blob: 5a93599a4b0998bf7b3de76337a564001e555f7a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2011 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
// This is a library of legacy hashing routines. These routines are still in
// use, but are not encouraged for any new code, and may be removed at some
// point in the future.
// New code should use one of the targeted libraries that provide hash
// interfaces for the types needed. See //util/hash/README for details.
#include "gutil/integral_types.h"
#include "gutil/hash/builtin_type_hash.h"
#include "gutil/hash/string_hash.h"
// Hash8, Hash16 and Hash32 are for legacy use only.
typedef uint32 Hash32;
typedef uint16 Hash16;
typedef uint8 Hash8;
const Hash32 kIllegalHash32 = static_cast<Hash32>(0xffffffffUL);
const Hash16 kIllegalHash16 = static_cast<Hash16>(0xffff);
static const uint32 MIX32 = 0x12b9b0a1UL; // pi; an arbitrary number
static const uint64 MIX64 = GG_ULONGLONG(0x2b992ddfa23249d6); // more of pi
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// HashTo32()
// HashTo16()
// These functions take various types of input (through operator
// overloading) and return 32 or 16 bit quantities, respectively.
// The basic rule of our hashing is: always mix(). Thus, even for
// char outputs we cast to a uint32 and mix with two arbitrary numbers.
// HashTo32 never returns kIllegalHash32, and similary,
// HashTo16 never returns kIllegalHash16.
// Note that these methods avoid returning certain reserved values, while
// the corresponding HashXXStringWithSeed() methods may return any value.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// This macro defines the HashTo32 and HashTo16 versions all in one go.
// It takes the argument list and a command that hashes your number.
// (For 16 we just mod retval before returning it.) Example:
// HASH_TO((char c), Hash32NumWithSeed(c, MIX32_1))
// evaluates to
// uint32 retval;
// retval = Hash32NumWithSeed(c, MIX32_1);
// return retval == kIllegalHash32 ? retval-1 : retval;
#define HASH_TO(arglist, command) \
inline uint32 HashTo32 arglist { \
uint32 retval = command; \
return retval == kIllegalHash32 ? retval-1 : retval; \
// This defines:
// HashToXX(char *s, int slen);
// HashToXX(char c);
// etc
HASH_TO((const char *s, uint32 slen), Hash32StringWithSeed(s, slen, MIX32))
HASH_TO((const wchar_t *s, uint32 slen),
Hash32StringWithSeed(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(s),
static_cast<uint32>(sizeof(wchar_t) * slen),
HASH_TO((char c), Hash32NumWithSeed(static_cast<uint32>(c), MIX32))
HASH_TO((schar c), Hash32NumWithSeed(static_cast<uint32>(c), MIX32))
HASH_TO((uint16 c), Hash32NumWithSeed(static_cast<uint32>(c), MIX32))
HASH_TO((int16 c), Hash32NumWithSeed(static_cast<uint32>(c), MIX32))
HASH_TO((uint32 c), Hash32NumWithSeed(static_cast<uint32>(c), MIX32))
HASH_TO((int32 c), Hash32NumWithSeed(static_cast<uint32>(c), MIX32))
HASH_TO((uint64 c), static_cast<uint32>(Hash64NumWithSeed(c, MIX64) >> 32))
HASH_TO((int64 c), static_cast<uint32>(Hash64NumWithSeed(c, MIX64) >> 32))
#undef HASH_TO // clean up the macro space
inline uint16 HashTo16(const char *s, uint32 slen) {
uint16 retval = Hash32StringWithSeed(s, slen, MIX32) >> 16;
return retval == kIllegalHash16 ? static_cast<uint16>(retval-1) : retval;