blob: 0fecab56192e5e2d26719a71ee8c695a2e4f1726 [file] [log] [blame]
avg(revenue) as ave
sum(ss_sales_price) as revenue
ss_sold_date_sk = d_date_sk
and d_month_seq between 1176 and 1176 + 11
group by
) sa
group by
) sb,
sum(ss_sales_price) as revenue
ss_sold_date_sk = d_date_sk
and d_month_seq between 1176 and 1176 + 11
group by
) sc
sb.ss_store_sk = sc.ss_store_sk
and sc.revenue <= 0.1 * sb.ave
and s_store_sk = sc.ss_store_sk
and i_item_sk = sc.ss_item_sk
order by
limit 100;
'able','Commercial, popular processes give later now wooden facts. Black, outer purposes examine national, precise heels. Invisible times s',36.06,5.25,1.68,'amalgedu pack #1'
'able','Conventional, responsible products discuss delicately then actual findings. Extremel',36.42,3.67,2.82,'namelessnameless #5'
'able','Difficulties wou',25.25,6.61,2.31,'importobrand #7'
'able','Efforts might come ever. Even agricultural operations live plus a members. Arts may ring too carefully numerous windows. In particular new ch',22.13,1.49,0.95,'edu packamalg #2'
'able','Even chief games can present privately extra whole steps. Over old reasons ought to ',21.58,4.30,1.41,'namelesscorp #3'
'able','Initial, important ministers used to rely. Young, difficult glasses cannot say european, religious organisations; worried minutes protect action',11.03,4.95,3.06,'scholarnameless #7'
'able','Once olympic sorts could control governments. Final sections mig',21.77,7.76,4.42,'edu packscholar #1'
'able','Small others will provide probably complete countries. Only effective pensions violate on board maybe left animals. Old r',26.38,2.55,1.60,'maxiunivamalg #2'
'able','Somehow revolutionary sh',31.09,7.10,3.05,'amalgunivamalg #3'
'able','Stupid years should not modify loose. Special, sure developments may',7.84,5.81,4.47,'maxicorp #5'
'able','Swiss, capable lovers handle at least present details. Over here uncomfortable stations take by a lips. Private organisations can supply in a examinatio',29.73,8.15,3.99,'amalgedu pack #2'
'able','Toys must not meet again goods. Comfortable, major members last days. Popular, double occupations may compensate researchers. Conditions ',25.02,3.35,2.41,'edu packscholar #1'
'able','Wrong, good values could not work in a minds. Normal structures correct here later massive boo',21.49,4.17,1.45,'importoedu pack #1'
'ation','Animals conduct primary, sorry tickets. Bare, labour matters used to buy between a patterns. Light authorities explain rules; future eggs can ',1.57,0.86,0.47,'edu packamalg #1'
'ation','Average services could try unfortunately plants; extensive procedures must',34.63,4.94,3.26,'scholarunivamalg #2'
'ation','Direct ways topple inches. Complex years can take also across a words. Stupid, global implications would provide sure things. Russians take much for the spots. Indoors local men w',16.06,7.18,4.88,'exportiedu pack #1'
'ation','Disciplinary signs could prepare particular, other councils. Live criteria ought to stand extra, basic bones. Local leaders tell now tasks. Most old recordings use ago in the governors; par',36.65,8.96,4.39,'amalgscholar #2'
'ation','Fair families ought to leave relationships. Separate, firm services would assist delicious, serious laws; a',15.31,7.51,2.70,'importoamalg #1'
'ation','Gradually general affairs come at a gardens. Members may liv',18.43,28.90,11.27,'edu packamalgamalg #15'
'ation','Here equivalent expectations should stop since to th',18.23,7.88,5.04,'scholarunivamalg #4'
'ation','Laws propose policies. Commercial, foreign restaurants could take. District',29.49,84.97,32.28,'amalgnameless #5'
'ation','New r',36.57,2.10,1.19,'importoimporto #2'
'ation','Officials calculate in the images. Military, olympic services throw apparently old photographs; exotic, wonderful children benefit',25.41,9.36,3.55,'maxibrand #9'
'ation','Open blue farmers reach useful, old arrangements. American, short years reach now tender, heavy neighbours. Now top boundaries would not enable emotions. Effectively specific ',28.75,2.34,2.01,'exportinameless #7'
'ation','Or',23.64,3.00,1.86,'amalgedu pack #1'
'ation','Pensions used to meet in the words. Very african obligati',27.27,0.54,0.27,'exportiexporti #1'
'ation','Public, limited pup',34.60,9.38,3.93,'amalgmaxi #9'
'ation','Small kinds would recognize notably violent, labour years. Electronic days would not',30.96,0.90,0.34,'namelesscorp #3'
'ation','Social, other resources may know reasonable, distant weeks. New, unexpected rates mean. White, electric generations carry together other t',36.10,3.91,2.54,'maxinameless #10'
'ation','Trustees grow well thereby national attitudes. Social, excellent bacteria contain permanent gaps. Only dynamic uses ought to halt very long, bright men; japanese, distin',3.96,3.31,2.87,'exporticorp #1'
'bar','Categories shall',18.32,8.98,7.81,'scholarmaxi #9'
'bar','Clear, top associations can activate all national factors. Items could think sure skills. Fine, thin classes must not help simply only statutory',28.26,6.27,4.57,'brandbrand #10'
'bar','Extended, local books calm now likely companies. Sometime rich instances improve spanish countries. Crucial flames take further. Rapidly big proposals may not photograph in the opt',12.64,0.55,0.19,'namelessbrand #5'
'bar','Hours must carry virtually new seats. Polish, happy affairs might get. Originally warm libraries operate real patients. Then soft scie',35.96,28.04,25.23,'edu packedu pack #1'
'bar','Individual flowers used to give thanks. Particular doubts refer a bit for a directions. Police could',8.31,1.74,1.21,'exportiimporto #2'
'bar','Low sorts understand. Vegetables must not carry. There legal rates shake so democratic styles. Convenient, single committees might forget',21.35,7.16,5.79,'amalgedu pack #1'
'bar','Minutes achieve however for a allies. Areas pay apparently alive officers',32.01,3.28,1.34,'amalgedu pack #2'
'bar','Moments incur pa',32.92,6.14,1.84,'exportiimporto #1'
'bar','Of course commercial uses look rapidly historical societies. Writers make just high',31.29,3.82,1.33,'exportischolar #1'
'bar','Old, valuable',23.07,0.23,0.07,'namelessnameless #9'
'bar','Other things get now. Quite eastern systems should not ask then new days; usual, good friends should work at a proposals. Highly pr',24.90,0.27,0.09,'edu packnameless #1'
'bar','Pupils change. Frequently nice rates shall not decide future yards. Over upper girls ought to lower in a developments. Formal',36.24,2.19,1.16,'edu packexporti #1'
'bar','Really foreign workers overcome asleep, young decades. Drugs may tell children; labour, real wages ev',13.88,4.24,2.96,'scholarmaxi #9'
'bar','Round managers take processes. Primary, particular courses used to hold sacred cases. C',7.23,4.13,2.84,'edu packscholar #1'
'bar','Simple guests leave british, skilled terms. Kind, little standards must suspect. Combinations may think like, distinguished inches. Artists beat awfully. Ide',27.08,1.68,0.53,'edu packedu pack #2'
'bar','So damp tests imagine resources. Innocently prime developments shall work small pl',30.83,0.61,0.33,'scholarnameless #6'
'bar','So much as close reforms would hide at first measures; alone, important contracts lose linguisti',20.14,2.37,1.37,'exportinameless #1'
'bar','Strange do',15.41,9.47,4.82,'exportiexporti #1'
'bar','Wide, technical paren',17.06,6.64,3.98,'exportiexporti #1'
'bar','Wonderful servants must not resolve once physical lives. Later significant an',27.44,0.33,0.22,'brandbrand #7'
'bar','Years need much. Good interests use too different, junior services. Young items shall not find. Disastrous hands release fast new, alternative applications. American police make in ',33.95,7.68,4.45,'exportiamalg #1'
'eing','Birds stay foreign, chronic parts. So young cases shall not conclude buildings. About important months may not look; degrees catch just; other societies may not ge',18.42,4.67,2.33,'amalgscholar #2'
'eing','Central, other hands will agree especially crucial differences',16.71,4.49,3.00,'exportischolar #2'
'eing','Even single waters make for instance particular hours. Mental rights may cross as just contemporary m',30.54,0.97,0.82,'importounivamalg #5'
'eing','Flowers cultivate still so-called, available',10.50,3.84,1.22,'edu packmaxi #8'
'eing','Good, helpful men close. Please difficult lakes should waste very conservative, labour ',11.84,3.13,0.97,'edu packbrand #8'
'eing','However modern companies ought to make industria',23.09,9.56,3.25,'brandcorp #1'
'eing','Important, frequent councils explore general, local ideas. Representatives last more. Foreign, sensible pupils pay. Social, american reservations used to get so much',2.86,0.59,0.25,'amalgbrand #2'
'eing','Increased, special pound',24.05,2.52,1.20,'importoedu pack #2'
'eing','Laws go shortly british, clear carers. Inner, available aspirations ought to abolish most armed strings. Activities gain then less high banks; never future reactions include so in a powers. Popular, ',30.53,9.69,7.46,'edu packmaxi #8'
'eing','Main pupils could expel followers. Sometimes severe horses should keep largely earnings. Years put recently permanent inst',19.15,9.17,6.05,'maxinameless #2'
'eing','More different attempts replace. Changes look shoes. E',25.75,2.47,1.40,'amalgexporti #1'
'eing','Nations save further new complaints. Perfect things murder different odds. General firms will like also; fatal grounds lie however working sorts. However internal police should design',23.32,8.09,3.31,'amalgexporti #1'
'eing','Ordinary orders can inspect. New int',34.66,9.58,3.92,'exportiedu pack #2'
'eing','Other, eager christians live very others. Young, financ',8.49,8.22,5.01,'edu packscholar #1'
'eing','Parliamentary guests could not convey real chiefs; integrated, full responsibilities take later then important categories. T',28.83,0.41,0.13,'edu packamalg #1'
'eing','Physical polls melt as eyes. Clear, special sources might invent at once. As immediate things will not',24.71,3.77,1.80,'edu packamalg #2'
'eing','Specifically honest pp. would ensure wide for a miles. Different families put then western, certain children. Only exciting commitments say f',10.89,0.51,0.26,'edu packunivamalg #11'
'eing','Students help factors. Seats take matters; likely sources make ridiculous children. Police might say then just natural characters. A',9.32,1.15,0.62,'exportischolar #1'
'eing','Tired days used to admit for a customs',29.84,5.94,4.93,'importoamalg #1'
'eing','Wrong, high terms make relatively holidays. Major, relevant theories consider difficult, new markets. Sure, real subjec',27.35,3.29,1.51,'amalgscholar #2'
'ese','As sure women fall proposals. Entire, loc',35.61,1.91,1.14,'edu packexporti #1'
'ese','Backwards royal assets get plans; countries used to swing then. Most strange',28.67,1.84,0.82,'exportiedu pack #1'
'ese','Civil firms say; prospective technologies used to take there. Easy, high assets enter so practical, structural buildings. Studies woul',26.23,9.09,3.45,'maxiunivamalg #6'
'ese','Comfortable experiments hit defensive implications. Bad resources would not heal central, national twins. Kind, modern thoughts shall ensure home short',34.17,92.12,71.85,'importoedu pack #1'
'ese','Companies find financially substances. National, enormous conclusions might object here firms; exactly different jobs should complete; practices encourage really months. Necessary, previous recor',24.08,5.63,3.71,'importoamalgamalg #5'
'ese','Democrats follow mostly available,',25.69,0.59,0.47,'exportibrand #2'
'ese','Excellent, real advantages would exist posts. Activities shall continue in a feet. Effects think only confidently local c',25.63,2.41,1.90,'amalgunivamalg #11'
'ese','Expensive reasons shall not carry hardly ri',19.68,4.59,1.46,'scholarbrand #1'
'ese','Fresh, industrial vegetables could proceed quite i',29.70,7.16,2.57,'scholarunivamalg #8'
'ese','Full rules may persuade pregnant cars. Earnings publish worried symptoms. Ready',36.87,5.88,4.99,'amalgimporto #1'
'ese','Horses last results. There thorough parents sail everywhere into a gua',23.67,3.45,2.55,'scholarnameless #5'
'ese','Large businessmen might give successful poles; children believe however. Hard, fine companies must not dismiss likely advantages. Now great nations shall not walk to',2.78,3.48,1.07,'brandcorp #6'
'ese','Modern areas include indeed political children. White, widespread services attend also. Pink boundaries explain early because of a letters. Often assistant men make never pale windows. Then inte',30.08,6.20,4.21,'exportiedu pack #2'
'ese','Nowhere sure shops ought to constitute by a conditions. Apparent hands shall not fit slightly general men. Oth',26.20,3.59,3.08,'amalgscholar #1'
'ese','Political, french streets used to introduce just labour ',21.21,1.59,1.38,'edu packunivamalg #9'
'ese','Publications could not judge; double deputies',35.52,6.30,2.39,'edu packamalg #1'
'ese','Reasonably direct interests turn. Certainly existing ',12.36,1.86,0.89,'importoscholar #1'
'ese','Temperatures reflect quite',34.31,0.90,0.45,'scholarnameless #3'
'ese','Tests will maintain only. Beautifully local banks make still; particular votes protect during a eyes. Contracts must understand primarily. Difficult countries cast in a ',19.06,4.13,2.68,'edu packimporto #1'
'ese','Totally pure styles would seek charges; values say. Normal, big activi',30.40,1.07,0.84,'maxiunivamalg #5'
'ese','Years want as a whole. Public eyes shall win against a books. Special minutes intensify stones. Alone, right fingers spring men. Ho',32.52,1.73,0.77,'exportibrand #5'
'ese','NULL',29.58,NULL,NULL,'exportischolar #1'
'ought','Active abilities depend smoothly by a ',30.54,2.40,1.44,'importoexporti #1'
'ought','Additional, terrible characters shall examine. Ago lexical conditions get into a weeks. Barely trying results perform still hot men. Great kinds end also committees. Police should live only on the ',18.54,4.46,1.33,'corpmaxi #11'
'ought','At last political managers would get new, historic workers. Requirements seem loose shadows; activities carry favorite mothers; likely issues stand aside environmental, current funds; below',6.48,1.08,0.43,'exportiexporti #1'
'ought','Authorities used to leave exactly other co',15.13,2.14,0.72,'exporticorp #5'
'ought','Costs receive. British teachers evolve mentally only, new words. Good tickets give ',34.78,0.12,0.06,'edu packexporti #1'
'ought','European, happy homes shall not share. Double calls can cover just in order regular developments; inevitable rooms ought to promise according to a eyes. Normal attempts grow only, complex goods',12.84,8.03,4.57,'univnameless #7'
'ought','Full-time clothes discharge glad, concerned details. Customs must survive',10.29,8.52,6.73,'exportiunivamalg #14'
---- TYPES