blob: c365f69b0d2f1a173af109360a91b3fd93d794cd [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
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// specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
#include "exec/buffered-plan-root-sink.h"
#include "service/query-result-set.h"
#include "common/names.h"
namespace impala {
const int BufferedPlanRootSink::MAX_FETCH_SIZE;
/// If the fetch size is <= 0, the default number of RowBatches to return in one call to
/// 'GetNext'.
const int FETCH_NUM_BATCHES = 10;
BufferedPlanRootSink::BufferedPlanRootSink(TDataSinkId sink_id,
const DataSinkConfig& sink_config, RuntimeState* state,
const TDebugOptions& debug_options)
: PlanRootSink(sink_id, sink_config, state),
debug_options_(debug_options) {}
Status BufferedPlanRootSink::Prepare(
RuntimeState* state, MemTracker* parent_mem_tracker) {
RETURN_IF_ERROR(PlanRootSink::Prepare(state, parent_mem_tracker));
row_batches_send_wait_timer_ = ADD_TIMER(profile(), "RowBatchSendWaitTime");
row_batches_get_wait_timer_ = ADD_TIMER(profile(), "RowBatchGetWaitTime");
return Status::OK();
Status BufferedPlanRootSink::Open(RuntimeState* state) {
// Debug action before Open is called.
RETURN_IF_ERROR(DebugAction(state->query_options(), "BPRS_BEFORE_OPEN"));
current_batch_ = make_unique<RowBatch>(row_desc_, state->batch_size(), mem_tracker());
batch_queue_.reset(new SpillableRowBatchQueue(name_,
state->query_options().max_spilled_result_spooling_mem, state, mem_tracker(),
profile(), row_desc_, resource_profile_, debug_options_));
return Status::OK();
Status BufferedPlanRootSink::Send(RuntimeState* state, RowBatch* batch) {
// If the batch is empty, we have nothing to do so just return Status::OK().
if (batch->num_rows() == 0) return Status::OK();
// Close should only be called by the producer thread, no RowBatches should be sent
// after the sink is closed.
PlanRootSink::ValidateCollectionSlots(*row_desc_, batch);
RETURN_IF_ERROR(PlanRootSink::UpdateAndCheckRowsProducedLimit(state, batch));
// Add the copied batch to the RowBatch queue and wake up the consumer thread if it is
// waiting for rows to process.
unique_lock<mutex> l(lock_);
// If the queue is full, wait for the producer thread to read batches from it.
while (!state->is_cancelled() && batch_queue_->IsFull()) {
// Debug action before AddBatch is called.
RETURN_IF_ERROR(DebugAction(state->query_options(), "BPRS_BEFORE_ADD_BATCH"));
// Add the batch to the queue and then notify the consumer that rows are available.
// Release the lock before calling notify so the consumer thread can immediately acquire
// the lock.
return Status::OK();
Status BufferedPlanRootSink::FlushFinal(RuntimeState* state) {
// Debug action before FlushFinal is called.
RETURN_IF_ERROR(DebugAction(state->query_options(), "BPRS_BEFORE_FLUSH_FINAL"));
unique_lock<mutex> l(lock_);
sender_state_ = SenderState::EOS;
// If no batches are ever added, wake up the consumer thread so it can check the
// SenderState and return appropriately.
// Wait until the consumer has read all rows from the batch_queue_.
return Status::OK();
void BufferedPlanRootSink::Close(RuntimeState* state) {
unique_lock<mutex> l(lock_);
// FlushFinal() won't have been called when the fragment instance encounters an error
// before sending all rows.
if (sender_state_ == SenderState::ROWS_PENDING) {
sender_state_ = SenderState::CLOSED_NOT_EOS;
if (current_batch_row_ != 0) {
if (batch_queue_ != nullptr) batch_queue_->Close();
// While it should be safe to call NotifyOne() here, prefer to use NotifyAll() to
// ensure that all sleeping threads are awoken. The call to NotifyAll() is not on the
// fast path so any overhead from calling it should be negligible.
void BufferedPlanRootSink::Cancel(RuntimeState* state) {
// Wake up all sleeping threads so they can check the cancellation state.
// While it should be safe to call NotifyOne() here, prefer to use NotifyAll() to
// ensure that all sleeping threads are awoken. The calls to NotifyAll() are not on the
// fast path so any overhead from calling it should be negligible.
Status BufferedPlanRootSink::GetNext(RuntimeState* state, QueryResultSet* results,
int num_results, bool* eos, int64_t timeout_us) {
// Used to track how long the consumer waits for RowBatches to be produced and
// materialized.
DCHECK_GE(timeout_us, 0);
MonotonicStopWatch wait_timeout_timer;
unique_lock<mutex> l(lock_);
*eos = false;
// Cap the maximum number of results fetched by this call to GetNext so that the
// resulting QueryResultSet does not consume excessive amounts of memory.
num_results = min(num_results, MAX_FETCH_SIZE);
// Track the number of rows read from the queue and the number of rows to read.
int num_rows_read = 0;
// If 'num_results' <= 0 then by default fetch FETCH_NUM_BATCHES batches.
const int num_rows_to_read =
num_results <= 0 ? FETCH_NUM_BATCHES * state->batch_size() : num_results;
// True if the consumer timed out waiting for the producer to send rows or if the
// consumer timed out while materializing rows, false otherwise.
bool timed_out = false;
// Read from the queue until the query is cancelled or the sink is closed, eos is
// hit, all requested rows have been read, or the timeout has been hit.
while (!IsCancelledOrClosed(state) && !*eos && num_rows_read < num_rows_to_read
&& !timed_out) {
// Wait for the queue to have rows in it.
while (!IsCancelledOrClosed(state) && IsQueueEmpty(state)
&& sender_state_ == SenderState::ROWS_PENDING && !timed_out) {
if (timeout_us == 0) {
} else {
// Wait fetch_rows_timeout_us_ - row_batches_get_wait_timer_ microseconds for
// rows to become available before returning to the client. Subtracting
// wait_timeout_timer ensures the client only ever waits up to
// fetch_rows_timeout_us_ microseconds before returning.
int64_t wait_duration_us = max(static_cast<int64_t>(1),
timeout_us - static_cast<int64_t>(round(
wait_timeout_timer.ElapsedTime() / NANOS_PER_MICRO)));
timed_out = !rows_available_.WaitFor(l, wait_duration_us);
// If the query was cancelled while the sink was waiting for rows to become
// available, or if the query was cancelled before the current call to GetNext, set
// eos and then return. The queue could be empty if the sink was closed while
// waiting for rows to become available, or if the sink was closed before the
// current call to GetNext.
if (!IsCancelledOrClosed(state) && !IsQueueEmpty(state)) {
// If current_batch_ is empty, then read directly from the queue.
if (current_batch_row_ == 0) {
// Debug action before GetBatch is called.
RETURN_IF_ERROR(DebugAction(state->query_options(), "BPRS_BEFORE_GET_BATCH"));
// After reading a RowBatch from the queue, it now has additional capacity,
// notify the producer so it can add more RowBatches. Even though the lock is
// still held when batch_queue_has_capacity_ is notified, the lock may be
// released if the current thread waits on rows_available_.
// Set the number of rows to be fetched from 'current_batch_'. Either read all
// remaining rows in the batch, or read up to the 'num_rows_to_read' limit.
int num_rows_to_fetch = min(current_batch_->num_rows() - current_batch_row_,
num_rows_to_read - num_rows_read);
DCHECK_GE(num_rows_to_fetch, 0);
// Read rows from 'current_batch_' and add them to 'results'.
RETURN_IF_ERROR(results->AddRows(output_expr_evals_, current_batch_.get(),
current_batch_row_, num_rows_to_fetch));
num_rows_read += num_rows_to_fetch;
current_batch_row_ += num_rows_to_fetch;
// If all rows have been read from 'current_batch_' then reset the batch and its
// index.
DCHECK_LE(current_batch_row_, current_batch_->num_rows());
if (current_batch_row_ == current_batch_->num_rows()) {
current_batch_row_ = 0;
// Prevent expr result allocations from accumulating.
timed_out =
timed_out || wait_timeout_timer.ElapsedTime() / NANOS_PER_MICRO >= timeout_us;
// If we have read all rows, then break out of the while loop.
*eos = IsGetNextEos(state);
// If the query was cancelled while reading rows, update eos and return.
*eos = IsGetNextEos(state);
if (*eos) consumer_eos_.NotifyOne();
return state->GetQueryStatus();
} // namespace impala