blob: a05d07dc46c538d58f6cfb54b5d4246118a398ba [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
// KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
#include "exec/hdfs-scanner.h"
#include "exec/text-converter.h"
#include "exec/text-converter.inline.h"
#include "runtime/row-batch.h"
#include "util/string-parser.h"
#include "runtime/string-value.inline.h"
#include "runtime/tuple.h"
#include "common/names.h"
using namespace impala;
// Functions in this file are cross compiled to IR with clang. These functions
// are modified at runtime with a query specific codegen'd WriteTuple
// This function will output tuples to the row batch from parsed field locations.
// The fields locations should be aligned to the start of the tuple (field at 0 is
// the first materialized slot).
// This function takes more arguments than are strictly necessary (they could be
// computed inside this function) but this is done to minimize the clang dependencies,
// specifically, calling function on the scan node.
int HdfsScanner::WriteAlignedTuples(MemPool* pool, TupleRow* tuple_row,
FieldLocation* fields, int num_tuples, int max_added_tuples,
int slots_per_tuple, int row_idx_start, bool copy_strings) {
DCHECK(tuple_ != NULL);
uint8_t* tuple_row_mem = reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(tuple_row);
uint8_t* tuple_mem = reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(tuple_);
Tuple* tuple = reinterpret_cast<Tuple*>(tuple_mem);
uint8_t error[slots_per_tuple];
memset(error, 0, slots_per_tuple);
int tuples_returned = 0;
// Loop through the fields and materialize all the tuples
for (int i = 0; i < num_tuples; ++i) {
uint8_t error_in_row = false;
// Materialize a single tuple. This function will be replaced by a codegen'd
// function.
if (WriteCompleteTuple(pool, fields, tuple, tuple_row, template_tuple_,
error, &error_in_row)) {
if (copy_strings) {
if (UNLIKELY(!tuple->CopyStrings("HdfsScanner::WriteAlignedTuples()",
state_,, string_slot_offsets_.size(), pool,
&parse_status_))) {
return -1;
tuple_mem += tuple_byte_size();
tuple_row_mem += sizeof(Tuple*);
tuple = reinterpret_cast<Tuple*>(tuple_mem);
tuple_row = reinterpret_cast<TupleRow*>(tuple_row_mem);
// Report parse errors
if (UNLIKELY(error_in_row)) {
if (!ReportTupleParseError(fields, error)) return -1;
// Advance to the start of the next tuple
fields += slots_per_tuple;
if (tuples_returned == max_added_tuples) {
return tuples_returned;
ScalarExprEvaluator* HdfsScanner::GetConjunctEval(int idx) const {
return (*conjunct_evals_)[idx];
void StringToDecimalSymbolDummy() {
// Force linker to to link the object file containing these functions.
StringToDecimal4(nullptr, 0, 0, 0, false, nullptr);
StringToDecimal8(nullptr, 0, 0, 0, false, nullptr);
StringToDecimal16(nullptr, 0, 0, 0, false, nullptr);
bool HdfsScanner::EvalRuntimeFilter(int i, TupleRow* row) {
LocalFilterStats* stats = &filter_stats_[i];
const FilterContext* ctx = filter_ctxs_[i];
if (stats->enabled_for_row && ctx->filter->HasFilter()) {
// Evaluating IN-list filter is much slower than evaluating the corresponding bloom
// filter. Skip it until we improve its performance.
if (ctx->filter->is_in_list_filter()) return true;
if (!ctx->Eval(row)) {
return false;
return true;
bool HdfsScanner::TextConverterWriteSlotInterpretedIR(HdfsScanner* hdfs_scanner,
int slot_idx, Tuple* tuple, const char* data, int len, MemPool* pool) {
constexpr bool copy_string = false;
int need_escape = false;
if (UNLIKELY(len < 0)) {
len = -len;
need_escape = true;
SlotDescriptor* slot_desc = hdfs_scanner->scan_node_->materialized_slots()[slot_idx];
return hdfs_scanner->text_converter_->WriteSlot(slot_desc, tuple, data, len,
copy_string, need_escape, pool);
// Define the string parsing functions for llvm. Stamp out the templated functions
using ParseResult = StringParser::ParseResult;
extern "C"
bool IrStringToBool(const char* s, int len, ParseResult* result) {
return StringParser::StringToBool(s, len, result);
extern "C"
int8_t IrStringToInt8(const char* s, int len, ParseResult* result) {
return StringParser::StringToInt<int8_t>(s, len, result);
extern "C"
int16_t IrStringToInt16(const char* s, int len, ParseResult* result) {
return StringParser::StringToInt<int16_t>(s, len, result);
extern "C"
int32_t IrStringToInt32(const char* s, int len, ParseResult* result) {
return StringParser::StringToInt<int32_t>(s, len, result);
extern "C"
int64_t IrStringToInt64(const char* s, int len, ParseResult* result) {
return StringParser::StringToInt<int64_t>(s, len, result);
extern "C"
float IrStringToFloat(const char* s, int len, ParseResult* result) {
return StringParser::StringToFloat<float>(s, len, result);
extern "C"
double IrStringToDouble(const char* s, int len, ParseResult* result) {
return StringParser::StringToFloat<double>(s, len, result);
extern "C"
void IrStringToTimestamp(TimestampValue* out, const char* s, int len,
ParseResult* result) {
*out = StringParser::StringToTimestamp(s, len, result);
extern "C"
DateValue IrStringToDate(const char* s, int len, ParseResult* result) {
return StringParser::StringToDate(s, len, result);
extern "C"
Decimal4Value IrStringToDecimal4(const char* s, int len, int type_precision,
int type_scale, ParseResult* result) {
auto ret = StringToDecimal4(s, len, type_precision, type_scale, false, result);
if (*result != ParseResult::PARSE_SUCCESS) *result = ParseResult::PARSE_FAILURE;
return ret;
extern "C"
Decimal8Value IrStringToDecimal8(const char* s, int len, int type_precision,
int type_scale, ParseResult* result) {
auto ret = StringToDecimal8(s, len, type_precision, type_scale, false, result);
if (*result != ParseResult::PARSE_SUCCESS) *result = ParseResult::PARSE_FAILURE;
return ret;
extern "C"
Decimal16Value IrStringToDecimal16(const char* s, int len, int type_precision,
int type_scale, ParseResult* result) {
auto ret = StringToDecimal16(s, len, type_precision, type_scale, false, result);
if (*result != ParseResult::PARSE_SUCCESS) *result = ParseResult::PARSE_FAILURE;
return ret;
extern "C"
bool IrIsNullString(const char* data, int len) {
return data == NULL || (len == 2 && data[0] == '\\' && data[1] == 'N');
extern "C"
bool IrGenericIsNullString(const char* s, int slen, const char* n, int nlen) {
return s == NULL || (slen == nlen && StringCompare(s, slen, n, nlen, slen) == 0);