blob: c7066e958033df77e8f8adfbd09f754d3eec8aae [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
// KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
#include "runtime/io/disk-io-mgr-internal.h"
#include "runtime/exec-env.h"
#include "common/names.h"
#include "common/thread-debug-info.h"
using namespace impala;
using namespace impala::io;
// Cancelled status with an error message to distinguish from user-initiated cancellation.
static const Status& CONTEXT_CANCELLED =
Status::CancelledInternal("IoMgr RequestContext");
/// Struct containing state per disk. See comments in the disk read loop on how
/// they are used.
class RequestContext::PerDiskState {
/// Set reference to global disk queue corresponding to this state. Must be called
/// immediately after construction.
void set_disk_queue(DiskQueue* queue) { disk_queue_ = queue; }
bool done() const { return done_; }
void set_done(bool b) { done_ = b; }
int num_remaining_ranges() const { return num_remaining_ranges_; }
int& num_remaining_ranges() { return num_remaining_ranges_; }
ScanRange* next_scan_range_to_start() { return next_scan_range_to_start_; }
void set_next_scan_range_to_start(ScanRange* range) {
next_scan_range_to_start_ = range;
bool is_on_queue() const { return is_on_queue_.Load() != 0; }
int num_threads_in_op() const { return num_threads_in_op_.Load(); }
const InternalQueue<ScanRange>* unstarted_scan_ranges() const {
return &unstarted_scan_ranges_;
const InternalQueue<WriteRange>* unstarted_write_ranges() const {
return &unstarted_write_ranges_;
const InternalQueue<RequestRange>* in_flight_ranges() const {
return &in_flight_ranges_;
InternalQueue<ScanRange>* unstarted_scan_ranges() { return &unstarted_scan_ranges_; }
InternalQueue<WriteRange>* unstarted_write_ranges() {
return &unstarted_write_ranges_;
InternalQueue<RequestRange>* in_flight_ranges() { return &in_flight_ranges_; }
/// Schedules the request context on this disk if it's not already on the queue.
/// context->lock_ must be held by the caller via 'context_lock'.
void ScheduleContext(const unique_lock<mutex>& context_lock,
RequestContext* context, int disk_id);
/// See RequestContext::IncrementDiskThreadAfterDequeue() comment for usage.
/// The caller does not need to hold 'lock_', so this can execute concurrently with
/// itself and DecrementDiskThread().
void IncrementDiskThreadAfterDequeue() {
/// Incrementing 'num_threads_in_op_' first so that there is no window when other
/// threads see 'is_on_queue_ == num_threads_in_op_ == 0' and think there are no
/// references left to this context.
/// Decrement the count of disks threads with a reference to this context. Does final
/// cleanup if the context is cancelled and this is the last thread for the disk.
/// context->lock_ must be held by the caller via 'context_lock'.
void DecrementDiskThread(const unique_lock<mutex>& context_lock,
RequestContext* context) {
DCHECK(context_lock.mutex() == &context->lock_ && context_lock.owns_lock());
if (context->state_ != Cancelled) {
DCHECK_EQ(context->state_, Active);
// The state is cancelled, check to see if we're the last thread to touch the
// context on this disk. We need to load 'is_on_queue_' and 'num_threads_in_op_'
// in this order to avoid a race with IncrementDiskThreadAfterDequeue().
if (is_on_queue_.Load() == 0 && num_threads_in_op_.Load() == 0 && !done_) {
done_ = true;
/// The IoMgr disk queue corresponding to this context. Assigned during construction
/// of the RequestContext and not modified after.
DiskQueue* disk_queue_ = nullptr;
/// If true, this disk is all done for this request context, including any cleanup.
/// If done is true, it means that this request must not be on this disk's queue
/// *AND* there are no threads currently working on this context. To satisfy
/// this, only the last thread (per disk) can set this to true.
bool done_ = true;
/// For each disk, keeps track if the context is on this disk's queue, indicating
/// the disk must do some work for this context. 1 means that the context is on the
/// disk queue, 0 means that it's not on the queue (either because it has on ranges
/// active for the disk or because a disk thread dequeued the context and is
/// currently processing a request).
/// The disk needs to do work in 4 cases:
/// 1) in_flight_ranges is not empty, the disk needs to read for this reader.
/// 2) next_range_to_start is NULL, the disk needs to prepare a scan range to be
/// read next.
/// 3) the reader has been cancelled and this disk needs to participate in the
/// cleanup.
/// 4) A write range is added to queue.
/// In general, we only want to put a context on the disk queue if there is something
/// useful that can be done. If there's nothing useful, the disk queue will wake up
/// and then remove the reader from the queue. Doing this causes thrashing of the
/// threads.
/// This variable is important during context cancellation because it indicates
/// whether a queue has a reference to the context that must be released before
/// the context is considered unregistered. Atomically set to false after
/// incrementing 'num_threads_in_op_' when dequeueing so that there is no window
/// when other threads see 'is_on_queue_ == num_threads_in_op_ == 0' and think there
/// are no references left to this context.
/// TODO: this could be combined with 'num_threads_in_op_' to be a single refcount.
AtomicInt32 is_on_queue_{0};
/// For each disks, the number of request ranges that have not been fully read.
/// In the non-cancellation path, this will hit 0, and done will be set to true
/// by the disk thread. This is undefined in the cancellation path (the various
/// threads notice by looking at the RequestContext's state_).
int num_remaining_ranges_ = 0;
/// Queue of ranges that have not started being read. This list is exclusive
/// with in_flight_ranges.
InternalQueue<ScanRange> unstarted_scan_ranges_;
/// Queue of pending IO requests for this disk in the order that they will be
/// processed. A ScanRange is added to this queue when it is returned in
/// GetNextUnstartedRange(), or when it is added with schedule_mode == IMMEDIATELY.
/// A WriteRange is added to this queue from unstarted_write_ranges_ for each
/// invocation of GetNextRequestRange() in WorkLoop().
/// The size of this queue is always less than or equal to num_remaining_ranges.
InternalQueue<RequestRange> in_flight_ranges_;
/// The next range to start for this reader on this disk. Each disk (for each reader)
/// picks the next range to start. The range is set here and also added to the
/// ready_to_start_ranges_ queue. The reader pulls from the queue in FIFO order,
/// so the ranges from different disks are round-robined. When the range is pulled
/// off the ready_to_start_ranges_ queue, it sets this variable to NULL, so the disk
/// knows to populate it again and add it to ready_to_start_ranges_ i.e. it is used
/// as a flag by DiskIoMgr::GetNextScanRange to determine if it needs to add another
/// range to ready_to_start_ranges_.
ScanRange* next_scan_range_to_start_ = nullptr;
/// For each disk, the number of disk threads issuing the underlying read/write on
/// behalf of this context. There are a few places where we release the context lock,
/// do some work, and then grab the lock again. Because we don't hold the lock for
/// the entire operation, we need this ref count to keep track of which thread should
/// do final resource cleanup during cancellation.
/// Only the thread that sees the count at 0 should do the final cleanup.
AtomicInt32 num_threads_in_op_{0};
/// Queue of write ranges to process for this disk. A write range is always added
/// to in_flight_ranges_ in GetNextRequestRange(). There is a separate
/// unstarted_read_ranges_ and unstarted_write_ranges_ to alternate between reads
/// and writes. (Otherwise, since next_scan_range_to_start is set
/// in GetNextRequestRange() whenever it is null, repeated calls to
/// GetNextRequestRange() and GetNextUnstartedRange() may result in only reads being
/// processed)
InternalQueue<WriteRange> unstarted_write_ranges_;
void RequestContext::ReadDone(int disk_id, ReadOutcome outcome, ScanRange* range) {
// TODO: IMPALA-4249: it is safe to touch 'range' until DecrementDiskThread() is
// called because all clients of DiskIoMgr keep ScanRange objects alive until they
// unregister their RequestContext.
unique_lock<mutex> lock(lock_);
RequestContext::PerDiskState* disk_state = &disk_states_[disk_id];
DCHECK_GT(disk_state->num_threads_in_op(), 0);
if (outcome == ReadOutcome::SUCCESS_EOSR) {
// No more reads to do.
} else if (outcome == ReadOutcome::SUCCESS_NO_EOSR) {
// Schedule the next read.
if (state_ != RequestContext::Cancelled) {
ScheduleScanRange(lock, range);
} else if (outcome == ReadOutcome::BLOCKED_ON_BUFFER) {
// Do nothing - the caller must add a buffer to the range or cancel it.
} else {
DCHECK(outcome == ReadOutcome::CANCELLED) << static_cast<int>(outcome);
// No more reads - clean up the scan range.
RemoveActiveScanRangeLocked(lock, range);
// Release refcount that was taken in IncrementDiskThreadAfterDequeue().
disk_state->DecrementDiskThread(lock, this);
DCHECK(Validate()) << endl << DebugString();
void RequestContext::WriteDone(WriteRange* write_range, const Status& write_status) {
// Copy disk_id before running callback: the callback may modify write_range.
int disk_id = write_range->disk_id();
// Execute the callback before decrementing the thread count. Otherwise
// RequestContext::Cancel() that waits for the disk ref count to be 0 will
// return, creating a race, e.g. see IMPALA-1890.
// The status of the write does not affect the status of the writer context.
unique_lock<mutex> lock(lock_);
DCHECK(Validate()) << endl << DebugString();
RequestContext::PerDiskState& state = disk_states_[disk_id];
state.DecrementDiskThread(lock, this);
// Cancellation of a RequestContext requires coordination from multiple threads that may
// hold references to the context:
// 1. Disk threads that are currently processing a range for this context.
// 2. Caller threads that are waiting in GetNext().
// Each thread that currently has a reference to the request context must notice the
// cancel, cancel any pending operations involving the context and remove the contxt from
// tracking structures. Once no more operations are pending on the context and no more
// I/O mgr threads hold references to the context, the context can be marked inactive
// (see CancelAndMarkInactive()), after which the owner of the context object can free
// it.
// The steps are:
// 1. Cancel() will immediately set the context in the Cancelled state. This prevents any
// other thread from adding more ready buffers to the context (they all take a lock and
// check the state before doing so), or any write ranges to the context.
// 2. Cancel() will call Cancel() on each ScanRange that is not yet complete, unblocking
// any threads in GetNext(). If there was no prior error for a scan range, any reads from
// that scan range will return a CANCELLED_INTERNALLY Status. Cancel() also invokes
// callbacks for all WriteRanges with a CANCELLED_INTERNALLY Status.
// 3. Disk threads notice the context is cancelled either when picking the next context
// to process or when they try to enqueue a ready buffer. Upon noticing the cancelled
// state, removes the context from the disk queue. The last thread per disk then calls
// DecrementDiskRefCount(). After the last disk thread has called DecrementDiskRefCount(),
// cancellation is done and it is safe to unregister the context.
void RequestContext::Cancel() {
// Callbacks are collected in this vector and invoked while no lock is held.
vector<WriteRange::WriteDoneCallback> write_callbacks;
unique_lock<mutex> lock(lock_);
DCHECK(Validate()) << endl << DebugString();
// Already being cancelled
if (state_ == RequestContext::Cancelled) return;
// The reader will be put into a cancelled state until call cleanup is complete.
state_ = RequestContext::Cancelled;
// Clear out all request ranges from queues for this reader. Cancel the scan
// ranges and invoke the write range callbacks to propagate the cancellation.
for (ScanRange* range : active_scan_ranges_) {
range->CancelInternal(CONTEXT_CANCELLED, false);
for (PerDiskState& disk_state : disk_states_) {
RequestRange* range;
while ((range = disk_state.in_flight_ranges()->Dequeue()) != nullptr) {
if (range->request_type() == RequestType::WRITE) {
while (disk_state.unstarted_scan_ranges()->Dequeue() != nullptr);
WriteRange* write_range;
while ((write_range = disk_state.unstarted_write_ranges()->Dequeue()) != nullptr) {
// Clear out the lists of scan ranges.
while (ready_to_start_ranges_.Dequeue() != nullptr);
while (cached_ranges_.Dequeue() != nullptr);
// Ensure that the reader is scheduled on all disks (it may already be scheduled on
// some). The disk threads will notice that the context is cancelled and do any
// required cleanup for the disk state.
for (int i = 0; i < disk_states_.size(); ++i) {
disk_states_[i].ScheduleContext(lock, this, i);
for (const WriteRange::WriteDoneCallback& write_callback: write_callbacks) {
// Signal reader and unblock the GetNext/Read thread. That read will fail with
// a cancelled status.
void RequestContext::CancelAndMarkInactive() {
unique_lock<mutex> l(lock_);
DCHECK_NE(state_, Inactive);
DCHECK(Validate()) << endl << DebugString();
// Wait until the ranges finish up.
while (num_disks_with_ranges_ > 0) disks_complete_cond_var_.Wait(l);
// Validate that no ranges are active.
DCHECK_EQ(0, active_scan_ranges_.size()) << endl << DebugString();
// Validate that no threads are active and the context is not queued.
for (const PerDiskState& disk_state : disk_states_) {
DCHECK_EQ(0, disk_state.in_flight_ranges()->size()) << endl << DebugString();
DCHECK_EQ(0, disk_state.unstarted_scan_ranges()->size()) << endl << DebugString();
DCHECK_EQ(0, disk_state.num_threads_in_op()) << endl << DebugString();
DCHECK(!disk_state.is_on_queue()) << endl << DebugString();
DCHECK(Validate()) << endl << DebugString();
state_ = Inactive;
void RequestContext::AddRangeToDisk(const unique_lock<mutex>& lock,
RequestRange* range, ScheduleMode schedule_mode) {
DCHECK(lock.mutex() == &lock_ && lock.owns_lock());
DCHECK_EQ(state_, Active) << DebugString();
PerDiskState* disk_state = &disk_states_[range->disk_id()];
if (disk_state->done()) {
DCHECK_EQ(disk_state->num_remaining_ranges(), 0);
if (range->request_type() == RequestType::READ) {
ScanRange* scan_range = static_cast<ScanRange*>(range);
if (schedule_mode == ScheduleMode::IMMEDIATELY) {
ScheduleScanRange(lock, scan_range);
} else if (schedule_mode != ScheduleMode::BY_CALLER) {
if (schedule_mode == ScheduleMode::UPON_GETNEXT_TAIL) {
} else {
DCHECK_ENUM_EQ(schedule_mode, ScheduleMode::UPON_GETNEXT_HEAD);
// If there's no 'next_scan_range_to_start', schedule this RequestContext so that
// one of the 'unstarted_scan_ranges' will become the 'next_scan_range_to_start'.
if (disk_state->next_scan_range_to_start() == nullptr) {
disk_state->ScheduleContext(lock, this, range->disk_id());
} else {
DCHECK(range->request_type() == RequestType::WRITE);
DCHECK(schedule_mode == ScheduleMode::IMMEDIATELY) << static_cast<int>(schedule_mode);
WriteRange* write_range = static_cast<WriteRange*>(range);
// Ensure that the context is scheduled so that the write range gets picked up.
// ScheduleContext() has no effect if already scheduled, so this is safe to do always.
disk_state->ScheduleContext(lock, this, range->disk_id());
Status RequestContext::AddScanRanges(
const vector<ScanRange*>& ranges, EnqueueLocation enqueue_location) {
DCHECK_GT(ranges.size(), 0);
// Validate and initialize all ranges
for (int i = 0; i < ranges.size(); ++i) {
ranges[i]->InitInternal(parent_, this);
unique_lock<mutex> lock(lock_);
DCHECK(Validate()) << endl << DebugString();
if (state_ == RequestContext::Cancelled) return CONTEXT_CANCELLED;
// Add each range to the queue of the disk the range is on
for (ScanRange* range : ranges) {
// Don't add empty ranges.
DCHECK_NE(range->len(), 0);
AddActiveScanRangeLocked(lock, range);
if (range->UseHdfsCache()) {
} else {
AddRangeToDisk(lock, range, (enqueue_location == EnqueueLocation::HEAD) ?
DCHECK(Validate()) << endl << DebugString();
return Status::OK();
// This function returns the next scan range the reader should work on, checking
// for eos and error cases. If there isn't already a cached scan range or a scan
// range prepared by the disk threads, the caller waits on the disk threads.
Status RequestContext::GetNextUnstartedRange(ScanRange** range, bool* needs_buffers) {
DCHECK(range != nullptr);
*range = nullptr;
*needs_buffers = false;
unique_lock<mutex> lock(lock_);
DCHECK(Validate()) << endl << DebugString();
while (true) {
if (state_ == RequestContext::Cancelled) return CONTEXT_CANCELLED;
if (num_unstarted_scan_ranges_.Load() == 0 && ready_to_start_ranges_.empty()
&& cached_ranges_.empty()) {
// All ranges are done, just return.
return Status::OK();
if (!cached_ranges_.empty()) {
// We have a cached range.
*range = cached_ranges_.Dequeue();
bool cached_read_succeeded;
RETURN_IF_ERROR(TryReadFromCache(lock, *range, &cached_read_succeeded,
if (cached_read_succeeded) return Status::OK();
// This range ended up not being cached. Loop again and pick up a new range.
AddRangeToDisk(lock, *range, ScheduleMode::UPON_GETNEXT_TAIL);
DCHECK(Validate()) << endl << DebugString();
*range = nullptr;
if (ready_to_start_ranges_.empty()) {
} else {
*range = ready_to_start_ranges_.Dequeue();
DCHECK(*range != nullptr);
int disk_id = (*range)->disk_id();
DCHECK_EQ(*range, disk_states_[disk_id].next_scan_range_to_start());
// Set this to nullptr, the next time this disk runs for this reader, it will
// get another range ready.
ScanRange::ExternalBufferTag buffer_tag = (*range)->external_buffer_tag();
if (buffer_tag == ScanRange::ExternalBufferTag::NO_BUFFER) {
// We can't schedule this range until the client gives us buffers. The context
// must be rescheduled regardless to ensure that 'next_scan_range_to_start' is
// refilled.
disk_states_[disk_id].ScheduleContext(lock, this, disk_id);
*needs_buffers = true;
} else {
ScheduleScanRange(lock, *range);
return Status::OK();
Status RequestContext::StartScanRange(ScanRange* range, bool* needs_buffers) {
range->InitInternal(parent_, this);
unique_lock<mutex> lock(lock_);
DCHECK(Validate()) << endl << DebugString();
if (state_ == RequestContext::Cancelled) return CONTEXT_CANCELLED;
DCHECK_NE(range->len(), 0);
if (range->UseHdfsCache()) {
bool cached_read_succeeded;
RETURN_IF_ERROR(TryReadFromCache(lock, range, &cached_read_succeeded,
if (cached_read_succeeded) return Status::OK();
// Cached read failed, fall back to normal read path.
// If we don't have a buffer yet, the caller must allocate buffers for the range.
*needs_buffers =
range->external_buffer_tag() == ScanRange::ExternalBufferTag::NO_BUFFER;
if (*needs_buffers) range->SetBlockedOnBuffer();
AddActiveScanRangeLocked(lock, range);
AddRangeToDisk(lock, range,
*needs_buffers ? ScheduleMode::BY_CALLER : ScheduleMode::IMMEDIATELY);
DCHECK(Validate()) << endl << DebugString();
return Status::OK();
Status RequestContext::TryReadFromCache(const unique_lock<mutex>& lock,
ScanRange* range, bool* read_succeeded, bool* needs_buffers) {
DCHECK(lock.mutex() == &lock_ && lock.owns_lock());
RETURN_IF_ERROR(range->ReadFromCache(lock, read_succeeded));
if (!*read_succeeded) return Status::OK();
DCHECK(Validate()) << endl << DebugString();
ScanRange::ExternalBufferTag buffer_tag = range->external_buffer_tag();
// The following cases are possible at this point:
// * The scan range doesn't have sub-ranges:
// ** buffer_tag is CACHED_BUFFER and the buffer is already available to the reader.
// (there is nothing to do)
// * The scan range has sub-ranges, and buffer_tag is:
// ** NO_BUFFER: the client needs to add buffers to the scan range
// ** CLIENT_BUFFER: the client already provided a buffer to copy data into it
*needs_buffers = buffer_tag == ScanRange::ExternalBufferTag::NO_BUFFER;
if (*needs_buffers) {
// The range will be scheduled when buffers are added to it.
AddRangeToDisk(lock, range, ScheduleMode::BY_CALLER);
} else if (buffer_tag == ScanRange::ExternalBufferTag::CLIENT_BUFFER) {
AddRangeToDisk(lock, range, ScheduleMode::IMMEDIATELY);
return Status::OK();
Status RequestContext::AddWriteRange(WriteRange* write_range) {
unique_lock<mutex> lock(lock_);
if (state_ == RequestContext::Cancelled) return CONTEXT_CANCELLED;
AddRangeToDisk(lock, write_range, ScheduleMode::IMMEDIATELY);
return Status::OK();
void RequestContext::AddActiveScanRangeLocked(
const unique_lock<mutex>& lock, ScanRange* range) {
DCHECK(lock.mutex() == &lock_ && lock.owns_lock());
DCHECK(state_ == Active);
void RequestContext::RemoveActiveScanRange(ScanRange* range) {
unique_lock<mutex> lock(lock_);
RemoveActiveScanRangeLocked(lock, range);
void RequestContext::RemoveActiveScanRangeLocked(
const unique_lock<mutex>& lock, ScanRange* range) {
DCHECK(lock.mutex() == &lock_ && lock.owns_lock());
// This function gets the next RequestRange to work on for this RequestContext and disk
// combination this disk. It checks for cancellation and:
// a) Updates ready_to_start_ranges if there are no scan ranges queued for this disk.
// b) Adds an unstarted write range to in_flight_ranges_. The write range is processed
// immediately if there are no preceding scan ranges in in_flight_ranges_
RequestRange* RequestContext::GetNextRequestRange(int disk_id) {
PerDiskState* request_disk_state = &disk_states_[disk_id];
// NOTE: no locks are held, so other threads could have modified the state of the reader
// and disk state since this context was pulled off the queue. Only one disk thread can
// be in this function for this reader, since the reader was removed from the queue and
// has not be re-added. Other disk threads may be operating on this reader in other
// functions though.
unique_lock<mutex> request_lock(lock_);
VLOG_FILE << "Disk (id=" << disk_id << ") reading for " << DebugString();
// Check if reader has been cancelled
if (state_ == RequestContext::Cancelled) {
request_disk_state->DecrementDiskThread(request_lock, this);
return nullptr;
DCHECK_EQ(state_, RequestContext::Active) << DebugString();
if (request_disk_state->next_scan_range_to_start() == nullptr &&
!request_disk_state->unstarted_scan_ranges()->empty()) {
// We don't have a range queued for this disk for what the caller should
// read next. Populate that. We want to have one range waiting to minimize
// wait time in GetNextUnstartedRange().
ScanRange* new_range = request_disk_state->unstarted_scan_ranges()->Dequeue();
if (num_unstarted_scan_ranges_.Load() == 0) {
// All the ranges have been started, notify everyone blocked on
// GetNextUnstartedRange(). Only one of them will get work so make sure to return
// nullptr to the other caller threads.
} else {
// Always enqueue a WriteRange to be processed into in_flight_ranges_.
// This is done so in_flight_ranges_ does not exclusively contain ScanRanges.
// For now, enqueuing a WriteRange on each invocation of GetNextRequestRange()
// does not flood in_flight_ranges() with WriteRanges because the entire
// WriteRange is processed and removed from the queue after GetNextRequestRange()
// returns.
if (!request_disk_state->unstarted_write_ranges()->empty()) {
WriteRange* write_range = request_disk_state->unstarted_write_ranges()->Dequeue();
// Get the next scan range to work on from the reader. Only in_flight_ranges
// are eligible since the disk threads do not start new ranges on their own.
if (request_disk_state->in_flight_ranges()->empty()) {
// There are no inflight ranges, nothing to do.
request_disk_state->DecrementDiskThread(request_lock, this);
return nullptr;
DCHECK_GT(request_disk_state->num_remaining_ranges(), 0);
RequestRange* range = request_disk_state->in_flight_ranges()->Dequeue();
DCHECK(range != nullptr);
// Now that we've picked a request range, put the context back on the queue so
// another thread can pick up another request range for this context.
request_disk_state->ScheduleContext(request_lock, this, disk_id);
DCHECK(Validate()) << endl << DebugString();
return range;
DiskIoMgr* parent, const std::vector<DiskQueue*>& disk_queues)
: parent_(parent), disk_states_(disk_queues.size()) {
// PerDiskState is not movable, so we need to initialize the vector in this awkward way.
for (int i = 0; i < disk_queues.size(); ++i) {
ThreadDebugInfo* tdi = GetThreadDebugInfo();
if (tdi != nullptr) {
RequestContext::~RequestContext() {
DCHECK_EQ(state_, Inactive) << "Must be unregistered. " << DebugString();
// Dumps out request context information. Lock should be taken by caller
string RequestContext::DebugString() const {
stringstream ss;
ss << endl << " RequestContext: " << (void*)this << " (state=";
if (state_ == RequestContext::Inactive) ss << "Inactive";
if (state_ == RequestContext::Cancelled) ss << "Cancelled";
if (state_ == RequestContext::Active) ss << "Active";
if (state_ != RequestContext::Inactive) {
ss << " #disk_with_ranges=" << num_disks_with_ranges_
<< " #disks=" << num_disks_with_ranges_
<< " #active scan ranges=" << active_scan_ranges_.size();
for (int i = 0; i < disk_states_.size(); ++i) {
ss << endl << " " << i << ": "
<< "is_on_queue=" << disk_states_[i].is_on_queue()
<< " done=" << disk_states_[i].done()
<< " #num_remaining_scan_ranges=" << disk_states_[i].num_remaining_ranges()
<< " #in_flight_ranges=" << disk_states_[i].in_flight_ranges()->size()
<< " #unstarted_scan_ranges=" << disk_states_[i].unstarted_scan_ranges()->size()
<< " #unstarted_write_ranges="
<< disk_states_[i].unstarted_write_ranges()->size()
<< " #reading_threads=" << disk_states_[i].num_threads_in_op();
ss << ")";
return ss.str();
void RequestContext::UnregisterDiskQueue(int disk_id) {
unique_lock<mutex> lock(lock_);
DCHECK_EQ(disk_states_[disk_id].num_threads_in_op(), 0);
bool RequestContext::Validate() const {
if (state_ == RequestContext::Inactive) {
LOG(WARNING) << "state_ == RequestContext::Inactive";
return false;
int total_unstarted_ranges = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < disk_states_.size(); ++i) {
const PerDiskState& state = disk_states_[i];
bool on_queue = state.is_on_queue();
int num_reading_threads = state.num_threads_in_op();
total_unstarted_ranges += state.unstarted_scan_ranges()->size();
if (num_reading_threads < 0) {
LOG(WARNING) << "disk_id=" << i
<< "state.num_threads_in_read < 0: #threads="
<< num_reading_threads;
return false;
if (state_ != RequestContext::Cancelled) {
if (state.unstarted_scan_ranges()->size() + state.in_flight_ranges()->size() >
state.num_remaining_ranges()) {
LOG(WARNING) << "disk_id=" << i
<< " state.unstarted_ranges.size() + state.in_flight_ranges.size()"
<< " > state.num_remaining_ranges:"
<< " #unscheduled=" << state.unstarted_scan_ranges()->size()
<< " #in_flight=" << state.in_flight_ranges()->size()
<< " #remaining=" << state.num_remaining_ranges();
return false;
// If we have an in_flight range, the reader must be on the queue or have a
// thread actively reading for it.
if (!state.in_flight_ranges()->empty() && !on_queue && num_reading_threads == 0) {
LOG(WARNING) << "disk_id=" << i
<< " reader has inflight ranges but is not on the disk queue."
<< " #in_flight_ranges=" << state.in_flight_ranges()->size()
<< " #reading_threads=" << num_reading_threads
<< " on_queue=" << on_queue;
return false;
if (state.done() && num_reading_threads > 0) {
LOG(WARNING) << "disk_id=" << i
<< " state set to done but there are still threads working."
<< " #reading_threads=" << num_reading_threads;
return false;
} else {
// Is Cancelled
if (!state.in_flight_ranges()->empty()) {
LOG(WARNING) << "disk_id=" << i
<< "Reader cancelled but has in flight ranges.";
return false;
if (!state.unstarted_scan_ranges()->empty()) {
LOG(WARNING) << "disk_id=" << i
<< "Reader cancelled but has unstarted ranges.";
return false;
if (state.done() && on_queue) {
LOG(WARNING) << "disk_id=" << i
<< " state set to done but the reader is still on the disk queue."
<< " state.done=true and state.is_on_queue=true";
return false;
if (state_ != RequestContext::Cancelled) {
if (total_unstarted_ranges != num_unstarted_scan_ranges_.Load()) {
LOG(WARNING) << "total_unstarted_ranges=" << total_unstarted_ranges
<< " sum_in_states=" << num_unstarted_scan_ranges_.Load();
return false;
} else {
if (!ready_to_start_ranges_.empty()) {
LOG(WARNING) << "Reader cancelled but has ready to start ranges.";
return false;
if (!active_scan_ranges_.empty()) {
LOG(WARNING) << "Reader cancelled but has active ranges.";
return false;
return true;
void RequestContext::PerDiskState::ScheduleContext(const unique_lock<mutex>& context_lock,
RequestContext* context, int disk_id) {
DCHECK(context_lock.mutex() == &context->lock_ && context_lock.owns_lock());
if (is_on_queue_.Load() == 0 && !done_) {
void RequestContext::IncrementDiskThreadAfterDequeue(int disk_id) {
void RequestContext::DecrementDiskRefCount(
const boost::unique_lock<boost::mutex>& lock) {
DCHECK(lock.mutex() == &lock_ && lock.owns_lock());
DCHECK_GT(num_disks_with_ranges_, 0);
if (--num_disks_with_ranges_ == 0) {
DCHECK(Validate()) << std::endl << DebugString();
void RequestContext::ScheduleScanRange(
const boost::unique_lock<boost::mutex>& lock, ScanRange* range) {
DCHECK(lock.mutex() == &lock_ && lock.owns_lock());
DCHECK_EQ(state_, Active);
DCHECK(range != nullptr);
RequestContext::PerDiskState& state = disk_states_[range->disk_id()];
state.ScheduleContext(lock, this, range->disk_id());