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# Client tests for SQL statement authorization
import os
import pytest
import shutil
import tempfile
import json
from time import sleep, time
from getpass import getuser
from ImpalaService import ImpalaHiveServer2Service
from TCLIService import TCLIService
from thrift.transport.TSocket import TSocket
from thrift.transport.TTransport import TBufferedTransport
from thrift.protocol import TBinaryProtocol
from tests.common.custom_cluster_test_suite import CustomClusterTestSuite
from tests.hs2.hs2_test_suite import operation_id_to_query_id
from tests.util.filesystem_utils import WAREHOUSE
AUTH_POLICY_FILE = "%s/authz-policy.ini" % WAREHOUSE
class TestAuthorization(CustomClusterTestSuite):
AUDIT_LOG_DIR = tempfile.mkdtemp(dir=os.getenv('LOG_DIR'))
def setup(self):
host, port = (self.cluster.impalads[0].service.hostname,
self.socket = TSocket(host, port)
self.transport = TBufferedTransport(self.socket)
self.protocol = TBinaryProtocol.TBinaryProtocol(self.transport)
self.hs2_client = ImpalaHiveServer2Service.Client(self.protocol)
def teardown(self):
if self.socket:
shutil.rmtree(self.AUDIT_LOG_DIR, ignore_errors=True)
--authorization_policy_provider_class=%s" %\
def test_custom_authorization_provider(self):
from tests.hs2.test_hs2 import TestHS2
open_session_req = TCLIService.TOpenSessionReq()
# User is 'test_user' (defined in the authorization policy file)
open_session_req.username = 'test_user'
open_session_req.configuration = dict()
resp = self.hs2_client.OpenSession(open_session_req)
# Try to query a table we are not authorized to access.
self.session_handle = resp.sessionHandle
execute_statement_req = TCLIService.TExecuteStatementReq()
execute_statement_req.sessionHandle = self.session_handle
execute_statement_req.statement = "describe tpch_seq.lineitem"
execute_statement_resp = self.hs2_client.ExecuteStatement(execute_statement_req)
assert 'User \'%s\' does not have privileges to access' % 'test_user' in\
# Now try the same operation on a table we are authorized to access.
execute_statement_req = TCLIService.TExecuteStatementReq()
execute_statement_req.sessionHandle = self.session_handle
execute_statement_req.statement = "describe tpch.lineitem"
execute_statement_resp = self.hs2_client.ExecuteStatement(execute_statement_req)
--authorized_proxy_user_config=hue=%s" % (AUTH_POLICY_FILE, getuser()))
def test_access_runtime_profile(self):
from tests.hs2.test_hs2 import TestHS2
open_session_req = TCLIService.TOpenSessionReq()
open_session_req.username = getuser()
open_session_req.configuration = dict()
resp = self.hs2_client.OpenSession(open_session_req)
# Current user can't access view's underlying tables
self.session_handle = resp.sessionHandle
execute_statement_req = TCLIService.TExecuteStatementReq()
execute_statement_req.sessionHandle = self.session_handle
execute_statement_req.statement = "explain select * from functional.complex_view"
execute_statement_resp = self.hs2_client.ExecuteStatement(execute_statement_req)
assert 'User \'%s\' does not have privileges to EXPLAIN' % getuser() in\
# User should not have access to the runtime profile
self.__run_stmt_and_verify_profile_access("select * from functional.complex_view",
False, False)
self.__run_stmt_and_verify_profile_access("select * from functional.complex_view",
False, True)
# Repeat as a delegated user
open_session_req.username = 'hue'
open_session_req.configuration = dict()
# Delegated user is the current user
open_session_req.configuration['impala.doas.user'] = getuser()
resp = self.hs2_client.OpenSession(open_session_req)
self.session_handle = resp.sessionHandle
# User should not have access to the runtime profile
self.__run_stmt_and_verify_profile_access("select * from functional.complex_view",
False, False)
self.__run_stmt_and_verify_profile_access("select * from functional.complex_view",
False, True)
# Create a view for which the user has access to the underlying tables.
open_session_req.username = getuser()
open_session_req.configuration = dict()
resp = self.hs2_client.OpenSession(open_session_req)
self.session_handle = resp.sessionHandle
execute_statement_req = TCLIService.TExecuteStatementReq()
execute_statement_req.sessionHandle = self.session_handle
execute_statement_req.statement = """create view if not exists tpch.customer_view as
select * from tpch.customer limit 1"""
execute_statement_resp = self.hs2_client.ExecuteStatement(execute_statement_req)
# User should be able to run EXPLAIN
execute_statement_req = TCLIService.TExecuteStatementReq()
execute_statement_req.sessionHandle = self.session_handle
execute_statement_req.statement = """explain select * from tpch.customer_view"""
execute_statement_resp = self.hs2_client.ExecuteStatement(execute_statement_req)
# User should have access to the runtime profile and exec summary
self.__run_stmt_and_verify_profile_access("select * from tpch.customer_view", True,
self.__run_stmt_and_verify_profile_access("select * from tpch.customer_view", True,
# Repeat as a delegated user
open_session_req.username = 'hue'
open_session_req.configuration = dict()
# Delegated user is the current user
open_session_req.configuration['impala.doas.user'] = getuser()
resp = self.hs2_client.OpenSession(open_session_req)
self.session_handle = resp.sessionHandle
# User should have access to the runtime profile and exec summary
self.__run_stmt_and_verify_profile_access("select * from tpch.customer_view",
True, False)
self.__run_stmt_and_verify_profile_access("select * from tpch.customer_view",
True, True)
# Clean up
execute_statement_req = TCLIService.TExecuteStatementReq()
execute_statement_req.sessionHandle = self.session_handle
execute_statement_req.statement = "drop view if exists tpch.customer_view"
execute_statement_resp = self.hs2_client.ExecuteStatement(execute_statement_req)
--audit_event_log_dir=%s" % (AUTH_POLICY_FILE, getuser(), AUDIT_LOG_DIR))
def test_impersonation(self):
"""End-to-end impersonation + authorization test. Expects authorization to be
configured before running this test"""
# TODO: To reuse the HS2 utility code from the TestHS2 test suite we need to import
# the module within this test function, rather than as a top-level import. This way
# the tests in that module will not get pulled when executing this test suite. The fix
# is to split the utility code out of the TestHS2 class and support HS2 as a first
# class citizen in our test framework.
from tests.hs2.test_hs2 import TestHS2
open_session_req = TCLIService.TOpenSessionReq()
# Connected user is 'hue'
open_session_req.username = 'hue'
open_session_req.configuration = dict()
# Delegated user is the current user
open_session_req.configuration['impala.doas.user'] = getuser()
resp = self.hs2_client.OpenSession(open_session_req)
# Try to query a table we are not authorized to access.
self.session_handle = resp.sessionHandle
execute_statement_req = TCLIService.TExecuteStatementReq()
execute_statement_req.sessionHandle = self.session_handle
execute_statement_req.statement = "describe tpch_seq.lineitem"
execute_statement_resp = self.hs2_client.ExecuteStatement(execute_statement_req)
assert 'User \'%s\' does not have privileges to access' % getuser() in\
assert self.__wait_for_audit_record(user=getuser(), impersonator='hue'),\
'No matching audit event recorded in time window'
# Now try the same operation on a table we are authorized to access.
execute_statement_req = TCLIService.TExecuteStatementReq()
execute_statement_req.sessionHandle = self.session_handle
execute_statement_req.statement = "describe tpch.lineitem"
execute_statement_resp = self.hs2_client.ExecuteStatement(execute_statement_req)
# Verify the correct user information is in the runtime profile
query_id = operation_id_to_query_id(
profile_page = self.cluster.impalads[0].service.read_query_profile_page(query_id)
self.__verify_profile_user_fields(profile_page, effective_user=getuser(),
delegated_user=getuser(), connected_user='hue')
# Try to user we are not authorized to delegate to.
open_session_req.configuration['impala.doas.user'] = 'some_user'
resp = self.hs2_client.OpenSession(open_session_req)
assert 'User \'hue\' is not authorized to delegate to \'some_user\'' in str(resp)
# Create a new session which does not have a do_as_user.
open_session_req.username = 'hue'
open_session_req.configuration = dict()
resp = self.hs2_client.OpenSession(open_session_req)
# Run a simple query, which should succeed.
execute_statement_req = TCLIService.TExecuteStatementReq()
execute_statement_req.sessionHandle = resp.sessionHandle
execute_statement_req.statement = "select 1"
execute_statement_resp = self.hs2_client.ExecuteStatement(execute_statement_req)
# Verify the correct user information is in the runtime profile. Since there is
# no do_as_user the Delegated User field should be empty.
query_id = operation_id_to_query_id(
profile_page = self.cluster.impalads[0].service.read_query_profile_page(query_id)
self.__verify_profile_user_fields(profile_page, effective_user='hue',
delegated_user='', connected_user='hue')
self.socket = None
def __verify_profile_user_fields(self, profile_str, effective_user, connected_user,
"""Verifies the given runtime profile string contains the specified values for
User, Connected User, and Delegated User"""
assert '\n User: %s\n' % effective_user in profile_str
assert '\n Connected User: %s\n' % connected_user in profile_str
assert '\n Delegated User: %s\n' % delegated_user in profile_str
def __wait_for_audit_record(self, user, impersonator, timeout_secs=30):
"""Waits until an audit log record is found that contains the given user and
impersonator, or until the timeout is reached.
# The audit event might not show up immediately (the audit logs are flushed to disk
# on regular intervals), so poll the audit event logs until a matching record is
# found.
start_time = time()
while time() - start_time < timeout_secs:
for audit_file_name in os.listdir(self.AUDIT_LOG_DIR):
if self.__find_matching_audit_record(audit_file_name, user, impersonator):
return True
return False
def __find_matching_audit_record(self, audit_file_name, user, impersonator):
with open(os.path.join(self.AUDIT_LOG_DIR, audit_file_name)) as audit_log_file:
for line in audit_log_file.readlines():
json_dict = json.loads(line)
if len(json_dict) == 0: continue
if json_dict[min(json_dict)]['user'] == user and\
json_dict[min(json_dict)]['impersonator'] == impersonator:
return True
return False
def __run_stmt_and_verify_profile_access(self, stmt, has_access, close_operation):
"""Runs 'stmt' and retrieves the runtime profile and exec summary. If
'has_access' is true, it verifies that no runtime profile or exec summary are
returned. If 'close_operation' is true, make sure the operation is closed before
retrieving the profile and exec summary."""
from tests.hs2.test_hs2 import TestHS2
execute_statement_req = TCLIService.TExecuteStatementReq()
execute_statement_req.sessionHandle = self.session_handle
execute_statement_req.statement = stmt
execute_statement_resp = self.hs2_client.ExecuteStatement(execute_statement_req)
if close_operation:
close_operation_req = TCLIService.TCloseOperationReq()
close_operation_req.operationHandle = execute_statement_resp.operationHandle
get_profile_req = ImpalaHiveServer2Service.TGetRuntimeProfileReq()
get_profile_req.operationHandle = execute_statement_resp.operationHandle
get_profile_req.sessionHandle = self.session_handle
get_profile_resp = self.hs2_client.GetRuntimeProfile(get_profile_req)
if has_access:
assert "Plan: " in get_profile_resp.profile
assert "User %s is not authorized to access the runtime profile or "\
"execution summary." % (getuser()) in str(get_profile_resp)
exec_summary_req = ImpalaHiveServer2Service.TGetExecSummaryReq()
exec_summary_req.operationHandle = execute_statement_resp.operationHandle
exec_summary_req.sessionHandle = self.session_handle
exec_summary_resp = self.hs2_client.GetExecSummary(exec_summary_req)
if has_access:
assert exec_summary_resp.summary.nodes is not None
assert "User %s is not authorized to access the runtime profile or "\
"execution summary." % (getuser()) in str(exec_summary_resp)