blob: 63b57adbbc9479d7e09fc91b1b96e1816da9e7a9 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
// KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
#include "exec/hdfs-scan-node.h"
#include <memory>
#include <sstream>
#include "common/logging.h"
#include "exec/base-sequence-scanner.h"
#include "exec/exec-node-util.h"
#include "exec/hdfs-scanner.h"
#include "exec/scanner-context.h"
#include "runtime/blocking-row-batch-queue.h"
#include "runtime/descriptors.h"
#include "runtime/fragment-instance-state.h"
#include "runtime/io/request-context.h"
#include "runtime/mem-tracker.h"
#include "runtime/query-state.h"
#include "runtime/row-batch.h"
#include "runtime/runtime-filter.inline.h"
#include "runtime/runtime-state.h"
#include "runtime/scanner-mem-limiter.h"
#include "runtime/thread-resource-mgr.h"
#include "util/debug-util.h"
#include "util/disk-info.h"
#include "util/runtime-profile-counters.h"
#include "common/names.h"
DEFINE_int32(max_row_batches, 0,
"the maximum number of batches to queue in multithreaded HDFS scans");
#ifndef NDEBUG
using namespace impala;
using namespace impala::io;
// Amount of memory that we approximate a scanner thread will use not including I/O
// buffers. The memory used does not vary considerably between file formats (just a
// couple of MBs). This value is conservative and taken from running against the tpch
// lineitem table. Note: this is a crude heuristic to help reduce odds of OOM until
// we can remove the multithreaded scanners.
DEFINE_int64_hidden(hdfs_scanner_thread_max_estimated_bytes, 32L * 1024L * 1024L,
"Estimated bytes of memory consumed by HDFS scanner thread.");
// Estimated upper bound on the compression ratio of compressed text files. Used to
// estimate scanner thread memory usage.
// Amount of time to block waiting for GetNext() to release scanner threads between
// checking if a scanner thread should yield itself back to the global thread pool.
HdfsScanNode::HdfsScanNode(ObjectPool* pool, const HdfsScanPlanNode& pnode,
const DescriptorTbl& descs)
: HdfsScanNodeBase(pool, pnode, pnode.tnode_->hdfs_scan_node, descs) {
HdfsScanNode::~HdfsScanNode() {
Status HdfsScanNode::GetNext(RuntimeState* state, RowBatch* row_batch, bool* eos) {
ScopedGetNextEventAdder ea(this, eos);
if (!initial_ranges_issued_) {
// We do this in GetNext() to maximise the amount of work we can do while waiting for
// runtime filters to show up. The scanner threads have already started (in Open()),
// so we need to tell them there is work to do.
// TODO: This is probably not worth splitting the organisational cost of splitting
// initialisation across two places. Move to before the scanner threads start.
Status status = IssueInitialScanRanges(state);
if (!status.ok()) {
// If the status returned is CANCELLED, it could be because the
// reader_context_ was cancelled by a scanner thread which hit an error. In this
// case, the scanner thread's error must take precedence. In other cases,
// the non-ok status represents the error in ValidateScanRange() or describes
// the unsupported compression formats. For such non-CANCELLED cases, the status
// returned by IssueInitialScanRanges() takes precedence.
unique_lock<timed_mutex> l(lock_);
if (status.IsCancelled() && !status_.ok()) return status_;
return status;
// Release the scanner threads
if (progress_.done()) SetDone();
Status status = GetNextInternal(state, row_batch, eos);
if (!status.ok() || *eos) {
unique_lock<timed_mutex> l(lock_);
lock_guard<SpinLock> l2(file_type_counts_lock_);
return status;
Status HdfsScanNode::GetNextInternal(
RuntimeState* state, RowBatch* row_batch, bool* eos) {
RETURN_IF_ERROR(ExecDebugAction(TExecNodePhase::GETNEXT, state));
if (ReachedLimitShared()) {
// LIMIT 0 case. Other limit values handled below.
DCHECK_EQ(limit_, 0);
*eos = true;
return Status::OK();
*eos = false;
unique_ptr<RowBatch> materialized_batch = thread_state_.batch_queue()->GetBatch();
if (materialized_batch != NULL) {
// Note that the scanner threads may have processed and queued up extra rows before
// this thread incremented the rows returned.
if (CheckLimitAndTruncateRowBatchIfNeededShared(row_batch, eos)) SetDone();
COUNTER_SET(rows_returned_counter_, rows_returned_shared());
return Status::OK();
// The RowBatchQueue was shutdown either because all scan ranges are complete or a
// scanner thread encountered an error. Check status_ to distinguish those cases.
*eos = true;
unique_lock<timed_mutex> l(lock_);
return status_;
Status HdfsScanNode::Prepare(RuntimeState* state) {
thread_state_.Prepare(this, EstimateScannerThreadMemConsumption());
scanner_thread_reservations_denied_counter_ =
ADD_COUNTER(runtime_profile(), "NumScannerThreadReservationsDenied", TUnit::UNIT);
scanner_thread_workless_loops_counter_ =
ADD_COUNTER(runtime_profile(), "ScannerThreadWorklessLoops", TUnit::UNIT);
return Status::OK();
// This function registers the ThreadTokenAvailableCb to start up the initial scanner
// threads. Scan ranges are not issued until the first GetNext() call; scanner threads
// will block on ranges_issued_barrier_ until ranges are issued.
Status HdfsScanNode::Open(RuntimeState* state) {
ScopedOpenEventAdder ea(this);
thread_state_.Open(this, FLAGS_max_row_batches);
thread_avail_cb_id_ = runtime_state_->resource_pool()->AddThreadAvailableCb(
bind<void>(mem_fn(&HdfsScanNode::ThreadTokenAvailableCb), this, _1));
return Status::OK();
void HdfsScanNode::Close(RuntimeState* state) {
if (is_closed()) return;
if (thread_avail_cb_id_ != -1) {
#ifndef NDEBUG
// At this point, the other threads have been joined, and
// remaining_scan_range_submissions_ should be 0, if the
// query started and wasn't cancelled or exited early.
if (ranges_issued_barrier_.pending() == 0 && initial_ranges_issued_
&& progress_.done()) {
DCHECK_EQ(remaining_scan_range_submissions_.Load(), 0);
void HdfsScanNode::RangeComplete(const THdfsFileFormat::type& file_type,
const std::vector<THdfsCompression::type>& compression_type, bool skipped) {
lock_guard<SpinLock> l(file_type_counts_lock_);
HdfsScanNodeBase::RangeComplete(file_type, compression_type, skipped);
void HdfsScanNode::TransferToScanNodePool(MemPool* pool) {
unique_lock<timed_mutex> l(lock_);
void HdfsScanNode::AddMaterializedRowBatch(unique_ptr<RowBatch> row_batch) {
Status HdfsScanNode::AddDiskIoRanges(const vector<ScanRange*>& ranges,
EnqueueLocation enqueue_location) {
DCHECK_GT(remaining_scan_range_submissions_.Load(), 0);
RETURN_IF_ERROR(reader_context_->AddScanRanges(ranges, enqueue_location));
if (!ranges.empty()) ThreadTokenAvailableCb(runtime_state_->resource_pool());
return Status::OK();
int64_t HdfsScanNode::EstimateScannerThreadMemConsumption() const {
// Start with the minimum I/O buffer requirement.
int64_t est_total_bytes = resource_profile_.min_reservation;
// Next add in the other memory that we estimate the scanner thread will use,
// e.g. decompression buffers, tuple buffers, etc.
// For compressed text, we estimate this based on the file size (since the whole file
// will need to be decompressed at once). For all other formats, we use a constant.
// Note: this is crude and we could try to refine it by factoring in the number of
// columns, etc, but it is unclear how beneficial this would be.
int64_t est_non_reserved_bytes = FLAGS_hdfs_scanner_thread_max_estimated_bytes;
auto it = per_type_files_.find(THdfsFileFormat::TEXT);
if (it != per_type_files_.end()) {
for (HdfsFileDesc* file : it->second) {
if (file->file_compression != THdfsCompression::NONE) {
int64_t compressed_text_est_bytes =
est_non_reserved_bytes = max(compressed_text_est_bytes, est_non_reserved_bytes);
est_total_bytes += est_non_reserved_bytes;
return est_total_bytes;
void HdfsScanNode::ReturnReservationFromScannerThread(
const unique_lock<timed_mutex>& lock, int64_t bytes) {
DCHECK(lock.mutex() == &lock_ && lock.owns_lock());
// Release as much memory as possible. Must hold onto the minimum reservation, though.
Status status = buffer_pool_client()->DecreaseReservationTo(
bytes, resource_profile_.min_reservation);
DCHECK(status.ok()) << "Not possible, scans don't unpin pages" << status.GetDetail();
DCHECK_GE(buffer_pool_client()->GetReservation(), resource_profile_.min_reservation);
void HdfsScanNode::ThreadTokenAvailableCb(ThreadResourcePool* pool) {
// This is called to start up new scanner threads. It's not a big deal if we
// spin up more than strictly necessary since they will go through and terminate
// promptly. However, we want to minimize that by checking a conditions.
// 1. Don't start up if the ScanNode is done
// 2. Don't start up if all the ranges have been taken by another thread.
// 3. Don't start up if the number of ranges left is less than the number of
// active scanner threads.
// 4. Don't start up if no initial ranges have been issued (see IMPALA-1722).
// 5. Don't start up a ScannerThread if the row batch queue is not full since
// we are not scanner bound.
// 6. Don't start up a thread if there is not enough memory available for the
// estimated memory consumption (include reservation and non-reserved memory).
// 7. Don't start up a thread if it is an extra thread and we can't reserve another
// minimum reservation's worth of memory for the thread.
// 8. Don't start up more than maximum number of scanner threads configured.
// 9. Don't start up if there are no thread tokens.
// Case 4. We have not issued the initial ranges so don't start a scanner thread.
// Issuing ranges will call this function and we'll start the scanner threads then.
// TODO: It would be good to have a test case for that.
if (!initial_ranges_issued_) return;
ScannerMemLimiter* scanner_mem_limiter =
Status status = Status::OK();
while (true) {
// The lock must be given up between loops in order to give writers to done_,
// all_ranges_started_ etc. a chance to grab the lock.
// IMPALA-8322: Another thread can hold this lock for significant periods of time
// if the scan node is being cancelled. Since this function can be called while
// holding other locks that can block other threads (e.g. ThreadResourceMgr::lock_),
// avoid blocking unnecessarily. There are two remedies. First, we do a check of
// done() to try to avoid acquiring the lock_, as there is nothing to do if
// the scan node is done. Second, this uses a timeout of 10 milliseconds when
// acquiring the lock_ to allow a periodic check of done(). The 10 millisecond
// timeout is arbitrary.
// TODO: This still leans heavily on starvation-free locks, come up with a more
// correct way to communicate between this method and ScannerThread().
if (done()) break;
unique_lock<timed_mutex> lock(lock_, boost::chrono::milliseconds(10));
if (!lock.owns_lock()) {
const int64_t num_active_scanner_threads = thread_state_.GetNumActive();
const bool first_thread = num_active_scanner_threads == 0;
const int64_t est_mem = thread_state_.estimated_per_thread_mem();
const int64_t scanner_thread_reservation = resource_profile_.min_reservation;
// Cases 1, 2, 3.
if (done() || all_ranges_started_ ||
num_active_scanner_threads >= progress_.remaining()) {
if (!first_thread) {
// Cases 5, 6 and 7.
if (thread_state_.batch_queue()->IsFull()) break;
if (!scanner_mem_limiter->ClaimMemoryForScannerThread(this, est_mem)) {
COUNTER_ADD(thread_state_.scanner_thread_mem_unavailable_counter(), 1);
// The node's min reservation is for the first thread so we don't need to check
if (!buffer_pool_client()->IncreaseReservation(scanner_thread_reservation)) {
scanner_mem_limiter->ReleaseMemoryForScannerThread(this, est_mem);
COUNTER_ADD(scanner_thread_reservations_denied_counter_, 1);
// Case 8 and 9.
if (first_thread) {
// The first thread is required to make progress on the scan.
} else if (thread_state_.GetNumActive() >= thread_state_.max_num_scanner_threads()
|| !pool->TryAcquireThreadToken()) {
scanner_mem_limiter->ReleaseMemoryForScannerThread(this, est_mem);
ReturnReservationFromScannerThread(lock, scanner_thread_reservation);
string name = Substitute("scanner-thread (finst:$0, plan-node-id:$1, thread-idx:$2)",
PrintId(runtime_state_->fragment_instance_id()), id(),
auto fn = [this, first_thread, scanner_thread_reservation]() {
this->ScannerThread(first_thread, scanner_thread_reservation);
std::unique_ptr<Thread> t;
status = Thread::Create(
FragmentInstanceState::FINST_THREAD_GROUP_NAME, name, fn, &t, true);
if (!status.ok()) {
if (!first_thread) {
scanner_mem_limiter->ReleaseMemoryForScannerThread(this, est_mem);
ReturnReservationFromScannerThread(lock, scanner_thread_reservation);
// Release the token and skip running callbacks to find a replacement. Skipping
// serves two purposes. First, it prevents a mutual recursion between this function
// and ReleaseThreadToken()->InvokeCallbacks(). Second, Thread::Create() failed and
// is likely to continue failing for future callbacks.
pool->ReleaseThreadToken(first_thread, true);
// Abort the query. This is still holding the lock_, so done_ is known to be
// false and status_ must be ok.
discard_result(ExecDebugAction(TExecNodePhase::SCANNER_ERROR, runtime_state_));
// Thread successfully started
void HdfsScanNode::ScannerThread(bool first_thread, int64_t scanner_thread_reservation) {
// Make thread-local copy of filter contexts to prune scan ranges, and to pass to the
// scanner for finer-grained filtering. Use a thread-local MemPool for the filter
// contexts as the embedded expression evaluators may allocate from it and MemPool
// is not thread safe.
MemPool filter_mem_pool(expr_mem_tracker());
MemPool expr_results_pool(expr_mem_tracker());
vector<FilterContext> filter_ctxs;
Status filter_status = Status::OK();
for (auto& filter_ctx: filter_ctxs_) {
FilterContext filter;
filter_status = filter.CloneFrom(filter_ctx, pool_, runtime_state_, &filter_mem_pool,
if (!filter_status.ok()) break;
while (!done()) {
// Prevent memory accumulating across scan ranges.
// Check if we have enough thread tokens to keep using this optional thread. This
// check is racy: multiple threads may notice that the optional tokens are exceeded
// and shut themselves down. If we shut down too many and there are more optional
// tokens, ThreadAvailableCb() will be invoked again.
if (!first_thread && runtime_state_->resource_pool()->optional_exceeded()) break;
bool unused = false;
// Wake up every SCANNER_THREAD_COUNTERS to yield scanner threads back if unused, or
// to return if there's an error.
ranges_issued_barrier_.Wait(SCANNER_THREAD_WAIT_TIME_MS, &unused);
// Take a snapshot of remaining_scan_range_submissions before calling
// StartNextScanRange(). We don't want it to go to zero between the return from
// StartNextScanRange() and the check for when all ranges are complete.
int remaining_scan_range_submissions = remaining_scan_range_submissions_.Load();
ScanRange* scan_range;
Status status = StartNextScanRange(&scanner_thread_reservation, &scan_range);
if (!status.ok()) {
unique_lock<timed_mutex> l(lock_);
// If there was already an error, the main thread will do the cleanup
if (!status_.ok()) break;
// Invoke SetDoneInternal() with the error status (which shuts down the
// RowBatchQueue) to ensure that GetNextInternal() notices the error.
if (scan_range != nullptr) {
// Got a scan range. Process the range end to end (in this thread).
ProcessSplit(filter_status.ok() ? filter_ctxs : vector<FilterContext>(),
&expr_results_pool, scan_range, &scanner_thread_reservation);
// Done with range and it completed successfully
if (progress_.done()) {
// All ranges are finished. Indicate we are done.
if (scan_range == nullptr && remaining_scan_range_submissions == 0) {
unique_lock<timed_mutex> l(lock_);
// All ranges have been queued and DiskIoMgr has no more new ranges for this scan
// node to process. This means that every range is either done or being processed by
// another thread.
all_ranges_started_ = true;
// Stop extra threads if we're over a soft limit in order to free up memory.
if (!first_thread &&
(mem_tracker_->AnyLimitExceeded(MemLimit::SOFT) ||
VLOG_QUERY << "Soft memory limit exceeded. Extra scanner thread exiting.";
if (scan_range == nullptr) COUNTER_ADD(scanner_thread_workless_loops_counter_, 1);
unique_lock<timed_mutex> l(lock_);
ReturnReservationFromScannerThread(l, scanner_thread_reservation);
for (auto& ctx: filter_ctxs) ctx.expr_eval->Close(runtime_state_);
if (!first_thread) {
// Memory for the first thread is released in thread_state_.Close().
this, thread_state_.estimated_per_thread_mem());
void HdfsScanNode::ProcessSplit(const vector<FilterContext>& filter_ctxs,
MemPool* expr_results_pool, ScanRange* scan_range,
int64_t* scanner_thread_reservation) {
DCHECK(scan_range != nullptr);
ScanRangeMetadata* metadata = static_cast<ScanRangeMetadata*>(scan_range->meta_data());
int64_t partition_id = metadata->partition_id;
HdfsPartitionDescriptor* partition = hdfs_table_->GetPartition(partition_id);
DCHECK(partition != nullptr) << "table_id=" << hdfs_table_->id()
<< " partition_id=" << partition_id
<< "\n" << PrintThrift(runtime_state_->instance_ctx());
if (!PartitionPassesFilters(partition_id, FilterStats::SPLITS_KEY, filter_ctxs)) {
// Avoid leaking unread buffers in scan_range.
scan_range->Cancel(Status::CancelledInternal("HDFS partition pruning"));
HdfsFileDesc* desc = GetFileDesc(partition_id, *scan_range->file_string());
if (metadata->is_sequence_header) {
// File ranges haven't been issued yet, skip entire file.
SkipFile(partition->file_format(), desc);
} else {
// Mark this scan range as done.
HdfsScanNodeBase::RangeComplete(partition->file_format(), desc->file_compression,
ScannerContext context(runtime_state_, this, buffer_pool_client(),
*scanner_thread_reservation, partition, filter_ctxs, expr_results_pool);
context.AddStream(scan_range, *scanner_thread_reservation);
scoped_ptr<HdfsScanner> scanner;
Status status = CreateAndOpenScannerHelper(partition, &context, &scanner);
if (!status.ok()) {
// If preparation fails, avoid leaking unread buffers in the scan_range.
stringstream ss;
ss << "Error preparing scanner for scan range " << scan_range->file() <<
"(" << scan_range->offset() << ":" << scan_range->len() << "). ";
ss << status.msg().msg() << endl << runtime_state_->ErrorLog();
VLOG_QUERY << ss.str();
// Ensure that the error is propagated before marking a range as complete (The
// scanner->Close() call marks a scan range as complete).
if (scanner != nullptr) scanner->Close();
status = scanner->ProcessSplit();
if (!status.ok()) {
if (VLOG_QUERY_IS_ON && !status.IsCancelled()) {
// This thread hit an error, record it and bail
stringstream ss;
ss << "Scan node (id=" << id() << ") ran into a parse error for scan range "
<< scan_range->file() << "(" << scan_range->offset() << ":" << scan_range->len()
<< ").";
// Parquet doesn't read the range end to end so the current offset isn't useful.
// TODO: make sure the parquet reader is outputting as much diagnostic
// information as possible.
if (partition->file_format() != THdfsFileFormat::PARQUET) {
ScannerContext::Stream* stream = context.GetStream();
ss << " Processed " << stream->total_bytes_returned() << " bytes.";
VLOG_QUERY << ss.str();
// If status is the first non-ok status returned by any scanner thread, update
// HdfsScanNodeBase::status_ variable and notify other scanner threads. Ensure that
// status_ is updated before marking a range as complete (The scanner->Close() call
// marks a scan range as complete).
// Transfer remaining resources to a final batch and add it to the row batch queue and
// decrement progress_ to indicate that the scan range is complete.
// Reservation may have been increased by the scanner, e.g. Parquet may allocate
// additional reservation to scan columns.
*scanner_thread_reservation = context.total_reservation();
void HdfsScanNode::SetDoneInternal(const Status& status) {
// If the scan node is already in the done state, do nothing.
if (done()) return;
if (!status.ok()) status_ = status;
// TODO: Cancelling the RequestContext will wait on in-flight IO. We should
// investigate dropping the lock_ or restructuring this cancel.
if (reader_context_ != nullptr) reader_context_->Cancel();
void HdfsScanNode::SetDone() {
unique_lock<timed_mutex> l(lock_);
void HdfsScanNode::SetError(const Status& status) {
discard_result(ExecDebugAction(TExecNodePhase::SCANNER_ERROR, runtime_state_));
unique_lock<timed_mutex> l(lock_);