blob: 2e7b73c4a2ebda38e01b2e3fa41997ce63899b8f [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
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#include "gen-cpp/Logging_types.h"
namespace impala {
class Webserver;
/// Registers the required native logging functions with JNI. This allows the Java log4j
/// log messages to be forwarded to Glog. Also loads the JNI helper methods to dynamically
/// change these Java log levels.
void InitJvmLoggingSupport();
/// Helper function to convert a command line logging flag value (input as an int) to the
/// matching TLogLevel enum value.
TLogLevel::type FlagToTLogLevel(int flag);
/// Registers the call back methods for handling dynamic log level changes. Since every
/// daemon need not include an embedded jvm, dynamic log4j configuration is supported only
/// when register_log4j_handlers is true.
void RegisterLogLevelCallbacks(Webserver* webserver, bool register_log4j_handlers);
class LoggingSupport {
/// Helper function for log rotation that deletes all files matching the path pattern
/// except for the max_log_files newest. If max_log_files is <= 0, no files will
/// be deleted.
static void DeleteOldLogs(const std::string& path_pattern, int max_log_files);