit alias and
// it's referred to by ordinal in group by (IMPALA-1898)
// Trivial example
AnalyzesOk("select bigint_col + 0 AS bigint_col, sum(smallint_col) " +
"FROM functional.alltypes " +
"GROUP BY 1");
// More complex example
AnalyzesOk("select extract(timestamp_col, 'hour') AS timestamp_col, string_col, " +
"sum(double_col) AS double_total " +
"FROM functional.alltypes " +
"GROUP BY 1, 2");
public void TestOrderBy() throws AnalysisException {
AnalyzesOk("select zip, id from functional.testtbl order by zip");
AnalyzesOk("select zip, id from functional.testtbl order by zip asc");
AnalyzesOk("select zip, id from functional.testtbl order by zip desc");
AnalyzesOk("select zip, id from functional.testtbl " +
"order by true asc, false desc, NULL asc");
AnalyzesOk("select d1, d2 from functional.decimal_tbl order by d1");
AnalyzesOk("select date_col, date_part from functional.date_tbl order by date_col");
// resolves ordinals
AnalyzesOk("select zip, id from functional.testtbl order by 1");
AnalyzesOk("select zip, id from functional.testtbl order by 2 desc, 1 asc");
// ordinal out of range
AnalysisError("select zip, id from functional.testtbl order by 0",
"ORDER BY: ordinal must be >= 1");
AnalysisError("select zip, id from functional.testtbl order by 3",
"ORDER BY: ordinal exceeds the number of items in the SELECT list: 3");
AnalyzesOk("select * from functional.alltypes order by 1");
// picks up select item alias
AnalyzesOk("select zip z, id C, id D from functional.testtbl order by z, C, d");
// can introduce additional aggregates in order by clause
AnalyzesOk("select zip, count(*) from functional.testtbl group by 1 " +
" order by count(*)");
AnalyzesOk("select zip, count(*) from functional.testtbl " +
"group by 1 order by count(*) + min(zip)");
AnalysisError("select zip, count(*) from functional.testtbl group by 1 order by id",
"ORDER BY expression not produced by aggregation output " +
"(missing from GROUP BY clause?)");
// multiple ordering exprs
AnalyzesOk("select int_col, string_col, bigint_col from functional.alltypes " +
"order by string_col, 15.7 * float_col, int_col + bigint_col");
AnalyzesOk("select int_col, string_col, bigint_col from functional.alltypes " +
"order by 2, 1, 3");
// ordering by floating-point exprs is okay
AnalyzesOk("select float_col, int_col + 0.5 from functional.alltypes order by 1, 2");
AnalyzesOk("select float_col, int_col + 0.5 from functional.alltypes order by 2, 1");
// select-list item takes precedence
AnalyzesOk("select t1.int_col from functional.alltypes t1, " +
"functional.alltypes t2 where = order by int_col");
// same alias is not ambiguous if it refers to the same expr
AnalyzesOk("select int_col, INT_COL from functional.alltypes order by int_col");
AnalyzesOk("select bool_col a, bool_col A from functional.alltypes order by a");
AnalyzesOk("select int_col A, bool_col b, int_col a, bool_col B " +
"from functional.alltypes order by a, b");
// ambiguous alias causes error
AnalysisError("select string_col a, int_col a from " +
"functional.alltypessmall order by a limit 1",
"ORDER BY: ambiguous alias: 'a'");
AnalysisError("select string_col a, int_col A from " +
"functional.alltypessmall order by a limit 1",
"ORDER BY: ambiguous alias: 'a'");
// Test if an ignored order by produces the expected warning.
AnalyzesOk("select * from (select * from functional.alltypes order by int_col) A",
"Ignoring ORDER BY clause without LIMIT or OFFSET: " +
"ORDER BY int_col ASC");
AnalyzesOk("select * from functional.alltypes order by int_col desc union all " +
"select * from functional.alltypes",
"Ignoring ORDER BY clause without LIMIT or OFFSET: " +
"ORDER BY int_col DESC");
AnalyzesOk("insert into functional.alltypes partition (year, month) " +
"select * from functional.alltypes order by int_col",
"Ignoring ORDER BY clause without LIMIT or OFFSET: " +
"ORDER BY int_col ASC");
AnalyzesOk("create table functional.alltypescopy as " +
"select * from functional.alltypes order by int_col",
"Ignoring ORDER BY clause without LIMIT or OFFSET: " +
"ORDER BY int_col ASC");
// select expression refers to column with same name as its own explicit alias and
// it's referred to by ordinal in group by (IMPALA-1898)
AnalyzesOk("select extract(timestamp_col, 'hour') AS timestamp_col " +
"FROM functional.alltypes " +
"ORDER BY timestamp_col");
// Ordering by complex-typed expressions is not allowed.
AnalysisError("select * from functional_parquet.allcomplextypes " +
"order by int_struct_col", "ORDER BY expression 'int_struct_col' with " +
"complex type 'STRUCT<f1:INT,f2:INT>' is not supported.");
AnalysisError("select * from functional_parquet.allcomplextypes " +
"order by int_array_col", "ORDER BY expression 'int_array_col' with " +
"complex type 'ARRAY<INT>' is not supported.");
public void TestSetOperations() {
// Tests for SetOperationStmt analysis which includes intersect, except and union
AnalyzesOk("select rank() over (order by int_col) from functional.alltypes " +
"intersect select int_col from functional.alltypessmall");
// Selects on same table without aliases.
AnalyzesOk("select int_col from functional.alltypes intersect " +
"select int_col from functional.alltypes");
// Longer union chain.
AnalyzesOk("select int_col from functional.alltypes union " +
"select int_col from functional.alltypes " +
"intersect select int_col from functional.alltypes except " +
"select int_col from functional.alltypes");
// Nesting
AnalyzesOk("(select int_col from functional.alltypes " +
"intersect (select tinyint_col from functional.alltypessmall union " +
" select tinyint_col from functional.alltypessmall) except " +
" select tinyint_col from functional.alltypestiny where id = 1) " +
"union (select tinyint_col from functional.alltypessmall) ");
// All columns, perfectly compatible.
AnalyzesOk("select id, bool_col, tinyint_col, smallint_col, int_col, bigint_col, " +
"float_col, double_col, date_string_col, string_col, timestamp_col, year," +
"month from functional.alltypes union " +
"select id, bool_col, tinyint_col, smallint_col, int_col, bigint_col, " +
"float_col, double_col, date_string_col, string_col, timestamp_col, year," +
"month from functional.alltypes");
// Make sure table aliases aren't visible across union operands.
AnalyzesOk("select a.smallint_col from functional.alltypes a " +
"union select a.int_col from functional.alltypessmall a");
// All columns compatible with NULL.
AnalyzesOk("select id, bool_col, tinyint_col, smallint_col, int_col, bigint_col, " +
"float_col, double_col, date_string_col, string_col, timestamp_col, year," +
"month from functional.alltypes union " +
"NULL from functional.alltypes");
// No from clause. Has literals and NULLs. Requires implicit casts.
AnalyzesOk("select 1, 2, 3 " +
"union select NULL, NULL, NULL " +
"union select 1.0, NULL, 3 " +
"union select NULL, 10, NULL");
// Implicit casts on integer types.
AnalyzesOk("select tinyint_col from functional.alltypes " +
"union select smallint_col from functional.alltypes " +
"union select int_col from functional.alltypes " +
"union select bigint_col from functional.alltypes");
// Implicit casts on float types.
AnalyzesOk("select float_col from functional.alltypes union " +
"select double_col from functional.alltypes");
// Implicit casts on all numeric types with two columns from each select.
AnalyzesOk("select tinyint_col, double_col from functional.alltypes " +
"union select smallint_col, float_col from functional.alltypes " +
"union select int_col, bigint_col from functional.alltypes " +
"union select bigint_col, int_col from functional.alltypes " +
"union select float_col, smallint_col from functional.alltypes " +
"union select double_col, tinyint_col from functional.alltypes");
// With order by, offset and limit.
AnalyzesOk("(select int_col from functional.alltypes) " +
"union (select tinyint_col from functional.alltypessmall) " +
"order by int_col limit 1");
AnalyzesOk("(select int_col from functional.alltypes) " +
"union (select tinyint_col from functional.alltypessmall) " +
"order by int_col");
AnalyzesOk("(select int_col from functional.alltypes) " +
"union (select tinyint_col from functional.alltypessmall) " +
"order by int_col offset 5");
// Order by w/o limit is ignored in the union operand below.
AnalyzesOk("select int_col from functional.alltypes order by int_col " +
"union (select tinyint_col from functional.alltypessmall) ");
AnalysisError("select int_col from functional.alltypes order by int_col offset 5 " +
"union (select tinyint_col from functional.alltypessmall) ",
"Order-by with offset without limit not supported in nested queries");
AnalysisError("select int_col from functional.alltypes offset 5 " +
"union (select tinyint_col from functional.alltypessmall) ",
"OFFSET requires an ORDER BY clause: OFFSET 5");
// Order by w/o limit is ignored in the union operand below.
AnalyzesOk("select int_col from functional.alltypes " +
"union (select tinyint_col from functional.alltypessmall " +
"order by tinyint_col) ");
AnalysisError("select int_col from functional.alltypes " +
"union (select tinyint_col from functional.alltypessmall " +
"order by tinyint_col offset 5) ",
"Order-by with offset without limit not supported in nested queries");
AnalysisError("select int_col from functional.alltypes " +
"union (select tinyint_col from functional.alltypessmall offset 5) ",
"OFFSET requires an ORDER BY clause: OFFSET 5");
// Bigger order by.
AnalyzesOk("(select tinyint_col, double_col from functional.alltypes) " +
"union (select smallint_col, float_col from functional.alltypes) " +
"union (select int_col, bigint_col from functional.alltypes) " +
"union (select bigint_col, int_col from functional.alltypes) " +
"order by double_col, tinyint_col");
// Multiple union operands with valid order by clauses.
AnalyzesOk("select int_col from functional.alltypes order by int_col " +
"union select int_col from functional.alltypes order by int_col limit 10 " +
"union (select int_col from functional.alltypes " +
"order by int_col limit 10 offset 5) order by int_col offset 5");
// Bigger order by with ordinals.
AnalyzesOk("(select tinyint_col, double_col from functional.alltypes) " +
"union (select smallint_col, float_col from functional.alltypes) " +
"union (select int_col, bigint_col from functional.alltypes) " +
"union (select bigint_col, int_col from functional.alltypes) " +
"order by 2, 1");
// Unequal number of columns.
AnalysisError("select int_col from functional.alltypes " +
"union select int_col, float_col from functional.alltypes",
"Operands have unequal number of columns:\n" +
"'SELECT int_col FROM functional.alltypes' has 1 column(s)\n" +
"'SELECT int_col, float_col FROM functional.alltypes' has 2 column(s)");
// Unequal number of columns, longer union chain.
AnalysisError("select int_col from functional.alltypes " +
"union select tinyint_col from functional.alltypes " +
"union select smallint_col from functional.alltypes " +
"union select smallint_col, bigint_col from functional.alltypes",
"Operands have unequal number of columns:\n" +
"'SELECT int_col FROM functional.alltypes' has 1 column(s)\n" +
"'SELECT smallint_col, bigint_col FROM functional.alltypes' has 2 column(s)");
// Incompatible types.
AnalysisError("select bool_col from functional.alltypes " +
"union select lag(string_col) over(order by int_col) from functional.alltypes",
"Incompatible return types 'BOOLEAN' and 'STRING' of exprs " +
"'bool_col' and 'lag(string_col, 1, NULL)'.");
// Incompatible types, longer union chain.
AnalysisError("select int_col, string_col from functional.alltypes " +
"union select tinyint_col, bool_col from functional.alltypes " +
"union select smallint_col, int_col from functional.alltypes " +
"union select smallint_col, bool_col from functional.alltypes",
"Incompatible return types 'STRING' and 'BOOLEAN' of " +
"exprs 'string_col' and 'bool_col'.");
// Invalid ordinal in order by.
AnalysisError("(select int_col from functional.alltypes) " +
"union (select int_col from functional.alltypessmall) order by 2",
"ORDER BY: ordinal exceeds the number of items in the SELECT list: 2");
// Ambiguous order by.
AnalysisError("(select int_col a, string_col a from functional.alltypes) " +
"union (select int_col a, string_col a " +
"from functional.alltypessmall) order by a",
"ORDER BY: ambiguous alias: 'a'");
// Ambiguous alias in the second union operand should work.
AnalyzesOk("(select int_col a, string_col b from functional.alltypes) " +
"union (select int_col a, string_col a " +
"from functional.alltypessmall) order by a");
// Ambiguous alias even though the exprs of the first operand are identical
// (the corresponding in exprs in the other operand are different)
AnalysisError("select int_col a, int_col a from functional.alltypes " +
"union all (select 1, bigint_col from functional.alltypessmall) order by a",
"ORDER BY: ambiguous alias: 'a'");
// Column labels are inherited from first select block.
// Order by references an invalid column
AnalysisError("(select smallint_col from functional.alltypes) " +
"union (select int_col from functional.alltypessmall) order by int_col",
"Could not resolve column/field reference: 'int_col'");
// Make sure table aliases aren't visible across union operands.
AnalysisError("select a.smallint_col from functional.alltypes a " +
"union select a.int_col from functional.alltypessmall",
"Could not resolve column/field reference: 'a.int_col'");
// Regression test for IMPALA-1128, union of decimal and an int type that converts
// to the identical decimal.
AnalyzesOk("select cast(1 as bigint) union select cast(1 as decimal(19, 0))");
AnalysisContext decimalV1Ctx = createAnalysisCtx();
AnalysisContext decimalV2Ctx = createAnalysisCtx();
// IMPALA-6518: union of two incompatible decimal columns. There is no implicit cast
// if decimal_v2 is enabled.
String query = "select cast(123 as decimal(38, 0)) " +
"union all select cast(0.789 as decimal(38, 38))";
AnalyzesOk(query, decimalV1Ctx);
AnalysisError(query, decimalV2Ctx, "Incompatible return types 'DECIMAL(38,0)' and " +
"'DECIMAL(38,38)' of exprs 'CAST(123 AS DECIMAL(38,0))' and " +
"'CAST(0.789 AS DECIMAL(38,38))'.");
query = "select cast(123 as double) " +
"union all select cast(0.456 as float)" +
"union all select cast(0.789 as decimal(38, 38))";
AnalyzesOk(query, decimalV1Ctx);
AnalyzesOk(query, decimalV2Ctx);
public void TestUnion() {
// Selects on different tables.
AnalyzesOk("select rank() over (order by int_col) from functional.alltypes union " +
"select int_col from functional.alltypessmall");
// Selects on same table without aliases.
AnalyzesOk("select int_col from functional.alltypes union " +
"select int_col from functional.alltypes");
// Longer union chain.
AnalyzesOk("select int_col from functional.alltypes union " +
"select int_col from functional.alltypes " +
"union select int_col from functional.alltypes union " +
"select int_col from functional.alltypes");
// All columns, perfectly compatible.
AnalyzesOk("select id, bool_col, tinyint_col, smallint_col, int_col, bigint_col, " +
"float_col, double_col, date_string_col, string_col, timestamp_col, year," +
"month from functional.alltypes union " +
"select id, bool_col, tinyint_col, smallint_col, int_col, bigint_col, " +
"float_col, double_col, date_string_col, string_col, timestamp_col, year," +
"month from functional.alltypes");
// Make sure table aliases aren't visible across union operands.
AnalyzesOk("select a.smallint_col from functional.alltypes a " +
"union select a.int_col from functional.alltypessmall a");
// All columns compatible with NULL.
AnalyzesOk("select id, bool_col, tinyint_col, smallint_col, int_col, bigint_col, " +
"float_col, double_col, date_string_col, string_col, timestamp_col, year," +
"month from functional.alltypes union " +
"NULL from functional.alltypes");
// No from clause. Has literals and NULLs. Requires implicit casts.
AnalyzesOk("select 1, 2, 3 " +
"union select NULL, NULL, NULL " +
"union select 1.0, NULL, 3 " +
"union select NULL, 10, NULL");
// Implicit casts on integer types.
AnalyzesOk("select tinyint_col from functional.alltypes " +
"union select smallint_col from functional.alltypes " +
"union select int_col from functional.alltypes " +
"union select bigint_col from functional.alltypes");
// Implicit casts on float types.
AnalyzesOk("select float_col from functional.alltypes union " +
"select double_col from functional.alltypes");
// Implicit casts on all numeric types with two columns from each select.
AnalyzesOk("select tinyint_col, double_col from functional.alltypes " +
"union select smallint_col, float_col from functional.alltypes " +
"union select int_col, bigint_col from functional.alltypes " +
"union select bigint_col, int_col from functional.alltypes " +
"union select float_col, smallint_col from functional.alltypes " +
"union select double_col, tinyint_col from functional.alltypes");
// With order by, offset and limit.
AnalyzesOk("(select int_col from functional.alltypes) " +
"union (select tinyint_col from functional.alltypessmall) " +
"order by int_col limit 1");
AnalyzesOk("(select int_col from functional.alltypes) " +
"union (select tinyint_col from functional.alltypessmall) " +
"order by int_col");
AnalyzesOk("(select int_col from functional.alltypes) " +
"union (select tinyint_col from functional.alltypessmall) " +
"order by int_col offset 5");
// Order by w/o limit is ignored in the union operand below.
AnalyzesOk("select int_col from functional.alltypes order by int_col " +
"union (select tinyint_col from functional.alltypessmall) ");
AnalysisError("select int_col from functional.alltypes order by int_col offset 5 " +
"union (select tinyint_col from functional.alltypessmall) ",
"Order-by with offset without limit not supported in nested queries");
AnalysisError("select int_col from functional.alltypes offset 5 " +
"union (select tinyint_col from functional.alltypessmall) ",
"OFFSET requires an ORDER BY clause: OFFSET 5");
// Order by w/o limit is ignored in the union operand below.
AnalyzesOk("select int_col from functional.alltypes " +
"union (select tinyint_col from functional.alltypessmall " +
"order by tinyint_col) ");
AnalysisError("select int_col from functional.alltypes " +
"union (select tinyint_col from functional.alltypessmall " +
"order by tinyint_col offset 5) ",
"Order-by with offset without limit not supported in nested queries");
AnalysisError("select int_col from functional.alltypes " +
"union (select tinyint_col from functional.alltypessmall offset 5) ",
"OFFSET requires an ORDER BY clause: OFFSET 5");
// Bigger order by.
AnalyzesOk("(select tinyint_col, double_col from functional.alltypes) " +
"union (select smallint_col, float_col from functional.alltypes) " +
"union (select int_col, bigint_col from functional.alltypes) " +
"union (select bigint_col, int_col from functional.alltypes) " +
"order by double_col, tinyint_col");
// Multiple union operands with valid order by clauses.
AnalyzesOk("select int_col from functional.alltypes order by int_col " +
"union select int_col from functional.alltypes order by int_col limit 10 " +
"union (select int_col from functional.alltypes " +
"order by int_col limit 10 offset 5) order by int_col offset 5");
// Bigger order by with ordinals.
AnalyzesOk("(select tinyint_col, double_col from functional.alltypes) " +
"union (select smallint_col, float_col from functional.alltypes) " +
"union (select int_col, bigint_col from functional.alltypes) " +
"union (select bigint_col, int_col from functional.alltypes) " +
"order by 2, 1");
// Unequal number of columns.
AnalysisError("select int_col from functional.alltypes " +
"union select int_col, float_col from functional.alltypes",
"Operands have unequal number of columns:\n" +
"'SELECT int_col FROM functional.alltypes' has 1 column(s)\n" +
"'SELECT int_col, float_col FROM functional.alltypes' has 2 column(s)");
// Unequal number of columns, longer union chain.
AnalysisError("select int_col from functional.alltypes " +
"union select tinyint_col from functional.alltypes " +
"union select smallint_col from functional.alltypes " +
"union select smallint_col, bigint_col from functional.alltypes",
"Operands have unequal number of columns:\n" +
"'SELECT int_col FROM functional.alltypes' has 1 column(s)\n" +
"'SELECT smallint_col, bigint_col FROM functional.alltypes' has 2 column(s)");
// Incompatible types.
AnalysisError("select bool_col from functional.alltypes " +
"union select lag(string_col) over(order by int_col) from functional.alltypes",
"Incompatible return types 'BOOLEAN' and 'STRING' of exprs " +
"'bool_col' and 'lag(string_col, 1, NULL)'.");
// Incompatible types, longer union chain.
AnalysisError("select int_col, string_col from functional.alltypes " +
"union select tinyint_col, bool_col from functional.alltypes " +
"union select smallint_col, int_col from functional.alltypes " +
"union select smallint_col, bool_col from functional.alltypes",
"Incompatible return types 'STRING' and 'BOOLEAN' of " +
"exprs 'string_col' and 'bool_col'.");
// Invalid ordinal in order by.
AnalysisError("(select int_col from functional.alltypes) " +
"union (select int_col from functional.alltypessmall) order by 2",
"ORDER BY: ordinal exceeds the number of items in the SELECT list: 2");
// Ambiguous order by.
AnalysisError("(select int_col a, string_col a from functional.alltypes) " +
"union (select int_col a, string_col a " +
"from functional.alltypessmall) order by a",
"ORDER BY: ambiguous alias: 'a'");
// Ambiguous alias in the second union operand should work.
AnalyzesOk("(select int_col a, string_col b from functional.alltypes) " +
"union (select int_col a, string_col a " +
"from functional.alltypessmall) order by a");
// Ambiguous alias even though the exprs of the first operand are identical
// (the corresponding in exprs in the other operand are different)
AnalysisError("select int_col a, int_col a from functional.alltypes " +
"union all (select 1, bigint_col from functional.alltypessmall) order by a",
"ORDER BY: ambiguous alias: 'a'");
// Column labels are inherited from first select block.
// Order by references an invalid column
AnalysisError("(select smallint_col from functional.alltypes) " +
"union (select int_col from functional.alltypessmall) order by int_col",
"Could not resolve column/field reference: 'int_col'");
// Make sure table aliases aren't visible across union operands.
AnalysisError("select a.smallint_col from functional.alltypes a " +
"union select a.int_col from functional.alltypessmall",
"Could not resolve column/field reference: 'a.int_col'");
// Regression test for IMPALA-1128, union of decimal and an int type that converts
// to the identical decimal.
AnalyzesOk("select cast(1 as bigint) union select cast(1 as decimal(19, 0))");
AnalysisContext decimalV1Ctx = createAnalysisCtx();
AnalysisContext decimalV2Ctx = createAnalysisCtx();
// IMPALA-6518: union of two incompatible decimal columns. There is no implicit cast
// if decimal_v2 is enabled.
String query = "select cast(123 as decimal(38, 0)) " +
"union all select cast(0.789 as decimal(38, 38))";
AnalyzesOk(query, decimalV1Ctx);
AnalysisError(query, decimalV2Ctx, "Incompatible return types 'DECIMAL(38,0)' and " +
"'DECIMAL(38,38)' of exprs 'CAST(123 AS DECIMAL(38,0))' and " +
"'CAST(0.789 AS DECIMAL(38,38))'.");
query = "select cast(123 as double) " +
"union all select cast(0.456 as float)" +
"union all select cast(0.789 as decimal(38, 38))";
AnalyzesOk(query, decimalV1Ctx);
AnalyzesOk(query, decimalV2Ctx);
public void TestValuesStmt() throws AnalysisException {
// Values stmt with a single row.
AnalyzesOk("values(1, 2, 3)");
AnalyzesOk("select * from (values('a', NULL, 'c')) as t");
AnalyzesOk("values(1.0, 2, NULL) union all values(1, 2.0, 3)");
AnalyzesOk("insert overwrite table functional.alltypes " +
"partition (year=2009, month=10)" +
"values(1, true, 1, 1, 1, 1, cast(1.0 as float), cast(1.0 as double), " +
"'a', 'a', cast(0 as timestamp))");
AnalyzesOk("insert overwrite table functional.alltypes " +
"partition (year, month) " +
"values(1, true, 1, 1, 1, 1, cast(1.0 as float), cast(1.0 as double), " +
"'a', 'a', cast(0 as timestamp), 2009, 10)");
// Values stmt with multiple rows.
AnalyzesOk("values((1, 2, 3), (4, 5, 6))");
AnalyzesOk("select * from (values('a', 'b', 'c')) as t");
AnalyzesOk("select * from (values(('a', 'b', 'c'), ('d', 'e', 'f'))) as t");
AnalyzesOk("values((1.0, 2, NULL), (2.0, 3, 4)) union all values(1, 2.0, 3)");
AnalyzesOk("insert overwrite table functional.alltypes " +
"partition (year=2009, month=10) " +
"values(" +
"(1, true, 1, 1, 1, 1, cast(1.0 as float), cast(1.0 as double), " +
"'a', 'a', cast(0 as timestamp))," +
"(2, false, 2, 2, NULL, 2, cast(2.0 as float), cast(2.0 as double), " +
"'b', 'b', cast(0 as timestamp))," +
"(3, true, 3, 3, 3, 3, cast(3.0 as float), cast(3.0 as double), " +
"'c', 'c', cast(0 as timestamp)))");
AnalyzesOk("insert overwrite table functional.alltypes " +
"partition (year, month) " +
"values(" +
"(1, true, 1, 1, 1, 1, cast(1.0 as float), cast(1.0 as double), " +
"'a', 'a', cast(0 as timestamp), 2009, 10)," +
"(2, false, 2, 2, NULL, 2, cast(2.0 as float), cast(2.0 as double), " +
"'b', 'b', cast(0 as timestamp), 2009, 2)," +
"(3, true, 3, 3, 3, 3, cast(3.0 as float), cast(3.0 as double), " +
"'c', 'c', cast(0 as timestamp), 2009, 3))");
// Test multiple aliases. Values() is like union, the column labels are 'x' and 'y'.
AnalyzesOk("values((1 as x, 'a' as y), (2 as k, 'b' as j))");
// Test order by, offset and limit.
AnalyzesOk("values(1 as x, 'a') order by 2 limit 10");
AnalyzesOk("values(1 as x, 'a' as y), (2, 'b') order by y limit 10");
AnalyzesOk("values((1, 'a'), (2, 'b')) order by 1 limit 10");
AnalyzesOk("values((1, 'a'), (2, 'b')) order by 2");
AnalyzesOk("values((1, 'a'), (2, 'b')) order by 1 offset 5");
AnalysisError("values((1, 'a'), (2, 'b')) offset 5",
"OFFSET requires an ORDER BY clause: OFFSET 5");
AnalysisError("values(1, 'a', 1.0, *)",
"'*' expression in select list requires FROM clause.");
AnalysisError("values(sum(1), 'a', 1.0)",
"aggregation without a FROM clause is not allowed");
AnalysisError("values(1, id, 2)",
"Could not resolve column/field reference: 'id'");
AnalysisError("values((1 as x, 'a' as y), (2, 'b')) order by c limit 1",
"Could not resolve column/field reference: 'c'");
AnalysisError("values((1, 2), (3, 4, 5))",
"Operands have unequal number of columns:\n" +
"'(1, 2)' has 2 column(s)\n" +
"'(3, 4, 5)' has 3 column(s)");
AnalysisError("values((1, 'a'), (3, 4))",
"Incompatible return types 'STRING' and 'TINYINT' of exprs ''a'' and '4'");
AnalysisError("insert overwrite table functional.alltypes " +
"partition (year, month) " +
"values(1, true, 'a', 1, 1, 1, 1.0, 1.0, 'a', 'a', cast(0 as timestamp)," +
"2009, 10)",
"Target table 'functional.alltypes' is incompatible with source expressions.\n" +
"Expression ''a'' (type: STRING) is not compatible with column 'tinyint_col'" +
" (type: TINYINT)");
public void TestWithClause() throws AnalysisException {
// Single view in WITH clause.
AnalyzesOk("with t as (select int_col x, bigint_col y from functional.alltypes) " +
"select x, y from t");
// Single view in WITH clause with column labels.
AnalyzesOk("with t(c1, c2) as (select int_col x, bigint_col y " +
"from functional.alltypes) " +
"select c1, c2 from t");
// Single view in WITH clause with the number of column labels less than the number
// of columns.
AnalyzesOk("with t(c1) as (select int_col, bigint_col y " +
"from functional.alltypes) " +
"select c1, y from t");
// Multiple views in WITH clause. Only one view is used.
AnalyzesOk("with t1 as (select int_col x, bigint_col y from functional.alltypes), " +
"t2 as (select 1 x, 10 y), t3 as (values(2 x, 20 y), (3, 30)), " +
"t4 as (select 4 x, 40 y union all select 5, 50), " +
"t5 as (select * from (values(6 x, 60 y)) as a) " +
"select x, y from t3");
// Multiple views in WITH clause with column labels. Only one view is used.
AnalyzesOk("with t1(c1, c2) as (select int_col, bigint_col " +
"from functional.alltypes), " +
"t2(c1, c2) as (select 1, 10), t3(a, b) as (values(2, 5), (3, 30)), " +
"t4(c1, c2) as (select 4, 40 union all select 5, 50), " +
"t5 as (select * from (values(6, 60)) as a) " +
"select a, b from t3");
// Multiple views in WITH clause. All views used in a union.
AnalyzesOk("with t1 as (select int_col x, bigint_col y from functional.alltypes), " +
"t2 as (select 1 x , 10 y), t3 as (values(2 x , 20 y), (3, 30)), " +
"t4 as (select 4 x, 40 y union all select 5, 50), " +
"t5 as (select * from (values(6 x, 60 y)) as a) " +
"select * from t1 union all select * from t2 union all select * from t3 " +
"union all select * from t4 union all select * from t5");
// Multiple views in WITH clause. All views used in a join.
AnalyzesOk("with t1 as (select int_col x, bigint_col y from functional.alltypes), " +
"t2 as (select 1 x , 10 y), t3 as (values(2 x , 20 y), (3, 30)), " +
"t4 as (select 4 x, 40 y union all select 5, 50), " +
"t5 as (select * from (values(6 x, 60 y)) as a) " +
"select t1.y, t2.y, t3.y, t4.y, t5.y from t1, t2, t3, t4, t5 " +
"where t1.y = t2.y and t2.y = t3.y and t3.y = t4.y and t4.y = t5.y");
// Multiple views in WITH clause with column labels. All views used in a join.
AnalyzesOk("with t1(c1, c2) as (select int_col x, bigint_col y " +
"from functional.alltypes), " +
"t2(c1, c2) as (select 1 x , 10 y), t3 as (values(2 x , 20 y), (3, 30)), " +
"t4 as (select 4 x, 40 y union all select 5, 50), " +
"t5 as (select * from (values(6 x, 60 y)) as a) " +
"select t1.c2, t2.c2, t3.y, t4.y, t5.y from t1, t2, t3, t4, t5 " +
"where t1.c2 = t2.c2 and t2.c2 = t3.y and t3.y = t4.y and t4.y = t5.y");
// WITH clause in insert statement.
AnalyzesOk("with t1 as (select * from functional.alltypestiny)" +
"insert into functional.alltypes partition(year, month) select * from t1");
AnalyzesOk("with t1(c1, c2) as (select * from functional.alltypestiny)" +
"insert into functional.alltypes partition(year, month) select * from t1");
// WITH clause in insert statement with a select statement that has a WITH
// clause and an inline view (IMPALA-1100)
AnalyzesOk("with test_ctas_1 as (select * from functional.alltypestiny) insert " +
"into functional.alltypes partition (year, month) with with_1 as " +
"(select t1.* from test_ctas_1 as t1 right join (select 1 as int_col " +
"from functional.alltypestiny as t1) as t2 ON t2.int_col = t1.int_col) " +
"select * from with_1 limit 10");
// Insert with a select statement containing a WITH clause and an inline
// view
AnalyzesOk("insert into functional.alltypes partition (year, month) with " +
"with_1 as (select t1.* from functional.alltypes as t1 right " +
"join (select * from functional.alltypestiny as t1) t2 on t1.int_col = " +
"t2.int_col) select * from with_1 limit 10");
// WITH-clause views belong to different scopes.
AnalyzesOk("with t1 as (select id from functional.alltypestiny) " +
"insert into functional.alltypes partition(year, month) " +
"with t1 as (select * from functional.alltypessmall) select * from t1");
AnalyzesOk("with t(c1, c2) as (select * from functional.alltypes) " +
"select a.c1, a.c2 from t a");
// WITH-clause view used in inline view.
AnalyzesOk("with t1 as (select 'a') select * from (select * from t1) as t2");
AnalyzesOk("with t1 as (select 'a') " +
"select * from (select * from (select * from t1) as t2) as t3");
// WITH-clause inside inline view.
AnalyzesOk("select * from (with t1 as (values(1 x, 10 y)) select * from t1) as t2");
// Test case-insensitive matching of WITH-clause views to base table refs.
AnalyzesOk("with T1 as (select int_col x, bigint_col y from functional.alltypes)," +
"t2 as (select 1 x , 10 y), T3 as (values(2 x , 20 y), (3, 30)), " +
"t4 as (select 4 x, 40 y union all select 5, 50), " +
"T5 as (select * from (values(6 x, 60 y)) as a) " +
"select * from t1 union all select * from T2 union all select * from t3 " +
"union all select * from T4 union all select * from t5");
// Multiple WITH clauses. One for the SetOperationStmt and one for each union operand.
AnalyzesOk("with t1 as (values('a', 'b')) " +
"(with t2 as (values('c', 'd')) select * from t2) union all" +
"(with t3 as (values('e', 'f')) select * from t3) order by 1 limit 1");
// Multiple WITH clauses. One before the insert and one inside the query statement.
AnalyzesOk("with t1 as (select * from functional.alltypestiny) " +
"insert into functional.alltypes partition(year, month) " +
"with t2 as (select * from functional.alltypessmall) select * from t1");
// Table aliases do not conflict because they are in different scopes.
// Aliases are resolved from inner-most to the outer-most scope.
AnalyzesOk("with t1 as (select 'a') " +
"select t2.* from (with t1 as (select 'b') select * from t1) as t2");
// Column labels do not conflict because they are in different scopes.
AnalyzesOk("with t1(c1) as (select 'a') " +
"select c1 from (with t1(c1) as (select 'b') select c1 from t1) as t2");
// Table aliases do not conflict because t1 from the inline view is never used.
AnalyzesOk("with t1 as (select 1), t2 as (select 2)" +
"select * from functional.alltypes as t1");
AnalyzesOk("with t1 as (select 1), t2 as (select 2) select * from t2 as t1");
AnalyzesOk("with t1 as (select 1) select * from (select 2) as t1");
// Fully-qualified table does not conflict with WITH-clause table.
AnalyzesOk("with alltypes as (select * from functional.alltypes) " +
"select * from functional.alltypes union all select * from alltypes");
// Column labels can be used with table aliases.
AnalyzesOk("with t(c1) as (select id from functional.alltypes) " +
"select a.c1 from t a");
// Use a custom analyzer to change the default db to functional.
// Recursion is prevented because 'alltypes' in t1 refers to the table
// functional.alltypes, and 'alltypes' in the final query refers to the
// view 'alltypes'.
AnalyzesOk("with t1 as (select int_col x, bigint_col y from alltypes), " +
"alltypes as (select x a, y b from t1)" +
"select a, b from alltypes",
// Recursion is prevented because of scoping rules. The inner 'complex_view'
// refers to a view in the catalog.
AnalyzesOk("with t1 as (select abc x, xyz y from complex_view), " +
"complex_view as (select x a, y b from t1)" +
"select a, b from complex_view",
// Nested WITH clauses. Scoping prevents recursion.
AnalyzesOk("with t1 as (with t1 as (select int_col x, bigint_col y from alltypes) " +
"select x, y from t1), " +
"alltypes as (select x a, y b from t1) " +
"select a, b from alltypes",
// Nested WITH clause inside a subquery.
AnalyzesOk("with t1 as " +
"(select * from (with t2 as (select * from functional.alltypes) " +
"select * from t2) t3) " +
"select * from t1");
// Nested WITH clause inside a union stmt.
AnalyzesOk("with t1 as " +
"(with t2 as (values('a', 'b')) select * from t2 union all select * from t2) " +
"select * from t1");
// Nested WITH clause inside a union stmt's operand.
AnalyzesOk("with t1 as " +
"(select 'x', 'y' union all (with t2 as (values('a', 'b')) select * from t2)) " +
"select * from t1");
// Single WITH clause. Multiple references to same view.
AnalyzesOk("with t as (select 1 x)" +
"select x from t union all select x from t");
// Multiple references in same select statement require aliases.
AnalyzesOk("with t as (select 'a' x)" +
"select t1.x, t2.x, t.x from t as t1, t as t2, t " +
"where t1.x = t2.x and t2.x = t.x");
// Test column labels in WITH-clause view for non-SlotRef exprs.
AnalyzesOk("with t as (select int_col + 2, !bool_col from functional.alltypes) " +
"select `int_col + 2`, `NOT bool_col` from t");
// Test analysis of WITH clause after subquery rewrite does not pollute
// global state (IMPALA-1357).
AnalyzesOk("select 1 from (with w as (select 1 from functional.alltypes " +
"where exists (select 1 from functional.alltypes)) select 1 from w) tt");
AnalyzesOk("create table test_with as select 1 from (with w as " +
"(select 1 from functional.alltypes where exists " +
"(select 1 from functional.alltypes)) select 1 from w) tt");
AnalyzesOk("insert into functional.alltypesnopart (id) select 1 from " +
"(with w as (select 1 from functional.alltypes where exists " +
"(select 1 from functional.alltypes)) select 1 from w) tt");
// Conflicting table aliases in WITH clause.
AnalysisError("with t1 as (select 1), t1 as (select 2) select * from t1",
"Duplicate table alias: 't1'");
// Check that aliases from WITH-clause views conflict with other table aliases.
AnalysisError("with t1 as (select 1 x), t2 as (select 2 y)" +
"select * from functional.alltypes as t1 inner join t1",
"Duplicate table alias: 't1'");
AnalysisError("with t1 as (select 1), t2 as (select 2) " +
"select * from t2 as t1 inner join t1",
"Duplicate table alias: 't1'");
AnalysisError("with t1 as (select 1) select * from (select 2) as t1 inner join t1",
"Duplicate table alias: 't1'");
// With clause column labels must be used intead of aliases.
AnalysisError("with t1(c1) as (select id cnt from functional.alltypes) "+
"select cnt from t1",
"Could not resolve column/field reference: 'cnt'");
// With clause column labels must not exceed the number of columns in the query.
AnalysisError("with t(c1, c2) as (select id from functional.alltypes) " +
"select * from t",
"WITH-clause view 't' returns 1 columns, but 2 labels were specified. The " +
"number of column labels must be smaller or equal to the number of returned " +
// Multiple references in same select statement require aliases.
AnalysisError("with t1 as (select 'a' x) select * from t1 inner join t1",
"Duplicate table alias: 't1'");
// If one was given, we must use the explicit alias for column references.
AnalysisError("with t1 as (select 'a' x) select t1.x from t1 as t2",
"Could not resolve column/field reference: 't1.x'");
// WITH-clause tables cannot be inserted into.
AnalysisError("with t1 as (select 'a' x) insert into t1 values('b' x)",
"Table does not exist: default.t1");
// The inner alltypes_view gets resolved to the catalog view.
AnalyzesOk("with alltypes_view as (select int_col x from alltypes_view) " +
"select x from alltypes_view",
// The inner 't' is resolved to a non-existent base table.
AnalysisError("with t as (select int_col x, bigint_col y from t1) " +
"select x, y from t",
"Could not resolve table reference: 't1'");
AnalysisError("with t as (select 1 as x, 2 as y union all select * from t) " +
"select x, y from t",
"Could not resolve table reference: 't'");
AnalysisError("with t as (select a.* from (select * from t) as a) " +
"select x, y from t",
"Could not resolve table reference: 't'");
// The inner 't1' in a nested WITH clause gets resolved to a non-existent base table.
AnalysisError("with t1 as (with t2 as (select * from t1) select * from t2) " +
"select * from t1 ",
"Could not resolve table reference: 't1'");
AnalysisError("with t1 as " +
"(select * from (with t2 as (select * from t1) select * from t2) t3) " +
"select * from t1",
"Could not resolve table reference: 't1'");
// The inner 't1' in the gets resolved to a non-existent base table.
AnalysisError("with t1 as " +
"(with t2 as (select * from t1) select * from t2 union all select * from t2)" +
"select * from t1",
"Could not resolve table reference: 't1'");
AnalysisError("with t1 as " +
"(select 'x', 'y' union all (with t2 as (select * from t1) select * from t2))" +
"select * from t1",
"Could not resolve table reference: 't1'");
// The 't2' inside 't1's definition gets resolved to a non-existent base table.
AnalysisError("with t1 as (select int_col x, bigint_col y from t2), " +
"t2 as (select int_col x, bigint_col y from t1) select x, y from t1",
"Could not resolve table reference: 't2'");
// WITH clause with subqueries
AnalyzesOk("with t as (select * from functional.alltypesagg where id in " +
"(select id from functional.alltypes)) select int_col from t");
AnalyzesOk("with t as (select * from functional.alltypes) select * from " +
"functional.alltypesagg a where exists (select id from t where =");
AnalyzesOk("with t as (select * from functional.alltypes) select * from " +
"functional.alltypesagg where 10 > (select count(*) from t) and " +
"100 < (select max(int_col) from t)");
AnalyzesOk("with t as (select * from functional.alltypes a where exists " +
"(select * from functional.alltypesagg t where = 1 and = " +
"and not exists (select * from functional.alltypesagg b where = 1 " +
"and b.int_col = a.int_col)) select * from t");
// WITH clause with a collection table ref.
"with w as (select, a.item from functional.allcomplextypes t, " +
"t.int_array_col a) select * from w");
// Deeply nested WITH clauses (see IMPALA-1106)
AnalyzesOk("with with_1 as (select 1 as int_col_1), with_2 as " +
"(select 1 as int_col_1 from (with with_3 as (select 1 as int_col_1 from " +
"with_1) select 1 as int_col_1 from with_3) as t1) select 1 as int_col_1 " +
"from with_2");
AnalyzesOk("with with_1 as (select 1 as int_col_1), with_2 as (select 1 as " +
"int_col_1 from (with with_3 as (select 1 as int_col_1 from with_1) " +
"select 1 as int_col_1 from with_3) as t1), with_4 as (select 1 as " +
"int_col_1 from with_2) select 1 as int_col_1 from with_4");
AnalyzesOk("with with_1 as (select 1 as int_col_1), with_2 as (with with_3 " +
"as (select 1 as int_col_1 from (with with_4 as (select 1 as int_col_1 " +
"from with_1) select 1 as int_col_1 from with_4) as t1) select 1 as " +
"int_col_1 from with_3) select 1 as int_col_1 from with_2");
// WITH clause with a between predicate
AnalyzesOk("with with_1 as (select int_col from functional.alltypestiny " +
"where int_col between 0 and 10) select * from with_1");
// WITH clause with a between predicate in the select list
AnalyzesOk("with with_1 as (select int_col between 0 and 10 " +
"from functional.alltypestiny) select * from with_1");
// WITH clause with a between predicate in the select list that
// uses casting
AnalyzesOk("with with_1 as (select timestamp_col between " +
"cast('2001-01-01' as timestamp) and " +
"(cast('2001-01-01' as timestamp) + interval 10 days) " +
"from functional.alltypestiny) select * from with_1");
// WITH clause with a between predicate that uses explicit casting
AnalyzesOk("with with_1 as (select * from functional.alltypestiny " +
"where timestamp_col between cast('2001-01-01' as timestamp) and " +
"(cast('2001-01-01' as timestamp) + interval 10 days)) " +
"select * from with_1");
AnalyzesOk("with with_1 as (select 1 as col_name), " +
"with_2 as (select 1 as col_name) " +
"select a.tinyint_col from functional.alltypes a " +
"where not exists (select 1 from with_1) ");
public void TestViews() throws AnalysisException {
// Simple selects on our pre-defined views.
AnalyzesOk("select * from functional.alltypes_view");
AnalyzesOk("select x, y, z from functional.alltypes_view_sub");
AnalyzesOk("select abc, xyz from functional.complex_view");
// Test a view on a view.
AnalyzesOk("select * from functional.view_view");
// Aliases of views.
AnalyzesOk("select t.x, t.y, t.z from functional.alltypes_view_sub t");
// Views in a union.
AnalyzesOk("select * from functional.alltypes_view_sub union all " +
"select * from functional.alltypes_view_sub");
// View in a subquery.
AnalyzesOk("select t.* from (select * from functional.alltypes_view_sub) t");
// View in a WITH-clause view.
AnalyzesOk("with t as (select * from functional.complex_view) " +
"select abc, xyz from t");
// Complex query on a complex view with a join and an aggregate.
AnalyzesOk("select sum(, from functional.complex_view t1 " +
"inner join functional.complex_view t2 on ( = " +
"group by");
// Cannot insert into a view.
AnalysisError("insert into functional.alltypes_view partition(year, month) " +
"select * from functional.alltypes",
"Impala does not support INSERTing into views: functional.alltypes_view");
// Cannot load into a view.
AnalysisError("load data inpath '/test-warehouse/tpch.lineitem/lineitem.tbl' " +
"into table functional.alltypes_view",
"LOAD DATA only supported for HDFS tables: functional.alltypes_view");
// Need to give view-references an explicit alias.
AnalysisError("select * from functional.alltypes_view_sub " +
"inner join functional.alltypes_view_sub",
"Duplicate table alias: 'functional.alltypes_view_sub'");
// Column names were redefined in view.
AnalysisError("select int_col from functional.alltypes_view_sub",
"Could not resolve column/field reference: 'int_col'");
public void TestLoadData() throws AnalysisException {
for (String overwrite: Lists.newArrayList("", "overwrite")) {
// Load specific data file.
AnalyzesOk(String.format("load data inpath '%s' %s into table tpch.lineitem",
"/test-warehouse/tpch.lineitem/lineitem.tbl", overwrite));
// Load files from a data directory.
AnalyzesOk(String.format("load data inpath '%s' %s into table tpch.lineitem",
"/test-warehouse/tpch.lineitem/", overwrite));
// Load files from a data directory into a partition.
AnalyzesOk(String.format("load data inpath '%s' %s into table " +
"functional.alltypes partition(year=2009, month=12)",
"/test-warehouse/tpch.lineitem/", overwrite));
// Source directory cannot contain subdirs.
AnalysisError(String.format("load data inpath '%s' %s into table tpch.lineitem",
"/test-warehouse/", overwrite),
"INPATH location 'hdfs://localhost:20500/test-warehouse' cannot " +
"contain non-hidden subdirectories.");
// Source directory cannot be empty.
AnalysisError(String.format("load data inpath '%s' %s into table tpch.lineitem",
"/test-warehouse/emptytable", overwrite),
"INPATH location 'hdfs://localhost:20500/test-warehouse/emptytable' " +
"contains no visible files.");
// Cannot load a hidden files.
AnalysisError(String.format("load data inpath '%s' %s into table tpch.lineitem",
"/test-warehouse/alltypessmall/year=2009/month=1/.hidden", overwrite),
"INPATH location 'hdfs://localhost:20500/test-warehouse/alltypessmall/" +
"year=2009/month=1/.hidden' points to a hidden file.");
AnalysisError(String.format("load data inpath '%s' %s into table tpch.lineitem",
"/test-warehouse/alltypessmall/year=2009/month=1/_hidden", overwrite),
"INPATH location 'hdfs://localhost:20500/test-warehouse/alltypessmall/" +
"year=2009/month=1/_hidden' points to a hidden file.");
// Source directory does not exist.
AnalysisError(String.format("load data inpath '%s' %s into table tpch.lineitem",
"/test-warehouse/does_not_exist", overwrite),
"INPATH location 'hdfs://localhost:20500/test-warehouse/does_not_exist' " +
"does not exist.");
// Empty source directory string
AnalysisError(String.format("load data inpath '%s' %s into table tpch.lineitem",
"", overwrite), "URI path cannot be empty.");
// Partition spec does not exist in table.
AnalysisError(String.format("load data inpath '%s' %s into table " +
"functional.alltypes partition(year=123, month=10)",
"/test-warehouse/tpch.lineitem/", overwrite),
"Partition spec does not exist: (year=123, month=10)");
// Cannot load into non-HDFS tables.
AnalysisError(String.format("load data inpath '%s' %s into table " +
"/test-warehouse/tpch.lineitem/", overwrite),
"LOAD DATA only supported for HDFS tables: functional_hbase.alltypessmall");
// Load into partitioned table without specifying a partition spec.
AnalysisError(String.format("load data inpath '%s' %s into table " +
"/test-warehouse/tpch.lineitem/", overwrite),
"Table is partitioned but no partition spec was specified: " +
// Database/table do not exist.
AnalysisError(String.format("load data inpath '%s' %s into table " +
"/test-warehouse/tpch.lineitem/", overwrite),
"Database does not exist: nodb");
AnalysisError(String.format("load data inpath '%s' %s into table " +
"/test-warehouse/tpch.lineitem/", overwrite),
"Table does not exist: functional.notbl");
// Source must be HDFS or S3A.
AnalysisError(String.format("load data inpath '%s' %s into table " +
"tpch.lineitem", "file:///test-warehouse/test.out", overwrite),
"INPATH location 'file:/test-warehouse/test.out' must point to an " +
"HDFS, S3A, ADL, ABFS, or Ozone filesystem.");
// File type / table type mismatch.
AnalyzesOk(String.format("load data inpath '%s' %s into table " +
"/test-warehouse/alltypes_text_gzip/year=2009/month=4", overwrite));
// When table type matches, analysis passes for partitioned and unpartitioned
// tables.
AnalyzesOk(String.format("load data inpath '%s' %s into table " +
"functional_text_gzip.alltypes partition(year=2009, month=4)",
"/test-warehouse/alltypes_text_gzip/year=2009/month=4", overwrite));
AnalyzesOk(String.format("load data inpath '%s' %s into table " +
"/test-warehouse/alltypes_text_gzip/year=2009/month=4", overwrite));
// Verify with a read-only table
AnalysisError(String.format("load data inpath '%s' into table " +
"functional_seq.alltypes partition(year=2009, month=3)",
"/test-warehouse/alltypes_seq/year=2009/month=5", overwrite),
"Unable to LOAD DATA into target table (functional_seq.alltypes) because " +
"Impala does not have WRITE access to HDFS location: " +
public void TestInsert() throws AnalysisException {
for (String qualifier: ImmutableList.of("INTO", "OVERWRITE")) {
// Test INSERT into a table that Impala does not have WRITE access to.
AnalysisError("insert into functional_seq.alltypes partition(year, month)" +
"select * from functional.alltypes",
"Unable to INSERT into target table (functional_seq.alltypes) because Impala " +
"does not have WRITE access to HDFS location: " +
// Insert with a correlated inline view.
AnalyzesOk("insert into table functional.alltypessmall " +
"partition (year, month)" +
"select, bool_col, tinyint_col, smallint_col, item, bigint_col, " +
"float_col, double_col, date_string_col, string_col, timestamp_col, a.year, " +
"b.month from functional.alltypes a, functional.allcomplextypes b, " +
"(select item from b.int_array_col) v1 " +
"where =");
AnalysisError("insert into table functional.alltypessmall " +
"partition (year, month)" +
"select, a.bool_col, a.tinyint_col, a.smallint_col, item, a.bigint_col, " +
"a.float_col, a.double_col, a.date_string_col, a.string_col, a.timestamp_col, " +
"a.year, b.month from functional.alltypes a, functional.allcomplextypes b, " +
"(select item from b.int_array_col, functional.alltypestiny) v1 " +
"where =",
"Nested query is illegal because it contains a table reference " +
"'b.int_array_col' correlated with an outer block as well as an " +
"uncorrelated one 'functional.alltypestiny':\n" +
"SELECT item FROM b.int_array_col, functional.alltypestiny");
// Key columns missing from permutation
AnalysisError("insert into functional_kudu.testtbl(zip) values(1)",
"All primary key columns must be specified for INSERTing into Kudu tables. " +
"Missing columns are: id");
// Mixed column name case, on both primary key and non-primary key cols.
AnalyzesOk("insert into functional_kudu.alltypes (ID, BOOL_COL) values (0, true)");
addTestDb("d", null);
addTestTable("create table d.dec1 (c decimal(38,37)) location '/'");
addTestTable("create table d.dec2 (c decimal(38,1)) location '/'");
addTestTable("create table d.dbl (c double) location '/'");
addTestTable("create table d.flt (c float) location '/'");
AnalysisContext decimalV1Ctx = createAnalysisCtx("d");
AnalysisContext decimalV2Ctx = createAnalysisCtx("d");
AnalyzesOk("insert into d.dec1 select cast(1 as decimal(38, 0))", decimalV1Ctx);
AnalysisError("insert into d.dec1 select cast(1 as decimal(38, 0))", decimalV2Ctx,
"Target table 'd.dec1' is incompatible with source expressions.\n" +
"Expression 'CAST(1 AS DECIMAL(38,0))' (type: DECIMAL(38,0)) is not " +
"compatible with column 'c' (type: DECIMAL(38,37))");
AnalysisError("insert into d.dec2 select cast(11.1 as decimal(38, 20));",
decimalV1Ctx, "Possible loss of precision for target table 'd.dec2'.\n" +
"Expression 'CAST(11.1 AS DECIMAL(38,20))' (type: DECIMAL(38,20)) would need " +
"to be cast to DECIMAL(38,1) for column 'c'");
AnalysisError("insert into d.dec2 select cast(11.1 as decimal(38, 20));",
decimalV2Ctx, "Target table 'd.dec2' is incompatible with source expressions.\n" +
"Expression 'CAST(11.1 AS DECIMAL(38,20))' (type: DECIMAL(38,20)) is not " +
"compatible with column 'c' (type: DECIMAL(38,1))");
AnalysisError("insert into d.dec1 select cast(1 as double)", decimalV1Ctx,
"Possible loss of precision for target table 'd.dec1'.\n" +
"Expression 'CAST(1 AS DOUBLE)' (type: DOUBLE) would need to be cast to " +
"DECIMAL(38,37) for column 'c'");
AnalysisError("insert into d.dec1 select cast(1 as double)", decimalV2Ctx,
"Possible loss of precision for target table 'd.dec1'.\n" +
"Expression 'CAST(1 AS DOUBLE)' (type: DOUBLE) would need to be cast to " +
"DECIMAL(38,37) for column 'c'");
AnalysisError("insert into d.dec1 select cast(1 as float)", decimalV1Ctx,
"Possible loss of precision for target table 'd.dec1'.\n" +
"Expression 'CAST(1 AS FLOAT)' (type: FLOAT) would need to be cast to " +
"DECIMAL(38,37) for column 'c'");
AnalysisError("insert into d.dec1 select cast(1 as float)", decimalV2Ctx,
"Possible loss of precision for target table 'd.dec1'.\n" +
"Expression 'CAST(1 AS FLOAT)' (type: FLOAT) would need to be cast to " +
"DECIMAL(38,37) for column 'c'");
AnalyzesOk("insert into d.dbl select cast(1 as decimal(20, 10))", decimalV1Ctx);
AnalyzesOk("insert into d.dbl select cast(1 as decimal(20, 10))", decimalV2Ctx);
AnalyzesOk("insert into d.flt select cast(1 as decimal(20, 10))", decimalV1Ctx);
AnalyzesOk("insert into d.flt select cast(1 as decimal(20, 10))", decimalV2Ctx);
// IMPALA-966: Test insertion of incompatible expressions. Error should blame the
// first widest (highest precision) incompatible type expression.
// Test insert multiple values with compatible and incompatible types into a column
String query = "insert into functional.testtbl (id) "
+ "values (10), (cast(1 as float)), (cast(3 as double))";
"Possible loss of precision "
+ "for target table 'functional.testtbl'.\n"
+ "Expression 'CAST(3 AS DOUBLE)' (type: DOUBLE) "
+ "would need to be cast to BIGINT for column 'id'");
// Test insert multiple values with the same incompatible type into a column
query = "insert into functional.testtbl (id) "
+ "values (cast(1 as float)), (cast(2 as float)), (cast(3 as float))";
"Possible loss of precision "
+ "for target table 'functional.testtbl'.\n"
+ "Expression 'CAST(1 AS FLOAT)' (type: FLOAT) "
+ "would need to be cast to BIGINT for column 'id'");
// Test insert unions of multiple compatible and incompatible types expressions
// into multiple columns
query = "insert into functional.alltypes (int_col, float_col) "
+ "partition(year=2019, month=4) "
+ "(select int_col, float_col from functional.alltypes union "
+ "select float_col, double_col from functional.alltypes union "
+ "select double_col, int_col from functional.alltypes)";
"Possible loss of precision "
+ "for target table 'functional.alltypes'.\n"
+ "Expression 'double_col' (type: DOUBLE) "
+ "would need to be cast to INT for column 'int_col'");
* Run tests for dynamic partitions for INSERT INTO/OVERWRITE.
private void testInsertDynamic(String qualifier) throws AnalysisException {
// Fully dynamic partitions.
AnalyzesOk("insert " + qualifier + " table functional.alltypessmall " +
"partition (year, month)" +
"select id, bool_col, tinyint_col, smallint_col, int_col, bigint_col, " +
"float_col, double_col, date_string_col, string_col, timestamp_col, year, " +
"month from functional.alltypes");
// Fully dynamic partitions with NULL literals as partitioning columns.
AnalyzesOk("insert " + qualifier + " table functional.alltypessmall " +
"partition (year, month)" +
"select id, bool_col, tinyint_col, smallint_col, int_col, bigint_col, " +
"float_col, double_col, date_string_col, " +
"string_col, timestamp_col, NULL, NULL from functional.alltypes");
// Fully dynamic partitions with NULL partition keys and column values.
AnalyzesOk("insert " + qualifier + " table functional.alltypessmall " +
"partition (year, month)" +
"NULL from functional.alltypes");
// Fully dynamic partitions. Order of corresponding select list items doesn't matter,
// as long as they appear at the very end of the select list.
AnalyzesOk("insert " + qualifier + " table functional.alltypessmall " +
"partition (year, month)" +
"select id, bool_col, tinyint_col, smallint_col, int_col, bigint_col, " +
"float_col, double_col, date_string_col, string_col, timestamp_col, month, " +
"year from functional.alltypes");
// Partially dynamic partitions.
AnalyzesOk("insert " + qualifier + " table functional.alltypessmall " +
"partition (year=2009, month)" +
"select id, bool_col, tinyint_col, smallint_col, int_col, bigint_col, " +
"float_col, double_col, date_string_col, string_col, timestamp_col, month " +
"from functional.alltypes");
// Partially dynamic partitions with NULL static partition key value.
AnalyzesOk("insert " + qualifier + " table functional.alltypessmall " +
"partition (year=NULL, month)" +
"select id, bool_col, tinyint_col, smallint_col, int_col, bigint_col, " +
"float_col, double_col, date_string_col, string_col, timestamp_col, year from " +
// Partially dynamic partitions.
AnalyzesOk("insert " + qualifier + " table functional.alltypessmall " +
"partition (year, month=4)" +
"select id, bool_col, tinyint_col, smallint_col, int_col, bigint_col, " +
"float_col, double_col, date_string_col, string_col, timestamp_col, year from " +
// Partially dynamic partitions with NULL static partition key value.
AnalyzesOk("insert " + qualifier + " table functional.alltypessmall " +
"partition (year, month=NULL)" +
"select id, bool_col, tinyint_col, smallint_col, int_col, bigint_col, " +
"float_col, double_col, date_string_col, string_col, timestamp_col, year from " +
// Partially dynamic partitions with NULL literal as column.
AnalyzesOk("insert " + qualifier + " table functional.alltypessmall " +
"partition (year=2009, month)" +
"select id, bool_col, tinyint_col, smallint_col, int_col, bigint_col, " +
"float_col, double_col, date_string_col, string_col, timestamp_col, NULL from " +
// Partially dynamic partitions with NULL literal as column.
AnalyzesOk("insert " + qualifier + " table functional.alltypessmall " +
"partition (year, month=4)" +
"select id, bool_col, tinyint_col, smallint_col, int_col, bigint_col, " +
"float_col, double_col, date_string_col, string_col, timestamp_col, NULL from " +
// Partially dynamic partitions with NULL literal in partition clause.
AnalyzesOk("insert " + qualifier + " table functional.alltypessmall " +
"Partition (year=2009, month=NULL)" +
"select id, bool_col, tinyint_col, smallint_col, int_col, bigint_col, " +
"float_col, double_col, date_string_col, string_col, timestamp_col " +
"from functional.alltypes");
// Partially dynamic partitions with NULL literal in partition clause.
AnalyzesOk("insert " + qualifier + " table functional.alltypessmall " +
"partition (year=NULL, month=4)" +
"select id, bool_col, tinyint_col, smallint_col, int_col, bigint_col, " +
"float_col, double_col, date_string_col, string_col, timestamp_col " +
"from functional.alltypes");
// Select '*' includes partitioning columns at the end.
AnalyzesOk("insert " + qualifier +
" table functional.alltypessmall partition (year, month)" +
"select * from functional.alltypes");
// No corresponding select list items of fully dynamic partitions.
AnalysisError("insert " + qualifier + " table functional.alltypessmall " +
"partition (year, month)" +
"select id, bool_col, tinyint_col, smallint_col, int_col, bigint_col, " +
"float_col, double_col, date_string_col, string_col, timestamp_col " +
"from functional.alltypes",
"Target table 'functional.alltypessmall' has more columns (13) than the " +
"SELECT / VALUES clause and PARTITION clause return (11)");
// No corresponding select list items of partially dynamic partitions.
AnalysisError("insert " + qualifier + " table functional.alltypessmall " +
"partition (year=2009, month)" +
"select id, bool_col, tinyint_col, smallint_col, int_col, bigint_col, " +
"float_col, double_col, date_string_col, string_col, timestamp_col " +
"from functional.alltypes",
"Target table 'functional.alltypessmall' has more columns (13) than the " +
"SELECT / VALUES clause and PARTITION clause return (12)");
// Non-const partition value
AnalysisError("insert " + qualifier + " table functional.alltypessmall " +
"partition (year=rank() over(order by int_col), month)" +
"select id, bool_col, tinyint_col, smallint_col, int_col, bigint_col, " +
"float_col, double_col, date_string_col, string_col, timestamp_col, month " +
"from functional.alltypes",
"Non-constant expressions are not supported as static partition-key values " +
"in 'year=rank() OVER (ORDER BY int_col ASC)'");
// No corresponding select list items of partially dynamic partitions.
AnalysisError("insert " + qualifier + " table functional.alltypessmall " +
"partition (year, month=4)" +
"select id, bool_col, tinyint_col, smallint_col, int_col, bigint_col, " +
"float_col, double_col, date_string_col, string_col, timestamp_col " +
"from functional.alltypes",
"Target table 'functional.alltypessmall' has more columns (13) than the " +
"SELECT / VALUES clause and PARTITION clause return (12)");
// Select '*' includes partitioning columns, and hence, is not union compatible.
AnalysisError("insert " + qualifier + " table functional.alltypessmall " +
"partition (year=2009, month=4)" +
"select * from functional.alltypes",
"Target table 'functional.alltypessmall' has fewer columns (13) than the " +
"SELECT / VALUES clause and PARTITION clause return (15)");
// Mixed column name case in the partition clause.
AnalyzesOk("insert " + qualifier + " table functional.alltypessmall " +
"partition (YEAR, month)" +
"select id, bool_col, tinyint_col, smallint_col, int_col, bigint_col, " +
"float_col, double_col, date_string_col, string_col, timestamp_col, year, " +
"month from functional.alltypes");
* Tests for inserting into unpartitioned tables
private void testInsertUnpartitioned(String qualifier) throws AnalysisException {
// Wrong number of columns.
"insert " + qualifier + " table functional.alltypesnopart " +
"select id, bool_col, tinyint_col, smallint_col, int_col, bigint_col, " +
"float_col, double_col, date_string_col, string_col from functional.alltypes",
"Target table 'functional.alltypesnopart' has more columns (11) than the SELECT" +
" / VALUES clause returns (10)");
// Wrong number of columns.
if (!qualifier.contains("OVERWRITE")) {
AnalysisError("INSERT " + qualifier + " TABLE functional_hbase.alltypes " +
"SELECT * FROM functional.alltypesagg",
"Target table 'functional_hbase.alltypes' has fewer columns (13) than the " +
"SELECT / VALUES clause returns (14)");
// Unpartitioned table without partition clause.
AnalyzesOk("insert " + qualifier + " table functional.alltypesnopart " +
"select id, bool_col, tinyint_col, smallint_col, int_col, bigint_col, " +
"float_col, double_col, date_string_col, string_col, timestamp_col from " +
// All NULL column values.
AnalyzesOk("insert " + qualifier + " table functional.alltypesnopart " +
"from functional.alltypes");
String hbaseQuery = "INSERT " + qualifier + " TABLE " +
"functional_hbase.insertalltypesagg select id, bigint_col, bool_col, " +
"date_string_col, day, double_col, float_col, int_col, month, smallint_col, " +
"string_col, timestamp_col, tinyint_col, year from functional.alltypesagg";
// HBase doesn't support OVERWRITE so error out if the query is
// trying to do that.
if (!qualifier.contains("OVERWRITE")) {
} else {
AnalysisError(hbaseQuery, "HBase doesn't have a way to perform INSERT OVERWRITE");
// Unpartitioned table with partition clause
AnalysisError("INSERT " + qualifier +
" TABLE functional.alltypesnopart PARTITION(year=2009) " +
"SELECT * FROM functional.alltypes", "PARTITION clause is only valid for INSERT" +
" into partitioned table. 'functional.alltypesnopart' is not partitioned");
// Unknown target DB
AnalysisError("INSERT " + qualifier + " table UNKNOWNDB.alltypesnopart SELECT * " +
"from functional.alltypesnopart",
"Database does not exist: UNKNOWNDB");
* Run general tests and tests using static partitions for INSERT INTO/OVERWRITE:
private void testInsertStatic(String qualifier) throws AnalysisException {
// Static partition.
AnalyzesOk("insert " + qualifier + " table functional.alltypessmall " +
"partition (year=2009, month=4)" +
"select id, bool_col, tinyint_col, smallint_col, int_col, bigint_col, " +
"float_col, double_col, date_string_col, string_col, timestamp_col " +
"from functional.alltypes");
// Static partition with NULL partition keys
AnalyzesOk("insert " + qualifier + " table functional.alltypessmall " +
"partition (year=NULL, month=NULL)" +
"select id, bool_col, tinyint_col, smallint_col, int_col, bigint_col, " +
"float_col, double_col, date_string_col, string_col, timestamp_col " +
"from functional.alltypes");
// Static partition with NULL column values
AnalyzesOk("insert " + qualifier + " table functional.alltypessmall " +
"partition (year=NULL, month=NULL)" +
"from functional.alltypes");
// Static partition with NULL partition keys.
AnalyzesOk("insert " + qualifier + " table functional.alltypessmall " +
"partition (year=NULL, month=NULL)" +
"select id, bool_col, tinyint_col, smallint_col, int_col, bigint_col, " +
"float_col, double_col, date_string_col, string_col, timestamp_col " +
"from functional.alltypes");
// Static partition with partial NULL partition keys.
AnalyzesOk("insert " + qualifier + " table functional.alltypessmall " +
"partition (year=2009, month=NULL)" +
"select id, bool_col, tinyint_col, smallint_col, int_col, bigint_col, " +
"float_col, double_col, date_string_col, string_col, timestamp_col " +
"from functional.alltypes");
// Static partition with partial NULL partition keys.
AnalyzesOk("insert " + qualifier + " table functional.alltypessmall " +
"partition (year=NULL, month=4)" +
"select id, bool_col, tinyint_col, smallint_col, int_col, bigint_col, " +
"float_col, double_col, date_string_col, string_col, timestamp_col " +
"from functional.alltypes");
// Arbitrary exprs as partition key values. Constant exprs are ok.
AnalyzesOk("insert " + qualifier + " table functional.alltypessmall " +
"partition (year=-1, month=cast(100*20+10 as INT))" +
"select id, bool_col, tinyint_col, smallint_col, int_col, bigint_col, " +
"float_col, double_col, date_string_col, string_col, timestamp_col " +
"from functional.alltypes");
// Union compatibility requires cast of select list expr in column 5
// (int_col -> bigint).
AnalyzesOk("insert " + qualifier + " table functional.alltypessmall " +
"partition (year=2009, month=4)" +
"select id, bool_col, tinyint_col, smallint_col, int_col, int_col, " +
"float_col, float_col, date_string_col, string_col, timestamp_col " +
"from functional.alltypes");
// No partition clause given for partitioned table.
AnalysisError("insert " + qualifier + " table functional.alltypessmall " +
"select id, bool_col, tinyint_col, smallint_col, int_col, bigint_col, " +
"float_col, double_col, date_string_col, string_col, timestamp_col " +
"from functional.alltypes",
"Not enough partition columns mentioned in query. Missing columns are: year, " +
// Not union compatible, unequal number of columns.
AnalysisError("insert " + qualifier + " table functional.alltypessmall " +
"partition (year=2009, month=4)" +
"select id, bool_col, tinyint_col, smallint_col, int_col, bigint_col, " +
"float_col, double_col, date_string_col, timestamp_col from functional.alltypes",
"Target table 'functional.alltypessmall' has more columns (13) than the " +
"SELECT / VALUES clause and PARTITION clause return (12)");
// Not union compatible, incompatible type in last column (bool_col -> string).
AnalysisError("insert " + qualifier + " table functional.alltypessmall " +
"partition (year=2009, month=4)" +
"select id, bool_col, tinyint_col, smallint_col, int_col, bigint_col, " +
"float_col, double_col, date_string_col, bool_col, timestamp_col " +
"from functional.alltypes",
"Target table 'functional.alltypessmall' is incompatible with source " +
"expressions.\nExpression 'bool_col' (type: BOOLEAN) is not compatible with " +
"column 'string_col' (type: STRING)");
// Duplicate partition columns
AnalysisError("insert " + qualifier + " table functional.alltypessmall " +
"partition (year=2009, month=4, year=10)" +
"select id, bool_col, tinyint_col, smallint_col, int_col, bigint_col, " +
"float_col, double_col, date_string_col, string_col, timestamp_col " +
"from functional.alltypes",
"Duplicate column 'year' in partition clause");
// Too few partitioning columns.
AnalysisError("insert " + qualifier + " table functional.alltypessmall " +
"partition (year=2009)" +
"select id, bool_col, tinyint_col, smallint_col, int_col, bigint_col, " +
"float_col, double_col, date_string_col, string_col, timestamp_col " +
"from functional.alltypes",
"Not enough partition columns mentioned in query. Missing columns are: month");
// Non-partitioning column in partition clause.
AnalysisError("insert " + qualifier + " table functional.alltypessmall " +
"partition (year=2009, bigint_col=10)" +
"select id, bool_col, tinyint_col, smallint_col, int_col, bigint_col, " +
"float_col, double_col, date_string_col, string_col, timestamp_col " +
"from functional.alltypes",
"Column 'bigint_col' is not a partition column");
// Loss of precision when casting in column 6 (double_col -> float).
AnalysisError("insert " + qualifier + " table functional.alltypessmall " +
"partition (year=2009, month=4)" +
"select id, bool_col, tinyint_col, smallint_col, int_col, bigint_col, " +
"double_col, double_col, date_string_col, string_col, timestamp_col " +
"from functional.alltypes",
"Possible loss of precision for target table 'functional.alltypessmall'.\n" +
"Expression 'double_col' (type: DOUBLE) would need to be cast to FLOAT for " +
"column 'float_col'");
// Select '*' includes partitioning columns, and hence, is not union compatible.
AnalysisError("insert " + qualifier + " table functional.alltypessmall " +
"partition (year=2009, month=4)" +
"select * from functional.alltypes",
"Target table 'functional.alltypessmall' has fewer columns (13) than the " +
"SELECT / VALUES clause and PARTITION clause return (15)");
// Partition columns should be type-checked
AnalysisError("insert " + qualifier + " table functional.alltypessmall " +
"partition (year=\"should be an int\", month=4)" +
"select id, bool_col, tinyint_col, smallint_col, int_col, bigint_col, " +
"float_col, double_col, date_string_col, string_col, timestamp_col " +
"from functional.alltypes",
"Target table 'functional.alltypessmall' is incompatible with source " +
"expressions.\nExpression ''should be an int'' (type: STRING) is not compatible" +
" with column 'year' (type: INT)");
// Arbitrary exprs as partition key values. Non-constant exprs should fail.
AnalysisError("insert " + qualifier + " table functional.alltypessmall " +
"partition (year=-1, month=int_col)" +
"select id, bool_col, tinyint_col, smallint_col, int_col, bigint_col, " +
"float_col, double_col, date_string_col, string_col, timestamp_col " +
"from functional.alltypes",
"Non-constant expressions are not supported as static partition-key values " +
"in 'month=int_col'.");
// Mixed column case in the partition clause.
AnalyzesOk("insert " + qualifier + " table functional.alltypessmall " +
"partition (year=2009, MONTH=4)" +
"select id, bool_col, tinyint_col, smallint_col, int_col, bigint_col, " +
"float_col, double_col, date_string_col, string_col, timestamp_col " +
"from functional.alltypes");
if (qualifier.contains("OVERWRITE")) {
AnalysisError("insert " + qualifier + " table functional_hbase.alltypessmall " +
"partition(year, month) select * from functional.alltypessmall",
"PARTITION clause is not valid for INSERT into HBase tables. " +
"'functional_hbase.alltypessmall' is an HBase table");
private void testInsertWithPermutation(String qualifier) throws AnalysisException {
// Duplicate column in permutation
AnalysisError("insert " + qualifier + " table functional.tinytable(a, a, b)" +
"values(1, 2, 3)", "Duplicate column 'a' in column permutation");
// Unknown column in permutation
AnalysisError("insert " + qualifier + " table functional.tinytable" +
"(a, c) values(1, 2)", "Unknown column 'c' in column permutation");
// Too few columns in permutation - fill with NULL values
AnalyzesOk("insert " + qualifier + " table functional.tinytable(a) values('hello')");
// Too many columns in select list
AnalysisError("insert " + qualifier + " table functional.tinytable(a, b)" +
" select 'a', 'b', 'c' from functional.alltypes",
"Column permutation mentions fewer columns (2) than the SELECT / VALUES clause" +
" returns (3)");
// Too few columns in select list
AnalysisError("insert " + qualifier + " table functional.tinytable(a, b)" +
" select 'a' from functional.alltypes",
"Column permutation mentions more columns (2) than the SELECT / VALUES clause" +
" returns (1)");
// Type error in select clause brought on by permutation. tinyint_col and string_col
// are swapped in the permutation clause
AnalysisError("insert " + qualifier + " table functional.alltypesnopart" +
"(id, bool_col, string_col, smallint_col, int_col, bigint_col, " +
"float_col, double_col, date_string_col, tinyint_col, timestamp_col)" +
" select * from functional.alltypesnopart",
"Target table 'functional.alltypesnopart' is incompatible with source " +
"expressions.\nExpression 'functional.alltypesnopart.tinyint_col' " +
"(type: TINYINT) is not compatible with column 'string_col' (type: STRING)");
// Above query should work fine if select list also permuted
AnalyzesOk("insert " + qualifier + " table functional.alltypesnopart" +
"(id, bool_col, string_col, smallint_col, int_col, bigint_col, " +
"float_col, double_col, date_string_col, tinyint_col, timestamp_col)" +
" select id, bool_col, string_col, smallint_col, int_col, bigint_col, " +
"float_col, double_col, date_string_col, tinyint_col, timestamp_col" +
" from functional.alltypesnopart");
// Mentioning partition keys (year, month) in permutation
AnalyzesOk("insert " + qualifier + " table functional.alltypes" +
"(id, bool_col, tinyint_col, smallint_col, int_col, bigint_col, " +
"float_col, double_col, date_string_col, string_col, timestamp_col, " +
"year, month) select * from functional.alltypes");
// Duplicate mention of partition column
AnalysisError("insert " + qualifier + " table functional.alltypes" +
"(id, bool_col, tinyint_col, smallint_col, int_col, bigint_col, " +
"float_col, double_col, date_string_col, string_col, timestamp_col, " +
"year, month) PARTITION(year) select * from functional.alltypes",
"Duplicate column 'year' in partition clause");
// Split partition columns between permutation and PARTITION clause. Also confirm
// that dynamic columns in PARTITION clause are looked for at the end of the select
// list.
AnalyzesOk("insert " + qualifier + " table functional.alltypes" +
"(id, bool_col, tinyint_col, smallint_col, int_col, bigint_col, " +
"float_col, double_col, date_string_col, string_col, timestamp_col, " +
"year) PARTITION(month) select * from functional.alltypes");
// Split partition columns, one dynamic in permutation clause, one static in PARTITION
// clause
AnalyzesOk("insert " + qualifier + " table functional.alltypes(id, year)" +
"PARTITION(month=2009) select 1, 2 from functional.alltypes");
// Omit most columns, should default to NULL
AnalyzesOk("insert " + qualifier + " table functional.alltypesnopart" +
"(id, bool_col) select id, bool_col from functional.alltypesnopart");
// Can't omit partition keys, they have to be mentioned somewhere
AnalysisError("insert " + qualifier + " table functional.alltypes(id)" +
" select id from functional.alltypes",
"Not enough partition columns mentioned in query. " +
"Missing columns are: year, month");
// Duplicate partition columns, one with partition key
AnalysisError("insert " + qualifier + " table functional.alltypes(year)" +
" partition(year=2012, month=3) select 1 from functional.alltypes",
"Duplicate column 'year' in partition clause");
// Type error between dynamic partition column mentioned in PARTITION column and
// select list (confirm that dynamic partition columns are mapped to the last select
// list expressions)
AnalysisError("insert " + qualifier + " table functional.alltypes" +
"(id, bool_col, string_col, smallint_col, int_col, bigint_col, " +
"float_col, double_col, date_string_col, tinyint_col, timestamp_col) " +
"PARTITION (year, month)" +
" select id, bool_col, month, smallint_col, int_col, bigint_col, " +
"float_col, double_col, date_string_col, tinyint_col, timestamp_col, " +
"year, string_col from functional.alltypes",
"Target table 'functional.alltypes' is incompatible with source expressions.\n" +
"Expression '`month`' (type: INT) is not compatible with column 'string_col'" +
" (type: STRING)");
// Empty permutation and no query statement
AnalyzesOk("insert " + qualifier + " table functional.alltypesnopart()");
// Empty permutation can't receive any select list exprs
AnalysisError("insert " + qualifier + " table functional.alltypesnopart() select 1",
"Column permutation mentions fewer columns (0) than the SELECT / VALUES clause " +
"returns (1)");
// Empty permutation with static partition columns can omit query statement
AnalyzesOk("insert " + qualifier + " table functional.alltypes() " +
"partition(year=2012, month=1)");
// No mentioned columns to receive select-list exprs
AnalysisError("insert " + qualifier + " table functional.alltypes() " +
"partition(year=2012, month=1) select 1",
"Column permutation and PARTITION clause mention fewer columns (0) than the " +
"SELECT / VALUES clause and PARTITION clause return (1)");
// Can't have dynamic partition columns with no query statement
AnalysisError("insert " + qualifier + " table functional.alltypes() " +
"partition(year, month)",
"Column permutation and PARTITION clause mention more columns (2) than the " +
"SELECT / VALUES clause and PARTITION clause return (0)");
// If there are select-list exprs for dynamic partition columns, empty permutation is
// ok
AnalyzesOk("insert " + qualifier + " table functional.alltypes() " +
"partition(year, month) select 1,2 from functional.alltypes");
// Mixed column case in permutation, both partition and non-partition cols.
AnalyzesOk("insert " + qualifier + " table functional.alltypes (ID, YEAR, month)" +
"values (0, 0, 0)");
if (!qualifier.contains("OVERWRITE")) {
// Simple permutation
AnalyzesOk("insert " + qualifier + " table functional_hbase.alltypesagg" +
"(id, bool_col, tinyint_col, smallint_col, int_col, bigint_col, " +
"float_col, double_col, date_string_col, string_col, timestamp_col) " +
"select * from functional.alltypesnopart");
// Too few columns in permutation
AnalysisError("insert " + qualifier + " table functional_hbase.alltypesagg" +
"(id, tinyint_col, smallint_col, int_col, bigint_col, " +
"float_col, double_col, date_string_col, string_col) " +
"select * from functional.alltypesnopart",
"Column permutation mentions fewer columns (9) than the SELECT /" +
" VALUES clause returns (11)");
// Omitting the row-key column is an error
AnalysisError("insert " + qualifier + " table functional_hbase.alltypesagg" +
"(bool_col, tinyint_col, smallint_col, int_col, bigint_col, " +
"float_col, double_col, date_string_col, string_col, timestamp_col) " +
"select bool_col, tinyint_col, smallint_col, int_col, bigint_col, " +
"float_col, double_col, date_string_col, string_col, timestamp_col from " +
"Row-key column 'id' must be explicitly mentioned in column permutation.");
// Mixed column case on both row-key and non-row-key cols.
AnalyzesOk("insert " + qualifier + " table functional_hbase.alltypesagg" +
"(ID, bool_col, tinyint_col, smallint_col, INT_COL, bigint_col, " +
"float_col, double_col, date_string_col, string_col, timestamp_col) " +
"select * from functional.alltypesnopart");
// Insert into/overwrite a table with complex columns should return error.
AnalysisError("insert " + qualifier + " table functional.allcomplextypes" +
"(id, year, month) values (57, 2019, 11)",
"Unable to INSERT into target table (functional.allcomplextypes) because the " +
"column 'int_array_col' has a complex type 'ARRAY<INT>' and Impala doesn't " +
"support inserting into tables containing complex type columns");
AnalysisError("insert " + qualifier + " table functional.allcomplextypes " +
"select * from functional.allcomplextypes",
"Unable to INSERT into target table (functional.allcomplextypes) because the " +
"column 'int_array_col' has a complex type 'ARRAY<INT>' and Impala doesn't " +
"support inserting into tables containing complex type columns");
* Simple test that checks the number of members of statements and table refs
* against a fixed expected value. The intention is alarm developers to
* properly change the clone() method when adding members to statements.
* Once the clone() method has been appropriately changed, the expected
* number of members should be updated to make the test pass.
public void TestClone() {
testNumberOfMembers(QueryStmt.class, 11);
testNumberOfMembers(SetOperationStmt.class, 13);
testNumberOfMembers(ValuesStmt.class, 0);
// Also check TableRefs.
testNumberOfMembers(TableRef.class, 23);
testNumberOfMembers(BaseTableRef.class, 0);
testNumberOfMembers(InlineViewRef.class, 9);
private void testNumberOfMembers(Class cl, int expectedNumMembers) {
int actualNumMembers = 0;
for (Field f: cl.getDeclaredFields()) {
// Exclude synthetic fields such as enum jump tables that may be added at runtime.
if (!f.isSynthetic()) ++actualNumMembers;
if (actualNumMembers != expectedNumMembers) {
fail(String.format("The number of members in %s have changed.\n" +
"Expected %s but found %s. Please modify clone() accordingly and " +
"change the expected number of members in this test.",
cl.getSimpleName(), expectedNumMembers, actualNumMembers));
public void TestSetQueryOption() {
AnalyzesOk("set foo=true");
public void TestFunctionPaths() throws ImpalaException {
// The statement here does not matter since we just need to get a dummy analyzer
// to be able to call FuntionName.analyze(Analyzer, boolean) method.
Analyzer dummyAnalyzer = ((StatementBase) AnalyzesOk("select 1")).getAnalyzer();
FunctionName fnName = new FunctionName(null, "sin");
fnName.analyze(dummyAnalyzer, false);
fnName = new FunctionName(null, "f");
fnName.analyze(dummyAnalyzer, false);
fnName = new FunctionName("db", "sin");
fnName.analyze(dummyAnalyzer, false);
fnName = new FunctionName("db", "f");
fnName.analyze(dummyAnalyzer, false);
fnName = new FunctionName("_impala_builtins", "sin");
fnName.analyze(dummyAnalyzer, false);
fnName = new FunctionName("_impala_builtins", "f");
fnName.analyze(dummyAnalyzer, false);
fnName = new FunctionName(null, "sin");
fnName.analyze(dummyAnalyzer, true);
fnName = new FunctionName(null, "f");
fnName.analyze(dummyAnalyzer, true);
fnName = new FunctionName("db", "sin");
fnName.analyze(dummyAnalyzer, false);
fnName = new FunctionName("db", "f");
fnName.analyze(dummyAnalyzer, true);
fnName = new FunctionName("_impala_builtins", "sin");
fnName.analyze(dummyAnalyzer, false);
fnName = new FunctionName("_impala_builtins", "f");
fnName.analyze(dummyAnalyzer, false);
public void TestAdminFns() throws ImpalaException {
AnalyzesOk(": shutdown()");
AnalyzesOk(": SHUTDOWN()");
AnalyzesOk(": sHuTdoWn('hostname')");
AnalyzesOk(": sHuTdoWn(\"hostname\")");
AnalyzesOk(": sHuTdoWn(\"hostname:1234\")");
AnalyzesOk(": shutdown(10)");
AnalyzesOk(": shutdown('hostname', 10)");
AnalyzesOk(": shutdown('hostname:11', 10)");
AnalyzesOk(": shutdown('hostname:11', 10 * 60)");
AnalyzesOk(": shutdown(10 * 60)");
AnalyzesOk(": shutdown(0)");
// Unknown admin functions.
AnalysisError(": foobar()", "Unknown admin function: foobar");
AnalysisError(": 1a()", "Unknown admin function: 1a");
AnalysisError(": foobar(1,2,3)", "Unknown admin function: foobar");
// Invalid number of shutdown params.
AnalysisError(": shutdown('a', 'b', 'c', 'd')",
"Shutdown takes 0, 1 or 2 arguments: :shutdown('a', 'b', 'c', 'd')");
AnalysisError(": shutdown(1, 2, 3)",
"Shutdown takes 0, 1 or 2 arguments: :shutdown(1, 2, 3)");
// Invalid type of shutdown params.
AnalysisError(": shutdown(a)",
"Could not resolve column/field reference: 'a'");
AnalysisError(": shutdown(1, 2)",
"Invalid backend, must be a string literal: 1");
AnalysisError(": shutdown(concat('host:', '1234'), 2)",
"Invalid backend, must be a string literal: concat('host:', '1234')");
AnalysisError(": shutdown('backend:1234', '...')",
"deadline expression must be an integer type but is 'STRING': '...'");
AnalysisError(": shutdown(true)",
"deadline expression must be an integer type but is 'BOOLEAN': TRUE");
// Invalid host/port.
AnalysisError(": shutdown('foo:bar')",
"Invalid port number in backend address: foo:bar");
AnalysisError(": shutdown('foo:bar:1234')",
"Invalid backend address: foo:bar:1234");
// Invalid deadline value.
AnalysisError(": shutdown(-1)", "deadline must be a non-negative integer: -1 = -1");
AnalysisError(": shutdown(1.234)",
"deadline expression must be an integer type but is 'DECIMAL(4,3)': 1.234");
public void TestImpalaBuiltinCastFunctions() throws ImpalaException {
// Other builtins work
AnalyzesOk("select random(1000)");
// Builtin cast functions throw exception.
String expectedErrorSuffix =
" is reserved for internal use only. Use 'cast(expr AS type)' instead.";
List<Function> fns = BuiltinsDb.getInstance().getFunctions(TFunctionCategory.SCALAR,
for (Function fn : fns) {
// The analysis throws an exception on the function name before it even gets to
// checking the argument types, so it doesnt matter what argument we pass
// to it.
String fn_sql_str = fn.getName() + "(\"foo\")";
AnalysisError("select " + fn_sql_str, fn_sql_str + expectedErrorSuffix);
AnalysisError("select _impala_builtins." + fn_sql_str, fn_sql_str +
// Function that starts with 'castto' but does not exist should throw the
// right error msg.
AnalysisError("select casttobar(\"foo\")", "default.casttobar() unknown");
public void testCompoundVerticalBarExprAnalysis() throws ImpalaException {
// Valid uses of || when using as logical OR
AnalyzesOk("SELECT bool_col || bool_col FROM functional.alltypessmall");
AnalyzesOk("SELECT TRUE || bool_col FROM functional.alltypessmall");
AnalyzesOk("SELECT bool_col || FALSE FROM functional.alltypessmall");
AnalyzesOk("SELECT TRUE || FALSE FROM functional.alltypessmall");
AnalyzesOk("SELECT NULL || bool_col FROM functional.alltypessmall");
AnalyzesOk("SELECT NULL || NULL FROM functional.alltypessmall");
// Valid uses of || when using as concat function call
AnalyzesOk("SELECT string_col || string_col FROM functional.alltypessmall");
AnalyzesOk("SELECT 'literal' || string_col FROM functional.alltypessmall");
AnalyzesOk("SELECT string_col || 'literal' FROM functional.alltypessmall");
AnalyzesOk("SELECT 'literal1' || 'literal2' FROM functional.alltypessmall");
AnalyzesOk("SELECT 'literal' || cs FROM functional.chars_tiny");
AnalyzesOk("SELECT cl || 'literal' FROM functional.chars_tiny");
AnalyzesOk("SELECT vc || cs FROM functional.chars_tiny");
// Invalid operands result exception during analysis
AnalysisError("SELECT string_col || bool_col FROM functional.alltypessmall",
"Operands of CompoundVerticalBarExpr "
+ "'string_col || bool_col' should both return 'BOOLEAN' type "
+ "or they should both return 'STRING' or 'VARCHAR' or 'CHAR' types, "
+ "but they return types 'STRING' and 'BOOLEAN'.");
AnalysisError("SELECT bool_col || string_col FROM functional.alltypessmall",
"Operands of CompoundVerticalBarExpr "
+ "'bool_col || string_col' should both return 'BOOLEAN' type "
+ "or they should both return 'STRING' or 'VARCHAR' or 'CHAR' types, "
+ "but they return types 'BOOLEAN' and 'STRING'.");
AnalysisError("SELECT string_col || FALSE FROM functional.alltypessmall",
"Operands of CompoundVerticalBarExpr "
+ "'string_col || FALSE' should both return 'BOOLEAN' type "
+ "or they should both return 'STRING' or 'VARCHAR' or 'CHAR' types, "
+ "but they return types 'STRING' and 'BOOLEAN'.");
AnalysisError("SELECT TRUE || string_col FROM functional.alltypessmall",
"Operands of CompoundVerticalBarExpr "
+ "'TRUE || string_col' should both return 'BOOLEAN' type "
+ "or they should both return 'STRING' or 'VARCHAR' or 'CHAR' types, "
+ "but they return types 'BOOLEAN' and 'STRING'.");
AnalysisError("SELECT 'literal1' || bool_col FROM functional.alltypessmall",
"Operands of CompoundVerticalBarExpr "
+ "''literal1' || bool_col' should both return 'BOOLEAN' type "
+ "or they should both return 'STRING' or 'VARCHAR' or 'CHAR' types, "
+ "but they return types 'STRING' and 'BOOLEAN'.");
AnalysisError("SELECT bool_col || 'literal2' FROM functional.alltypessmall",
"Operands of CompoundVerticalBarExpr "
+ "'bool_col || 'literal2'' should both return 'BOOLEAN' type "
+ "or they should both return 'STRING' or 'VARCHAR' or 'CHAR' types, "
+ "but they return types 'BOOLEAN' and 'STRING'.");
AnalysisError("SELECT vc || TRUE FROM functional.chars_tiny",
"Operands of CompoundVerticalBarExpr "
+ "'vc || TRUE' should both return 'BOOLEAN' type "
+ "or they should both return 'STRING' or 'VARCHAR' or 'CHAR' types, "
+ "but they return types 'VARCHAR(32)' and 'BOOLEAN'.");
AnalysisError("SELECT FALSE || cl FROM functional.chars_tiny",
"Operands of CompoundVerticalBarExpr "
+ "'FALSE || cl' should both return 'BOOLEAN' type "
+ "or they should both return 'STRING' or 'VARCHAR' or 'CHAR' types, "
+ "but they return types 'BOOLEAN' and 'CHAR(140)'.");
AnalysisError("SELECT bool_col || 'literal2' FROM functional.alltypessmall",
"Operands of CompoundVerticalBarExpr "
+ "'bool_col || 'literal2'' should both return 'BOOLEAN' type "
+ "or they should both return 'STRING' or 'VARCHAR' or 'CHAR' types, "
+ "but they return types 'BOOLEAN' and 'STRING'.");
AnalysisError("SELECT string_col || int_col FROM functional.alltypessmall",
"Operands of CompoundVerticalBarExpr "
+ "'string_col || int_col' should both return 'BOOLEAN' type "
+ "or they should both return 'STRING' or 'VARCHAR' or 'CHAR' types, "
+ "but they return types 'STRING' and 'INT'.");
AnalysisError("SELECT int_col || string_col FROM functional.alltypessmall",
"Operands of CompoundVerticalBarExpr "
+ "'int_col || string_col' should both return 'BOOLEAN' type "
+ "or they should both return 'STRING' or 'VARCHAR' or 'CHAR' types, "
+ "but they return types 'INT' and 'STRING'.");
AnalysisError("SELECT bool_col || int_col FROM functional.alltypessmall",
"Operands of CompoundVerticalBarExpr "
+ "'bool_col || int_col' should both return 'BOOLEAN' type "
+ "or they should both return 'STRING' or 'VARCHAR' or 'CHAR' types, "
+ "but they return types 'BOOLEAN' and 'INT'.");
AnalysisError("SELECT int_col || bool_col FROM functional.alltypessmall",
"Operands of CompoundVerticalBarExpr "
+ "'int_col || bool_col' should both return 'BOOLEAN' type "
+ "or they should both return 'STRING' or 'VARCHAR' or 'CHAR' types, "
+ "but they return types 'INT' and 'BOOLEAN'.");
AnalysisError("SELECT string_col || timestamp_col FROM functional.alltypessmall",
"Operands of CompoundVerticalBarExpr "
+ "'string_col || timestamp_col' should both return 'BOOLEAN' type "
+ "or they should both return 'STRING' or 'VARCHAR' or 'CHAR' types, "
+ "but they return types 'STRING' and 'TIMESTAMP'.");
AnalysisError("SELECT timestamp_col || string_col FROM functional.alltypessmall",
"Operands of CompoundVerticalBarExpr "
+ "'timestamp_col || string_col' should both return 'BOOLEAN' type "
+ "or they should both return 'STRING' or 'VARCHAR' or 'CHAR' types, "
+ "but they return types 'TIMESTAMP' and 'STRING'.");
AnalysisError("SELECT bool_col || timestamp_col FROM functional.alltypessmall",
"Operands of CompoundVerticalBarExpr "
+ "'bool_col || timestamp_col' should both return 'BOOLEAN' type "
+ "or they should both return 'STRING' or 'VARCHAR' or 'CHAR' types, "
+ "but they return types 'BOOLEAN' and 'TIMESTAMP'.");
AnalysisError("SELECT timestamp_col || bool_col FROM functional.alltypessmall",
"Operands of CompoundVerticalBarExpr "
+ "'timestamp_col || bool_col' should both return 'BOOLEAN' type "
+ "or they should both return 'STRING' or 'VARCHAR' or 'CHAR' types, "
+ "but they return types 'TIMESTAMP' and 'BOOLEAN'.");
AnalysisError("SELECT bool_col || double_col FROM functional.alltypessmall",
"Operands of CompoundVerticalBarExpr "
+ "'bool_col || double_col' should both return 'BOOLEAN' type "
+ "or they should both return 'STRING' or 'VARCHAR' or 'CHAR' types, "
+ "but they return types 'BOOLEAN' and 'DOUBLE'.");
AnalysisError("SELECT double_col || string_col FROM functional.alltypessmall",
"Operands of CompoundVerticalBarExpr "
+ "'double_col || string_col' should both return 'BOOLEAN' type "
+ "or they should both return 'STRING' or 'VARCHAR' or 'CHAR' types, "
+ "but they return types 'DOUBLE' and 'STRING'.");
AnalysisError("SELECT string_col || NULL FROM functional.alltypessmall",
"Operands of CompoundVerticalBarExpr "
+ "'string_col || NULL' should both return 'BOOLEAN' type "
+ "or they should both return 'STRING' or 'VARCHAR' or 'CHAR' types, "
+ "but they return types 'STRING' and 'NULL_TYPE'.");
AnalysisError("SELECT NULL || string_col FROM functional.alltypessmall",
"Operands of CompoundVerticalBarExpr "
+ "'NULL || string_col' should both return 'BOOLEAN' type "
+ "or they should both return 'STRING' or 'VARCHAR' or 'CHAR' types, "
+ "but they return types 'NULL_TYPE' and 'STRING'.");