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# Impala tests for DDL statements
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
from builtins import int
import time
from tests.common.impala_test_suite import ImpalaTestSuite
from tests.util.filesystem_utils import WAREHOUSE, IS_S3
# Checks different statements' effect on last DDL time and last compute stats time.
class TestLastDdlTimeUpdate(ImpalaTestSuite):
def get_workload(self):
return 'functional-query'
def add_test_dimensions(cls):
super(TestLastDdlTimeUpdate, cls).add_test_dimensions()
# There is no reason to run these tests using all dimensions.
cls.ImpalaTestMatrix.add_constraint(lambda v:\
v.get_value('table_format').file_format == 'text' and\
v.get_value('table_format').compression_codec == 'none')
if cls.exploration_strategy() == 'core' and not IS_S3:
# Don't run on core. This test is very slow and we are unlikely
# to regress here.
cls.ImpalaTestMatrix.add_constraint(lambda v: False)
# Convenience class to make calls to TestLastDdlTimeUpdate.run_test() shorter by
# storing common arguments as members and substituting table name and HDFS warehouse
# path to the query string.
class TestHelper:
def __init__(self, test_suite, db_name, tbl_name):
self.test_suite = test_suite
self.db_name = db_name
self.tbl_name = tbl_name
self.fq_tbl_name = self._generate_fq_tbl_name(self.db_name, self.tbl_name)
def expect_no_time_change(self, query):
"""Neither transient_lastDdlTime or impala.lastComputeStatsTime should be
changed by running the query.
The following strings are substituted in the query: "%(TBL)s" and "%(WAREHOUSE)s"
self.run_test(query, False, False)
def expect_ddl_time_change(self, query):
"""Running the query should increase transient_lastDdlTime but
not impala.lastComputeStatsTime.
The following strings are substituted in the query: "%(TBL)s" and "%(WAREHOUSE)s"
self.run_test(query, True, False)
def expect_stat_time_change(self, query):
"""Running the query should increase impala.lastComputeStatsTime but
not transient_lastDdlTime.
The following strings are substituted in the query: "%(TBL)s" and "%(WAREHOUSE)s"
self.run_test(query, False, True)
def expect_ddl_time_change_on_rename(self, new_tbl_name):
Checks that after an ALTER TABLE ... RENAME query transient_lastDdlTime is higher on
the new table than it was on the old table.
query = "alter table %(TBL)s rename to {}".format(self.db_name + "." + new_tbl_name)
self.run_test(query, True, False, new_tbl_name)
def run_test(self, query, expect_changed_ddl_time, expect_changed_stats_time,
Runs the query and compares the last ddl/compute stats time before and after
executing the query. If expect_changed_ddl_time or expect_changed_stat_time
is true, then we expect the given table property to be increased, otherwise we
expect it to be unchanged.
If the query renames the table, the new table name has to be provided in
'new_tbl_name' so that the new table is checked after the query.
The following strings are substituted in the query: "%(TBL)s" and "%(WAREHOUSE)s"
# Get timestamps before executing query.
(beforeDdlTime, beforeStatsTime) = self._get_ddl_and_stats_time(
self.db_name, self.tbl_name)
# HMS uses a seconds granularity on the last ddl time - sleeping 1100 ms should be
# enough to ensure that the new timestamps are strictly greater than the old ones.
time.sleep (1.1)
self.test_suite.execute_query(query %
{'TBL': self.fq_tbl_name, 'WAREHOUSE': WAREHOUSE})
if new_tbl_name is not None:
# Get timestamps after executing query.
(afterDdlTime, afterStatsTime) = self._get_ddl_and_stats_time(
self.db_name, self.tbl_name)
if expect_changed_ddl_time:
# check that the new ddlTime is strictly greater than the old one.
assert int(afterDdlTime) > int(beforeDdlTime)
assert int(afterDdlTime) == int(beforeDdlTime)
if expect_changed_stats_time:
# check that the new statsTime is strictly greater than the old one.
assert int(afterStatsTime) > int(beforeStatsTime)
assert int(afterStatsTime) == int(beforeStatsTime)
def _update_name(self, new_tbl_name):
Update the name, for example because of a table rename ddl. The database name does
not change.
self.tbl_name = new_tbl_name
self.fq_tbl_name = self._generate_fq_tbl_name(self.db_name, self.tbl_name)
def _generate_fq_tbl_name(self, db_name, tbl_name):
return "%s.%s" % (db_name, tbl_name)
def _get_ddl_and_stats_time(self, db_name, tbl_name):
HIVE_LAST_DDL_TIME_PARAM_KEY = "transient_lastDdlTime"
LAST_COMPUTE_STATS_TIME_KEY = "impala.lastComputeStatsTime"
table = self.test_suite.hive_client.get_table(db_name, tbl_name)
assert table is not None
ddlTime = table.parameters[HIVE_LAST_DDL_TIME_PARAM_KEY]
statsTime = table.parameters[LAST_COMPUTE_STATS_TIME_KEY]
return (ddlTime, statsTime)
def _create_table(self, fq_tbl_name, is_kudu):
if is_kudu:
self.execute_query("create table %s (i int primary key) "
"partition by hash(i) partitions 3 stored as kudu" % fq_tbl_name)
self.execute_query("create external table %s (i int) "
"partitioned by (j int, s string)" % fq_tbl_name)
def _create_and_init_test_helper(self, unique_database, tbl_name, is_kudu):
helper = TestLastDdlTimeUpdate.TestHelper(self, unique_database, tbl_name)
self._create_table(helper.fq_tbl_name, is_kudu)
# compute statistics to fill table property impala.lastComputeStatsTime
self.execute_query("compute stats %s" % helper.fq_tbl_name)
return helper
def test_alter(self, vector, unique_database):
TBL_NAME = "alter_test_tbl"
h = self._create_and_init_test_helper(unique_database, TBL_NAME, False)
# add/drop partitions
h.expect_no_time_change("alter table %(TBL)s add partition (j=1, s='2012')")
h.expect_no_time_change("alter table %(TBL)s add if not exists "
"partition (j=1, s='2012')")
h.expect_no_time_change("alter table %(TBL)s drop partition (j=1, s='2012')")
h.expect_no_time_change("alter table %(TBL)s drop if exists "
"partition (j=2, s='2012')")
# change location of table
h.expect_ddl_time_change("alter table %(TBL)s set location '%(WAREHOUSE)s'")
# change format of table
h.expect_ddl_time_change("alter table %(TBL)s set fileformat textfile")
# prepare for incremental statistics tests
self.execute_query("drop stats %s" % h.fq_tbl_name)
self.execute_query("alter table %s add partition (j=1, s='2012')" % h.fq_tbl_name)
# compute incremental statistics
h.expect_stat_time_change("compute incremental stats %(TBL)s")
h.expect_stat_time_change("compute incremental stats %(TBL)s "
"partition (j=1, s='2012')")
# drop incremental statistics
h.expect_no_time_change("drop incremental stats %(TBL)s partition (j=1, s='2012')")
# prepare for table sample statistics tests
"alter table %s set tblproperties ('impala.enable.stats.extrapolation'='true')"
% h.fq_tbl_name)
# compute sampled statistics
h.expect_stat_time_change("compute stats %(TBL)s tablesample system(20)")
def test_insert(self, vector, unique_database):
TBL_NAME = "insert_test_tbl"
h = self._create_and_init_test_helper(unique_database, TBL_NAME, False)
# static partition insert
h.expect_no_time_change("insert into %(TBL)s partition(j=1, s='2012') select 10")
# dynamic partition insert
h.expect_no_time_change("insert into %(TBL)s partition(j, s) select 10, 2, '2013'")
# dynamic partition insert changing no partitions (empty input)
h.expect_no_time_change("insert into %(TBL)s partition(j, s) "
"select * from (select 10 as i, 2 as j, '2013' as s) as t "
"where t.i < 10")
# dynamic partition insert modifying an existing partition
h.expect_no_time_change("insert into %(TBL)s partition(j, s) select 20, 1, '2012'")
def test_kudu_alter_and_insert(self, vector, unique_database):
TBL_NAME = "kudu_test_tbl"
h = self._create_and_init_test_helper(unique_database, TBL_NAME, True)
# insert
h.expect_no_time_change("insert into %s values (1)" % h.fq_tbl_name)
def test_rename(self, vector, unique_database):
# Test non-Kudu table
OLD_TBL_NAME = "rename_from_test_tbl"
NEW_TBL_NAME = "rename_to_test_tbl"
h = self._create_and_init_test_helper(unique_database, OLD_TBL_NAME, False)
# Test Kudu table
OLD_KUDU_TBL_NAME = "kudu_rename_from_test_tbl"
NEW_KUDU_TBL_NAME = "kudu_rename_to_test_tbl"
h = self._create_and_init_test_helper(unique_database, OLD_KUDU_TBL_NAME, True)
# Tests that should behave the same with HDFS and Kudu tables.
def run_common_test_cases(self, test_helper):
h = test_helper
# rename columns
h.expect_ddl_time_change("alter table %(TBL)s change column i k int")
h.expect_ddl_time_change("alter table %(TBL)s change column k i int")
# change table property
h.expect_ddl_time_change("alter table %(TBL)s set tblproperties ('a'='b')")
# changing table statistics manually
h.expect_ddl_time_change("alter table %(TBL)s set tblproperties ('numRows'='1')")
# changing column statistics manually
h.expect_no_time_change("alter table %(TBL)s set column stats i ('numdvs'='3')")
# compute statistics
h.expect_stat_time_change("compute stats %(TBL)s")
# compute statistics for a single column
h.expect_stat_time_change("compute stats %(TBL)s (i)")
# drop statistics
h.expect_no_time_change("drop stats %(TBL)s")
# invalidate metadata and reload table
self.execute_query("invalidate metadata %s" % h.fq_tbl_name)
# run any query to reload the table
h.expect_no_time_change("describe %(TBL)s")