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// distributed with this work for additional information
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package org.apache.impala.analysis;
import org.apache.impala.catalog.KuduTable;
import org.apache.impala.common.FrontendTestBase;
import org.apache.impala.testutil.TestUtils;
import org.apache.kudu.ColumnSchema.CompressionAlgorithm;
import org.apache.kudu.ColumnSchema.Encoding;
import org.junit.Test;
import java.util.List;
* Tests on DDL analysis for Kudu tables.
public class AnalyzeKuduDDLTest extends FrontendTestBase {
* This is wrapper around super.AnalyzesOk method. The additional boolean is used to
* add tblproperties for synchronized table
public ParseNode AnalyzesOk(String stmt, String errorStr, boolean isExternalPurgeTbl) {
return super
.AnalyzesOk(appendSynchronizedTblProps(stmt, isExternalPurgeTbl), errorStr);
* Wrapper around super.AnalyzesOk with additional boolean for adding synchronized
* table properties
public ParseNode AnalyzesOk(String stmt, boolean isExternalPurgeTbl) {
return super.AnalyzesOk(appendSynchronizedTblProps(stmt, isExternalPurgeTbl));
private String appendSynchronizedTblProps(String stmt, boolean append) {
if (!append) { return stmt; }
stmt = stmt.replace("create table", "create external table");
if (!stmt.contains("tblproperties")) {
stmt += " tblproperties ('external.table.purge'='true')";
} else {
stmt = stmt.replaceAll("tblproperties\\s*\\(",
"tblproperties ('external.table.purge'='true', ");
return stmt;
public void AnalysisError(String stmt, String expectedError,
boolean isExternalPurgeTbl) {
super.AnalysisError(appendSynchronizedTblProps(stmt, isExternalPurgeTbl),
private void testDDlsOnKuduTable(boolean isExternalPurgeTbl) {
// Test primary keys and partition by clauses
AnalyzesOk("create table tab (x int primary key) partition by hash(x) " +
"partitions 8 stored as kudu", isExternalPurgeTbl);
AnalyzesOk("create table tab (x int, primary key(x)) partition by hash(x) " +
"partitions 8 stored as kudu", isExternalPurgeTbl);
AnalyzesOk("create table tab (x int, y int, primary key (x, y)) " +
"partition by hash(x, y) partitions 8 stored as kudu", isExternalPurgeTbl);
AnalyzesOk("create table tab (x int, y int, primary key (x)) " +
"partition by hash(x) partitions 8 stored as kudu", isExternalPurgeTbl);
AnalyzesOk("create table tab (x int, y int, primary key(x, y)) " +
"partition by hash(y) partitions 8 stored as kudu", isExternalPurgeTbl);
AnalyzesOk("create table tab (x timestamp, y timestamp, primary key(x)) " +
"partition by hash(x) partitions 8 stored as kudu", isExternalPurgeTbl);
AnalyzesOk("create table tab (x int, y string, primary key (x)) partition by " +
"hash (x) partitions 3, range (x) (partition values < 1, partition " +
"1 <= values < 10, partition 10 <= values < 20, partition value = 30) " +
"stored as kudu", isExternalPurgeTbl);
AnalyzesOk("create table tab (x int, y int, primary key (x, y)) partition by " +
"range (x, y) (partition value = (2001, 1), partition value = (2002, 1), " +
"partition value = (2003, 2)) stored as kudu", isExternalPurgeTbl);
// Non-literal boundary values in range partitions
AnalyzesOk("create table tab (x int, y int, primary key (x)) partition by " +
"range (x) (partition values < 1 + 1, partition (1+3) + 2 < values < 10, " +
"partition factorial(4) < values < factorial(5), " +
"partition value = factorial(6)) stored as kudu", isExternalPurgeTbl);
AnalyzesOk("create table tab (x int, y int, primary key(x, y)) partition by " +
"range(x, y) (partition value = (1+1, 2+2), partition value = ((1+1+1)+1, 10), " +
"partition value = (cast (30 as int), factorial(5))) stored as kudu",
AnalysisError("create table tab (x int primary key) partition by range (x) " +
"(partition values < x + 1) stored as kudu", "Only constant values are allowed " +
"for range-partition bounds: x + 1", isExternalPurgeTbl);
AnalysisError("create table tab (x int primary key) partition by range (x) " +
"(partition values <= isnull(null, null)) stored as kudu", "Range partition " +
"values cannot be NULL. Range partition: 'PARTITION VALUES <= " +
"isnull(NULL, NULL)'", isExternalPurgeTbl);
AnalysisError("create table tab (x int primary key) partition by range (x) " +
"(partition values <= (select count(*) from functional.alltypestiny)) " +
"stored as kudu", "Only constant values are allowed for range-partition " +
"bounds: (SELECT count(*) FROM functional.alltypestiny)", isExternalPurgeTbl);
// Multilevel partitioning. Data is split into 3 buckets based on 'x' and each
// bucket is partitioned into 4 tablets based on the range partitions of 'y'.
AnalyzesOk("create table tab (x int, y string, primary key(x, y)) " +
"partition by hash(x) partitions 3, range(y) " +
"(partition values < 'aa', partition 'aa' <= values < 'bb', " +
"partition 'bb' <= values < 'cc', partition 'cc' <= values) " +
"stored as kudu", isExternalPurgeTbl);
// Swapped RANGE and HASH
AnalyzesOk("create table tab (x int, y string, primary key(x, y)) " +
"partition by range(y) (partition values < 'aa', partition 'aa' " +
"<= values < 'bb', partition 'bb' <= values < 'cc', partition 'cc' <= values), " +
"hash(x) partitions 3 stored as kudu", isExternalPurgeTbl);
// RANGE followed by multiple HASH
AnalyzesOk("create table tab (x int, y string, primary key(x, y)) " +
"partition by range(y) (partition values < 'aa', partition 'aa' " +
"<= values < 'bb', partition 'bb' <= values < 'cc', partition 'cc' <= values), " +
"hash(x) partitions 3, hash(y) partitions 2 stored as kudu", isExternalPurgeTbl);
// Key column in upper case
AnalyzesOk("create table tab (x int, y int, primary key (X)) " +
"partition by hash (x) partitions 8 stored as kudu", isExternalPurgeTbl);
// Flexible Partitioning
AnalyzesOk("create table tab (a int, b int, c int, d int, primary key (a, b, c))" +
"partition by hash (a, b) partitions 8, hash(c) partitions 2 stored as " +
"kudu", isExternalPurgeTbl);
// No columns specified in the PARTITION BY HASH clause
AnalyzesOk("create table tab (a int primary key, b int, c int, d int) " +
"partition by hash partitions 8 stored as kudu", isExternalPurgeTbl);
// Distribute range data types are picked up during analysis and forwarded to Kudu.
// Column names in distribute params should also be case-insensitive.
AnalyzesOk("create table tab (a int, b int, c int, d int, primary key(a, b, c, d))" +
"partition by hash (a, B, c) partitions 8, " +
"range (A) (partition values < 1, partition 1 <= values < 2, " +
"partition 2 <= values < 3, partition 3 <= values < 4, partition 4 <= values) " +
"stored as kudu", isExternalPurgeTbl);
// Allowing range partitioning on a subset of the primary keys
AnalyzesOk("create table tab (id int, name string, valf float, vali bigint, " +
"primary key (id, name)) partition by range (name) " +
"(partition 'aa' < values <= 'bb') stored as kudu", isExternalPurgeTbl);
// Null values in range partition values
AnalysisError("create table tab (id int, name string, primary key(id, name)) " +
"partition by hash (id) partitions 3, range (name) " +
"(partition value = null, partition value = 1) stored as kudu",
"Range partition values cannot be NULL. Range partition: 'PARTITION " +
"VALUE = NULL'", isExternalPurgeTbl);
// Primary key specified in tblproperties
AnalysisError(String.format("create table tab (x int) partition by hash (x) " +
"partitions 8 stored as kudu tblproperties ('%s' = 'x')",
KuduTable.KEY_KEY_COLUMNS), "PRIMARY KEY must be used instead of the table " +
"property", isExternalPurgeTbl);
// Primary key column that doesn't exist
AnalysisError("create table tab (x int, y int, primary key (z)) " +
"partition by hash (x) partitions 8 stored as kudu",
"PRIMARY KEY column 'z' does not exist in the table", isExternalPurgeTbl);
// Invalid composite primary key
AnalysisError("create table tab (x int primary key, primary key(x)) stored " +
"as kudu", "Multiple primary keys specified. Composite primary keys can " +
"be specified using the PRIMARY KEY (col1, col2, ...) syntax at the end " +
"of the column definition.", isExternalPurgeTbl);
AnalysisError("create table tab (x int primary key, y int primary key) stored " +
"as kudu", "Multiple primary keys specified. Composite primary keys can " +
"be specified using the PRIMARY KEY (col1, col2, ...) syntax at the end " +
"of the column definition.", isExternalPurgeTbl);
// Specifying the same primary key column multiple times
AnalysisError("create table tab (x int, primary key (x, x)) partition by hash (x) " +
"partitions 8 stored as kudu",
"Column 'x' is listed multiple times as a PRIMARY KEY.", isExternalPurgeTbl);
// Number of range partition boundary values should be equal to the number of range
// columns.
AnalysisError("create table tab (a int, b int, c int, d int, primary key(a, b, c)) " +
"partition by range(a) (partition value = (1, 2), " +
"partition value = 3, partition value = 4) stored as kudu",
"Number of specified range partition values is different than the number of " +
"partitioning columns: (2 vs 1). Range partition: 'PARTITION VALUE = (1, 2)'",
// Key ranges must match the column types.
AnalysisError("create table tab (a int, b int, c int, d int, primary key(a, b, c)) " +
"partition by hash (a, b, c) partitions 8, range (a) " +
"(partition value = 1, partition value = 'abc', partition 3 <= values) " +
"stored as kudu", "Range partition value 'abc' (type: STRING) is not type " +
"compatible with partitioning column 'a' (type: INT).", isExternalPurgeTbl);
AnalysisError("create table tab (a tinyint primary key) partition by range (a) " +
"(partition value = 128) stored as kudu", "Range partition value 128 " +
"(type: SMALLINT) is not type compatible with partitioning column 'a' " +
"(type: TINYINT)", isExternalPurgeTbl);
AnalysisError("create table tab (a smallint primary key) partition by range (a) " +
"(partition value = 32768) stored as kudu", "Range partition value 32768 " +
"(type: INT) is not type compatible with partitioning column 'a' " +
"(type: SMALLINT)", isExternalPurgeTbl);
AnalysisError("create table tab (a int primary key) partition by range (a) " +
"(partition value = 2147483648) stored as kudu", "Range partition value " +
"2147483648 (type: BIGINT) is not type compatible with partitioning column 'a' " +
"(type: INT)", isExternalPurgeTbl);
AnalysisError("create table tab (a bigint primary key) partition by range (a) " +
"(partition value = 9223372036854775808) stored as kudu", "Range partition " +
"value 9223372036854775808 (type: DECIMAL(19,0)) is not type compatible with " +
"partitioning column 'a' (type: BIGINT)", isExternalPurgeTbl);
// Test implicit casting/folding of partition values.
AnalyzesOk("create table tab (a int primary key) partition by range (a) " +
"(partition value = false, partition value = true) stored as kudu",
// Non-key column used in PARTITION BY
AnalysisError("create table tab (a int, b string, c bigint, primary key (a)) " +
"partition by range (b) (partition value = 'abc') stored as kudu",
"Column 'b' in 'RANGE (b) (PARTITION VALUE = 'abc')' is not a key column. " +
"Only key columns can be used in PARTITION BY.", isExternalPurgeTbl);
// No float range partition values
AnalysisError("create table tab (a int, b int, c int, d int, primary key (a, b, c))" +
"partition by hash (a, b, c) partitions 8, " +
"range (a) (partition value = 1.2, partition value = 2) stored as kudu",
"Range partition value 1.2 (type: DECIMAL(2,1)) is not type compatible with " +
"partitioning column 'a' (type: INT).", isExternalPurgeTbl);
// Non-existing column used in PARTITION BY
AnalysisError("create table tab (a int, b int, primary key (a, b)) " +
"partition by range(unknown_column) (partition value = 'abc') stored as kudu",
"Column 'unknown_column' in 'RANGE (unknown_column) " +
"(PARTITION VALUE = 'abc')' is not a key column. Only key columns can be used " +
"in PARTITION BY", isExternalPurgeTbl);
// Kudu num_tablet_replicas is specified in tblproperties
String kuduMasters = catalog_.getDefaultKuduMasterHosts();
AnalyzesOk(String.format("create table tab (x int primary key) partition by " +
"hash (x) partitions 8 stored as kudu tblproperties " +
"('kudu.num_tablet_replicas'='1', 'kudu.master_addresses' = '%s')",
kuduMasters), isExternalPurgeTbl);
// Kudu table name is specified in tblproperties resulting in an error
AnalysisError("create table tab (x int primary key) partition by hash (x) " +
"partitions 8 stored as kudu tblproperties ('kudu.table_name'='tab')",
"Not allowed to set 'kudu.table_name' manually for synchronized Kudu tables.",
// No port is specified in kudu master address
AnalyzesOk(String.format("create table tdata_no_port (id int primary key, " +
"name string, valf float, vali bigint) partition by range(id) " +
"(partition values <= 10, partition 10 < values <= 30, " +
"partition 30 < values) stored as kudu tblproperties" +
"('kudu.master_addresses' = '%s')", kuduMasters), isExternalPurgeTbl);
// Not using the STORED AS KUDU syntax to specify a Kudu table
AnalysisError("create table tab (x int) tblproperties (" +
CreateTableStmt.KUDU_STORAGE_HANDLER_ERROR_MESSAGE, isExternalPurgeTbl);
// Creating unpartitioned table results in a warning.
AnalyzesOk("create table tab (x int primary key) stored as kudu tblproperties (" +
"Unpartitioned Kudu tables are inefficient for large data sizes.",
// Invalid value for number of replicas
AnalysisError("create table t (x int primary key) stored as kudu tblproperties (" +
"Table property 'kudu.num_tablet_replicas' must be an integer.",
// Don't allow caching
AnalysisError("create table tab (x int primary key) stored as kudu cached in " +
"'testPool'", "A Kudu table cannot be cached in HDFS.", isExternalPurgeTbl);
// LOCATION cannot be used with Kudu tables
AnalysisError("create table tab (a int primary key) partition by hash (a) " +
"partitions 3 stored as kudu location '/test-warehouse/'",
"LOCATION cannot be specified for a Kudu table.", isExternalPurgeTbl);
// Creating unpartitioned table results in a warning.
AnalyzesOk("create table tab (a int, primary key (a)) stored as kudu",
"Unpartitioned Kudu tables are inefficient for large data sizes.",
AnalysisError("create table tab (a int) stored as kudu",
"A primary key is required for a Kudu table.", isExternalPurgeTbl);
// Using ROW FORMAT with a Kudu table
AnalysisError("create table tab (x int primary key) " +
"row format delimited escaped by 'X' stored as kudu",
"ROW FORMAT cannot be specified for file format KUDU.", isExternalPurgeTbl);
// Using PARTITIONED BY with a Kudu table
AnalysisError("create table tab (x int primary key) " +
"partitioned by (y int) stored as kudu", "PARTITIONED BY cannot be used " +
"in Kudu tables.", isExternalPurgeTbl);
// Multi-column range partitions
AnalyzesOk("create table tab (a bigint, b tinyint, c double, primary key(a, b)) " +
"partition by range(a, b) (partition (0, 0) < values <= (1, 1)) stored as kudu",
AnalysisError("create table tab (a bigint, b tinyint, c double, primary key(a, b)) " +
"partition by range(a, b) (partition values <= (1, 'b')) stored as kudu",
"Range partition value 'b' (type: STRING) is not type compatible with " +
"partitioning column 'b' (type: TINYINT)", isExternalPurgeTbl);
AnalysisError("create table tab (a bigint, b tinyint, c double, primary key(a, b)) " +
"partition by range(a, b) (partition 0 < values <= 1) stored as kudu",
"Number of specified range partition values is different than the number of " +
"partitioning columns: (1 vs 2). Range partition: 'PARTITION 0 < VALUES <= 1'",
// Test unsupported Kudu types
List<String> unsupportedTypes = Lists.newArrayList("CHAR(20)",
for (String t: unsupportedTypes) {
String expectedError = String.format(
"Cannot create table 'tab': Type %s is not supported in Kudu", t);
// Unsupported type is PK and partition col
String stmt = String.format("create table tab (x %s primary key) " +
"partition by hash(x) partitions 3 stored as kudu", t);
AnalysisError(stmt, expectedError, isExternalPurgeTbl);
// Unsupported type is not PK/partition col
stmt = String.format("create table tab (x int primary key, y %s) " +
"partition by hash(x) partitions 3 stored as kudu", t);
AnalysisError(stmt, expectedError, isExternalPurgeTbl);
// Test column options
String[] nullability = {"not null", "null", ""};
String[] defaultVal = {"default 10", ""};
String[] blockSize = {"block_size 4096", ""};
for (Encoding enc: Encoding.values()) {
for (CompressionAlgorithm comp: CompressionAlgorithm.values()) {
for (String nul: nullability) {
for (String def: defaultVal) {
for (String block: blockSize) {
// Test analysis for a non-key column
AnalyzesOk(String.format("create table tab (x int primary key " +
"not null encoding %s compression %s %s %s, y int encoding %s " +
"compression %s %s %s %s) partition by hash (x) " +
"partitions 3 stored as kudu", enc, comp, def, block, enc,
comp, def, nul, block), isExternalPurgeTbl);
// For a key column
String createTblStr = String.format("create table tab (x int primary key " +
"%s encoding %s compression %s %s %s) partition by hash (x) " +
"partitions 3 stored as kudu", nul, enc, comp, def, block);
if (nul.equals("null")) {
AnalysisError(createTblStr, "Primary key columns cannot be nullable",
} else {
AnalyzesOk(createTblStr, isExternalPurgeTbl);
// Use NULL as default values
AnalyzesOk("create table tab (x int primary key, i1 tinyint default null, " +
"i2 smallint default null, i3 int default null, i4 bigint default null, " +
"vals string default null, valf float default null, vald double default null, " +
"valb boolean default null, valdec decimal(10, 5) default null, " +
"valdate date default null, valvc varchar(10) default null) " +
"partition by hash (x) partitions 3 stored as kudu", isExternalPurgeTbl);
// Use NULL as a default value on a non-nullable column
AnalysisError("create table tab (x int primary key, y int not null default null) " +
"partition by hash (x) partitions 3 stored as kudu", "Default value of NULL " +
"not allowed on non-nullable column: 'y'", isExternalPurgeTbl);
// Primary key specified using the PRIMARY KEY clause
AnalyzesOk("create table tab (x int not null encoding plain_encoding " +
"compression snappy block_size 1, y int null encoding rle compression lz4 " +
"default 1, primary key(x)) partition by hash (x) partitions 3 " +
"stored as kudu", isExternalPurgeTbl);
// Primary keys can't be null
AnalysisError("create table tab (x int primary key null, y int not null) " +
"partition by hash (x) partitions 3 stored as kudu", "Primary key columns " +
"cannot be nullable: x INT PRIMARY KEY NULL", isExternalPurgeTbl);
AnalysisError("create table tab (x int not null, y int null, primary key (x, y)) " +
"partition by hash (x) partitions 3 stored as kudu", "Primary key columns " +
"cannot be nullable: y INT NULL", isExternalPurgeTbl);
// Unsupported encoding value
AnalysisError("create table tab (x int primary key, y int encoding invalid_enc) " +
"partition by hash (x) partitions 3 stored as kudu", "Unsupported encoding " +
"value 'INVALID_ENC'. Supported encoding values are: " +
Joiner.on(", ").join(Encoding.values()), isExternalPurgeTbl);
// Unsupported compression algorithm
AnalysisError("create table tab (x int primary key, y int compression " +
"invalid_comp) partition by hash (x) partitions 3 stored as kudu",
"Unsupported compression algorithm 'INVALID_COMP'. Supported compression " +
"algorithms are: " + Joiner.on(", ").join(CompressionAlgorithm.values()),
// Default values
AnalyzesOk("create table tab (i1 tinyint default 1, i2 smallint default 10, " +
"i3 int default 100, i4 bigint default 1000, vals string default 'test', " +
"valf float default cast(1.2 as float), vald double default " +
"cast(3.1452 as double), valb boolean default true, " +
"valdec decimal(10, 5) default 3.14159, " +
"valdate date default date '1970-01-01', " +
"valvc varchar(10) default cast('test' as varchar(10)), " +
"primary key (i1, i2, i3, i4, vals)) partition by hash (i1) partitions 3 " +
"stored as kudu", isExternalPurgeTbl);
AnalyzesOk("create table tab (i int primary key default 1+1+1) " +
"partition by hash (i) partitions 3 stored as kudu", isExternalPurgeTbl);
AnalyzesOk("create table tab (i int primary key default factorial(5)) " +
"partition by hash (i) partitions 3 stored as kudu", isExternalPurgeTbl);
AnalyzesOk("create table tab (i int primary key, x int null default " +
"isnull(null, null)) partition by hash (i) partitions 3 stored as kudu",
// Invalid default values
AnalysisError("create table tab (i int primary key default 'string_val') " +
"partition by hash (i) partitions 3 stored as kudu", "Default value " +
"'string_val' (type: STRING) is not compatible with column 'i' (type: INT).",
AnalysisError("create table tab (i int primary key, x int default 1.1) " +
"partition by hash (i) partitions 3 stored as kudu",
"Default value 1.1 (type: DECIMAL(2,1)) is not compatible with column " +
"'x' (type: INT).", isExternalPurgeTbl);
AnalysisError("create table tab (i tinyint primary key default 128) " +
"partition by hash (i) partitions 3 stored as kudu", "Default value " +
"128 (type: SMALLINT) is not compatible with column 'i' (type: TINYINT).",
AnalysisError("create table tab (i int primary key default isnull(null, null)) " +
"partition by hash (i) partitions 3 stored as kudu", "Default value of " +
"NULL not allowed on non-nullable column: 'i'", isExternalPurgeTbl);
AnalysisError("create table tab (i int primary key, x int not null " +
"default isnull(null, null)) partition by hash (i) partitions 3 " +
"stored as kudu", "Default value of NULL not allowed on non-nullable column: " +
"'x'", isExternalPurgeTbl);
// Invalid block_size values
AnalysisError("create table tab (i int primary key block_size 1.1) " +
"partition by hash (i) partitions 3 stored as kudu", "Invalid value " +
"for BLOCK_SIZE: 1.1. A positive INTEGER value is expected.",
AnalysisError("create table tab (i int primary key block_size 'val') " +
"partition by hash (i) partitions 3 stored as kudu", "Invalid value " +
"for BLOCK_SIZE: 'val'. A positive INTEGER value is expected.",
// Sort columns are not supported for Kudu tables.
AnalysisError("create table tab (i int, x int primary key) partition by hash(x) " +
"partitions 8 sort by(i) stored as kudu", "SORT BY is not supported for Kudu " +
"tables.", isExternalPurgeTbl);
// Z-Order sorted columns are not supported for Kudu tables.
AnalysisError("create table tab (i int, x int primary key) partition by hash(x) " +
"partitions 8 sort by zorder(i) stored as kudu", "SORT BY is not " +
"supported for Kudu tables.", isExternalPurgeTbl);
// Range partitions with TIMESTAMP
AnalyzesOk("create table ts_ranges (ts timestamp primary key) " +
"partition by range (partition cast('2009-01-01 00:00:00' as timestamp) " +
"<= VALUES < '2009-01-02 00:00:00') stored as kudu", isExternalPurgeTbl);
AnalyzesOk("create table ts_ranges (ts timestamp primary key) " +
"partition by range (partition value = cast('2009-01-01 00:00:00' as timestamp" +
")) stored as kudu", isExternalPurgeTbl);
AnalyzesOk("create table ts_ranges (ts timestamp primary key) " +
"partition by range (partition value = '2009-01-01 00:00:00') " +
"stored as kudu", isExternalPurgeTbl);
AnalyzesOk("create table ts_ranges (id int, ts timestamp, primary key(id, ts))" +
"partition by range (partition value = (9, cast('2009-01-01 00:00:00' as " +
"timestamp))) stored as kudu", isExternalPurgeTbl);
AnalyzesOk("create table ts_ranges (id int, ts timestamp, primary key(id, ts))" +
"partition by range (partition value = (9, '2009-01-01 00:00:00')) " +
"stored as kudu", isExternalPurgeTbl);
AnalysisError("create table ts_ranges (ts timestamp primary key, i int)" +
"partition by range (partition '2009-01-01 00:00:00' <= VALUES < " +
"'NOT A TIMESTAMP') stored as kudu",
"Range partition value 'NOT A TIMESTAMP' cannot be cast to target TIMESTAMP " +
"partitioning column.", isExternalPurgeTbl);
AnalysisError("create table ts_ranges (ts timestamp primary key, i int)" +
"partition by range (partition 100 <= VALUES < 200) stored as kudu",
"Range partition value 100 (type: TINYINT) is not type " +
"compatible with partitioning column 'ts' (type: TIMESTAMP).",
// TIMESTAMP columns with default values
AnalyzesOk("create table tdefault (id int primary key, ts timestamp default now())" +
"partition by hash(id) partitions 3 stored as kudu", isExternalPurgeTbl);
AnalyzesOk("create table tdefault (id int primary key, ts timestamp default " +
"unix_micros_to_utc_timestamp(1230768000000000)) partition by hash(id) " +
"partitions 3 stored as kudu", isExternalPurgeTbl);
AnalyzesOk("create table tdefault (id int primary key, " +
"ts timestamp not null default '2009-01-01 00:00:00') " +
"partition by hash(id) partitions 3 stored as kudu", isExternalPurgeTbl);
AnalyzesOk("create table tdefault (id int primary key, " +
"ts timestamp not null default cast('2009-01-01 00:00:00' as timestamp)) " +
"partition by hash(id) partitions 3 stored as kudu", isExternalPurgeTbl);
AnalysisError("create table tdefault (id int primary key, ts timestamp " +
"default null) partition by hash(id) partitions 3 stored as kudu",
"NULL cannot be cast to a TIMESTAMP literal.", isExternalPurgeTbl);
AnalysisError("create table tdefault (id int primary key, " +
"ts timestamp not null default cast('00:00:00' as timestamp)) " +
"partition by hash(id) partitions 3 stored as kudu",
"Default value of NULL not allowed on non-nullable column:", isExternalPurgeTbl);
AnalysisError("create table tdefault (id int primary key, " +
"ts timestamp not null default '2009-1 foo') " +
"partition by hash(id) partitions 3 stored as kudu",
"String '2009-1 foo' cannot be cast to a TIMESTAMP literal.",
// Test column comments.
AnalyzesOk("create table tab (x int comment 'x', y int comment 'y', " +
"primary key (x, y)) stored as kudu", isExternalPurgeTbl);
// Managed table is not allowed to set table property 'kudu.table_id'.
AnalysisError("create table tab (x int primary key) partition by hash(x) " +
"partitions 8 stored as kudu tblproperties ('kudu.table_id'='123456')",
String.format("Table property %s should not be specified when " +
"creating a Kudu table.", KuduTable.KEY_TABLE_ID), isExternalPurgeTbl);
// Kudu master address needs to be valid.
AnalysisError("create table tab (x int primary key) partition by " +
"hash (x) partitions 8 stored as kudu tblproperties " +
"('kudu.master_addresses' = 'foo')",
"Cannot analyze Kudu table 'tab': Error determining if Kudu's integration " +
"with the Hive Metastore is enabled", isExternalPurgeTbl);
public void TestCreateManagedKuduTable() {
public void TestCreateSynchronizedKuduTable() {
public void TestCreateExternalKuduTable() {
final String kuduMasters = catalog_.getDefaultKuduMasterHosts();
AnalyzesOk("create external table t stored as kudu " +
// Use all allowed optional table props.
AnalyzesOk(String.format("create external table t stored as kudu tblproperties (" +
"'kudu.table_name'='tab', 'kudu.master_addresses' = '%s', " +
// Kudu table should be specified using the STORED AS KUDU syntax.
AnalysisError("create external table t tblproperties (" +
"'storage_handler'='com.cloudera.kudu.hive.KuduStorageHandler'," +
AnalysisError("create external table t tblproperties (" +
"'storage_handler'='org.apache.hadoop.hive.kudu.KuduStorageHandler'," +
// Columns should not be specified in an external Kudu table
AnalysisError("create external table t (x int) stored as kudu " +
"Columns cannot be specified with an external Kudu table.");
// Primary keys cannot be specified in an external Kudu table
AnalysisError("create external table t (x int primary key) stored as kudu " +
"tblproperties('kudu.table_name'='t')", "Primary keys cannot be specified " +
"for an external Kudu table");
// Invalid syntax for specifying a Kudu table
AnalysisError("create external table t (x int) stored as parquet tblproperties (" +
"'storage_handler'='com.cloudera.kudu.hive.KuduStorageHandler'," +
"'kudu.table_name'='t')", CreateTableStmt.KUDU_STORAGE_HANDLER_ERROR_MESSAGE);
AnalysisError("create external table t (x int) stored as parquet tblproperties (" +
"'storage_handler'='org.apache.hadoop.hive.kudu.KuduStorageHandler'," +
"'kudu.table_name'='t')", CreateTableStmt.KUDU_STORAGE_HANDLER_ERROR_MESSAGE);
AnalysisError("create external table t stored as kudu tblproperties (" +
"'storage_handler'='foo', 'kudu.table_name'='t')",
"Invalid storage handler specified for Kudu table: foo");
// Cannot specify the number of replicas for external Kudu tables
AnalysisError("create external table tab (x int) stored as kudu " +
"tblproperties ('kudu.num_tablet_replicas' = '1', " +
"Table property 'kudu.num_tablet_replicas' cannot be used with an external " +
"Kudu table.");
// Don't allow caching
AnalysisError("create external table t stored as kudu cached in 'testPool' " +
"A Kudu table cannot be cached in HDFS.");
// LOCATION cannot be used for a Kudu table
AnalysisError("create external table t stored as kudu " +
"location '/test-warehouse' tblproperties('kudu.table_name'='t')",
"LOCATION cannot be specified for a Kudu table.");
// External table is not allowed to set table property 'kudu.table_id'.
AnalysisError("create external table t stored as kudu tblproperties " +
"('kudu.table_name'='t', 'kudu.table_id'='123456')",
String.format("Table property %s should not be specified when creating " +
"a Kudu table.", KuduTable.KEY_TABLE_ID));
// External table is not allowed to set table property 'kudu.table_name'
AnalysisError("create external table t stored as kudu tblproperties " +
"('external.table.purge'='true', 'kudu.table_name'='t')",
"Not allowed to set 'kudu.table_name' manually for synchronized Kudu tables");
// trying to create the legacy external table syntax with external.table.purge
// property should error out
AnalysisError("create external table t stored as kudu tblproperties " +
"A primary key is required for a Kudu table.");
public void TestAlterKuduTable() {
// ALTER TABLE ADD/DROP range partitions
String[] addDrop = {"add if not exists", "add", "drop if exists", "drop"};
for (String kw: addDrop) {
AnalyzesOk(String.format("alter table functional_kudu.testtbl %s range " +
"partition 10 <= values < 20", kw));
AnalyzesOk(String.format("alter table functional_kudu.testtbl %s range " +
"partition value = 30", kw));
AnalyzesOk(String.format("alter table functional_kudu.testtbl %s range " +
"partition values < 100", kw));
AnalyzesOk(String.format("alter table functional_kudu.testtbl %s range " +
"partition 10 <= values", kw));
AnalyzesOk(String.format("alter table functional_kudu.testtbl %s range " +
"partition 1+1 <= values <= factorial(3)", kw));
AnalyzesOk(String.format("alter table functional_kudu.jointbl %s range " +
"partition (0, '0') < values", kw));
AnalyzesOk(String.format("alter table functional_kudu.jointbl %s range " +
"partition values <= (1, '1')", kw));
AnalyzesOk(String.format("alter table functional_kudu.jointbl %s range " +
"partition (0, '0') <= values < (1, '1')", kw));
AnalyzesOk(String.format("alter table functional_kudu.jointbl %s range " +
"partition value = (-1, 'a')", kw));
AnalysisError(String.format("alter table functional.alltypes %s range " +
"partition 10 < values < 20", kw), "Table functional.alltypes does not " +
"support range partitions: RANGE PARTITION 10 < VALUES < 20");
AnalysisError(String.format("alter table functional_kudu.testtbl %s range " +
"partition values < isnull(null, null)", kw), "Range partition values " +
"cannot be NULL. Range partition: 'PARTITION VALUES < isnull(NULL, NULL)'");
AnalysisError(String.format("alter table functional_kudu.jointbl %s range " +
"partition (0) < values", kw),
"Number of specified range partition values is different than the number of " +
"partitioning columns: (1 vs 2). Range partition: 'PARTITION (0) < VALUES'");
AnalysisError(String.format("alter table functional_kudu.jointbl %s range " +
"partition values < (0, 0)", kw),
"Range partition value 0 (type: TINYINT) is not type compatible with " +
"partitioning column 'test_name' (type: STRING).");
// Columns with different supported data types
AnalyzesOk("alter table functional_kudu.testtbl add columns (a1 tinyint null, a2 " +
"smallint null, a3 int null, a4 bigint null, a5 string null, a6 float null, " +
"a7 double null, a8 boolean null comment 'boolean', a9 date null)");
// Decimal types
AnalyzesOk("alter table functional_kudu.testtbl add columns (d1 decimal null, d2 " +
"decimal(9, 2) null, d3 decimal(15, 15) null, d4 decimal(38, 0) null)");
// Complex types
AnalysisError("alter table functional_kudu.testtbl add columns ( "+
"a struct<f1:int>)", "Kudu tables do not support complex types: " +
"a STRUCT<f1:INT>");
// Add primary key
AnalysisError("alter table functional_kudu.testtbl add columns (a int primary key)",
"Cannot add a primary key using an ALTER TABLE ADD COLUMNS statement: " +
// Columns requiring a default value
AnalyzesOk("alter table functional_kudu.testtbl add columns (a1 int not null " +
"default 10)");
AnalyzesOk("alter table functional_kudu.testtbl add columns (a1 int null " +
"default 10)");
AnalyzesOk("alter table functional_kudu.testtbl add columns (d1 decimal(9, 2) null " +
"default 99.99)");
// Other Kudu column options
AnalyzesOk("alter table functional_kudu.testtbl add columns (a int encoding rle)");
AnalyzesOk("alter table functional_kudu.testtbl add columns (a int compression lz4)");
AnalyzesOk("alter table functional_kudu.testtbl add columns (a int block_size 10)");
// REPLACE columns is not supported for Kudu tables
AnalysisError("alter table functional_kudu.testtbl replace columns (a int null)",
"ALTER TABLE REPLACE COLUMNS is not supported on Kudu tables");
// Conflict with existing column
AnalysisError("alter table functional_kudu.testtbl add columns (zip int)",
"Column already exists: zip");
// Kudu column options on an HDFS table
AnalysisError("alter table functional.alltypes add columns (a int not null)",
"The specified column options are only supported in Kudu tables: " +
AnalyzesOk("alter table functional_kudu.testtbl drop column name");
AnalysisError("alter table functional_kudu.testtbl drop column no_col",
"Column 'no_col' does not exist in table: functional_kudu.testtbl");
AnalyzesOk("alter table functional_kudu.testtbl change column name new_name string");
AnalyzesOk("alter table functional_kudu.testtbl change column zip " +
"zip int comment 'comment'");
// Unsupported column options
AnalysisError("alter table functional_kudu.testtbl change column zip zip_code int " +
"encoding rle compression lz4 default 90000", "Unsupported column options in " +
// Changing the column type is not supported for Kudu tables
AnalysisError("alter table functional_kudu.testtbl change column zip zip bigint",
"Cannot change the type of a Kudu column using an ALTER TABLE CHANGE COLUMN " +
"statement: (INT vs BIGINT)");
// Setting kudu.table_id is not allowed for Kudu tables.
AnalysisError("ALTER TABLE functional_kudu.testtbl SET " +
"TBLPROPERTIES ('kudu.table_id' = '1234')",
"Property 'kudu.table_id' cannot be altered for Kudu tables");
// Setting 'external.table.purge' is allowed for Kudu tables.
AnalyzesOk("ALTER TABLE functional_kudu.testtbl SET " +
"TBLPROPERTIES ('external.table.purge' = 'true')");
AnalyzesOk("ALTER TABLE functional_kudu.testtbl SET " +
"TBLPROPERTIES ('external.table.purge' = 'false')");
// Rename the underlying Kudu table is not supported for managed Kudu tables.
AnalysisError("ALTER TABLE functional_kudu.testtbl SET " +
"TBLPROPERTIES ('kudu.table_name' = 'Hans')",
"Not allowed to set 'kudu.table_name' manually for synchronized Kudu tables");
// TODO IMPALA-6375: Allow setting kudu.table_name for managed Kudu tables
// if the 'EXTERNAL' property is set to TRUE in the same step.
AnalysisError("ALTER TABLE functional_kudu.testtbl SET " +
"TBLPROPERTIES ('EXTERNAL' = 'TRUE','kudu.table_name' = 'Hans')",
"Not allowed to set 'kudu.table_name' manually for synchronized Kudu tables");
AnalyzesOk("ALTER TABLE functional_kudu.testtbl RENAME TO new_testtbl");
AnalysisError("alter table functional_kudu.alltypes sort by (int_col)",
"ALTER TABLE SORT BY not supported on Kudu tables.");
AnalysisError("alter table functional_kudu.alltypes sort by zorder (int_col)",
"ALTER TABLE SORT BY not supported on Kudu tables.");
AnalysisError("alter table functional_kudu.alltypes set tblproperties(" +
"'sort.*' table properties are not supported for Kudu tables.");
AnalysisError("alter table functional_kudu.alltypes set tblproperties("
+ "'sort.order'='true')",
"'sort.*' table properties are not supported for Kudu tables.");