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# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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# py.test configuration module
from impala.dbapi import connect as impala_connect
from kudu import connect as kudu_connect
from random import choice, sample
from string import ascii_lowercase, digits
from zlib import crc32
import contextlib
import logging
import os
import pytest
from common.test_result_verifier import QueryTestResult
from tests.common.patterns import is_valid_impala_identifier
from tests.util.filesystem_utils import FILESYSTEM, ISILON_WEBHDFS_PORT
logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO, format='%(threadName)s: %(message)s')
LOG = logging.getLogger('test_configuration')
def _get_default_nn_http_addr():
"""Return the namenode ip and webhdfs port if the default shouldn't be used"""
if FILESYSTEM == 'isilon':
return "%s:%s" % (os.getenv("ISILON_NAMENODE"), ISILON_WEBHDFS_PORT)
return None
def pytest_addoption(parser):
"""Adds a new command line options to py.test"""
parser.addoption("--exploration_strategy", default="core",
help="Default exploration strategy for all tests. Valid values: core, "
"pairwise, exhaustive.")
parser.addoption("--workload_exploration_strategy", default=None,
help="Override exploration strategy for specific workloads using the "
"format: workload:exploration_strategy. Ex: tpch:core,tpcds:pairwise.")
parser.addoption("--impalad", default="localhost:21000,localhost:21001,localhost:21002",
help="A comma-separated list of impalad host:ports to target. Note: "
"Not all tests make use of all impalad, some tests target just the "
"first item in the list (it is considered the 'default'")
parser.addoption("--impalad_hs2_port", default="21050",
help="The impalad HiveServer2 port.")
parser.addoption("--metastore_server", default="localhost:9083",
help="The Hive Metastore server host:port to connect to.")
parser.addoption("--hive_server2", default="localhost:11050",
help="Hive's HiveServer2 host:port to connect to.")
default_xml_path = os.path.join(os.environ['HADOOP_CONF_DIR'], "hdfs-site.xml")
parser.addoption("--minicluster_xml_conf", default=default_xml_path,
help="The full path to the HDFS xml configuration file")
parser.addoption("--namenode_http_address", default=_get_default_nn_http_addr(),
help="The host:port for the HDFS Namenode's WebHDFS interface. Takes"
" precedence over any configuration read from --minicluster_xml_conf")
parser.addoption("--update_results", action="store_true", default=False,
help="If set, will generate new results for all tests run instead of "
"verifying the results.")
parser.addoption("--table_formats", dest="table_formats", default=None,
help="Override the test vectors and run only using the specified "
"table formats. Ex. --table_formats=seq/snap/block,text/none")
parser.addoption("--scale_factor", dest="scale_factor", default=None,
help="If running on a cluster, specify the scale factor"
"Ex. --scale_factor=500gb")
# KERBEROS TODO: I highly doubt that the default is correct. Try "hive".
parser.addoption("--hive_service_name", dest="hive_service_name",
default="Hive Metastore Server",
help="The principal service name for the hive metastore client when "
"using kerberos.")
parser.addoption("--use_kerberos", action="store_true", default=False,
help="use kerberos transport for running tests")
parser.addoption("--sanity", action="store_true", default=False,
help="Runs a single test vector from each test to provide a quick "
"sanity check at the cost of lower test coverage.")
parser.addoption("--skip_hbase", action="store_true", default=False,
help="Skip HBase tests")
def pytest_assertrepr_compare(op, left, right):
Provides a hook for outputting type-specific assertion messages
Expected to return a list or strings, where each string will be printed as a new line
in the result output report on assertion failure.
if isinstance(left, QueryTestResult) and isinstance(right, QueryTestResult) and \
op == "==":
result = ['Comparing QueryTestResults (expected vs actual):']
for l, r in map(None, left.rows, right.rows):
result.append("%s == %s" % (l, r) if l == r else "%s != %s" % (l, r))
if len(left.rows) != len(right.rows):
result.append('Number of rows returned (expected vs actual): '
'%d != %d' % (len(left.rows), len(right.rows)))
# pytest has a bug/limitation where it will truncate long custom assertion messages
# (it has a hardcoded string length limit of 80*8 characters). To ensure this info
# isn't lost, always log the assertion message.
return result
# pytest supports printing the diff for a set equality check, but does not do
# so well when we're doing a subset check. This handles that situation.
if isinstance(left, set) and isinstance(right, set) and op == '<=':
# If expected is not a subset of actual, print out the set difference.
result = ['Items in expected results not found in actual results:']
result.append(('').join(list(left - right)))
return result
def pytest_xdist_setupnodes(config, specs):
"""Hook that is called when setting up the xdist plugin"""
# Force the xdist plugin to be quiet. In verbose mode it spews useless information.
config.option.verbose = 0
def pytest_generate_tests(metafunc):
This is a hook to parameterize the tests based on the input vector.
If a test has the 'vector' fixture specified, this code is invoked and it will build
a set of test vectors to parameterize the test with.
if 'vector' in metafunc.fixturenames:
vectors = metafunc.cls.TestMatrix.generate_test_vectors(
if len(vectors) == 0:
LOG.warning('No test vectors generated. Check constraints and input vectors')
vector_names = map(str, vectors)
# In the case this is a test result update or sanity run, select a single test vector
# to run. This is okay for update_results because results are expected to be the same
# for all test vectors.
if metafunc.config.option.update_results or metafunc.config.option.sanity:
vectors = vectors[0:1]
vector_names = vector_names[0:1]
metafunc.parametrize('vector', vectors, ids=vector_names)
def testid_checksum(request):
Return a hex string representing the CRC32 checksum of the parametrized test
function's full pytest test ID. The full pytest ID includes relative path, module
name, possible test class name, function name, and any parameters.
This could be combined with some prefix in order to form identifiers unique to a
particular test case.
# For an example of what a full pytest ID looks like, see below (written as Python
# multi-line literal)
# ("query_test/"
# "[table_format: avro/snap/block | exec_option: {'disable_codegen': False, "
# "'abort_on_error': 1, 'exec_single_node_rows_threshold': 0, 'batch_size': 0, "
# "'num_nodes': 0} | query_type: SELECT | cancel_delay: 3 | action: WAIT | "
# "query: select l_returnflag from lineitem]")
return '{0:x}'.format(crc32(request.node.nodeid) & 0xffffffff)
def unique_database(request, testid_checksum):
Return a database name unique to any test using the fixture. The fixture creates the
database during setup, allows the test to know the database name, and drops the
database after the test has completed.
By default, the database name is a concatenation of the test function name and the
testid_checksum. The database name prefix can be changed via parameter (see below).
A good candidate for a test to use this fixture is a test that needs to have a
test-local database or test-local tables that are created and destroyed at test run
time. Because the fixture generates a unique name, tests using this fixture can be run
in parallel as long as they don't need exclusion on other test-local resources.
Sample usage:
def test_something(self, vector, unique_database):
# fixture creates database test_something_48A80F
self.client.execute('DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `{0}`.`mytable`'.format(unique_database))
# test does other stuff with the unique_database name as needed
We also allow for parametrization:
from tests.common.parametrize import UniqueDatabase
def test_something(self, vector, unique_database):
# fixture creates database mydb_48A80F
self.client.execute('DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `{0}`.`mytable`'.format(unique_database))
# test does other stuff with the unique_database name as needed
The supported parameter:
name_prefix: string (defaults to test function __name__) - prefix to be used for the
database name
For a similar DB-API 2 compliant connection/cursor that use HS2 see the 'conn' and
'unique_cursor' fixtures below.
# Test cases are at the function level, so no one should "accidentally" re-scope this.
assert 'function' == request.scope, ('This fixture must have scope "function" since '
'the fixture must guarantee unique per-test '
db_name_prefix = getattr(request, 'param', request.function.__name__)
db_name = '{0}_{1}'.format(db_name_prefix, testid_checksum)
if not is_valid_impala_identifier(db_name):
raise ValueError('Unique database name "{0}" is not a valid Impala identifer; check '
'test function name or any prefixes for long length or invalid '
def cleanup():
# Make sure we don't try to drop the current session database
request.instance.execute_query_expect_success(request.instance.client, "use default")
request.instance.client, 'DROP DATABASE `{0}` CASCADE'.format(db_name))'Dropped database "{0}" for test ID "{1}"'.format(db_name,
request.instance.client, 'DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS `{0}` CASCADE'.format(db_name))
request.instance.client, 'CREATE DATABASE `{0}`'.format(db_name))'Created database "{0}" for test ID "{1}"'.format(db_name,
return db_name
def kudu_client():
"""Provides a new Kudu client as a pytest fixture. The client only exists for the
duration of the method it is used in.
kudu_client = kudu_connect(KUDU_MASTER_HOST, KUDU_MASTER_PORT)
yield kudu_client
except Exception as e:
LOG.warn("Error closing Kudu client: %s", e)
def conn(request):
"""Provides a new DB-API compliant connection to Impala as a pytest fixture. The
same connection is used for all test methods in a class. The class may provide the
following customizations:
- get_db_name(): The name of the database to connect to.
- auto_create_db(): If declared and the method returns True, the database will
be created before tests run and dropped afterwards. If a database name is
provided by get_db_name(), it must not exist. Classes that use both
auto_create_db() and get_db_name() should generate a random name in
get_db_name() and cache it.
The returned connection will have a 'db_name' property.
See the 'unique_database' fixture above if you want to use Impala's custom python
API instead of DB-API.
db_name = __call_cls_method_if_exists(request.cls, "get_db_name")
use_unique_conn = __call_cls_method_if_exists(request.cls, "auto_create_db")
if use_unique_conn:
with __unique_conn(db_name=db_name) as conn:
yield conn
with __auto_closed_conn(db_name=db_name) as conn:
yield conn
def __call_cls_method_if_exists(cls, method_name):
"""Returns the result of calling the method 'method_name' on class 'class' if the class
defined such a method, otherwise returns None.
method = getattr(cls, method_name, None)
if method:
return method()
def __unique_conn(db_name=None):
"""Connects to Impala and creates a new database, then returns a connection to it.
This is intended to be used in a "with" block. Upon exit, the database will be
dropped. A database name can be provided by 'db_name', a database by that name
must not exist prior to calling this method.
with __unique_conn() as conn:
# Use conn
# The database no longer exists and the conn is closed.
The returned connection will have a 'db_name' property.
if not db_name:
db_name = choice(ascii_lowercase) + "".join(sample(ascii_lowercase + digits, 5))
with __auto_closed_conn() as conn:
with __auto_closed_cursor(conn) as cur:
cur.execute("CREATE DATABASE %s" % db_name)
with __auto_closed_conn(db_name=db_name) as conn:
yield conn
with __auto_closed_cursor(conn) as cur:
cur.execute("USE DEFAULT")
cur.execute("DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS %s CASCADE" % db_name)
except Exception as e:
LOG.warn("Error dropping database: %s", e)
except Exception as e:
LOG.warn("Error creating a cursor: %s", e)
def __auto_closed_conn(db_name=None):
"""Returns a connection to Impala. This is intended to be used in a "with" block. The
connection will be closed upon exiting the block.
The returned connection will have a 'db_name' property.
conn = impala_connect(database=db_name)
conn.db_name = db_name
yield conn
except Exception as e:
LOG.warn("Error closing Impala connection: %s", e)
def cursor(conn):
"""Provides a new DB-API compliant cursor from a connection provided by the conn()
fixture. The cursor only exists for the duration of the method it is used in.
The returned cursor will have a 'conn' property. The 'conn' will have a 'db_name'
with __auto_closed_cursor(conn) as cur:
yield cur
def cls_cursor(conn):
"""Provides a new DB-API compliant cursor from a connection provided by the conn()
fixture. The cursor exists for the duration of the class it is used in.
The returned cursor will have a 'conn' property. The 'conn' will have a 'db_name'
with __auto_closed_cursor(conn) as cur:
yield cur
def unique_cursor():
"""Provides a new DB-API compliant cursor to a newly created Impala database. The
cursor only exists for the duration of the method it is used in. The database will
be dropped after the test executes.
The returned cursor will have a 'conn' property. The 'conn' will have a 'db_name'
with __unique_conn() as conn:
with __auto_closed_cursor(conn) as cur:
yield cur
def __auto_closed_cursor(conn):
"""Returns a cursor created from conn. This is intended to be used in a "with" block.
The cursor will be closed upon exiting the block.
cursor = conn.cursor()
cursor.conn = conn
yield cursor
except Exception as e:
LOG.warn("Error closing Impala cursor: %s", e)