blob: b00c650d86e7ea0fdc5e98266ad85f5d452cd4f3 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include <list>
#include <boost/unordered_map.hpp>
#include <boost/unordered_set.hpp>
#include <boost/thread/mutex.hpp>
#include "common/status.h"
#include "scheduling/request-pool-service.h"
#include "scheduling/query-schedule.h"
#include "statestore/statestore-subscriber.h"
#include "util/condition-variable.h"
#include "util/internal-queue.h"
#include "util/thread.h"
namespace impala {
class QuerySchedule;
class ExecEnv;
/// Represents the admission outcome of a query. It is stored in the 'admit_outcome'
/// input variable passed to AdmissionController::AdmitQuery() if an admission decision
/// has been made or the caller has initiated a cancellation.
enum class AdmissionOutcome {
/// The AdmissionController is used to throttle requests (e.g. queries, DML) based
/// on available cluster resources, which are configured in one or more resource pools. A
/// request will either be admitted for immediate execution, queued for later execution,
/// or rejected. Resource pools can be configured to have maximum number of concurrent
/// queries, maximum memory, and a maximum queue size. Queries will be queued if there
/// are already too many queries executing or there isn't enough available memory. Once
/// the queue reaches the maximum queue size, incoming queries will be rejected. Requests
/// in the queue will time out after a configurable timeout.
/// Any impalad can act as a coordinator and thus also an admission controller, so some
/// cluster state must be shared between impalads in order to make admission decisions on
/// any node. Every impalad maintains some per-pool and per-host statistics related to
/// the requests it itself is servicing as the admission controller. Some of these
/// local admission statistics in addition to some backend-specific statistics (i.e.
/// the backend executor associated with the same impalad process) are disseminated
/// across the cluster via the statestore using the IMPALA_REQUEST_QUEUE_TOPIC topic.
/// For example, coordinators will end up sending statestore updates where the admission
/// statistics reflect the load and all participating backends will have statestore
/// updates reflecting load they're executing.
/// Every <impalad, pool> pair is sent as a topic update at the statestore heartbeat
/// interval when pool statistics change, and the topic updates from other impalads are
/// used to re-compute the aggregate per-pool stats. Because the pool statistics are only
/// updated on statestore heartbeats and all decisions are made with the cached state,
/// the aggregate pool statistics are only estimates. As a result, more requests may be
/// admitted or queued than the configured thresholds, which are really soft limits.
/// Memory resources:
/// A pool may be configured to allow a maximum amount of memory resources to be
/// 'reserved' by requests admitted to that pool. While Impala does not yet truly
/// 'reserve' the memory at admission (i.e. Impala does not yet guarantee the memory for
/// a request, it is still possible to overadmit such that multiple queries think they
/// have reserved the same memory), the admission controller uses several metrics to
/// estimate the available memory and admit only when it thinks the necessary memory is
/// available. Future work will enable real reservations, but this is a much larger
/// effort and will involve changes outside of the admission controller.
/// The memory required for admission for a request is specified as the query option
/// MEM_LIMIT (either explicitly or via a default value). This is a per-node value. If
/// there is no memory limit, the per-node estimate from planning is used instead. The
/// following two conditions must hold in order for the request to be admitted:
/// 1) There must be enough memory resources available in this resource pool for the
/// request. The max memory resources configured for the resource pool specifies the
/// aggregate, cluster-wide memory that may be reserved by all executing queries in
/// this pool. Thus the aggregate memory to be reserved across all participating
/// backends for this request, *plus* that of already admitted requests must be less
/// than or equal to the max resources specified.
/// 2) All participating backends must have enough memory available. Each impalad has a
/// per-process mem limit, and that is the max memory that can be reserved on that
/// backend.
/// In order to admit based on these conditions, the admission controller accounts for
/// the following on both a per-host and per-pool basis:
/// a) Mem Reserved: the amount of memory that has been reported as reserved by all
/// backends, which come from the statestore topic updates. The values that are sent
/// come from the pool mem trackers in UpdateMemTrackerStats(), which reflects the
/// memory reserved by fragments that have begun execution. For queries that are
/// executing and have mem limits, the limit is considered to be its reserved memory
/// because it may consume up to that limit. Otherwise the query's current consumption
/// is used (see MemTracker::GetPoolMemReserved()). The per-pool and per-host
/// aggregates are computed in UpdateClusterAggregates(). This state, once all updates
/// are fully distributed and aggregated, provides enough information to make
/// admission decisions by any impalad. However, this requires waiting for both
/// admitted requests to start all remote fragments and then for the updated state to
/// be distributed via the statestore.
/// b) Mem Admitted: the amount of memory required (i.e. the value used in admission,
/// either the mem limit or estimate) for the requests that this impalad's admission
/// controller has admitted. Both the per-pool and per-host accounting is updated
/// when requests are admitted and released (and note: not via the statestore, so
/// there is no latency, but this does not account for memory from requests admitted
/// by other impalads).
/// As described, both the 'reserved' and 'admitted' mem accounting mechanisms have
/// different advantages and disadvantages. The 'reserved' mem accounting works well in
/// the steady state, i.e. given enough time to distribute updates. The 'admitted'
/// mem accounting works perfectly when there is a single coordinator (and perhaps works
/// reasonably with just a few). The maximum of the reserved and admitted mem is used in
/// making admission decisions, which works well when either relatively few coordinators
/// are used or, if there is a wide distribution of requests across impalads, the rate of
/// submission is low enough that new state is able to be updated by the statestore.
/// Example:
/// Consider a 10-node cluster with 100gb/node and a resource pool 'q1' configured with
/// 500gb of memory. An incoming request with a 40gb MEM_LIMIT and schedule to execute on
/// all backends is received by AdmitQuery() on an otherwise quiet cluster.
/// CanAdmitRequest() checks the number of running queries and then calls
/// HasAvailableMemResources() to check for memory resources. It first checks whether
/// there is enough memory for the request using PoolStats::EffectiveMemReserved() (which
/// is the max of the pool's agg_mem_reserved_ and local_mem_admitted_, see #1 above),
/// and then checks for enough memory on each individual host via the max of the values
/// in the host_mem_reserved_ and host_mem_admitted_ maps (see #2 above). In this case,
/// ample resources are available so CanAdmitRequest() returns true. PoolStats::Admit()
/// is called to update q1's PoolStats: it first updates agg_num_running_ and
/// local_mem_admitted_ which are able to be used immediately for incoming admission
/// requests, then it updates num_admitted_running in the struct sent to the statestore
/// (local_stats_). UpdateHostMemAdmitted() is called to update the per-host admitted mem
/// (stored in the map host_mem_admitted_) for all participating hosts. Then AdmitQuery()
/// returns to the Scheduler. If another identical admission request is received by the
/// same coordinator immediately, it will be rejected because q1's local_mem_admitted_ is
/// already 400gb. If that request were sent to another impalad at the same time, it
/// would have been admitted because not all updates have been disseminated yet. The next
/// statestore update will contain the updated value of num_admitted_running for q1 on
/// this backend. As remote fragments begin execution on remote impalads, their pool mem
/// trackers will reflect the updated amount of memory reserved (set in
/// local_stats_.backend_mem_reserved by UpdateMemTrackerStats()) and the next statestore
/// updates coming from those impalads will send the updated value. As the statestore
/// updates are received (in the subscriber callback fn UpdatePoolStats()), the incoming
/// per-backend, per-pool mem_reserved values are aggregated to
/// PoolStats::agg_mem_reserved_ (pool aggregate over all hosts) and
/// backend_mem_reserved_ (per-host aggregates over all pools). Once this has happened,
/// any incoming admission request now has the updated state required to make correct
/// admission decisions.
/// Queuing Behavior:
/// Once the resources in a pool are consumed each coordinator receiving requests will
/// begin queuing. While each individual queue is FIFO, there is no total ordering on the
/// queued requests between admission controllers and no FIFO behavior is guaranteed for
/// requests submitted to different coordinators. When resources become available, there
/// is no synchronous coordination between nodes used to determine which get to dequeue and
/// admit requests. Instead, we use a simple heuristic to try to dequeue a number of
/// requests proportional to the number of requests that are waiting in each individual
/// admission controller to the total number of requests queued across all admission
/// controllers (i.e. impalads). This limits the amount of overadmission that may result
/// from a large amount of resources becoming available at the same time.
/// When there are requests queued in multiple pools on the same host, the admission
/// controller simply iterates over the pools in pool_stats_ and attempts to dequeue from
/// each. This is fine for the max_requests limit, but is unfair for memory-based
/// admission because the iteration order of pools effectively gives priority to the
/// queues at the beginning. Requests across queues may be competing for the same
/// resources on particular hosts, i.e. #2 in the description of memory-based admission
/// above. Note the pool's max_mem_resources (#1) is not contented.
/// Cancellation Behavior:
/// An admission request<schedule, admit_outcome> submitted using AdmitQuery() can be
/// proactively cancelled by setting the 'admit_outcome' to AdmissionOutcome::CANCELLED.
/// This is handled asynchronously by AdmitQuery() and DequeueLoop().
/// TODO: Improve the dequeuing policy. IMPALA-2968.
/// TODO: Remove less important debug logging after more cluster testing. Should have a
/// better idea of what is perhaps unnecessary.
class AdmissionController {
AdmissionController(StatestoreSubscriber* subscriber,
RequestPoolService* request_pool_service, MetricGroup* metrics,
const TNetworkAddress& host_addr);
/// Submits the request for admission. Returns immediately if rejected, but otherwise
/// blocks until the request is either admitted, times out or cancelled by the client
/// (by setting 'admit_outcome' to CANCELLED). When this method returns the following
/// <admit_outcome, Return Status> pairs are possible:
/// - Admitted: <ADMITTED, Status::OK>
/// - Rejected or timed out: <REJECTED_OR_TIMED_OUT, Status(msg: reason for the same)>
/// - Cancelled: <CANCELLED, Status::CANCELLED>
/// If admitted, ReleaseQuery() should also be called after the query completes or gets
/// cancelled to ensure that the pool statistics are updated.
Status AdmitQuery(QuerySchedule* schedule,
Promise<AdmissionOutcome, PromiseMode::MULTIPLE_PRODUCER>* admit_outcome);
/// Updates the pool statistics when a query completes (either successfully,
/// is cancelled or failed). This should be called for all requests that have
/// been submitted via AdmitQuery().
/// This does not block.
void ReleaseQuery(const QuerySchedule& schedule);
/// Registers the request queue topic with the statestore.
Status Init();
class PoolStats;
friend class PoolStats;
/// Subscription manager used to handle admission control updates. This is not
/// owned by this class.
StatestoreSubscriber* subscriber_;
/// Used for user-to-pool resolution and looking up pool configurations. Not owned by
/// the AdmissionController.
RequestPoolService* request_pool_service_;
/// Metrics subsystem access
MetricGroup* metrics_group_;
/// Thread dequeuing and admitting queries.
std::unique_ptr<Thread> dequeue_thread_;
// The local impalad's host/port id, used to construct topic keys.
const std::string host_id_;
/// Serializes/deserializes TPoolStats when sending and receiving topic updates.
ThriftSerializer thrift_serializer_;
/// Protects all access to all variables below.
boost::mutex admission_ctrl_lock_;
/// Maps from host id to memory reserved and memory admitted, both aggregates over all
/// pools. See the class doc for a definition of reserved and admitted. Protected by
/// admission_ctrl_lock_.
typedef boost::unordered_map<std::string, int64_t> HostMemMap;
HostMemMap host_mem_reserved_;
HostMemMap host_mem_admitted_;
/// Contains all per-pool statistics and metrics. Accessed via GetPoolStats().
class PoolStats {
struct PoolMetrics {
/// Monotonically increasing counters (since process start) referring to this
/// host's admission controller.
IntCounter* total_admitted;
IntCounter* total_rejected;
IntCounter* total_queued;
IntCounter* total_dequeued; // Does not include those in total_timed_out
IntCounter* total_timed_out;
IntCounter* total_released;
IntCounter* time_in_queue_ms;
/// The following mirror the current values in PoolStats.
/// TODO: Avoid duplication: replace the int64_t fields on PoolStats with these.
IntGauge* agg_num_running;
IntGauge* agg_num_queued;
IntGauge* agg_mem_reserved;
IntGauge* local_mem_admitted;
/// The following mirror the current values of local_stats_.
/// TODO: As above, consolidate the metrics and local_stats_.
IntGauge* local_num_admitted_running;
IntGauge* local_num_queued;
IntGauge* local_backend_mem_reserved;
IntGauge* local_backend_mem_usage;
/// Metrics exposing the pool settings.
IntGauge* pool_max_mem_resources;
IntGauge* pool_max_requests;
IntGauge* pool_max_queued;
PoolStats(AdmissionController* parent, const std::string& name)
: name_(name), parent_(parent), agg_num_running_(0), agg_num_queued_(0),
agg_mem_reserved_(0), local_mem_admitted_(0) {
int64_t agg_num_running() const { return agg_num_running_; }
int64_t agg_num_queued() const { return agg_num_queued_; }
int64_t EffectiveMemReserved() const {
return std::max(agg_mem_reserved_, local_mem_admitted_);
/// The following methods update the pool stats when the request represented by
/// schedule is admitted, released, queued, or dequeued.
void Admit(const QuerySchedule& schedule);
void Release(const QuerySchedule& schedule);
void Queue(const QuerySchedule& schedule);
void Dequeue(const QuerySchedule& schedule, bool timed_out);
/// Updates the local_stats_.mem_reserved with the pool mem tracker. Called
/// before sending local_stats().
void UpdateMemTrackerStats();
/// Called on a full topic update to clear all stats before processing the update.
void ClearRemoteStats() { remote_stats_.clear(); }
/// Called to update remote host TPoolStats with the new host_stats for the
/// specified host. If host_stats is NULL the stats for the specified remote host
/// are removed (i.e. topic deletion).
void UpdateRemoteStats(const std::string& backend_id, TPoolStats* host_stats);
/// Called after updating local_stats_ and remote_stats_ to update the aggregate
/// values of agg_num_running_, agg_num_queued_, and agg_mem_reserved_. The in/out
/// parameter host_mem_reserved is a map from host id to memory reserved used to
/// aggregate the mem reserved values across all pools for each host. Used by
/// UpdateClusterAggregates() to update host_mem_reserved_; it provides the host
/// aggregates when called over all pools.
void UpdateAggregates(HostMemMap* host_mem_reserved);
const TPoolStats& local_stats() { return local_stats_; }
/// Updates the metrics exposing the pool configuration to those in pool_cfg.
void UpdateConfigMetrics(const TPoolConfig& pool_cfg);
PoolMetrics* metrics() { return &metrics_; }
std::string DebugString() const;
const std::string name_;
AdmissionController* parent_;
/// Aggregate (across all hosts) number of running queries in this pool. Updated
/// by Admit(), Release(), and after processing statestore updates by
/// UpdateAggregates().
int64_t agg_num_running_;
/// Aggregate (across all hosts) number of queued requests. Updated by Queue(),
/// Dequeue(), and after processing statestore updates by UpdateAggregates().
int64_t agg_num_queued_;
/// Aggregate memory reported as reserved for fragments executing in this pool by
/// every host, i.e. the sum of all local_stats_.mem_reserved from all
/// other hosts. Updated only by UpdateAggregates().
int64_t agg_mem_reserved_;
/// Memory in this pool (across all nodes) that is needed for requests that have been
/// admitted by this local coordinator. Updated only on Admit() and Release(). Stored
/// separately from the other 'local' stats in local_stats_ because it is not sent
/// to the statestore (no 'aggregated' value is needed).
int64_t local_mem_admitted_;
/// This pool's TPoolStats for this host. Sent to the statestore (and thus not stored
/// in remote_stats_ with the remote hosts). Most fields are updated eagerly and used
/// for local admission decisions. local_stats_.backend_mem_reserved is the
/// exception: it is not used in local admission decisions so it can be updated
/// lazily before sending a statestore update.
TPoolStats local_stats_;
/// Map of host_ids to the latest TPoolStats. Entirely generated by incoming
/// statestore updates; updated by UpdateRemoteStats() and used by UpdateAggregates().
typedef boost::unordered_map<std::string, TPoolStats> RemoteStatsMap;
RemoteStatsMap remote_stats_;
/// Per-pool metrics, created by InitMetrics().
PoolMetrics metrics_;
void InitMetrics();
/// Map of pool names to pool stats. Accessed via GetPoolStats().
/// Protected by admission_ctrl_lock_.
typedef boost::unordered_map<std::string, PoolStats> PoolStatsMap;
PoolStatsMap pool_stats_;
/// The set of pools that have changed between topic updates that need stats to be sent
/// to the statestore. The key is the pool name.
typedef boost::unordered_set<std::string> PoolSet;
PoolSet pools_for_updates_;
/// Structure stored in a QueryQueue representing a request. This struct lives only
/// during the call to AdmitQuery() but its members live past that and are owned by the
/// ClientRequestState object associated with them.
struct QueueNode : public InternalQueue<QueueNode>::Node {
QueueNode(const QuerySchedule& query_schedule,
Promise<AdmissionOutcome, PromiseMode::MULTIPLE_PRODUCER>* admission_outcome)
: schedule(query_schedule), admit_outcome(admission_outcome) {}
/// The query schedule of the queued request.
const QuerySchedule& schedule;
/// The Admission outcome of the queued request.
Promise<AdmissionOutcome, PromiseMode::MULTIPLE_PRODUCER>* admit_outcome;
/// Queue for the queries waiting to be admitted for execution. Once the
/// maximum number of concurrently executing queries has been reached,
/// incoming queries are queued and admitted FCFS.
typedef InternalQueue<QueueNode> RequestQueue;
/// Map of pool names to request queues.
typedef boost::unordered_map<std::string, RequestQueue> RequestQueueMap;
RequestQueueMap request_queue_map_;
/// Map of pool names to the pool configs returned by request_pool_service_. Stored so
/// that the dequeue thread does not need to access the configs via the request pool
/// service again (which involves a JNI call and error checking).
typedef boost::unordered_map<std::string, TPoolConfig> PoolConfigMap;
PoolConfigMap pool_config_map_;
/// Notifies the dequeuing thread that pool stats have changed and it may be
/// possible to dequeue and admit queries.
ConditionVariable dequeue_cv_;
/// If true, tear down the dequeuing thread. This only happens in unit tests.
bool done_;
/// Statestore subscriber callback that sends outgoing topic deltas (see
/// AddPoolUpdates()) and processes incoming topic deltas, updating the PoolStats
/// state.
void UpdatePoolStats(
const StatestoreSubscriber::TopicDeltaMap& incoming_topic_deltas,
std::vector<TTopicDelta>* subscriber_topic_updates);
/// Adds outgoing topic updates to subscriber_topic_updates for pools that have changed
/// since the last call to AddPoolUpdates(). Called by UpdatePoolStats() before
/// UpdateClusterAggregates(). Must hold admission_ctrl_lock_.
void AddPoolUpdates(std::vector<TTopicDelta>* subscriber_topic_updates);
/// Updates the remote stats with per-host topic_updates coming from the statestore.
/// Removes remote stats identified by topic deletions coming from the
/// statestore. Called by UpdatePoolStats(). Must hold admission_ctrl_lock_.
void HandleTopicUpdates(const std::vector<TTopicItem>& topic_updates);
/// Re-computes the per-pool aggregate stats and the per-host aggregates in
/// host_mem_reserved_ using each pool's remote_stats_ and local_stats_.
/// Called by UpdatePoolStats() after handling updates and deletions.
/// Must hold admission_ctrl_lock_.
void UpdateClusterAggregates();
/// Dequeues the queued queries when notified by dequeue_cv_ and admits them if they
/// have not been cancelled yet.
void DequeueLoop();
/// Returns true if schedule can be admitted to the pool with pool_cfg.
/// admit_from_queue is true if attempting to admit from the queue. Otherwise, returns
/// false and not_admitted_reason specifies why the request can not be admitted
/// immediately. Caller owns not_admitted_reason. Must hold admission_ctrl_lock_.
bool CanAdmitRequest(const QuerySchedule& schedule, const TPoolConfig& pool_cfg,
bool admit_from_queue, std::string* not_admitted_reason);
/// Returns true if there is enough memory available to admit the query based on the
/// schedule, the aggregate pool memory, and the per-host memory. If not, this returns
/// false and returns the reason in mem_unavailable_reason. Caller owns
/// mem_unavailable_reason. Must hold admission_ctrl_lock_.
bool HasAvailableMemResources(const QuerySchedule& schedule,
const TPoolConfig& pool_cfg, std::string* mem_unavailable_reason);
/// Adds per_node_mem to host_mem_admitted_ for each host in schedule. Must hold
/// admission_ctrl_lock_.
void UpdateHostMemAdmitted(const QuerySchedule& schedule, int64_t per_node_mem);
/// Returns true if this request must be rejected immediately, e.g. requires more
/// memory than possible to reserve or the queue is already full. If true,
/// rejection_reason is set to a explanation of why the request was rejected.
/// Must hold admission_ctrl_lock_.
bool RejectImmediately(const QuerySchedule& schedule, const TPoolConfig& pool_cfg,
std::string* rejection_reason);
/// Gets or creates the PoolStats for pool_name. Must hold admission_ctrl_lock_.
PoolStats* GetPoolStats(const std::string& pool_name);