blob: 30698e1324662f81cda5fc39b7277798a2a5fb87 [file] [log] [blame]
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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# distributed with this work for additional information
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import pytest
from tests.beeswax.impala_beeswax import ImpalaBeeswaxException
from tests.common.impala_cluster import ImpalaCluster
from tests.common.impala_test_suite import ImpalaTestSuite
from tests.common.skip import SkipIfLocal
from tests.common.test_vector import ImpalaTestDimension
from subprocess import call
from tests.util.filesystem_utils import FILESYSTEM_PREFIX
# Modifications to test
MODIFICATION_TYPES=["delete_files", "delete_directory", "move_file", "append"]
class TestHdfsFileMods(ImpalaTestSuite):
This test suite tests that modifications to HDFS files don't crash Impala.
In particular, this interacts with existing functionality such as the
file handle cache and IO retries.
def file_format_constraint(cls, v):
return v.get_value('table_format').file_format in ["text"]
def add_test_dimensions(cls):
super(TestHdfsFileMods, cls).add_test_dimensions()
def get_workload(cls):
return 'functional-query'
def setup_ext_table(self, vector, unique_database, new_table_location):
# Use HDFS commands to clone the table's files at the hdfs level
old_table_location = "{0}/test-warehouse/tinytable".format(FILESYSTEM_PREFIX)
call(["hdfs", "dfs", "-mkdir", new_table_location])
call(["hdfs", "dfs", "-cp", old_table_location + "/*", new_table_location])
# Create an external table with the new files (tinytable has two string columns)
create_table = "create external table {0}.t1 (a string, b string) "\
+ "row format delimited fields terminated by \',\' location \'{1}\'"
self.client.execute(create_table.format(unique_database, new_table_location))
def test_file_modifications(self, vector, unique_database):
"""Tests file modifications on an external table."""
new_table_location = "{0}/test-warehouse/{1}".format(FILESYSTEM_PREFIX,\
self.setup_ext_table(vector, unique_database, new_table_location)
# Query the table. If file handle caching is enabled, this will fill the cache.
count_query = "select count(*) from {0}.t1".format(unique_database)
original_result = self.execute_query_expect_success(self.client, count_query)
assert([0] == '3')
# Do the modification based on the test settings
modification_type = vector.get_value('modification_type')
if (modification_type == 'delete_files'):
# Delete the data file (not the directory)
call(["hdfs", "dfs", "-rm", "-skipTrash", new_table_location + "/*"])
elif (modification_type == 'delete_directory'):
# Delete the whole directory (including data file)
call(["hdfs", "dfs", "-rm", "-r", "-skipTrash", new_table_location])
elif (modification_type == 'move_file'):
# Move the file underneath the directory
call(["hdfs", "dfs", "-mv", new_table_location + "/data.csv", \
new_table_location + "/data.csv.moved"])
elif (modification_type == 'append'):
# Append a copy of the hdfs file to itself (duplicating all entries)
local_tmp_location = "/tmp/{0}.data.csv".format(unique_database)
call(["hdfs", "dfs", "-copyToLocal", new_table_location + "/data.csv", \
call(["hdfs", "dfs", "-appendToFile", local_tmp_location, \
new_table_location + "/data.csv"])
call(["rm", local_tmp_location])
# The query might fail, but nothing should crash.
except ImpalaBeeswaxException as e:
# Invalidate metadata
invalidate_metadata_sql = "invalidate metadata {0}.t1".format(unique_database)
self.execute_query_expect_success(self.client, invalidate_metadata_sql)
# Verify that nothing crashes and the query should succeed
new_result = self.execute_query_expect_success(self.client, count_query)
if (modification_type == 'move_file'):
assert([0] == '3')
elif (modification_type == 'delete_files' or \
modification_type == 'delete_directory'):
assert([0] == '0')
elif (modification_type == 'append'):
# Allow either the old count or the new count to tolerate delayed consistency.
assert([0] == '6' or[0] == '3')
# Drop table
drop_table_sql = "drop table {0}.t1".format(unique_database)
self.execute_query_expect_success(self.client, drop_table_sql)
# Cleanup directory (which may already be gone)
call(["hdfs", "dfs", "-rm", "-r", "-skipTrash", new_table_location])