blob: a534c009a560046a653a24d8a039430ca33a5f26 [file] [log] [blame]
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
# distributed with this work for additional information
# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
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# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
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# under the License.
from copy import deepcopy
from itertools import ifilter
from tests.comparison.common import ValExpr
from tests.comparison.db_types import (
AGG_FUNCS = list() # All aggregate functions will be added
ANALYTIC_FUNCS = list() # All analytic functions will be added
FUNCS = list() # All non-aggregate/analytic functions will be added
class Arg(object):
'''Represents an argument in a function signature.
data_type may be either a DataType or a list of DataTypes. A list is used to
represent a subquery.
If can_be_null is False, a NULL value should never be passed into the function
during execution. This is used to maintain consistency across databases. For example
if Impala and Postgresql both implement function foo but the results differ when
the args to foo are NULL, then this flag can be used to prevent NULL values.
If can_be_null_literal is False, the literal value NULL should never be an argument
to the function. This is provided to workaround problems involving function signature
resolution during execution. An alternative would be to CAST(NULL AS INT).
determines_signature is used to signify that this arg is used to determine the
signature during execution. This implies that the function has multiple signatures
with the same number of arguments and at least one of the "determines_signature"
arguments must be non-NULL in order to determine which signature to use during
execution. An example is "SELECT GREATEST(NULL, NULL)" would result in an error
during execution in Postgresql because the resulting data type could not be
determined. An alternative would be to ensure that each modeled function contains
the full set of possible signatures, then see if "foo(NULL)" would be ambiguous
and if so use "foo(CAST(NULL AS INT))" instead.
def __init__(self,
self.type = data_type
self.require_constant = require_constant
self.min_value = min_value
self.can_be_null = can_be_null
self.can_be_null_literal = can_be_null_literal
self.determines_signature = determines_signature
def is_subquery(self):
return isinstance(self.type, list)
def validate(self, expr, skip_nulls=False):
if not issubclass(expr.type, self.type):
raise Exception('Expr type is %s but expected %s' % (expr.type, self.type))
if self.require_constant and not expr.is_constant:
raise Exception('A constant is required')
if self.min_value is not None and expr.val < self.min_value:
raise Exception('Minumum value not met')
if skip_nulls and expr.is_constant and expr.val is None:
if expr.is_constant and expr.val is None and not self.can_be_null_literal:
raise Exception('A NULL literal is not allowed')
def __repr__(self):
_repr = 'Arg<type: '
if self.is_subquery:
_repr += 'subquery[' + ', '.join([type_.__name__ for type_ in self.type]) + ']'
_repr += self.type.__name__
if self.require_constant:
_repr += ', constant: True'
if self.min_value:
_repr += ', min: %s' % self.min_value
_repr += '>'
return _repr
class Signature(object):
def __init__(self, func, return_type, *args):
self.func = func
self.return_type = return_type
self.args = list(args)
def __repr__(self):
return "Signature<func: {func}, returns: {rt}, args: {arg_list}>".format(
func=repr(self.func), rt=repr(self.return_type),
arg_list=", ".join([repr(arg) for arg in self.args]))
def input_types(self):
return self.args[1:]
class Func(ValExpr):
'''Base class for functions'''
_NAME = None # Helper for the classmethod name()
_SIGNATURES = list() # Helper for the classmethod signatures()
def name(cls):
'''Returns the name of the function. Multiple functions may have the same name.
For example, COUNT will have a separate Func class for the analytic and aggregate
versions but both will have the same value of name().
return cls.__name__ if cls._NAME is None else cls._NAME
def signatures(cls):
'''Returns the available signatures for the function. Varargs are not supported, a
subset of possible signatures must be chosen.
return cls._SIGNATURES
def create_from_args(cls, *val_exprs):
'''Constructor for instantiating from values. The return types of the exprs will be
inspected and used to find the function signature. If no signature can be found
an error will be raised.
for signature in cls.signatures():
if len(signature.args) != len(val_exprs):
for idx, arg in enumerate(val_exprs):
if not issubclass(arg.type, signature.args[idx].type):
raise Exception('No signature matches the given arguments: %s' % (val_exprs, ))
return cls(signature, *val_exprs)
def __init__(self, signature, *val_exprs):
'''"signature" should be one of the available signatures at the class level and
signifies which function call this instance is intended to represent.
if signature not in self.signatures():
raise Exception('Unknown signature: %s' % (signature, ))
self.signature = signature
if val_exprs:
self.args = list(val_exprs)
self.args = list()
for arg in signature.args:
if arg.is_subquery:
self.args.append([subtype(None) for subtype in arg.type])
def exact_type(self):
return self.signature.return_type
def validate(self, skip_nulls=False):
if not len(self.args) == len(self.signature.args):
raise Exception('Signature length mismatch')
for idx, signature_arg in enumerate(self.signature.args):
signature_arg.validate(self.args[idx], skip_nulls=skip_nulls)
def contains_subquery(self):
for signature_arg in self.signature.args:
if signature_arg.is_subquery:
return True
return any(self.iter_exprs(lambda expr: expr.is_func and expr.contains_subquery))
def iter_exprs(self, filter=None):
'''Returns an iterator over all val_exprs including those nested within this
function's args.
for arg in self.args:
if not isinstance(arg, ValExpr):
if not filter or filter(arg):
yield arg
for expr in arg.iter_exprs(filter=filter):
yield expr
def __hash__(self):
return hash(type(self)) + hash(self.signature) + hash(tuple(self.args))
def __eq__(self, other):
if self is other:
return True
if not type(other) == type(self):
return False
return self.signature == other.signature and self.args == other.args
class AggFunc(Func):
def __init__(self, *args):
Func.__init__(self, *args)
self.distinct = False
def validate(self, skip_nulls=False):
super(AggFunc, self).validate(skip_nulls=skip_nulls)
for arg in self.args:
if arg.contains_agg:
raise Exception('Aggregate functions may not contain other aggregates')
if self.contains_analytic:
raise Exception('Aggregate functions may not contain analytics')
class AnalyticFunc(Func):
def __init__(self, *args):
Func.__init__(self, *args)
self.partition_by_clause = None
self.order_by_clause = None
self.window_clause = None
def validate(self, skip_nulls=False):
super(AnalyticFunc, self).validate(skip_nulls=skip_nulls)
for arg in self.args:
if arg.contains_analytic:
raise Exception('Analytic functions may not contain other analytics')
class PartitionByClause(object):
def __init__(self, val_exprs):
self.val_exprs = val_exprs
class WindowClause(object):
def __init__(self, range_or_rows, start_boundary, end_boundary=None):
self.range_or_rows = range_or_rows
self.start_boundary = start_boundary
self.end_boundary = end_boundary
class WindowBoundary(object):
def __init__(self, boundary_type, val_expr=None):
self.boundary_type = boundary_type
self.val_expr = val_expr
# It's a lot of work to support this but it should be less error prone than explicitly
# listing each signature.
def create_func(name, returns=None, accepts=[], signatures=[], base_type=Func):
'''Convenience function for creating a function class. The class is put into the
global namespace just as though the class had been declared using the "class"
The name of the class is "name". "base_type" can be used to specify the base class.
The signature(s) of the class can be defined in one of three ways. "returns" and
"accepts" can be used together but not in combination with "signatures".
1) "signatures" should be a list of lists. Each entry corresponds to a single
signature. Each item in the signature can be either an Arg or a DataType or
a list of the preceding two types. The first entry in the list is the return
type, the remainder are the input types. DataType is considered a placeholder
for all other base types (Char, Number, Boolean, Timestamp). If a signature
contains DataType, the entire signature will be replace with multiple
signatures, one for each base type. Number is also considered a placeholder
but the replacements will be the cross-product of (Int, Float, and Decimal) *
the number of Number's used, except that the return type is the maximum of
the input types. A function that accepts a subquery is represented by a list of
Arg or DataType.
Ex signatures:
[Int, Double]: Could be a signature for FLOOR
[Int, DataType]: Could be a signature for COUNT
=== [Int, Char] + [Int, Number] + [Int, Boolean] + ...
[Number, Number, Number]: Could be a signature for Multiply
=== ... + [Float, Int, Float] + ... (but not [Int, Float, Float])
[Boolean, DataType, [DataType]]: Could be a signature for In with a subquery
2) "returns" and "accepts" is equivalent to
signatures=[[returns, accepts[0], accepts[1], ..., accepts[n]]]
3) "accepts" is equivalent to
signatures=[[accepts[0], accepts[0], accepts[1], ..., accepts[n]]]
if (returns or accepts) and signatures:
raise Exception('Cannot mix signature specification arguments')
type_name = base_type.__name__.replace('Func', '') + name
func = type(type_name, (base_type, ), {'_NAME': name, '_SIGNATURES': []})
globals()[type_name] = func
if signatures:
signatures = deepcopy(signatures)
if base_type == Func:
if returns:
signatures = [Signature(func, returns)]
elif accepts:
signatures = [Signature(func, accepts[0])]
if accepts:
# Replace convenience inputs with proper types
for idx, signature in enumerate(signatures):
if not isinstance(signature, Signature):
signature = Signature(func, signature[0], *signature[1:])
signatures[idx] = signature
if isinstance(signature.return_type, Arg):
signature.return_type = signature.return_type.type
for arg_idx, arg in enumerate(signature.args):
if not isinstance(arg, Arg):
signature.args[arg_idx] = Arg(arg)
# Replace "DataType" args with actual types
non_wildcard_signatures = list()
for replacement_type in TYPES:
for signature_idx, signature in enumerate(signatures):
replacement_signature = None
for arg_idx, arg in enumerate(signature.args):
if arg.is_subquery:
for sub_idx, subtype in enumerate(arg.type):
if subtype == DataType:
if not replacement_signature:
replacement_signature = deepcopy(signature)
replacement_signature.args[arg_idx].type[sub_idx] = replacement_type
elif arg.type == DataType:
replacement_arg = deepcopy(arg)
replacement_arg.type = replacement_type
if not replacement_signature:
replacement_signature = deepcopy(signature)
replacement_signature.args[arg_idx] = replacement_arg
if signature.return_type == DataType:
if not replacement_signature:
raise Exception('Wildcard return type requires at least one wildcard input arg')
replacement_signature.return_type = replacement_type
if replacement_signature:
# This signature did not contain any "DataType" args, remove it from the list
# so it isn't processed again.
del signatures[signature_idx]
# Replace "Number" args... Number wildcards work differently than DataType wildcards.
# foo(DataType, DataType) expands to foo(Boolean, Boolean), foo(Char, Char), etc
# but foo(Number, Number) expands to foo(Decimal, Decimal), foo(Decimal, Int), etc
# In other words, a cross product needs to be done for Number wildcards. If the return
# type is also "Number", then it will be replaced with the largest type of the input
# replacements. Ex, foo(Decimal, Int) would return Decimal.
# Find wildcard signatures
signatures = non_wildcard_signatures
wildcard_signatures = list()
for signature_idx, signature in enumerate(signatures):
is_wildcard = False
for arg_idx, arg in enumerate(signature.args):
if arg.is_subquery:
for subtype in arg.type:
if subtype == Number:
is_wildcard = True
elif arg.type == Number:
is_wildcard = True
if is_wildcard:
if signature.return_type == Number:
signature.return_type = (Number, Int)
del signatures[signature_idx]
# Helper function to reduce code duplication
def update_return_type_and_append(
if isinstance(replacement_signature.return_type, tuple):
replacement_signature.return_type = \
(Number, max(replacement_type, replacement_signature.return_type[1]))
# Fully replace each wildcard one at a time so that a cross product is created
while wildcard_signatures:
signature = wildcard_signatures.pop()
is_wildcard = False
for arg_idx, arg in enumerate(signature.args):
replacement_signature = None
if arg.is_subquery:
if any(ifilter(lambda type_: type_ == Number, arg.type)):
raise Exception('Number not accepted in subquery signatures')
elif arg.type == Number:
for replacement_type in [Decimal, Int, Float]:
replacement_signature = deepcopy(signature)
replacement_signature.args[arg_idx].type = replacement_type
is_wildcard = True
replacement_type, replacement_signature, wildcard_signatures)
if is_wildcard:
if not is_wildcard:
if isinstance(signature.return_type, tuple):
signature.return_type = signature.return_type[1]
func._SIGNATURES = signatures
return func
def create_agg(name, returns=None, accepts=[], signatures=[]):
func = create_func(name, returns, accepts, signatures, AggFunc)
return func
def create_analytic(
func = create_func(name, returns, accepts, signatures, AnalyticFunc)
func.REQUIRES_ORDER_BY = require_order
func.SUPPORTS_WINDOWING = supports_window
return func
class CastFunc(Func):
This function is used internally by the InsertStatementGenerator to cast ValExprs into
the proper exact types of columns.
val_expr: ValExpr to cast
type_: Type to cast ValExpr
def __init__(self, val_expr, type_):
self.args = [val_expr, type_]
create_func('IsNull', returns=Boolean, accepts=[DataType])
create_func('IsNotNull', returns=Boolean, accepts=[DataType])
create_func('And', returns=Boolean, accepts=[Boolean, Boolean])
create_func('Or', returns=Boolean, accepts=[Boolean, Boolean])
create_func('Exists', returns=Boolean, accepts=[[DataType]])
create_func('NotExists', returns=Boolean, accepts=[[DataType]])
for func_name in ['In', 'NotIn']:
# Avoid equality comparison on FLOATs
create_func(func_name, signatures=[
[Boolean, Boolean, [Boolean]],
[Boolean, Boolean, Boolean, Boolean],
[Boolean, Char, [Char]],
[Boolean, Char, Char, Char],
[Boolean, Decimal, [Decimal]],
[Boolean, Decimal, [Int]],
[Boolean, Decimal, Decimal, Decimal],
[Boolean, Decimal, Decimal, Int],
[Boolean, Decimal, Int, Decimal],
[Boolean, Int, [Decimal]],
[Boolean, Int, [Int]],
[Boolean, Int, Int, Int],
[Boolean, Int, Decimal, Int],
[Boolean, Int, Int, Decimal],
[Boolean, Timestamp, [Timestamp]],
[Boolean, Timestamp, Timestamp, Timestamp]])
for comparator in ['GreaterThan', 'LessThan']:
create_func(comparator, signatures=[
[Boolean, Char, Char],
[Boolean, Number, Number],
[Boolean, Timestamp, Timestamp]])
for comparator in ['GreaterThanOrEquals', 'LessThanOrEquals']:
# Avoid equality comparison on FLOATs
create_func(comparator, signatures=[
[Boolean, Char, Char],
[Boolean, Decimal, Decimal],
[Boolean, Decimal, Int],
[Boolean, Int, Decimal],
[Boolean, Int, Int],
[Boolean, Timestamp, Timestamp]])
for comparator in ['Equals', 'NotEquals', 'IsNotDistinctFrom', 'IsNotDistinctFromOp',
# Avoid equality comparison on FLOATs
func = create_func(comparator, signatures=[
[Boolean, Boolean, Boolean],
[Boolean, Char, Char],
[Boolean, Decimal, Decimal],
[Boolean, Decimal, Int],
[Boolean, Int, Decimal],
[Boolean, Int, Int],
[Boolean, Timestamp, Timestamp]])
create_func('If', returns=DataType,
accepts=[Boolean, Arg(DataType, determines_signature=True), DataType])
# Don't allow + or - when using floats/doubles. This is done to avoid something like
# (10000.00919 - 10000) * 10000 which would lead to random values.
for operator in ['Plus', 'Minus']:
create_func(operator, signatures=[
Arg(Decimal, determines_signature=True),
Arg(Decimal, determines_signature=True)],
Arg(Decimal, determines_signature=True),
Arg(Int, determines_signature=True)],
Arg(Int, determines_signature=True),
Arg(Decimal, determines_signature=True)],
Arg(Int, determines_signature=True),
Arg(Int, determines_signature=True)]])
create_func('Multiply', signatures=[
Arg(Number, determines_signature=True),
Arg(Number, determines_signature=True)]])
# Don't allow INT / INT, Postgresql results in an INT, but a FLOAT in most other databases
create_func('Divide', signatures=[
Arg(Decimal, determines_signature=True),
Arg(Decimal, determines_signature=True)],
Arg(Decimal, determines_signature=True),
Arg(Int, determines_signature=True)],
Arg(Int, determines_signature=True),
Arg(Decimal, determines_signature=True)],
Arg(Decimal, determines_signature=True),
Arg(Float, determines_signature=True)],
Arg(Float, determines_signature=True),
Arg(Decimal, determines_signature=True)],
Arg(Float, determines_signature=True),
Arg(Float, determines_signature=True)],
Arg(Float, determines_signature=True),
Arg(Int, determines_signature=True)],
Arg(Int, determines_signature=True),
Arg(Float, determines_signature=True)]])
create_func('Abs', signatures=[[Number, Arg(Number, determines_signature=True)]])
# Don't allow FLOAT/DOUBLE to become an INT (ie, an approximation to be treated as a
# precise value).
create_func('Floor', signatures=[[Decimal, Decimal], [Float, Float]])
create_func('Ceil', signatures=[[Decimal, Decimal], [Float, Float]])
# NULL handling in CONCAT differs between Impala and Postgresql
accepts=[Arg(Char, can_be_null=False), Arg(Char, can_be_null=False)])
create_func('Trim', accepts=[Char])
create_func('Length', returns=Int, accepts=[Char])
for interval in ['Year', 'Month', 'Day', 'Hour', 'Minute', 'Second']:
create_func('Extract' + interval,
returns=Int, accepts=[Arg(Timestamp, can_be_null_literal=False)])
'DateAdd' + interval,
# Determines signature in Postgresql
accepts=[Arg(Timestamp, determines_signature=True), Int])
create_func('Greatest', signatures=[
Arg(Number, can_be_null=False, determines_signature=True),
Arg(Number, can_be_null=False, determines_signature=True)],
Arg(Timestamp, can_be_null=False, determines_signature=True),
Arg(Timestamp, can_be_null=False, determines_signature=True)]])
create_func('Least', signatures=[
Arg(Number, can_be_null=False, determines_signature=True),
Arg(Number, can_be_null=False, determines_signature=True)],
Arg(Timestamp, can_be_null=False, determines_signature=True),
Arg(Timestamp, can_be_null=False, determines_signature=True)]])
create_func('Coalesce', signatures=[
Arg(DataType, determines_signature=True),
Arg(DataType, determines_signature=True)],
Arg(DataType, determines_signature=True),
Arg(DataType, determines_signature=True),
Arg(DataType, determines_signature=True)]])
# This is added so that query generation can assume that any return type can be
# produced by an aggregate or analytic with only one level of nesting.
create_func('CastAsChar', signatures=[[Char, Int]])
create_agg('Count', returns=Int, accepts=[Number])
create_agg('Max', signatures=[
[Number, Arg(Number, determines_signature=True)],
[Timestamp, Arg(Timestamp, determines_signature=True)]])
create_agg('Min', signatures=[
[Number, Arg(Number, determines_signature=True)],
[Timestamp, Arg(Timestamp, determines_signature=True)]])
create_agg('Sum', signatures=[
# FLOATs not allowed. See comment about Plus/Minus for info.
[Int, Arg(Int, determines_signature=True)],
[Decimal, Arg(Decimal, determines_signature=True)]])
create_agg('Avg', signatures=[
[Float, Arg(Int, determines_signature=True)],
[Decimal, Arg(Decimal, determines_signature=True)]])
create_analytic('Rank', require_order=True, supports_window=False, returns=Int)
create_analytic('DenseRank', require_order=True, supports_window=False, returns=Int)
create_analytic('RowNumber', require_order=True, supports_window=False, returns=Int)
create_analytic('Lead', require_order=True, supports_window=False, signatures=[
[DataType, Arg(DataType, determines_signature=True)],
Arg(DataType, determines_signature=True),
Arg(Int, require_constant=True, min_value=1)]])
create_analytic('Lag', require_order=True, supports_window=False, signatures=[
[DataType, Arg(DataType, determines_signature=True)],
Arg(DataType, determines_signature=True),
Arg(Int, require_constant=True, min_value=1)]])
create_analytic('FirstValue', require_order=True, signatures=[
[DataType, Arg(DataType, determines_signature=True)]])
create_analytic('LastValue', require_order=True, signatures=[
[DataType, Arg(DataType, determines_signature=True)]])
create_analytic('Max', signatures=[
[Number, Arg(Number, determines_signature=True)],
[Timestamp, Arg(Timestamp, determines_signature=True)]])
create_analytic('Min', signatures=[[Number, Number], [Timestamp, Timestamp]])
create_analytic('Sum', signatures=[[Int, Int], [Decimal, Decimal]]) # FLOATs not allowed
create_analytic('Count', returns=Int, accepts=[Number])
create_analytic('Avg', returns=Float, accepts=[Number])