blob: a48531a2c5ea912b81cacecdea0b6f82fa010556 [file] [log] [blame]
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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# distributed with this work for additional information
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from subprocess import check_call
from tests.common.impala_test_suite import ImpalaTestSuite
from tests.common.test_dimensions import (
from tests.util.filesystem_utils import WAREHOUSE, IS_S3
class TestHiddenFiles(ImpalaTestSuite):
Tests that files with special prefixes/suffixes are considered 'hidden' when
loading table metadata and running queries.
# The .test file run in these tests relies this table name.
TBL_NAME = "test_hidden_files"
def get_workload(self):
return 'functional-query'
def add_test_dimensions(cls):
super(TestHiddenFiles, cls).add_test_dimensions()
# Only run in exhaustive mode on hdfs since this test takes a long time.
if cls.exploration_strategy() != 'exhaustive' and not IS_S3:
def __prepare_test_table(self, db_name, tbl_name):
"""Creates a test table with two partitions, and copies files into the HDFS
directories of the two partitions. The goal is to have both an empty and non-empty
partition with hidden files."""
"create table %s.%s like functional.alltypes" % (db_name, tbl_name))
"alter table %s.%s add partition (year=2010, month=1)" % (db_name, tbl_name))
"alter table %s.%s add partition (year=2010, month=2)" % (db_name, tbl_name))
ALLTYPES_LOC = "%s/alltypes" % WAREHOUSE
TEST_TBL_LOC = "%s/%s.db/%s" % (WAREHOUSE, db_name, tbl_name)
# Copy a visible file into one of the partitions.
check_call(["hadoop", "fs", "-cp",
"%s/year=2010/month=1/100101.txt" % ALLTYPES_LOC,
"%s/year=2010/month=1/100101.txt" % TEST_TBL_LOC], shell=False)
# Add hidden files to the non-empty partition. Use upper case hidden suffixes.
check_call(["hadoop", "fs", "-cp",
"%s/year=2010/month=1/100101.txt" % ALLTYPES_LOC,
"%s/year=2010/month=1/.100101.txt" % TEST_TBL_LOC], shell=False)
check_call(["hadoop", "fs", "-cp",
"%s/year=2010/month=1/100101.txt" % ALLTYPES_LOC,
"%s/year=2010/month=1/_100101.txt" % TEST_TBL_LOC], shell=False)
check_call(["hadoop", "fs", "-cp",
"%s/year=2010/month=1/100101.txt" % ALLTYPES_LOC,
"%s/year=2010/month=1/100101.txt.COPYING" % TEST_TBL_LOC], shell=False)
check_call(["hadoop", "fs", "-cp",
"%s/year=2010/month=1/100101.txt" % ALLTYPES_LOC,
"%s/year=2010/month=1/100101.txt.TMP" % TEST_TBL_LOC], shell=False)
# Add hidden files to the empty partition. Use lower case hidden suffixes.
check_call(["hadoop", "fs", "-cp",
"%s/year=2010/month=2/100201.txt" % ALLTYPES_LOC,
"%s/year=2010/month=2/.100201.txt" % TEST_TBL_LOC], shell=False)
check_call(["hadoop", "fs", "-cp",
"%s/year=2010/month=2/100201.txt" % ALLTYPES_LOC,
"%s/year=2010/month=2/_100201.txt" % TEST_TBL_LOC], shell=False)
check_call(["hadoop", "fs", "-cp",
"%s/year=2010/month=2/100201.txt" % ALLTYPES_LOC,
"%s/year=2010/month=2/100201.txt.copying" % TEST_TBL_LOC], shell=False)
check_call(["hadoop", "fs", "-cp",
"%s/year=2010/month=2/100201.txt" % ALLTYPES_LOC,
"%s/year=2010/month=2/100201.txt.tmp" % TEST_TBL_LOC], shell=False)
def test_hidden_files_load(self, vector, unique_database):
"""Tests that an incremental refresh ignores hidden files."""
self.__prepare_test_table(unique_database, self.TBL_NAME)
self.client.execute("invalidate metadata %s.%s" % (unique_database, self.TBL_NAME))
self.run_test_case('QueryTest/hidden-files', vector, unique_database)
# This test runs on one dimension. Therefore, running in it parallel is safe, given no
# other method in this test class is run.
def test_hidden_files_refresh(self, vector, unique_database):
"""Tests that an incremental refresh ignores hidden files."""
self.__prepare_test_table(unique_database, self.TBL_NAME)
self.client.execute("refresh %s.%s" % (unique_database, self.TBL_NAME))
self.run_test_case('QueryTest/hidden-files', vector, unique_database)