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# Hdfs access utilities
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
import getpass
import http.client
import os.path
import re
import requests
import subprocess
import tempfile
from os import environ
from pywebhdfs.webhdfs import PyWebHdfsClient, errors, _raise_pywebhdfs_exception
from xml.etree.ElementTree import parse
from tests.util.filesystem_base import BaseFilesystem
from tests.util.filesystem_utils import FILESYSTEM_PREFIX
class HdfsConfig(object):
"""Reads an XML configuration file (produced by a mini-cluster) into a dictionary
accessible via get()"""
def __init__(self, *filename):
self.conf = {}
for arg in filename:
tree = parse(arg)
for property in tree.getroot().getiterator('property'):
self.conf[property.find('name').text] = property.find('value').text
def get(self, key):
return self.conf.get(key)
# Configuration object for the configuration that the minicluster will use.
CORE_CONF = HdfsConfig(os.path.join(environ['HADOOP_CONF_DIR'], "core-site.xml"))
# NAMENODE is the path prefix that should be used in results, since paths that come
# out of Impala have been qualified. When running against the default filesystem,
# this will be the same as fs.defaultFS. When running against a secondary filesystem,
# this will be the same as FILESYSTEM_PREFIX.
class DelegatingHdfsClient(BaseFilesystem):
"""HDFS client that either delegates to a PyWebHdfsClientWithChmod or a
HadoopFsCommandLineClient. Since PyWebHdfsClientWithChmod does not have good support
for copying files, this class delegates to HadoopFsCommandLineClient for all copy
def __init__(self, webhdfs_client, hdfs_filesystem_client):
self.webhdfs_client = webhdfs_client
self.hdfs_filesystem_client = hdfs_filesystem_client
super(DelegatingHdfsClient, self).__init__()
def create_file(self, path, file_data, overwrite=True):
path = self._normalize_path(path)
return self.webhdfs_client.create_file(path, file_data, overwrite=overwrite)
def make_dir(self, path, permission=None):
path = self._normalize_path(path)
if permission:
return self.webhdfs_client.make_dir(path, permission=permission)
return self.webhdfs_client.make_dir(path)
def copy(self, src, dst, overwrite=False):
self.hdfs_filesystem_client.copy(src, dst, overwrite)
def copy_from_local(self, src, dst):
self.hdfs_filesystem_client.copy_from_local(src, dst)
def ls(self, path):
path = self._normalize_path(path)
def exists(self, path):
path = self._normalize_path(path)
return self.webhdfs_client.exists(path)
def delete_file_dir(self, path, recursive=False):
path = self._normalize_path(path)
return self.webhdfs_client.delete_file_dir(path, recursive=recursive)
def get_file_dir_status(self, path):
path = self._normalize_path(path)
return self.webhdfs_client.get_file_dir_status(path)
def get_all_file_sizes(self, path):
path = self._normalize_path(path)
return self.webhdfs_client.get_all_file_sizes(path)
def chmod(self, path, permission):
return self.webhdfs_client.chmod(path, permission)
def chown(self, path, user, group):
return self.webhdfs_client.chown(path, user, group)
def setacl(self, path, acls):
return self.webhdfs_client.setacl(path, acls)
def getacl(self, path):
return self.webhdfs_client.getacl(path)
def touch(self, paths):
return self.hdfs_filesystem_client.touch(paths)
def _normalize_path(self, path):
"""Paths passed in may include a leading slash. Remove it as the underlying
PyWebHdfsClient expects the HDFS path without a leading '/'."""
return path[1:] if path.startswith('/') else path
class PyWebHdfsClientWithChmod(PyWebHdfsClient):
def chmod(self, path, permission):
"""Set the permission of 'path' to 'permission' (specified as an octal string, e.g.
uri = self._create_uri(path, "SETPERMISSION", permission=permission)
response = requests.put(uri, allow_redirects=True)
if not response.status_code == http.client.OK:
_raise_pywebhdfs_exception(response.status_code, response.text)
return True
def chown(self, path, user, group):
"""Sets the owner and the group of 'path to 'user' / 'group'"""
uri = self._create_uri(path, "SETOWNER", owner=user, group=group)
response = requests.put(uri, allow_redirects=True)
if not response.status_code == http.client.OK:
_raise_pywebhdfs_exception(response.status_code, response.text)
return True
def setacl(self, path, acls):
uri = self._create_uri(path, "SETACL", aclspec=acls)
response = requests.put(uri, allow_redirects=True)
if not response.status_code == http.client.OK:
_raise_pywebhdfs_exception(response.status_code, response.text)
return True
def getacl(self, path):
uri = self._create_uri(path, "GETACLSTATUS")
response = requests.get(uri, allow_redirects=True)
if not response.status_code == http.client.OK:
_raise_pywebhdfs_exception(response.status_code, response.text)
return response.json()
def delete_file_dir(self, path, recursive=False):
"""Deletes a file or a dir if it exists.
Overrides the superclass's method by providing delete if exists semantics. This takes
the burden of stat'ing the file away from the caller.
if not self.exists(path):
return True
return super(PyWebHdfsClientWithChmod, self).delete_file_dir(path,
def get_file_dir_status(self, path):
"""Stats a file or a directoty in hdfs
The superclass expects paths without the leading '/'. This method strips it from the
path to make usage transparent to the caller.
path = path.lstrip('/')
return super(PyWebHdfsClientWithChmod, self).get_file_dir_status(path)
def get_all_file_sizes(self, path):
"""Returns a list of all file sizes in the path"""
sizes = []
for status in self.list_dir(path).get('FileStatuses').get('FileStatus'):
if status['type'] == 'FILE':
sizes += [status['length']]
return sizes
def ls(self, path):
"""Returns a list of all file and directory names in 'path'"""
# list_dir() returns a dictionary of file statues. This function picks out the
# file and directory names and just returns a list of the names.
file_infos = self.list_dir(path).get('FileStatuses').get('FileStatus')
return [info.get('pathSuffix') for info in file_infos]
def exists(self, path):
"""Checks if a particular path exists"""
except errors.FileNotFound:
return False
return True
class HadoopFsCommandLineClient(BaseFilesystem):
"""This client is a wrapper around the hadoop fs command line. This is useful for
filesystems that rely on the logic in the Hadoop connector. For example, S3 with
S3Guard needs all accesses to go through the S3 connector. This is also useful for
filesystems that are fully served by this limited set of functionality (ABFS uses
def __init__(self, filesystem_type="HDFS"):
# The filesystem_type is used only for providing more specific error messages.
self.filesystem_type = filesystem_type
super(HadoopFsCommandLineClient, self).__init__()
def _hadoop_fs_shell(self, command):
"""Helper function wrapper around 'hdfs dfs' takes in the arguments as a list."""
hadoop_command = ['hdfs', 'dfs'] + command
process = subprocess.Popen(hadoop_command,
stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
stdout, stderr = process.communicate()
status = process.returncode
return (status, stdout, stderr)
def create_file(self, path, file_data, overwrite=True):
"""Creates a temporary file with the specified file_data on the local filesystem,
then puts it into the specified path."""
if not overwrite and self.exists(path): return False
with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False) as tmp_file:
put_cmd_params = ['-put', '-d']
if overwrite: put_cmd_params.append('-f')
put_cmd_params.extend([, path])
(status, stdout, stderr) = self._hadoop_fs_shell(put_cmd_params)
return status == 0
def make_dir(self, path, permission=None):
"""Create a directory at the specified path. Permissions are not supported."""
(status, stdout, stderr) = self._hadoop_fs_shell(['-mkdir', '-p', path])
return status == 0
def copy(self, src, dst, overwrite=False):
"""Copy the source file to the destination. Specifes the '-d' option by default, which
'Skip[s] creation of temporary file with the suffix ._COPYING_.' to avoid extraneous
copies on S3. If overwrite is true, the destination file is overwritten, set to false
by default for backwards compatibility."""
cp_cmd_params = ['-cp', '-d']
if overwrite: cp_cmd_params.append('-f')
cp_cmd_params.extend([src, dst])
(status, stdout, stderr) = self._hadoop_fs_shell(cp_cmd_params)
assert status == 0, \
'{0} copy failed: '.format(self.filesystem_type) + stderr + "; " + stdout
assert self.exists(dst), \
'{fs_type} copy failed: Destination file {dst} does not exist'\
.format(fs_type=self.filesystem_type, dst=dst)
def copy_from_local(self, src, dst):
"""Wrapper around 'hdfs dfs -copyFromLocal [-f] [-p] [-l] [-d] <localsrc> ... <dst>'.
Overwrites files by default to avoid S3 consistency issues. Specifes the '-d' option
by default, which 'Skip[s] creation of temporary file with the suffix ._COPYING_.' to
avoid extraneous copies on S3. 'src' must be either a string or a list of strings."""
assert isinstance(src, list) or isinstance(src, basestring)
src_list = src if isinstance(src, list) else [src]
(status, stdout, stderr) = self._hadoop_fs_shell(['-copyFromLocal', '-d', '-f'] +
src_list + [dst])
assert status == 0, '{0} copy from {1} to {2} failed: '.format(self.filesystem_type,
src, dst) + stderr + '; ' + stdout
def _inner_ls(self, path):
"""List names, lengths, and mode for files/directories under the specified path."""
(status, stdout, stderr) = self._hadoop_fs_shell(['-ls', path])
# Trim the "Found X items" line and trailing new-line
entries = stdout.split("\n")[1:-1]
files = []
for entry in entries:
fields = re.split(" +", entry)
'name': fields[7],
'length': int(fields[4]),
'mode': fields[0]
return files
def ls(self, path):
"""Returns a list of all file and directory names in 'path'"""
files = []
for f in self._inner_ls(path):
fname = os.path.basename(f['name'])
if not fname == '':
files += [fname]
return files
def exists(self, path):
"""Checks if a particular path exists"""
(status, stdout, stderr) = self._hadoop_fs_shell(['-test', '-e', path])
return status == 0
def delete_file_dir(self, path, recursive=False):
"""Delete the file or directory given by the specified path. Recursive must be true
for directories."""
rm_command = ['-rm', path]
if recursive:
rm_command = ['-rm', '-r', path]
(status, stdout, stderr) = self._hadoop_fs_shell(rm_command)
return status == 0
def get_all_file_sizes(self, path):
"""Returns a list of integers which are all the file sizes of files found
under 'path'."""
return [f['length'] for f in
self._inner_ls(path) if f['mode'][0] == "-"]
def touch(self, paths):
"""Updates the access and modification times of the files specified by 'paths' to
the current time. If the files don't exist, zero length files will be created with
current time as the timestamp of them."""
if isinstance(paths, list):
cmd = ['-touch'] + paths
cmd = ['-touch', paths]
(status, stdout, stderr) = self._hadoop_fs_shell(cmd)
return status == 0
def get_webhdfs_client_from_conf(conf):
"""Returns a new HTTP client for an HDFS cluster using an HdfsConfig object"""
hostport = conf.get('dfs.namenode.http-address')
if hostport is None:
raise Exception("dfs.namenode.http-address not found in config")
host, port = hostport.split(":")
return get_webhdfs_client(host=host, port=port)
def get_webhdfs_client(host, port, user_name=getpass.getuser()):
"""Returns a new HTTP client for an HDFS cluster using an explict host:port pair"""
return PyWebHdfsClientWithChmod(host=host, port=port, user_name=user_name)
def get_default_hdfs_config():
core_site_path = os.path.join(environ.get('HADOOP_CONF_DIR'), 'core-site.xml')
hdfs_site_path = os.path.join(environ.get('HADOOP_CONF_DIR'), 'hdfs-site.xml')
return HdfsConfig(core_site_path, hdfs_site_path)