blob: ba960640b197a2e6f5861c233a3f7e77a0a4bbe6 [file] [log] [blame]
select i_item_desc
,sum(case when p_promo_sk is null then 1 else 0 end) no_promo
,sum(case when p_promo_sk is not null then 1 else 0 end) promo
,count(*) total_cnt
from catalog_sales
join inventory on (cs_item_sk = inv_item_sk)
join warehouse on (w_warehouse_sk=inv_warehouse_sk)
join item on (i_item_sk = cs_item_sk)
join customer_demographics on (cs_bill_cdemo_sk = cd_demo_sk)
join household_demographics on (cs_bill_hdemo_sk = hd_demo_sk)
join date_dim d1 on (cs_sold_date_sk = d1.d_date_sk)
join date_dim d2 on (inv_date_sk = d2.d_date_sk)
join date_dim d3 on (cs_ship_date_sk = d3.d_date_sk)
left outer join promotion on (cs_promo_sk=p_promo_sk)
left outer join catalog_returns on (cr_item_sk = cs_item_sk and cr_order_number = cs_order_number)
where d1.d_week_seq = d2.d_week_seq
and inv_quantity_on_hand < cs_quantity
and cast(d3.d_date as timestamp) > (cast(d1.d_date as timestamp) + interval 5 days)
and hd_buy_potential = '>10000'
and d1.d_year = 1999
and cd_marital_status = 'D'
group by i_item_desc,w_warehouse_name,d1.d_week_seq
order by total_cnt desc, i_item_desc, w_warehouse_name, d_week_seq
limit 100;
'Best possible ages tell together new, st','Conventional childr',5213,0,2,2
'Closed, good condition','Doors canno',5169,0,2,2
'Departments make once again police. Very acceptable results call still extended, known ends; relationships shoot strangely. Acids shall discharge in order ethnic, ric','NULL',5168,0,2,2
'Futures should enjoy able galleries. Late blue tickets pass longer urgently dead types. Shoulders will see rigidly institutions. Other con','Conventional childr',5210,0,2,2
'Good, open studies dream more; industrial, social organisations could understand recently quick tall theories. Lines must answer functions; subtle factor','Important issues liv',5214,0,2,2
'Hard sudden aspects shall not commemorate about a functions. Western, british cases see here churches. Stairs a','Doors canno',5212,0,2,2
'High, essential groups should not weigh more other years; there different papers could announce; large departments c','Important issues liv',5198,0,2,2
'Just young partie','Important issues liv',5213,0,2,2
'Levels undermine unfortunately efficient weeks','NULL',5210,0,2,2
'New, full rises drive however. Legs retain often in a women. Remaining, parliamentary miles may help nevertheless rather full pupils. Glad crimes might','Bad cards must make.',5217,0,2,2
'Provisions go too. Sad others contain italian branches. Keys k','Bad cards must make.',5213,0,2,2
'Provisions go too. Sad others contain italian branches. Keys k','Doors canno',5213,0,2,2
'Shortly desperate nat','Conventional childr',5210,0,2,2
'True tears continue currently pale, close men. Soon medical numbers might not take other, ','Important issues liv',5199,0,2,2
'White employees name; figures feed sure. Speeches can achieve. Extremely final seats may exist too all religious studies. Medite','Bad cards must make.',5168,0,2,2
'Words use up a documents. Collections may','Conventional childr',5168,0,2,2
'Words use up a documents. Collections may','Important issues liv',5168,0,2,2
'A little average flames ought to break old, unique men. Things select often red, economic others. Hands will lift sufficiently; german, proper sections worry perhaps for the po','NULL',5212,0,1,1
'Abilities would not require almost; local','Bad cards must make.',5197,0,1,1
'Able','Conventional childr',5177,0,1,1
'Able hands help however inevitable policemen. Far true matters will not forgive never hands. Absolutely french events stop now. Well able procedures unde','Conventional childr',5195,0,1,1
'Able hands help however inevitable policemen. Far true matters will not forgive never hands. Absolutely french events stop now. Well able procedures unde','Doors canno',5195,0,1,1
'Able, alternative police shall not give so other complaints. There complex ','NULL',5212,0,1,1
'Able, long mammals can want new, serious years. Questions would not cope again mainly unable contributions. Less responsible shelves lose records; leading, similar ','Important issues liv',5170,0,1,1
'Able, main parties think really. Resources arrive only independent, old representations. Small, double advantages ','Doors canno',5213,0,1,1
'Able, main parties think really. Resources arrive only independent, old representations. Small, double advantages ','Important issues liv',5180,0,1,1
'About international concentrations could avoid then alone apparent activities; inadequate, mediterranean days get eve','Important issues liv',5215,0,1,1
'About natural economie','Bad cards must make.',5202,0,1,1
'About other levels should proceed certainly fine, severe facts.','Important issues liv',5210,0,1,1
'About working feelings could produce only types. Electoral, new visitors will not make more afraid, large tr','NULL',5197,0,1,1
'Absolutely','Bad cards must make.',5203,0,1,1
'Absolutely','Doors canno',5203,0,1,1
'Absolutely ','NULL',5206,0,1,1
'Absolutely front men turn spatial hours. Good, free sales used to marry outside appropriate ships. Noble men sa','NULL',5207,0,1,1
'Absolutely old payments will b','Doors canno',5216,0,1,1
'Accused men cannot increase e','Important issues liv',5207,0,1,1
'Acids grab below previous standards. Ever large metals will come on a articles. Underlying stories protect at last. Reasonable directions believe rather due to a','Bad cards must make.',5169,0,1,1
'Active plants need necessary, widespread roads. Best back visits hold regularly fresh friend','Conventional childr',5209,0,1,1
'Active plants need necessary, widespread roads. Best back visits hold regularly fresh friend','NULL',5209,0,1,1
'Active windows shall not find small, relig','Conventional childr',5203,0,1,1
'Actively different proceedings light yet so similar houses. Good circumstances shall not take only levels. Then moral pounds will clean very only national organisations. ','NULL',5183,0,1,1
'Activities say. Right lips resort current techniques. Regional, possible daughters might not present changes; students can notice ridiculous, l','Conventional childr',5192,0,1,1
'Acts','Bad cards must make.',5218,0,1,1
'Acts','Conventional childr',5218,0,1,1
'Actual, grey hands giv','NULL',5214,0,1,1
'Acute, important performances afford. New, nuclear men used to assess again small results.','NULL',5187,0,1,1
'Added, similar grounds spend also concrete terms. Fellow, mass','Important issues liv',5206,0,1,1
'Additional, terrible characters shall examine. Ago lexical conditions get into a weeks. Barely trying results perform still hot men. Great kinds end also committees. Police should live only on the ','Doors canno',5216,0,1,1
'Additional, terrible characters shall examine. Ago lexical conditions get into a weeks. Barely trying results perform still hot men. Great kinds end also committees. Police should live only on the ','Important issues liv',5214,0,1,1
'Adequate things reassure unknown legs. Old, possible bishops shall locate else during a companies; bitter, alone ','Bad cards must make.',5206,0,1,1
'Adequately unemployed aspects ought to keep on a years. Years get somewhere sometimes late examples; laws must shape determined stones. Recently real decisions may cost now other female thousands. ','Conventional childr',5214,0,1,1
'Adequately unemployed aspects ought to keep on a years. Years get somewhere sometimes late examples; laws must shape determined stones. Recently real decisions may cost now other female thousands. ','Important issues liv',5214,0,1,1
'Adults throw close recent women. Orange, guilty libraries let earnings. Initiatives ought to walk. Simple, successful states might work eventually full orders. Formerly very ','Bad cards must make.',5206,0,1,1
'Adults throw close recent women. Orange, guilty libraries let earnings. Initiatives ought to walk. Simple, successful states might work eventually full orders. Formerly very ','NULL',5206,0,1,1
'Advanced, certain fields miss electronically for the books. Open measures match therefore s','Doors canno',5196,0,1,1
'Advanced, certain fields miss electronically for the books. Open measures match therefore s','Important issues liv',5210,0,1,1
'Advantages go small. Organisers could make of course like a problems; probably reasonable humans shall attract categories. Agencies will enable much heavy matters. Stair','Doors canno',5186,0,1,1
'Advantages go small. Organisers could make of course like a problems; probably reasonable humans shall attract categories. Agencies will enable much heavy matters. Stair','Important issues liv',5186,0,1,1
'Advantages go small. Organisers could make of course like a problems; probably reasonable humans shall attract categories. Agencies will enable much heavy matters. Stair','NULL',5206,0,1,1
'Afraid years suspend much building','NULL',5171,0,1,1
'Afraid, grey officers mean costly institutions. Societi','Conventional childr',5199,0,1,1
'Afraid, old meals will get chronic, strong applicants. Arms could look with a needs. Hence wor','Important issues liv',5210,0,1,1
'Afraid, southern problems need according to a dec','Conventional childr',5207,0,1,1
'Afraid, southern problems need according to a dec','Important issues liv',5207,0,1,1
'Again available bags breathe good circumstances. Thus final cases must ','Bad cards must make.',5214,0,1,1
'Again available bags breathe good circumstances. Thus final cases must ','Conventional childr',5218,0,1,1
'Again judicial colours may blame fully british strange groups. Rules shall cover probably participants. W','NULL',5214,0,1,1
'Again small deaths could flou','Bad cards must make.',5175,0,1,1
'Agencies shall not consider false in a others. Obviously interesting authorities come anyway men. Small, ','Important issues liv',5206,0,1,1
'Agents see companies. Weekly clergy might not enable always mere studies. Men throw possible relations. Then static rights wr','Conventional childr',5209,0,1,1
'Ago foreign writings leave; even considerable artists let fully then minimal workers. Clear ministers keep. Specifically dry men increase central tests. Living, alternative meanings ought','Important issues liv',5180,0,1,1
'Ago regional objects finish courts. Large, serio','Bad cards must make.',5187,0,1,1
'Agricultural, difficult engines marry according to the things; instances shall not go however quietly statutory images. Still sharp patients work no doubt producers. Magazines ','Doors canno',5210,0,1,1
'Agricultural, selective groups follow much worthwhile panels. Fully sim','Bad cards must make.',5207,0,1,1
'Aims play already','Doors canno',5198,0,1,1
'All ','Bad cards must make.',5175,0,1,1
'All ','Important issues liv',5210,0,1,1
'All numerous reasons explain upper teachers; necessary, inte','Bad cards must make.',5181,0,1,1
'All realistic employees should attempt all only expert parties. Complete days cannot come as possible rules. Normal candidates would not pay there improved, o','Doors canno',5204,0,1,1
'All right deliberate difficulties wait still between a seats; final, actual jobs may mee','Bad cards must make.',5212,0,1,1
'All right deliberate difficulties wait still between a seats; final, actual jobs may mee','Conventional childr',5174,0,1,1
'All right used men must demand. Visual companies take entirely inhabitants; forward common hands hear here local customers. So traditional questions shal','Doors canno',5188,0,1,1
'Alm','Important issues liv',5204,0,1,1
'Almost armed animals will maintain always pure, professional days; differe','Conventional childr',5175,0,1,1
'Almost armed animals will maintain always pure, professional days; differe','Doors canno',5175,0,1,1
'Almost armed animals will maintain always pure, professional days; differe','Important issues liv',5175,0,1,1
'Almost low provisions suggest to','Conventional childr',5211,0,1,1
'Almost separate f','Bad cards must make.',5215,0,1,1
'Almost separate f','NULL',5215,0,1,1
'Alone days must undertake children; pages will face cases. Days fit especially black standards. Certain, involved numbers may not intend high, ','Conventional childr',5176,0,1,1
'Alone relevant nights pretend so complete years. Currently new unions make horizontally bills. Most political troops could give most possible, australian elements; flowers shall recall most pop','Important issues liv',5212,0,1,1
'Alone working-class dates open from a issues. Most european concessions will not tell personal areas; central, poor officials might not act ','Doors canno',5197,0,1,1
'Alone, small conditions get either likely companies. Inner, long-term patients make hot rebels. Procedures see fi','Important issues liv',5215,0,1,1
'Already european mothers ought to impose big ever fixed parents. Dominant groups say even. Here basic weeks set as winners. Modern, young prayers release very environ','Doors canno',5215,0,1,1
'Also f','Doors canno',5192,0,1,1
'Also good subjects cannot clean then then difficult gaps. Good, sorry methods divert perhaps. Whit','Bad cards must make.',5211,0,1,1
'Also public waves will not bomb yesterday methods. Eyes ','NULL',5183,0,1,1
'Also real details used to travel for the articles. A bit anonymous factors aim there early, clean standards. Normal grounds weaken in a times; significant wheels cannot help black studies. Right l','Important issues liv',5199,0,1,1
'Also silent nurses find also fully mental priorities. Savings shall bring naturally silent e','Conventional childr',5168,0,1,1
---- TYPES