blob: 61594ed24151225d5f11cc739b4ae7ec0b1c0272 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
// KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
// The functions in this file are specifically not cross-compiled to IR because there
// is no signifcant performance benefit to be gained.
#include "exprs/udf-builtins.h"
#include "gen-cpp/Exprs_types.h"
#include "runtime/runtime-state.h"
#include "runtime/timestamp-value.h"
#include "udf/udf-internal.h"
#include "util/bit-util.h"
#include "common/names.h"
using boost::gregorian::date;
using boost::gregorian::date_duration;
using boost::posix_time::ptime;
using boost::posix_time::time_duration;
using boost::posix_time::milliseconds;
using boost::posix_time::microseconds;
using namespace impala;
using namespace strings;
// The units which can be used when Truncating a Timestamp
enum class TruncUnit {
// Below units are only used by DateTrunc
// Put non-exported functions in anonymous namespace to encourage inlining.
namespace {
// Returns the most recent date, no later than orig_date, which is on week_day
// week_day: 0==Sunday, 1==Monday, ...
date GoBackToWeekday(const date& orig_date, int week_day) {
int current_week_day = orig_date.day_of_week();
int diff = current_week_day - week_day;
if (diff == 0) return orig_date;
if (diff > 0) {
// ex. Weds(3) shifts to Tues(2), so we go back 1 day
return orig_date - date_duration(diff);
// ex. Tues(2) shifts to Weds(3), so we go back 6 days
DCHECK_LT(diff, 0);
return orig_date - date_duration(7 + diff);
// Maps the user facing name of a unit to a TruncUnit used by DateTrunc function
// Returns the TruncUnit for the given string
TruncUnit StrToDateTruncUnit(FunctionContext* ctx, const StringVal& unit_str) {
StringVal unit = UdfBuiltins::Lower(ctx, unit_str);
if (UNLIKELY(unit.is_null)) return TruncUnit::UNIT_INVALID;
if (unit == "millennium") {
return TruncUnit::MILLENNIUM;
} else if (unit == "century") {
return TruncUnit::CENTURY;
} else if (unit == "decade") {
return TruncUnit::DECADE;
} else if (unit == "year") {
return TruncUnit::YEAR;
} else if (unit == "month") {
return TruncUnit::MONTH;
} else if (unit == "week") {
return TruncUnit::WEEK;
} else if (unit == "day") {
return TruncUnit::DAY;
} else if (unit == "hour") {
return TruncUnit::HOUR;
} else if (unit == "minute") {
return TruncUnit::MINUTE;
} else if (unit == "second") {
return TruncUnit::SECOND;
} else if (unit == "milliseconds") {
return TruncUnit::MILLISECONDS;
} else if (unit == "microseconds") {
return TruncUnit::MICROSECONDS;
} else {
return TruncUnit::UNIT_INVALID;
// Maps the user facing name of a unit to a TruncUnit
// Returns the TruncUnit for the given string
TruncUnit StrToTruncUnit(FunctionContext* ctx, const StringVal& unit_str) {
StringVal unit = UdfBuiltins::Lower(ctx, unit_str);
if (UNLIKELY(unit.is_null)) return TruncUnit::UNIT_INVALID;
if ((unit == "syyyy") || (unit == "yyyy") || (unit == "year") || (unit == "syear")
|| (unit == "yyy") || (unit == "yy") || (unit == "y")) {
return TruncUnit::YEAR;
} else if (unit == "q") {
return TruncUnit::QUARTER;
} else if ((unit == "month") || (unit == "mon") || (unit == "mm") || (unit == "rm")) {
return TruncUnit::MONTH;
} else if (unit == "ww") {
return TruncUnit::WW;
} else if (unit == "w") {
return TruncUnit::W;
} else if ((unit == "ddd") || (unit == "dd") || (unit == "j")) {
return TruncUnit::DAY;
} else if ((unit == "day") || (unit == "dy") || (unit == "d")) {
return TruncUnit::DAY_OF_WEEK;
} else if ((unit == "hh") || (unit == "hh12") || (unit == "hh24")) {
return TruncUnit::HOUR;
} else if (unit == "mi") {
return TruncUnit::MINUTE;
} else {
return TruncUnit::UNIT_INVALID;
// Truncate to first day of millennium
TimestampValue TruncMillennium(const date& orig_date) {
DCHECK_GT(orig_date.year(), 2000);
// First year of current millennium is 2001
date new_date((orig_date.year() - 1) / 1000 * 1000 + 1, 1, 1);
time_duration new_time(0, 0, 0, 0);
return TimestampValue(new_date, new_time);
// Truncate to first day of century
TimestampValue TruncCentury(const date& orig_date) {
DCHECK_GT(orig_date.year(), 1400);
// First year of current century is 2001
date new_date((orig_date.year() - 1) / 100 * 100 + 1, 1, 1);
time_duration new_time(0, 0, 0, 0);
return TimestampValue(new_date, new_time);
// Truncate to first day of decade
TimestampValue TruncDecade(const date& orig_date) {
// Decades start with years ending in '0'.
date new_date(orig_date.year() / 10 * 10, 1, 1);
time_duration new_time(0, 0, 0, 0);
return TimestampValue(new_date, new_time);
// Truncate to first day of year
TimestampValue TruncYear(const date& orig_date) {
date new_date(orig_date.year(), 1, 1);
time_duration new_time(0, 0, 0, 0);
return TimestampValue(new_date, new_time);
// Truncate to first day of quarter
TimestampValue TruncQuarter(const date& orig_date) {
int first_month_of_quarter = BitUtil::RoundDown(orig_date.month() - 1, 3) + 1;
date new_date(orig_date.year(), first_month_of_quarter, 1);
time_duration new_time(0, 0, 0, 0);
return TimestampValue(new_date, new_time);
// Truncate to first day of month
TimestampValue TruncMonth(const date& orig_date) {
date new_date(orig_date.year(), orig_date.month(), 1);
time_duration new_time(0, 0, 0, 0);
return TimestampValue(new_date, new_time);
// Truncate to first day of the week (monday)
TimestampValue TruncWeek(const date& orig_date) {
// ISO-8601 week starts on monday. go back to monday
date new_date = GoBackToWeekday(orig_date, 1);
time_duration new_time(0, 0, 0, 0);
return TimestampValue(new_date, new_time);
// Same day of the week as the first day of the year
TimestampValue TruncWW(const date& orig_date) {
date first_day_of_year(orig_date.year(), 1, 1);
int target_week_day = first_day_of_year.day_of_week();
date new_date = GoBackToWeekday(orig_date, target_week_day);
time_duration new_time(0, 0, 0, 0);
return TimestampValue(new_date, new_time);
// Same day of the week as the first day of the month
TimestampValue TruncW(const date& orig_date) {
date first_day_of_mon(orig_date.year(), orig_date.month(), 1);
date new_date = GoBackToWeekday(orig_date, first_day_of_mon.day_of_week());
time_duration new_time(0, 0, 0, 0);
return TimestampValue(new_date, new_time);
// Truncate to midnight on the given date
TimestampValue TruncDay(const date& orig_date) {
time_duration new_time(0, 0, 0, 0);
return TimestampValue(orig_date, new_time);
// Date of the previous Monday
TimestampValue TruncDayOfWeek(const date& orig_date) {
date new_date = GoBackToWeekday(orig_date, 1);
time_duration new_time(0, 0, 0, 0);
return TimestampValue(new_date, new_time);
// Truncate minutes, seconds, and parts of seconds
TimestampValue TruncHour(const date& orig_date, const time_duration& orig_time) {
time_duration new_time(orig_time.hours(), 0, 0, 0);
return TimestampValue(orig_date, new_time);
// Truncate seconds and parts of seconds
TimestampValue TruncMinute(const date& orig_date, const time_duration& orig_time) {
time_duration new_time(orig_time.hours(), orig_time.minutes(), 0, 0);
return TimestampValue(orig_date, new_time);
// Truncate parts of seconds
TimestampValue TruncSecond(const date& orig_date, const time_duration& orig_time) {
time_duration new_time(orig_time.hours(), orig_time.minutes(), orig_time.seconds());
return TimestampValue(orig_date, new_time);
// Truncate parts of milliseconds
TimestampValue TruncMilliSeconds(const date& orig_date, const time_duration& orig_time) {
time_duration new_time(orig_time.hours(), orig_time.minutes(), orig_time.seconds());
// Fractional seconds are nanoseconds because Boost is configured to use nanoseconds
// precision.
time_duration fraction = milliseconds(orig_time.fractional_seconds() / 1000000);
new_time = new_time + fraction;
return TimestampValue(orig_date, new_time);
// Truncate parts of microseconds
TimestampValue TruncMicroSeconds(const date& orig_date, const time_duration& orig_time) {
time_duration new_time(orig_time.hours(), orig_time.minutes(), orig_time.seconds());
// Fractional seconds are nanoseconds because Boost is configured to use nanoseconds
// precision.
time_duration fraction = microseconds(orig_time.fractional_seconds() / 1000);
new_time = new_time + fraction;
return TimestampValue(orig_date, new_time);
// used by both Trunc and DateTrunc functions to perform the truncation
TimestampVal DoTrunc(
const TimestampValue ts, TruncUnit trunc_unit, FunctionContext* context) {
const date& orig_date =;
const time_duration& orig_time = ts.time();
TimestampValue ret;
TimestampVal ret_val;
// check for invalid or malformed timestamps
switch (trunc_unit) {
case TruncUnit::MILLENNIUM:
// for millenium <= 2000 year value goes to 1001 (outside the supported range)
if (orig_date.is_special()) return TimestampVal::null();
if (orig_date.year() <= 2000) return TimestampVal::null();
case TruncUnit::CENTURY:
// for century <= 1400 year value goes to 1301 (outside the supported range)
if (orig_date.is_special()) return TimestampVal::null();
if (orig_date.year() <= 1400) return TimestampVal::null();
case TruncUnit::WEEK:
// anything less than 1400-1-6 we have to move to year 1399
if (orig_date.is_special()) return TimestampVal::null();
if (orig_date < date(1400, 1, 6)) return TimestampVal::null();
case TruncUnit::YEAR:
case TruncUnit::QUARTER:
case TruncUnit::MONTH:
case TruncUnit::WW:
case TruncUnit::W:
case TruncUnit::DAY:
case TruncUnit::DAY_OF_WEEK:
case TruncUnit::DECADE:
if (orig_date.is_special()) return TimestampVal::null();
case TruncUnit::HOUR:
case TruncUnit::MINUTE:
case TruncUnit::SECOND:
case TruncUnit::MILLISECONDS:
case TruncUnit::MICROSECONDS:
if (orig_time.is_special()) return TimestampVal::null();
case TruncUnit::UNIT_INVALID:
switch(trunc_unit) {
case TruncUnit::YEAR:
ret = TruncYear(orig_date);
case TruncUnit::QUARTER:
ret = TruncQuarter(orig_date);
case TruncUnit::MONTH:
ret = TruncMonth(orig_date);
case TruncUnit::WW:
ret = TruncWW(orig_date);
case TruncUnit::W:
ret = TruncW(orig_date);
case TruncUnit::DAY:
ret = TruncDay(orig_date);
case TruncUnit::DAY_OF_WEEK:
ret = TruncDayOfWeek(orig_date);
case TruncUnit::HOUR:
ret = TruncHour(orig_date, orig_time);
case TruncUnit::MINUTE:
ret = TruncMinute(orig_date, orig_time);
case TruncUnit::MILLENNIUM:
ret = TruncMillennium(orig_date);
case TruncUnit::CENTURY:
ret = TruncCentury(orig_date);
case TruncUnit::DECADE:
ret = TruncDecade(orig_date);
case TruncUnit::WEEK:
ret = TruncWeek(orig_date);
case TruncUnit::SECOND:
ret = TruncSecond(orig_date, orig_time);
case TruncUnit::MILLISECONDS:
ret = TruncMilliSeconds(orig_date, orig_time);
case TruncUnit::MICROSECONDS:
ret = TruncMicroSeconds(orig_date, orig_time);
// internal error: implies StrToTruncUnit out of sync with this switch
context->SetError("truncate unit not supported");
return TimestampVal::null();
return ret_val;
TimestampVal UdfBuiltins::TruncImpl(
FunctionContext* context, const TimestampVal& tv, const StringVal& unit_str) {
if (tv.is_null) return TimestampVal::null();
TimestampValue ts = TimestampValue::FromTimestampVal(tv);
// resolve trunc_unit using the prepared state if possible, o.w. parse now
// TruncPrepare() can only parse trunc_unit if user passes it as a string literal
// TODO: it would be nice to resolve the branch before codegen so we can optimise
// this better.
TruncUnit trunc_unit;
void* state = context->GetFunctionState(FunctionContext::THREAD_LOCAL);
if (state != NULL) {
trunc_unit = *reinterpret_cast<TruncUnit*>(state);
} else {
trunc_unit = StrToTruncUnit(context, unit_str);
if (trunc_unit == TruncUnit::UNIT_INVALID) {
string string_unit(reinterpret_cast<char*>(unit_str.ptr), unit_str.len);
context->SetError(Substitute("Invalid Truncate Unit: $0", string_unit).c_str());
return TimestampVal::null();
return DoTrunc(ts, trunc_unit, context);
void UdfBuiltins::TruncPrepare(
FunctionContext* ctx, FunctionContext::FunctionStateScope scope) {
// Parse the unit up front if we can, otherwise do it on the fly in Trunc()
if (ctx->IsArgConstant(1)) {
StringVal* unit_str = reinterpret_cast<StringVal*>(ctx->GetConstantArg(1));
TruncUnit trunc_unit = StrToTruncUnit(ctx, *unit_str);
if (trunc_unit == TruncUnit::UNIT_INVALID) {
string string_unit(reinterpret_cast<char*>(unit_str->ptr), unit_str->len);
ctx->SetError(Substitute("Invalid Truncate Unit: $0", string_unit).c_str());
} else {
TruncUnit* state = ctx->Allocate<TruncUnit>();
RETURN_IF_NULL(ctx, state);
*state = trunc_unit;
ctx->SetFunctionState(scope, state);
void UdfBuiltins::TruncClose(FunctionContext* ctx,
FunctionContext::FunctionStateScope scope) {
void* state = ctx->GetFunctionState(scope);
ctx->SetFunctionState(scope, nullptr);
TimestampVal UdfBuiltins::DateTruncImpl(
FunctionContext* context, const TimestampVal& tv, const StringVal& unit_str) {
if (tv.is_null) return TimestampVal::null();
TimestampValue ts = TimestampValue::FromTimestampVal(tv);
// resolve date_trunc_unit using the prepared state if possible, o.w. parse now
// DateTruncPrepare() can only parse trunc_unit if user passes it as a string literal
TruncUnit date_trunc_unit;
void* state = context->GetFunctionState(FunctionContext::THREAD_LOCAL);
if (state != NULL) {
date_trunc_unit = *reinterpret_cast<TruncUnit*>(state);
} else {
date_trunc_unit = StrToDateTruncUnit(context, unit_str);
if (date_trunc_unit == TruncUnit::UNIT_INVALID) {
string string_unit(reinterpret_cast<char*>(unit_str.ptr), unit_str.len);
Substitute("Invalid Date Truncate Unit: $0", string_unit).c_str());
return TimestampVal::null();
return DoTrunc(ts, date_trunc_unit, context);
void UdfBuiltins::DateTruncPrepare(
FunctionContext* ctx, FunctionContext::FunctionStateScope scope) {
// Parse the unit up front if we can, otherwise do it on the fly in DateTrunc()
if (ctx->IsArgConstant(0)) {
StringVal* unit_str = reinterpret_cast<StringVal*>(ctx->GetConstantArg(0));
TruncUnit date_trunc_unit = StrToDateTruncUnit(ctx, *unit_str);
if (date_trunc_unit == TruncUnit::UNIT_INVALID) {
string string_unit(reinterpret_cast<char*>(unit_str->ptr), unit_str->len);
ctx->SetError(Substitute("Invalid Date Truncate Unit: $0", string_unit).c_str());
} else {
TruncUnit* state = ctx->Allocate<TruncUnit>();
RETURN_IF_NULL(ctx, state);
*state = date_trunc_unit;
ctx->SetFunctionState(scope, state);
void UdfBuiltins::DateTruncClose(
FunctionContext* ctx, FunctionContext::FunctionStateScope scope) {
void* state = ctx->GetFunctionState(scope);
ctx->SetFunctionState(scope, nullptr);