blob: a27d1ae4ee588680be39e0e965275812537de069 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
// KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
#include "statestore/statestore-subscriber.h"
#include <sstream>
#include <utility>
#include <boost/algorithm/string/join.hpp>
#include <boost/date_time/posix_time/posix_time.hpp>
#include <boost/thread/lock_options.hpp>
#include <boost/thread/shared_mutex.hpp>
#include <gutil/strings/substitute.h>
#include "common/logging.h"
#include "common/status.h"
#include "statestore/failure-detector.h"
#include "gen-cpp/StatestoreService_types.h"
#include "rpc/rpc-trace.h"
#include "rpc/thrift-util.h"
#include "statestore/statestore-service-client-wrapper.h"
#include "util/debug-util.h"
#include "util/openssl-util.h"
#include "util/time.h"
#include "common/names.h"
using boost::posix_time::seconds;
using boost::shared_lock;
using boost::shared_mutex;
using boost::try_to_lock;
using namespace apache::thrift;
using namespace apache::thrift::transport;
using namespace strings;
DEFINE_int32(statestore_subscriber_timeout_seconds, 30, "The amount of time (in seconds)"
" that may elapse before the connection with the statestore is considered lost.");
DEFINE_int32(statestore_subscriber_cnxn_attempts, 10, "The number of times to retry an "
"RPC connection to the statestore. A setting of 0 means retry indefinitely");
DEFINE_int32(statestore_subscriber_cnxn_retry_interval_ms, 3000, "The interval, in ms, "
"to wait between attempts to make an RPC connection to the statestore.");
namespace impala {
// Used to identify the statestore in the failure detector
// Template for metrics that measure the processing time for individual topics.
const string CALLBACK_METRIC_PATTERN = "statestore-subscriber.topic-$0.processing-time-s";
// Template for metrics that measure the interval between updates for individual topics.
const string UPDATE_INTERVAL_METRIC_PATTERN = "statestore-subscriber.topic-$0.update-interval";
// Duration, in ms, to sleep between attempts to reconnect to the
// statestore after a failure.
const int32_t SLEEP_INTERVAL_MS = 5000;
typedef ClientConnection<StatestoreServiceClientWrapper> StatestoreServiceConn;
// Proxy class for the subscriber heartbeat thrift API, which
// translates RPCs into method calls on the local subscriber object.
class StatestoreSubscriberThriftIf : public StatestoreSubscriberIf {
StatestoreSubscriberThriftIf(StatestoreSubscriber* subscriber)
: subscriber_(subscriber) { DCHECK(subscriber != NULL); }
virtual void UpdateState(TUpdateStateResponse& response,
const TUpdateStateRequest& params) {
TUniqueId registration_id;
if (params.__isset.registration_id) {
registration_id = params.registration_id;
subscriber_->UpdateState(params.topic_deltas, registration_id,
&response.topic_updates, &response.skipped).ToThrift(&response.status);
// Make sure Thrift thinks the field is set.
virtual void Heartbeat(THeartbeatResponse& response, const THeartbeatRequest& request) {
StatestoreSubscriber* subscriber_;
StatestoreSubscriber::StatestoreSubscriber(const std::string& subscriber_id,
const TNetworkAddress& heartbeat_address, const TNetworkAddress& statestore_address,
MetricGroup* metrics)
: subscriber_id_(subscriber_id), heartbeat_address_(heartbeat_address),
thrift_iface_(new StatestoreSubscriberThriftIf(this)),
failure_detector_(new TimeoutFailureDetector(
seconds(FLAGS_statestore_subscriber_timeout_seconds / 2))),
client_cache_(new StatestoreClientCache(FLAGS_statestore_subscriber_cnxn_attempts,
FLAGS_statestore_subscriber_cnxn_retry_interval_ms, 0, 0, "",
is_registered_(false) {
connected_to_statestore_metric_ =
metrics_->AddProperty("statestore-subscriber.connected", false);
last_recovery_duration_metric_ = metrics_->AddDoubleGauge(
"statestore-subscriber.last-recovery-duration", 0.0);
last_recovery_time_metric_ = metrics_->AddProperty<string>(
"statestore-subscriber.last-recovery-time", "N/A");
topic_update_interval_metric_ = StatsMetric<double>::CreateAndRegister(metrics_,
topic_update_duration_metric_ = StatsMetric<double>::CreateAndRegister(metrics_,
heartbeat_interval_metric_ = StatsMetric<double>::CreateAndRegister(metrics_,
registration_id_metric_ = metrics->AddProperty<string>(
"statestore-subscriber.registration-id", "N/A");
client_cache_->InitMetrics(metrics, "statestore-subscriber.statestore");
Status StatestoreSubscriber::AddTopic(const Statestore::TopicId& topic_id,
bool is_transient, const UpdateCallback& callback) {
lock_guard<shared_mutex> exclusive_lock(lock_);
if (is_registered_) return Status("Subscriber already started, can't add new topic");
TopicRegistration& registration = topic_registrations_[topic_id];
if (registration.processing_time_metric == nullptr) {
registration.processing_time_metric = StatsMetric<double>::CreateAndRegister(metrics_,
registration.update_interval_metric = StatsMetric<double>::CreateAndRegister(metrics_,
registration.is_transient = is_transient;
return Status::OK();
Status StatestoreSubscriber::Register() {
Status client_status;
StatestoreServiceConn client(client_cache_.get(), statestore_address_, &client_status);
TRegisterSubscriberRequest request;
for (const auto& registration : topic_registrations_) {
TTopicRegistration thrift_topic;
thrift_topic.topic_name = registration.first;
thrift_topic.is_transient = registration.second.is_transient;
request.subscriber_location = heartbeat_address_;
request.subscriber_id = subscriber_id_;
TRegisterSubscriberResponse response;
request, &response));
Status status = Status(response.status);
if (status.ok()) connected_to_statestore_metric_->SetValue(true);
if (response.__isset.registration_id) {
lock_guard<mutex> l(registration_id_lock_);
registration_id_ = response.registration_id;
const string& registration_string = PrintId(registration_id_);
VLOG(1) << "Subscriber registration ID: " << registration_string;
} else {
VLOG(1) << "No subscriber registration ID received from statestore";
return status;
Status StatestoreSubscriber::Start() {
Status status;
// Take the lock to ensure that, if a topic-update is received during registration
// (perhaps because Register() has succeeded, but we haven't finished setting up state
// on the client side), UpdateState() will reject the message.
lock_guard<shared_mutex> exclusive_lock(lock_);
LOG(INFO) << "Starting statestore subscriber";
// Backend must be started before registration
boost::shared_ptr<TProcessor> processor(
new StatestoreSubscriberProcessor(thrift_iface_));
boost::shared_ptr<TProcessorEventHandler> event_handler(
new RpcEventHandler("statestore-subscriber", metrics_));
ThriftServerBuilder builder(
"StatestoreSubscriber", processor, heartbeat_address_.port);
if (IsInternalTlsConfigured()) {
SSLProtocol ssl_version;
SSLProtoVersions::StringToProtocol(FLAGS_ssl_minimum_version, &ssl_version));
LOG(INFO) << "Enabling SSL for Statestore subscriber";
builder.ssl(FLAGS_ssl_server_certificate, FLAGS_ssl_private_key)
ThriftServer* server;
LOG(INFO) << "Registering with statestore";
status = Register();
if (status.ok()) {
is_registered_ = true;
LOG(INFO) << "statestore registration successful";
} else {
LOG(INFO) << "statestore registration unsuccessful: " << status.GetDetail();
// Registration is finished at this point, so it's fine to release the lock.
RETURN_IF_ERROR(Thread::Create("statestore-subscriber", "recovery-mode-thread",
&StatestoreSubscriber::RecoveryModeChecker, this, &recovery_mode_thread_));
return status;
void StatestoreSubscriber::RecoveryModeChecker() {
failure_detector_->UpdateHeartbeat(STATESTORE_ID, true);
// Every few seconds, wake up and check if the failure detector has determined
// that the statestore has failed from our perspective. If so, enter recovery
// mode and try to reconnect, followed by reregistering all subscriptions.
while (true) {
if (failure_detector_->GetPeerState(STATESTORE_ID) == FailureDetector::FAILED) {
// When entering recovery mode, the class-wide lock_ is taken to
// ensure mutual exclusion with any operations in flight.
lock_guard<shared_mutex> exclusive_lock(lock_);
MonotonicStopWatch recovery_timer;
LOG(INFO) << subscriber_id_
<< ": Connection with statestore lost, entering recovery mode";
uint32_t attempt_count = 1;
while (true) {
LOG(INFO) << "Trying to re-register with statestore, attempt: "
<< attempt_count++;
Status status = Register();
if (status.ok()) {
// Make sure to update failure detector so that we don't immediately fail on the
// next loop while we're waiting for heartbeat messages to resume.
failure_detector_->UpdateHeartbeat(STATESTORE_ID, true);
LOG(INFO) << "Reconnected to statestore. Exiting recovery mode";
// Break out of enclosing while (true) to top of outer-scope loop.
} else {
// Don't exit recovery mode, continue
LOG(WARNING) << "Failed to re-register with statestore: "
<< status.GetDetail();
recovery_timer.ElapsedTime() / (1000.0 * 1000.0 * 1000.0));
// When we're successful in re-registering, we don't do anything
// to re-send our updates to the statestore. It is the
// responsibility of individual clients to post missing updates
// back to the statestore. This saves a lot of complexity where
// we would otherwise have to cache updates here.
recovery_timer.ElapsedTime() / (1000.0 * 1000.0 * 1000.0));
Status StatestoreSubscriber::CheckRegistrationId(const RegistrationId& registration_id) {
lock_guard<mutex> r(registration_id_lock_);
// If this subscriber has just started, the registration_id_ may not have been set
// despite the statestore starting to send updates. The 'unset' RegistrationId is 0:0,
// so we can differentiate between a) an early message from an eager statestore, and
// b) a message that's targeted to a previous registration.
if (registration_id_ != TUniqueId() && registration_id != registration_id_) {
return Status(Substitute("Unexpected registration ID: $0, was expecting $1",
PrintId(registration_id), PrintId(registration_id_)));
return Status::OK();
void StatestoreSubscriber::Heartbeat(const RegistrationId& registration_id) {
const Status& status = CheckRegistrationId(registration_id);
if (status.ok()) {
heartbeat_interval_timer_.Reset() / (1000.0 * 1000.0 * 1000.0));
failure_detector_->UpdateHeartbeat(STATESTORE_ID, true);
} else {
VLOG_RPC << "Heartbeat: " << status.GetDetail();
Status StatestoreSubscriber::UpdateState(const TopicDeltaMap& incoming_topic_deltas,
const RegistrationId& registration_id, vector<TTopicDelta>* subscriber_topic_updates,
bool* skipped) {
// Put the updates into ascending order of topic name to match the lock acquisition
// order of TopicRegistration::update_lock.
vector<const TTopicDelta*> deltas_to_process;
for (auto& delta : incoming_topic_deltas) deltas_to_process.push_back(&delta.second);
sort(deltas_to_process.begin(), deltas_to_process.end(),
[](const TTopicDelta* left, const TTopicDelta* right) {
return left->topic_name < right->topic_name;
// Unique locks to hold the 'update_lock' for each entry in 'deltas_to_process'. Locks
// are held until we finish processing the update to prevent any races with concurrent
// updates for the same topic.
vector<unique_lock<mutex>> topic_update_locks(deltas_to_process.size());
// We don't want to block here because this is an RPC, and delaying the return causes
// the statestore to delay sending further messages. The only time that lock_ might be
// taken exclusively is if the subscriber is recovering, and has the lock held during
// RecoveryModeChecker(). In this case we skip all topics and don't update any metrics.
// UpdateState() may run concurrently with itself in two cases:
// a) disjoint sets of topics are being updated. In that case the updates can proceed
// concurrently.
// b) another update for the same topics is still being processed (i.e. is still in
// UpdateState()). This could happen only when the subscriber has re-registered, and
// the statestore is still sending an update for the previous registration. In this
// case, we notices that the per-topic 'update_lock' is held, skip processing all
// of the topic updates and set *skipped = true so that the statestore will retry this
// update in the future.
// TODO: Consider returning an error in this case so that the statestore will eventually
// stop sending updates even if re-registration fails.
shared_lock<shared_mutex> l(lock_, try_to_lock);
if (!l.owns_lock()) {
*skipped = true;
return Status::OK();
// First, acquire all the topic locks and update the interval metrics
// Record the time we received the update before doing any processing to avoid including
// processing time in the interval metrics.
for (int i = 0; i < deltas_to_process.size(); ++i) {
const TTopicDelta& delta = *deltas_to_process[i];
auto it = topic_registrations_.find(delta.topic_name);
// Skip updates to unregistered topics.
if (it == topic_registrations_.end()) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Unexpected delta update for unregistered topic: "
<< delta.topic_name;
TopicRegistration& registration = it->second;
unique_lock<mutex> ul(registration.update_lock, try_to_lock);
if (!ul.owns_lock()) {
// Statestore sent out concurrent topic updates. Avoid blocking the RPC by skipping
// the topic.
LOG(ERROR) << "Could not acquire lock for topic " << delta.topic_name << ". "
<< "Skipping update.";
*skipped = true;
return Status::OK();
double interval =
registration.update_interval_timer.ElapsedTime() / (1000.0 * 1000.0 * 1000.0);
// Hold onto lock until we've finished processing the update.
MonotonicStopWatch sw;
// Second, do the actual processing of topic updates that we validated and acquired
// locks for above.
for (int i = 0; i < deltas_to_process.size(); ++i) {
if (!topic_update_locks[i].owns_lock()) continue;
const TTopicDelta& delta = *deltas_to_process[i];
auto it = topic_registrations_.find(delta.topic_name);
DCHECK(it != topic_registrations_.end());
TopicRegistration& registration = it->second;
if (delta.is_delta && registration.current_topic_version != -1
&& delta.from_version != registration.current_topic_version) {
// Received a delta update for the wrong version. Log an error and send back the
// expected version to the statestore to request a new update with the correct
// version range.
LOG(ERROR) << "Unexpected delta update to topic '" << delta.topic_name << "' of "
<< "version range (" << delta.from_version << ":"
<< delta.to_version << "]. Expected delta start version: "
<< registration.current_topic_version;
TTopicDelta& update = subscriber_topic_updates->back();
update.topic_name = delta.topic_name;
// The topic version in the update is valid, process the update.
MonotonicStopWatch update_callback_sw;
for (const UpdateCallback& callback : registration.callbacks) {
callback(incoming_topic_deltas, subscriber_topic_updates);
registration.current_topic_version = delta.to_version;
sw.ElapsedTime() / (1000.0 * 1000.0 * 1000.0));
// Third and finally, reset the interval timers so they correctly measure the
// time between RPCs, excluding processing time.
for (int i = 0; i < deltas_to_process.size(); ++i) {
if (!topic_update_locks[i].owns_lock()) continue;
const TTopicDelta& delta = *deltas_to_process[i];
auto it = topic_registrations_.find(delta.topic_name);
DCHECK(it != topic_registrations_.end());
TopicRegistration& registration = it->second;
topic_update_duration_metric_->Update(sw.ElapsedTime() / (1000.0 * 1000.0 * 1000.0));
return Status::OK();