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<!DOCTYPE concept PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DITA Concept//EN" "concept.dtd">
<concept id="refresh">
<title>REFRESH Statement</title>
<titlealts audience="PDF">
<data name="Category" value="Impala"/>
<data name="Category" value="SQL"/>
<data name="Category" value="DDL"/>
<data name="Category" value="Tables"/>
<data name="Category" value="Hive"/>
<data name="Category" value="Metastore"/>
<data name="Category" value="ETL"/>
<data name="Category" value="Ingest"/>
<data name="Category" value="Developers"/>
<data name="Category" value="Data Analysts"/>
The <codeph>REFRESH</codeph> statement reloads the metadata for the table from the
metastore database and does an incremental reload of the file and block metadata from the
HDFS NameNode. <codeph>REFRESH</codeph> is used to avoid inconsistencies between Impala
and external metadata sources, namely Hive Metastore (HMS) and NameNodes.
<p> The <codeph>REFRESH</codeph> statement is only required if you load data
from outside of Impala. Updated metadata, as a result of running
<codeph>REFRESH</codeph>, is broadcast to all Impala coordinators. </p>
See <xref href="impala_hadoop.xml#intro_metastore"/> for the information about the way
Impala uses metadata and how it shares the same metastore database as Hive.
Once issued, the <codeph>REFRESH</codeph> statement cannot be cancelled.
<p conref="../shared/impala_common.xml#common/syntax_blurb"/>
<codeblock rev="IMPALA-1683">REFRESH [<varname>db_name</varname>.]<varname>table_name</varname> [PARTITION (<varname>key_col1</varname>=<varname>val1</varname> [, <varname>key_col2</varname>=<varname>val2</varname>...])]</codeblock>
<p conref="../shared/impala_common.xml#common/usage_notes_blurb"/>
The table name is a required parameter, and the table must already exist and be known to
Only the metadata for the specified table is reloaded.
Use the <codeph>REFRESH</codeph> statement to load the latest metastore metadata for a
particular table after one of the following scenarios happens outside of Impala:
Deleting or adding files.
For example, after loading new data files into the HDFS data directory for the table,
including inserting data from Hive via <codeph>INSERT</codeph> or <codeph>LOAD
Deleting, adding, or modifying partitions.
For example, after issuing <codeph>ALTER TABLE</codeph> or other table-modifying SQL
statement in Hive
<note rev="2.3.0">
<p rev="2.3.0">
In <keyword keyref="impala23_full"/> and higher, the <codeph>ALTER TABLE
<varname>table_name</varname> RECOVER PARTITIONS</codeph> statement is a faster
alternative to <codeph>REFRESH</codeph> when you are only adding new partition
directories through Hive or manual HDFS operations. See
href="impala_alter_table.xml#alter_table"/> for details.
<p conref="../shared/impala_common.xml#common/refresh_vs_invalidate"/>
<p rev="IMPALA-1683">
<b>Refreshing a single partition:</b>
<p rev="IMPALA-1683">
In <keyword keyref="impala27_full"/> and higher, the <codeph>REFRESH</codeph> statement
can apply to a single partition at a time, rather than the whole table. Include the
optional <codeph>PARTITION (<varname>partition_spec</varname>)</codeph> clause and specify
values for each of the partition key columns.
The following rules apply:
The <codeph>PARTITION</codeph> clause of the <codeph>REFRESH</codeph> statement must
include all the partition key columns.
The order of the partition key columns does not have to match the column order in the
Specifying a nonexistent partition does not cause an error.
The partition can be one that Impala created and is already aware of, or a new
partition created through Hive.
<p rev="IMPALA-1683">
The following examples demonstrates the above rules.
<codeblock rev="IMPALA-1683"><![CDATA[
-- Partition doesn't exist.
refresh p2 partition (y=0, z=3);
refresh p2 partition (y=0, z=-1)
-- Key columns specified in a different order than the table definition.
refresh p2 partition (z=1, y=0)
-- Incomplete partition spec causes an error.
refresh p2 partition (y=0)
ERROR: AnalysisException: Items in partition spec must exactly match the partition columns in the table definition: default.p2 (1 vs 2)
For examples of using <codeph>REFRESH</codeph> and <codeph>INVALIDATE METADATA</codeph>
with a combination of Impala and Hive operations, see
<xref href="impala_tutorial.xml#tutorial_impala_hive"/>.
<b>Related impala-shell options:</b>
<p rev="1.1">
Due to the expense of reloading the metadata for all tables, the
<cmdname>impala-shell</cmdname> <codeph>-r</codeph> option is not recommended.
<p conref="../shared/impala_common.xml#common/permissions_blurb"/>
<p rev="IMPALA-1683">
All HDFS and Sentry permissions and privilege requirements are the same whether you
refresh the entire table or a single partition.
<p conref="../shared/impala_common.xml#common/hdfs_blurb"/>
The <codeph>REFRESH</codeph> statement checks HDFS permissions of the underlying data
files and directories, caching this information so that a statement can be cancelled
immediately if for example the <codeph>impala</codeph> user does not have permission to
write to the data directory for the table. Impala reports any lack of write permissions as
an <codeph>INFO</codeph> message in the log file.
If you change HDFS permissions to make data readable or writeable by the Impala user,
issue another <codeph>REFRESH</codeph> to make Impala aware of the change.
<p rev="kudu" conref="../shared/impala_common.xml#common/kudu_blurb"/>
<p conref="../shared/impala_common.xml#common/kudu_metadata_intro"/>
<p conref="../shared/impala_common.xml#common/kudu_metadata_details"/>
<p conref="../shared/impala_common.xml#common/related_info"/>
<xref href="impala_hadoop.xml#intro_metastore"/>,
<xref href="impala_invalidate_metadata.xml#invalidate_metadata"/>