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<concept id="shell_options">
<title>impala-shell Configuration Options</title>
<titlealts audience="PDF"><navtitle>Configuration Options</navtitle></titlealts>
<data name="Category" value="Impala"/>
<data name="Category" value="Configuring"/>
<data name="Category" value="impala-shell"/>
<data name="Category" value="Data Analysts"/>
<data name="Category" value="Developers"/>
<p> You can specify the following options when starting the
<codeph>impala-shell</codeph> command to change how shell commands are
executed. The table shows the format to use when specifying each option on
the command line, or through the <codeph>impala-shell</codeph>
configuration file. </p>
These options are different than the configuration options for the <codeph>impalad</codeph> daemon itself.
For the <codeph>impalad</codeph> options, see <xref href="impala_config_options.xml#config_options"/>.
<p outputclass="toc inpage"/>
<concept id="shell_option_summary">
<title>Summary of impala-shell Configuration Options</title>
The following table shows the names and allowed arguments for the <cmdname>impala-shell</cmdname>
configuration options. You can specify options on the command line, or in a configuration file as described
in <xref href="impala_shell_options.xml#shell_config_file"/>.
<tgroup cols="3">
<colspec colname="1" colwidth="10*"/>
<colspec colname="2" colwidth="10*"/>
<colspec colname="3" colwidth="20*"/>
Command-Line Option
<entry rev="2.0.0">
Configuration File Setting
<p> -B or </p>
<p>--delimited </p>
<entry rev="2.0.0">
Causes all query results to be printed in plain format as a delimited text file. Useful for
producing data files to be used with other Hadoop components. Also useful for avoiding the
performance overhead of pretty-printing all output, especially when running benchmark tests using
queries returning large result sets. Specify the delimiter character with the
<codeph>--output_delimiter</codeph> option. Store all query results in a file rather than
printing to the screen with the <codeph>-B</codeph> option. Added in Impala 1.0.1.
-b or
If set, the setting overrides the expected hostname of the
Impala daemon's Kerberos service principal.
<cmdname>impala-shell</cmdname> will check that the server's
principal matches this hostname. This may be used when
<codeph>impalad</codeph> is configured to be accessed via a
load-balancer, but it is desired for impala-shell to talk to a
specific <codeph>impalad</codeph> directly.
<entry rev="2.0.0">
<p> -o <varname>filename</varname> or </p>
<p>--output_file <varname>filename</varname>
<entry rev="2.0.0">
Stores all query results in the specified file. Typically used to store the results of a single
query issued from the command line with the <codeph>-q</codeph> option. Also works for
interactive sessions; you see the messages such as number of rows fetched, but not the actual
result set. To suppress these incidental messages when combining the <codeph>-q</codeph> and
<codeph>-o</codeph> options, redirect <codeph>stderr</codeph> to <codeph>/dev/null</codeph>.
Added in Impala 1.0.1.
<entry rev="2.0.0">
Specifies the character to use as a delimiter between fields when query results are printed in
plain format by the <codeph>-B</codeph> option. Defaults to tab (<codeph>'\t'</codeph>). If an
output value contains the delimiter character, that field is quoted, escaped by doubling quotation marks, or both. Added in
Impala 1.0.1.
<p> -p or </p>
<p>--show_profiles </p>
<entry rev="2.0.0">
Displays the query execution plan (same output as the <codeph>EXPLAIN</codeph> statement) and a
more detailed low-level breakdown of execution steps, for every query executed by the shell.
<p> -h or </p>
<p>--help </p>
<entry rev="2.0.0">
Displays help information.
<entry rev="2.9.0 IMPALA-5127">
Sets the maximum number of queries to store in the history file.
<p> -i <varname>hostname</varname> or </p>
<p>--impalad=<varname>hostname</varname>[:<varname>portnum</varname>] </p>
<entry rev="2.0.0">
Connects to the <codeph>impalad</codeph> daemon on the specified host. The default port of 21000
is assumed unless you provide another value. You can connect to any host in your cluster that is
running <codeph>impalad</codeph>. If you connect to an instance of <codeph>impalad</codeph> that
was started with an alternate port specified by the <codeph>--fe_port</codeph> flag, provide that
alternative port.
<p> -q <varname>query</varname> or </p>
<entry rev="2.0.0">
Passes a query or other <cmdname>impala-shell</cmdname> command from the command line. The
<cmdname>impala-shell</cmdname> interpreter immediately exits after processing the statement. It
is limited to a single statement, which could be a <codeph>SELECT</codeph>, <codeph>CREATE
TABLE</codeph>, <codeph>SHOW TABLES</codeph>, or any other statement recognized in
<codeph>impala-shell</codeph>. Because you cannot pass a <codeph>USE</codeph> statement and
another query, fully qualify the names for any tables outside the <codeph>default</codeph>
database. (Or use the <codeph>-f</codeph> option to pass a file with a <codeph>USE</codeph>
statement followed by other queries.)
<p> -f <varname>query_file</varname> or</p>
<p> --query_file=<varname>query_file</varname>
<entry rev="2.0.0">
Passes a SQL query from a file. Multiple statements must be semicolon (;) delimited.
<ph rev="2.3.0">In <keyword keyref="impala23_full"/> and higher, you can specify a filename of <codeph>-</codeph>
to represent standard input. This feature makes it convenient to use <cmdname>impala-shell</cmdname>
as part of a Unix pipeline where SQL statements are generated dynamically by other tools.</ph>
<row rev="2.11.0 IMPALA-5736">
<p> --query_option=</p>
<p><varname>value</varname>" </p>
<p>-Q "<varname>option</varname>=</p>
<p><varname>value</varname>" </p>
<entry rev="2.0.0">
Header line <codeph>[impala.query_options]</codeph>,
followed on subsequent lines by <varname>option</varname>=<varname>value</varname>, one option per line.
Sets default query options for an invocation of the <cmdname>impala-shell</cmdname> command.
To set multiple query options at once, use more than one instance of this command-line option.
The query option names are not case-sensitive.
<p> -k or </p>
<p>--kerberos </p>
<entry rev="2.0.0">
Kerberos authentication is used when the shell connects to <codeph>impalad</codeph>. If Kerberos
is not enabled on the instance of <codeph>impalad</codeph> to which you are connecting, errors
are displayed.
See <keyword keyref="kerberos"/> for the steps to set up and
use Kerberos authentication in Impala.
<p> -s <varname>kerberos_service_name</varname> or </p>
<entry rev="2.0.0">
Instructs <codeph>impala-shell</codeph> to authenticate to a particular <codeph>impalad</codeph>
service principal. If a <varname>kerberos_service_name</varname> is not specified,
<codeph>impala</codeph> is used by default. If this option is used in conjunction with a
connection in which Kerberos is not supported, errors are returned.
<p> -V or </p>
<p>--verbose </p>
<entry rev="2.0.0">
Enables verbose output.
<!-- Confirm verbose=true/false really is the same as verbose vs. quiet. -->
<entry rev="2.0.0">
Disables verbose output.
<p> -v or </p>
<p>--version </p>
<entry rev="2.0.0">
Displays version information.
<entry rev="2.0.0">
Continues on query failure.
<p> -d <varname>default_db</varname> or </p>
<entry rev="2.0.0">
Specifies the database to be used on startup. Same as running the
<codeph><xref href="impala_use.xml#use">USE</xref></codeph> statement after connecting. If not
specified, a database named <codeph>DEFAULT</codeph> is used.
<entry rev="2.0.0">
Enables TLS/SSL for <cmdname>impala-shell</cmdname>.
<entry rev="2.0.0">
The local pathname pointing to the third-party CA certificate, or to a copy of the server
certificate for self-signed server certificates. If <codeph>--ca_cert</codeph> is not set,
<cmdname>impala-shell</cmdname> enables TLS/SSL, but does not validate the server certificate. This is
useful for connecting to a known-good Impala that is only running over TLS/SSL, when a copy of the
certificate is not available (such as when debugging customer installations).
<row rev="1.2.2">
<entry rev="2.0.0">
Enables LDAP authentication.
<row rev="1.2.2">
<entry rev="2.0.0">
Supplies the username, when LDAP authentication is enabled by the <codeph>-l</codeph> option.
(Specify the short username, not the full LDAP distinguished name.) The shell then prompts
interactively for the password.
<row rev="2.5.0 IMPALA-1934">
Specifies a command to run to retrieve the LDAP password,
when LDAP authentication is enabled by the <codeph>-l</codeph> option.
If the command includes space-separated arguments, enclose the command and
its arguments in quotation marks.
<row rev="2.0.0">
<entry> Specifies the path of the file containing
<cmdname>impala-shell</cmdname> configuration settings. The
default is <filepath>/etc/impalarc</filepath>. This setting can
only be specified on the command line. </entry>
<row rev="2.3.0">
<entry>Prints a progress bar showing roughly the percentage complete for each query.
The information is updated interactively as the query progresses.
See <xref href="impala_live_progress.xml#live_progress"/>.</entry>
<entry>A command line flag allows users to disable live_progress in the interactive mode.</entry>
<row rev="2.3.0">
<entry>Prints a detailed report, similar to the <codeph>SUMMARY</codeph> command, showing progress details for each phase of query execution.
The information is updated interactively as the query progresses.
See <xref href="impala_live_summary.xml#live_summary"/>.</entry>
<row rev="2.5.0 IMPALA-1079">
Defines a substitution variable that can be used within the <cmdname>impala-shell</cmdname> session.
The variable can be substituted into statements processed by the <codeph>-q</codeph> or <codeph>-f</codeph> options,
or in an interactive shell session.
Within a SQL statement, you substitute the value by using the notation <codeph>${var:<varname>variable_name</varname>}</codeph>.
This feature is available in <keyword keyref="impala25_full"/> and higher.
<row rev="2.3.0 IMPALA-2143">
Allows LDAP authentication to be used with an insecure connection to the shell.
WARNING: This will allow authentication credentials to be sent unencrypted,
and hence may be vulnerable to an attack.
<entry>Protocol to use for the connection to Impala. <p>Valid
<varname>protocol</varname> values are:<ul>
<li><codeph>'hs2'</codeph>: Impala-shell uses the binary TCP
based transport to speak to the Impala Daemon via the
HiveServer2 protocol.</li>
<li><codeph>'hs2-http'</codeph>: Impala-shell uses HTTP
transport to speak to the Impala Daemon via the
HiveServer2 protocol.</li>
<li><codeph>'beeswax'</codeph>: Impala-shell uses the binary
TCP based transport to speak to the Impala Daemon via
Beeswax. This is the current default setting.</li>
</ul></p><p>You cannot connect to the 3.2 or earlier versions
of Impala using the <codeph>'hs2'</codeph> or
<codeph>'hs2-http'</codeph> option.</p><p>Beeswax support is
deprecated and will be removed in the future.</p></entry>
<concept id="shell_config_file">
<title>impala-shell Configuration File</title>
<p>You can store a set of default settings for
<cmdname>impala-shell</cmdname> in the <codeph>impala-shell</codeph>
configuration file.</p>
<p>The global <codeph>impala-shell</codeph> configuration file is located
in <codeph>/etc/impalarc</codeph>.</p>
<p>The user-level <codeph>impala-shell</codeph> configuration file is
located in <codeph>~/.impalarc</codeph>.</p>
<p>Note that the global-level file name is different from the user-level
file name. The global-level file name does not include a dot
(<filepath>.</filepath>) in the file name.</p>
<p>The default path of the global configuration file can be changed by
setting the <codeph>$IMPALA_SHELL_GLOBAL_CONFIG_FILE</codeph>
environment variable.</p>
<p>To specify a different file name or path for the user-level
configuration file, start <cmdname>impala-shell</cmdname> with the
<cmdname>impala-shell</cmdname> option set to the path of the
configuration file. </p>
<p>Typically, an administrator creates the global configuration file for
the <cmdname>impala-shell</cmdname>, and if the user-level configuration
file exists, the options set in the user configuration file take
precedence over those in the global configuration file.</p>
<p>In turn, any options you specify on the <cmdname>impala-shell</cmdname>
command line override any corresponding options within the configuration
file. </p>
<p> The <codeph>impala-shell</codeph> configuration file (global or user)
configuration file must contain a header label
<codeph>[impala]</codeph>, followed by the options specific to
<p>The <codeph>impala-shell</codeph> configuration file consists of
key-value pairs, one option per line. Everything after the
<codeph>#</codeph> character on a line is treated as a comment and
ignored. </p>
<p> The names of the options in the configuration file are similar
(although not necessarily identical) to the long-form command-line
arguments to the <cmdname>impala-shell</cmdname> command. For the names
to use, see <xref href="impala_shell_options.xml#shell_option_summary"
/>. </p>
<p>You can specify key-value pair options using <codeph>keyval</codeph>,
similar to the <codeph>--var</codeph> command-line option. For example,
<p>The query options specified in the <codeph>[impala]</codeph> section
override the options specified in the
<codeph>[impala.query_options]</codeph> section.</p>
<p> The following example shows a configuration file that you might use
during benchmarking tests. It sets verbose mode, so that the output from
each SQL query is followed by timing information.
<cmdname>impala-shell</cmdname> starts inside the database containing
the tables with the benchmark data, avoiding the need to issue a
<codeph>USE</codeph> statement or use fully qualified table names. </p>
<p> In this example, the query output is formatted as delimited text
rather than enclosed in ASCII art boxes, and is stored in a file rather
than printed to the screen. Those options are appropriate for benchmark
situations, so that the overhead of <cmdname>impala-shell</cmdname>
formatting and printing the result set does not factor into the timing
measurements. It also enables the <codeph>show_profiles</codeph> option.
That option prints detailed performance information after each query,
which might be valuable in understanding the performance of benchmark
queries. </p>
<p rev="2.11.0 IMPALA-5736"> The following example shows a configuration
file that connects to a specific remote Impala node, runs a single query
within a particular database, then exits. Any query options predefined
under the <codeph>[impala.query_options]</codeph> section in the
configuration file take effect during the session. </p>
<p> You would typically use this kind of single-purpose configuration
setting with the <cmdname>impala-shell</cmdname> command-line option
to easily select between many predefined queries that could be run
against different databases, hosts, or even different clusters. To run a
sequence of statements instead of a single query, specify the
configuration option
instead. </p>
# Issue a predefined query and immediately exit.
query=select count(*) from web_traffic where event_date = trunc(now(),'dd')
<ph rev="2.11.0 IMPALA-5736">[impala.query_options]