blob: 2f330f3d69f41119e5433375930bb826c911fba3 [file] [log] [blame]
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from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
from builtins import range
import pytest
from tests.common.custom_cluster_test_suite import CustomClusterTestSuite
class TestIncrementalMetadataUpdate(CustomClusterTestSuite):
""" Validates incremental metadata updates across catalogd and coordinators."""
def get_workload(cls):
return 'functional-query'
def setup_class(cls):
super(TestIncrementalMetadataUpdate, cls).setup_class()
def test_long_statestore_update_frequency(self, unique_database):
"""Test multiple inserts on the same table executed by different impalads. Increase
statestore_update_frequency_ms so inserts can finished in the same time window of
a catalog topic update. Different impalads will have different versions of the table
returned by DML responses. They should be able to correctly apply the incremental
partition updates from catalogd."""
"create table %s.multi_inserts_tbl (id int) partitioned by (p int)"
% unique_database)
# Refresh the table with sync_ddl=true so table metadata is loaded in all impalads.
self.execute_query("refresh %s.multi_inserts_tbl" % unique_database,
query_options={"sync_ddl": True})
# Run 3 inserts using different impalads.
for i in range(3):
impalad_client = self.create_client_for_nth_impalad(i)
# Set SYNC_DDL for the last query, so metadata should in sync along all impalads
# at the end.
impalad_client.set_configuration_option("sync_ddl", i == 2)
"insert into {0}.multi_inserts_tbl partition(p) values ({1}, {1})"
.format(unique_database, i))
# Verify each impalad has the latest table metadata.
for i in range(3):
impalad_client = self.create_client_for_nth_impalad(i)
res = impalad_client.execute(
"show partitions %s.multi_inserts_tbl" % unique_database)
assert len( == 4, "missing partitions"