blob: 45f0de1e6bf8c5ef5d31775252fe11a1565a8285 [file] [log] [blame]
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
# distributed with this work for additional information
# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
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import pytest
from tests.comparison.db_types import Int
from tests.comparison.funcs import AGG_FUNCS
from tests.comparison.query_generator import QueryGenerator
from tests.comparison.query_profile import HiveProfile, DefaultProfile
def _idfn(analytic_func):
@pytest.mark.parametrize('analytic_func', HiveProfile()
.get_analytic_funcs_that_cannot_contain_aggs(), ids=_idfn)
def test_hive_analytics_cannot_contain_aggs(analytic_func):
Tests that the HiveProfile does not allow nested aggs inside specific analytic
functions. The list of analytic functions that cannot contain aggs is defined by
class FakeDefaultQueryProfile(DefaultProfile):
A DefaultProfile that forces only nested expression in any expression trees
def __init__(self):
super(FakeDefaultQueryProfile, self).__init__()
self._bounds.update({'MAX_NESTED_EXPR_COUNT': (1, 1)})
class FakeHiveQueryProfile(HiveProfile):
A HiveProfile that forces only nested expression in any expression trees
def __init__(self):
super(FakeHiveQueryProfile, self).__init__()
self._bounds.update({'MAX_NESTED_EXPR_COUNT': (1, 1)})
# Aggregate functions can only return specific types, such as Int, Number, or Float;
# while certain AnalyticFuncs can return non-numeric types such as FirstValue or
# LastValue. So for simplicity, these tests are only run against the Int return_type.
if Int in [signature.return_type for signature in analytic_func.signatures()]:
# Generate an agg + analytic func tree using the FakeDefaultQueryProfile and ensure
# the root func is a analytic_func and that the tree contains an aggregate func. An
# empty list of funcs is passed into the _create_agg_or_analytic_tree so that no
# basic funcs are created. We can be sure that the root_func is an analytic_func
# because agg_funcs cannot contain analytic_funcs.
qgen = QueryGenerator(FakeDefaultQueryProfile())
func_tree = qgen._create_agg_or_analytic_tree(Int, agg_funcs=AGG_FUNCS,
assert isinstance(func_tree, analytic_func)
assert func_tree.contains_agg
# Do the same for the FakeHiveQueryProfile, but now check that the func_tree has no
# aggregates.
qgen = QueryGenerator(FakeHiveQueryProfile())
func_tree = qgen._create_agg_or_analytic_tree(Int, agg_funcs=AGG_FUNCS,
assert isinstance(func_tree, analytic_func)
assert not func_tree.contains_agg